Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo 2015

Page 1

FREE PARKING FREE ADMISSION Great Food • Live Demonstrations • Green Living •


c e l e b r a t e




• Lots of Great Vendors


at the expo!

• Live Entertainment • Solar Design

at the

Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds

Official Program

Saturday & Sunday

April 18th & 19th

PUBLISHER Patrice Edwards

Table of Contents

managing editor Noel Smith



GRAPHIC design Fani Nicheva Michael Oppenheimer



Associate Editor Cathe Race


Ad Design Bri Bruce & Fani Nicheva


production coordinator Bri Bruce


Contributing Writers Noel Smith MEDIA CONSULTANTS Don Beaumont Eric Mellor Jay Peters


To advertise in our publications

Contact Times Publishing Group Office: (831) 688-7549 or Email: sales@cyber-times.com www.coastalhomeandgarden.com www.tpgonlinedaily.com­

Editorial Offices

9601 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003

Home, Garden & Lifestyle Expo 2015 Official Program is a publication of the Times Publishing Group Inc.­located at 9601 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003. Entire contents © 2015 by Patrice Edwards. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without publisher’s written permission.


VENDOR BOOTHS BY NUMBER A Tool Shed Booths 153, 154 ADT Booth 70

K&D Landscaping Watsonville Booth 112

Rods and Cones Graphics Santa Cruz

Kings Paint & Paper Booth 129

RV Computers - Watsonville Booth 87

Advanced Blinds and Shades Booth 114

Knox Garden Box Booth 155

Alterra Solar Booth 158

KSCO Radio Booth 122, 123

Architect Association Booth 113 Bay Federal Booth 29, 42 Black Diamond Landscape Booth 78 Coastal Home Furniture Gallery Booth 135 Comcast Booth 90 Cutco Booth 115

Booth 106

Santa Cruz County Associations of Realtors Booth 111

Lackey Woodworking Booth 102

Santa Cruz County Farmers Insurance Booth 121

LOOT Booth 124

SGK Booth 71

M.B.S. Construction Booth 97

Shakespeare Society of America - Moss Landing Booth 146

Noble Pride Roofing Booth 130, 149

Sleep Number/Select Comfort

Pacific Coast Termite Booth 104

Booth 130 Solar City Booth 56

Pajaro Valley Association of Realtors Booth 108

Solar Universe Booth 99

Dash Hemp Booth 144

Polygrass Booth 127

Summer Winds Resorts Booth 8, 79

Drawer & Shelf Solutions Booth 119

Pulse Shower Spas Booth 1

The Solar Company Booth 31

elyse destout photography Booth 34

PureValley Water Booth 109


Habitat for Humanity Booth 107

Rabo Bank Booth 33

Tuff Spas Bay Area Booth 83, 84, 85, 86


Renewal by Anderson Booth 57

Vivint Solar Booth 120

Danmer Inc. Booth 32

Expo 2015 Directory Listing A Tool Shed

Architect Association


Drawer & Shelf Solutions

3700 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 477-7793 Booths 153, 154 www.atoolshed.com

P.O. Box 7462 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 (831) 460-2999 Booth 113 www.aascc.org

1900 S. 10th Street San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 234-0857 Booth 90 www.comcast.com

5304 Alan Ave. San Jose, CA 95124 (408) 605-1634 Booth 119 www.drawerandshelfsolutions.net


Bay Federal


2150 John Glenn Dr. #100 Concord, CA 94251 (925) 605-8314 Booth 70 www.adt.com

3333 Clares St. Capitola, CA 95010 (831) 477-8521 Booth 29, 42 www.bayfed.com

322 Houghton Ave. Olean, NY (716)790-7181 Booth 115 www.cutco.com

3112 Porter Street Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 840-5547 Booth 34 www.elysedestout.com

Advanced Blinds and Shades

Black Diamond Landscape

Danmer Inc.

Habitat for Humanity

2605 41st Ave Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 479-1109 Booth 114 www.advancedblind.com

1975 Hamilton Ave. #5 San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 770-8820 Booth 78 www.blackdiamondlandscape.com

8000 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA 914 (818) 576-8203 Booth 32 www.danmer.com

1007 Cedar Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 469-4663 Booth 107 www.habitatsc.org

Alterra Solar

Coastal Home Furniture Gallery

Dash Hemp


207-B McPherson St. Santa Cruz, 95060 (831) 425-2608 Booth 158 www.allterrasolar.com

458 Alvarado St. Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 373-2443 Booth 135 www.coastalhomefurnituregallery.com

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SANDMAN GLASS, Inc. 5346 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066


www.sandmanglassinc.com • sandmanglass@sbcglobal.net

303 Potrero St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 426-1824 Booth 144 www.dashhemp.com

elyse destout photography

30005 Olivia Drive Greenfield, CA 93927 (831) 674-0907 Booth 156 www.ironbychad.com

Expo 2015 Directory Listing K&D Landscaping Watsonville

Lackey Woodworking

Pacific Coast Termite

PureValley Water

330 Primrose Lane Watsonville, CA 95076 (831) 728-4018 Booth 112 www.kndlandscaping.com

2730 Chanticleer Santa Cruz, CA 95065 (831) 462-0528 Booth 102 www.lackeywoodworking.com

40487 Encyclopedia Circle Fremont, CA 94538 650-810-5245 Booth 104 www.pacificcoasttermite.com

224-A Mt. Hermon Rd. Scotts Valley, CA 95066 (831) 438-6400 Booth 109 www.purevalleywater.net

Kings Paint & Paper

M.B.S. Construction

Pajaro Valley Association of Realtors

Rabo Bank

2851 41st Ave, Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 462-2202 Booth 129 paintstore.benjaminmoore.com/stores/us/ ca/soquel/kings-paint-paper

1247 North Main Street Salinas, CA 93906 (831) 444-0811 Booth 97 www.montereybaysolutions.com

557 Auto Center Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076 831-728-4537 Office Booth 108 pvaor.org

Knox Garden Box

Noble Pride Roofing


46 El Pueblo Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 (831) 461-0634 Booth 155 www.knoxroofing.com

10830 Merritt St # 5 Castroville, CA 95012 (831) 633-5251 Booth 130, 149 www.nobleprideroofing.com

341 Maher Rd. (831) 316-2233 Booth 127 www.polygrass.com

KSCO Radio


2300 Portola Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 475-1080 Booth 122, 123 www.ksco.com

3011 Main St. Soquel, CA 95073 831-471-8755 Booth 124 www.lootvintage.com

3110 Mission Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95065 www.rabobankamerica.com Booth 33

Renewal by Anderson



TWo loCaTIons To seRVe YoU: HWY 1 at RIvER StREEt SANTA CRUZ




1249 Quarry Lane #147 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (510) 427-3393 Booth 57 www.renewalbyandersen.com

Pulse Shower Spas

Rods and Cones Graphics | Santa Cruz

49-A Hangar Way zWatsonville, CA 95076 (831) 724-7300 Booth 1 www.pulseshowerspas.com

501 Mission St. Ste 3 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 421-0131 Booth 106 www.rodsandcones.com

Expo 2015 Directory Listing RV Computers - Watsonville 1921 Main St Watsonville, CA 95076 (831) 724-4634 Booth 87 www.rvscomputers.com

Santa Cruz County Associations of Realtors 2525 S Main St, Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 464-2000 Booth 111 | www.scaor.org

Farmers Insurance Hugh Seagraves 2425 Porter Street, Ste 18 Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 688.8664 Booth 121

SGK 3801 Charter Park Rd. San Jose, CA 95136 (916)730-0249 Booth 71 www.sgkhomesolutions.com

Shakespeare Society of America - Moss Landing 7981 Moss Landing Rd, Moss Landing, CA 95039 (831) 633-2989 Booth 146 www.shakespearesocietyofamerica.org

Sleep Number/Select Comfort 1957 Fremont Blvd Seaside, CA 93955 Phone: 831-393-2000 Booth 130 sleepnumber.com

Summer Winds Resorts

Vivint Solar

2001 Foothill Road Genoa NV 89411 (800) 699-3250 Booth 8, 79 www.summerwindsresorts.com

330 Encinal St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (801) 897-1121 Booth 120 www.vivintsolar.com

The Solar Company 20861 Wilbeam Ave. Castro Valley, CA 94541 (510) 888-9488 Booth 31 www.solarco.com

TIMES PUBLISHING GROUP, INC Solar City 1850 Bali Way Sana Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 535-9760 Booth 56 www.solarcity.com

Solar Universe 600 E. Franklin St. Ste. A Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 264-8696 Booth 99 www.montereysolarcontractor.com

9601 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 688-7549 Booth 35 www.tpgonlinedaily.com

Tuff Spas Bay Area 533 Airport Blvd Suite 400 Burlingame, CA, 94010 (650) 719-6007 Booth 83, 84, 85, 86 www.tuffspasbayarea.com

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dences to high-rise buildings. He is a California licensed Architect and General Contractor. An expert on passive solar design and other green strategies, Fisher will discuss what homeowners can do to maximize their home investment through good design while minimizing their global footprint.


April 18&19 | S a n t a • More PG&E residential customers are using solar than in any other region in the country with a

average monthly savings for each solar residential customer’s utility bill.

Cruz Fairgrounds • Porous asphalt paving reduces storm water runoff and helps replenish groundwater.

• Windows are often the largest contributor to a home’s energy efficiency. Energy-efficient windows can lower your energy costs and increase your home’s comfort while reducing your carbon footprint and increasing your home’s value. • There are shades that can regulate light from full-on blackout to color or pattern or print. There are shutters made of wood or composite material, blinds that are made of plastic or material, sheer or opaque and can be vertical or horizontal.

• Paving stones can be used for driveways, patios, and pool decks and are permeable. • Consult with a landscape company on upgrading your landscaping to protect your home and to minimize possible fire damage in case of a wildfire.

• Why buy tools you only use one or twice per year; renting makes more sense.

• If you are upgrading or downsizing your living space consult with a local real estate office to find the best new home for your needs and to get the most for what you own.

• If you have a fireplace, converting it to gas can reduce your carbon footprint while preserving its ambience. • Did you know that you can get the spa experience in a standup shower or that a shower can be custom and efficient at the same time?

• Make the most of the space in which you live with efficient drawer and shelf storage systems that achieve accessibility to your things.

• Your home can become the latest technology upgrade with enhanced security and environmental control systems.

• Color and texture combinations for your home’s indoor and outdoor walls are almost infinite so don’t be afraid to consider redecorating.

• When it comes time to replace your roofing or renew your decking, there are many new materials available that will last longer and are greener.

Free Parking • Free Admission

program & speakers Saturday April 18’2015

Saturday April 18’2015 12am

11am So You Think You Don’t Need a REALTOR? Come Find out Why You Do!

Candace Bradfield Bradfield & Associates

Speaker Candace Bradfield, Bradfield & Associates


Making Clean Energy Available Speaker John Kahermanes, Field Energy Consultant

How to Apply for Local Housing Grants & Programs

City of Watsonville, Affordable Housing Programs City of Watsonville, Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program

JOHN KAHERMANES Field Energy Consultant

Sunday April 19’2015 11am

Lending 101: Getting a Mortgage in Today’s Market (including coming back from a short sales/foreclosure)

Speakers Sue Bullock | Seabright Mortgage Dimitri Timm | Princeton Capital Tai Boutell | Santa Cruz Home Finance Noel McCord |Opes Advisors

SUE BULLOK Seabright Mortgage

Sunday April 19’2015

JOHN KAHERMANES Field Energy Consultant

Speaker John Kahermanes, Field Energy Consultant

TAI BOUTELL Santa Cruz Home Finance

NOEL MCCORD Opes Advisors

Sunday April 19’2015

12am Making Clean Energy Available

DIMITRI TIMM Princeton Capital

1st Time Homebuyer Programs & How They Work Together Speakers Carlos Landaverry County of Santa Cruz Housing Planner Andrea Schenk Mortgage Consultant Santa Cruz Home Finance

Saturday & Sunday April 18 & 19’2015

Using Unique Paint by Loot Demonstration by Amanda Pierre

ANDREA SCHENK Santa Cruz Home Finance

Coming Together at the Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo By Noel Smith In this era of the Internet the concept of an Expo or trade fair has come into its own. Here at the Home Garden and Lifestyle Expo you can touch the product, talk to a real person about its features, and even have them demonstrate how it works. On the Internet, how often do we send something back because it wasn’t what we thought it was from the photos and descriptions shown to us? At the Expo, both attendees and vendors are at the same place at the same time.

Potential Customers For the attendee, talking to someone face to face about his or her product or service is a real advantage. We can ask questions we would not have thought of otherwise, or ask for a clearer explanation until we understand what they are trying to tell or sell us. Another advantage is we can develop relationships with potential suppliers or other attendees. Many times I have found colleagues searching to fill similar needs or trying to solve similar problems. As we listen to each other dialoging with vendors or talk to each other about our projects, this has often helped lead me to a satisfactory solution.

Vendors For those in the booth this is a great opportunity to find out if we are meeting customer’s expectations and to learn more about your own business such as: Am I meeting real needs? Are there features I should have, or others I should drop? Is the price competitive? Analytics can only tell you so much as a supplier. Walking by at the Expo is your very own focus group eager to tell you how they view your product or service and willing to give you ideas on how it could be changed or improved. By bringing these two groups together – Potential Customers and Vendors – the Expo is the perfect event that provides opportunities for both to learn, to get experience, to improve, and to test themselves in the marketplace. The Home Garden and Lifestyle Expo follows in the tradition of late medieval trade fairs established in Europe. In that early era of merchant capitalism, craftsmen visited towns to sell and showcase products. Seven Hundred years later, coming together at an Expo is still an effective way for today’s customers, craftsmen and tradesmen to find each other.

Welcome to the Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo!

Home, Garden & Lifestyle The Central Coast with its verdant fields, rolling oak covered hills, mountains with soaring redwoods and the Monterey Bay teaming with aquatic life, all combine to make this part of the world not just a location, but an experience. Many of those that live here are devoted in their lifestyles to keeping this a special place through preservation, conservation, and the intelligent utilization of our resources. The Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo’s purpose is to connect those who live here and whose awareness of our environment is paramount with those businesses whose products and services are also dedicated to keeping the Central Coast an extraordinary place to live. Also, if you are looking for that special home

or property, here you will find the opportunity to meet with local real estate companies and financial institutions. At the Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo you will find products for the home that make life easier on you and on the environment such as technologies that produce renewable energy from solar or wind. Here at the Expo you find architectural designs, building materials and products for the home that sparingly use energy or water to reduce our carbon footprint and protect us from the effects of drought. At the Expo you will find suppliers and contractors that can design and install unique, drought resistant landscaping using local materials and native plants. Also as part of the Home Garden & Lifestyle Expo

are suppliers and artisans of those essentials of furniture, accessories and furnishings for the home that will make it uniquely yours. They can provide styles, colors and materials that truly reflect your personality and lifestyle. For those who as part of their way of life love the feeling, sight and smell of plants and flowers or the growing of herbs, fruits and vegetables for the family table, you will find businesses and suppliers at the Expo that will help you make that happen more efficiently and at the same time more environmentally friendly. This is your opportunity to help make your Home Garden & Lifestyle dreams come true by using the services and advice of professionals you will find in Heritage Hall at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds April 18, 19.

Easy Veggies A guide to the easiest vegetables to grow in a container garden

Gardening is work, but container gardening is less work. Each year that you plant a container garden, you will find ways to cut the work even more. You can even make your container garden an organic one with just a few techniques. Almost any vegetable you can think of can be planted in containers, some better than others. However, there are plants ideally suited for containers, especially if you want an organic container garden. The three things you need to provide a good crop are water, nutrients, and physical support for the plant. Good drainage also goes along with watering the plants. Remember, too much water is just as harmful and too little water. Before going over types of vegetables to plant, what type of soil do you need? Synthetic soils are best to use in the container garden. Synthetic or soil-less mixes are good because they are free from weed seed, disease and the containers will not be as heavy if you need to move them.

Green Onions and Radishes

These vegetables grow in the ground so you see only the stems and leaves. They grow fast and don’t need a very large container either.

Great Tasting Herbs

Herbs take up little room and make beautiful plants for decorating the kitchen or patio. They are convenient to take what you need for cooking!


You will love having your own lettuce to make fresh salads every single day. Lettuce can be grown in a small pot but the downside is that once it’s gone, it’s over. You can have lettuce all the time by planting lots of pots and planting them a couple of weeks apart so they will be ready to eat at different times.

Tomatoes and Peppers

Plants like tomatoes and peppers will have a high yield of food and are easy to grow. Some of these plants grow over two feet tall and will need a large container so they won’t be top heavy. You can also surround them in chicken wire if you don’t want them growing out of the pot, however, tomatoes will grow hanging down and will bloom over and over with a fresh supply of vegetables. Other vegetables to try are eggplant, garlic, chives, squash, beets, and spinach. But, the vegetables listed are great for getting started and making a great salad. Try planting a container or organic garden as soon as possible to see how easy it is to do and how good these fresh veggies will taste.

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