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Central Fire: Changes For Nov. 2022 Election
Central Fire: Changes For Nov. 2022 Election

On Feb. 10, the Central Fire District Board of Directors opted to move forward with one of the maps presented by National Demographics Corp. drawing boundaries for 5 areas of representation for the future elections.
The map chosen is “Purple II.”
The map divides Central Fire into 5 areas, each with a nearly equal population and taking into account common issues, natural dividing lines and common needs and hazards.
The new voting system is designed to comply with the California Voting Rights Act and avoid lawsuits that have been expensive in other jurisdictions.
The voting public will be able to elect a director who lives in their area, to ensure the best representation for that area’s needs.
The next step in moving to this new district-based election system is to submit the map to the Santa Cruz County Recorders Office for approval.
Central Fire District leaders expect to have the new areas approved and implemented for the November 2022 election.
Residents can view the “Purple II” on Central Fire’s interactive map page, and enter their address at the top left to see which represented area their property is going to be part of: https://tinyurl. com/central-fire-purple-2
The map was chosen following four public hearings.
Four maps were initially presented by NDC, then two more (Orange II and Purple II) after input from the board and public.
At the fourth public hearing, all six maps and two alternates presented by a member of the public were all viewed and discussed before deciding the “Purple II” map was the most appropriate. n
For information on the decision-making process, including draft maps of the proposed areas and how to give feedback, visitwww.centralfiresc. org/2279/Re-Districting-Process-2021-2022.

“Storey” from page 11
Community policing is a two-way street; the police need to be engaged with the community and the community needs to be engaged with the police. In the process, relationships and trust are built.
In Capitola, the Foundation is the keystone to that engagement. There have been many people who have volunteered their time and talents to make their community safer. Its hard to single out any one of them.
However, there is one person in particular who represents the spirit of community engagement. Her name is Lin Banks and she is the recently retired president of the Foundation. She has volunteered with the Foundation since its inception and has made our community a better place for her efforts.
In her own words, “one of my greatest desires has been to serve toward the betterment of this town that I love so much.”.
Thank you Lin Banks for making Capitola a better town!
So, in closing, if you go to the Classic Car Show, enjoy the automobiles and the other sights. However, keep in mind the people who bring it to you and why. If you would like to be a sponsor for the Classic Car Show or make a donation you may go to their website, www.capitolafoundation. org, for more information. n •••
Sam Storey is mayor of Capitola. Contact him at samforcapitola@yahoo.com.
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