14 minute read
Considering Matthew Shepard
COMMUNITY NEWS ‘Considering Matthew Shepard’
Cabrillo College will present “Considering Matthew Shepard,” a fully staged major choral work on the death of a young gay man March 5, 6, 7, 8 and March 12, 13, 14, 15 at Crocker Theater.
Shepard was beaten and left to die in the Wyoming countryside 22 years ago. His death catalyzed a generation of poets, musicians and playwrights to change our attitudes about being different. Composed by Craig Hella Johnson, the oratorio is based on Shepard’s life, the hate crime of his death, and the national outpouring of compassion that followed.
It has been called the first important major musical work of the 21st century.
Johnson presented the production at Stanford University last year.
The reviewer of a production in San Antonio called it unsettling but ultimately uplifting, calling out to society for justice.
The musical director of the Cabrillo production is Cheryl Anderson, Cabrillo’s director of vocal and choral activities. She is a recipient of the Gail Rich Award, given to “individuals who inspire our diverse and culturally-rich community” and was Santa Cruz County Artist of the Year in 2018. The stage director is Joseph Ribeiro, a Fulbright Scholar with 50 years of international experience in education, dramatic art, opera, musicals, film and television. He has developed parallel careers as an educator and performing artist in South Africa and the United States, also working as an acting and interpretation coach.
Evening performances are at 7:30 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets are $41.50, general, $39.50 students, and $36.50 seniors. For tickets, go to cabrillovapa.com/events or call the Box Office: 831-479-6154. n

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28 / March 2020 / Capitola Soquel Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE MONTEREY SYMPHONY The Monterey Symphony is seeking volunteers. If you love music and want to be involved, please call (831) 646-8511 or visit www.montereysymphony.org for more info. ONGOING EVENTS Daily SANTA CRUZ ‘USED’ BOOKSHOP 10 am- 3 pm 2710 Chanticleer Ave. Santa Cruz Grey Bears: Every Monday and Friday is $10- a-bag book sale. Fill up a shopping bag with books for only $10! Thousands of titles for $1.50 or less: cookbooks, gardening, sci-fi, mysteries, classics and all sorts of fiction and nonfiction. Non-profit Grey Bears has served our community for 45 years. Grey Bears provides recycling services and accepts books and other donations for our thrift stores. Proceeds benefit our Brown Bag Program, distributing nutritious food to 3,900 seniors every week. Weekdays CASA ORIENTATIONS TO BECOME ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN CASA empowers volunteers to directly influence life-changing decisions affecting children in foster care. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, with just a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or neglected. More info www.casaofsantacruz.org or call 831-761-2956 x102 Mondays OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING 7 - 8 pm, Soquel Congregational Church, Ann Hutchinson Room, 4951 Soquel Dr., Soquel Do you have a problem with compulsive over- or undereating? Anorexia? Bulimia? Compulsive exercising? You are not alone. Drop into a free, friendly OA 12-Step meeting with the solution. All are welcome! For information on other meetings in Santa Cruz County: www. santacruzoa.org/meetings Second Mondays COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS OF SANTA CRUZ 7-8:30 p.m., Quaker Meeting House, 225 Rooney St. Santa Cruz Parents of a child who died at any age, from any cause, any length of time ago, are invited to join The Compassionate Friends of SC for our monthly grief support meeting. Opening circle followed by smaller connection groups.
Grief materials available. Bereaved grandparents and adult siblings are also welcome. Nonreligious. Visit www.tcfsantacruz.com or call 831.332.9893 for more information. Third Mondays STITCHERS BY THE SEA 7 –9 p.m., St. Stephan’s Lutheran Church, 2500 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz The Santa Cruz County chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America meets on the third Monday of every month, except June and December. Meetings are free to attend. All are welcome. Mondays & Tuesdays WOMENCARE ARM-IN-ARM 12:30 - 2 p.m. WomenCARE ARM-in-ARM support group for women with advanced, recurrent and metastatic cancers. Meets weekly Mondays & Tuesdays, with a separate meeting every First and Third Tuesday every month. Registration required. Call 457-2273 for more information and to register. No cost to attend. www.womencaresantacruz.org Tuesdays WRITING/DISCUSSION MEETING 6:30-7:30 p.m., Christ Lutheran Church, Gazebo Room, 10707 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 (At Hwy One and Freedom Blvd) Do you have a problem with food? Please check out our free, friendly 12-Step support group with the solution. All teens and adults welcome! For current times and locations of other meetings: www. santacruzoa.org/meetings. Or call our Hotline at (831) 429-7906. BINGO 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St. BINGO EVERY TUESDAY. Buy-in begins at $21. The Snack Bar is open with goodies and dinner specials. BUSINESS DEBTORS ANONYMOUS 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 532 Center Street, Santa Cruz. We specifically focus on recovering from debting on one’s business. For more information: 831-425-3272. Tuesdays & Wednesdays SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUPS Monarch Services offers a safe space to meet other survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking survivors, and to listen or share experiences. Childcare provided on site.
Spanish – Tuesdays 6:00-7:30 p.m. Servicios Monarca, 233 E. Lake Avenue, Watsonville (831) 722-4532 English – Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 p.m. Monarch Services, 1590 Seabright Avenue, SC (831) 425- 4030 For more information, visit www.monarchscc.org Tuesdays & Thursdays FREE PILATES CLASSES AT TEMPLE BETH EL 10 a.m., Temple Beth El, 3055 Porter Gulch Rd., Aptos Please join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am in the social hall at Temple Beth El in Aptos (3055 Porter Gulch Rd) for a lively and challenging 60 minute Pilates Strength Class. The classes are free and everybody is welcome. Donation are welcome. For more information https://www.tbeaptos.org Wednesdays ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION 1st & 3rd Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays: 2-3:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s Association, 550 Water Street, Ste L2, SC If you have a family member who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, a caregiver support group can offer you an opportunity to find out more about available community resources, learn from others who are going through similar experiences, and obtain additional educational materials. Our evening Santa Cruz caregiver support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, and our afternoon Santa Cruz caregiver support group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. No fee. Open to family members. For more information about this and other support groups in the area, please call 800.272.3900 Second Wednesdays SANTA CRUZ SONS IN RETIREMENT MONTHLY MEETING Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 Jewell St. This statewide group of retired men invites you to be our guest at our monthly luncheon. You’ll meet kindred spirits, have a fine lunch and learn something new from a top notch guest speaker. Cost: $18. RSVP at 479-7096 Second and Fourth Wednesdays WELLNESS ON THE CANCER JOURNEY 11-12:30 pm, Old Soquel Plaza Learn how to safely support your body and emotions through the journey of Cancer — from diagnosis to softening the impact of chemo, radiation, and recovering well from surgery. We’ll address nausea, low energy, weakness, digestion, immune support, grief, stress and more. Feel free to bring your partner or care team to this free class. Please come fed; water is available. Limited Seats. Please register all attendees on Eventbrite — Wellness on the Cancer Journey or call 831-254-3270to RSVP. Address given upon registration receipt. ADHD SUPPORT GROUP 6:30-8 p.m., Aptos Fire Station, 6934 Soquel Drive, Aptos The Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay Branch of CHADD hosts monthly support group meetings for anyone who would like to learn more about ADHD or has questions or concerns. Come share with those who understand.
Second Wednesdays’ meeting is for parents of children, teens, and young adults with ADHD. The group for adults with ADHD, spouses, partners of someone with ADHD meets fourth Wednesdays of every month. Judy Brenis: jbbrenis@comcast.net, or call 831-818-9619. Last Wednesdays Each Month MAGICIANS’ CLUB 7 p.m., Antonelli Club Room, 2655 Brommer St., Santa Cruz Attention Magic Lovers! Our new Magicians’ Club meets on the last Wed. of every month at 7pm in the club room at the Antonelli Mobile Home Park. If you do magic or want to get started in this fun hobby, join us. Questions? Call Jim at 685-3829 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 7-9 p.m., Katz Cancer Resource Center, 3150 Mission Dr Santa Cruz County Prostate Cancer Support Group has been an active group for over 20 years in the community. First meeting of 2018 will be February 28th. Thursdays FRIENDSHIP PUT TO MUSIC! 6:30 p.m., New Hall, La Selva Beach Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave. Classes every Thursday night. For more info call Sue Harris or Don Benson (831) 726-7053 or email at caller4u@att.net LUCKY STEPPERS MODERN SQUARE DANCE 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La Selva Beach, CA 95076 It’s fun and easy to do! Friendship put to music; family friendly. Class takes place every Thursday Night at our new home in La Selva Beach! (Take Mar Monte off of Hwy 1, turns into Playa Blvd., turn right on Estrella) For more information, contact Sue Harris or Don Benson at (831) 726-7053 or e-mail at caller4u@att.net. SAN LORENZO COMMUNITY BAND PRACTICE SESSIONS 7:30-9 p.m., San Lorenzo Valley High School Band Room (F-1) The San Lorenzo Valley Community Band meets every Thursday at SLV High School. Dues are $30 a semester. You must read music. Call Teresa at 336-8637. Second and Fourth Thursdays CABRILLO HOST LIONS CLUB MEETINGS 6:30 p.m., Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Road. Want to make a difference in our community? Join the Cabrillo Lions Club twice every month and see what you can do to help in Santa Cruz County. Please RSVP cabrillolions@gmail.com Fridays NAR-ANON SCOTTS VALLEY 6:30 p.m., Camp Recovery Center (Bison Center Room), 3192 Glen Canyon Road, Scotts Valley. Nar-Anon is a twelve step support group for families and friends of addicts. There are no dues or fees to join. Just come to a meeting. You will hear others, who are going through similar problems, talk about how they cope and find recovery. To locate additional times and locations of meetings, please go to our website at www.nar-anon.org. DROP-IN GRIEF SUPPORT 12-1 pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz County, two locations: 940 Disc Dr., SV • 85 Nielson St., Watsonville Hospice of Santa Cruz County is offering a drop-in grief support group for adults grieving the death of a family member or a friend. This group is a place where you can share stories, learn tools for coping, and receive support from people who care. For more information, please call (831) 430-3000. Preregistration is required. First Fridays each month FIRST FRIDAY ART TOUR The First Friday Art Tour is a Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts event, managed in conjunction with the participating art venues. The event takes place year-round and illuminates some of the most talented local artists from local galleries. To find out where to participate in a First Friday art tour, visit firstfridaysantacruz.com (Most galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.) FRIDAY SHAKESPEARE CLUB 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Peace United Church of Christ at 900 High Street, Santa Cruz Curious about Shakespeare? The Friday Shakespeare Club members discuss the life, times, and influence of William Shakespeare. For information, call 831-684-2832, or go to friday shakespeare.org or facebook.com/fridayshakespeare.
ONGOING EVENTS CONT. FRIDAY SHAKESPEARE CLUB OF SANTA CRUZ 10 am - noon, Peace United Church, 909 High Street This is the oldest women’s club in Santa Cruz. The club meets to study the life, works and times of William Shakespeare. Members share group readings and insights, discuss history, and universal themes found in his plays and writings. For more information please call 831-684-2832 Saturdays PILLS ANONYMOUS (PA) 8 a.m., Sutter Hospital, 2025 Soquel Ave The purpose of PA is to provide a safe, secure, and supportive place for people who are addicted to pills who want to get off of them. PA is offered all over the world. For questions, please contact Gary at (831)801-9578 or Kristin at (831)345-6515 SANTA CRUZ TENNIS CLUB 9 a.m., Soquel High School Tennis Courts The nonprofit Santa Cruz Tennis Club meets every Saturday morning at the Soquel High School courts beginning at 9:00 am. We play doubles and mixed doubles, mostly at an intermediate level, and switch around the players every 45 minutes. Balls are provided. $2 for first time visitors. Second Saturdays Each Month 2ND SATURDAY ON THE FARM 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Ag History Project Center at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Join us every 2nd Saturday on the Farm for free family activities. Each month we select a new theme to highlight historical agriculture with games, activities, and demonstrations that relate. We often have guest appearances from farm animals like llamas, draft horses, sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, and more! You are sure to find something fun and entertaining for the whole family. Check our website and Facebook page for more details. FREE Sundays NAR-ANON SANTA CRUZ 6:30 p.m., Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center (Sutter Room), 2900 Chanticleer Avenue, Santa Cruz Nar-Anon is a twelve step support group for families and friends of addicts. There are no dues or fees to join. Just come to a meeting. You will hear others, who are going through similar problems, talk about how they cope and find recovery. To locate additional times and locations of meetings, please go to our website at www.nar-anon.org. RECOVERING COUPLES ANONYMOUS MEETING 10:30 a.m.–noon, Sutter Maternity, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, SC RCA is a 12 step group for couples. Our primary purpose is to stay committed in loving and intimate relationships and to help other couples achieve freedom from dysfunctional relationships. All couples are welcome whether married or partnered. Some of us are new in our coupleships and seek to build intimacy together. We have all
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BIBLE STUDY 9:45 a.m: Bible Study • 11 a.m.: Worship 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos First Baptist Church of Aptos welcomes you to join their bible study and worship every Sunday. Call (831) 688-5842 for more info First Sunday of Every Month SANTA CRUZ DINNER CLUB EVENT 5 p.m., various member homes throughout county Love to cook, entertain and socialize? Our dinner club events will be held in several homes throughout Santa Cruz County where members enjoy gourmet meals, fine wine and conversation. Joining the club provides a great opportunity to cook, to entertain, and to meet locals that share your interests. Learn more about the SC Dinner Club and the fun we have by contacting Rhonda Mills at info@SantaCruz DinnerClub.com
Third Sunday of Every Month SCIENCE SUNDAY Starts at 1 p.m., 100 Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, 95060 Seymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public lecture from a marine scientist the third Sunday of every month. Topics are presented in an entertaining and easy-to-understand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion. Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit seymourcenter.ucsc.edu
DATED EVENTS Wednesday March 18 ALAN PEDERSON PERFORMS 6:30-9 p.m., Quaker Meetinghouse 225 Rooney St., Santa Cruz Compassionate Friends of Santa Cruz is proud to sponsor an award winning singer, recording artist, and speaker who will inspire us with his hope-filled words and music. Donations greatly appreciated. For more information visit www. tcfsantacruz.com
Saturday April 11 Sunday April 12 EGGSTRAORDINARY EGG HUNT 11 a.m., 12:30 and 2 p.m., Roaring Camp, Felton. Hop aboard Roaring Camp’s Forest Train for an Eggstraordinary Egg Hunt Saturday and Sunday, April 11 and April 12 in Felton. Upon arrival atop Bear Mountain, children can hunt for eggs, candies and special prizes; Easter Bunny will be there, too. Other activities include a petting zoo, games and crafts.
Trains depart at 11:00 am, 12:30 and 2:00 pm. Tickets are $33 for adults, $26 for children (2-12 years); children under 2 ride for free. Reservations recommended. Visit www.roaringcamp.com to book tickets. n