Scotts Valley Times: August 2016

Page 1



Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition Cabrillo Stage once again proved that it has one of the

Full Story page 5

Inaugural Running Festival

NEW THIS YEAR! Seventeenth Annual Scotts Valley Art Wine & Beer Festival August 20 & 21


he Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce is very excited to announce some new additions to this

Some of the new additions to this year’s festival include the Cops ‘N Rodders Car Show, flavored margaritas, ‘Bring Your Dog Day’, a human foosball court, more music and entertainment on three stages, and an

The Scotts Valley Sports Complex (SVSC) is proud to announce the inaugural “Scotts Valley Running Festival�, expanding on the ever-popular Bean Creek Run, which for years has benThe Festival will take place ceeds going toward the Scotts Full Story page 6

You don’t have to change your life to change his.

If you can commit to spending 2-4 hours a week to help a child in foster care, WE NEED YOU Learn more at

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2 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times






Table of Contents


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Volume 19

No. 8

Cover New This Year! – Seventeenth Annual Scotts Valley Art Wine & Beer

5 6

Community News Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition by Noel Smith Sports Complex

7 8

Retire National Night Out Happening August 2 by Patrick Dimick Volunteers

9 Youth Skateboard Culture 10 The Recipes of Life: A Volunteer’s Journey


Calendar of Upcoming Events 12 13 Taste of the Valley 14 Renewing Members

Featured Columnists Defensible Space and Hardening your Home by Mike Conrad Seniors in Action by CJ – Walking Adventure Group The Creative Life by Jessica Johnson – Interview with Gero Heine Book Bag by Robert Francis – Fiction Featuring Action, Adventure, and Suspense… Fifth District Update by Bruce McPherson – Felton Library to Become Felton/San Lorenzo Valley Museum 3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s

Get Your Tickets Today for

Tasting Under The Redwoods Sunday, August 14 ~ 12 noon - 5 p.m. Roaring Camp’s Bret Harte Hall







25 restaurants

10 wineries

5 Breweries






15 16 18 19

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All-inclusive tickets are $50 and tickets are limited.

Go to

This “over-21” event is a fundraiser for the nonprofit Valley Churches United, serving those in need in Scotts Valley, San Lorenzo Valley and Bonny Doon for over 30 years. A list of participants can be found on Valley Churches United Missions’ Facebook page.

n Take a walk with Thumbelina

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 3

publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Patrick Dimick, Mike Conrad, CJ, Jessica Johnson, Robert Francis, Bruce McPherson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jay Peters, Vanessa Reed Holder office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL:

We are very excited this year to be Department to bring you the Cops ‘N Rodders Car Show! On Saturday of the Festival, we will have on display over special police K9 demonstration and a There will be several award winning wineries on hand pouring their best, th





Hand crafted beer will be on tap form local breweries including, Steel Bonnet Brewery, Santa Cruz Mountain In addition, we will also be working Apprentice (aka the Flavor Apprentice) to offer special flavored margaritas! We will have three stages of entertainment this year that will include acts from our local youth, dance troupes, martial arts demonstrations, as well as

schools and the Scotts Valley Educa-

Some of the musical acts this year include: the Sada Springs Jug Band, Back to Nowhere Band, Aftershock, the Leftovers, the Coffis Brothers, the Joint Chiefs, and the Coffee Zombie

This year’s festival truly has something for everyone and admission is totally free! We hope to see you there!

There will be prizes, contests and activities for all canines including a dog look-alike contest, a dog costume will also have a petting zoo and mini

the expanded ‘Kids Fun Zone’ with

of Scotts Valley Counseling Center is organizing this year ’s Kid’s Fun Zone and all donations will benefit our local


R AL ®


Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production:

“Art & Wine from page 1”


dB y


4 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

e nt

distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment


s Pre















Patrice Edwards

Cover Story


Community News


Fiddler on the Roof: A Strong Tradition By Noel Smith


this side of Broadway and a talent pool

They all have expectations of not looking for a future husband, but of having one assigned

sincere accolades for a Broadway-quality pro-

into Tradition as the three older daughters

Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof and

choices thereby colliding with the beliefs of

Based on Tevye and his Daughters (or Tevye the Dairyman) and other tales by Sholem Aleichem, this is a musical that both entertains and educates at extraordinary

are both uplifting and poignant culminating with the wedding of Tzeitel and Motel (Ryan Fish) to the moving music and lyrics of

abrillo Stage once again proved that

Anatevka with Tevye, a poor dairyman, his dents of this Jewish settlement all come alive with its music, philosophy, the clash of Tra-

world and its set of invading values and

If you haven’t experienced this tale of change and challenge performed live, you have the opportunity to see one of the best

“Matchmaker, Matchmaker” – Tzeitel, Hodel

Shield your home with First Alarm Protect your home and family with today’s most advanced security technology and live monitoring. Call 831-476-1111 or visit

act, the mood changes and Tevye and Golde sing, “Do You Love Me?” Fiddler’s great musical numbers include:

The story revolves around Tevye played by Adam Campbell who gives a nonpareil


His physical presence, singing and acting all combine to bring the depth and breadth that this part demands especially with the

didn’t meet each other until the day of their

Sound Designer William Latham

to The Creative Team deserves sincere accofriend said she saw the current Broadway – arranged marriages using the services of a Matchmaker (Yente, played by Alice

Based on Sholem Aleichem stories by special Broadway production of the show opened

The daughters — oldest to youngest — Tzeitel (Brenna Salmon), Hodel (Marina Hallin), Chava (Jennie Chapman), Shprintze

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 5

Community News

Inaugural Running Festival: Sept. 17 and 18


he Scotts Valley Sports Complex (SVSC) is proud to announce the inaugural “Scotts Valley Running Festival” (SVRF), expanding on the everpopular Bean Creek Run, which for years

The SVHS track is made of dirt, making it unusable for both practices and

SVHS has perpetual drainage issues when it rains, leading to closures, cancellation the Scotts Valley Sports Complex, a communitydriven campaign focused on raising complete stadium,

Soccer and lacrosse teams are unable to regularly host all of their home games due to poor drainage and limited seating forces spectators to stand or sit on the ground

the track

Falcon Club, which supports all SVHS

The Scotts Valley Running Festival is for the big race by running laps on the high school track, raising funds through pledges for the Scotts Valley

“The Scotts Valley Running Festival not only continues the legacy of the very popular Bean Creek Run, but expands on it to include a broader segment of our community,” said Julia Blanton, SVSC co-

Sunday, September 18

year to cover such essentials as coaching stipends,” said Nancy Franich, SVRF other fundraisers we hold throughout the year, will help us reach our annual goal of ensuring all our students have the opporA New Scotts Valley Sports Complex –

For more information, visit www.falconclub. org, and www.

the construction of a will not only serve our SVHS students, but our community at large, by providing access to a truly usable facility for today’s, and tomorrow’s, physical education students, runners, soccer, football and lacrosse continue to provide monetary support for

Scotts Valley Running Festival Events Saturday, September 17 efitting the Falcon Club, this event will take place on Saturday during the running event expo when participants are checking in for the weekend’s


and the development family, and will start in front of SVHS

Through stunning redwoods, the somewhat hilly course will end on the SVHS track All events will take place at Scotts out more about the Running Festival, visit “As the all volunteer organization supporting after school athletics at SVHS,






Tuesday, August 16, 2016

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6 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Scotts Valley High School is one of the last remaining schools in the county that needs to have updated athletic facil-

their families have letic program, but due the outdoor athletic facilities, many SVHS

If you are a successful business person, someone probably helped you along the way. Pay it forward by helping us grow the next generation of business owners Contact SCORE today at (831) 621-3735 or

Music at Skypark T he free community-wide “Music at Skypark” concert series benefiting the music programs in local public schools returns for its Sundays


Community News

org for details or contact Mike Stewart -

July, August concert dates now! Sunday August 28 wo of Music at Skypark’s most popular veteran bands headline the August concert: The Joint


Two bands will perform at each concert, and local businesses will offer food and other concessions for sale, with all net proceeds going

their totally danceable fusion

bands have teamed up to produce Music at Skypark’s best-attended concerts in the without these two headliners together on the same playbill! Sunday September 25 heir loyal fans would say that Music at Skypark saved the best for last:


Men return by very popular demand to This accomplished band with local roots boasts an extensive repertoire of original rock and blues tunes with simple, honest lyrics backed by the brothers’ blend of folk,

Rayburn Bros. Band

serve up a huge variety of songs from folk, funky grooves rooted in blends of funk,

New this year: entertainment for

Opening will be Music at Skypark newcomers The Rayburn Brothers Band,

you up on your feet!

Cabrillo Foundation Director Melinda Silverstein to Retire APTOS — After leading the organiExecutive Director of The Cabrillo College Foundation announced that she will be retiring from the Cabrillo College Foundation “Melinda has been an incredible advocate for Cabrillo College in our community and will one of the most accomplished community college foundations in the nation and through her leadership of the Foundation, has provided millions of dollars in support to Cabrillo and our students each Melinda Silverstein year,” said Laurel Jones, Cabrillo College Silverstein began as Executive Director During her tenure, she has increased Founand facilitated the growth of the endowment

established the Cabrillo College Foundation organization, which provides direct support of nearly $3 Million each year to Cabrillo and “Melinda has been a long-time pillar of our community and has left a lasting legacy with the wonderful work she has done at the missed and we look forward to building upon her success,” said Stephen Snodgrass, Cabrillo “It has been a great honor and privilege to work with our generous community

I believe education is the best way we can support our society and I am proud to have been able to help so many students achieve

In accordance with the Foundation’s succession plan, the Cabrillo College Foundation Board enthusiastically approved promoting Eileen Hill, long-time Associate Director, as

“I am looking forward to my next had the pleasure of working closely with

A NEW DIRECTION I’m Rosanna Hererra. You may know me as the owner of Bruno’s. It is truly a blessing to live, work and play in Scotts Valley. I believe we need a clear vision and plan for our city. My education, professional experience, and being a small business owner in Scotts Valley has positioned me well to take the next step by contributing further to our community. I’m asking for your support on November 8.

Scotts Valley City Council Rosanna HERERRA


rosanna Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 7

Community News





our neighborhood is invited to participate with many other neighborhoods across the country in celebration of National Night Out on: Tuesday evening, August 2, crime and drug prevention event that is sponsored nationally by the National Association of Town Watch and recognized locally by National Night Out is designed to: Heighten crime and drug prevention -

of events ranging from small potlucks and borhood! National Night Out is for everyone! Register your event with the Santa Cruz County planning your event as soon

Service Center Sergeant assigned in your area, so a Deputy can stop by your event:

neighborhood spirit and police/community letting them know neighborhoods are neighborhoods Countywide are asked to turn on outside lights, lock their doors, and spend the evening outside with neighbors Neighborhoods will be hosting a variety

Community Briefs

First Annual Falcon Golf Outing Saturday, Sept. 24, Valley Gardens Golf Club, Scotts Valley, CA One hundred percent of the proceeds


to our “Yesterday’s Farm” and “Second

School Boys & Girls Golf Teams Contest Registration 9-holes of golf ** Shotgun Scramble Contests ** Tee-Shot Challenges ** Hole-

sponsored Sliders snack and beverage on

Questions: email: BOOK BY








Volunteers will be trained to interpret exhibits in the museum and outside at the tional training will prepare volunteers to assist with our Children’s EduVo l u n t e e r s will receive the opportunity to learn about local agricultural history, participate in the development of our Living History Farm with potential for historic costuming and living history demonstrations, and help in numerous ways during special events and more! Training are now being accepted! For more information or to sign up:


CABRILLOSTAGE.COM | 831-479-6154 Fiddler On The Roof is presented through special arrangement with Music Theater International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

Agricultural History Project In Need Of Volunteers hose who love local agricultural history and giving back to the community

T 8 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

continues every other week for a total of

Community News

Kids Week!


owntown Santa Cruz has always had something for everyone, as the saying goes, and Kids Week Downtown is the perfect time for families and kids to visit their favorite local merchants


by the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary archery, gymnastics and more! Kids Week in Downtown Santa Cruz will include so many of your favorite mer-

Cruz Farmers Market - Art Table and Scav-

locations and a hint at of what they’ve got Academy of Martial Arts - Free Classes all com for dates, full details on the events, Bookmark the web page and the Downtown Santa Cruz Facebook event for updates and to take advantage of all the fun! Gymnastics - Free Classes and Drop Ins all

Spokesman Bicycles - Free Bike Safety and

Contemporary Music - Free Family Concert

Kids Meal Deal Kids Week Downtown Santa Cruz July 31 August 7, 2016. Details: DowntownSantaCruz. com/kids-week

30 Years of Youth Skateboard Culture


ometimes, it feels like if Santa Cruz had a mascot, it would be the



It’s in every window of every skate shop in

Graphic artist Jim




For thirty years it has been a representation of youth and skateboard culture in

best known for his surf and skate-

This fall, the Screaming Hand will

Born in San

State of the art in-house german ceramic lab. 12 minute fabrication.

Comprehensive total care center and board certified anesthesiologist.

Proper Mercury Free Removal: The Higgins / AOMT Protocol

After an international tour, this tribute to the iconic Screaming Hand will

Jim has been a local resident of Santa Cruz for most of

This is a huge celebration of the artist Jim

sands of decks, t-shirts, stickers, product

Celebrate the iconic Screaming Hand

Screaming Hand Exhibit: August 5, Gallery



DR. MICHAEL MALEK DDS FAGD ANESTHESIOLOGIST ________________________________ 3337 MISSION DR. SANTA CRUZ CA 95065 ________________________________ 831 462 6500


705 Front Street | Downtown Santa Cruz Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 9

Community News

The Recipes of Life: A Volunteer’s Journey S H recalls how they both quickly came to

ometimes an experience in life inspires

nearly a year, Denine spent four hours

make two pies so she could send Denine home with

had one of those experiences toward

Their time together was well

spending time with him in the hospital,

so beautiful to see how Rita felt she was part of things again by directing me in the

her illness, Rita was a caterer and her favorite thing to do gressed, she lost sight in her left eye and the use of her left side making it dangerous

As she was helping to honor his end-oflife wishes, it became clearer that her interest

All types of volunteers are

time together helped Rita Our time together was a real gift for both

support and empower people who are dying and do what I can to improve their quality

ospice of Santa Cruz County’s Volunteer Visitor training begins August

lingual in English & Spanish and/

“Imagine having all that taken away from

Denine Jones

With Denine’s support, Rita found

Each fall, Hospice of Santa Cruz County holds a Volunteer Visitor training where community members are trained to

would supervise me and tell me what years, in addition to being a nursing student at San Jose State, Denine is a Volunteer Visitor at Hospice of Santa Cruz

her so much satisfaction to give the gift of

like I’m doing exactly what I want to do — empowering people to do the things that

Rita was reluctant to accept a Volteam that she didn’t want someone who

Denine has supported many hospice patients as a Volunteer Visitor and one

Volunteer Visitors are understanding listeners, the ones who extend a hand to hold, provide companionship and presence that comforts patients and often make it possible for a caregiver to have a few hours of

serve other veterans For more information, contact Forbes Ellis, Director of Volunteer Services at 831-430-3045

our core hospice program is enriched by comcamp, transitional care services, pet companion and music therapy programs, hospice care for veterans, and end-of-life education

choices of individuals and families by pro3,500 Santa Cruz County residents annually. Learn more at

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Good at participating dealers. See store for details. Not good with other offers. Expires 8/31/16.

MacKenzie’s accommodates Special Events and Banquets. For more information contact our event coordinator Carter Allen.

SANTA CRUZ 1219 Soquel Ave 831.429.9989

10 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Phone: (831) 459-9178 Email: ®

follow us

Proud Contributors to:

Breakfast 8:30–4 Lunch & Appetizers 10:30–4 Happy Hour 4–6 18 Clubhouse Rd. Santa Cruz, CA ◆ (831) 459-9162 ◆

Cinelux Grand Re-Opening / MultiChamber Mixer: Very Well Attended H undreds of attendees from itola has expanded the theater from three screens to eight auditoriums Commerce were on hand th to celebrate the Grand also added a new Café & Lounge Re-Opening and Ribbon Cutting which features entrees, deserts, and Ceremony for the Cinelux movie Guests were treated to appetizers, beer and wine

Tuesday August 2 50th Anniversary Free Community BBQ & Scott House One Civic Center Drive

Saturday August 20 Sunday August 21

a tour of the new

Front Row (from left): Paul Gunsky,

Calendar of Upcoming Events

and MC services were provided by Jack Crawford of Music

Wine & Beer Festival

present for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony as was honorary guests were also invited to stay guest, Byran Stow for a special screening of the new Gunsky, his manager Tom Cole, who had the honor We at the Scotts Valley wonderful evening! Thank you for of wielding the giant Chamber would like to thank and being such gracious hosts!



Thursday September 1

Scotts Valley, SLV,

Seeking Festival Volunteers: Put Together a Team of Friends, Co-workers and Family!


riple the Fun while Giving Back to your Community!

WANT to be involved, and the ENJOY being with other people, helping, sharing

Art & Wine Festival is a few short weeks

So tell your friends, your sports teams, your circle of friends and your neighbors to sign up to volunteer for the Scotts

This year is really special because we ment’s Cops ‘N Rodders on Saturday list your size when signing up! bringing awesome hot rods and classic

Department! Build a great team of volunteers! Attention High-Schoolers! Get your Community Services Done the Fun Way festival wine or beer glass and a compli- – This festival brings our community For more team fun play a game of Human mentary tasting after their shift! together and helps raise money for the We believe the reason that anyone schools! life size foose-ball! volunteers for events like this is because All volunteers will receive: “Volunteers” page 12 they CARE about their community, they

Chambers of Commerce

Thursday September 22

Legend Theatrical

Every 4th Thursday Business Networking Mixer

Call the Chamber Today or Visit Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 11

Scotts Valley Chamber News

Chamber Ambassador Spotlight

Jeanne Mulhern, Realtor

Mulhern & Gomes Real Estate Team at Keller Williams Realty


hen asked why being an Ambassador with the Chamber was important to her, Jeanne’s response was “Through participation in several local community organizations and events, becoming an Ambassador and tions” arm of the Chamber gives me the opportunity to share and network with

other business owners so we all can grow

in an ever-changing market of inventory

to new and current business

grateful for the support of their “Raving Fans” who help them continue to grow

those services and educate new and current businesses about how the Chamber can be their advocate in the community in so many venues, seems like such a great way to continue to grow our Jeanne and her husband Mike, are REALTORS® with the Mulhern and Gomes Real Estate Team, along with their

Jeanne is a former board member of the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation, a member of “The Love Boat Team” for Relay For Life held in June of each year in Scotts Valley, has been Volunteer Coordinator for the Scotts Valley Art and Wine Festival, and is currently involved with the promotion of the German Cultural Center Jeanne Mulhern can be reached

for complimentary consultations whether selling or buying a home or

and educating home sellers and buyers

New Member Spotlight

Summer is here! Relax, look and feel your very best while enjoying treatments and expertise devoted entirely to the uniqueness of you...

PDN Consulting

An Information Technology & Services Company hil Neuman owns and operates Technology Consulting and Services company located in Scotts Valley since Valley Drive, Suite B, to meet the needs of

of his interest in enhancing the vibrant business and economic climate found in “PDN” page 14

“Volunteers” from page 11

Gift Cards Available Online or at the Spa. Finally, a day spa as unique as you are…

245-Y Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley, CA (831) 438-1844

Tell your friends to sign up and we can make sure your volunteer shift is together as a team! Sign-up NOW to select your shift time preferences and duties and give us T-shirt size! Easy sign up! — Online at unteer training meeting with be held at 2 convenient times — pick one that works best with your schedule: SV Community Center —Friday, August

831.439.9900 4301 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 12 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times


us: Cherie La-France Anderson or Kevin Anderson or Kevin@

Scotts Valley Chamber News

Taste of Scotts Valley

Join us every Tuesday in August for “Try Us Out Tuesday!” Come try as many classes as you’d like for FREE on Tuesday’s!


230-D Mt. Hermon Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Photo Credit: Michelle Reber

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 13

Scotts Valley Chamber News Welcome to Our New Members

Lady Rejuvenator

Chocolate Visions

Beverly “Brooke” Peterson


“PDN” from page 12


worked in Santa Cruz County since

principals have extensive collective experience at all levels within the IT

and management services, as well as career with The Santa Cruz Operation, professional cloud computing and neta former worldwide distributor of Unix working designed to reduce the need

served a wide variety of clients by providing successful and secure business

Client success depends on the

term, mutually satisfying, and provide

includes people, culture, environment, communications, systems, process,

We believe that our client base will

Senior Life Association region increasing skill levels and rising to the position of executive IT Director


Thank You to Our Renewing Members Timothy Imbrie CPA Golden Sight Productions

interest of furthering client’s business services with design solutions that ensure system security and complete

needs of small to medium businesses, zations, and selected entrepreneurs, located primarily in the Central Coast

success in business is to listen, underOur role is to act as business opti- stand, assess, identify and develop the mizers and asset integrators which are solution that best meets your overall essential to achieving client business Please contact PDNC Consulting at - 831-621-2440, or for prompt nology when necessary, and only in the response and resolution of your IT needs.

The Perfumer’s Apprentice invites you to be transported into the world of fragrance creation. Browse our History of Perfume wall, learn the different methods of fragrance extraction, then venture into our classroom environment where a member of our staff will instruct you with the tools and knowledge necessary for a hands on fragrance creation experience. Classes generally take 1-2 hours, and include coffee/tea & snacks, complete instruction, and final fragrance created and named by you to take home! Appropriate for all demographics (including gentlemen) over the age of 10. Price per person is as follows: 1-3 People = $35.00 per person 4-6 People = $30.00 per person 7-12 People = $25.00 per person

Great for Birthday Parties, Bridal Showers, and Special Events! Location: 200 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley CA 95066

To schedule an appointment, please contact, or call us at (831) 346-7234 Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Advertise in the Scotts Valley Chamber Newsletter

14 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA

SPECIAL RATES 831.688.7549

Featured Columnist

Defensible Space and Hardening your Home By Mike Conrad, Aptos La Selva Fire District


ou have completed all of the necessary steps to provide you and your home with the defensible -

been cleared of obstructions that would

Garage tools such as a shovel, rake, bucket, and

either side for two-way You have seen to it that your roof and rain gutters have been cleared You have made sure that the thirty feet immediately around your home is parklike by removing dead or the grass mowed short and pruning tree branches away

overhanging the road have been trimmed to allow Your house numbers at the entrance are large enough and are in a contrasting color so they are

the fruits of your labor ‌ BUT if you have not taken these steps necessary to protect your home, set the is more you can do to harden your home

(underside of eaves) should be protected with ignition-resistant or non-combustible Decks building should be built with ignitionresistant, non-combustible, or other approved materials, and remove all comPatio Cover: Use the same ignitionresistant materials for patio coverings as a

under the garage door to prevent

Water Supply: Consider having multiple garden hoses that are long enough to reach all areas of your home If you have a swimming pool, consider For more information please contact

Chimney: Cover your chimney and stovepipe outlets with a non-combustible

you have provided horizontal separation Things you can do to harden your or to your property line by keeping grass

Flying embers can destroy homes up

high and you have continued with the horizontal spacing around shrubs and trees and you included vertical spacing between

Roof: The roof is the most vulnerable part

Look and feel great for summer!

roofs are at high risk of being destroyed All gates to your property open inward and are wide enough to accommodate

Vents: Vents on homes create openings

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Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 15

Featured Columnist

Walking Adventure Group

By C.J.

I To those words Gibson at the Louden Center makes sure moving you take in

of wisdom, Kelly Nelson Community that while you’re the beauty of our

Walking Adventure Group (WAG), provides short local walking trips to unique locations around the bay area throughout With almost two years of weekly

focusing on getting active seniors together for activity, exploration, learning and com-

Her goal is to explore as many different areas as possible and partner with rangers, docents, and local professionals to enrich the learning and understanding

which happened for the second time this July, allowed WAG members to watch

within the greater Santa Cruz area – along Santa Cruz Harbor and in parklands such

hear from them about what’s happening

Lagoon trails leading to the Simpkins Center or an opportunity to explore Land of the Medicine Buddha in the hills about Cabrillo College from the WAG itinerary!

Capitola and surrounding neighborhoods Many participants say that these outings have taken them to places they had no idea existed! Most of these adventures have been

planning walks, Kelly considers the variety

ation Department’s twenty-seven parks -

sure to provide enough variety for all interto a successful and growing services in


Capitola Wharf and Village bring

and circling the neighborhood back down to the river walk and the wharf creates a front eateries!

and includes a delightful swing which possible to exclude the beauty of Schwan

Having never met a trail she didn’t like, Kelly sometimes ventures up to the mountains to locations such as Henry

Those who prefer to drive can follow or meet at the site makes for an easy and some walkers to extend the day with either a picnic lunch or to explore a new local resWAG tracks the distance walked by individuals and notes several members have walked the distance equivalent to a grows weekly and friendships continually

Fair Prices Extensive Menu & Bar Service Great Atmosphere Right Off the Highway Back Nine is the perfect venue for your next celebration. Banquet service up to 200 guests. Call or Email to Book Your Event Now

Short local walking trips to unique throughout the year To register for half-day local pop-up trips or learn about the free Walking Adventure Group please inquire

(831) 423-5000 x310

Back Nine Grill & Bar 555 Highway 17 (Pasatiempo Drive Exit) Santa Cruz 16 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Follow Us

To register for full-day senior bus trips please call the Parks and Recre-

santa or cityofsantacruzparksandrecreation

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 17

Featured Columnist

Interview with Gero Heine By Jessica Johnson


have known Gero Heine since the was a new student

With his quick wit, good looks, and thick accent he was didn’t miss a beat and quickly became Gero Heine a true Mariner as he took up the sport of surfing and fell in love with the aquatic nature that sur-

My dad’s job brought my family here

After graduating, Gero went on to

Q. Are there other creatives in your family? Parents? Siblings? My dad was very creative in a

that world to become an accomplished wildlife photographer and world traveler is an inspiring story of turning a passion into not only a successful business, but a Q. What brought you to Santa Cruz?

Being out and about — seeing the work of other artists at shows, or watching a nature show on TV — that brings whatever making/writing/creating? In Germany I remember carving little

“artist”? It took a long time. Maybe after ten Q. What is your daily routine? I go to bed really late, and so my

work, emails, calls, deal with shipping, that

in the morning, then nap or scout in the

Q. Who are your creative idols? Why? Florian Schulz - I like his style. David

Q. What never fails to inspire you? By the end of the show season I am I am on the water and the light is great, I feel reinvigorated, especially in the fall with the birds, the light, and the incoming Q. Do you have dry spells? What do you if you do? “Creative Life” page 23

18 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

The Book Bag

By Robert Francis

Fiction Featuring Action, Adventure, and Suspense Those who have followed this excep-

The Black Widow By Daniel Silva


rt restorer, assassin and super spy Gabriel Allon must confront an adversary, his equal, in this electrifying thriller that stretches from the violent, terrorist bloodied streets of island of Santorini, Greece, Israel, and

After a detonated deadly car bomb ravages the French capital city and calls attention to a new terrorist network and its leader, a man known only as Saladin, Gabriel is charged with uncovering the shadowy Utilizing an Israeli agent to pose as a

more than admiration from appreciative viewers, Sarah doesn’t take the letters seriously until the ones signed by “M” begin to That troubling fact, coupled with the discovery of the remains of a body buried close to her beach house with her name

cializes in tracking down stalkers who pose assigned to Sarah’s case and he’s in for one of the most challenging investigations in

of the fans of his Inspector Banks have given it a “thumbs up,” others have not

The story begins when the novel’s heroine, a woman dubbed “Zoo” because she

There’s nothing humorous about this case or

cop you’ll want to accompany her on this the cast of a reality show taping a wil-

The Last One


n her debut as a novelist Alexandra Oliva has created a gripping post-apocalypse story that underscores one’s survival

The idea is that the dozen volunteers will have their endurance tested as they “Book Bag” page 23

Summer Olympics

Banks character is more interesting and the series’ Yorkshire setting is much more attractive than the author’s foray into the

destroy the extremist organization before it The Black Widow and her handler will embark on a hair-raising odyssey that will Saladin’s next terror spectacular will rival

International intrigue has been Daniel Silva’s forte and this latest novel illus-

pages in length, you won’t mind in the least because the pages melt away with edented read that will keep even the most

No Cure For Love By Peter Robinson ublished two decades ago before his Inspector Banks series caught on, this

Dead Joker

A Hanne Wilhelmsen Novel


ne of Norway’s most popular authors, Anne Holt rolls the dice in her Hanne Wilhelmsen The decapitated body of Sigurd Halvorsrud’s wife makes him the prime suspect in

Sigurd claims a man he prosecuted for inside trading was the actual killer but a witness claims the man committed suicide days before the Hanne and her former colleague,

stand-alone thriller, which unfolds in Los Angeles, has S a r a h Broughton has left her dark past with a rock band and former name (Sally Bolton) behind to become the star of As with any rising star, Sarah is being

what seems to be an open and closed case becomes rather complicated when another

procedural into some unexpected areas and will surprise even the most discerning On the personal front, Hanne is coping with a tragedy that will have a profound impact on her life and concerns the woman


1. Mexican cuisine staple 6. Pres. Obama, formerly 9. Notebook place holders 13. Spy name 14. Princess’ cause of insomnia 15. Chocolate source 16. British peers 17. Also known as 18. Pine or long 19. *Rugby ____ 21. *Olympic sport on both track and road 23. Miner’s bounty 24. October birthstone 25. Masseuse’s office 28. Seaside bird 30. Jazz subculture hipster

35. Three-____ sloth 37. Actress Cameron 39. Aussie’s petrol station 40. Additional 41. European finch 43. Malicious look 44. Garlic mayo 46. Mischievous Scandinavian god 47. Cleopatra’s necklace 48. *Reason for Olympic banning 50. Mary’s little one 52. To the ____ degree 53. Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr incident 55. Women’s undergarment 57. *Dressage, Eventing and ____ 61. Broadband predecessor 64. Abraham’s sacrifice

65. “____ Goo Dolls” rock band 67. Relating to zones 69. 1.067 km, in Russia 70. As opposed to rent 71. Not mainstream art 72. Formerly 73. Clinton ____ Rodham 74. “Spaghetti Western” director Sergio


1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2. “Oh, my!” 3. *Spent at the 1960 Summer Olympics 4. Sound of battle 5. Declare with confidence 6. Plural of #25 Across 7. Cry of horror, in comics 8. Civil rights org. 9. 1.3 ounces, in Asia

10. Antioxidants-rich berry 11. Owl’s hangout 12. Price for something very cheap? 15. Hertz = ____ / second 20. Must-haves 22. Kum Ba ____ 24. Having a streak of good luck 25. Lieu 26. Paralyzing disease 27. “The Tortoise and the Hare” author 29. Cambodian currency 31. Trapper’s prize 32. Oedipus’ successor 33. Deflect 34. *Official Olympics starter 36. Sub station 38. *Health concern in Rio 42. Nimbus, pl.

45. Charge with crime 49. *Shooter’s Olympic tool 51. *2016 Summer Olympics travel destination 54. Incite 56. Solo 57. “Born to Hand ____,” from “Grease” 58. ____-friendly 59. Matt Damon’s landing spot, 2015 60. Ghost of Christmas ____ 61. Fully cooked 62. Ctrl + Z 63. Sacrifice for gain 66. Be in the red 68. *1968 gold winner Evans © Statepoint Media

Answers on 23 »

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 19

Community Calendar Summer in Santa Cruz 2016 Wednesdays

Capitola Twilight Concerts

Cats – Big Band/Jazz Blues acc/page/twilight-concertsesplanade-park


Bargetto Winery’s Music Series



Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California


hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, world wide fellowship of relatives and friends of addicts who have been affected by someone else’s now being offered in our Santa Cruz GBA on Sundays and For meeting locations, please call our helpline at 831-291-5099 or contact Visit our Northern California website for meeting listings in our area and region:

Ongoing Events

Rock Rock’n Roll


Beach Boardwalk Friday Nights

6:30 and 8:30 shows 2016 Concert Schedule


CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

C or call (831) 761-2956 XT.102

First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Watsonville Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos Mondays

Caregiver Support Group 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Commercial Crossing, Santa Cruz


a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who More info www.casaof

20 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

by Alienated Grandparents


Aptos Noon Toastmasters


supportive group of people at all levels of experience from

Call (831) 688-5842 for more info


org a national organization that provide information and We’re here to help you discover support to grandparents who feel alienated or estranged to their Everyone is welcome! Follow us on Facebook: Facebook. Questions: pat@invisiblegrand com/AptosNoonToastmasters or (831) 601-9195 more info: (831) 236-1171


When a loved one is seriously ill, it can be a challenge for the support group, we will share stories, learn tools for coping and receive support from people

Second Wednesdays

Business Debtors Anonymous Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary Episcopal Monthly Meeting



For more information: 831-4253272

You’ll meet kindred spirits, have new from a top notch guest

Tuesdays & Thursdays

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121 Watsonville CA 95076 ASA volunteer Advocates County Grief Support Program. (831) 430-3078

Grandparents Support Group 4:-5:30p.m.



special advocates are everyday

1834 to RSVP & bring a friend!

Thursdays in August

Bargetto Winery’s Thursday Night Music Series 6 to 8 pm., Bargetto Winery, 3535


dmission is Free, Light food is

a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been If you would like to participate

11 a.m.: Worship 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos irst Baptist Church of Aptos

116 Beach Drive

Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 and Hospice of Santa Cruz Street, Santa Cruz. Jewell St. County invite you to attend a his statewide group of retired Caregiver Support Group for recovering from debting on men invites you to be our those caring for someone with a

ASA empowers volunteers to directly influence Second Mondays life-changing decisions affecting Invisible/Alienated appointed special advocates are

be a safe structured environment for sharing stories if you so choose, and learning healthy ways to deal with separation

Call (831) 475-2258 for more details.

of Invisible Grandparents: Sundays Leave a Legacy of Love Whether contact First Baptist Church Bible Study You Can Be There or Not this will or (831) 761-2956 9:45 a.m: Bible Study

bible study and worship every

Overeaters Anonymous 9:05 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz vereaters Anonymous is a


for those who have a problem Visit for current times and locations of at (831) 429-7906.

Dated Events Saturday August 6

Inner Light Ministries’ HUGE 11th annual Elegant Treasures and Everyday Bargains Flea Market & Faire 8am-3pm, Inner Light Center,


oin in the FREE family fun – bouncy house, comfort tent, and childcare activities Treasures and and Bargains! FREE Admittance! For more information see http://

Sons In Retirement Luncheon

O Call Jim for more info (831) 708-4133

Looking Ahead Saturday September 3 Wings Over Watonville

8am to 6pm, Watsonville Municipal Airport.

thru Sun. September 11 Santa Cruz Greek Fair

Sunday September 11 34th Annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival

Saturday 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday 10 am to 5 pm, Capitola Village

Wed. September 14 thru Sun. September 18 Santa Cruz County Fair

At the Santa Cruz County Fair Grounds, Watsonville

Monterey Bay Birding Festival Watsonville

Arts and Entertainment


Your August Horoscope Times Publishing Group, Inc. Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

the last thing you feel like you want to do when you get going this fast, but it’s really important to slow

Friendship Put to Music!


lasses every thursday night

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

at the New Hall, La Selva Beach

The little bothersome details don’t really get to you early in the month, because you’re too busy having

For more information call Sue

You love to be entertained mid-month, so plan ahead and get tickets to a movie, concert, or sporting

7053 or email at

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony


You’re a creative thinker and an excellent code decipherer early in the month, so don’t be surKuumbwa Jazz Center

he Monterey Symphony is

music and want to be involved,

consumed with all kinds of conspiracy theories and cold crime cases in the middle of August,

Class takes place every Thursday Center at the Santa Cruz County Night at our new home in La Selva Fairgrounds oin us every 2nd Saturday on the

Dated Events


Ongoing Events Second Monday each month

Each month we select a new theme Sunday August 7 right on Estrella) to highlight historical agriculture Sunday Art & Music at the Beach For more information, contact Sue with games, activities, and dem2-4 p.m., Capitola Esplanade Park Stage 726-7053 or e-mail at caller4u@ have guest appearances from farm animals like llamas, draft horses, Capitola at the Art & Music sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, at the Beach with Jazz musician


Stitchers By The Sea Meetings Last Thursdays each month 7 p.m., Volunteer Center of Santa Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Cruz, 1740 17th Ave., Santa Cruz Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante

95062 titchers-by-the-Sea, the local chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, holds regular meetings open to the public each



4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/Argentene Restarante,


his is a night for true “Social


6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, tango dance to music from the 150 Jewell St. osted by Soquel Sports Private instruction and classes by arrangement. For more information, call Michael (831) 239-2247.



Capitola Twilight Concert Series 6-8 pm, Esplanade Park


Peninsula Banjo Band 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose orty-seven years of performing in the Bay


Come see our band for Free in Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information about booking the band for


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance

Presented by the Capitola Art &

meal from the Star Bene Argentine 9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St. Menu, (or their well known italian


he “Original” Downtown Antique Faire is back!

and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures including books and photographs,


Last Sunday of the Month

Music at Skypark



Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)



Skypark, Scotts Valley oin us July, August and 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach September for for our Summer Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La Selva Beach, CA 95076 Second Saturdays Each Month Visit t’s fun and easy to do! Friendship 2nd Saturday on the Farm music-skypark-2 for more information.


8 p.m., Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320 Cedar Street # 2, Santa Cruz, CA he show will feature a dozen Indian and Indian American comedians and one Caribbean


To find out where to participate in a First Friday art tour, visit (Most galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.)

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

3rd Annual Desi Comedy Fest

9 countries (US, UK, Canada, and ceramic collectibles, vintage Australia, Bangladesh, India, Fridays hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, original FREE Bands on the Beach artwork, and a whole lot of whatnot! Arab Emirates) and diverse ethnic 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Santa Cruz For more info, please contact us at Bangladeshi, Afghani, Iranian, Beach Boardwalk (831) 476-6940 or visit us on ach Friday the Santa Cruz Facebook. Desi (pronounced “THEY-see”) Beach Boardwalk puts on two is a term for the cultures and free concerts on the Boardwalk Third Sunday of Every Month products of the Indian subconScience Sunday tinent or South Asia and their Visit diaspora, derived from the Ancient Concerts for full schedule. Santa Cruz, 95060 Sanskrit (desa or deshi), meaning eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public include India, Bangladesh, First Fridays each month lecture from a marine scientist First Friday Art Tour the third Sunday of every he First Friday Art Tour is a Visit http://www.desicomedyfest. Santa Cruz Institute of Conan entertaining and easycom for more information. temporary Arts event, managed in to-understand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and year-round and illuminates some Science Sunday does not meet of the most talented local artists in December. For more info visit

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Local artists display their work and live music is featured on the

Second Sundays Each Month Cultural Commission

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair

are right around the corner, there’s no excuse for not getting together, but long-distance planning

or not it even happened, or it could be so earth-shattering and profound that you can’t help but

something fun and entertaining for Check our website and Facebook page for more details. FREE

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

Aries (March 21-April 20) anyway, but when you follow your heart, there’s no telling what you might say or who you might say -

Taurus (April 21-May 21) their eyebrows? A strong sense of protectiveness comes over you in the middle of August, and if the last days of the month, and while it would build character to stand there and face up to what’s

Gemini (May 22-June 21) boundaries in a close relationship could get crossed mid-month, leaving you to wonder ‘where should we go from here?’ Explore the romantic possibilities of being together if you don’t have

Cancer (June 22-July 22) can’t tap into your intuition like this all the time; you could work for the FBI as a psychic or some-

Sunday Art & Music at the Beach 2-4 p.m., Capitola Esplanade Park Stage


Capitola at the Art & Music at the Beach with Reggae/Roots/ Dub musicians Simple Creation at

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

their work and live music is Presented by the Capitola Art & Cultural Commission Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 21

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Felton Library to Become Felton/ San Lorenzo Valley Museum By Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor 5th District

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he historic Faye Belardi Memorial Building, which has housed the Felton Library for


While beloved, the Felton library use has outgrown

church, this beloved part of Felton life, will become the newest – and oldest

the lack of parking, disabled access, homework areas, meeting rooms, and adequate shelving cannot be corrected in a building with historic landmark

Directors for the San Lorenzo Valley Museum, Felton Library Friends, and trustees of the Belardi Trust met for preliminary discussions for a new museum, once the new Felton memorandum of understanding of

Expanding the building has been

The old church was purchased intent of dismantling the structure At the same time, the Felton Branch of looking to move out of a room in the The local community developed a plan to not only save the old church building but also establish a larger library in town by moving the church building to a vacant spot on the old for purchasing the building were killed in an auto accident in August


Former Church Becomes Memorial Library


New Felton Branch Assured unding for a new Felton Library was assured with the passage of

will be built down the street in the Verutti building, whose family donated a portion of the 2-acre parcel

and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, have designed outdoor spaces throughout the United States

Felton to help county parks, library representatives, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, and Felton Library Friends to envision a Nature Explore

now updating plans and reports to process will be followed by reviews

Bull Creek Restoration hile we wait for the completion of the planning process, there


that are being discussed between Water District (Felton treatment plant shares a boundary with the library

SLV Museum Expansion he San Lorenzo Valley Museum, located in Boulder Creek, was


building, it was also a redwood church constructed in a traditional, thriving, with exhibits that include logging and mill camps, local early schools, vignettes of Victorian life, local pioneer biographies and exhibits that rotate several times a

site to the community as a memorial Memorial



trunks that can be checked out, featuring historical school, home, and


trust grants the use of the building “to have and to hold, as long as it shall be used exclusively for a public library and/or public meeting place

Corps volunteers to return to San Lorenzo Valley this fall to begin work on restoring this beautiful riparian District is also interested in restoring their area, which will create a con-



call our offices 831.688.7549

22 / August 2016 / Scotts Valley Times

Lisa Robinson, president of the San Lorenzo Valley Museum and an author of local history books, is excited about the opportunity of connecting San Lorenzo Valley students to the museum and anticipates that the Felton museum site might house

riparian restoration and watershed education, and change the landscape Outdoor Nature Explore Project


development of the northwest corner into an area for children to explore nature through art, building, Nature Explore, a collaborative program of Arbor Day Foundation

I am very excited about this perfect opportunity — the use of another historic building to house

am pleased that the Belardi Trust directors, Felton Library Friends and San Lorenzo Valley Museum

SCCAS Featured Pet

“Creative Life” from page 18 If I do I just drive south for the day.


o learn more about Gero Heine and

rently, but he will be back in town in the

Q. What is the best advice you have been given about being an artist/creator/ maker? To treat this as a business. I am a business guy and you get out what you high or the lows too low, but to keep it Q. What is the biggest myth about creativity? That it is all fun in the sun. It’s a -

Gero is also part of the Open Studios

Raised in Aptos, Jessica Johnson is a freelance writer, author and blogger dedicated to helping others embrace their creative lives. Read more about her journey as a writer at www.vinegarandvanilla. creative suggestions to her at jessica@

“Book Bag” from page 19


Take a walk with Thumbelina eed a new friend for a hike in the woods or beach outing?

a call the men’s a pandemic strikes and the controlled reality situation switches over to one that

roadway and one the

You’ll have an up close and personal ringside seat as Zoo attempts to deal with a fearsome alteration in events as she is now that has been altered beyond anything she Taking a shot at the rash of reality TV

Thumbelina is a spayed female, Shiba Inu and Chihuahua mix, To adopt your new friend, come to Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter

Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location Watsonville Location

story operates on a number of levels and will provoke some interesting discussions about news media, modern society and memorable read that will linger long after

Another One Goes Tonight

A Peter Diamond Investigation



When he arrives at the scene Diamond is horrified to discover that there is a third victim man is found in the weeds by the side of

the third victim, Diamond does a little digging into who the man is and what of mysterious deaths turn up and it appears that the individual hanging on to life support may indeed be a serial

By Peter Lovesey


his sixteenth adventure in the highly

crossword on

revolves around the Detective Superintendent investigating a mishap on behalf

© Statepoint Media

Scotts Valley Times / August 2016/ 23


New Performing Arts Center under Constructrion

One of the First in the County to adopt Green Building Standards

Safest city in our County Spearheaded and created Community Garden

Lifelong Scotts Valley Resident

12 years of balanced budgets

New 13,000 sqft Library

“I am running for Scotts Valley City Council so that we can keep our community a great place to live, work and raise families. As your past Mayor, it has been important to me to keep Scotts Valley safe, clean and fiscally sound. As a lifelong resident of Scotts Valley, I have seen many changes but Scotts Valley’s character has never changed and I want to keep it that way. As a business owner in Scotts Valley, I recognize the needs of our business community and the importance of a strong, vibrant economy. Help me continue the great work we have done keeping Scotts Valley Scotts Valley.” –Dene Bustichi

“Don’t let outside influences change our City.” PARTIAL LIST OF ENDORSERS Bruce McPherson – Santa Cruz County 5th District Supervisor Chuck Fetter – Historical Society Eric Taylor – Historical Society Jane Armstrong – Scotts Valley Fire Board Mike Keogh – Former Scotts Valley Man of the Year Bill Kassis – Former Scotts Valley Water Board Jun Lee – Former Scotts Valley City Councilman Chris Perri – Scotts Valley Water Board Gerry Pittenger – Former Scotts Valley Police Chief Jim Reed – Scotts Valley City Council Member Steve Walpole – Former Scotts Valley Police Chief Fred Zanotto – Former Scotts Valley Man of the Year Steve Horlock – Scotts Valley Planning Commissioner Kurt Meyer – Branciforte Fire Board Danny Reber –Scotts Valley Water District Board President Pam Smith – Parks & Recreation Commission Art Smith – Scotts Valley Fire Board Robert Aldana – Former Scotts Valley Man of the Year Joe Perry – Former Scotts Valley Mayor Chuck Maffia – Former Scotts Valley Man of the Year Lynn Robinson – Former Santa Cruz Mayor Bruce Scott – Former Scotts Valley Fire Chief Cliff Barrett – Former Scotts Valley City Councilman Sheryl Ainsworth – Former Scotts Valley City Councilwoman Ed Bottorff – Mayor City of Capitola Mike Termini – Capitola City Councilman Chuck Comstock – Former City of Scotts Valley Manager

Konrad and Lisa Baumert Rudy Cabigas Tony Giannotti Bob Haight Richard and Charlene Maxwell Greg Cox Margaret Marigonda Patrick Marigonda Peter Marigonda John & Berna Bruzzone Millie Bustichi Al & Mary Telles Aaron Hinde Jackie Keogh Robert Bucci Corky Roberson Al Frischmann Nick Mannina Bill Brooks John & Greta Abbot David Bergman Josh Breeden Dave Bustichi Eugene Bustichi Marc Winquist Kathy Mitchell Wayne Negro

Giovanni Bustichi Ed & Kelly Gladder Gavin and Linda Cullen Josh Simpson Corbett Wright Jennifer Ralston John Ralston Gene & Gloria Billings Byron and Rebecca Finney Mike & Kelly Weaver Harvey & Irene Bustichi Tim & Judy Morgan John & Catherine Stevens Marvin Del Chiaro Marlyn Bergman Sue Bullock Dennis & Doreen Wootten Robert White Val & Thuy Rebhahn Steve & Sandra Brown James & Patricia Melehan Dennis Murphy Sandra Walpole Randy Parker John Stevens Don Dumller Greg Cox

Terry Guy Molly Imwalle Joe & Karen Perry Walsh Chuck Fetter John & Nancy Franich Randy Fujishin William Smallman JIA Tellas Kevin & Cherie Anderson Gine Johnson Harmel & Neelu Sangha Song & Yi-Ping Huang Dom Passanisi Max Ebrahimian Ian & Ruth Simpson Neil & Janis Clendon John Yost Chris Ow Melody Russell Judy Ow Dave Duell Linda Kilm Jennifer Isola Brad Hartlay Stephen Hoversten Mildred Vogler

Karrie Bobby David & Audrey Payne Mary Joe Gieso Pete Cullen Randy & Robyn Slater Carolyn Dugger Guy & Lori Collins Don Murray Lisa Bustichi Wendy Hillan Monica Aldana Teri Taylor Mike Smith Lynn Bridges Frank & Laura Hernandez Buck & Linda Harris


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