Scotts Valley Times: November 2016

Page 1



Measure D for Scotts Valley and San Lorenzo Valley Community support for Yes on D is growing in the San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley. The campaign District and the Scotts Valley City Council. Full Story page 6

Scotts Valley School Board Election Update There are three full term candidates. Three are incumbents — Sue Roth, Michael Shulman and Kim Schulz — and two are newcomers —

Nutcracker: Experience the Magic! tacular performance sure to delight and inspire!

to bring in the season than with smiles, beauty and laughter? ... continued on page 4

has dropped out). Two board members resigned halfway into their 4-year terms so these two seats are up for grabs with three names on the ballot — Roger L. Snyder, Gia Schwarzer and Corey Warner (Stephanie Espinola has dropped out). Full Story page 5

Education Professional Experience

Bachelors: Criminal Justice, Masters: Organizational Management

Tired of all those exaggerated election mailings?

19 years in High Technology Vice President Corporate Security Expert Testimony Presidential Commission

Don’t be fooled Vote NO on D

Investment in our Community Past President SV Chamber of Commerce Current President SV Rotary Local Business Rights Advocate Owner of Bruno’s BBQ

Supporters of Measure D have been making the false claim that adding auxiliary lanes to Hwy. 1 would relieve congestion. The Caltrans study says there would only be a “very slight

2017 will bring a new world, a new place & a new time which will require

New Leadership!




To learn the truth visit

Vote Rosanna Herrera for Scotts Valley City Council 2016 E-mail me: | Call me: 831.435.8282

Meet me at Bruno’s! Herrera for Scotts Valley City Council 2016

Paid for by Widening Won’t Work a committee opposed to Measure D

Farah Galvez Theissen for Scotts Valley School Board “The Scotts Valley School Board should reflect the community it represents. As a parent of a 10-year-old, I am personally invested in modernizing our schools and making them safe. I will openly communicate with parents and the community. Trust in my proven leadership to make a constructive difference and get things done.” Shyra Horner Pre-school teacher, resident of Scotts Valley:

“As a pre-school teacher, parent and resident of Scotts Valley, I know how important it is to have an active parent and community member on our School Board. Farah is devoted and connected to our community. With all of her volunteer work in our public schools, she has proven that she is 100% committed to the success of all the children of Scotts Valley.”

Garrett, Lisa and Scotts Valley Fire District, Central Fire:

“We have known Farah over the years to be fair, honest and very thoughtful. We are grateful for her drive to keep a safe and secure environment for our children. Our 10 year old daughter Sofia absolutely adores her!”

Paid for by Farah Galvez Theissen, 5610 Scotts Valley Drive #402. Scotts Valley, CA 95066 (831) 471-7360 2 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

I have volunteered for 14 years to improve our public schools.

Advocacy for All Children New Energy & Perspective Responsible School Budget Vested Commitment Get the Middle School Built Safe School Environment Communication & Transparency

FA R A H 2 0 1 6 . C O M




Table of Contents


Volume 19

No. 11

Cover Nutcracker: Experience the Magic! Community News 5

SV School Board Election Update


Measure D for SV and SLV

7 Valley Times 8 10 Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center Progress 15 17 22 San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties Burn Suspension Lifted Local Sports 9

Valley High Schools Scoreboard

3COTTS 6ALLEY #HAMBER .EWS s Pages 11-14

11 12 LifeRaft Tutoring Welcomed into Community 13 14 Holiday Gala Celebration Letter to the Editor 15


18 19 3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s Page n

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 3


Patrice Edwards Mikayla Witmer

publisher’s assistant

“Nutcracker” from page 1 Director/Choreographer and Juilliard Alumnae, Shannon Chipman began the


Noel Smith Noel Smith

Cover Story

contributing writers

Bruce McPherson

layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Louisa Sandman Jay Peters, Larry Rock office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

was Assistant Director to that original production. Chipman and Bergland combine their artistic efforts alongside choreographers, Melissa Palumbo and Michelle

Theater once again. The Santa Cruz

Dance Guild production has become a steadfast holiday tradition. Stanton, a Santa Cruz Ballet legend, will bedazzle audiences as the mysterious Drosselmeyer. Stanton began his early training alongside Chipman in Santa Cruz and went on to dance as soloist with San Francisco Ballet and later became principal dancer at Pacific Northwest Ballet. Now Ballet Master for home to share his years of professional Guest artists include Brian Simcoe & Xuan Cheng, Principal Dancers of

for their elegant lines, precise technique

with State Street Ballet dances the role of audiences with her passion and stunning presence. Photo Credit: Bari Miller

dance alongside these accomplished professionals. As a special treat this year, Mother Ginger will be performed by Krazy

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

seen him cheer for the San Jose Earththis special opportunity to see Krazy

Photo Credit: Nicole Formenti

Josephine Aspromonte salutes in her militia uniform.

you cheering for his team of adorable gingersnaps! Each year there is something new to sical Ballet, enchanting choreography,

Young Nutcracker Jordan Chipman checks his lapel backstage during rehearsal.

magnificent Guest Artists, beautiful sets, brilliant costumes, family, tradition

Thanksgiving Weekend Sat 11/26 & Sun 11/27 Cabrillo’s Crocker Theater. Performances are 1:00 & 4:30 p.m. - both days. Reserved seating. Order your tickets today. Children under three on your lap are FREE!

Cover Photo: Rachel Turner is the Snow Photo Credit: Nicole Formenti

Community News

SV School Board Election Update T here are three full term seats up

Three are incumbents — Sue Roth, Michael Shulman and Kim Schulz — Theissen and Sue Rains (Cathie Simo-

tional and operational budgets and we must do a better job of communicating the realities community. Sue Rains (4-yr) — Two years ago

members resigned halfway into their 4-year terms so these two seats are up for grabs with three names on the ballot — Roger L. Snyder, Gia Schwarzer and Corey Warner (Stephanie Espinola has dropped out). Background: Measure A authorized the district to borrow $35 million in order

measure directed $33 million towards the construction of a new Scotts Valley

elementary schools. Building plans for SVMS will hopeDecember and then the District will be able to

Sue Rains

build. The Board must

completing the middle school project on repairs at Vine Hill Elementary School this is not enough to also upgrade the elementary school and high school facilities. Many of the elementary school classrooms are so-called temporary facilities and the High School building and

needed throughout the District will not be easy. Additional funds could come from bond to repair and upgrade schools. With -


the District. Here are the answers of those candidates including Kim Schultz and Sue Rains. (Corey Warner did not respond.)

the necessary funding. Michael Shulman (Incumbent, 4-yr) — The district cannot do this in the near term. Measure A bond funds are restricted to Scotts Valley Middle School reconstruction

replacement or modernization of many of its elementary school and high school facilities? Kim Schultz (Incumbent, 4-yr) — His-

and Vine Hill issues. funds are way too

with a combination of state and local any major issues. The

will replenish state funding short term and Scotts Valley will for the middle school project. Long term, the

Kim Schultz

the project within the -

Michael Shulman Stadium Committee is with donations.

towards retaining teachers and gradually absorbing the costs for sports, arts, music, and counseling programs. These should not rely solely on donations, which can -

the elementary and high schools. Facility mensurate with the useful life of the life we enjoy in our community. Facility funding should not compete with instruc-

The community will then be far more

“SV School Board” page 16 Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 5

Community News

Measure D for SV and SLV SANTA CRUZ — Community support for Yes on D is growing in the San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley. The campaign announced endorsements from

Santa Cruz County transportation system, -

potholes in the City of Scotts Valley and throughout the San Lorenzo Valley Measure D Key Investments Throughout County



as funding that will help commuters and

who represents the San Lorenzo Valley, and parts of Scotts Valley and the

congested roads

and bicycling near schools

Safeon17%20FactSheet201503. pdf) Freeway Safety Patrol (info: http://





waited long enough

tainable measure that balances the needs these are some of the reasons support for

FactSheet201503.pdf) Wildlife undercrossing (info: http:// ronment-and-Wildlife.pdf) Highway 9 Projects info: http://sccrtc. ) Transportation Infrastructure

the rail corridor that reduce pollution Major Endorsements Environment and cycling: Ecology Action, Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz County, Resource ConserMonterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance,

is in the best interest of our school district




Business community: Aptos Chamber of Commerce, Plantronics, Santa Cruz Area Chamber of Commerce, Santa Cruz County Business Council, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership Labor Monterey Bay Central Labor Council, United

District and the Scotts Valley City Council. Investments for Scotts Valley and the San Lorenzo Valley Highway 17 Projects info: http://


Public safety, seniors, health and wellness: American Medical Response, ciation, Palo Alto Medical Foundation/ Sutter Health, Physicians Medical Group, Community Bridges, Human Care Alliance, Seniors Council, United Way of Santa Cruz County Political and interest groups: DemoFriends of the Rail & Trail, Pajaro Valley Cruz County Democratic Party, Trail Now “Measure D� page 22

Offered at NO CHARGE

AgingYOUNG A Health & Wellness Event for Seniors )*' - %+ # ' / # &# New Location! ( & %" "* 610 Clubhouse Drive, Aptos

) Expert presentations ) Health screenings ) Local vendors ) Helpful info Brought to you by:

For more information, call . To register visit

Enter to win our grand raffle prize:

Round of Golf for Four at Seascape Golf Club!

6 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Community News

SLV Water District Board Election T here are three people running for two seats on the San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board Election. Two are incumbents, Margaret Bruce and Randall Brown, with Bill Smallman as the Smallman and Margaret Bruce responding. merging with the Lompico Water District and the lower water usage due to water conservation during the drought, how would you keep water rates from rising?” argaret Bruce — the Board will propose rate increases that meet the requirements of running the District responsibly. The Lompico merger agreement ensures Lompico customers

We offer you a shipping choice of: UPS - FedEx - USPS - DHL

a great community asset and I am com-


health, with fair rates that also encourage


ill Smallman — This question is mis-


Next Day Air Shipment Offer expires 12/31/16

cost, but gain. Lompico is paying to replace

Family owned & operated since 2005 Trina McMullen - Owner | Amanda McMullen - Owner

infrastructure, and it

5610 Scotts Valley Dr., Suite B, Scotts Valley

operating cost, adding -


Bill Smallman Nobody can stop rising costs; what is important is a fair cost, which maintain. If rates are too low, it costs more.

You’re not alone during the holidays.

and so is SLV Water Margaret Bruce District, through economies of scale. Future rates will be based

adjusted to be enough to maintain the Dis-

of the District. The SLV Water District is

2016 Local Measures for Scotts Valley Times

Join us for candle lighting, music, and words of support.

Measure D: Santa Cruz County

Measure E: Santa Cruz County

local transportation projects. Requires

majority YES to pass. Summary — Amends the language

An Interfaith Memorial Service

Summary — Percentage Allocations -

Measure N: Boulder Creek Fire Protection District

safety projects, bicycle and pedestrian


Wednesday, November 16


7:00 p.m.

Location: Resurrection Catholic Community Church 7600 Soquel Drive, Aptos

Learn more at

Measure O: Zayante Fire Protection District (831) 430–3000

and People with Disabilities: Santa Cruz Summary —

Hospice of Santa Cruz County @HospiceSantaCru

Comment — Will qualify the SCCRTC for matching Federal and State funds for county projects. HSCC-Interfaith Memorial Ad FINAL.indd 1

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 10/18/16 10:35 AM7

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Driving Range & Tap House OPEN 7 DAYS: 7AM - 8:30PM

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Weekday Specials Short Game Area PGA Professional Instruction 831-274-3271 8 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times



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Community Brief

Honoring All Who Served The 7th Annual Veterans Day Dinner




uniform, their hat and or their medals and bring therir military memorabilia to share


patriotic songs and a sharing of their history. Friday Annual Veterans Day Dinner Presented by the San Lorenzo

duty $35

Local Sports

Valley High Schools Scoreboard Rushing

Football Coach: Louie Walters Scotts Valley 35 – San Lorenzo Valley 14

Aptos 21 – Scotts Valley 14

Passing Receiving



Rushing Rushing


SLV 46 – Harbor 0 Passing Receiving: Ryan Johnson 5 receptions Rushing: Scott Poetzinger 3 carries for

Scotts Valley 58 – Harbor 0

Coach: Dave Poetzinger Scotts Valley 35 – SLV 14

Passing Receiving




SLV 56 – Soquel 13 Passing

“Scoreboard” page 22

a b o u t fi g h t i

ge n u h ng


Want to do something BIG to help the community this holiday season? Give the gift of FOOD. Every $1 = 4 healthy meals. Your gift today will provide healthy food and beneficial programs all year long to children, families, seniors and vets in Santa Cruz County. Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County 800 Ohlone Parkway, Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-7110

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 9

Community News

Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center Progress Raising Money for First Phase of Construction


lans for creating a new Scotts Valley progress as the Scotts Valley Com-

the donation of hundreds of items from the

of construction. Hundreds of thousands of dollars

Following this success The Guild will be holding another estate sale with the goal of raising more funds and increasing awareness

donated with the demolition of the interior of the creation of plans for the new center. Many more hundreds of thousands of dollars

Last month the SVC Theater Guild held an estate sale and opened its doors to the the site and discuss the plans with represen-

10 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

to purchase from the estate include crystal, arts and crafts, linens, household items, Christmas decor, and many other

For more information about the Scotts


Christmas Tree Lighting Festival Calendar of Upcoming Events


he Scotts Valley Chamber of Com-

There will be two stages of entertainment annual Light Up the Night Christmas tainment will include musical acts/dance Tree Lighting Celebration. This year the from the local schools, dance troupes, VicChamber will again be partnering with

Thursday November 3 5:30-7:00 p.m. La Rue De Corriere

The Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration will be held on Saturday, December 3rd

Saturday December 3

Center. Admission is free but those who bring a donation for Valley Churches United Missions will get a carriage ride so much more!

Tree Lighting Festival SV Community Center

Saturday January 21 6 – 11 p.m. Location TBD

Every 4th Thursday Mixer

Call the Chamber Today or Visit

Happy Thanksgiving!

www.scotts Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 11

Scotts Valley Chamber News

LifeRaft Tutoring Welcomed into Community community with a Ribbon Cutting Cerset out to help students across best in school. He started from scratch, going from door-to-door, with nothing

With the support of the local community and a growing base of students, Liferaft Tutoring LLC, set up an office in Soquel, and, most recently, open a second office in Scotts Valley. Scotts Valley Mayor Donna Lind and members of the Chamber of Commerce welcomed Michael Alman into the Scotts Valley

assist and empower students in Scotts Valley, the San Lorenzo Valley and surrounding areas. engage students both inside and outside the classroom, with a fun approach that combines the teaching of organization well as the building of a unique support system around each student.

#3 Camp Evers Shopping Center Scotts

O November 26 only

First three customers get 50% off full purchase of in-store jewelry









Stop by Perfect Union N o v e m b e r 1 2 t h , f r o m 1 2 - 4 p m to see the studio, meet the instructors, have some Healthy Hors d’ oeuvres, and make an ornament to take home!

All new jewelry is 20% off Extra discounts on selected jewelry 245 Mt. Hermon Rd., Suite Y, Scotts Valley, CA | 831-438-1844 12 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


230-D Mt. Hermon Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Scotts Valley Chamber News

La Rue De Corriere T

he owner of La Rue De Corriere, a store

with incredibly talented artisans who truly enjoy

announce the long anticipated Holiday Grand

at La Rue De Corriere are happy to welcome shoppers for the holiday season but most

antique, handmade, up cycled, shabby and more.

Shanna Corriere

color matching. La Rue De Corriere is thrilled to be a part of the Scotts

and La Rue De Corriere intends for the trees to be the true focal point of the Holiday Grand

with city dignitaries in attendance. All of our guests will be able to tour the store, purchase that special gift and donate We are welcoming all to join in our celebration of the

we are blessed with new friends. The warm welcome of those who reside in Scotts Valley as well as the surrounding communities. The shop has also been blessed

La Rue De Corriere

Winter Store hours: Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays noon to 6 p.m. Holiday events 5:30 to 7 p.m. Holiday open house celebration: Nov. 5 and 6 2016 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Last Chance to Make Nominations for 2016 Community Awards


he Scotts Valley Chamber of Com-

to the Chamber by Noon,

The Year

period of time which you will specify. Nomination forms can be Criteria for nomination:

recognizing the people and busi-

special place. Year following categories: Valley

be a Scotts Valley Chamber member. outside the city limits, but their contribution must be within the community of Scotts Valley.

The Year All nominations must be submitted


High School age.

PROPOSITION 218 NOTICE The Scotts Valley Water District is considering rate and fee increases along with changes to rate structures. The Proposition 218 45-day public comment period began on October 21 when notices were mailed to all customers. The Scotts Valley Water District Board of Directors will hold a Public Hearing at 6 pm on Thursday, December 8, 2016, during the regular Board meeting. Learn more at

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 13

Scotts Valley Chamber News



unteers, donors, and community members will gather to celebrate the holiday at the Annual Holiday Gala





dependent on donations from the local community


dinner. Also featured will be well as other surprises for attendees.

information or to purchase

With a Victorian Christmas theme, guests will enjoy a champagne reception

food distribution, crisis rent/mortgage assistance, utility needs, educational supplies, disaster relief, and holiday projects to those in dents in San Lorenzo Valley, Scotts Valley and Bonny Doon since

Perfume Creation Course Connect with friends and explore your creativity as you design an unforgettable, one-of-kind fragrance. Our boutique is a great venue for celebrating birthdays, bridal showers, and other special events. We serve complimentary tea, coffee, and pastries to our guests, and we are able to provide additional accommodations upon request. Prices range from $25-$35 per person, depending on party size.

To schedule, email us at: or call us at: 1(831) 346-7234 200 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley CA 95066

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Advertise in the Scotts Valley Chamber Newsletter

14 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Call for SPECIAL RATES 831.688.7549

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA Permit No. 329

Change Service requested

Community News Meet Local Authors at Santa Cruz Book Fair for Kids and Teens


In association with the Santa Cruz Public

projects. Santa Cruz has a strong reading population that supports our libraries


reading, especially for young readers. Indeed, Librarian Laura Whaley says, the Santa Cruz Public Libraries. is just in time for the holiday season. The where the people of Santa Cruz County Marsha



Landy, something new, and engage their minds;

CAPITOLA VETERINARY HOSPITAL Professional & Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital

Students in the Young Writers Program will also participate in the fair, reading Writers Program is sponsored by Santa Cruz Writers and the Santa Cruz County

For more information about the fair, author

Don’t You AND Your Pet Deserve the Best Veterinary Care? Entrances Surgeries

Authors appearing at the book fair (from left): Top row — Greta Waterman, Marsha Strong-Smith, Diane Landy,


Now is the Time!

Letter to the Editor


Winter Dental Special $109 discount

in growth and associated transportation hassles.

portation for all people in Santa Cruz actually encouraging friends to Vote Yes on

of how to return to those good old days of Santa Cruz. — Kristen Jacobsen Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 15

Farah Galvez Theissen (4-yr) — As it was passed, Measure A raised $35 million towards the modernization of Scotts Valley Middle School, with two million safety repairs at Vine Elementary School. Unfortunately, it seems this will not be enough

Farah Theissen

school board has done

repairs done on budget and on schedule. In the future, the district might not be able to pass another bond measure because

Routine Restricted Maintenance Fund; and

account. Roger Snyder (2-yr) — a bond in place to address the facility needs at the Middle School. With regards to the elementary and high school facilities, if I were elected, I

Gia Schwarzer (2-yr) — Ideas from school board members or the public can be proposed to the Superintendent for consideration

the needs of all of our facilities, understand the issues at each, and then prioritize these

funding opportunities at local, state and Sue Roth (Incumbent, 4-yr) — The

that the reconstruction of the Scotts Valley Middle School and the seismic upgrading of the elementary schools are the major priorities for our facilities program. SVUSD has submitted the necSue Roth essary plans to the State for an additional $5 million dollars should

feasibility. Instead of defaulting to the

students, teachers, the community at large, regulatory compliance, and our education curriculum.

bonds measures to raise money for capital

Gia Schwarzer


Roger Snyder



how the current monies are being allocated, re-prioritizing spending (within the parameters of the restrictions on the

within the current budget, addressed

a coherent plan, we would be able to school districts to appeal to the state for donations. The School Board welcomes ideas that apply and allowable fundraising methods

to do within current budget constraints, munity for help with another bond, if needed. We must demonstrate clear needs tional funding.

There’s still time to catch the great investment opportunities in Las Vegas. Move here, Vacation here, Invest here….


1. *One should accompany young Trick or Treaters 6. “Victoria’s Secret” purchase 9. Marine eagle 13. “West Side Story” character 14. Distinctive quality 15. “Pulling my leg,” e.g. 16. Venomous slitherer 17. Dashboard acronym 18. Big tops 19. *Like a house to avoid 21. *Halloween alternative to black 23. Cul de ____ 24. Type of test

25. Sis’ sibling 28. Coarse file 30. Centers, oldfashioned 35. Indian music 37. ____ gin 39. *Chocolate bar ingredient 40. Do as directed 41. Popular garden perennial 43. Jesus’ first guests 44. African sorcery 46. Romanov ruler 47. Dashing style 48. Accident 50. Not mint 52. “C’____ la vie!” 53. 500 sheets 55. Nada 57. *”Night of the ____ Dead”

16 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

60. *Possible Halloween precursor 64. Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend 65. High or low card 67. Food comes from heaven 68. Cupcake topper 69. Spring mo. 70. Bar by estoppel 71. 2 aspirin, e.g. 72. Gobbled up 73. Desert’s lack, pl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. *Gravestone wish 8. Tanks and such 9. Genesis garden 10. *2002 horror movie “The ____” 11. Sol or fa 12. Ambulance crew 15. Typeface letter that slants up and to the right 20. E-wallet’s content 22. Ewe’s mate 24. One playing dead 25. *Wicked ride 26. Torah teacher DOWN 27. S-shaped moldings Wet nurse 29. Coin opening Dad to a baby 31. Top of the Capitol Pakistani language 32. 1:10,000 on a map, Property claims e.g. Reason to visit dental 33. Marcus Aurelius garb, hygienist pl. Shakespeare, e.g.

34. *Honoree on day after Halloween 36. Same as #1 Down 38. Arrival times 42. Entertainment venue 45. Artsy Keith 49. Mont Blanc, e.g. 51. Mood lighting switch 54. Old World lizard 56. ____ Apso 57. Insane in Spain 58. Avian wader 59. Ivy stem 60. Bone-dry 61. Hostile to 62. Involved in a secret 63. Midday slumbers 64. Free 66. *Witch’s familiar © Statepoint Media

Answers on 19 »

Call me for your free market analysis.

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Shannon S. Barton, Realtor® Premier Real Estate

SLV & SV Meal and Food Programs T

uesdays through Saturdays (also 4th Mondays). Valley Churches United, Food Pantry and Food Distribution pro-


Bonny Doon residents. Ben Lomond, corner

Wednesdays San Agustin Catholic

Bay Fed Promotes Sharine Martin

ay Federal Credit Union has announced the promotion of Sharine Martin to Assistant Vice President/Branch Manager of its Scotts Valley Branch. Mrs. Martin has demon-

seniors only. USDA Distribution on 4th

Tuesdays Felton Presbyterian

Community News


Meals on Wheels (a Community Bridges program), hot meals at dining

Church Thursdays bution. St. Philip’s Episcopal Church



years, and she is a great membership in Scotts Valley and the surrounding area.


Fridays Food Distribution. GateWay Bible Church, required). Thursdays

Grey Bears Brown Bag Program,


in Ben Lomond, Felton, or Scotts Valley.

St. John’s Catholic Church, down from Rite-Aid,

Sunday Christian Center

Redwood stepped up as the Interim Manager of Bay Fed-

Thursdays Mountain Community Resources (a Com-

Sunday & Paul Orthodox Church

SS Peter

Except as noted, all programs are free of charge -- Schedules are subject to change. Submit Changes/Additions to slvsvmeals@

Before joining Bay Federal, she was a successful

6 Months No Interest. **On Approved Credit. Ask for details.


Tues: Mahi Mahi Tacos w/Mango Salsa Fresca

Chile Verde Enchiladas de Pollo con Mole Wed: Sand Dabs w/Garlic Tomatillo Sauce

Chile Verde Enchiladas de La Cocina Fresca

Chicken, Beef or Cheese

Thur: Housemade Tamales Chicken or Pork

Chile Verde Ensalada del Mar Crab and Shrimp salad



Bring the family to Palapas for dinner Monday thru DINE FOR Thursday nights for our unique style of Mexican food and your children dine for free! *



Great Reasons to Dine at Palapas

All special entrees $13.95 All specials dine in only including Kids Dine Free offer. *Offer is good for one child’s (under 12) menu item per entree purchased from our regular menu by an adult in party. Valid Monday thru Thursday except holidays. Expires 4-6-17.

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Fine Dining Mexican Style

Ocean View, Lunch & Dinner Daily, Reservations Suggested 21 Seascape Village, Aptos 831-662-9000

SANTA CRUZ 1219 Soquel Ave 831.429.9989


Proud Contributors to:

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 17

Featured Columnist

Improving Our Community By Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor 5th District

Improved Mount Hermon Intersection his is a project that has been near the top


cannabis patients would be allowed to continue growing cannabis for personal use. Commercial operations would be prohibited in the Coastal Zone plus a one-

Road going towards Felton funnels into one getting this project done. Safe Routes to School Project Completed -


street to get to class. This is another long-awaited project -

depending on the license type. In any case,

includes road widening, curb, gutter and

square feet, or less than half the size of a

a safer way to get to school. I appreciate

public rights of way and neighboring hab-

Department and Caltrans in getting Safe Routes to School grants for the project.

from any municipal boundary, school, library,

Supervisors Weigh Cultivation Ordinance

generators in all but emergency situations

cussion, Santa Cruz County has the major pieces in place to regulate the cannabis industry.

production of cannabis products such as tinctures, candies, etc. are also prohibited. In addition, the ordinance requires cul-


to apply for a full license. As part of the their name and location, information on prior cannabis-related law enforcement and coordination with state regulators. security plans, and more. medical cannabis dispensaries, and a Measure and adapting as well.

growers who are interested in getting a that protects the interests of neighbors and mentally friendly, and transparent industry. The proposed new ordinance must Report before becoming law. It will apply

picture of how this ordinance will impact our county, from neighborhoods to timber production. This ordinance is carefully designed to address concerns from all members of the community, and while there something that we can all feel good about. County Credit Ratings Upgraded ith a strong local economy and sound


major credit rating agencies. Standard & Poor cannabis grown in Santa Cruz County for adult recreational use. Let me share some of the details of our cul-

zoning regulations and requires growers to

18 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


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Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 19

Community Calendar W

hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, world wide

offered in Santa Cruz (Fridays and Sundays) and Aptos (Wednesdays). For meeting locations, please call our helpline at

Ongoing Events Weekdays

CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children


to directly influence lifechanging decisions affecting children in foster care. Court


6 p.m. Castroville Recreation Center, food? Come join us for a


he Monterey Bay Salmon & Trout

group with the solution. Teens and adults welcome. It will be held in the Anne Hutchinson Room.

Tickets: $20 adults; $10 12-and-under. For more information email or

Second Mondays

Invisible/Alienated Grandparents Support Group

Life on the Ranch: Family Living History Day

4:-5:30p.m. ed by Dr. Pat Hanson


11am -3pm, Wilder Ranch State Park

W Wilder Ranch State Park

There or Not this will be a for sharing stories if you so choose, and learning healthy ways to deal with separation from anyone. Co-sponsored by Alienated Grandparents Anonymous www.AGA-FL. org a national organization

friend! child who has been abused or neglected.

First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. 3272 in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Overeaters Anonymous Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. 6:30-7:30pm Christ Lutheran Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos



Caregiver Support Group atz Cancer Center, PAMF and Hospice of Santa Cruz

plays and writings. For more information please call

Book Signing:


12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands



Maternity & Surgery Center,

10 am - noon

ome join a dynamic,

High Street


in Santa Cruz. The club meets

with food.

Sunday Nov. 6 Capitola Plein Air

Saturday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., On sight painting throughout Capitola

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children 6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121


specialized training. Court

20 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Lighted Boat Parade



Second Wednesdays



Saturday Dec. 3

5:30-7:30 pm School Performing Arts Center, eatures decorated boats 250 Washburn Avenue. Exhibition parading throughout Santa activities, live music, and more. Cruz Harbor, rain or shine. More info at Family-oriented festival.

Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement Monthly Meeting Tuesdays & Thursdays

demonstrations in the ranch buildings. Parking fee of $10.



Friday Shakespeare Club of Santa Cruz

Aptos Noon Toastmasters

Friday Nov. 4

each month and may include: butter churning, ice cream

Sundays ospice of Santa Cruz Growing Up in Santa Cruz Tuesday Nov. 15 County is offering a drop-in First Baptist Church Bible Study 4:30-7 p.m., Wargin Wines, Luncheon With Speaker grief support group for adults Karl Allmendinger 11 a.m.: Worship ois Lawson will be at Wargin 11:30 am, Severino’s 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos Wines to sell and sign copies of her member or a friend. This group Restaurant irst Baptist Church of Aptos is a place where you can share arl Allmendinger will share welcomes you to join their stories, learn tools for coping, more information. Come just for the fun! Sunday. who care. Saturday Nov. 5 For more information, please salad, fries. Contact Jim for more First & Third Fridays

beginning meditators

Dated Events

236-1171 bulimia.

those caring for someone with a serious illness. ill, it can be a challenge for the entire family. In this ongoing support group, we will share stories, learn tools for coping

Drop-in Grief Support

Overeaters Anonymous

with food? Come Join

support group with the solution group with the solution. Teens and adults


Members share group readings and insights, discuss history, and

in the next Advocate training

support to grandparents who feel alienated or estranged to Wednesdays their grandchildren. Questions: pat@invisiblegrand Insight Meditation 12pm-1:15pm, Pacific Cultural Center 1307 Seabright Ave. Tuesdays loom of the Present Insight Business Debtors Anonymous Meditation teacher Carla 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 532 Center Brennan leads a drop-in


dairy farm, and cowboy rodeo current times and locations of other meetings, or call our


child who has been abused or neglected.

people who care. Contact Hospice of Santa

39th Annual Albacore

Congregational Church,

Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California


Saturday, Nov. 12

Overeaters Anonymous


his statewide group of

be our guest at our monthly

learn something new from a top Capitola Plein Air

Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony


he Monterey Symphony is

Arts and Entertainment

to-understand format, with


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La

I for more information.

Ongoing Events

Friendship put to music; family

Thursday Night at our new home


2nd Saturday on the Farm

11a.m.-3p.m., Ag History Project Center at the Santa


on the Farm for free family

For more information, contact Sue 7053 or e-mail at

titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroi-

holds regular meetings open to the public each month. No admission fees.




For more information call

osted by Soquel Sports

Facebook page for more details. FREE

Last Thursdays each month

Second Sundays Each Month

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Downtown Santa Cruz Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante Antique Street Fair


Capitola Twilight Concert Series


Peninsula Banjo Band


First Fridays each month

whatnot! For more info, please contact us



First Friday Art Tour


Contact Lee McLaughlin, about booking the band for

Vendors offer an eclectic blend of antiques and unique items.

menu), and enjoy the ambiance of through a wide assortment of Argentina and join us in a social tango dance to music from the Golden Age of Tango. Private instruction and classes clothing, glass and ceramic by arrangement. For more

concert schedule.

he First Friday Art Tour is a Santa Cruz Institute

managed in conjunction with

and illuminates some of the most talented local artists from local galleries. in a First Friday art tour, visit

Saturday Nov. 5 Sunday Nov. 6

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Santa Cruz Sea Glass and Ocean Art Festival


Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)


Aries (March 21-April 20)

Saturday Nov. 12 Sunday Nov. 13 Goat Hill Fair


meal from the Star Bene Argentine

Dated Events

he Santa Cruz Sea Glass &

726-7053 or email at caller4u@


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) If you start to notice other people struggling to get out of your way, it might be time to slow down!

more! You are sure to find something fun and entertaining genuine sea glass and artist-made for the whole family.

Italian/Argentene Restarante,


appearances from farm animals

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings Friendship Put to Music! Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

Second Saturdays Each Month Science Sunday does not meet

a new theme to highlight historical agriculture with games,

Second Monday each month


Your November Horoscope

Third Sunday of Every Month

Science Sunday


Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun. 10


on the scenic grounds of the

Gemini (May 22-June 21) -

Saturday Nov. 26

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Arrives at 12 noon on Capitola Beach


outrigger canoe and surfboard on the shores of Capitola Beach. Be sure to bring your Christmas list

Center presents a public lecture from a marine scientist

beach chair to hear holiday wishes

month. Topics are presented in an entertaining and easy-

the children. This event is FREE!



Leo (July 23-Aug. 23) -

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22) -

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 21

Business Guide

Community News

San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties Burn Suspension Lifted use caution while conducting hazard reduction or agriculture burns, fol-

wood or other debris is not allowed.


and/or criminally liable for

four feet in diameter and in height. You can add to pile as it burns down.

agriculture and hazard reduction burn permits can now resume burning on permissible burn days. CAL FIRE must inspect agriculture burns prior to burning until the end of the

their control and/or burn onto neighboring property. Members of the public wishing to burn under a

FELTON — San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties was lifted. CAL FIRE San Mateo-

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may be required for burns other than agriculture burns as well. This can be



source nearby.


burn day prior to burning. For more information on how you can help spare the air in Santa Cruz Air Pollution Control District at

CAL FIRE burn permits are required in unincorporated San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties year round. While cooler tempera-

bare soil around your piles.

Residents in Santa Cruz County are

Pile Burning Requirements:

Safe hazard reduction burning of forest residue by landowners is a crucial tool in reducing fire hazards. State, Federal and Local land management and fire agencies will also be utilizing this same window of opportunity to conduct prescribed burns aimed at reducing fuel accumulations and and public lands. For more information on burning,

material may be burned.

Girls Volleyball Coach: Gary Redenbacher SCCAL Postseason Tournament Aptos def Scotts Valley (3-0) (25-12, 25-10, 25-14)


Soquel def Scotts Valley (3-0) (25-18, 25-23, 25-14) Scotts Valley def Mt. Madonna (3-0) Digs; Emma Turner 4 Aces Harbor def Scotts Valley (3-1) (25-21, 23-25, 25-17, 25-23) Scotts Valley def St. Francis (3-0) (25-21, 25-18, 25-23)

Coach: Rachel Gregory Aptos def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) Mt Madonna def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0)

Scotts Valley def Santa Cruz (3-1) (17-25, 25-17, 25-21, 25-19)

Scotts Valley def Santa Cruz (3-2) (25-16, 23-25, 23-25, 25-21, 15-8) Scotts Valley def Mt. Madonna (3-0)

Harbor def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) Soquel def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0)

crowded and public transportation


About Yes On D – Get Santa Cruz County Moving Measure D will fund one of the for pedestrians.

22 / November 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


plans in California. The measure lance response time is often lost on crowded local roadways. Measure D


call our offices 831.688.7549

Measure D is the only option to address these issues. Funds raised

automobiles. Many local streets and roads are in poor condition, highways are

not possible without Measure D. Measure D is the Solution to Get Cuts in federal and state funding

Scotts Valley Times / November 2016/ 23

DONNA LIND As a retired police sergeant and 48-year public servant for Scotts Valley, currently serving as Mayor, Donna Lind knows better than anyone how city government works.

Promote Responsible Economic Growth

Donna has demonstrated her commitment to the City during tough economic times. She has worked to control spending while maintaining a balanced budget and protecting City services and maintaining Scotts Valley’s unsurpassed quality of life. Ensure a smooth leadership transition Donna Lind has the knowledge and experience needed to assist in the transition with a new City Manager and recently promoted staff.

She will continue to place emphasis on economic development to support our economy. Advocate for Seniors

Support Public Safety Having served 40 years in the Scotts Valley Police Department, Donna will be an asset in selection and transition of a new Police Chief in light of Chief Weiss’ scheduled retirement.

As a Chamber of Commerce Ambassador, Donna Lind supports the “Shop Local” program.

Donna serves on Commissions and Committees advocating for seniors. She has demonstrated her commitment and ability to fight for protection of services for seniors. Protect Scarce Water Sources Donna will continue the work she has done in water conservation and with local agencies on a Groundwater Sustainability Plan. |

I want to thank the people of Scotts Valley for their support over the years. I have spent a lifetime serving our community and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I ask for your support once again because together we can accomplish much as we have in the past. t 5PHFUIFS XF CBMBODFE PVS DJUZ CVEHFU GPS UIF MBTU ZFBST t 5PHFUIFS XF CVJMU BO BXBSE XJOOJOH MJCSBSZ BOE TUBSUFE DPOTUSVDUJPO PO UIF 1FSGPSNJOH "SUT $FOUFS t 5PHFUIFS XF IBWF DSFBUFE FDPOPNJD EFWFMPQNFOU ĕ MMFE WBDBOU DPNNFSDJBM TQBDF BOE IFMQFE MPDBM CVTJOFTTFT t 5PHFUIFS XF IBWF QSPUFDUFE PVS XBUFS TVQQMZ BOE DPOTFSWFE PVS OBUVSBM SFTPVSDFT t 5PHFUIFS XF IBWF LFQU PVS DJUZ TBGF BOE DMFBO BOE PVS SPBET TJEFXBMLT BOE QBSLT XFMM NBJOUBJOFE Dene Bustichi in 1980 volunteering time to build City Hall.


“I have lived in Scotts Valley all my life and I am not a perfect man but I have had a lifetime of public service and I am ready and willing to continue to serve Scotts Valley for another four years.”

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