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Cows, Plows & Oh Wows!
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WEEKENDS SEPT 17th thru OCT 16th
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2016 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR | SEPTEMBER 14-18, 2016 2601 East Lake Avenue | Watsonville, CA | 95076 Information at SantaCruzCountyFair.com or 831-724-5671 WEdNESdAY - FRIdAY: NOON TO 11 PM | SATURdAY - 10 AM TO 11 PM | SUNdAY - 10 AM TO 10 PM
dAILY AdMISSION: Adults 13 to 61 Children 6 to 12 Children 5 and under Seniors 62 and better
$12.00 ($10.00 Advance) $6.00 ($5.00 Advance and Free on kid’s day, 9/14) Free $10.00 ($8.00 on Senior day, Wednesday, 9/14, at the gate Only and $9.00 Advance for Thursday - Sunday)
TO THE FAIR Normally Airport Boulevard and Highway 152 handle the cars and farm trucks pretty well. But those who routinely travel some portion of Airport to Holohan to Hwy 152 and on to the Fair know what “Traffic Jam” means. The www.santacruzcountyfair.com second week of September is guaranteed to produce long lines making the trek to our annual celebration. Before you head to this year’s fair, grab the attached map and use it to find a road less traveled. It isn’t necessarily shorter in distance but may be quicker in time. At the very least following roads with names like Casserly and Carlton will certainly take you through some beautiful country. Let there be no doubt, the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fair is worth the trip and this year you can navigate the back roads like a local.
$5.00 (Main Lot) $20.00 (Valet)
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
Freedom Boulevard to Corralitos Road. Right on Varni to Pioneer Road to Green Valley Road, left on Casserly and right on Highway 152.
Freedom Boulevard to Corralitos Road. Right on Varni to Pioneer Road to Green Valley Road, left on Casserly and right on Highway 152.
Highway 101 to Highway 129 west, right on Blackburn, right on Eastlake Ave. (Hwy 152).
Highway 101 to Highway 152 west.
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Publisher Patrice edwards
layout & Design Kevin Markley
noel smith
Loretta Estrada Director
Santa Cruz County Fair
Santa Cruz County Fair
liz senteney
sales rePresentatives Don beaumont, Jay Peters & vanessa reed
santa cruZ county Fair guiDe is a publication of the times Publishing group, inc., located at 9601 soquel Dr., aptos, ca 95003 entire contents ©2016 by Patrice edwards. all rights reserved. reproduction in any form is prohibited without publisher’s written permission.
Santa Cruz County Fair
Santa Cruz County Fair
Stuart Yamamoto
Don Dietrich
Western Fairs Association
Fa i r P r o g r
Santa Cruz County Fair
Santa Cruz County Fair
four time winner www.santacruzcountyfair.com
Stephanie Fontana Director
Santa Cruz County Fair
Santa Cruz County Fair
On behalf of a dedicated staff, hundreds of community volunteers, and the Fair Board of Directors, I would like to WELCOME you to the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fair. The 2016 Fair reflects the continued improvements and upgrades in our facilities plus expanding choices in entertainment, food and fun for the whole family. If you are at the Fair have a wonderful time and comeback again later this week. If you are contemplating coming to the Fair, there is no time like the present. The theme says it all – Cows, Plows and Oh Wows! Enjoy,
- Bill Barton
President Santa Cruz County Fair Board
Julie Oliver, C & N Tractor
Dillon Family, Four Winds Growers
How Can We Grow Your Business?
Cynthia Sandberg, Love Apple Farm
Tom Broz, Live Earth Farm
595 Auto Center Drive, Watsonville | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender 7
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm
11:30 AM NOON Noon - 3:00PM 12:30 - 7:30PM
Opening Ceremony | Rodgers House Fair Opens Farm Bureau BBQ - ticketed event | Paddy Smith Park Puppy Palooza Doggie Adoption & Demos | Ball Park
Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day
9:00 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 – 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30-5:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00-3:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:45 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM
Balloonacy Balloonacy || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Captain Jack Spareribs | Captain Jack Spareribs | Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Robo Robo Car Car || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Cisco Cisco Jim Jim || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Mini Mini Model Model TT Farmer Farmer && Bear Bear || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Camel Rides | Livestock Lawn Camel Rides | Livestock Lawn
Swine Show All Alaskan Racing Pigs South Bay Swing Band Kiddieland Opens Senior Contest Twinkle Time Captain Jack Spareribs Kid’s Tractor Driving in the Race Track Area Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs South Bay Swing Band Twinkle Time Rockets K-9 Comets Main Carnival Rides Open Wheat Threshing Balloonacy Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Wild West Turkey Stampede Balloonacy Pee Wee Showmanship Twinkle Time Kids Pedal Tractor Pull Rockets K-9 Comets Monterey Bay Dog Training Club All Alaskan Racing Pigs Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Captain Jack Spareribs Tractor Parade Adult Showmanship Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs No Respect Band Monster Trucks and Motorcycles Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Livestock Area Closes Exhibit Buildings Close Fair & Carnival Midway Close
Livestock Arena Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Carnival Midway Amphitheater Lawn Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Yesterday’s Farm Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Tank House Stage Ball Park Carnival Midway Yesterday’s Farm Playhouse Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Playhouse Stage Livestock Arena Tank House Stage Livestock Lawn Ball Park Paddy Smith Par Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Yesterday’s Farm Livestock Arena Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Race Track Tank House Stage Livestock Barns
Fair Manager's Message
Westwind Memory Care is pleased to announce the hiring of Suzanne Stone. Santa Cruz County resident since 1968. Photo: Ron Haedicke
Seemingly in the blink of an eye we went from wrapping up the 2015 fair to getting ready to open this year’s showcase. When you come out to the Fairgrounds I think you may well notice that it is even more beautiful than last year. It would be impossible to count up all the hours our volunteers have given over the past 12 months to make this possible. This year’s Fair looks like it is going to be a great deal of fun. The theme of “Cows, Plows and Oh Wows” is a tip off to just how excited we are to get to opening day and welcome more than 70,000 of our friends and neighbors out for a great day at the Fair. I know I am looking forward to the return of last year’s hugely successful Monster Trucks and Motorcycles on opening night. Our entertainment lineup includes the very talented rising country star Mickey Guyton on Thursday and a bit later in the week a local guy who made it all the way to the finals on American Idol. Saturday night the Amphitheater Stage belongs to James Durbin. Sunday afternoon you will find thousands filling the stands at the main Horseshow Arena for a Charro Horse Show and Banda. This will lead into a 7:30 evening performance by Industria Del Amor on the main Amphitheater Stage. Gorgeous grounds, smiling faces, sinfully good Fair food, thrilling rides, and all around you will see the best our county has to offer. Come be a part of the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fair.
Marketing trailer open now. Call Suzanne for an appointment.
Now taking reservations. near the Santa Cruz Elk Lodge. RCFE License application pending
has come to Santa Cruz....
Designed especially to enhance the daily lives of those with
follow us on facebook
- Dave Kegebein Fair Manager 9
2nd - 4th Grade
Education Day
SEPTEMBER 15 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm
Noon 12:30 - 7:30PM
Fair Opens Puppy Palooza Doggie Adoption & Demonstrations | Ball Park
Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day
Balloonacy Balloonacy || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Captain Captain Jack Jack Spareribs Spareribs || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Robo Car | Roving the Grounds Robo Car | Roving the Grounds Cisco Cisco Jim Jim || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Mini Mini Model Model TT Farmer Farmer && Bear Bear || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Camel Camel Rides Rides || Livestock Livestock Lawn Lawn
SCHEDULED ENTERTAINMENT, HORSE SHOW & LIVESTOCk 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30-8:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:45 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM
Sheep Show SC Canine Assn. Police Search & Rescue Dogs SC Canine Assn. Police Search & Rescue Dogs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Balloonacy Kiddieland Opens Twinkle Time Captain Jack Spareribs Wild West Turkey Stampede Twinkle Time Rockets K-9 Comets Main Carnival Rides Open Balloonacy Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Wild West Turkey Stampede Twinkle Time Balloonacy Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Wild West Turkey Stampede Jr. Super Steer Carcass Live Judging Heritage Hall - Live Music Rockets K-9 Comets Monterey Bay Dog Training Club Open Carcass Contest All Alaskan Racing Pigs Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Tractor Parade Captain Jack Spareribs Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs Mickey Guyton Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Livestock Area Closes Exhibit Buildings Close Fair & Carnival Midway Close
Livestock Arena Amphitheater Stage Amphitheater Stage Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Carnival Midway Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Tank House Lawn Tank House Stage Ball Park Carnival Midway Playhouse Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Livestock Arena Heritage Hall Ball Park Paddy Smith Park Livestock Arena Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Yesterday’s Farm Playhouse Stage Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Tank House Stage Livestock Barns
Friday SEPTEMBER 16 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm
Noon 12:30 - 7:30PM
Fair Opens Puppy Palooza Doggie Adoption & Demos | Ball Park
Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day
8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30-8:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:45 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM
Balloonacy Balloonacy || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Captain Jack Spareribs | Captain Jack Spareribs | Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Robo Robo Car Car || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Cisco Cisco Jim Jim || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Mini Mini Model Model TT Farmer Farmer && Bear Bear || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Camel Rides | Livestock Lawn Camel Rides | Livestock Lawn
Hunter-Jumper Horse Show 4-H/FFA, Open Youth Horse Show Jr. Dairy Goat Show Rabbit Show All Alaskan Racing Pigs Balloonacy Kiddieland Opens Twinkle Time Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Wild West Turkey Stampede Balloonacy Rockets K-9 Comets Main Carnival Rides Open Watsonville Saddelites Gymkhana & Jackpots Twinkle Time Balloonacy Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Wild West Turkey Stampede Twinkle Time Balloonacy Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Wild West Turkey Stampede Karaoke with DJ Davey K Rockets K-9 Comets Monterey Bay Dog Training Club All Alaskan Racing Pigs Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Tractor Parade Captain Jack Spareribs Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs Great White Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Livestock Area Closes Exhibit Buildings Close Fair & Carnival Midway Closes
Arena 2 Arena 3 Livestock Arena Livestock Area Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Carnival Midway Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Playhouse Stage Ball Park Carnival Midway Main Arena Tank House Stage Play House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Heritage Hall Ball Park Paddy Smith Park Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Yesterday’s Farm Playhouse Stage Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Tank House Stage Livestock Barns
Great Projects.
Great Products.
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Main Office: 800 Walker Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 t TBNCSBJMP DPN 13
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17 th Fair Hours: 10:00am - 11:00pm
7:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM NOON 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30-8:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:45 PM 11:00 PM
10:00 AM 12:30 -7:30 PM
Fair Opens Puppy Palooza Doggie Adoption & Demos | Ball Park
Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day
Balloonacy Balloonacy || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Captain Captain Jack Jack Spareribs Spareribs || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Robo Robo Car Car || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Cisco Jim | Roving the Cisco Jim | Roving the Grounds Grounds Mini Mini Model Model TT Farmer Farmer && Bear Bear || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Camel Camel Rides Rides || Livestock Livestock Lawn Lawn
Hunter-Jumper Horse Show Pony Show Auction Buyer Registration Junior Livestock Auction Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Twinkle Time Wild West Turkey Stampede Balloonacy All Alaskan Racing Pigs Captain Jack Spareribs Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Balloonacy Twinkle Time Rockets K-9 Comets Tractor Parade Wild West Turkey Stampede Poetry Reading Balloonacy Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Wild West Turkey Stampede Hunter – Jumper Horse Show Evening Performance Twinkle Time Balloonacy Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Wild West Turkey Stampede Karaoke with DJ Davey K Rockets K-9 Comets Monterey Bay Dog Training Club All Alaskan Racing Pigs Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Tractor Parade Captain Jack Spareribs Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs James Durbin Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Livestock Area, Exhibits, Fair & Carnival Midway Close
Main & Arena 2 Arena 3 Livestock Arena Livestock Arena Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Tank House Lawn Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Tank House Stage Ball Park Yesterdays Farm Tank House Lawn Fine Arts Building Play House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Main Arena Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Heritage Hall Ball Park Paddy Smith Park Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Yesterday’s Farm Playhouse Stage Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Tank House Stage
Monte Foundation
Ball Park
Rocket’s K-9 Comets Puppy Palooza Dog Adoption and Demonstrations Monterey Bay Dog Training
JJ Crosetti Building
Harvest Building
Fine Arts
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Floriculture Building
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Service Gate / Horse Show / Livestock Entrance
10:00 AM 10:30 AM-7:30 PM
Fair Opens Puppy Palooza Doggie Adoption & Demos | Ball Park
Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Throughout Day Day Throughout Day Throughout Day Throughout Throughout Day Day
Balloonacy Balloonacy || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Captain Captain Jack Jack Spareribs Spareribs || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Robo Robo Car Car || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Cisco Cisco Jim Jim || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Mini Model T Farmer & Bear Mini Model T Farmer & Bear || Roving Roving the the Grounds Grounds Camel Camel Rides Rides || Livestock Livestock Lawn Lawn
Fair Hours: 10:00am - 10:00pm
7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:30 AM NOON 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30-8:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:45 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM
Hunter Jumper Horse Show 4-H/FFA Round Robin Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Dairy Goat Fitting Contest Twinkle Time Wild West Turkey Stampede Balloonacy All Alaskan Racing Pigs Captain Jack Spareribs Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Balloonacy Twinkle Time Rockets K-9 Comets Tractor Parade Wild West Turkey Stampede Balloonacy Captain Jack Spareribs All Alaskan Racing Pigs Charro Show featuring Heurencia Mexicana & Los Reyes De La Banda Wild West Turkey Stampede Twinkle Time Balloonacy Kids Pedal Tractor Pulls Wild West Turkey Stampede Heritage Hall- Live Music Rockets K-9 Comets Monterey Bay Dog Training Club All Alaskan Racing Pigs Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Tractor Parade Captain Jack Spareribs Wild West Turkey Stampede All Alaskan Racing Pigs Industria Del Amor Michael Mezmer, Hypnotist Livestock Area Closes Exhibit Buildings Close Fair & Carnival Midway Closes
Main & Arena 2 Livestock Arena Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Livestock Arena Tank House Stage Tank House Lawn Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Playhouse Stage Tank House Stage Ball Park Yesterdays Farm Tank House Lawn Play House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Main Arena Tank House Lawn Tank House Stage Playhouse Stage Livestock Lawn Tank House Lawn Heritage Hall Ball Park Paddy Smith Park Livestock Lawn Tank House Stage Yesterday’s Farm Playhouse Stage Tank House Lawn Livestock Lawn Amphitheater Stage Tank House Stage Livestock Barns
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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y c r o t mo
It’s back, it’s exciting and it kicks off opening night at the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fair with a roar! Monster Trucks and Motorcycles will fill the Race Track on Wednesday night, September 14, starting at 8 p.m. This opening night motorsport event brings the thrill of huge trucks and daredevil motorcycles all going air born. And there is a special connection to the Fair; the monster trucks are the passion of Watsonville resident Kelvin Ramer. Ramer got his first pickup truck in high school, and he would take it to the local sand pits and play. Ramer says he’d drive through water, over jumps, get sideways, and just have fun. He was the first at his school to put a lift and big Super Swamper tires on his truck. After high school, he moved to Arizona to attend Universal Technical Institute. While there Ramer competed in student drag races and also did his first truck pull. After graduation he moved back to California and started going 4-wheeling with local offroad clubs. Ramer says that he has been to most of the offroad spots in California, including the Rubicon, Hollister Hills and Pismo, and participated in annual events like MudIn-Yer-Eye. He continued competing in more truck pulls and also a few mud bogs. Ramer has raced 80cc Shifter Karts, and earned a Kart track championship in 2000. How did he get hooked on big trucks? Well to hear him explain it, “The first time my wife and I saw a Monster Jam truck, we thought it looked like a lot of fun!” He added, “In 1984, we started buying parts and building a Monster Jam truck of our own. After a series of setbacks Ramer tried for the third time and luck was with him. “We saved, bought parts and built the Monster Jam in our spare time. The Monster Jam truck took 7 years to complete, from 1997 to 2004. Our first Monster Jam show was Anaheim in January, 2005.”
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT All Shows, except as noted below, are at 7:30 PM on the Amphitheater Stage
WEDNESDAY - 9/14 THURSDAY - 9/15 FRIDAY - 9/16 SATURDAY - 9/17 SUNDAY - 9/18
The Fair’s opening night for 2016 is Wednesday, September 14 and again a local opening tradition will greet you at the Santa Cruz County Fair when “No Respect” plays on the Amphitheater Stage starting at 7:30 PM.
“No Respect” plays on the Amphitheater Stage starting at 7:30 PM
ucational and bilingual pop concert for kids,” Twinkle explains, “Parents love it, too, because the music is so fun and catchy, people love to get up and dance along!”
Introducing Rocking with orange pigtails out, the kid’s pop-rock stage show “Twinkle Time” returns to the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fair. Starring Twinkle, sporting her signature bright orange pigtails, the show features her two best
friends; Happy, a clumsy and shy bookworm that loves science, and Lil Hoopz, who is blissfully aloof and loves anything sports or competitive. The trio performs wearing wacky colored clothing and puts on a show that will get kids and parents jumping to their feet to dance and sing along. “Twinkle Time is a high energy ed-
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
What makes this pop group stand out is the importance of learning while having fun. “All the songs are pop-rock related, but all about teaching a positive educational message,” Twinkle said. She added, “We sprinkle a few bilingual phrases, English and Spanish, throughout the songs. The kids are having fun but also learning.” Younger children will learn coordination through Twinkle’s signature dance moves as they “Move and Groove Twinkle Time Style.” Twinkle Time will perform three shows on the Playhouse Stage all five days of the fair.
Since 1987
A shipwreck of fun returns to the Santa Cruz County Fair as the pirate Captain Jack Spareribs brings his act back to the Fair. Visitors may catch a glimpse of the Jack Sparrow Looka-Like moseying around the Fairgrounds throughout the day and those who find his wrecked ship at the Playhouse Stage on Apple Blossom Lane will witness a pirate, magician, juggler, ventriloquist, comedian and all rolled into one. This is a pirate that performs magic, juggling and ventriloquism all in one show. This is not only amazing but Jack Spareribs has his own PIRATE SHIP! The pirate’s comedic performance features juggling torches, knives, cannon balls and clubs, along with magic tricks and Kids in the audience are invited to be part of the show! Captain Jack Spareribs, also known as Ace Miles, is fully committed to the pirate life. He got pirate tattoos, real gold teeth and grew his own authentic pirate beard. That’s right, the beard is real. From his start as an entertainer in the Bay Area, Miles has performed at festivals and fairs throughout California, Nevada and Washington for the past 30 years. Visitors will see Captain Jack Spareribs performing three times daily on the Playhouse Stage and strolling the grounds almost anytime!
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Photo credit: Heidi Durbin
Every season of American Idol has at least one rocker vying for the crown, but few have an honest-to-god metalhead like James Durbin, who wailed his way to a fourth-place finish during the show’s 2011 season. Born in 1989, Durbin was raised in Santa Cruz, California, where he was diagnosed with Tourette’s and Asperger’s syndrome at nine years old. Uncomfortable in social situations, he turned to music instead, developing a larger-thanlife stage presence as part of a local theater group and singing lead with Hollywood Scars, a hair metal group inspired by Mötley Crüe and Guns N’ Roses. By the time he auditioned for American Idol, he’d moved on to a new band called Whatever Fits. Singing rock songs by Queen, Muse, and Judas Priest, Durbin became one of the season’s leading contenders, earning comparisons to Adam Lambert (another high-voiced Idol alum) along the way. He finished fourth, joined the inevitable “American Idol Summer Tour” several weeks after the show’s finale, and released an EP, American Idol Season 10 Highlights, in June 2011. Durbin’s fulllength studio debut, Memories of a Beautiful Disaster, featuring the single “Love Me Bad,” followed in November of 2011. In 2014, Durbin moved in an even more pop-oriented direction with his sophomore album, Celebrate, which featured the single “Parachute.” ~ Andrew Leahey
Saturday, September 17, at 7:30 PM Main Amphitheater Stage
MICKEY gUYTON Born in Arlington, Texas, Mickey Guyton moved around the Lone Star state as her father’s engineering job took them to Waco, Tyler, Dallas and Fort Worth. Music was a constant in her nomadic life. She began singing gospel in church at age five, and grew up listening to Dolly Parton, Leann Rimes, Whitney Houston and gospel innovators BeBe and Cece Winans. After moving to Los Angeles to attend Santa Monica College, a chance encounter launched her career as a Country Music singer. Mickey was introduced to producer Julian Raymond. Raymond connected her to Gary Borman and Steve Moir, who built the careers of Faith Hill, Keith Urban and Lady Antebellum. Mickey moved to Nashville in 2011 and has since embedded herself in the town’s songwriter community. Mickey was nominated for her first Academy of Country Music Award this spring for New Female Vocalist of the Year.
Thursday, September 15, at 7:30 PM Main Amphitheater Stage 26
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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Lunch and dinner served daily (including a special kid’s menu) and featuring a great list of California Wine and specialty cocktails.
On Sunday afternoon September 18th main Horse Show Arena at the Fairgrounds transforms itself from a competitive horsemanship arena into a performance venue. The traditional Charro show returns with a start time of 4 PM Charreria is the art and style of Mexican horsemanship plus a good dose of performance art, roping, and daring stunts, all to the driving beat of a live Banda. The sport has been described as “living history,� or as an art form drawn from the demands of working life with both men and women performing. This is a show with something for all cultures.
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
www.monte-foundation.com EVENT SPONSORS
VOLUNTEER BLUE RIBBON Tim Watkins who has voluntarily mowed all of our lawns as needed for the past few years and helps the Fairgrounds Foundation with beverage service quite often. Tim has also prepared all the desserts for the volunteer dinner the last two years. Chuck Barr who has volunteered here 2 to 3 days a week all year. One of his significant contributions was doing a big part of the work on the Crosetti Interior remodel. These two award presentations will allow us to show the participants that there are many different ways to help the fairgrounds maintenance & improvement projects all year in addition to helping at fair time.
Tim Watkins 30
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Chuck Barr
Serving Our Community for over 25 years. THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FARM BUREAU IS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THE COUNTY FAIR Come see us Opening Day (Wednesday, September 14) at Paddy Smith Park for the:
Opening Day BBQ - Noon Apple Pie Baking Contest
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Open To The Public 220 B Airport Blvd. Freedom, CA 95019 Office: 831.724.6301 Fax: 831.761.7740 info@midvalleysupply.net
Silver Medal Winning Booth in the Harvest Building
*For more information. Contact the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau office, (831) 724-1356, or visit the website: www.sccfb.com
In the Borina Tractor barn you will see a farrier at work shoeing a riding horse. This is the most popular exhibit in Yesterday’s Farm. Kim Kobo has been shoeing horses for most of his adult life and does an excellent job of relating his craft to the public. This year the antique cars will return and be displayed in the Snyder Barn. This display of cars is produced by the Horseless Carriage Club of America, Santa Cruz chapter and in the Snyder Restoration Shop volunteers will be restoring an early 1900’s apple wagon that was used to haul apples from Corralitos to a Watsonville apple packing shed on Beach Road.
Yesterday’s Farm is located across the street from the Rodgers House on the Fairgrounds and is produced by the Agricultural History Project – a not for profit organization dedicated to preserving the History of Agriculture on the Central Coast of California. At Yesterday’s Farm you will see farm animals, goats, sheep, draft and riding horses and learn how they are cared for and what they contribute to the farm or farm family. In the Codiga Center and Museum you will find a display of hand woven wool articles from wool that comes from sheep, you will also see displays on the history of the berry, apple, beef cattle and dairy Industry and an exhibit of a typical home of the early 1900’s. In the Porter Building is a collection of horse drawn equipment dating back to 1875 to about 1950. A collection of antique farm tools is also on display. Again the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association will have a display of antique engines that were used to take the labor out of many tasks on the farm, such as grinding grain into flour, washing clothes and other labor intensive tasks.
New for this year is garden planted by the Living History Farm Committee that showcases five crops that were grown commercially in Santa Cruz County prior to 1900’s. The garden is in front of the Codiga Center and Museum. A docent will be in front of the garden explaining to fairgoers what each crop is and handing out recipes. Also new this year is the Tindall Exhibit. It is an exhibit on the Tindall Family that farmed and logged lumber in the Eureka Canyon area. It tells a story of the life of a family that lived and played in the mountains of Santa Cruz County. The most popular activity on Yesterday’s Farm is the Kids Tractor. It is a John Deere Model B Tractor converted to allow children to drive the tractor while the parents are standing by the child. Trained AHP volunteers operate the tractor. And each day a Tractor Parade though the Fair Grounds is presented, driving some of the antique tractors pulling wagons through the streets of the Fairgrounds. This will happen every night at 6:30 PM except Sunday when it will be done at 2:30 PM.
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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Se habla español.
If it’s been a while since you’ve had a little one in the house, or you’ve yet to experience that thrill, plan on being in Paddy Smith Park on Saturday September 17 during the Fair. The Diaper Derby/Toddler Contest kicks… ahhh, I mean crawls off at 1 p.m. These slow motion races for the prizes may start with all contestants lined up but when the whistle blows, chaos breaks out. These kids are cute and their parents are entertainingly desperate as some of the runners… I mean crawlers, head straight for the finish line. However most seem to wander off or just sit there as they see something or someone much more interesting than dear-old dad jiggling his car keys on the other side of the finish line.
The Diaper Derby has its roots in celebrations held by pioneer communities. The derby was part of the Santa Cruz Fair in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Fair Board Director Loretta Estrada restored the event for the Fair and it grows in popularity each year. The Kentucky Derby calls itself the fastest two minutes in sport. The Diaper Derby may be the slowest two minutes… but it’s way more fun!
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
Santa Cruz County Fair Diaper Derby 1:00pm - Paddy Smith Park Toddler Contest follows the Derby Registration prior to the 1 PM Derby start
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Camels! Fair visitors usually walk over to the livestock area expecting to see pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, and other familiar fair animals. And perhaps to enjoy a guilty pleasure, a milk shake at the Clover Deli. But camels? Returning to the Santa Cruz County Fair after an absence of several years, visitors will have the chance to ride these animals that are normally found in the desert. The camel ride track will be located between the Pig Races and the Livestock Show Arena and the ride includes an opportunity to stop for a photo op. Two or three people can ride one of the camels at a time, depending on the amount of space available on the saddle. The weight of the riders does not matter much, as camels are incredibly strong beasts of burden. In fact, one camel is capable of carrying half of its body weight! The rides will all be atop Dromedary camels, meaning that they have one hump. Two humped camels are known as Bactrians. They were all obtained from domestic breeders in the United States, as camels are no longer allowed to be imported into this county. These camels are given care up to the highest ethical standards and are treated as much loved pets. They enjoy a diet that is similar to what many horses eat:
The Heritage Hog Program is both a fundraiser supporting improvements on the Fairgrounds as well as an educational scholarship. Each year the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation selects a local 4-H, FFA, or independent student with experience raising livestock for the Fair, who is enrolling into a college or other higher education program. This student then spends the summer raising a hog provided by the Foundation. The hog is exhibited at the Fair and sold at the end of the Junior Livestock Auction with the proceeds, combined with other donations, used by the Fairgrounds Foundation to fund the scholarship and for needed improvements on the Fairgrounds.
grass hay and grain. All the camels are extremely docile and enjoy being around people. Contrary to what many people think, the humps of camels are not filled with water. Instead, the humps are filled with dense fat. This fat can hold water for up to three weeks. This adaptation allows camels to survive for long periods of time without water in the desert. In addition, camels do not spit or bite like many people believe. This opportunity to ride camels is one more reason why the Fair is fun for the entire family.
joined the Watsonville FFA, never having been around livestock or any type of agriculture while growing up in San Bernardino County. She has since raised four hogs and one lamb and been involved in various FFA activities locally and at the state level. For the 2016 Fair Yuritza will have a market project hog in addition to raising the 2016 Heritage Hog.
Watsonville Future Farmers of America member Yuritza Arciga has been awarded the 2016 Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation Heritage Hog Scholarship. A graduate of Watsonville High School, Yuritza is currently attending Cabrillo College in preparation to enter Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, where she plans to study Animal Science. She began raising livestock when she came to Watsonville as a freshman and
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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County fairs have been a part of America for the past 205 years and livestock shows have been a part of them the entire time. The first livestock show in Santa Cruz County was held in 1887. Livestock shows followed the original purpose of Fairs, to bring people together and display the latest techniques and gadgets that made life easier for the farmer and homemaker. Livestock shows were also held to improve the various breeds of animals through competition. Today the shows are a big part of the life lessons being taught by 4-H and FFA. Members of both groups show the animals they have raised for the Fair. Depending on the species raised these youngsters have cared for their animal from 60 to 120 days for market animals, while breeding projects are multi-year ventures. The livestock projects teach many life skills such as responsibility, record keeping and marketing. Many of the competitors are raising funds to help pay for college and earn an extra benefit. Very seldom, if ever, do you see a child who has an
animal project get in trouble. They are too busy learning how to be good citizens and contributing to their communities. At the Fair this year visitors have the opportunity to watch as they show their animals in the Livestock Arena, walk through the three livestock barns, and also see one of the most popular spots on the Fairgrounds, The Nursery. The Nursery is set up to show young animals and the instincts of mothers caring for their young. Like all departments at the Fair, the Livestock Department is an all volunteer group of people dedicated to working with the youth of our community to make sure they have a positive experience at the Fair. The Junior Livestock Auction takes place during the Fair on Saturday, September 17, when market animals are sold. Buyers for these animals will pay above-market prices to help the child recover his expenses and make a profit. The Livestock Committee invites all to come to the auction on Saturday and support youth.
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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We say it every year and 2016 is no exception, it wouldn’t be the Santa Cruz County Fair without Michael Mezmer. This Master Hypnotist fills the Tank House Stage with neighbors and friends being sometimes silly and always hilarious. The bleachers around the stage are filled to over flow with a crowd that can’t stop laughing. Mezmer is a quite the entertainer and, as passers by stop and watch, the audience grows and grows as the show continues. His “Theater of the Mind” shows are designed to enthrall, surprise, and entertain. Under his mesmerizing power, unsuspecting audience me mbers face their fears, lose inhibitions and become a highly entertaining focus of the show. All ages enjoy the entertainment as Mezmer is a world-class “Master of Hypnosis,” and has been delighting audiences with his “Theater of the Mind Comedy Hypnosis Show” at fairs, colleges, corporate gatherings and other events for years. Mezmer has toured throughout the United States and the Far East, performing before millions with standing room only crowds at major fairs, amusement parks, festivals, corporate events, universities, night clubs, casinos and other special events.
top hypnotist, he appeared in musical comedies, television, films and toured internationally as an award-winning illusionist. Since then he has become a well-known and respected expert in the field of hypnosis and is highly sought after as a lecturer as well as an entertainer. At corporate events and universities around the country, he presents quantum stress management workshops. Mezmer also has had the honor of being an invited guest lecturer and starring performer at the International Hypnotherapy Conference and has been dubbed by the president of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as the “hypnotist’s hypnotist.” Mezmer will be performing his enchanting show twice nightly on the Tank House Stage.
He showed signs of his unusual talent at the tender age of 5 and prior to becoming recognized as a
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
The Alaskan Racing Pigs return for 2016 to the beautiful lawn near the livestock area, bringing cheering crowds to the Santa Cruz County Fair!
Donate your vehicle, running or not!
These prestigious porkers have appeared in hundreds of television news reports and over 500 newspaper articles, and they’re returning to the Santa Cruz Fair for three appearances daily. Although the Alaska State Fair has been their home site for 27 years, they have a soft spot for Santa Cruz County, according to manager Bart Noll. “We first played here in 1988 and had a blast – the Santa Cruz County Fair fans are the best!” he says, adding that they’ve returned about two dozen times since. Two of the main ingredients for the All-Alaskan racing Pig shows are comedy and competition. These perky pigs are natural hams, so to speak, and they’ve brought home the bacon at shows all over the western U.S. and Alaska.
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Another important ingredient of the race is Cookies! That’s the treat that the pigs are racing to win. Each race lasts less than 10 seconds (these pigs are fast!) and each 20-minute show features four races. Bart Noll admits that his eight pigs are a little spoiled. They live in an air-conditioned trailer, eat well and get a fresh cedar or pine bedding change twice daily. “They love what they do,” Bart says, “and they like people and are fun to work with.” Watch to see which one of the All-Alaskan racing Pigs tries to hog the limelight at races held every day in their Fair home on the Livestock Lawn.
Retiring Fine Arts Chairperson Donna Giubbini is grateful for a group of exceptional volunteers who have given so much year after year. From Poetry Department Chair JoGene Vega and her husband Woody to Dave Daniels from Hobbies and Collectibles and on to Woodcarver Bill Horgos. They spend countless hours filling the Fine Arts Building with interesting things to see and their always entertaining personalities. Each year’s big event is Education Days when thousands of school children spend a morning at the Fairgrounds. One of the highlights on this day is provided by world renowned pottery teacher George Dymesich. This wonderful educator brings in as many as four potter’s wheels and donates hundreds of pounds of clay and other supplies. Dymesich staffs the event with professional potters who come from as far away as Japan to work with the throngs of curious school kids.
Not to worry, there are still cows and cotton candy, carnival rides and racing pigs, but also, Poetry. In the fine arts building fair goers will find a special section that is pure poetry. The Santa Cruz County Fair Poetry Department may be small but on display are the large talents of locals with flowing pens that express the emotions of life and experience. Last year’s first place winner in the free verse category was Jean Wolf. She wrote “Fried ~ Egg Flowers” while dealing with her cancer treatments.
one waters them but God, yet they thrive, tall and magnificent and cheerful, and say, quite clearly ~ “Do not say ‘impossible, too late or never.” ‘Forget~about~it’ does not exist. You can begin again at any time. Just being here ~ or anywhere ~ with your roots, or complete lack of roots, is just fine, is all we ask. You’re doing better than you know, and are loved more than you can imagine. Just trust it is enough to be alive, to be here, to breathe, to try. Department head JoGene Vega announced that this year’s poetry readings will be held on Saturday, September 17, at 3 PM.
Fried ~ Egg Flowers By Jean Wolf
They have a real name, probably, these huge, gangly flowers on stalks towering over me with giant petals like white silk, flapping in the breeze without a care in the world, and yolk-yellow centers, fat as eggs, around which bees flutter and hum. Who made these plate~sized blossom, anyway, and why does standing next to them feel as comforting as a child sheltered by her grandfather? I feel strangely encouraged, like by a sparkling waterfall. These fried~egg flowers nod and shimmy in the wind, afraid, apparently, of nothing in their windblown, ridiculous beauty. They grow on fuzzy, awkward stalks, seemingly all abandoned, but muscling their way out of a crack in the asphalt of a church parking lot. No
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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Pie Baking Contest Earn Bragging Rights to "The Best Apple Pie in the County" Have your apple pie announced as the “Best in Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley” on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 opening day of the Santa Cruz County Fair. Entry deadline for the 40th Annual Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau Apple Pie Baking Contest is: Entry Deadline - Tuesday, September 6 (postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. September 6, 2016) Contest held on the opening day of the Santa Cruz County Fair (Wednesday, September 14, 2016), this contest is sponsored by the Pajaro Valley apple growers, shippers and related industries as well as pie lovers throughout Santa Cruz County and the Pajaro Valley. This much anticipated event has been organized by the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau since 1977. Entry forms can be found in the fair’s premium book located at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Office, 2601 East Lake Ave., Watsonville or online at www.santacruzcountyfair.com and at the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau, 141 Monte Vista Ave., Watsonville. There is no entry fee for this popular opening day event. There are three divisions:
Juniors - 17 years-of-age and under Seniors - 18 years-of-age and over Masters - anyone who has won 1st, 2nd place in the Senior Division First Place $50, Second Place $40, Third Place $30 each division and Best of Show $50 Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each division as well as Best of Show.
Don't delay; get your entry form in today!
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE | www.santacruzcountyfair.com
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Publishing the Santa Cruz County Fair Guide for its 15th year!
THANKS FOR YOUR READERSHIP! Comments are welcome: patrice@cyber-times.com
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CORRALITOS CORRALITOS FEED FEED AND AND PET PET SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Welcomes Welcomes you you to to the the 2016 2016 Santa Santa Cruz Cruz County County Fair. Fair.
We We believe believe in in our our Community Community and and continually continually work work to to make make itit the the best best place place to to live live and and work! work! Come Come see see us us at at our our Fair Fair Store Store again again this this year year for for great great deals deals for for you you and and your your favorite favorite critters critters and and pets. pets. We're We're up up in in the the Livestock Livestock Area Area -- Come Come by by and and say say Hi Hi and check out the 4H and FFA projects at our Fair. and check out the 4H and FFA projects at our Fair. Also Also drop drop by by the the our our Main Main Store Store at at 2895 2895 BB Freedom Freedom Blvd Blvd in in Corralitos! Corralitos!
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