Nutcracker: As the leaves deepen into beautiful fall colors, it is a true sign that winter is around the corner and with it... magic that only the Nutcracker Ballet can bring! Full Story page 5
Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony Fall Concert
Lions Clubs Support LEO’s Haven On a gloriously sunny, Saturday morning, about 80
rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows and doughnuts. They winterized the park by spreading wood chips in the dog area and tidying up the pump track.
The workday was one of many community events grounds are specially designed so children of all abilities can play side by side while learning vital lessons of compassion,
We can’t think of a better way to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon — listening to music by Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Shostakovich performed by our talented young musicians, ages 10 to 20. In particular, children will be inspired to see other kids their age performing at such a high level. No one will be disappointed! Full Story page 6
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Cover Lions Clubs Support LEO’s Haven 5 6 7 8
Volume 22
Table of Contents
Community News Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony Fall Concert State Approves $1.5 million+ for Santa Cruz County Transportation Projects Heated Pool
MEMBER OF THE MONTH! Colette always has encouraging, positive words for those working out around her!
10 Accepted Now 11 Folkloric African Art Show & Auction 12 13 14 15 Advisory Committee Applications For Appointment 16 18 20 21 22 Wins Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship 23
19 24
Local Sports #OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page n Featured Columnists
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475-1500 816 Bay Avenue, across from Nob Hill WWW.CAPITOLAFITNESS.COM
LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED! Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 3
Patrice Edwards Noel Smith
publisher editor
contributing writers Noel Smith, Camisa Composti, Stacey Kyle, Scott Turnbull, Melanie Schumacher, Tony Tomeo, Pam Hudson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney photography Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Brad Hagenking website Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Zack Urbany Michael Olhava office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Annabelle Balcazar
Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com mission statement We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
Cover Story “Lions Clubs” from page 1 A surprise appearance from local
Watsonville-based Aztecas soccer team
Club presented a check for $5,000 to sponsor play equipment in the playvisual impairments. delighted to contribute to the success of healthy, safe and fun play space for children of all abilities in our community,” said
In addition to the Chanticleer Park work day, local clubs including Santa Cruz
a variety of fundraisers. They are also encouraging other district clubs to support the playground.
Bob Stewart, current district governor munity service, and key areas of focus are
Tricia Potts, the mom behind the
who are the inspiration for building an inclusive playground within the county. Currently parents have to drive their children outside the county to access a playground with a fully-inclusive design so this is a much needed resource for the local community. If you would also like to be involved in the Park or would like further information about
Community News
Nutcracker: Experience the Magic!
bring magic to the stage.
home to the Santa Cruz City Ballet (SCCB)
on stage is also her mother in real life.
our favorite time of year! The SCCB full length Nutcracker is alive with innovative choreography, stunning dancers, beautiful sets and brilliant costumes. With renowned music of Tchaikovsky’s original score set by the Moscow Symphony, this production has become an annual tradition, showcasing local dancers, as well guest artists from the Bay Area. What better way to ring in the season than with smiles, beauty, laughter and cheer? holidays! Mark your calendar: Saturday Cabrillo’s beautiful Crocker Theater, the premiere venue for dance in Santa Cruz County. As opening night nears, the enchanting studios of the International Academy of practice, practice, practice. Mini mice, toy soldiers, gingersnaps and lambs rehearse attentively alongside superbly trained
heart into the Nutcracker both on stage
rapher, Shannon Chipman, alumnae of the Juilliard School and Santa Cruz native, began the Nutcracker tradition duction of the Nutcracker in Santa Cruz at Cabrillo’s theater in 1988 under the gland. This year Shannon will be dancing Flowers. Since 2009, Miss Chipman has brought and
s the leaves deepen into beautiful fall colors, it is a true sign that winter is around the corner and with it... magic that only the Nutcracker Ballet can bring!
Dr. Gail Rosenberg in Soquel Village 831-419-ULIV (8548)
Palumbo to once again bring the stunning Nutcracker Ballet at Cabrillo’s Crocker Theater to life. Miss Palumbo brings the crowd to its feet with the electrifying, acrorable choreographic lens. graced the stage in our premiere production in 2009, as a gingersnaps and lambs, have grown up with the production and will now be dancing featured roles en pointe! “Nutcracker” page 12
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 5
Community News
Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony Fall Concert
e can’t think of a better way to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon -- listening to music by Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Shostakovich performed by our talented young musicians, ages 10 to 20. In particular, children will be inspired to see other kids their age performing at such a high level. No one will be disappointed! County Youth Symphony is made up of students from throughout Santa Cruz chosen instruments, from violin to cello, mission is to foster a lifelong appreciation for classical music in the youth of Santa Cruz County and surrounding areas, with an emphasis on the beauty and value of the
Our thanks again to our Premier Golf Sponsor, NETCINITY, and all our other generous sponsors. And big thanks to all players who came out to play and made the event such a great success! Snapshots will be posted soon on www.capitolafoundation.org.
The Body Shop
is approximately the same price as a new hairstyle! s s s s s s
6 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
4641 Soquel Drive, Soquel (At the corner of Porter and Soquel) www.thebodyshopfitnessstudio.com
music with others. Music director and conductor Nathaniel Berman is one of those charismatic young conductors who knows how to work with young people and bring out the best in their musical abilities. The Fall Concert features 13-year-old soloist
Quotes from Youth Symphony Orchestra Musicians Yosef Feinberg “When I auditioned for the Youth Symphony, I had only been playing the cello for a few months. Playing in the SCCYS has made me a much better musician, and I would strongly recommend it to anyone in the area who plays an instrument.� Burleigh Charlton “Youth Symphony was an intimibelieved it was only for the elite musicians of Santa Cruz and was reluctant to join. Instead it was three years of making music, meeting new people, professionals and amateurs alike, and learning faster than ever before.� Miles Crawford “One of the reasons I love performing with SCCYS so much is that perform. Music is a huge part of my life, seeing as my dad is my music teacher and every practice session is a lesson.�
listeners will recognize. Beethoven’s 5th Symphony shows
Uirassu De Almeida
grand and quiet moments. It’s hard to choose, but my personal favorite on the program is the delightful set of dances
“I have learned so much about theory, technique, how to listen to other musicians within the orchestra, and my own music potential while playing in the Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony.�
Shostakovich. Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony
Community News
State Approves $1.5 million+ for Santa Cruz County Transportation Projects MODESTO — The cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville will receive more than $1.5 million for pedestrian and bicycle safety projects, following action by the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Funding for these community-focused projects is made possible due to the Senate
SB 1 earlier this year, California had not portation infrastructure in 23 years. Santa Cruz Project he City of Santa Cruz was awarded
neighborhood residents and the City. We look forward to using the Active Transportation Program grant to make these much needed improvements,� said Maria
Road Repair & Maintenance n addition to these active transportation projects, local jurisdictions throughout the county will be able to deliver more than
projects each year because of revenues from
the service life of public roads.
pedestrian scale lighting between Water Street
local roads in Santa Cruz County are in poor condition and need repairs. With SB 1 and the local voter-approved
east and west banks
to increase safety for people walking and biking, as well as increasing active transportation options for users of all ages and abilities, especially in the early morning and single riders due to obstacles, crashes between path users who cannot see each other clearly in low light conditions, and collisions between path users. Watsonville Project he City of Watsonville, in partnership
The project includes new and improved pedestrian crosswalks, sidewalks, and
able to start catching up on the backlog and making our local streets, roads and bridges safer, smoother and sustainable for the long term. SB 1 allows state and local investmake it safer to bicycle and walk, and improve transit service across California. SB 1 revenues come with strict new accountability provisions to ensure funds can only be spent on transportation. Cities and counties must adopt project lists each year and provide yearend reporting on and SB1. Future Projects n addition to local bicycle, pedestrian and road repair projects, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) are preparing to award SB 1 funds by spring 2018 through competitive transportation grant programs to projects that improve California’s trade corridors,
I improve bicycle and pedestrian safety.
“This project will provide a vitally needed safe connection for students walking, biking and skating to Watsonville grams for children and families,� said Jim The city and school district are working together to improve safety for students walking and biking. “This grant application came together from a collab-
relief to congested commute corridors, and help regions, cities and counties build better communities.
including bus replacements and projects along congested local highways. “SB 1 dedicates transportation dollars to transportation purposes. With the law in place we can begin to put thousands of people to work rebuilding California and its doing. This investment creates jobs, improves roads and bridges and has strong public accountability. Taken together, these projects
options, create jobs and help grow the local California State Transportation Agency.
improvements to our transportation infrastructure and our mobility options, while creating jobs and helping grow the local economy.�
transportation infrastructure, our mobility
Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine CUERVO GOLD MARGARITAS!
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Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 7
Community Briefs T
Age Well – Drive Smart Senior driver safety program
Smart Program is designed to provide drivers with the keys to driving safer and driving longer. This program is designed as an educational tool for mature drivers. Topics of discussion will include:
routes if possible.
$2,000 cash grants to those who provide
will be provided on the City of Santa Cruz borhood webpage, which can be accessed
are looking to improve their education
Fire Prevention Week
Application and reference forms plus more information can be obtained by
enrolled in an undergraduate or vocational
like to remind everyone that the theme Area Foundation! The panel discussion Second Counts. Plan Two Ways
warming evening.
ways out of your home is an essential part of your fam-
rules of the road. physical changes and how to adjust to them
tickets. Space is limited. plan.
driving. may be blocked or inoperable during
long and are free of charge. These classes but they are open to anyone who feels they has an upcoming class scheduled!
The class will be held at the Aptos
Always make a second escape route part of your plan. You may also want to plan for an alternative escape route for family members with disabilities. The escape plan should be practiced regularly with the entire family. Consider knowing two ways out of the places that you spend most of your day such as school or your workplace.
Lighted Boat Parade Registration Opens egistration is now open for the Parade. Mariners throughout Santa Cruz County are encouraged to sign up and join the fun by decorating their boats for the parade, which takes place annually on
The Santa Cruz Yacht Club will be 2) Not elevators. 3) immediately.
Construction On River Street May Delay Drivers SANTA CRUZ — The City of Santa nearly 100-year-old water main under
J and including the intersection with Sea Terrace Way and continuing east
will be subject
1) Space in this class is limited. For more details, and to make a reservation, please
The deadline to apply is November 15, pendent panel of judges, announcing them in Feb. 2018 and will be gifted at the club’s awards dinner in March.
Boats (small and large), Sailboats (small and large), as well as people-powered boats and stationary boats in harbor slips or dry storage.
with potential lane closures necessary for sanitary sewer improvements between the
4) reduce the spread of heat, smoke and 5) If smoke is present, crawl low under the smoke.
during the parade will not be permitted. Boaters can register by going to the Santa Cruz Yacht Club website (www.scyc.
Questions may be directed to Marcella information on county maintained roads
Street. Work is scheduled to occur 8:00 a.m. The parade can be viewed from both the end of February 2018. While every attempt will be made to keep the construction disturbance to a
and there may be construction noise during working hours. There will also be short scheduled periods of no water service.
Honor Flight Street Bridge and the harbor entrance.
warming documentary about four living World War II veterans and a Midwest community coming together to give them the
Live Your Dream Capitola Soroptimists Invite CAPITOLA — The Soroptimist International Club of Capitola is looking
SCCB Declares 10% Stock Dividend for Shareholders SANTA CRUZ — Santa Cruz County Bank (OTC: SCZC), announced that its d i v i d e n d payable on November 10, holders of record as of the close of business in lieu of fractional shares based on the closing price on the record date.
after the War. You’re invited to stay for a follow up discussion about the importance of supporting elderly veterans in our community, and to hear from local World War II vet-
declared by the bank, following eighteen consecutive quarterly cash dividends.
Board to declare this stock dividend, 8 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
Born in the Santa Monica Mountains, P22 miraculously crossed two of the busiest
which follows the announcement of another record quarter and year to date earnings through the third quarter of
before We remain committed to rewarding our shareholders for their investment with
serious problems that wildlife face: the need for safe wildlife freeway crossings and the elimination of anticoagulant rodenticides. All proceeds will
Small Business Saturday -
to another wonderful Small Business Saturday, and is encouraging local businesses to sign up for this year’s Saturday, Nov. 25 event. nesses participated in Small Business Saturday, more than double the prior year. Small Business Saturday is an annual nationwide shopping event sponsored
1 ramp, beginning Monday night, Oct. 30,
small businesses. “It’s great to how much this event is growing as the community comes together -
5 a.m. Monday through Thursday and from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 3.
Santa Cruz County’s economy and quality of life, they provide most of the jobs in the community. This year’s event features even greater coordination with local events and
Southbound Highway 17 to Highway 1 Ramp Closures
Congressman Panetta. “These funds will help construct stable, safe housing in our community, and provide opportunity for people to build a better life for themselves and their families.”
little chance of ever
5-Star “Superior” rating by Bauer Financial
Mason said. “This is truly becoming a countywide celebration of our craftspeople and entrepreneurs.”
in by freeways and
performance.” Santa Cruz County Bank received the #1 ranking for overall performance for California banks by Financial Man-
Community Briefs
annual grants to States and local units of government to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and principally for low- and moderate-income persons.
to low- and very low-income families by providing grants to States and local governments to fund housing programs that meet local needs and priorities. Volunteers Needed
SANTA CRUZ — A permit drilling
over 2,500 injured and orphaned wild animals are cared for until they can be released back to the wild by Native Animal
Plymouth St. will be used as the detour. activated to advise travelers about this
5 am on Friday, Nov. 3, weather permitting. For lane closure information on this
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grants for Santa Cruz WASHINGTON, D.C. — Santa Cruz received federal grants totaling over
opment. The grants will be provided through the Community
and residents in nursing homes and facilities in Santa Cruz County. We help connect residents to the community, as the many of the men and women in these facilities are alone and forgotten. Our volunteers help residents overcome this isolation through our friendly visitor program. in a broad range of activities including music, arts and crafts, playing board games, bingo or one on one visits. This is a tremendously rewarding visit for all involved.
one of the greatest challenges we face on the central coast of California,” said
Caltrans projects in Santa Cruz County, event, Crow’s Nest -
The Cat that Changed America
ickets: $15 for adults, $10 for children 12 and younger. Purchase tickets:
in person at Native
Cruz Fundraiser
of Santa Cruz County. The Cat that Changed America is a new
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 9
Community News
Family Service Agency: 60 Anniversary welcomed everyone to the organization’s Anniversary Bash at the th
anniversary of the agency, the 50th annianniversary of many of its programs.
These programs address a broad range of needs including the isolation of care facility residents, seniors impacted by the transitions of aging, people at high risk of suicide and individuals and families needing help with parenting, marital issues
the passion behind their start 25 years ago. Amy Pine, a founding member
Treasurer. The rest of the
members Sarah Caldwell and Samuel Pun were introduced.
lifelong impact of that kind of trauma. spoke about other agency programs:
Breda, were recognized and Bay Nigh shared her observations on the beginning
Senior Outreach celebrating 50 years, Suicide Prevention Service celebrating 50 years and Counseling Services celebrating
Along with other early members, they had a desire to help a still very small Family Service Agency trying to meet some of the needs of local residents.
away in September after serving 30 years
of support services for
Center, told the story of their beginning 30 years ago and how no one was addressing the needs of victims
thanks to Bay and her co-founders, Margey
legacy for her district and the county and a legacy for the clients of Family Service. Jan was also an important contributor
care facility residents. and Matt were in attendance. A new agency award was established for a person in the public or private sector who has dedicated their life to serve the public good and will be called the Jan Beautz Award for Public Service.
downtown Santa Cruz.
Aromas Holiday Art Festival: Like Santa’s Workshop, The Mood is Warm and Friendly tical, it’s snow time at the up-dated Bring your friends and family over the river and through the woods to a place so you there. Where handmade, hand grown, one big room.
to make collage cards and making things with fabric. There will be demonstrations on how to do needle felting, woodcarving and painting on pottery. As you make your way around the grange you will be able to chat with, or buy items from painters, potters, woodcarvers, knitters, writers, photographers, jewelry makers and all sorts of talented makers.
time out for a chili bean lunch or cookies classes and demonstrations on how to make take home. There will be classes on how
is handmade and juried into the show with over thirty artisans under one roof. “Aromas Festival” page 14
Capitola Library Advisory Committee Appointment Applications Being Accepted Now
members may summit a letter of interest in continuing to serve and others wishing to apply for appointment may do so at this time. Appointments are for one-year
City Council member. Applicants must be City residents or live within two miles of the Capitola 10 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
Advisory Committee are held every other month on the second Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. Advisory Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the City Council and the City’s representatives on the Santa Cruz Public Commission regarding library services, facilities, and budgetary issues, and to provide a local forum to receive community input regarding libraries.
appointments at a regular meeting of the City Council. Applications may be obtained
Special meetings may be scheduled as the committee can be directed to stein@ci.capitola.ca.us.
the Mayor and City Council will make
requesting an application be sent to you. In addition, a notice with an application form is available on the City’s website (for printing) at www.cityofcapitola.org by mittee and clicking on the recruitment notice and application.
Community News
Folkloric African Art Show & Auction
small, dusty settlement in the
orful, vivid folk-art. But that’s what Santa Cruz resident and Peace Corps volunteer home to the San Bushman, an indigenous tribe, descendants of an ancient huntergatherer people of southern Africa. In an art-collective run by the San Bushman she discovered oil paintings, prints and tapestries that depicted the San’s
unique history and culture as beautifully as their ancestors had on rock paintings “It was just remarkable,” Flynn recalls. “These people live in a remote area and have little in the way of basic amenities. Yet there they were making some of the most beautiful art I’ve ever seen.” Taken with what she saw and wanting to help, Flynn leaned on local friends and supporters to bring the San artists and their unique folk-art paintings and prints will support health education workshops teen pregnancy and school dropout rates in support of the San artists and their families. Workshops will provide skills and build capacity for dealing with modern day challenges, while learning art from San elders. As urban development destroys tradi-
tional ways of life, the San people strive to maintain their cultural values. “For most of us, the bright light is art,” said one member of the San community. “Art is our refuge,
will take place at the Museum of Art &
Martina O’Sullivan program includes:
savory & sweet appetizers, wine, beer and more
will support the San Bushman and their art collective. For additional information, including interview requests, contact Peggy Flynn at 831-332-9285 or peggy-
Watsonville Police Chief Terri Medina. For an advance view of artwork, please
Botswana will also be auctioned Tickets are $50 and can be purchased
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 11
Community News
Cabrillo Lions Make a Difference T to help the recipients enroll in universities near and afar, this Fall.
worldwide and celebrated 100 years of community service fund, manage, and facilitated the erection of a new County of Santa Cruz but their area generally spans from a partnership with the County of Santa Cruz Parks Selva Beach. The 1 is comprised of
Jackson, Olive Springs Quarry, Tom Santorro Trucking, -
and fundraising. The installation ceremony was held on July 13th at the Cabrillo house in the Aptos
Playground that will be built at the current site of the identify needs within the community and work together of Santa Cruz Skateboard apparel before the holidays on Clubhouse. For more information or to get involved with Tricia Potts and her husband, Bob Potts and family members are still actively promoting the project and are
much needed playground, which will be Santa Cruz
Bingo, the club’s number one fundraiser is held every
of all ages and abilities to interact and play alongside one another, please go to: www.santacruzplaygroundproject. org or contact Tricia Potts directly at potts.tricia@gmail.
For the second year in a row, Mother You may know him as the inventor of “The Wave” or you may have seen him cheer for
something new to see! For tickets
entertaining Classical Ballet and the Joy of
12 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
the Magic for yourself and dance along in the most comfortable theater seats in town. From any vantage point in the Cabrillo Theater you will have a great view. There isn’t a bad seat in the house... and SCCB whole family will enjoy!
Community News
Dominican Earns National Acclaim SANTA CRUZ — The Commission on Cancer (CoC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACOS) has again granted
established standards of care for quality cancer treatment.” When patients receive care at
cancer program in Santa Cruz County to receive this designation, which is given to just 30 percent of hospitals nationwide. “This accreditation represents a true
information on clinical trials and new treatments, and patient-centered services including psycho-social support, a patient navigation process, and a survivorship care plan that documents the care each patient receives and seeks to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life. The American Cancer Society estimates
The Cancer Center will soon integrate designed to increase comfort, reduce stress, and promote healing for patients through guided meditation, aromatherapy, and sound therapy. Additionally, the Cancer
dedication of our leaders, physicians, and anyone diagnosed with cancer get access to the best possible treatment and support.” ciplinary approach to treating cancer as a consultation among surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, cancer specialists, and other health professionals.
complimentary hand and foot massages while they receive treatment. “Our multidisciplinary, holistic approach results in improved patient
patients. The CoC provides the public with information on the resources, services, and accredited cancer program through the
dedicated to improving outcomes and advanced services based on nationally
Thank You for
Wonderful Years! From your first savings account to your first home, Bay Federal Credit Union has grown with you, one milestone at a time.
Bank local with Bay Federal! Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender. Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 13
Community News
Nice Work If You Can Get It – 2012 version
Thank You
for caring about our water supply
rocker Theater Performances: Sat-
Sara Narragon, Nicole Toccalino, Sara
Saturday November 11, 18 at 2:00
2:00 p.m. behind razz-ma-tazz deception in the zany updated (2012) version
Set in the 1920s, Nice Work If You Can and wealthy playboy Jimmy Winter, who meets rough female bootlegger Billie
tunes, including Fascinating
wedding. Jimmy, who has been married three (or is it four?) times before, is
Over Me, S’Wonderful and the title song, Nice Work If 1920’s, this prohibition story nods it’s head to contemporary issues of legalizing marijuana, as well as timely pokes at political leaders and the upper
Remembering those we have loved and lost together.
from the weary world into the crazy world of Nice Work. Cabrillo Theater department pro-
Brennen Perry as Cookie. Anita Natalie
Interfaith Memorial Service A gathering for people of all faiths to share and remember those they have loved and lost Everyone is invited to bring a loved one’s photograph or object to place on the remembrance table. Open to all, children and families welcome.
modern dancer. Thinking Jimmy
Billie and her gang hide cases Island mansion. But when Jimmy, his wifeto-be and her prohibitionist family show up at the mansion for the wedding, Billie and her cohorts pose as servants, causing hijinks galore. ietro: “Someone to Watch Over Me,” which is usually sung by a dewy-eyed ingénue, is now sung by a dewy-eyed ingénue dressed as a rumrunner and brandishing a the boys do get the girls, but here the girls wind up with all of the power.
Sally Bookman Adamson, Mikayla Tom, Conrado Perez,
in life — music and laughter and falling in
Cesarin, Shane Johnson Maggie Pierce,
the same.”
Wednesday, November 15th @ 6:30pm Resurrection Catholic Community Church 7600 Soquel Drive · Aptos
Aromas is just a few miles north The beautifully renovated Aromas
For more information 831 430 3000 l hospicesantacruz.org 14 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
welcomes you.
head south on 129 from Watsonville and Aromas.
Community News
Remembering Loved Ones Over the Holidays
of year for people who have lost
County invites the public to attend the Interfaith Memorial Service to remember our loved ones together. This memorial is a gathering of people of all faiths to come together to share and remember those they have loved and lost. There will be a candle lighting ceremony with music and words of encouragement to help people prepare for the holiday season without a special person. Attendees are encouraged to bring a photo of their loved one to place on the remembrance table during the ceremony. Memorial Service Wednesday,
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A drop-in group is also open to the tions (No need to register). Support through
for light refreshments after the service. Children are welcome to attend.
Capitola Finance Advisory Committee Applications For Appointment
members may summit a letter of interest in continuing to serve and others wishing to apply for appointment may do so at this time. Appointments are for one-year terms Three (3) Council Member Appointees The Capitola City Council is seeking applications from interested persons to serve on the Capitola Finance Advisory Committee. City residents and Capitola businesspersons 18 years of age or older, with an interest City of Capitola, including the City’s budget, investments, revenue projections and assumptions, and revenue enhancement programs, are encouraged to apply. committee are held on the third Tuesday
meetings may be scheduled as needed.
the Mayor and City Council will make appointments at a regular meeting of the City Council. Business representatives will be reviewed and recommended by the Capitola-Soquel Chamber of Commerce prior to Council appointment. Applications may be obtained at Capitola City
application be sent to you. In addition, a notice with an application form is available on the City’s website (for printing) at www. cityofcapitola.org by selecting -
Application.” Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 15
Community News
Red Cross Farm to Table Dinner 2017 CARMEL — of the Central Coast will proudly host its sented by Century Communities and Audi, the dinner is an opportunity for community and business leaders to gather to celebrate
in a beautiful outdoor setting. The Farm to Table festivities will music by The Monterey Jazz Festival AllStars and a tasting reception featuring area wineries, breweries, and distilleries. Then, Chef Tim Wood of Carmel
prepare and serve a unique, multi-course, family-style dinner featuring the best selected wine pairings.
The night will culminate with an Cross provides in Monterey, San Benito,
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission.
16 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
and Santa Cruz Counties. This year’s auction will focus on the need to replace
Whether it’s responding to a disaster, collecting lifesaving blood, teaching skills that can save a life, installing smoke alarms, or assisting military members and their families, the A limited number of tickets remain for this year’s dinner. They can be purchased
feeds and provides emotional support
members and their families and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. Cross of the Central Coast serves the residents of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties.
NEW HOURS: Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm Sunday Closed (24 Hour Vending Machine)
7960 Soquel Drive, Suite A Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 689-9710
RETAIL exp. 11/10/17
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Welcome to a new and exciting era in Aptos Dance!
REGISTER NOW! Since 1926 Instruments / Accessories / Sheet Music Sales / Rentals / Lessons
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7960J Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003
Conveniently located off Highway 1 and just outside Aptos Village, the Aptos Village Square hosts a number of local Aptos businesses. Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 17
Community News
Make a Difference in Your Community!
wenty-four years ago, a local businessman in Aptos was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. As the cancer progressed, he was unable to work or support his family as the holidays approached. Our community put on a spaghetti feed and the money collected went to help his family. Patrice
with cancer 19 years ago, to a nationally recognized model of community-based pediatric palliative care serving hundreds of children and thousands of family members each year. Aptos-Adopt-Acommunity the opportunity to adopt families
collect toys, food, clothes, rent money, and more to carry his family through the coming months. This was the birth of Aptos-Adopt-a-Family. Over the years there have been hundreds of chairs, a handicap accessible van, lifts, food, clothes, toys, bikes, rent— gifts that helped many a family enjoy the holidays. This year, Aptos-Adopt-AFamily is partnering with Jacob’s
can adopt a family this year or how you can help make this a Merry Christmas for one of our families by donating to the program. In addition to working with Jacob’s families facing medical challenges. Call Aptos Adopt-A-Family at
when her friends’ son Jacob was diagnosed with leukemia, she has built the organization
RCFE License #435202516 18 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
Local Sports
Mid County High School Scoreboard
Coach: Savanna Prather Gilroy 6 – Harbor 12 Harbor 19 – Everett Alvarez 6 Santa Catalina 11 – Harbor 3 Harbor 9 – Notre Dame 2 Harbor 9 – Monterey 6 Gilroy 14 – Harbor 5 Harbor 15 – Stevenson 5
Screen Printing/Apparel Group Coach: Ryan Chapatte MBL-Gabilan Division Champions
Printing in Santa Cruz since 83’
Design / Development/ Graphic & Web Design / E Commerce / Wholesale
Soquel 19 – Aptos 2 Soquel 21 – Christopher 5 Soquel 20 – Santa Cruz 2 Soquel 20 – Carmel 0
Girls Volleyball 831-228-1085 crew @ crewmfg.com
Coach: Matt Schutz Harbor def Mt. Madonna 3-1 Harbor def Santa Cruz 3-2 Aptos def Harbor 3-0 Harbor def SLV 3-0 Harbor def Soquel 3-1 Harbor def St Francis 3-2 Harbor def Mt Madonna 3-1
Coach Jeanine Haldi Soquel def St. Francis 3-0 Soquel def Scotts Valley 3-0 Soquel def Mt. Madonna 3-1 Soquel def Santa Cruz 3-0 Aptos def Soquel 3-2 Harbor def Soquel 3-1 Soquel def SLV 3-1 Soquel def St. Francis 3-0
Great Reasons to Dine at Palapas DINNER
Tues: Mahi Mahi Tacos w/Mango Salsa Fresca
Chile Verde Enchiladas de Pollo con Mole Wed: Sand Dabs w/Garlic Tomatillo Sauce
Chile Verde Enchiladas de La Cocina Fresca
Chicken, Beef or Cheese
Thur: Housemade Tamales Chicken or Pork
Chile Verde Ensalada del Mar Crab and Shrimp salad
Bring the family to Palapas for dinner Monday thru DINE FOR Thursday nights for our unique style of Mexican food and your children dine for free! *
Coach: Trevor Wiens Soquel 11 – Aptos 4 Soquel 15 – Christopher 4 Santa Cruz 8 – Soquel 7 Soquel 11 – Salinas 6 Soquel 12 – Carmel 7
Drop by for a tour and see
The Very Best in Storage!
Coach: Joel McKown Hollister 18 – Harbor 8 Harbor 6 – Everett Alvarez 4 Harbor 11 – York 4 Palma 17 – Harbor 9 Monterey 16 – Harbor 3 Gilroy 15 – Harbor 3 SLV 17 – Harbor 3 Everett Alvarez 17 – Harbor 6
Locally Owned and Operated
809 Bay Avenue, Suite H, Capitola, CA 95010 (In the Nob Hill Shopping Center)
Coach: James Gaynor Marina 68 – Harbor 13 St. Francis 49 – Harbor 14 Soquel 51 – Harbor 14
Water Polo
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Coach: Brad Tompkins Santa Cruz 14 – Soquel 0 Soquel 51 – Harbor 14
809 Bay Ave.
All special entrees $14.95 All specials dine in only including Kids Dine Free offer. *Offer is good for one child’s (under 12) menu item per entree purchased from our regular menu by an adult in party. Valid Monday thru Thursday except holidays. Expires 3-15-18.
Fine Dining Mexican Style
Ocean View, Lunch & Dinner Daily, Reservations Suggested 21 Seascape Village, Aptos 831-662-9000
www.palapasrestaurant.com Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 19
Community News
Santa Cruz Impaired Drivers Campaign SANTA CRUZ — The California regional impaired driving campaign in and save lives. To accomplish this mission
conduct a regional campaign focusing on impaired drivers in Santa Cruz County. The 12-month project starts October 1,
alcohol or drugs, we can continue to reduce the number of collisions occurring in Santa Cruz County.� -
collisions involving impaired drivers on
Gentle Exams & Cleanings to Cosmetic, Restorative & Implant Dentistry The Quality and Service Your Family Deserves from Our Family TUESDAY - THURSDAY: 8:00AM-5:30PM FRIDAY: 8:00AM-3:00PM SATURDAY: BY APPOINTMENTS ONLY
“This grant will help keep the momentum going by removing impaired drivers before they kill or severely injure
Safe at Home Senior Care
task force and a public awareness and education campaign to help reinforce the dangers of driving while impaired. Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California
approach to raise awareness and eliminate
istration. While alcohol remains the worst -
Mean Booze.� Prescription medications and marijuana by themselves, or in combination with alcohol, and can result in a
&ŀŠĎŠIJ 1ĚĎĝĝĜĝĴ t 1ĿğĽIJĿŠņ -Ďń 1IJĿŀğĝĎĚ *ĝġłĿņ
9053 Soquel Dr, Suite 206 Aptos, CA 95003 info@buckwalterlaw.com
(831) 688-0163
(831)462-3500 #BZ "WF 4VJUF t $BQJUPMB $"
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20 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
Of Counsel
Contact us for a consultation.
Attorney at Law
Protecting you, your property, and your legacy
Community News
Falley soars above the glaciers and peaks
a selection of culturally rich, adventure-packed and incredibly
Skye strapped into the backseat of her glimpse into the life of an Alaskan pilot, skier, alpinist and mother. Ascend
left leg fully amputated but it didn’t stop Wilson from his favorite pastime ebrates the indomitable spirit that keeps him zooming through single-track. Wilson says. “The simple answer is that it brings me joy.” John Shocklee: A Fairy Tale
presenter will guide the audience through
is dedicated to educating, inspiring and motivating audiences about environments, cultures, issues and adventures. Working festival has attracted leading documentary servationists, mountaineers, scientists,
world to engage in the festival’s tag line of “celebrating indomitable spirit.”
ratings. Tickets are on sale now and can be -
between ski guiding in Silverton, Colorado, rowing dories down the ultimate A Fairy Tale involves mountains, snow and ’90s hip-hop.
in advance online at riotheatre.com. Check
Denali’s Raven
Fight F.O.G. ™
Keep Fats Oils and Grease out of your drain. Pour cooking grease into a container, freeze it and place it in your garbage. Mantenga las grasas fuera del drenaje. Eche la grasa de comidas en un contenedor y congélelas antes de ponerlas en la basura.
PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY AND THE MONTEREY BAY FROM SEWAGE BACKUPS AND OVERFLOWS! Proteja su propiedad y de la Bahía de Monterey desde copias de seguridad de aguas residuales y desbordamientos!
831 477-3907 | Santa Cruz County Sanitation District © 2014 Goldstreet Design Agency, All Rights Reserved.
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 21
Community News
J. Guevara Joins SCCHC as Development Director SANTA
for the City of Santa Cruz, where he was responsible for strategic partnerships, community outreach, marketing and crisis management. Prior to that he served as redevelopment manager for the City of Santa Cruz.
Santa in community development, marketing, communications and advocacy make him an
health services to everyone, regardless of has been selected as its new development
mitment to our mission as we
J. Guevara
and M.A. in literature from the -
health of nearly 12,000 local residents.
new partnerships, attract supporters and raise awareness about critical health care issues that impact everyone.
health and psychosocial conditions, and partner with the community to improve health for all, regardless of circumstance.”
Spanish to all ages, genders, ethnicities, of their ability to pay. high-quality care through compassionate, dedicated medical providers, health edunatal care and education, mental health and substance abuse counseling, chronic disease management, health insurance enrollment, and more.
served as economic development manager
Rachel Hodder Wins Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship
on transferring to California State
t was announced today that Wat-
Witmer Memorial Scholarship. The award is for a student (past or present) who has -
22 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
the greater Bay Area. she will major in Agricultural attending Cabrillo College for
in 2012 and President in 2013. career in accountant for a local agricultural organization.
“Rachel Hodder” page 24
Community News
County Asked To Reduce Use Of Plastics esponding to a sharp decline in global demand for recycled materials, the County of Santa Cruz is asking residents to reduce the use of plastics to help protect the environment. While County residents are pioneers in recycling household materials and recycling is an important facet of the County’s position as a sustainability leader, a “perfect storm” in the international recycled materials economy has made the market for used plastics challenging. More than onethird of California’s recycling centers have closed.
SANTA CRUZ — The Santa Cruz
What can residents do to reduce waste? Follow these easy steps to be kinder to the planet and cut down on the use of plastics and other wasteful materials:
For more information, go to www. recycling rate across California declined
produce in bulk market for recycled plastic. County is suspending the collection of repackaged tap water
Team and served as a Field department
Sergeant. Chief Andrew Mills commented, onstrated a commitment to serving our community through his outstanding work ethic, leadership, and professionalism.”
collects plastics from residents in unincorporated areas to hold until the market improves, the County is encouraging those residents to reduce plastic use as well.
has a strong background in Community Policing and was borhood problem-solving cases
Addiimproving quality of life issues in Santa Cruz. Chief Andrew Mills stated, “We were
Erich Hoppe
and coordinating his patrol team’s responses to critical incidents. With strong ties to the Santa
himself as a leader who is ready to assume a patrol sergeant’s position.”
built relationships with a wide variety of community members, neighborhood groups, business owners, other public agencies and
his wife and daughter and looks forward to
beyond what anyone thought possible. Cowtown oldest weekly professional rodeo in the
Where the Wild Things Play
climbing granite routes, shredding singletrack, skiing backcountry lines and this
already has all the treasures he needs. “What we do is what we are,” he says. “We don’t know how to do anything else.” The Time Travelers -
Wright leaves no doubt about the state of women in today’s outdoor world. Lost in Light (Sriram Murali, 3 min.):
Zain’s Summer: From Refugee to American (Joshua Seftel, 13 min.): Zain to a new life in America, relatively free from fear of violence and persecution, represents the very best of America in director Joshua Seftel’s telling. Conservation Generation
an unforgettable story of adventure. La Langosta 2 min.): Most people would consider grace as she threads down pillowed slopes, steep spines and bold backcountry lines in
dreamy and wide awake all at once. In this
Farmers Coalition, which produced Con-
for a pool toy. (Megan
Chocolate Spokes is the much-anticipated follow-up to
problem of water scarcity in the arid Southwest. Tatum Monod 2016 min.): Tatum Monod is the embodiment of
black and white and their trademark,
olate Spokes bike shop has helped make
award-winning Internet sensation Owl Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 23
Featured Columnist
Live Oak Ed. Foundation is Off and Running!
cation Foundation is a strong belief in equity and that all kids, no matter their race, socio-economic background or neighborhood deserve every opportunity
We were driven to launch the Foundation in 2015 because we learned that munity attend elementary and middle they attend high school in the Santa Cruz Schools has had a successful education foundation for over a decade that has supplemented that district’s investment in academic, arts, and wellness programs. We believe that our students should have just as many opportunities as students in the surrounding communities, so that they do not continue to join their peers in high To address our goal of equal access to arts education, we have invested $2,500 for elementary and middles school instru-
looking for new ways to partner to raise more money. On November 5 from 1:00-
supplemental arts instruction, we invested on how to integrate the arts into the Common Core curriculum. We’ve spent $1,000 on recess equipment,
Tickets are $25 in advance and can be purchased through www.pleasurepointsipandstroll.com Also, throughout November
parents and community members
Ave) through which the restaurants will
Projects for multiple years.
She has also received multiple sportsmanship awards for
outstanding individual. She is a well-rounded person who has a great addition to our agriculture community when she returns from college.” -
24 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
donations will be accepted there as well as via our website: www.liveoakedfoundation.org Finally, we invite you to join us to celebrate the success of our Annual
of proceeds from all food and drink sales. We hope to see you there!
year total over $5,000 and we’re waiting to hear on two grant applications to pilot new programming. While proud of our accomplishments and investments to date, we are aiming
the Foundation. We invite all readers to
Featured Columnist
Santa Cruz METRO’s Dramatic Recovery
with insolvency being a real threat within
Adoption of State Bill #1: State dollars that are projected to provide an additional $2 million annually Together, these new funding maintain its current level of bus service, helped avoid employee layoffs, and put more money towards buying new, clean energy buses.
almost $22 million in reserves and other non-recurring revenues to maintain its
and contrary to inaccurate assertions in
to strong support from the community. As we make changes in the future, we will build on the input we have received and zealously follow the directions of the priorities laid out by the voters. In the tional capacity incrementally in the most
of service where possible to increase the rider’s ability to access jobs and other trips
lenges in meeting service needs during the
afternoon commute periods. The loss of a community bus service that provides over 5 million trips annually would have a major impact to the economy
including the voters’ passage of Measure of student bus pass programs, and other factors, we are currently on a path to long-
access jobs, schools, medical, shopping riders do not have access to private trans-
plan, which will not draw on its limited remaining reserves. We have recently completed a Comprehensive Operations Analysis that helps us target new service.
boardings are by senior and disabled riders along with another 85,000 who use
been able to add new service to our system. In addition, the agency saved over $1 million in last year’s $50 million operating budget that we can now re-allocate to help
welcome the support and partnership of other agencies in the County, as well as the support of the community. Together we can
service ParaCruz.
viable bus service alternative to that of the private automobile for those who need, as well as want public transit. provide the reliable bus service our community needs and wants. For the immediate future, two new funding sources to prevent further service reductions: Passage of transportation
is anticipated to provide an additional and,
1. Capital near Casablanca 6. African National Congress 9. Sword handle 13. Do like a good citizen 14. Exclamation of suspicion 15. Echo sounder 16. Jewish holiday 17. Kimono sash 18. Blast from the past 19. *Commissioner’s ____ 21. *Yankees’ home 23. Little Mermaid’s domain 24. Command before “in”
25. U.K. broadcaster 28. Puerto ____ 30. *Why 1994 World Series was canceled 35. Displeasure on one’s face 37. Barrels or casks 39. Desert wanderer’s hope 40. Aries or Taurus, e.g. 41. “A Doll’s House” playwright 43. Grannies 44. Conquer, as in Everest 46. Overweight wrestler 47. Man Ray’s art movement 48. “____ ____ Truckin’” 50. Laundry room fire hazard 52. One of Florida Keys, e.g. 53. Database command
55. ____-cha-cha 57. *Blue Jays’ home 61. Young domesticated ungulate 64. Cover story 65. Victoria’s Secret purchase 67. Free from 69. Locomotive hair 70. Big galoot 71. ____-____-la 72. The big one and little one, e.g. 73. Explosive 74. Red Sea nation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ice Cube’s genre Go up against Ethiopian currency Goodbye to amiga Difficult for Beast to control 6. Sailor’s call
7. Nail a criminal 8. Trouser fabric 9. Like Roman Empire 10. ____-China 11. Animal house 12. “Star ____” 15. Site of a 1976 uprising, South Africa 20. Hispaniola republic 22. First responders 24. Give advice 25. *____ Sox Scandal, 1919 26. Round loaf, in Paris 27. Type of mandarin 29. *Overcame Curse of the Billy Goat 31. “Atlas Shrugged” author 32. Asimov or Mizrahi 33. Sorta 34. Bacon piece 36. “Where the Wild Things Are” rollick
38. Big rig 42. Time being 45. Herzegovina’s partner 49. “As if!” 51. *Number of teams in MLB 54. R2-D2, e.g. 56. Flambé 57. Diplomat’s forte 58. Mixture or medley 59. Make someone angry 60. #17 Across, pl. 61. Synonym to #9 Across 62. Dutch cheese 63. Thespian’s part 66. *What Rickey Henderson did best? 68. *World Series ticketholder ¥ 3TATEPOINT -EDIA
Answers on 31 »
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 25
Featured Columnist
Measure C: It’s Been a Busy & Productive Year By Scott Turnbull, Superintendent Soquel Union Elementary School District
people, and all problems are solved by good
nity’s support. We feel it is important to give regular updates regarding Measure C Projects to the community. Measure C funds will be used on play structures, educational technology, and, most importantly, building modern classrooms to replace outdated portable classrooms. New Play Structures hen I last updated you in July, we were gearing up to build elementary
C Project. I’m proud to report that the play structures have been a monumental success. Our students at Santa Cruz
Sometimes that term, “modular” construction, gets confused with “porsynonymous, not even close. Modular construction refers to the process of building
We have a couple of digital resources designed to keep all interested parties upto-date with Measure C related activities. First is our Measure C Website which
If you’ve ever been through any remodeling of your own home, you know that construction can be both a blessing and a curse. The result is something to be
them for placement on school enjoying the play structures this year. It took a lot of coordito get those play structures completed. We’ve also added shade structures at all three elementary school sites. These projects served as a good litmus test to see if we could stick to our tracted with the right partners. New Technology
we have done some work to bolster our
Internet connectivity. We have brought in more Chromebooks to move closer to the district’s goal of 1:1 Computing (one device per student). Finally, we have purchased eight interactive televisions, two for each of-the-art presentation technology and have a better-projected life span than preClassroom Construction s far as replacing the portables with modern classrooms is concerned, we have taken two crucial steps. First, we have partnered with a modular construction company after a thorough review process.
designs and makes them come to life by building the actual classrooms. 26 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
the building at a large plant away from school sites ensures that we limit the impact of construction on instruction as much as possible. The other critical step we have taken in regards to classroom replacement is bringing interim housing on to the campus of to ultimately removing the old portables, starting the site prep work, and still have somewhere for a class to take place. The interim housing was brought in over a weekend, another way we are working to limit the impact of construction on instruction. Citizen Oversight
Committee Meeting back in September. This committee is designed to
group of community members who are very dedicated to the cause. They’ll be meeting again in January to continue the process. We also held Measure C Community Meetings at each of our school sites at the end of September and beginning of October. We found these meetings to be very productive and informative and allowed us to reach out to our neighbors
Measure C as well as information about our Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The other resource is the district’s Facebook photos and video updates of our Measure C Projects on that Facebook Page. Construction Safety & Disruptions e are keeping student safety at the forefront during the construction struction will take place during summer and other breaks, there will be times when some of the work occurs while school is in session. Our contractors are required to have
be inconveniences along the way. We are working hard to minimize disruptions but realize we can’t eliminate them. We are
in handling the inevitable challenges that come along with construction. We are targeting August of 2019 to have all of the portable classrooms replaced with modern ones across the district. This schedule indeed represents an ambitious the current level of planning and preparation. Of course, there are always things we can’t control like the weather. In the
continually supervised by someone who requires entities providing construction services to the district, where the employees of the construction company will have contact with pupils, to ensure the safety of students by the installation of a physical
appreciative of this community for supporting us with Measure C.
Featured Columnist
It’s AND; not OR By Melanie Schumacher
developing new water supplies, and help reduce any misunderstandings that people may have. To aid in replenishing the groundwater basin - which is critically overdrafted resulting in seawater intrusion
however, in the “big picture,” surface water is not a guaranteed, reliable source of ditions, protection of endangered species, and the City of Santa Cruz’ own water supply needs may impact the availability of this source for the resiliency, we value water portfolio. This includes groundwater
developed a Community Water Plan, in collaboration with community members. This plan is our long-term roadmap to water reliability and sustainability. It has been developed to protect our natural resources as well as meet the water needs for current and future generations. Four Possible Water Sources
California’s mandate of making our groundwater basin sustainable, four water supply options are currently being
could be paired with purchasing treated surface water when it’s available. While water from the City of Santa winter, that doesn’t mean we aren’t actively working on the surface water option. Preliminary studies and water quality data are required by the state before we can serve treated surface water to our customers. Since the chemical characteristics our traditional groundwater pipes convey, we are currently working on:
of them have been implemented yet. The four options to augment our water supply include: (1) developing groundwater water (2) purchasing treated surface water from the City of Santa Cruz, (3) purchasing
recharge with storm water. If you stop reading here, the most important point of this month’s article is that our perspective and approach is to provide a comprehensive water supply solution that will involve a combination of folio of water supplies will be needed, not just a single option. Following is information we’d like
buildup and remove sediment from within the distribution system in the Capitola and Soquel areas that could cause discolored water and release metals when surface water is introduced. We are evaluating ways to zone
are planning to meet with the Central Coast region state regulators this fall
NOT a sewage treatment plant
or the proposed groundwater replen-
recycled water, we are evaluating three potential locations (1) co-locating near our
co-locating it at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Santa Cruz or (3) between the
Board made a decision to solely focus
that is being discharged into Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and purifying it for groundwater recharge. This already-treated water would go through a
With November being a traditional truly appreciates and is thankful for our customers and mid-county residents who care about their water supply and their community.
system that would further treat it with
wastewater involved, nor the need to construct a sewage treatment plant as part blending surface water with groundwater: Testing is scheduled to begin in
(AWPF) would need to be built.
may react to surface water such as water quality changes or pipe cor-
water and surface water options that we’re evaluating: It’s AND; not OR
and galvanized pipe was harvested
analysis and jar testing will occur over
e realize many people may focus on just one supply option to try and solve the region’s water shortages. We
Staff from City of Santa Cruz and Soquel Creek Water District prepare for water quality blending study as part of the surface water transfer evaluation. Three potential locations for water
as complementary supply options, instead water permit. With the purchase of Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 27
Community Calendar Announcements
who has been abused or neglected.
Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California
First Mondays in Watsonville Second Tuesdays hat is co-dependency? What is in Capitola enabling? What is this insanity? Third Wednesdays Am I the only one who feels this way? in Watsonville Join Nar-Anon, world wide Third Thursdays
W Event Calendar Saturday November 4 Sunday November 5
fellowship of relatives and friends of
someone else’s addiction. Please join us at our Sunday evening meeting
Capitola Plein Air
Caregiver Support Group for meeting listings in our area and
apitola Plein Air returns for its 3rd annual weekend of creativity and beautiful artwork! Watch professional artists paint all around Capitola on Saturday, then check out the award winners with artists, enjoy live music, and don’t forget to vote for the People’s Choice Award! A portion of all art sales will
Wed. November 15
Third Fridays in Aptos
a variety of certified organic You Can Be There or Not this will fruits and vegetables and artisan be a safe structured environment foods. for sharing stories if you so choose, and learning healthy Overeaters Anonymous ways to deal with separation from anyone. Co-sponsored o you have a problem with food? Come Join us for a org a national organization friendly free 12-step support that provide information and group with the solution group support to grandparents who feel with the solution. Teens and alienated or estranged to their adults welcome. Includes grandchildren. and bulimia.
businesses are small businesses with fewer than 10 employees. Celebrate and support your local small businesses all day and get your holiday shopping done! -
Networking Lunch
Ongoing Events
atz Cancer Center, PAMF and
Orientations to Become Advocates for Children
someone with a serious illness. When recovering from debting on a loved one is seriously ill, it can be a one’s business. challenge for the entire family. In this ongoing support group, we will share stories, learn tools for coping and receive support from people who care.
Writing/Discussion Meeting
Overeaters Anonymous
o you have a problem with food? Please check out our o you have problem with free, friendly 12-Step support food? Come join us for a group with the solution. All teens friendly free 12 step support group and adults welcome! with the solution. Teens and adults welcome. It will be held in the -
CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children
ASA empowers volunteers to
Invisible/Alienated Grandparents Support Group
ASA volunteer Advocates receive 35 hours of specialized training. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, with just a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or neglected.
foster care. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, Aptos with just a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child
All Santa Cruz County Chamber Mixer
First Baptist Church Bible Study
Overeaters Anonymous
Geezer Golfers
from the relationships, mutual support and connections essential to creating a thriving business.
eeling overpar? So do we,
vereaters Anonymous is a Free, Friendly 12-Step group for those who have a problem with food.
Dated Events Saturday November 25 Aptos United Methodist Church’s Holiday Boutique
he Felton Farmers’ Market
second oldest market in Santa Cruz County. The market boasts
Co-working Unbound
us for free co-working in the company of fellow Santa Cruz freelancers, independent professionals, remote workers, creatives, startup founders, community organizers, ideators and more. We welcome everyone to co-work with us at the library. Our goal is to provide the collaborative atmosphere of co-working to a broad
his is the oldest women’s club in Santa Cruz. The club meets to study the life, works and times of William Shakespeare. Members share group readings and insights, discuss history, and universal themes found in his plays and writings. For more information please
Felton Farmer’s Market
irst Baptist Church of Aptos welcomes you to join their bible study and worship every Sunday.
Business Debtors Anonymous
Weekdays Palo Alto Medical Foundation
earn how to safely support your body and emotions through the journey of Cancer from diagnosis to softening the impact of chemo, radiation, and recovering well from surgery. We’ll address nausea, low energy, weakness, digestion, immune support, grief, stress and more. Feel free to bring your partner or care team to this free class. available.
invite you to attend a Caregiver
Small Business Saturday Santa Cruz County
Wellness on the Cancer Journey
beautiful 9-hole course in Scotts
Cabrillo Host Lions Club Meetings
Aptos Noon Toastmasters
Church will hold its fifth
the church campus in Seascape.
of unique gift items including baked goods, cards, clothes, crafts, jams, jewelry, plants, quilts, sea glass art, soaps, toffee, month and see what you can do to totes, etc. help in Santa Cruz County. November 25 is Small Business Saturday in Santa Cruz County,
our community? Join the
ome celebrate Bay Federal -
10% OFF Cards & Books
Catering, local wines and craft brews, and music by Bob Burnett.
ome join a dynamic, supportive group of people
beginners to more advanced. We’re here to help you discover your voice and share it effec-
Drop-in Grief Support
Sat. November 25
making their way to the shores of Capitola for their annual visit. Welcome Santa’s wave-riding arrival at 12 pm. Santa will settle in his beach chair to visit with all the kids. Be sure to bring your camera... could very well make the perfect Christmas card photo!
$5 OFF
ospice of Santa Cruz County
been chosen to represent Aptos, highlighting the handiwork of local entrepreneurs. Come and do your “one- stop” shopping for the holidays.
support group for adults grieving the death of a family member or a Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement friend. This group is a place where Saturday December 2 you can share stories, learn tools Holiday Craft Fair and Tree Monthly Meeting for coping, and receive support Lighting his statewide group of retired from people who care. men invites you to be our guest at our monthly luncheon. You’ll meet kindred spirits, have a fine lunch and learn something with dancing, music, crafts, and new from a top notch guest a visit from Santa. Friday Shakespeare Club speaker.
T Visit us at our new location in Soquel! 2815 Porter St., Soquel
28 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
of Santa Cruz
Arts and Entertainment
Your November Horoscope ->}ÂˆĂŒĂŒ>Ă€ÂˆĂ•ĂƒĂŠÂ ÂœĂ›Â°ĂŠĂ“ĂŽÂ‡ iV°ÊÓ£Ž
The big lesson on at the beginning of November is learning to accept people’s advice. You don’t want to bother anybody with your problems, but close friends and relatives could have the answer to your dilemma. It isn’t a sign of weakness to ask for help. You’re all smiles mid-
Ageless Art Project
geless Art is seeking volunteers to facilitate art groups for seniors living in residential
don’t let the small things bother you. Your cheerful mood is contagious later in the month,
You feel comfortable around people who have similar interests as the month begins, but there’s
residents through the creative processes of painting, drawing or crafting. As a volunteer you will have the pleasure of seeing
project, it might be time to scrap it and move on to something else. You have great detailed ideas mid-month, and you’re a valuable asset to any group project. As someone who judges yourself between family duties and work or school responsibilities late in November, but you’ll lose sleep
feelings of pride and self-worth when completing their own art.
Can you really believe what’s right in front of you as the month begins? There are illusions about your long-term goals mid-November, and you have a peaceful feeling that everything is on your face because you know you have luck on your side. Making connections is your thing, getting up in front of an audience. It seems so easy for you!
Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony
he Monterey Symphony is seeking volunteers. If you love music and want to be involved, www.montereysymphony.org for more information.
Cabrillo Youth Strings/ Suzuki Music Program
new entry-level String
violin, viola and cello will be Students must provide their own instruments.
*ÂˆĂƒViĂƒĂŠÂ iL°Ê£™‡ >À°ÊÓäŽ
local artists from local galleries.
Be good to yourself as November begins. Be gentle and kind, and treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated (and include an indulgent delicacy of some kind)! You’re ready to trade in something
Dated Events
for information about booking
Saturday November 4 Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance
Hot Rods at the Beach 2nd Saturday on the Farm
County Fairgrounds t’s fun and easy to do! Friendship oin us every 2nd Saturday on the Beach Car Show! All proceeds from the show are donated to the Farm for free family activities. scholarship program of the SCPOA Class takes place every Thursday to highlight historical agriculture with games, activities, and demonstrations that relate. We often have guest appearances from farm animals like llamas, draft horses, sheep, goats, Saturday November 4 chickens, rabbits, and more! You
Sunday November 5
Ongoing Events Stitchers By The Sea Meetings
entertaining for the whole family.
Friendship Put to Music!
lasses every Thursday night. For
titchers-by-the-Sea, the local
meetings open to the public each month. No admission fees.
Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante
Santa Cruz Sea Glass & Ocean Art Festival
Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair
he ninth annual event features genuine sea glass and artist
artists, upstairs at the Cocoanut
T and unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures including books and photographs, vintage jewelry, clothing, glass and ceramic
mental note mid-November to embrace life more, you’ll be amazed at the opportunities that accompany you. The bigger the group, the more memories you make.
You feel that your thoughts are transparent as November begins, but no one can see what’s else is going through it, too. You love to learn new things mid-month, so auditing classes or watching how-to videos is right up your alley. And once you learn a new skill, you’ll have so much fun teaching it to others! You could feel claustrophobic among your belongings late in the month, so removing some clutter might be in order. Throw out the trash, but try to give away the things that still have use or value. And recycle as much as possible, of course. You love a good “wow� factor early in the month, but you know what happens when you choose consequences. Be sure you have your ducks in a row before the race begins. You’re stuck inside your shell late in November, and you don’t feel like coming out even for the more alluring reasons. It’s
Saturday November 11 Monterey Salmon and Trout Project’s Annual Fundraiser
Saturday November 18 Monte Carlo Night at the
New and novel tips and tricks catch your eye as the month begins, especially ones you can and being frugal is advantageous. These kinds of skills don’t come to you naturally, but you embrace new challenges wholeheartedly. Your strong personality clashes with other outgoing
Center presents a public lecture German/American Club Peninsula Banjo Band from a marine scientist the third Sunday of every month. Topics are presented in an entertaining First Friday Art Tour orty-seven years of performing he First Friday Art Tour is a Santa and easy-to-understand format, of Santa Cruz presents Monte in the Bay Area, over 250 Cruz Institute of Contemporary with up-to-date photos, video, and Carlo Night. Blackjack, Craps and popular tunes. Come see our Arts event, managed in conjunction discussion. your favorite Casino games plus with the participating art venues. The food and great fun all for entrance Wednesday. No cover. event takes place year-round and charge of only $10. illuminates some of the most talented
determination. You get along with driven people best late in November, because you can’t imagine just sitting around and doing nothing. If you do have some free time, why not conquer the world?
his is a night for true “Social BINGO kitsch, turquoise, original artwork, Tango.� Order a wonderful meal from the Star Bene Argentine and a whole lot of whatnot! Weather Permitting! Menu, (or their well known italian $10 for kids 12 and under. osted by Soquel Sports menu), and enjoy the ambiance of Foundation. Buy-In $15. Argentina and join us in a social Full snack bar available. First Tuesday of each month is special tango dance to music from the $25 buy in (up to five packs). Science Sunday Join us!
Ă€ÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂ >Ă€V…ÊÓ£‡ ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ?ÊÓäŽ meetings or meet-ups as possible until you’re feeling better able to cope with what the world throws your way. Anyone who tries to cross you once you’re ready had better watch their back. There are
Association proudly presents
you realize. Be sure to do your homework if there’s money involved. You’re in a noticeably good mood near the end of the month, which makes people want to spend time with you. If you’d rather
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As November begins, one of your biggest pet peeves is when people waste your time. You make a isn’t your strong suit right now. You aren’t used to following your urges, but something might be too good to pass up mid-month. Is it truly better to regret something you did rather than something you didn’t do? You only live once, so what’s holding you back? You run out of patience easily later
There’s so much happening as the month begins, that you can barely hear yourself think. You don’t mind keeping busy, but work or play overload isn’t healthy for anyone. Find some quiet space if you need it. You’re an energetic team leader mid-month, but you don’t always play fair. You want to win, but doing so at any cost isn’t good sportsmanship. Your ego may have to take a hit in the you don’t have to go down every road that’s accessible.
You can do a lot to change negative perceptions of you, but let’s face it, you just don’t care all that much. in your best interests to be a forward thinker early in the month, because if you don’t start planning now, success in the future will be much harder to attain. You’re a powerful presence mid-November, and your friends are glad that they are on your good side. If you have enemies or competitors, they should be quaking in their boots. You can pass any tests that are given to you late in the month, especially if you know what to study ahead of time. Preparing for success is one of your favorite pastimes.
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 29
Business Guide
Featured Columnist
Physicians For Trees
Arborists Work to Prevent Serious Storm Damage
Shop l a c o L
PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS Affordable Rates Piano, Woodwinds, Trumpet, Drums csimmonstrumpet@gmail.com
831-419-1266 Craig Simmons
efore the storms of winter get here, it might be a good time to make arrangements to get some help for big trees that need it. Smaller trees that can be reached from the ground may not need anything that we cannot do ourselves. It is the big trees that have grown beyond our reach that may need professional help if they have garden enthusiasts. Once late autumn and winter weather patterns start, storms can break limbs and destabilize trees. necessary remedies can limit such proportionately heavy or structurally reduce weight and wind resistance. Obtrusive limbs can be pruned for clearance from roofs and anything else.
over our homes and gardens. Not only can they cause serious damage by dropping limbs or falling, but they can also change how our home and
call our offices 831.688.7549
30 / November 2017 / Capitola Soquel Times
They are worthy of proper maintenance, even when it is necessary to procure the services of an arborist. An arborist is a horticulturist who specializes in arboriculture, which is the horticulture of trees. Arborists are essentially tree physicians, who evaluate the health, stability and structural integrity of trees, and make recommendations for maintenance, or to repair problems. Most municipalities require an ISA Cera permit to remove an unsalvageable tree. The ISA is the International Society of Arboriculture. Cer-
tials by continued involvement with ISA educational seminars, classes and workshops. More information about the International Society of arborists can be found at the website, www.isa-arbor.com. Arboriculture is not the sort of thing that gardeners should be
shearing and pruning that they do. Sadly, much of the damage that improper arboricultural procedures. Arboriculture also has the potential to be very dangerous to someone who lacks adequate training and equipment. Incense Cedar n the west, the incense cedar, Calocedrus decurrens, was made into cedar chests or paneling for cedar closets as a substitute for the more
is incidentally a big juniper). The wood is supposedly aromatic enough to repel moths from woolens and furs. The evergreen foliage is very aromatic as well, so is sometimes used for garlands at Christmas time. Old trees in the wild can eventually get nearly two hundred feet tall, with somewhat narrowly conical canopies. Yet, hundred-year-old trees that were planted in urban gardens half as tall yet. Some are quite narrow. The rusty brown bark is deeply and coarsely furrowed. Branches can sag downward and curve back upward, tened sprays of scale-like leaves resemble those of arborvitae. Incense cedar is native to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains.
SCCAS Featured Pet
Bella & Harper: Two Cuties for the Price of One!
his duo is Harper
they were brought to the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. They were too young to be adopted yet, so they were placed in Foster Care. The two baby bunnies were very frightened and needed to learn to trust people. Both are doing
Featured Columnist
Organizing for an Emergency S implify Me, Pam! “I haven’t done a thing to prepare for an emergency! What’s the best way to create an emergency plan and supply stockpile?” With all the disasters that Mother Nature is showing us lately, there’s no time like the present to put together an emergency preparedness plan that will aid you and your loved ones should a disaster hit close to home. I asked a dozen people if they had an emergency plan in place, and their answers ranged from “sadly, no...” to “it could be better,” and one, which clearly has a boy scout in the family, replied “we’re all set, and even have dehydrated camping food for 3 days!” It’s imperative to have a plan, as well as contain all critical supplies in an easily accessible place (garage, closet, “grab and go.” (Consider storing sleeping bags near your emergency kit.)
will jump for joy to welcome you home? That they are very sensitive to heat and cold and live much longer and healthier lives as indoors pets? All of these things love the chance to show you all of this and more!
a comprehensive plan (communication,
help pets in need! You can learn more about our Foster Program online at www.
Cross states “Prepare a kit, make a plan, be informed.” Certainly concise and spot on, but there’s more to it than just that. Communication / Evacuation / Shelter: Identify who will be your family’s central point of contact outside the area should the local phone lines get clogged. Identify safe zones
they are two for the price of one at $50! To adopt your new friend, visit one of the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter locations, or their website at www.scanimalshelter.org. Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location ( Watsonville Location Animal Control
work, school) so that all family members know where to meet, how to communicate them during the emergency, where the closest shelters will be, and how you’ll access news alerts throughout the process. Information Binder: Create an information binder complete with photocopies -
crossword on 25 »
prescriptions, immunizations (humans, pets),
a print-out of your e-address book. Insurance companies suggest taking a detailed video of all your belongings and household contents for accurate claims. As an added precaution,
place it in a watertight ziplock. Supplies: You may not have electricity, nor access to your computer, cell phone or car, so consider all the things you use in a day, and what you’ll truly need to lessen the impact of a disaster. Place all items container or trashcan, and use ziplock bags to contain “like things.” 1) Food and water (non-perishable and nutritious). 2) Supplies
batteries, solar charger, durable trash bags, cash, portable radio, pocket knife, screw driver, hammer, disposable duct tape. For each person: Mylar blankets, shoes, a change of clothing, poncho, and simple backpacks. 3) Personal products: Prescriptions, toiletries, tissue, hand sanitizer, wipes. Kids: A familiar toy that will comfort them. 5) Pets: Microchip your pets, have a pet medicine. Before a disaster hits, create a solid with your family and friends about “what if’s” so that if faced with a disaster, you are prepared and can remain calm.
World Series
Capitola Soquel Times / November 2017 / 31
! u o Y k n a Th
from our family to yours.
Happy Holidays