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SLV/Scotts Valley Food Programs in December
COMMUNITY NEWS SLV/Scotts Valley Food Programs in December
Tuesday through Thursday (USDA 4th Mondays). Valley Churches United. TuesThurs 9-11:45. 1st and 3rd Fridays 9-11 are for seniors only. 10:45-12:45. USDA Distribution Dec. 21, 10:45-12:45. For SLV, Scotts Valley, and Bonny Doon residents. Ben Lomond, corner of Highway 9 across from Ben Lomond Market, 336-8258. Closed Dec. 22 – Jan. 4.
Tuesdays, noon. Felton Presbyterian Church, 6090 Highway 9, across from RiteAid, 335-6900. To-go lunch.
Tuesdays, Dec. 22 and 29, 5-6:30. St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, 438-4360. Food Distribution (replacing Dec. 24 and 31).
Wednesdays, 12-2, San Agustin Catholic Church, 257 Glenwood Drive, Scotts Valley (next to the fire station), 438-3633. Food distribution. DEC. 23 distribution moved to Tuesday Dec 22 noon-2.
Wednesdays, 5-6, Operation Feed the People, Boulder Creek Community Church, 13090 Highway 9. 415-680-4281. Frozen to-go meals, groceries, essential living supplies.
Thursdays, 11-1. St. John’s Catholic Church, down from Rite-Aid, Highway 9 and Russell, Felton. 335-4657. To-go lunch. Open Dec. 24 & 31.
Thursdays, 10:30-12. Mountain Community Resources (a Community Bridges program), 6134 Highway 9, across from Rite Aid, Felton. 335-6600. Food distribution. Closed Dec. 24, open Dec. 31
Thursdays, 5:00-6:30, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. 438-4360. Food distribution. Holiday Schedule: Tuesday, Dec. 22, 5-6:30 instead of Dec. 24, and Tuesday Dec. 29, 5-6:30 instead of Dec. 31.
Fridays, 5-5:30, GateWay Bible Church, 5000 Granite Creek Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. 438-0646. “Fridays at Five.” Food distribution. Call for holiday schedule.
Sundays, December 6 & 20, 2-4, SS Peter & Paul Orthodox Church, 9980 Highway 9, Ben Lomond, north of town, 336-2228. To-go lunch and groceries.
Meals on Wheels (a Community Bridges program). $2.50 requested donation per meal.
“Captain John Wilson” from page 5
Captain Wilson has worked within the community, both in a professional and a personal way. He served as the chairperson for the Santa Cruz County Commander’s Association, was a past president of the Scotts Valley Police Officer’s Association, a board member of the Cops N’ Rodders charity foundation, volunteered for the Fallen Officer Foundation, and was a past president and board member for the Scotts Valley Exchange Club. Captain Wilson is a member of the California Police Chief’s Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the FBI National Academy Associates.
During his career with the Scotts Valley Police Department, Captain Wilson has received numerous Employee of the Month Awards, Commendations and positive letters from the community. He was the recipient of the Officer of the Year award for 1997 and 2007.
Chief Walpole said, “John has been a pleasure to work during my time here at the Scotts Valley Police Department. Everyone at our agency will miss his leadership and the local wisdom he had accumulated after serving our local community for nearly thirty years. We all wish him the best in his retirement and the next phase of his life.”
City Council member Donna Lind, who worked with Wilson during her long career with the Scotts Valley Police, echoed Walpole, saying, “John has been a pleasure to work with … He has always had a passion for training and has been instrumental in updating training policies and operational manuals. John has a background in martial arts and through the years brought in martial arts instructors to assist with hands-on training and other innovative training. John has spent many years teaching law enforcement procedures to criminal justice students at Cabrillo College.”
She added, “John has supported the Department’s work with Special Olympics For age 60+ (limited exceptions). 464-3180. Dining centers closed; all clients eligible for meal delivery.
Great Plates Delivered, up to three prepared meals per day for qualified seniors. Call 454-4406 for info. Through Dec. 8 unless extended longer by the state.
Grey Bears Brown Bag Program, weekly bag of produce to be picked up in Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Felton, or Scotts Valley. Delivery available for homebound seniors. $30 annual membership fee, for age 55+. www.greybears.org (479-1055). n
Except as noted, all programs are free of charge — Schedules are subject to change.Submit Changes/
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Additions to slvsvmeals@gmail.com including participating in the Polar Plunge fundraiser and other events. He has also been active with the Scotts Valley Exchange Club and several community events including the Blue & Gold Dinners honoring the Firefighter of the Year and Police Officer of the Year.”
Lind, founder of the Fallen Officer Foundation, said Wilson created tribute videos for first responders who were lost or who assisted during times of crisis.
“John’s computer skills and audio/ visual skills have been a valuable asset for many programs and in providing beautiful video memories for many SVPD employees in their retirement,” she said. “It’s sad that due to COVID-19 we won’t be able to provide a similar tribute for John.”
John P. Weiss, retired Scotts Valley police chief turned artist and writer, recalled these accomplishments by Wilson.
“Early in his career he revolutionized our police training program, implemented realistic training scenarios, and modernized our training records with updated computer programs,” Weiss said. “John used his background as a black-belt martial arts expert to improve our juvenile programs with popular self-defense classes. In his off time, John taught criminal justice and police academy courses for many years. His expertise in evidentiary law, search and seizure, use of force, and other criminal justice areas, proved invaluable in shaping and improving our police department’s policies and procedures.”
For co-workers, he created and edited a popular police department newsletter that “informed and entertained our staff,” Weiss said.
He described Wilson’s service as “loyal and steadfast,” adding, “John was a trusted advisor during my tenure as police chief. He was always there with wise counsel, creative solutions, and loyal support. I owe him a debt of gratitude, salute his professional service, and am honored to call him a lifelong friend.” n