Scotts Valley Times: July 2016

Page 1


Special Edition: City of Scotts Valley’s 50th Anniversary

+VMZ t 7PM /P

Scotts Valley — Then And Now So, for full disclosure, I am no historian and I am merely friends who have been in this community since 1956. Full Story page 5

Music at Skypark 2016

The free communitywide “Music at Skypark�

Scotts Valley Becomes a City

in local public schools returns for its 8th summer season on the last Sundays -

By Jessica Johnson and Donna Lind

lot to local media. In 1960, the Santa Cruz Sentinel published an

it. Residents of Sandhill Road — known for their beautiful views — would look over this proposed

28 and September 25). All concerts run from 2:30 to 6:00 pm at Skypark in Scotts Valley. Full Story page 23




FOR 19 YEARS Holistic Food For Pets

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Limit 1 coupon per bag/case per person. Must present coupon to receive offer. Sales final, no returns. Expires July 31, 2016.

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No. 7 Volume 19




Table of Contents


Cover Scotts Valley Becomes a City by Jessica Johnson and Donna Lind Community News 5 Scotts Valley: Then And Now by Dene Bustichi 6 7 8 Scotts Valley’s 50th Anniversary Celebration 11 by Randy Johnson 14 23 lation by Noel Smith 25 26 27 SCCPC Turns 60 (Santa Cruz County Pony Club)



Scotts Valley! Thank you for 50 years of serving our community. We look forward to your continuing partnership.

Business Profiles 10 24 Jeanne Hawk 3COTTS 6ALLEY #HAMBER .EWS s 15

15-18 -

16 Membership Renewals 17 Chocolate Visions Kids Camps 20 #OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s n Your July Horoscope Featured Columnists 30 #1 31

by Bruce McPherson



3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s


Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender.

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 3

Patrice Edwards


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Jessica Johnson, Donna Lind, Dene Bustichi, Randy Johnson, Noel Smith, Bruce McPherson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters, Vanessa Reed Holder office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents Š2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Cover Story — 50th Anniversary “Scotts Valley History� from page 1 -

pipes and delivery of water. The association

rose to action.

trict, which was formed in 1961 with Friend Stone selected as President of the Board. Residents were concerned that their three of us and found we were not alone. The room was full of dissatincorporate as a city. In a very close vote The Chairman of issue was hotly contested by both sides for Commission then asked the memorial park developer to meet

Elmer & Agnes Lewis

the election and announced the birth of the

Valley. Current Mayor Donna Lind recalls

Valley was the fourth city in Santa Cruz and Capitola. Humble Beginnings he City of Scotts Valley had a lot of

protest the cemetery‌ and the movement to make Scotts Valley a city was born with the Scotts Valley Property Owners Association


city limits do not include Sandhill Road.

formed municipality borrowed $20,000 from a local bank - which was eventually repaid from

Scotts Valley Property Owners Association was formed in 1960, Lewis was voted temporary Chairperson and was the President of

Administrator. He also served informally In November of 1966 city’s administration by -

to work. Five men were elected to the inau-

vote to incorporate: Bill

who became Scotts Val-

Friend Stone and land that became City Hall and included the police station. Shortly after in 1968, Stone hired Jun Lee Bill Graham

Donna Lind (then known as Donna Berri and fresh out of school) as City Hall Sec-

In the two-year interim between the vote and Photo Credit: Norm Burns

moved out of the area and were replaced by

Skypark Airport Hangers

“50 Years� page 12

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50th Anniversary — Community News

Scotts Valley: Then And Now

5167 Scotts Valley Dr. Scotts Valley, CA 95066


Monday-Friday 10-5:30 | Saturday 10-5 | Sunday 11-5

Dene Bustichi, Former Mayor and current Scotts Valley City Council Member


Congratulations Scotts Valley on 50 years!

on who tells it. So, for full disclosure, I am no historian and I am

those of family and friends who have been in this community since 1956. In 1966 Scotts Valley became a city. I that time but my family does. One very real reason the City became a city was that the County of Santa Cruz wanted to put a cemetery in our community. Most residents of Scotts Valley were in opposition to that and formed a committee that worked with the business owners and were able to incorporate our community into a city and the cemetery was stopped. Some in Scotts Valley did not want to become part of a city and to stay in the county. That is why there are pockets

20% OFF Bumblebees By The Sea

Discount applied before tax

Exp. 7/31/16

80s was mostly a blue-collar city with sand town stores, shops and restaurants. “Four Paws Up”

town. Our only schoolhouse was what is now Scotts Valley Middle School, later we

to the City of Scotts Valley on their 50th Anniversary

Apple Valley, still part of the Scotts Valley Community but not within the City.

event every year similar to what we do carnival rides, music, parade and many civic activities. “Then and Now” page 9



Thank you for being a great place to raise my children and grandchildren. Thank you for the great schools in which I was priviledged to teach. Thank you for providing a wonderful city for our company - 35 YEARS! From May 1981 to present.


Congratulations to the City of Scotts Valley for 50 fabulous years! Lowest prices in town!

Jeanne Jensen Shada, Real Estate Broker, BRE#00606749

45 year citizen of Scotts Valley, Scotts Valley Arts Commissioner

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 5


On your Golden Anniversary

Favorite Beauty Salon Since 2010

To celebrate this special anniversary we are offering a

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Hair Cutting Services Hair Coloring Services Makeup Applications Lash and Brow Services Select Beauty Supplies Pick up commemorative 50th Anniversary Pins Here for $3 Proceeds Benefit SV Parks & Rec.

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Shana Burton

Discount available* for first-time clients with Shana through Oct. 2016. Mention this ad for the discount.

5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite B., Scotts Valley, Ca. 95066


Community News — 50th Anniversary

Do You Remember Santa’s Village? T he reaction is always the same ... “Aaww, I went there when I was a kid.” Almost everyone in Santa

round, it has come to represent a simpler of Santa Claus.

*While supplies last on select beauty supplies.

near Lake Arrowhead in San Bernardino cider up near the Summit. Noel Smith, editor at Times Pub-

Come in and meet the new owner Donna Brown & her dog, Unicorn

theme parks around the country, Noel was

fornia developer. Scotts Valley was the second of the

detail to make it as realistic as possible.”

So many memories... Claudia Brown

“I have such fond memories of Santa’s


North Pole Characters

played by Carl Hansen, a native of

ride (like Disneyland’s teacups). It was a



BREAKFAST & LUNCH Daily DINNER Wednesday - Saturday

(831)438-8313 219F Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066 6 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


First Theme Park Franchise

theme park in the country. Number one opened Memorial Day weekend of 1955

“Santa’s Village” page 8

50th Anniversary — Community News

FLYING OVER SCOTTS VALLEY Some Historical Aerial Views

Lower Right: Scotts Valley circa 1950

By Photographer Norm Burns circa 1970s)

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 7

Community News — 50th Anniversary

Scotts Valley’s 50th Anniversary Celebration T he City’s 50th Anniversary Cele-

ticipants to submit a parade entry form or

The Parade theme is “1966 - Scotts Member Jun Lee. Past Council Members Officials from past years as well as those who’ve been part of our history.

will be in the parade as well as family members to represent those that are no




Anthem as she has in past Scotts Valley

“Santa’s Village” from page 6

tickets, souvenirs, food and refreshments. Ride operators

North Pole. Only the




and still in operation at The Boardwalk), pony carts and a miniature train. Captain Satellite, Smokey the Bear, and Romper Room’s Miss Nancy. The Many Attractions


can still be spotted here and there -




around a tear, some wish they could take their children and


and steak sandwiches. Santa even had a Standard Oil (now Disneyland.” a new show called “Lost Parks of Northern California” structures were continuously painted and paths were kept Rowberry on Bay Area NBC. The day they arrived to shoot Time Changes the Village n 1966, Noorudin Billawalla purchased the Santa’s -


a half dozen times. In 1992, Borland tore down or sold

stubs and other memorabilia still there.

computers, iPods, iPads and iPhones became popular, kids tions became small screens with action heroes rather than

breakfast cabins at Sorenson’s Resort near Lake Tahoe. The resident development there.

8 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Special thanks to Frank Perry at Capitola Historical Museum and Eric Taylor for the use of the photos. Written by W. Wilde.

Days parades and the Calvacade. Dorothy still performs around the State

years will be part of fireworks. Tickets

50th Anniversary — Community News

Scotts Valley Market with the park vacade and past Scotts Valley Days parades and is currently the honorary

to assist with various aspects of the parade. Check out the Scotts Valley

part as well. This year ’s students par-


the Fireworks. Music from the past 50

information. Beautiful Scotts Valley 50 year Anniversary Pins are available at Parks of Commerce or Scotts Valley Police Department for $3 each.

From an Article by Mayor Donna Lind

“Then and Now” from page 5 down, Johnnies Produce Stand closed in the early and late 80’s, property was donated to the City for a park and city hall but there was a catch. If the City did not start construction by a set date, the property would revert back to the family. went to the business community and as the Scotts Valley Businessman’s Association, they started construction of the city hall with volunteer labor. I was one of those

center started construction. demands went up and the water district

Valley Businessmen’s Association moved into action; they paid to drill a well, which the community. Today the district uses

erson and many others. Many local businesses contributed and Las Animas Concrete. The city hall chambers with its beautiful redwood beams became known as Friend Hall, named after the time of construction Friend Stone. Then, as now, when the City needs

city and the district. As the City transitioned from a bluecollar city to a bedroom community for people who worked in other areas of our

Volunteers gather to work on a new City Hall. the other side of the hill, to Silicon Valley.

of use for sand or silica as Scotts Valley

community to step up and make it happen in our city.

a lot of unoccupied commercial space and manufactured calculators and the Victor computer. The Scotts Valley location was wholly concerned with the Victor 9000


Fortunately in 2005 the residents of Scotts Valley voted in a temporary sales economic subcommittee of myself and Council Member Randy Johnson worked

9000 had advance features for the time. Other tech companies such as and communication companies came to town

like Central Home Supply, Bay Photo, Bell Helmet, Zero Motor Cycles and others and slowly we turned the tide and our commercial vacancy rate is now at its lowest in close to two decades. stayed the same Scotts Valley. It is still a

and we are Scotts Valley. Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 9

Business Profile



Since July 2013, Piret has been the -

and views them as opportunities for improvement.

three years. -

She says they have come addition to her native lanhas been surprised at their school years.

make people accountable

States in 1993 with her husband whom she had

to structure the work, they always rise to the occasion.” Her vision is to lead -

a pen-pal friendship and

in 2002 Piret completed an -

as a dry cleaner attendant, receptionist,

District to be the trusted source of information for people in the community on all water topics. The District wants to support the interest in water as a valuable resource,





a savvy and dedicated 21st century workforce. In the summer of 2015, Scotts Valley

the four months it was open. On May 18, 2016, the recycled water station opened Recently, the District reached another

Principal price. For the District, this has meant

customers to pick up free recycled water




improvement The District also embraces innovation

to fruition. mercial and homeowner associations for

Piret, “there is no new water in the world. All water at our disposal now has been used before. The astronauts have been mission into space.” Scotts Valley Water District is located at 2 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Telephone 831.438.2363 – Website: 10 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

50th Anniversary — Community News

Future Looks Bright By Randy Johnson, Vice Mayor

that allowed us to rebuild Scotts Valley Drive. A cost of $29 a year and a beautiful alter-



he former Bethany campus presented many doned, it sat there with very few prospects.

We offer you a shipping choice of: UPS - FedEx - USPS - DHL Happy 50th Birthday to Scotts Valley!

Bring this ad in to receive a 40% discount on shipping boxes

Offer expires 7/31/16

would create a “multiversity” and promote personal development and whole-person many levels. Not only will this serve a wide spectrum of people, it will provide a solid revenue source

valuable lesson: perspective. we work to move the city

Family owned & operated since 2005 Trina McMullen - Owner Amanda McMullen - Owner

5610 Scotts Valley Dr., Suite B, Scotts Valley

source of business for our two future hotels concerns. developments represent an income source of nearly 35 million dollars for our city. And the locally, patronize restaurants and keep our retail

Town Center


bsent the economic disarray in 2008 and

the town center would be a reality today. Councilmember Bustichi and I have attended many


Performing Arts Center

theater will welcome the whole spectrum of Valley and while the population numbers are our community and it even helps our town

include a prominent restaurant and perhaps

they add that to their customer base, particularly for potential restaurant sites. As Scotts Valley moves forward on these -








in this spot.

D E S I G N • P R I N T • P R O M OT I O N S


Green Business Program




Images of Scotts Valley by local author Debbie Muth. PREORDER PRICE: $16.49 plus shipping, after July 18, 2016 the price will be $21.99.

Zinnia’s Gift Boutique, offers an assortment of delightful items and gifts for the home and garden. The warm and welcoming atmosphere presents distinctive home and garden decor, gourmet cooking items, fine furniture, jewelry, clothing, handbags, men’s items, local artisan pieces & more!

Happy 50th Anniversary to the City of Scotts Valley! 219C Mount Hermon Road, Scotts Valley

Extended Summer Hours – Starting July 5

9 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Locally the Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce and Ace Hardware in the King’s Village Shopping Center will also sell the book or email: All author profits to benefit the Scotts Valley Historical Society.

Available at: Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 11

Community News — 50th Anniversary

Stone’s Vision riend Stone is remembered as a resourceful and practical visionary. house that was to be the City Hall and the police department, the city had very

“50 Years” from page 4

Kelinda’s Customs LLC

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about it.” friends when she shared that she had discovered a cricket in her apartment and because it was so loud, had named it “Mr. Mayor.” “From then on, nickname of “Cricket,” said Lind. Years later,



Donna Lind

Ken & Linda Johnson, proprietors

was known, took a trip to the state surplus

all he purchased. director remembers it, Stoney purchased $95 a piece. The missiles were cut up and used as street culverts. There was an article in the local paper with a photo of the mismarked down from $1

as a kind and nice man who loved to tease, Lind recalls he could easily handle anyone who tried to disrupt a City Council “Once


of conviction and action, Mayor Lind recalls the time when of property that was Jun Lee earmarked as the site for a new city hall and police department. However there was a stipulation that


I remember someone -

Paul Couchman

The man was warned a few times and and called for a recess. He stood up and invited the man outside to deal with it man to man,” Lind shared. “[The mayor]

be broken, remains were found on the be Indian artifacts. All plans to start were halted. But Stone had no intention of a tractor over the weekend and broke “There were protests,” Lind recalls,

disruptive man looked at the Mayor, his size, and his obvious frustration with him,



business leaders and police department





50% Off Color Copies (Single sided, 8.5” x 11” only. Expires July 31, 2016)


Council Meeting 1970: Includes Jim “Bud” Kennedy, the 5th member of the original City Council and an early

12 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

50th Anniversary — Community News

employees pitched in to build what is the current home of the Scotts Valley City Hall and Police Department. Stone, Robert


We have the best mexican food in Scotts Valley and beyond. Try us and you’ll be convinced! Our recipes are authentic, always fresh and time-tested. Fresh made Salsa: yes! Fresh made Guacamole: OF COURSE!

Ariel View of Scotts Valley about 1950

people of Scotts Valley. there was a task force comprised of members commended as a man of “ability and dependable water source to the city, estabpersonnel for the administration of the new City of Scotts Valley. Mayor Donna Lind, who was hired by Stone, remembers him fondly, “Friend

and escorted her.” Chief Pittenger and the SVPD


trained to deal with this type of protest. The task force was able to successfully disperse the protesters, as the City Hall and PD were so close to the planned action. with Dispatcher Donna (Berri) Lind. Jun were armed and prepared to protect both Dispatcher Lind and the department.

we were to treat someone we contacted as family. If they became combative, then you do what you have to do, but you always start

3115 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Telephone: (831) 438-7004


&AMILY /WNED /PERATED s &IRST 0LACE 3ANTA #RUZ 'OLDEN !WARDS the owner of a security company in the Scotts

to be involved in the community. From the

Congratulations Scotts Valley

Stone hired him. career on November -

Gerald Pittenger

Our menu has its roots in Michoacan and other areas of Mexico. Packed with classic dishes we create from scratch. Daily specials incorporate seasonal, local ingredients. From amazing appetizers to tasty salads, inspired authentic entrees to a full bar, your meal will be one of a kind!

uniform with a Scotts Valley Police

citations borrowed from the Capitola Police

started we didn’t even have a copy machine, -

19,619 calls for service in 2015.” two-way radio. The department picked up

Then and Now n a Santa Cruz Sentinel article dated March


shifts and oftentimes would respond to calls

on your 50th birthday! My friendly, dedicated and talented team has been providing outstanding care for our dental patients here in Scotts Valley and the surrounding communities of Santa Cruz County in our convenient location for the last 17 years. We are proud to have been voted best dentist in Scotts Valley twice in a row for the last two years. Come join us as you treat yourself to a healthy, beautiful smile. My State-of-theArt facility is designed for your comfortable efficient care using the latest, scientifically proven diagnostic, preventive and restorative modalities. Visit us and become part of our family. We love Scotts Valley!

schools and a family friendly atmosphere. Mayor Donna Lind says, “Scotts

products were used in military planes. Chief

makes us special. I’m proud to be a part of a city I feel is one of the most special

Family Dentistry 221 H Mount Hermon Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

831.440.1830 Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 13

Community News

Tasting Under The Redwoods BEN LOMOND — The 2nd Annual

purchased at

. If available, For more information, call

Lisa McGrath Community Liaison

from 12 noon until 5 p.m. at

Redwoods is made possible

Hall. rants and confectioners; ten wineries, and four specialty Mountain Feed and Farm “sips.� Also featured at this “over-21� event will be live music by the popular band and other surprises.

Workplace Wellness Program Attention all Santa Cruz County Employers! Did you know that in 2015, the PMG Workplace Wellness Program offered complimentary on-site health and wellness services to over 20,000 locals at their place of work? We are proud to say that we: ( % ! # ( # ( ! $ " % ( # ' Find out what wellness we can bring to your workforce! Visit: | Call: 831.465.7835

14 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

was sold out; ticket sales for this year’s event are well underway. All-inclusive tickets are $50 and may

is provided by Liberty Bank.

donations from the local community to provide supplemental food distribution, needs, educational supplies, disaster relief, “Redwoods� page 22

‘Taste of Scotts Valley’

Calendar of Upcoming Events Monday July 4


4th of July Parade and Fireworks 3 p.m.–Dark

osh on tasty bites from local restaurants from all

ballroom at the recently renovated Alessio Chef and Sweets, La Gioconda Restaurant Sushi Garden, Bruno’s BBQ, Malone’s will be provided by professional Grille, Mint Living & Fine Bites, the Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley Hilton, Music Now. Taqueria Los Gallos, and Sushi San which recently opened in Felton. includes all seven festival wineries Chocolate Visions

This is the county’s only event starts with a parade at 3 p.m. and moves to Skylark Park at 5 p.m. for food, fun,

Thursday July 14 – Art Wine & Beer

wines that will be poured at the Art with the wine. You will also have a chance the artists, who have each donated a piece of their work to make it allel, Hallcrest Vineyards, Surf City

6 - 8 p.m.

Scotts Valley Hilton 1001 La Madrona Road and Beer Festival is a two-day event

Pre-sale Tickets can be purHand crafted brew will be on chased at Scotts Valley. In addition to the fabFor more information, visit ulous art, there is delicious cuisine, tap from Steel Bonnet Brewery and live music, a family midway. New Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery. this year the Cops n’ Rodders car Mark your calendars for Scotts Valley Chamber of show will be on hand on Saturday “Taste of Scotts Valley” at the Santa Commerce facilitates and stimu- at the festival, hosted by the Scotts Valley Police Department over 150 cars will be on display. 2016 Festival Dates: Aug. 20, 10am - 6pm & Aug. 21, 10am - 5pm Pre-Sale Tickets can be purchased Tickets can be purchased in and Community Relationships. The Scotts Valley Art Wine at advance or at the Door. Ticket Price

Another Awesome Multi-Chamber Networking Mixer in July


oin us for a Multi-Chamber and Pajaro Valley

co-sponsored by Scotts Valley recently completed remodel for the treated to samples of food, beer, and & Capitola-Soquel Chambers of *$5 for members, $10 for nonCommerce. members, tickets available at the door. from San Lorenzo Valley, Aptos,

Have a Safe and Sober Independence Day!

Wednesday July 20 Multi-Chamber Mixer (Scotts Valley, SLV, CapSoquel, Aptos, Pajaro) 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Join us for a Multi-Chamber Mixer as we celebrate the completed remodel for the New Cinelux Theatre on 41st Avenue.

Tuesday August 2 50th Anniversary Celebration Community BBQ (Time TBA)

City Hall, MacDorsa Park and Scott House One Civic Center Drive

Every 4th Thursday Business Networking Mixer

Call the Chamber Today or Visit Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 15

Scotts Valley Chamber News Owner, Santa Cruz Somatic Massage


spiritually emotionally and physically; I This year I am surprised to say

a person’s body, attention and inner world. This new found freedom in the body-mind Currently my practice has two main focuses. One is deep tissue, therapeutic and

only the inner voice can really answer. Therapy, Hakomi Method and Spiritual Somatic Bodywork addresses issues

modalities which address the body, mind and spirit. These modalities

of Therapeutic Touch combined with a provide an opportunity for an individual House Calls

Time to get ready for summer!

Relax, look and feel your very best while enjoying treatments and expertise devoted entirely to the uniqueness of you... Gift Cards Available Online or at the Spa.

Congratulations Scotts Valley on 50 years! Finally, a day spa as unique as you are…

Santa Cruz Somatic Massage Scotts Valley Water District congratulates the City of Scotts Valley on its 50th birthday and looks forward to partnering with the City to serve the community during the next 50 years. We’re proud to embrace and provide a reliable water supply on behalf of this special community!

Brandon Armitage Scotts Valley, CA 95066 831-706-6601

Crystal Maxey, CMT Serving Clients in Scotts Valley/ Santa Cruz & Aptos Call for appointment: 510-541-6740

Kaiser Permanente – Scotts Valley

Scotts Valley Senior Life Association

Granite Creek Business Center Opening Jan 2017 831-438-1000

Thank You to our Renewing Members 831.439.9900 4301 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 16 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Ananda Scotts Valley Assist International Central California Alliance for Health Crow’s Nest Edward Jones Investments Jeremy Geels

I On Design Scotts Valley Counseling Center Shadowbrook Restaurant Sheila Feddema Boone Realtor, Sherman & Boone Real Estate

Scotts Valley Chamber News

The Chamber’s Sweetest Member

Meet Patti Le Day – New Owner of Chocolate Visions


hocolate Visions may become Sweet -

Theater. “Chocolate Visions” page 18

Fitnes s F A un!

Making a Positive Impact on Kids Through Movement, Nutrition & Mindfulness

ges 615

Mini Camp: $150


230-D Mt. Herman Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 17

Scotts Valley Chamber News

Patti worked in the restaurant industry many years. She worked as a baker, super-

“Chocolate Visions” from page 17

eateries in San Francisco. Then she hit a back. She didn’t use her weekly allowance anymore. She went to school and became a chocolate, specialty pans, and many, many

Santa Cruz to marry Jon, who already lived

was her passion. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and fancy desserts were on the menu.

always volunteered to make the cakes. She had a little side business on the weekends yellow brick roads and ruby slippers, vol-


pianos, a 3 story carousel, to name a few. Chocolate is Patti’s favorite medium to work with. Chocolate cake, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate cookies, chocolate





sauces, chocolate… did I mention chocChamber.

Summer Youth Workshop: Fragrance Creation Ages 10-14 Come visit our enchanting and imaginative location at 200 Technology Circle in Scotts Valley, CA Workshops include a history of perfume, overview of fragrance extraction, distillation, & personal fragrance creation. Students will leave with their own handcrafted fragrance creation and formula. Snacks are provided. Please provide your own lunch. Please let us know of any food sensitivities. Workshops are in two parts (1 day each), and take place on Tuesday (Workshop 1A) and Thursday (Workshop 1B) 10am-2pm $95.00/person for both parts (Tuesday 1A & Thursday 1B). 12 student maximum per week.

Week 2 – 6/28 & 6/30 Week 3 – 7/12 & 7/14 Week 4 – 7/26 & 7/30 To reserve your place, contact: or (831) 316-7137 Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Advertise in the Scotts Valley Chamber Newsletter 18 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA Permit No. 329

Call for SPECIAL RATES 831.688.7549


Expires 8/31/16

Come in and explore our wide selection of clothing!

'6-- 4&37*$&









Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 19

Kids Camps

How to Find the Right Summer Camp M any





to learn that what they want for their kids is still available -- in a residential

stay, from anywhere from

away” summer camp some 20

Camp Lincoln for Boys and Camp Lake friendlier and simpler for children. These days many of those same parents often dismiss the same summer

country, children need their own positive

from the distractions of the city.


Camp Association (ACA) shows that many parents are concerned about security for society and instinctively want to keep their children close and safe. The same research, however, shows that parents want to provide the best opportunities for their children. They want them to have whatever it takes to be happy

environment you want for your child with your own level of comfort; and price. Many times there are tuition breaks and scholarships for children with limited incomes. Program nce you have decided on what kind of camp

tend to be. They build from year-to-year term. They have memories, values and friendships that continue into adulthood,” Cote says. Accreditation ote adds that there are several factors


a residential summer camp: Accreditation;

whether at an accredited

application process and deadlines; camp’s

before you may want to send your child to

availability to and from the camp; accessibility for physical disabilities if applicable; and whether the camp meets state and



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Camper’s Age so we can schedule it,” he says. and family to family, but usually around

For more information on summer camps in general, contact

Monte Vista Horsemanship Camp ÓÊ-V Ê7>Þ]Ê7>ÌÃ Û i]Ê Ê xäÇÈ Phone: 831-206-9707 e-mail: web: - or visit for more infor-

20 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

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Sponsored by:

$15/person $50/4-pack $20/person at the door All proceeds will be used to provide healthy food to people in need in Santa Cruz County. Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 21

“Redwoods” from page 14 Lorenzo Valley, Scotts Valley and Bonny Doon since 1982. For more information, please visit . Participants

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MacKenzie’s accommodates Special Events and Banquets. For more information contact our event coordinator Carter Allen. Phone: (831) 459-9178


SANTA CRUZ follow us

Breakfast 8:30–4 Lunch & Appetizers 10:30–4 Happy Hour 4–6 18 Clubhouse Rd. Santa Cruz, CA ◆ (831) 459-9162 ◆ 22 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

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Proud Contributors to:

Community News

Music at Skypark 2016 T

Sunday September 25 heir loyal fans would say that Music at

he free community-wide “Music at (winner of “Best Cover Band in the Bay

schools returns for its 8th summer season


will return to Music at Skypark for of the season. This accomplished band with 28 and September 25). All concerts run from 2:30 to 6:00 pm at Skypark in Scotts Valley. Two bands will perform at each concert, and local businesses will cessions for sale, with all net

honest lyrics backed by the brothers’ blend of soul dance band.” This will be a heck of a live show. Sunday August 28 wo of Music at Skypark’s most popular veteran bands headline the


Music at Skypark newcomers The Rayburn Brothers Band, who harmonize as only Rayburn Bros. Band

New this year: entertainment

Great Poets


levels are available. Be sure to calendar Sunday July 31


bands have teamed up to produce Music at Skypark’s best-attended concerts in the

season is The Houserockers, one of the premier classic rock bands of the Central

Scotts Valley Host Lions Club Annual Installation By Noel Smith


Valley Host Lions Club installed its

about 50. The event was held at the senior center in Skypark and included a dinner of delicious do-it-yourself tacos. The beef and

Bruce McPherson installs Karen Shipley


Valley Host Lions Club many events and its McPherson, 5th District Supervisor. New

the Annual Crab Cioppino Feed and Dance, Ball Tournament, Annual Holiday Food

President Dene Bustichi. The Scotts Valley Host Lions meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month

Lion Steve Brown was awarded a Disthe month at 6:30 p.m. at Tony and Alba’s, 226 help with the District Convention the past few years. Lion Harvey Bustichi was awarded the Scotts Valley Host Lions Club Lion Of The Year award which is voted on by the members to our club and community for the past year.

Tel: 831-345-8766. Postal address: PO Box 66602 Scotts Valley, CA 95067 Email: Information: scottsvalleylion@aol. com Membership:

1. Angry walk 6. Bell and Barker, e.g. 9. Fields and Basinger 13. Donny’s singing sister 14. *T.S. Eliot poem, “____ Wednesday” 15. Loosen laces 16. Glorify 17. *Theodor Geisel, ____ Dr. Seuss 18. Daughter of a sibling 19. *Wordsworth or Shakespeare 21. *He hears America singing 23. Pig’s digs 24. Discharge 25. Exchange for money 28. Grey, of tea fame

30. Like oxen put together 35. Second-hand 37. Saintly glow 39. Theater play 40. Ancient Scandinavian symbol 41. Pinch to save 43. F.B.I. operative 44. Nathaniels, to their friends? 46. Fencing weapon 47. Fail to mention 48. Swell 50. Unforeseen obstacle 52. Pub offering 53. *Cyrano de Bergerac had a big one 55. Cathode-ray tube 57. *Famous Russian poet 61. *”The Canterbury Tales” poet 65. Ernest, to mommy 66. Tarzan’s mom

11. Flexible mineral 12. “____ but not heard” 15. Like the States 20. Nursemaids in India 22. Battleship game success 24. Oval 25. *”Auld Lang Syne” poet 26. “Round up the ____ DOWN suspects!” 1. Eurasian duck 27. Yiddish shrew 2. It made Danny DeVitto 29. Garden ____ a star 31. Jason’s vessel 3. Word of mouth 32. ABBA’s “_____ Mia!” 4. Paper plants 33. Not your grand5. The smallest, at the mother’s mail clothing store 34. *”Divine Comedy” 6. “Howdy, ____!” poet 7. Pose a question 36. Like Mariana Trench 8. Medieval oboe 38. Bad luck predictor 9. Make with needles 42. *”Do I dare to eat a 10. Individual unit ____?” 68. Famous nurse Barton 69. Decorate 70. *____ McKuen, poet and songwriter 71. *”The Waste Land” poet 72. Lubricant 73. ATM extra 74. Slow on the uptake

45. Like RMS Titanic 49. Person of interest, acr. 51. Honored with presence 54. Chow down voraciously 56. Ballerina’s skirt fabric 57. Ring like a bell 58. Pakistani language 59. Prig or snoot 60. Engage for service 61. Surrender territory 62. Jealous biblical brother 63. *”____ & Psyche” by Robert Bridges 64. Goes with interest 67. *”The Raven” poet © Statepoint Media

Answers on 25 »

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 23

Business Profile

JEANNE HAWK FINE JEWELRY APPRAISALS Meet Graduate Gemologist Jeanne Hawk


Jeanne decided to pursue her

market conditions. Market such as supply and demand

the value of the metal in the

is determined by the level of work. formal




the -

terValuerTM to be valued. The value of TM

purpose of the valuation. Appraisal Institute (JIAI). client you’ve stepped into a laboratory. Jeanne Hawk Fine Jewelry Appraisals is an -




insurance appraisal is used to determine the retail replacement value

mined. Fair market value is the price that with no undue stress or pressure. sentimental value they only want iden-

Services provided by Jeanne Hawk

appraisals, market value estimations, con-

her husband, Steve, and their cat, Johnny Boy, now live in Capitola, happy to be near Jeanne’s business is located in Scotts Valley Silicon Valley and the San Lorenzo Valley as well as the Central Coast of California. Jeanne Hawk Fine Jewelry Appraisals is located at 5521 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 235, Scotts Valley. Visit online. In order to best meet the needs of her clients, Jeanne’s unbiased, professional services are provided by appointment only. Contact Jeanne today at 831.359.3449 or at to schedule an appointment. 24 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Community News

SCCAS Featured Pet

Free Cardiovascular Disease Screenings

Dominican Hospital Launches Dare to C.A.R.E in Santa Cruz County SANTA CRUZ — Local business owner Ted Burke took 20 minutes out sure that his cardiovascular health is on Health Dominican Hospital’s new Dare vascular diseases that can lead to kidney failure and more sudden conditions like stroke and aneurysm. “I know that heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women,” said Burke, owner of the historic Shadowbrook Restaurant and also president of the Dominican Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, “After today’s cular disease isn’t in my future. Dominican

Shadowbrook Restaurant owner Ted Burke and carthrough Dominican’s new Dare to C.A.R.E. Program. have risk factors for vascular disease, and


OPIE is looking for some Action! pie

does zoomies around the room when he’s happy.

can aid in detection of vascular disease at Opie can be intimidated in chaotic or unfamiliar situations, but his curious nature and non-invasive.”

Americans die of cardiovascular disease for common vascular diseases: many of the conditions associated with strokes).

years old. To adopt your new friend, come to Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter

until they cause serious complications or death. The free, 15-20 minute car-

Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location

untreated can lead to serious kidney help identify at-risk individuals so that doctors can intervene early when the dis-

Watsonville Location

cause serious complications in the lead to amputation. “Free Screenings” page 31

crossword on 23 »

underwritten by the Dominican Hospital Foundation, thanks to private donations from the community.

Great Poets © Statepoint Media

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 25

Community News

Musical ‘Chicago’ Returns S P A


Cabrillo Stage Celebrates 35 years


musical, CHICAGO, a bold choice for the time. Join the fun as they celebrate

of CHICAGO followed by a production of the musical masterpiece, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, CHICAGO, directed and choreo-

after another. Set in the 1920s, observe as a

representation by the handsome lawyer, prison matron, “Mama” Morton and the cheery reporter Mary Sunshine. And let’s

a Rich Man”. This show is truly a reason for celebration. You are also invited to attend the 35th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, June 26 at 5 p.m. in the Sesnon House located near the Crocker Theater. There will be wine, refreshments, hors d’oeuvres, live

for this special event is only $50. If you is sure to dazzle with Ms. Scott’s direction summer productions. Join the fun and help

masterpiece, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.

Tickets for either show can be purchased individually or you can purchase discounted price. All performances are held at the Crocker Theater on the Cabrillo

The music by Jerry Bock with lyrics by

3337 MISSION DR. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95065 831 26 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


Community News

SCCPC Turns 60 S anta Cruz County Pony Club Hosts it’s 60th Reunion Celebration Sat-

proper care of horses. It is based on The British Pony Club, which was created in of the Horse. Since then, Pony Club has

1969 — Games Rally Team

promote sportsmanship, stewardship and

Hill Road, the current site for Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Association (the

term “pony” was used to describe the

activities. The club will provide dinner at 5 photo opportunities with horses and ponies. Participants who arrive 2 p.m. or later can

Pony Club continues to focus on education Santa Cruz has always inspired visionaries. It does today and it certainly did in 1956. That is when a visionary team of local horse-people and youth leaders was States Pony Clubs here in Santa Cruz. Of course, Santa Cruz was much smaller in 1956; the county was home to That did not stop a committee of 12 forward thinkers from

SCCPC will provide the dinner but donations for conand activities for the club will be accepted. To help the committee plan for plenty to serve, please RSVP with your


variety of special activities to broaden the Response



reunion as a special occasion to renew old friendships and make new


Party to post your RSVP, call (831) 623for more information or to make reservacollected by email. In the last decade, Pony Club has

in Aptos, Ben Lomond, Capitola, Coration from 21 to 25 for traditional youth and men from across the county have

of instruction and activities. Now SCCPC invites all members and families, instructors and leaders, past and ebration for the club on Saturday, July 16.

masters membership opportunities and “SCCPC” page 29 Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 27

Community Calendar Announcements

Nar-Anon Santa Cruzof Northern California

children in foster care. Court appointed special advocates are

and receive support from people who care. Contact Hospice of Santa Cruz a few hours a week can have a County Grief Support Program. lifetime of impact for a child who (831) 430-3078 More info www.casaof or call (831) 761-2956 XT.102

Second Mondays

Invisible/Alienated Grandparents Support Group

First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., Join Nar-Anon, world wide in Watsonville fellowship of relatives and Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. friends of addicts who have in Capitola been affected by someone else’s : 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Tuesdays. For meeting locations, Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. please call our helpline at in Aptos 831-291-5099 or contact Mondays Visit our Northern California Caregiver Support Group website for meeting listings in our area and region: www.naranon- 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Commercial Crossing, Santa Cruz atz Cancer Center, PAMF and Hospice of Santa Cruz County invite you to attend a

Ongoing Events


CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children


serious illness.

ASA empowers volunteers to directly influence life-

4:-5:30p.m. ed by Dr. Pat Hanson author of Invisible

one’s business. For more information: 831-4253272

Second Wednesdays Tuesdays & Thursdays

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children 6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121 Watsonville CA 95076 ASA volunteer Advocates receive 35 hours of specialized



advocates are everyday people There or Not this will be a safe structured environment ways to deal with separation from anyone. Co-sponsored

that provide information and


com/AptosNoonToastmasters or more info: (831) 236-1171

can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or

Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement Monthly Meeting Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 Jewell St.


First Baptist Church Bible Study

bands, festive spectators and the

9:45 a.m: Bible Study 11 a.m.: Worship 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos irst Baptist Church of Aptos

complete details:


study and worship every Sunday. Call (831) 688-5842 for more info

retired men invites you to

luncheon. You’ll meet kindred spirits, have a fine lunch and

Call Greg Horne at (831) 684-1834 to RSVP & bring a

Sunday Piano Brunch 11a.m.-2p.m. isten to live piano music at


your brunch with a mimosa or lavender bubbles.

If you would like to participate in the next Advocate training contact Thursdays in July or (831) 761-2956

schedule of upcoming performers or call Zizzo’s at (831) 447-0680


Sunday July 24

Dated Events

Night Music Series

6 to 8 pm., Bargetto Winery, 3535 N Main St, Soquel Tsunami Light 12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Questions: pat@invisiblegrand Hotel, 116 Beach Drive Rock) (831) 601-9195 Scott Cooper and the Barrel Makers (Blues) Tuesdays July 21: Wave (Acoustic Soft Rock) Business Debtors Anonymous July 28: Stormin’ Norman 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary Episcopal (Classic Rock) Church, Parish Hall, 532 Center Admission is Free, Light food Street, Santa Cruz. is available for purchase. Call Follow us on Facebook: Facebook. (831) 475-2258 for more details.

Aptos Noon Toastmasters



8:30 a.m., Starting in front of Cocoanut Grove at the corner of ach year on the Fourth Sunday in July, thousands of runners, across America and around the world return for the annual Capitola-by-the-Sea. Acclaimed “The best little road race in Cali-

Tuesday July 26 Aptos Branch Sons in Retirement Luncheon

11:30 a.m., Severinos Restaurant uncheon will be followed


Call Jim for more info: (831) 708-4133

Looking Ahead Saturday September 3 8am to 6pm, Watsonville Municipal Airport.

Friday September 9 thru Sun. September 11 Santa Cruz Greek Fair

Saturday September 10 Sunday September 11 34th Annual Capitola

Saturday 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday 10 am to 5 pm, Capitola Village

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BUY 1 GET 1 FREE OIL CHANGE $38.95 Lube, oil, filter multi point inspection, exterior car wash Receive a coupon for a second service done for free Offer includes up to 6 quarts conventional motor oil. *Synthetic oil and deisel may be slightly higher priced 28 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

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Announcements Friendship Put to Music!


at the New Hall, La Selva Beach

For more information call Sue Harris or Don Benson (831) 7267053 or email at

Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony


he Monterey Symphony is


Arts and Entertainment

Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La Selva Beach, CA 95076 Friendship put to music; family friendly. Class takes place every

Second Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings 7 p.m., Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz, 1740 17th Ave., Santa Cruz 95062 titchers-by-the-Sea, the local


month. No admission fees.

Park for the Party in the Park Check our website and Facebook page for more details. FREE

For more information, contact Sue Downtown Santa Cruz Harris or Don Benson at (831) 726- Antique Street Fair 7053 or e-mail at 9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante 4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/Argentene Restarante, 21245 East Cliff Dr.


3 p.m.–Dark his is the county’s only

a wide assortment of treasures


For more info, please contact us at a part of the fun at this annual (831) 476-6940 or visit us on parade, which starts at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church at Main Street and Private instruction and classes by Facebook. arrangement. For more information, Freedom boulevard at 2p.m. call Michael (831) 239-2247. Third Sunday of Every Month More information: 768-3240. Science Sunday

Fridays Tuesdays


FREE Bands on the Beach

6:30 to 8:30 pm, Santa Cruz 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, Beach Boardwalk ach Friday the Santa Cruz 150 Jewell St. Beach Boardwalk puts on two Foundation. Buy-In $15. Full free concerts on the Boardwalk snack bar available. First Tuesday of each month is special $25 buy in Visit Concerts for full schedule.


First Fridays each month Wednesdays

Capitola Twilight Concert Series 6-8 pm, Esplanade Park


First Friday Art Tour


he First Friday Art Tour is a Santa Cruz Institute of Con-

concert schedule.

Santa Cruz, 95060 Boulder Creek Parade eymour Marine Discovery 10 a.m., Highway 9 between Center presents a public Scarborough Lumber and Railroad lecture from a marine scientist Avenue the third Sunday of every month. his popular annual parade Topics are presented in an enterdraws an estimated 10,000 people to Boulder Creek. Parade format, with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion. Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit Old-Fashioned Independence Day


Last Sunday of the Month

Music at Skypark

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

which only increases your superstar status. Shoot for the stars, and don’t act like you’re surprised

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

ilder Ranch takes a step back in time with an early 1900’s style Independence Day

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Aries (March 21-April 20)



tax deductible).

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

The couch is the last place you want to park yourself early in July. There’s so much to do in the


Skypark, Scotts Valley art venues. The event takes place year-round and illuminates some September for for our Summer Peninsula Banjo Band 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, of the most talented local artists Concert Series. Visit 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose To find out where to participate music-skypark-2 for more orty-seven years of in a First Friday art tour, visit information. (Most Area, over 250 popular tunes. Come see our band for Free in galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.) No cover. Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information about booking the band for

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

fireworks. This years marks 50 years since Scotts Valley became a city.

2 p.m., Downtown Watsonville

Menu, (or their well known italian

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)


event starts with a parade at 3 p.m. and moves to Skylark at 5


Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Scotts Valley’s 4th of July

Second Sundays Each Month Parade and Fireworks

Last Thursdays each month

Ongoing Events


Times Publishing Group, Inc. Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

appearances from farm animals like


music and want to be involved, more information.

month we select a new theme to

Your July Horoscope

Dated Events

and more.

Sunday July 10

2nd Saturday on the Farm

~~Celebrate the 4th~~ Monday July 4


Slavic American Cultural Organization Summer Barbecue

12p.m.-4p.m. at the Corralitos Padres Hall usic by Navi Stari Tamburasi 11a.m.-3p.m., Ag History Project Band. Reservations by July Center at the Santa Cruz County ‘Team up for America’ 2nd Fairgrounds oin us every 2nd Saturday on the Aptos’ 4th of July Celebration For more info call Susan (831) 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., Downtown Aptos 722-3268.

Second Saturdays Each Month

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Gemini (May 22-June 21)



visit the Facebook page Santa teaches the care of horses and Cruz County Pony Club and add a post or send a message requesting sports. information. You can also visit the States Pony Clubs, Inc. develops National website of United States For more information about Pony Club ( to and a sense of community in SCCPC and its local activities

or maybe an episode from your past — needs to be put in order. The last days of the month are

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

“SCCPC” from page 27

- Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 29

Featured Columnist

Valuable Information for Small Business #1

Q: Large businesses have all the advantages — economies of scale, pricing power and more. How can a small business like mine compete? : Consolidation in many industries has decreased competition and often -


you respond to customer issues and how well you ensure both the issue and its cause -

personal service. Capitalize on your small

Westwind Memory Care is pleased to announce the hiring of Suzanne Stone. Santa Cruz County resident since 1968.

First, know your customers better than your competitors do.

of the customer. You can. Make sure you know which processes and policies are ironclad

players, small businesses succeed every day what they want. As a small business, you tomers and learn what truly matters to them. . Small business -

functionality as the multi-million dollar

Marketing trailer open now. Call Suzanne for an appointment.

other departments hundreds of miles away. These rules are often driven by other factors

personal. Once you know your customers, use -

processes, and override policies to make each -

Allow your employees to solve as many problems in real-time

ibility. Make sure your people do not have to solve a simple service

customer preferences to create a customized

Now taking reservations.

could be: “I know you prefer a loaner, Mr. Personal touches make customers feel like

near the Santa Cruz Elk Lodge.

A Place called Westwind has come to Santa Cruz....

Don’t let your small size impede you: can win.

Third, rapid response is your secret time from contact to response, is one of the

and low cost workshops. Call SCORE today at (831) 621-3735 or visit

If you are a successful business person, someone probably helped you along the way. Pay it forward by helping us grow the next generation of business owners Contact SCORE today at (831) 621-3735 or

Designed especially to enhance the daily lives of those with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. With a team dedicated to pro-

follow us on facebook

Planned with small individual neighborhoods within a larger community, Westwind supports communication,

30 / July 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Featured Columnist

50th Anniversary Recollections By Bruce McPherson





have some very fond memories of the way Scotts Valley was 50 to 60 years My uncle and aunt, Lloyd and Alma

station (and home) at the site of Duncan’s Auto Tech on Scotts Valley Drive. I remember be for my uncle to literally, about every 10 minutes, come out from underneath the car he

you there,” usually to Henry My aunt, Alma, was Mrs. Claus nation point for many visitors and county

whether it be summer of December.

“Free Screenings” from page 25

(not all roads were paved then) in the

older with diabetes. To learn about eligibility and how to make an appointment for a free screening, visit cardiac-care/dare-to-care, or call 831.462.7788.




CABRILLOSTAGE.COM | 831-479-6154 Chicago is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC .

Scotts Valley Times / July 2016/ 31


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