2 minute read
Making a Meaningful Wedding Toast

If someone close to you is getting married, you’re probably going to want to make a toast at their wedding to demonstrate how happy you are for them. But if you’re not a polished public speaker and your tongue gets tied and palms get sweaty just thinking about it, you might be looking for some guidance. While what you say on their special day is up to you, there are some common rules as to how it’s said.
Whether it’s you, someone in your bridal party, or a family member making a toast at the wedding, here are a few hints to make it less stressful and more meaningful:
You can offer a traditional wedding toast or give an original toast. If you choose to give an original toast, prepare it ahead of time.
Practice your toast; if you’re afraid you’ll blank out when the time comes, put your thoughts on note cards.
Humor is good, but don’t make inside or off-color jokes during your toast.
The toast should be short, sweet, and personal. • Go through all the motions. Imagine where the audience is sitting, when rehearsing make gestures and eye contact in that direction of the guests.
• Insert strategic pauses to add emphasis. Doing so will also help prevent you from rushing through the speech.
• Keep your toast to around two minutes. If you find yourself talking quickly (which is likely if you’re nervous) make a conscious effort to slow down.
Starts with Mother and or Father of the Groom Additional speeches can be Groomsmen or Bridesmaids Close friends and family members
Welcome Speech, is usually the father of the bride. Maid of Honor carries on about how great the bride is – Best Man usually speaks towards the end of dinner about the groom and his bride – Newly Weds toast grab that mic and thank your parents.
End the toast on a positive note. Include a formal indication to inform them of the ending of the toast and what to say next. For example: “Let us now toast the to a life of love and happiness for Vienna and Jake. To Vienna and Jake!” As you say this, wave your glass to all, then tip it towards the person you are toasting to. Then clink your glass gently with those around you and sip your drink!