21 minute read

Jobs in Santa Cruz County • Bay Fed’s Roark Wins Info-Tech Award

We have entered the Season of Gratitude. A season filled with rituals of light and gift giving, of eating together and of sharing generously our abundance. It is also the season Advent (something’s coming!).

At the last new moon in November, Jupiter (benevolence, goodness, love, wisdom) turned direct. A very auspicious celestial move for our Season of Gratitude and Giving. With Jupiter direct we are more charitable, optimistic and most of all more compassionate. We see everyone as a character, doing their part, always doing their best.


About Gratitude — some are attempting to eliminate, ignore and forego the rituals of the holidays. But the autumn and winter festivals (Thanksgiving, Advent, Solstice, Christmas,etc.) are not about some random historical event from long ago. The season of Gratitude is a time to recognize the past year’s “harvest of blessings.” It’s a reminder to appreciate — to be glad and pleased and grateful, happy and content. It’s a time to praise and bless and it’s a day for graciousness, too. All of these are also Jupiter’s virtues. It is also time to ask the self what we are grateful for. Gratitude creates well-being and happiness. Gratitude releases us into a state of freedom.

The theme of the season therefore, from now through January 6th, is Gratitude, referred to in the Wisdom teachings as the “Kingly or Royal Way”, a way of life. The Royal Way is a state of constant and ceaseless gratitude and appreciation. “Gratitude” comes from Latin “gratus,’ meaning pleasing, thankful and related to grace. The Wisdom teachings refer to Gratitude as a potent releasing agent. It is the hallmark of an enlightened Soul. Gratitude is scientific in nature. It salvages humanity, brings forth deep joy, lifts others up, and creates a steadfast orientation toward the Light of Life itself. Gratitude is an amulet and a talisman, creating merit and virtue leading to forgiveness. Gratitude liberates us from karma and sets us free. The autumn season with its many festivals of Light invites us to embark on a journey of Gratitude together. When disciples and the New Group of World Servers offer Gratitude, there is a “radiance of solace, kindness and love that flows into the sorrow and suffering of the world.” n

My Gratitude to all my readers for their presence in my life. May Goodwill, Joy and Loving-Kindness be the gifts of the Season for everyone! Risa

ARIES It’s most important to find times for reflection and contemplation because there’s such an onrush of activity, ideas and ideals flowing here, there, everywhere in this season. There’s a desire to travel, discovering new realities important to your well-being. Without pausing a bit, they will be missed. It’s also good to review what’s of value while observing what’s occurring in the world. A question — how are you aiding in building the new society and what do you envision for the future?

LEO The past year has been rather serious for many, especially you - restructuring and disciplining us in confronting the past and bringing forth new ways of thinking. This new moon with its Sagittarius fire calls you to a new study, possible journeys, to recreation, children, pleasure, creativity, games, fun, enjoyment and being with like-minded others. Is there a wound that has come into your awareness, a sadness, a loss? Do you need to communicate about it so the veils of sorrow can drop away? I will listen.

SAGITTARIUS There’s an opportunity now, not wanting to waste a moment of life’s energy or time, to redefine yourself, your self-identity and purpose. You’re able to change your mind about who you (think you) are and how you see yourself. Be aware that your presence is very impactful to many others around you. Issues and decisions, you thought were concluded reappear for re-evaluation and reassessment. New rhythms, tempos and patterns are appearing. Just let the music play. It’s magic. This is Jupiter in Pisces stationing in your heart.

TAURUS You continue to tend to the care and well-being of others. Sometimes you remember to care for yourself. You must remember that you are a valuable resource. If you are not tended to well enough, you cannot be a resource for others. Ideas and visions for the new era and what’s needed continue to appear. Their manifestation into form has been elusive. There is an esoteric equation for manifestation. We see the need, we call in the needed resources, we imagine the outflow of abundant resources. It’s an Aquarian triangle (and art) with Uranus at the center.

GEMINI It’s most important to reflect upon what your relationships are based upon. Include all relationships, but begin with your most intimate one(s). Consider what’s taken for granted, what’s understood and not understood, and what allows you to be most truthful. Is there talk about moving, relocating and rethinking resources? A new path comes forth and a new message within the relationship. Listen with patience, perseverance, poise and serenity. Poise allows creation to unfold.

CANCER Your idea of a schedule quickly dissipates and you find yourself with no routines, plans or the ability to take control of daily events. Anything you’ve thought of doing simply melts into states of chaos seeking the next level of harmony. However, the harmony’s not manifesting for a while. The best thing to do is to read, study and in between prepare nourishing foods for others. They will receive it as manna (goodness) from the heavens. You are that.

VIRGO Family and parents, the foundations of your life, your childhood, beliefs learned while young and carried into the present time will be on your mind for the purpose of appraising, cleansing, clearing, and eliminating all that is no longer useful. Be aware that moodiness, brooding, and perhaps intense feelings will arise. Let them be your friends. Contemplate and evaluate these with intelligence, patience and careful observation. There’s a brilliance in them, like a jewel to be polished at the center of a lotus.

LIBRA It’s good to be in touch with siblings, communicating with them, sharing news, family gossip, hopes, wishes, dreams, plans and ideals. Do all things with family that makes everyone feel empowered. Do not allow anything (ideas, sorrows, pain, unforgiveness, misunderstandings, etc.) from the past to obscure your connections. Allow nothing to be misconstrued. Communicate with the intention to make contact, which releases Love. Your family loves you with all their hearts and Souls.

SCORPIO The entire world’s in a state of reorientation, a condition you know well, for you experience reorientation continually. The entire world is in a Scorpio state of transformation, testing, of dying and regenerating, so that the new era can come forth. Your importance in this great shift is the fact that your knowledge, dedications, curiosities and research abilities become the core information source for humanity and the new culture and civilization. What are your present tasks? What are you using your resources for? Are you happy? •••

CAPRICORN You may feel you’re waiting in the wings for new realities to appear. It’s like planning a winter garden –arugula, kales, mustards, onions, wintergreens, thyme, oregano, parsley – envisioning spring for the first green shoots to appear. Everything on inner levels is being restructured. You feel this but it hasn’t manifested in your outer world. Everything is in right timing. Be as reclusive as needed to allow the roots and flowers and blooms of a new reality to anchor, grow, become strong, later to reshape your life with a new sort of beauty.

AQUARIUS In the weeks and months to come you discover your true friends, what groups support your endeavors and whom you can turn to for nurturance, needs and simple friendship. So many of humanity are mis-informed. Become a researcher (not a reactor) so you can provide humanity with true information. Then you become part of the education of humanity. Assess your life’s journey. When traveling, follow the rules of the road. For safety and direction. Whatever is happening in your physical world is where you need to be.

PISCES There have been thoughts on teaching, presenting the self to the public, writing, perhaps a small book or two. Perhaps a publishing company of the new art, charts, games. It’s good to think of new endeavors, considering them without making final decisions. Acknowledgements and recognitions come forth unexpectedly. Careful of miscommunication to and with the public. Tend to previous tasks and continue to work with focused consistency. New tasks will appear. The Hierarchy looks on offering guidance and impressions.

Jobs in Santa Cruz County Sector October 2022 Change from October 2021

Government 22,200 Up 1,300 Private education 17,800 Up 600 & health Manufacturing 7,700 Up 200 Construction 5,100 Up 200 Other 4,800 Up 200 Trade/transportation/ 16,600 Up 100 utilities Professional/business 10,900 Up 100 services Financial 3,300 0 Information 600 0 Leisure/hospitality 12,900 Down 100 Nonfarm 102,900 Up 2,600 Farm 8,600 Down 200 Total 111,500 Up 2,400 ~~~ Labor force 136,700 Up .7% Employment* 131,800 Up 2.1% Unemployment 5,300 Down 25% Unemployment rate 3.6% 4.9%

Count is on the 12th of the month *Includes commuters out of the county

Source: California Employment Development Department

Unemployment in Santa Cruz County was 3.6% in October, down from 4.9% a year ago as the labor force grew from 135,800 to 136,700. Unemployment has dropped below 3.8% for the past two months, compared to 17+% in 2020, fueled by pandemic restrictions. •••

Bay Fed’s Roark Wins Info-Tech Award

Bay Federal Credit Union’s CTO, Richard Roark, has been named a 2022 Info-Tech CIO Award winner by Info-Tech Research Group, one of the world’s leading IT research and advisory firms.

Roark is one of the top winners for the Small Business Division. He also received the award in 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Roark, who lives in Capitola, joined Bay Federal in 2016 to lead the Technology and Information Security departments. He is Richard Roark committed to ensuring the best and most secure banking experience for members. Roark is an alum of the Credit Union Executives Society and has earned the Certified Chief Executive designation.

“This award represents a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication by our teams to keep our credit union members’ information safe and secure,” said Roark.

Winners of the award say participation in Business Vision provides a high-level report with details for follow-up and discussion.

To see the full list, visit https://www. infotech.com/benchmarking/cio-awards n

And Seeing Well

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Join us for an online information meeting to learn more about how you can be there for a child in foster care. All it takes is 2 hours a week to make a lifetime of an impact.


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Every year, the Jacob’s Heart Adopt-a-Family program helps alleviate some of the stress families feel during the holiday season.

Some of our families feel the burden of medical expenses, constant hospital trips, grocery needs, and other financial challenges the most during the holiday season.

Your help can lessen this burden and bring joy to these kiddos and their families. We still have 25 families that need to be adopted. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/jacobsheart-AoF-signup or reach out to pao-la@jacobsheart.org to learn more about how you can give some holiday cheer to a child who has cancer. ••• Another way to help: Host a Holiday Drive. It doesn’t have to be toys. It could be shoes, coats, or household essentials. Help Jacob’s Heart spread some holiday cheer and sign up for a Holiday Drive today! Reach out to Brianna@Jacobsheart.org to learn more.


The American Red Cross urges blood donors to give now to help fight the potential impact of seasonal illnesses and a potentially severe flu season on the blood supply.

Donors — especially those with type O blood and those giving platelets — are asked to make an appointment to give.

There is no waiting period to donate blood after receiving a flu shot. Make an ap-pointment by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

The Red Cross is offering donors a $10 Amazon gift card to those who give Nov. 28-Dec. 15. Details at rcblood.org/perks and rcblood.org/together. •••

As many gather for celebrations with family and friends, the American Red Cross urges donors to shake up their holiday traditions and plan a time to give blood.

Dec. 1: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 220 Elk St., Santa Cruz.

Dec. 3: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Highlands Park Senior Center, 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond

Dec. 14: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Four Points by Sheraton, 5030 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley.


Choose from 20 volunteer opportunities at Grey Bears. Fill out the form at https://greybears.org/volunteer. Call Rosie: 831-479-1055 ext 226.


In the first three drive-through distributions, Second Harvest Food Bank staff and volunteers gave out more than 330,000 pounds of food, primarily shelf-stable pantry items, plus frozen meats and fresh vegetables.

Food prices have been rising faster than other goods in 2022 due to complex factors such as avian flu, which reduced the supply of

chicken and other poultry, and higher transportation costs due to higher fuel prices.

This means especially high prices for turkey and other traditional holiday favorites. The average Thanksgiving dinner is expected to cost 20% more than last year and 37% more than two years ago.

Housing prices in Santa Cruz County are among the most expensive in the U.S., with average rent in the city of Santa Cruz at $2,800 for a one-bedroom apartment, up 17% over last year.

Dates are:

Dec. 5 & 19

Volunteers are welcome — and needed. Volunteers are asked to arrive at the fair-grounds before 3:30 p.m. for

Have a virtual or live event you want to promote? Send your information to info@cyber-times.com by December 19

training. Second Harvest Food Bank will provide a light dinner and volunteers can take food for themselves or others. If you are interested, email Stephanie Russo at stephanier@ thefoodbank.org, or call (831) 232-8186.


Flynn creek Circus presents “Winter Fairytale,” featuring wild acrobatics, hilarious comedy, and extreme skills Dec 16-Jan. 1 at the Capitola Mall, 1855 41st Ave., Capitola.

The Woodsmen, the Fairy, and the Spring Sprite are some of the colorful characters you will meet in this memorable holiday production. This tale speaks to the quiet darkness of Winter and the value of rest and reflection.

Flynn Creek Circus performances will take place under a big top tent.

Showtimes vary. Tickets are at https://www. flynncreekcircus.com/

Tickets are sold by table reservation, single seats or seating at a shared table.

Seating prices range from single bar stool, $23, and single seat, $38, to high top tables seating 4-6, $121 to VIP tables.

Beer, mulled Wine, hot drinks and light concession are available for purchase. Charity shows are at 2 and 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 28 and are open to the public. To donate a ticket to a local charity, contact Nicole at (707) 684-2118.


The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk has been made over for the holidays!

Enjoy a fun-filled day at the Boardwalk and enjoy holiday decorations — a 3-story Christmas tree! — photos with Santa, festive food and shopping.

“The holiday season is a magical time at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk,” said Kris Reyes, Boardwalk spokesman. “Where else can families get their picture taken with Santa, do some holiday shopping and ride a world-famous wooden roller coaster?”

Special performances: Mini Nutcracker performance by Santa Cruz City Ballet at International Academy of Dance at Colonnade Stage – 2 p.m. Dec. 3 & 4. School choir/band performances (3 schools each day at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3 p.m. Dec. 10 & 11.

Classic holiday movies are shown in rotation at Colonnade Stage 5-7 p.m. Also: Pedal karts in the main plaza, fire pit rental & holiday s’mores.

Package pricing is $29.95. Dates: Noon to 5 p.m. Thursday – Sunday, Nov. 26-28, Saturdays & Sundays Dec. 3 – 18, Monday – Sunday Dec. 19 – Jan 1.


Once again, the Capitola City Council has approved free 3-hour parking in Capitola Village from Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 24) through Christmas Day (Dec. 25).

Enjoy this perk when holiday shopping, visiting Capitola Beach, or treating yourself to a festive meal with an ocean view.


The Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation and the Agricultural History Project presents Holiday Lights 2022 from 5:30-9 p.m. Nov. 25 – Dec. 25 at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville.

This is over a half-mile drive-through experience of spectacular lighted Holiday displays all around you. Giant Christmas trees twinkling with lights – Santa – reindeer – snowmen – lighted tunnels, and many more magical moments. Stay in your warm car and drive through this Holiday Experience. Visit fairgrounds-foundation.org/holiday-lights/.


Cabrillo Host Lions & Friends are running a Holiday Toy Drive Dec. 1-15.

Toy Bins will be at: • Ocean Honda, 41st Ave., Soquel, which has a Giving Tree • Central Fire Department, all 6 offices, Aptos station included. • Wonderland Toys & Surf City Coffee, Aptos • Woodworm Party Store, Capitola • Sword & Board Games, Capitola Mall • Santa Cruz Host Lions’ Christmas tree lot, Santa Cruz • Horsnyder’s Pharmacy in Midtown Santa Cruz

See more locations at www.CabrilloHostLions.org

The Lions’ distribution through the Center for Farmworker Families is set for Dec 9.

Social workers will help place toys one-on-one with children of foster families. For questions, email JeannieCCollins@gmail.com


Survivors Healing Center is offering online women’s support groups and mothers of survivors of childhood sexual abuse support group. The goals are to empower through a healing process and prevent sexual abuse of children and youth.

You are not alone. You are not to blame. More info: 831-423-7601 or www.survivorshealingcenter.org


As families gather for the holiday, people may see grandma or grandpa, their mom or dad, or their aunt or uncle more forgetful or frail and in need of care.

Since 1988, Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center has served Santa Cruz County families of persons living with neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury and other conditions that cause memory loss and confusion.

Trained staff are tuned in to the experiences and issues caregivers face, ready and able to connect, listen and support. The center receives funds from the state Department of Health Care Services. For information, see https://www.delmarcaregiver.org/ or call toll-free (800) 624-8304.




10:30 a.m.-Noon, Capitola Branch Library, 2005 Wharf Road Ongoing thru Aug. 8 The Capitola Branch Library will host Bridge Club sessions on Mondays.

Everyone is welcomed from beginners to social players. Make new friends and sharpen your mind.

Bridge Club is a partnership between Santa Cruz County Parks and Santa Cruz Public Libraries. Register at scparks.com or in-person the day of the event.



6 to 7:30 p.m., virtual meeting BirchBark Foundation’s Pet Loss and Grief Support Zoom group offers a free support group, moderated by a licensed grief counseling therapist. Register at https://www.birchbarkfoundation.org/ griefsupport or call 831-471-7255.

Thursday December 1


5:30 p.m., Online Meeting The public is invited to attend a virtual hearing on the Pure Water Soquel Ground-water Replenishment Reuse Project. The public hearing will be online via Zoom.

Join from a computer/phone/tablet by using this link: https://tinyurl.com/pws-public-hearing-dec-1-2022

Passcode: 676862


Public comments are due by 5 p.m. on Thurs., Dec. 8.

All public comments on the Pure Water Soquel Groundwater Replenishment Reuse Project Title 22 Engineering Report can be made as written or oral comments at the public hearing. Email: PureWaterSoquel@soquelcreekwater.org Use subject line: PWS Title 22 Engineering Report

Friday December 2


6 - 7:30 p.m., Congregational Church of Soquel, 4951 Soquel Drive Members of Soquel Congregational Church will bring seasonal joy to Soquel Village through caroling.

Participants are asked to meet in Parish Hall, and to wear festive and warm clothing, and bring friends for this multigenerational event! https://ccsoquel.org

Saturday December 3


5:30 – 6:45 p.m., Santa Cruz Harbor, 135 5th Ave, Santa Cruz Sponsored by the Santa Cruz Yacht Club, the Lighted Boat Parade features 50 beautifully-decorated power and sailboats parading through the Santa Cruz Harbor.

Charter boats are available.

This is a family event with hot drinks and snacks available at various locations through the south harbor. Parade begins at 5:30 p.m, rain or shine. Call 831-425-0690 for more information.


3 – 6 p.m., Staff of Life Natural Foods, 1266 Soquel Ave Santa Cruz Enjoy the specialties of the season with a handpicked assortment of wine from 12 different wineries, cheese, charcuterie and pastries at Staff of Life.

Tickets are $25 in advance at https://www.eventbrite. com/e/holiday-and-entertaining-inspiration-and-tastingsanta-cruz-tickets-465325600397. Proceeds going to Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County, and there will be a collection barrel for food.

Saturday December 3 Sunday December 4


Noon-5 p.m., Capitola Village (participating stores) Take a walk around historic Capitola Village and fill your box with delicious holiday cookies from participating stores.

Meet at the Craft Gallery, 209 Capitola Ave., to begin.

Cost is $20 per ticket at https://www. eventbrite.com/e/capitola-village-cookie-walktickets-464771924337 This family-friendly event is sponsored by the Capitola Village Business and Wharf Improvement Association.

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