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Take Part in the Census
COMMUNITY NEWS Take Part in the Census
Data collected in the 2020 Census will determine how many congressional seats each state holds in the House of Representatives, and how state and federal dollars will be allocated to local governments over the next 10 years.
That’s $675 billion at stake, which is why a complete and accurate count matters, according to the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership.
Roads and highways, health clinics and hospitals, fire departments and schools all depend on adequate funding so it’s important to count everyone in a community for the count to be accurate. An undercount could cost $2,000 per person per year of funding lost, which would add up over 100 years.
The annual headcount is required by the U.S. Constitution and has been undertaken every 10 years since 1790. Census responses are confidential and protected under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, and personal information from the census is never shared with immigration or law enforcement agencies.
Census forms will be mailed out in mid-March in advance of National
Census Day on April 1, when the Census Bureau will begin recording responses. For the first time, the Census Bureau will permit respondents to answer the survey online, by mail, or by phone. All forms should be completed by April 30. n ••• See Santa Cruz County Census 2020 on Facebook to learn more.
“New Class” from page 23
Manu Koenig, platform partnership lead, Paystand, Mary Maselli, self employed financial advisor & financial planner, Michelle Montalvo, Legal Manager, Driscoll’s, Inc., Khalil Moutawakkil, founder & CEO, KindPeoples, Peter Nell, Government Affairs Manager, CCOF, Gilda Rall, parliamentarian & member of Governing Board of Directors, Pajaro Dunes North Association, Sergio Parra, attorney, Head of Labor & Employment Department, JRG Attorneys at Law, Joe Serrano, Executive Officer, LAFCO of Santa Cruz County, Jerry Souza, Director Cardiovascular Services, Dignity Health Dominican, Tiffany Turner, Director of Operations, Dientes Community Dental, Jessica Vaughan, Director of Operations & Grower Consulting, LumiGrow, Inc., Danielle Wong, Healthy Food for Seniors Program, Grey Bears.
The program consists of once-a-month, daylong seminars, over a period of nine months. The first session was March 13.
Speakers ranging from farmers to Raymon Cancino
Stephanie Connor Kent
Michelle Navarro
elected officials to representatives from environmental groups will address the class. The sessions will cover such topics as ethnic groups in agriculture, new technology and diversity of commodities locally grown. There are many farm tours and hands on experiences, and participants spend one day working on a farm.
In announcing the participants, Agri-Culture President Steve Bontadelli, said, “Community leaders will find this program beneficial and, in turn, growers who present information to the class will learn the public’s current perspective of local agriculture. “
The Focus Agriculture program received a national award for its innovated approach to bringing the public and the agricultural community together. n
Simon: Bring Home Some Personality M eet Simon (A265357), a black and white six-year-old cat with a big personality! Simon came to the Shelter December 7th with two other cats, Beau and Lightning. These cats were surrendered when their family could no longer care for them. Lightning has been adopted, but Beau and Simon are still looking for a new home.
Simon is a mischievous cat who likes to investigate his environment. He enjoys playing with running water and searchers for a cozy spot high up in the house to sleep so that he can keep an eye on everyone!
Simon is a smart cat who is looking for a new home to watch over and explore. Do you have room in your heart and home for Simon?
To adopt your new friend, visit one of the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter locations, or their website at www.scanimalshelter.org. n ••• Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance): 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062 Hours: Daily10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Watsonville Location: 580 Airport Blvd, Watsonville, CA 95076 Hours: Monday – Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (closed 12-1) Closed on Sunday SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182

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