Scotts Valley Times: November 2015

Page 1



Full Story page 6


Full Story page 7

Scotts Valley Mayor’s Address Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

2 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times



Table of Contents







1000 OFF Oil Change $


2000 OFF Smog Check $

831.438.3344 1 HACIENDA DRIVE, SCOTTS VALLEY | open MON-FRI 8am-5pm, SAT 8am-4pm


No. 11


*Maximum Discount $100 | **Coupons cannot be combined with other offers

Scotts Valley Mayor’s Address by Dene Bustichi

Community News 5 6

Volume 18

7 8

Valley Club News 8 Submitted by Jim Melehan


Don’t Pay More Than You Need To!


11 12 13

Freedom to Choose or Keep your Doctors


Is your plan leaving the area?

Valley Sports 15

Know your options.

Business Profiles 18



Featured Columnists 9

In-Home, Office & Evening Appointments Available

Service and Processing Your Application at No Cost to You

by Bruce McPherson

$"-- 50 -&"3/ .03&

16 17 19 22

by Chad Storlie by Robert Francis by Brandon Southall

3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s




Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 3

Patrice Edwards

Cover Story


“Mayor’s Address” from page 1

publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Dene Bustichi, Jim Melehan, Noel Smith, Bruce McPherson, Tiffany Mitchener, Chad Storlie, Robert Francis, Brandon Southall



layout Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Bri Bruce production coordinator Liz Senteney, Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti




Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times




Cover Photo of, and story by, Dene Bustichi, Mayor, City of Scotts Valley

Community News

Valley Churches United Missions

34th Annual Valley Christmas Project -





“VCUM” page 10

HOW TO KNOW & TRUST YOUR INNER GUIDANCE Seminar with David Gamow NOV EMB ER 1 4 th 10:30am - 1:30pm $40 admission fee True inner guidance is calm, centered knowing. Learn simple techniques to draw the guidance that is always freely available to you and to distinguish it from imagination or hope. David Gamow left a career on Wall Street to immerse and intensely live eastern teachings for the past 33 years. Author of Freedom from Stress, he has taught meditation and mind-calming techniques to 25,000 people at places like CBS, Citrix, Stanford, NASA, GE, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury. t )PX UP BTL GPS HVJEBODF t )PX UP UFMM USVF HVJEBODF GSPN JNBHJOBUJPO t %FWFMPQ DPVSBHF UP GBDF UIF VOLOPXO t $BMNJOH UIF IFBSU UFDIOJRVFT GPS JODSFBTJOH ZPVS JOUVJUJPO Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 5

Community News

A Wonderful Life At Cabrillo College

New Musical by Local Authors to Premiere At Crocker Theater APTOS — -

It’s A Wonderful Life November 7 - 21

“Wonderful Life” page 10

6 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Community News

A Legacy Comes to the SLV Museum

Exhibition Features Correspondence Revealing How War Changes Lives, Families, Communities BOULDER CREEK —





War Comes Home: The Legacy Exhibition, October 25 – December 5, 2015, at the San Lorenzo Valley Museum, 12547 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, Wed – Sun, Noon-4pm. Free admission, donations welcome. For more information 831-3388382, This exhibition highlights private

families upon their homecoming. Thank you to exhibit sponsor BC American Gas.

Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 7

Community News

SLV Museum Hosts 6th Annual Veteran’s Day Dinner


Scopazzi’s Restaurant The Redwood Keg Boulder Creek Boulder Creek Hardware Joe’s Bar The Redwood Keg The SLV Museum Felton Felton Hardware


The San Lorenzo Valley Museum resides in a historic 1906 church with a mission of preserving and sharing the history of the San Lorenzo Valley through exhibits, events and school outreach programs. It is solely funded by members, sponsors and grants from the community. For more information, call 831338-8382 or go to

Valley Club News Kiwanis of the Valleys

The club meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at Bruno’s, 5:30.All are welcome.

Kiwanis meets 7 a.m. every Wednesday morning at Bruno’s BBQ. The second Wednesday of each month is an evening meeting at Bruno’s at 6:30 pm. We invite you to join us.



Scotts Valley Rotary -

Exchange Club of Scotts Valley


We meet Mondays at 12:15 p.m. Bruno’s Barbeque 230G Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley Upstairs Meeting Room. Submitted by Jim Melehan


WE’ RE STILL HERE! Come in and explore our wide selection of clothing! FULL SERVICE


Friendly & Knowledgeable Staff | 831.440.1080 | Open Daily 10:30am - 6:30pm Located in the Kings Village Shopping Center 222 Mt. Hermon Road, Suite G, Scotts Valley 8 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Featured Columnist

New Felton Library Closer to Reality By Bruce McPherson

F -



Malone’s Grille Celebrating 35 Years! .PO ć VST /JHIU 'PPUCBMM t )BQQZ )PVS . 4BU QNt -VODI . 4BU %JOOFS . ć ] ' 4 UJMM QN t 3PBEIPVTF ,BSBPLF FWFSZ 4BU BU QN

Football Specials

1st Down Chicken Wings Touchdown Asian BBQ Sticky Tater Tots Half time Sliders Penalty Perfect Garlic Cheese Fries Kick-off Chicken Quesadilla

Domestic Beers-$3 Special Vodka-$3 House Chard & Cab-$4 House Margaritas-$4

Wine-down Wednesday

with a glass of wine

Wednesday 5:30-7:3 0pm

$15 unlimited tasti ng 10/28 - Aquinas 11/4 - Chalk Hill 11/11 - DeLoach Ru ssian River

**good anytime during televised football games!

4DPUUT 7BMMFZ %SJWF t t XXX NBMPOFTHSJMMF DPN Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 9


“Wonderful Life” from page 6


BREAKFAST & LUNCH Daily DINNER Wednesday - Saturday


(831)438-8313 219F Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066


CAPITOLA VETERINARY HOSPITAL Professional & Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital



Chris Perri


Winter Dental Special





$109 discount

Cabrillo Theatre Arts presents the world premiere of the Kaufman & Perri musical It’s A Wonderful Life November 7 21, 2015 Cabrillo Crocker Theater, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos Performance Schedule

Marcus Kaufman


Cover Teaser: Clarance, George and Mr. Potter Photos by Jana Marcus

“VCUM” from page 5

For more information on how to adopt a family this holiday season, or how you can become a volunteer, call Valley Churches United Missions at 831-336-8258, x228 or drop by VCUM at 9400 Hwy 9 Ben Lomond, CA 95005 or visit: 10 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

2015 Scotts Valley Community Awards Dinner

Calendar of Upcoming Events Thursday November 7


Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 831-438-1010, or in person at the


Dinner 6 – 10 p.m.

Thursday November 19

Village Road.

2015 Alvin Scarborough Memorial Man of the Year

2015 Annette Marcum Memorial Woman of the Year

David T. Hodgin

Debbie Muth

Cutting Ceremony 5:30-7:00 p.m.


Saturday December 5


Thursday January 28


Chambers Joint Mixer 5:30-7:00pm

Debbie Muth

Thursday February 25

David Hodgin

Mixer – 5:30-7:00pm -


2015 Sharemi Ullestad Memorial Youths of the Year -

Iliana Hayes & Matt Murray

Thursday March 24


Mixer – 5:30-7:00pm

Every 2nd Thursday

Happy Hour Networking

“Hodgin” page 14

“Hayes & Murray” page 14

Congratulations to our Honorees!

Every 4th Thursday Iliana Hayes

Matt Murray

Business Networking Mixer

Call the Chamber Today or Visit Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 11

Scotts Valley Chamber News

2015 Scotts Valley Chamber Ambassador of the Year

2015 Scotts Valley Organization of the Year

Stephen Hoversten

Scotts Valley Water District -




Stephen Hoversten “Hoversten” page 14

“SVWD” page 14

Vine Hill School Life Lab: Denice Grogan & Michelle Reber



12 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Denice (left) and Michelle

Scotts Valley Chamber News 2015 Educator of the Year

Renae Fish -

Renae Fish


2015 Scotts Valley Business of the Year

Business With Pleasure



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Needing recommendations for local professionals who 831.457.5555 can perform this work, or any other work around your home? Honored to be voted Call us, we would be happy to BEST REAL refer you to one of our strategic ESTATE TEAM business partners. once again!


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KATHERINE CalBRE #01971504


Operations Manager

Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 13

Scotts Valley Chamber News October Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Newly Remodeled Bubbles Laundromat

“SVWD” from page 12


“Hoversten” from page 12 -


“Hayes & Murray” from page 11 -



“Hodgin” from page 11

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Advertise in the Scotts Valley Chamber Newsletter

14 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times


Call for SPECIAL RATES 831.688.7549

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA Permit No. 329

Change Service requested

Local Sports

Valley High School Scoreboard Football Scotts Valley Season Record: (5-2, SCCAL 2-0) Coach Louie Walters Scotts Valley 55 – San Lorenzo Valley 51 Scotts Valley Stats:

Scotts Valley def St Francis (26-28, 25-15, 25-15, 25-19) Scotts Valley Scoring:

Scotts Valley 55 – Harbor 13 Scotts Valley Stats: Scotts Valley def San Lorenzo Valley (22-25, 25-18, 25-20, 25-22) Scotts Valley def Mount Madonna (3-1) San Lorenzo Valley Season Record: (4-3, SCCAL 1-1) Coach Dave Poetzinger Scotts Valley 55 – San Lorenzo Valley 51

Aptos def Scotts Valley (3-1) Soquel def Scotts Valley (3-1) Scotts Valley def Harbor (3-1) Scotts Valley def St. Francis (3-2)

SLV Stats:

San Lorenzo Valley 35 – Soquel 6 SLV Stats:

San Lorenzo Valley Season Record: (2-20, SCCAL 2-11) Coach Ashley Tenant Mount Madonna def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) Harbor def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) Scotts Valley def San Lorenzo Valley (3-1)

Girls Volleyball

Soquel def San Lorenzo Valley (3-1)

Scotts Valley Season Record: (9-12, SCCAL 6-7) Santa Cruz def Scotts Valley (25-20, 22-25, 25-17, 26-28, 15-8)

Santa Cruz def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) San Lorenzo Valley def St Francis (3-0)

Scotts Valley Scoring: Aptos def San Lorenzo Valley (3-0) Mount Madonna def San Lorenzo Valley (3-1)

Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 15

Featured Columnist

Prevent Parvovirus Disease in Your Puppy By Tiffany Mitchener

When should my dog be vaccinated? -

What is parvovirus?


Where is parvovirus found?


Which is most susceptible to parvovirus? -

How to diagnose and treat parvovirus?

“Puppy� page 19

16 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Featured Columnist

Serving as a U.S. Soldier Still Inspires Me By Chad Storlie






Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 17

Business Profile


Your Destination for Unique Gifts, Home Accents, and More

Y -





Bumblebees by the Sea, is conveniently located at 5167 Scotts Valley Drive in Scotts and ample parking is available in front of the store. Tel #: 831-461-939, Website: -




18 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Store hours are Monday – Friday from 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM, Saturday – Sunday from 10 AM – 5 PM. Follow their Facebook page for daily updates on new merchandise and monthly parties.

The Book Bag

By Robert Francis

Some Quick Reads Featuring Adventure and Suspense ... -

Corridors of the Night


By Anne Perry Ballantine. $27





Fairy Tales

The Last September By Nina de Gramont Algonquin. $25.95

“Puppy” from page 16 -


How to prevent parvovirus?







1. Black ____ snake 6. NY Giants HOF outfielder Mel 9. For capturing attention 13. Relating to axis 14. National Institute of Health 15. Aussie bear 16. Rekindled 17. Compass reading 18. Sign of bad news 19. *Hans Anderson’s Emperor lacked these 21. *Reflecting truthteller 23. 1/60th of min 24. What aides do

25. *”Beauty and ____ Beast” 28. “The Sun ____ Rises” 30. Chinese tea 35. Lemongrass, e.g. 37. Wrong 39. Golfer’s accessory 40. Arm part 41. Shipping weights 43. Beige 44. Sprays 46. River in Egypt 47. Innocent 48. Lowest part 50. Use a cat o’ nine tails 52. Brit. fliers 53. Not straight 55. Dot-com’s address 57. *1001 what? 60. *Genie’s master 64. Pope’s court

11. Hurtful remark 12. Toni Morrison’s “____ Baby” 15. Kasparov’s famous opponent 20. “Bravo! Bravo!”, e.g. 22. International Labor Organization 24. Tell a scary story? DOWN 25. *Tom’s size equivalent 1. Painter ____ Chagall 26. Sunny prefix 2. Michelle Kwan’s jump 27. Famous German artist 3. Venus de ____ Max 4. Entices 29. *Ugly Duckling, at end 5. Tennis great Gibson 31. Bank holding 6. Singles 32. Grouchy Muppet 7. *Steadfast Soldier’s 33. Waterwheel substance 34. *”Three Goats ____” 8. Unifying idea 36. Quilt stuffing 9. For, in French 38. Raise the roof 10. Kind of palm 42. 1988 Olympics site 65. Philosophical system 67. Famous bandmaster 68. Make fit 69. Wow! 70. What a bridge does 71. Affleck and Stiller 72. Indian bread 73. WWII conference site

45. “____ ____” by Pink 49. Yoga class accessory 51. The infamous ____ knoll 54. “Peace” with fingers 56. Parkinson’s disease drug 57. Artist’s model? 58. Formerly Persia 59. Deprive of by deceit 60. So be it 61. Like Jekyll and Hyde’s personality 62. Antonym of “is” 63. Rover launcher 64. Uber alternative 66. *Little Mermaid’s domain © Statepoint Media

Answers on 23 »

Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 19

Community Calendar

Sunday 2– 6 p.m., Monday 4:30– 6 p.m. More info at www.hulastiki. com or call (831) 655-HULA.



Santa Cruz

12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Beach Drive

9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. Clares St. Capitola


Contact suzie@suzielundgren. com or call (831) 332-7347

To learn more, call (831) 515-8699.

WomenCARE Support Group



Follow us on Facebook: Facebook.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Co-dependents Anonymous

Ongoing Events Overeaters Anonymous -

For a schedule and more information, go to or e-mail or call (831) 469-6096.

Please see our website for current times and locations: www.santa- First and Third Mondays Or call our Hotline at Caregiver Support Group (831)429-7906. 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Commercial Crossing, Santa Cruz Weekdays

CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children


TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)

For more information or to register call (831) 457-2273

8:45 am, Felton Firehouse

Tuesdays, Thursdays thru Saturdays

Learn more by calling (831) 335-3510.

Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions


8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College

more info: (831) 236-1171

at (831) 479-0393 or visit www.

For a meeting near you call (831) 291-5099 or email

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural Medicine, 2849 Park Ave. Soquel

Aptos Noon Toastmasters

PROFILE of Santa Cruz


B12 Fridays

Drop-ins welcome. For more information, call 831-335-3693.

7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite B, Santa Cruz (next to Family Cycling Center)

Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market

Overeaters Anonymous

9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Center, 360 Kings Village Drive

6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos For more information, call (831) 429-7906

Third Sundays

Seymour Marine Discovery Center: Public Lecture Series

First Wednesday each month

Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation For more info. visit both and facebook.

First Tuesdays each month

6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.


Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership

More info:

6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.). To register to one of the meeting and for directions, please call 454-4687. Call Greg Horne at (831) 684First Tuesdays and 1834 to RSVP & bring a friend!

Third Thursday each month

Image Matters


Third Wednesdays each month Second Wednesdays First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos Mondays

Meal Solution Mondays

Contact Hospice of Santa Cruz County Grief Support Program. (831) 430-3078

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Alzheimers Support Groups Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm

North County, 5:30-7p.m., first Tuesday of month (for location details contact Danielle at 761-2956 X102) South Any questions (831) 438-2658 or County, 5:30-7 p.m., third Wednesday of the month at the email CASA Office, 813 Freedom Blvd. Watsonville Second and Fourth Wednesdays

Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch ADHD Support Group Meetings


Felton’s Farmer Market! 2:30-6:30 p.m.


To RSVP call 761-2956 Ext. 102, or email

Third Wednesdays

Second Tuesdays each month PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz To learn more, call (831) 427-

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force

Lunch: Tuesday – Sunday from 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dinner: 4:30 p.m. – close. Happy Hour: Tuesday –

For more info, visit www. or contact Nicole Zahm at education@ or Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at

Toastmasters: Speak for Success 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley.

Feldrenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Cultural Center, 1307 Seabright,

20 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

Hoffman’s for Second Harvest


Dominion Ct., Aptos

Call Commander D. Murawsky 831-708-8511 for more information.

Fridays Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060

Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group

6:30-7:45 p.m., 3192 Glen Canyon Road, Scotts Valley in the Bison Second Thursdays each month Center and The Camp Recover Center

7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water District Veterans of Foreign Wars 6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa Cruz Headquarters, 5180 Soquel Dr. Soquel For more information, call 475-9804 Visit for more info.

Fourth Wednesdays

Sons in Retirement

Noon, Elks Club at 150 Jewell St.



Monday November 23

Kettle Kick Off and Fundraiser

11:30a.m., Holy Cross Parish Hall, 170 High Street, Santa Cruz.


Please call ahead for corporate sponsorship or to reserve your table.

Tuesday November 24

Second and Fourth Thursdays Wednesdays


Foreign Wars Post 10110

Any Questions, contact Judy Brenis at (831) 818-9619.

Head to the Islands!

Hula’s Island Grill and Tiki Room, 221 Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz

12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf Course Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 Fourth Thursdays each month or e-mail for Aptos Veterans of more information.

6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station on Soquel Dr.


Tuesday November 10 Disaster Prep Seminar

Friends of Scotts Valley Library Thursdays Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting

Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A Capitola Road, Santa Cruz.

4:00pm-6:00pm, New Leaf Community Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Capitola (Also down town and at Wednesdays Facilitated by West side stores) McBurney

Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

Dated Events

7-8pm Inspire Salon in Capitola

Cabrillo Host Lions Club

7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Park in lower lot and walk up driveway and turn right at the Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 sign. Helpline (888) 688-7834. Aptos Creek Rd. Find meetings at www.nar-anon. org

Clutterers Anonymous

Aptos Sons in Retirement Luncheon

11:30a.m. Severinos Restaurant, 7500 Old Dominion Court

5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer Call Jack for more info 688-0977 Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz.



Arts and Entertainment

Saturday November 7 Sunday November 8

Capitola Twilight Concerts

Your November Horoscope Times Publishing Group, Inc. Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

18th Hot Rods at the Beach

Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony

8a.m.-5p.m. in a First Friday art tour, visit


Peninsula Banjo Band

7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose

Open Studios


First three weeks in October

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.)

Second Fridays each month

Big Band Dance

7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, Capitola

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Saturday November 7

Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Santa Cruz Sea Glass Agent, at 408-993-BAND (2263) and Ocean Art Festival for information about booking the - Suggested donation, $6 per person. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. tions are tax deductible). information, call (831) 476-4711.


Visit for more information.

Wednesday Night Sail Boat Races Second Sundays Each Month 5:30 - 8:30p.m. March to October Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair

Ongoing Events Ongoing thru Dec. 5


9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.



Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance

War Comes Home Exhibit

SLV Museum in Boulder Creek.


Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Aries (March 21-April 20)


Thursday November 12

6:30 pm, German American Hall, 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

A Taste of Santa Cruz

5:30 p.m.-9 p.m., Cocoanut Grove, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Ongoing thru Dec. 12

Scotts Valley Library Exhibits Ageless Arts


For more info, please contact us at For more information, contact Sue (831) 476-6940 or visit us on or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail Facebook. at

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Modern Square Dancing Class Third Sunday of Every Month 7:00pm, German-American Hall Science Sunday Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth

Santa Cruz, 95060

Saturday November 21 La Selva Beach Craft Fair


10am to 4pm, La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave, La Selva Beach.

Last Thursdays each month

Adult Mixed Level Hip Hop

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante

7:15-8:15pm, Deer Park Plaza Suite 53

4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene -

T Classes are $10-$12. For more info visit

Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit


Dated Events

Private instruction and classes by Downtown Trick O Treat arrangement. For more information, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. call Michael (831) 239-2247.

7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, 1777 Capitola Rd., Santa Cruz

First Fridays each month

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Saturday October 31

Third Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

First Friday Art Tour


Monday November 23 Tuesdays


6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St.


Kettle Kick Off and Fundraiser 11:30 a.m., Holy Cross Parish Hall, 170 High Street, Santa Cruz

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)


Please call ahead for corporate sponsorship or to reserve your table. Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 21

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Noisy Ocean Getting Noisier By Brandon L. Southall, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz and SEA, Inc.







- 22 / November 2015 / Scotts Valley Times

SCCAS Featured Pet

LADY BUG – Is a Love Bug!





Benefitting the Healing Courtyards Initiative, for more information visit (831)462-7712

Santa Cruz Location

crossword on 19 »

Watsonville Location

Fairy Tales © Statepoint Media

Scotts Valley Times / November 2015/ 23

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