5 minute read
Who was Cabrillo?: Dr Iris Engstrand Shares Research on College
High Energy, Lotsa Love
Hiya, hiya, hiya!! I’m Flipper (A279631), but I call myself FLIPS! Why? Because watch this! *does jump-spin.* Cowabunga dude! Or, um, whatever the people here say. Give me a break, I’m from Modesto! Anyways…HIYA! I’m Flipper, aka FLIPS, and I’m buzzing with excitement for a new home! Shelter staff says I’m a 9 month old, 47lbs, Keeshond mix that is compact and full of energy! Sounds like what they meant to say is, “When you ADIPT the FLIP, it’s time to ZIP”…wait…I don’t know if that…
PLAYTIME! That’s what I’m about! Play by myself? I’m my favorite entertainment! Play with other dogs? It’s a tumblin’ fun time! Play with all the humans? Let there be toys! When it’s play time, it’s Flip time; and ain’t no Flip time like a quick zip Flip time! In other words, I’m looking for a fun, fun, fun new family that can keep up with me physically and mentally! Sure I’m young. I may pull a bit on leash, chase all the squirrels, and get super excited … but for the warmth of a new home I’m willing to learn! Just give me patience and love, and I’ll give you lots of fun!!
So come meet me for play time! You can email Jill at jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us to set up an appointment.
Adoptions are first come, first served! Please view available animals on our website and then visit the Shelter to turn in your application. All adoptions require proof of home ownership or landlord approval. Please have this information prepared. If an animal is in Foster Care, please bring in your adoption application and schedule an appointment to meet the animal. Call 831-454-7200 x0 during business hours or visit www.scanimalshelter.org for more information! n •••
Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter’s full-service, open-admission shelter:
Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance): 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062 Hours: Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Watsonville Location: CURRENTLY CLOSED 580 Airport Blvd, Watsonville, CA 95076 SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 • After Hours: jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us
In the Garden
© Statepoint Media

COMMUNITY NEWS Who was Cabrillo?
Dr Iris Engstrand Shares Research on College Namesake
By Jondi Gumz
As Cabrillo College explores whether to rename the college — or not — in response to a request made in the wake of widespread social unrest, the question naturally arises: Who was Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo? To answer that question, the college turned to Dr. Iris Engstrand, history professor emerita at the University of San Diego,
Dr. Iris Engstrand author of 21 books on Spain, California and the West, and recipient of the Order of Isabel la Catolica from Juan Carlos, King of Spain, for outstanding contributions to the history of Spain in the Americas.
Engstrand shared her research in an online talk with more than 130 participants March 18.
Cabrillo was born in Palma del Rio, Spain.
He has been celebrated as a Portuguese navigator but Engstrand cited documents unearthed in the past decade by researcher Wendy Kramer starting with a 1532 deposition in a lawsuit over theft of gold from a ship headed from the New World to Spain.
Cabrillo, who was aboard to return to Spain and marry a lady from Seville, denied taking the gold. Upon arrival in Seville, a hearing took place where Cabrillo had to truthfully state his name and his birthplace – Palma del Rio.
“You’re not going to lie in a deposition,” said Engstrand.
Since her initial discovery, Kramer, a scholar at the University of Toronto, has found 25 references to Cabrillo’s life in Palma del Rio.
He was born in 1499, but his birth date is not known.
Cabrillo’s birth name was Juan Rodriguez — comparable to John Smith today — so he added Cabrillo as a surname.
Ship Builder
Here are more of Engstrand’s findings: • He was 13 or 14 when he decided to join a Spanish fleet of warships to the Americas. Likely he was seeking opportunities and riches not available in his homeland, which had been occupied by Moorish invaders for 700 years. • He had trained in the crossbow and he became known as a ship-builder, building galleons that were perfect for exploration. After building ships for Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez he changed allegiance to Spanish conquistador and military leader Pedro de Alvarado to conquer Guatemala, where Cabrillo got rights to work the land. • He had two daughters and acknowledged them (they were included in probate of his estate) but continued as an explorer, being commissioned in 1542 to sail three ships to map the coast and search for a shorter shipping route to China — an important destination since the Juan Rodriguez overland travels of Cabrillo Marco Polo — to establish trade relations.
This exploration led to Cabrillo’s death. • He took possession of today’s Ensenada Sept. 17, sailed into San Diego Bay Sept. 28 and named it San Miguel after his ship, establishing friendly relations with natives.
Along the coast, when natives appeared, Cabrillo ordered his men not to shoot their arrows.
But he never set foot in Santa Cruz, dying Jan. 3, 1543 on the Channel Islands, likely a bacterial infection after a fall that broke his arm.
Should Cabrillo Be Remembered?
“Cabrillo discovered the winter wind pattern … a forerunner of useful navigational information worth of being remembered,” Engstrand concluded. “Cabrillo is the person who gave California to the world … he was a navigator and made some good discoveries … People just have make up their mind — it was a different world.” n
Four talks are planned for 6 p.m. in April:
Thurs. April 8
Topic: Native American Panel on Impacts of Colonization https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91997981867
Thurs. April 15
Topic: Sandy Lydon, Retired Cabrillo College History Professor — How and Why Cabrillo College Got Its Name https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/93990699782
Thurs. April 22
Topic: Student Debate: Should Cabrillo Change its Name? https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/98813902824
Thurs. April 29
Topic: President’s Essay & Art Competition Entry Awards (PEACE Awards) https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/97432344983 •••
Visit tinyurl.com/cc-name-exploration for more information.