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Time to Talk About Sexual Assault
COMMUNITY NEWS Time to Talk About Sexual Assault
Did you know April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month?
In 2020, local nonprofit Monarch Services assisted 520 sexual assault survivors in Santa Cruz County. April is a chance for community members to proactively discuss sexual assault, demonstrate support for survivors, raise awareness and brainstorm prevention techniques.
This year, Monarch Services is partnering with the Santa Cruz City Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, Sexual Assault Response Team and Kidpower to host and promote community awareness events.
All events will be virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The dates: • April 6: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Day of Action https://bit.ly/3sg3IHP Wear teal in solidarity with survivors. • April 14: Sexual Assault, Consent and
Bystander Intervention https://bit. ly/2P7HdpA 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Presented by Monarch Services • April 16-22: Virtual Documentary Screening of “The Bystander Moment: Transforming
Rape Culture at its Roots” at https://bit. ly/3r0SBRA Available for online viewing from April 16-22. No registration required. Presented by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office and the Sexual Assault Response
Team. Supported by the Santa Cruz Commission for Prevention of Violence Against
Women. • April 20: “The Bystander Moment” Virtual
Conversation at https://bit.ly/30Wqc4x 6-8 p.m. with educator-activist Jackson
Katz, Sheriff Jim Hart, and activist-writer
Ann Simonton. Presented by the Santa
Cruz County Sheriff’s Office and the Sexual
Assault Response Team. Supported by the
Santa Cruz Commission for Prevention of
Violence Against Women. Limited to 250 registered attendees, recording available afterward. • April 28: Denim Day at https://bit. ly/31uN23r Virtual rally on YouTube.
Connect with the online movement to end sexual violence. • April 29: Protecting Kids from Sexual
Abuse Without Scaring Them at https:// bit.ly/3tzutXR Presented by Santa Cruz
Commission for Prevention of Violence
Against Women, Kidpower and Monarch
Services. 6-7 p.m.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced sexual violence in their
IN MEMORIAM Charlotte Mulcaster
June 1, 1945 ~ March 5, 2021
Charlotte (Kelley) Mulcaster cherished wife, mother & friend of many passed away in the early morning of March 5, 2021 at home in Murphys, CA. She was born June 1, 1945 in Madera, CA.
Charlotte was a fierce warrior who lost her battle with Multiple Myeloma (Cancer) after a 3-1/2 year battle. Cared for in her final days by her loving husband Larry Mulcaster, daughters Kimberly Lane Mueller, Krista Nicole Hefner and the kind and gentle people of Adventist Hospice Sonora.
An amazing artist working in oil on canvas, watercolors on paper, sculpting clay who was also an accomplished print maker. She was a respected member of the art communities of Santa Cruz and Calaveras county’s with many friends. Her work was selected for a number of juried shows and is in private collections throughout the United States.
She is survived by siblings Gloria Kelley of Madera, CA and Ronald Kelley of Fresno,
CA, her grandsons Paul Kammer, Calvin Kammer, Cameron Derr, son-in-law John Mueller, step children Sean, Jennifer and Christopher Mulcaster all of whom loved her dearly. Charlotte loved her Havanese dogs, El Greco and Leonardo who followed her everywhere. Gone now to be with the Lord, she’s no longer in pain. She was a sweet and loving person who saw the good in everyone. Our thank you to all for your love and kindness during this trying time. •••
There will be a Celebration of Life Memorial held for Charlotte at 1:00 PM on May 8, 2021 at the Beautiful Ironstone Vineyards & Winery in Murphys, CA, 95247. It is open to all! lifetimes. Preventing sexual assault requires the collective voice and power of individuals, families and institutions.
Actions you can take to address sexual assault: • Promote social norms that protect against sexual violence -- end “rape culture,” stop blaming the victim, halt harassment at work. See unwomen.org • Be an active bystander when you see a potentially violent situation • Create a culture of consent in your home and social circles • Use social media to raise awareness among peers • Listen to and validate survivors of trauma n
Monarch Services has a 43-year history of providing advocacy and resources to community members in Santa Cruz County affected by violence. Services include court accompaniments, restraining order assistance, counseling, emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis line, outreach, education and support groups. All services are available in Spanish and English and are free or low cost. For information, call (831) 722-4532 or (831) 425-4030 or visit http://www.monarchscc.org/ The 24-hour Bilingual Crisis Line is 1(888) 900-4232.
Learn more about Jackson Katz at https:// www.jacksonkatz.com/
In the Garden

1. Great divide 6. World’s oldest national broadcaster 9. Pasturelands 13. Chinese fruit 14. #9 Across, sing. 15. Clemency 16. One in advertising 17. “____ the land of the free ...” 18. Characteristic of birds 19. *Ongoing job in the garden 21. *Without synthetic fertilizers 23. 2nd tallest bird 24. Theatrical production 25. Curiosity killed it? 28. Additionally 30. Capital of Poland 35. Passage into a mine 37. Prefix in levorotary 39. Mid-century modern, e.g. 40. Toothy wheel 41. *Some are heirlooms 43. Make like a cat 44. Erasable programmable read only memory 46. Stanislavski’s rifle, e.g. 47. Unwanted correspondence 48. Motionless 50. Catch-22 52. “Are you sure?” in a text 53. Freight horse cart 55. Opposite of don’ts 57. *6 or more hours of sunshine 61. *Radicchio or frisée 65. On foot 66. Negative vote 68. 2020 NFL MVP 69. Morrison’s “The ____” 70. Hockey great Bobby 71. Respectable and quiet 72. Sports award 73. Affirmative response 74. Infernos
1. Old bathtub foot 2. Opposite of seek 3. Ne plus ultra 4. *Opposite of #57
Across 5. Minimum, pl. 6. Influencer’s journal 7. *Stinging pollinator 8. Holiday song 9. Bulgarian money 10. Julia Roberts’
Academy Awardwinning role 11. Popular smoothie berry 12. Update an iPod 15. Inhabitant of Hungary 20. Nothing, pl. 22. Like sashimi 24. Lack of money 25. *Tomato supports 26. Highly skilled 27. Miss America’s headdress 29. Slowly leak 31. Moves at the gym 32. Monument to
Buddha 33. Orderly arrangement 34. *Wiggly plowers 36. Faster than a walk 38. *Some plants and flowers emit a good one 42. *Type of digger 45. Centers, old-fashioned 49. French vineyard 51. *Last of 3 numbers on a bag of fertilizer 54. Be a pest 56. Washington, e.g. 57. Grow dim 58. Extraterrestrials’ rides 59. Pilot’s stunt 60. Type of parrot 61. “Musical” constellation 62. Russian mountain chain 63. *Type of garden hose that saves space 64. Goes with “odds” 67. Am is to I as ____ is to we
JOB BOARD ONLINE The Santa Cruz job market is picking up steam. Startups to established enterprises have open positions across countless work areas and industries. Software engineers, recruiters and more are all in high demand. As the local economy regains momentum, there are increasing opportunities for new hires.
Joby Aviation has more than 100 open roles! ProductOps, Amazon, Blix, Santa Cruz Bikes, Zero Motorcycles and many more are looking for their next top hires.
Every week Santa Cruz Works features a fresh catch of new jobs in at https://www.santacruzworks.org/jobs where employers and job-hunters can post for free. Details: https://www.santacruzworks.org/news/companieshiring-in-santa-cruz-and-beyond
OPEN STUDIOS APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, April 30, Midnight Arts Council Santa Cruz County is making plans for the 2021 Open Studios Art Tour following guidelines for health and safety. The dates are: South County Oct 2-3, North County Oct 9-10, and all county Oct 16-17.
All Santa Cruz County visual artists over age 18 are invited to apply to be a part of this event where local artists invite the public to experience art at the source. The deadline to apply is midnight, April 30. Open Studios & Events Director Ann Ostermann will host drop-in sessions via Zoom on March 23, April 3 and April 15 to assist artists in applying. For details, guidelines and FAQ, see https://santacruzopenstudios.com/
CZU FIRE RECOVERY SURVEY The County of Santa Cruz urges residents who suffered property damage during the CZU Lightning Complex fires to fill out a brief survey offered by United Policyholders to understand more about the recovery process. One survey per household is requested.
The survey is intended to help to track progress, identify problems and gather information about insurance coverage in fire-impacted areas. The survey is anonymous, and results will be based on aggregate data and not include personally identifiable information.
Email santacruzltrg@gmail.com to be added to the recovery group’s mailing list. Those taking the survey will be entered into a drawing to win $50 Amazon gift card. To take the survey, go to www.uphelp. org/surveyCA.
GARDENERS CLUB The Gardeners’ Club is looking for people who share their love of plants and want to know more about gardening.
The website is at http://www.thegardenersclub.org/ and there is a monthly newsletter.
Dues are $15 per calendar year. For information call Cherry at 831-475-0991. Make check to “The Gardeners’ Club” and mail to P.O. Box 3025, Ben Lomond, CA 95005. Meetings, when they are allowed, are at 7 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Drive, Aptos.
Have a virtual or live event you want to promote? Send your information to info@cyber-times.com by April 15
need an internet connection and a computer, tablet or smartphone. To participate, view the calendar at https://communitybridges.org/ SCWOL/ and find a class. That day and time, click on the link in the calendar to be connected. If you have a problem connecting, call Clara Munoz at (831) 458-3481.
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES Red Cross is thanking donors for stepping up to meet the constant need for blood amid the pandemic.
All blood types are needed, especially Type O. Donors must be 17 and weigh at least 110 pounds.
To make an appointment, download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood. org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.
April 4: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 220 Elk St., Santa Cruz.
April 3: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, 85 Nielson St., Watsonville.
April 8: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Community Health Trust of Pajaro Valley, 85 Nielson St., Watsonville.
SECOND HARVEST FOOD DISTRIBUTION Second Harvest Food Bank drive-through food distribution schedule:
Watsonville: Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds
Fridays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. April 2 • April 16 • April 30
Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Fridays, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. April 9 • April 23 Food hotline: 831-662-0991.
ITALIAN LANGUAGE CLASSES Learn the language of “la dolce vita” with native Italian-speaking instructors. Whether you are new to the Italian language, totally fluent, or everything in between, the classes the Dante Alighieri Society of Santa Cruz is offering for spring-summer 2021 are for you.
The online 10-week session begins the week of April 19, so register now to secure your spot and take advantage of the early bird discount which ends April 1. See: https://www.dantesantacruz.com/services Questions? Email: dantesantacruz1265@gmail.com
CAREER MONTH AT CABRILLO Four free job fairs are available for current students at Cabrillo College in the month of April. The fairs take place from 3-5 p.m. four Thurs. starting April 8. Registration is required. April 8 — global & human studies
April 15 — entrepreneur, business & creative
April 22 — health & public safety
April 29 — science tech engineering math
There are also four resume workshops on April 6, 12, 19 and 27 and four career coaching classes on April 7, 16, 20 and 26. Students can register and employers can post jobs at https:// www.cabrillo.edu/career-services/
CALL FOR ARTISTS: 15TH ANNUAL PVA SCULPTURE EXHIBITION Deadline to Apply is Monday May 3 Curators Susana Arias and Hedwig Heerschop of Pajaro Valley Arts & Jeff Rosendale of Sierra Azul Nursery and Gardens invite your participation in the 15th annual Pajaro Valley Arts sculpture exhibition, taking place in the beautiful two-acre Sierra Azul Nursery demonstration gardens, 2660 East Lake Ave., Watsonville. Submit online to Hedwig@pvarts. org.
The show will be June 1 through Oct. 31 outdoors and pieces submitted must be weatherproof (to be insured), and of a scale suitable for outdoor display. Summer coastal weather includes sunshine, fog, wind and rain.
Sculptures larger than 30” is encouraged. Pieces with bold negative and positive elements and pieces 5 to 6 feet tall show best in the garden.
There is a $30 participation fee for artists selected and sales are subject to a commission, 30% for PVA members, 45% for non-members. Questions: 831-722-3062.
First and Third Monday Each Month SENIOR LIFE ONLINE 4 p.m., Online Meeting Join a local group of senior citizens for “Senior Life Online,” a free online (Zoom) program featuring a presentation by a local expert. Senior Life Online meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 4 p.m. View the schedule at http://scottsvalleyseniorlife.org/current-activities/.
Recent presentations included talks about preventative care for dogs and cats, an update from the Scotts Valley Water District, goal setting, trusts and estate planning, COVID-19, genealogy, Scotts Valley history and Santa Cruz history.
To participate, you need an Internet connection and a computer, tablet or smartphone. A one-time preregistration is required at https://tinyurl. com/SVSLA-5. Questions? Call George at (831) 334-7763. Senior Life Online is sponsored by Scotts Valley Senior
Tina Marie To, who was elected to a four-year term on the San Lorenzo Valley Water District board in November, resigned with an email March 18. She said she had to prioritize her first year in law school and her family. The first opportunity for the four members of the board to decide what to do was the April 1 board meeting at 6:30 p.m.
A special election to fill the vacancy, based on the number of voters in San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley in the water district, would cost in the $70,000 range. Another option is for the remaining board members to appoint a replacement. The vacancy has to be posted for 15 days, and the board could discuss applicants in May. Or the seat could remain vacant until the next election in 2022.
Board President Gail Mahood indicated she’s leaning toward appointment. For information and to view district board meetings, see www.slvwd.com Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday NAMI RECOVERY SUPPORT 1-2:30 p.m., confidential Zoom meetings. National Alliance on Mental Illness Santa Cruz County offers the “Connection Recovery Support Group,” a free, peer-led support group for any adult 18 or older who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition (no diagnosis required).
You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others. Groups are led by trained leaders who’ve been there. It’s confidential and drop-in friendly.
To attend, complete the registration form. You will immediately get an email with the Zoom link. You will need to do this only once, and will be able to use the same link for all groups in the future. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/nami-zoom-register (Full URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMld6trTgjEtOukidbv3qCQQTitZ92kXFf)
If you are unable to register, do not have an email address, or have other questions, call the office at (831)-824-0406 or email anastasia@namiscc.org. For a recording of the March 18 speaker or more information on support groups and classes, https://www.namiscc.org/ Third Thursday of the Month
PET LOSS AND GRIEF SUPPORT VIA ZOOM 6 to 7:30 p.m., virtual meeting BirchBark Foundation’s Pet Loss and Grief Support Zoom group offers a free support group, moderated by a licensed grief counseling therapist, on the third Thursday of each month. Register at https://www.birchbarkfoundation.org/griefsupport or call 831-471-7255. Fourth Thursday of the Month
First Sunday Every Month MONTHLY OUTDOOR MARKETPLACE IN SANTA CRUZ! 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., Old Wrigley Building Parking Lot, 2801 Mission Street, Santa Cruz 95060 The Westside Marketplace is an exciting, new monthly market where local art, handmade and vintage shopping meet delicious food! This collaboration between Food Trucks A Go Go and the SCM Makers Market presents a great mix of creators of all kinds! There is also live music at each event!
The upcoming outdoor market is on Sunday, April 4 at the Old Wrigley Building parking lot. Rain dates are scheduled for the following Sundays.
Come hungry to sample an amazing array of food from the food vendors and shop local with 40 artists, makers and vintage sellers at this new monthly event.
The Market is free to attend and is 100% local — all vendors are based in Santa Cruz County!
All local and state health guidelines will be followed. Please wear your mask, maintain social distance while you shop and stay home if you don’t feel well. Hand sanitizing stations will be available. For more information, go to the event page: https:// www.facebook.com/events/170470481551895; Food Trucks A Go Go: https://www.foodtrucksagogo.com/; or SCM Makers Market https://scmmakersmarket.com/ for a list of all of the vendors.
Saturday April 3
CRUISE COFFEE COMPANY JOB FAIR Noon-3 p.m., 246 Kings Village, Scotts Valley The new Cruise Coffee Company Café (and the existing drive thru) will host a job fair for new staff.
Needed: Head baristas, baristas, prep cook, onsite manager and bakers assistant. Coffee, food, cheese, wine experience a plus. Customer service is a must! https://www.facebook.com/Cruise-CoffeeCompany-439462799799287/
FARMWORKER JUSTICE 6 p.m., Democratic Club of N. Santa Cruz County Online The Democratic Club of North Santa Cruz County will meet via Zoom and hear Elizabeth Strater, director of strategic campaigns at United Farm Workers, discuss her work to protect the health and safety of farmworkers and to advocate for a safe and just food supply.
Elizabeth Strater She’ll discuss digital campaigns and how people can support justice for farmworkers. Members of the public are invited. Visit www.svslvdemocrats.org for Zoom link. Social time is 6 p.m.; the meeting officially starts at 6:30 p.m. WALLACE STEGNER LECTURES*: JOSÉ ANDRÉS 7 p.m., Online Lecture Chef, restaurateur and humanitarian José Andrés will appear in conversation with Bay Area food personality Jesse Ziff Cool to discuss his work as founder of World Central Kitchen, helping to feed those in need throughout the course of the pandemic.
Andrés is a Michelin-starred, James Beard Award-winning Spanish-American chef, as well as the author of three cookbooks and the New York Times best- José Andrés selling We Fed an Island, which describes how Andrés and his team cooked for thousands of hungry people in Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Andrés advocates for sustainability in the restaurant industry. https://openspacetrust.org/wsl-2021/ ••• *Cost for the Wallace Stegner Lecture Series is $30. The price gives you access to four lectures, plus the ability to watch recordings until April 30. This includes January’s Dolores Huerta & Luis Valdez and April’s José Andrés ectures.
Wednesday April 7
NEW TECH MEETUP 7-8:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Works Online There is no better place to see what is going on in SC Tech than at the Santa Cruz Works New Tech Meetup.
Santa Cruz Works produces as many as 5 events every month — including the Santa Cruz New Tech “meetup” — to learn about new tools and practices or to ignite your entrepreneurial flame and clinics where you can learn new skills. Visit www.santacruzworks.org for more details.

Wednesday April 7
Over the past year, we have all learned to live with COVID-19. For most of us, this has meant wearing a mask as a method of protecting ourselves and others. We wear masks because we value our family members, doctors, nurses, essential workers and many others in our community.
Pajaro Valley Arts invites you to design a poster that tells your story. All members of the community are invited to participate. There is no entry fee. Images of your poster will be placed in the pvarts.org online gallery. Two $50 gift certificates to Kelly’s Books in Watsonville will be awarded, one each in the youth and adult categories.
The poster can be a drawing, painting, photograph or collage. Photograph your poster using a jpeg file format. Email entry form and jpeg of poster to Hedwig@pvarts.org by April 7.
Take Aways: Art to Go! This is an invitational exhibit featuring 76 local artists from Santa Cruz County.
Works includes sculpture, drawing, ceramics, fiber, mixed media, encaustic (wax), printmaking, photography, glasswork, and are priced to fit many budgets.
Curators are Jane Gregorius and Chris Miroyan. Gallery Hours: Friday, Saturday Red Dot Tumblers and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. by Peter Vizzusi by appointment only. To request an appointment for you and/or your group (no more than 10) visit: pvarts.org/appointment/
Saturday April 10
PROPERTY TAX DEADLINE 5 p.m. The second installment of your tax bill is due Feb. 1 and becomes delinquent after 5 p.m. with penalties if not received by the Santa Cruz County Tax Collector by that date and time. Drop boxes for checks are available at the county Governmental Center, 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz.
Sunday April 11
PRESCRIBED BURN WORKSHOPS 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Davenport • Registration due by April 4. Learn the fundamentals of prescribed firelighting and wildland firefighting during this hands-on field training in Davenport.
Training will cover fireline construction, communications, prescribed fire ignitions, operation of a firefighting pump, installation of a hose-lay and more.
You will be prepared to participate in local cooperative burns hosted by the new Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association (calpba.org). If you do not have wildfire or prescribed fire experience, the one-day workshop will be a prerequisite for participation in future CCPBA burns so don’t miss out.
The training can certify you as a Basic Wildland Firefighter 2, with pre-completion of online coursework plus an “arduous pack-test” prior to attending the in-person field day if you are interested. Cost: $20 with scholarships available upon request. Space is limited. Full Details and Registration at: https://ucanr.edu/survey/ survey.cfm?surveynumber=33128. For questions email Jared Childress (childress.ember@gmail. com) or Devii Rao (drorao@ucanr.edu). n
Wednesday April 14
HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF LINKEDIN 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m., Santa Cruz Works Online Social media coach Karen Kefauver will talk about how to make the most of the business network LinkedIn.
Free if you give your contact information to the Santa Cruz Small Business Development Center. RSVP at www.santacruzworks.org
Friday April 16
PVA POETRY READING 6:30-8:30 p.m., Pajaro Valley Arts Zoom. Pajaro Valley Arts Presents a free poetry reading, “Pandemic Take Aways,” featuring Alex Rocha, Gabriel J. Medina and Claudia Meléndez
Zoom link: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91026783529
Meeting ID: 910 2678 3529 Contact: Shirley Flores-Munoz, shflores@cabrillo.edu VEGAN COOKING DEMO 4-5 p.m., Zoom Class Join Café Carmel chef Sarah Cook for a virtual cooking demo spotlighting a vegan dish 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20. The demo is free and open to everyone. To join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92835341968?pwd= RXdpcG9PcUJIRnVUa2psZjFLMlFjUT09
Meeting ID: 928 3534 1968
Passcode: 495514
Monday April 22
OCEAN RECORD-KEEPING TALK 6-7 p.m., Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Zoom Session Must register by 5 p.m. to receive link. On April 22, Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History welcomes Dr. Emily Miller from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Attendees must register at https://www.pgmuseum.org/eventcalendar
A research technician, Miller will present a talk titled “Marine Algae as Ocean Record Keepers.” She will cover how her team used older algae specimens to extend the Bakun upwelling index back to 1878, 70 years before monitoring of upwelling began in Monterey Bay.
Her goal is to document patterns to help understand the shifts in the foundation of the food web to make more informed conservation decisions in the future of Monterey Bay. Until now, this process has been largely limited to instrument records and observations that begin around 1950. The talk is free, but the suggested donation is $15 per person.
Friday April 23
CONGRESSIONAL ART CONTEST DEADLINE 5 p.m., Submission via E-mail. The annual Congressional Art Competition entry deadline is coming for high school students in the 18th Congressional District represented by U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Palo Alto).
Due to COVID, students will submit their art for judging online by sending a high-quality digital image of their artwork — along with a completed Student Information and Release Form — to Eshoo’s Palo Alto office at eshoo.artcompetition@mail.house. gov. For details and contest rules, visit eshoo.house.gov/ services/art-competition
FOOD TRUCK FRIDAYS 5-8 p.m., 361 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley After a hiatus due to the pandemic, Food Trucks A Go Go is bringing Food Truck Fridays back to Skypark.
Celebrate the season kick-off with delicious dinner from your favorite food trucks, which will rotate month to month. All local and state health guidelines will be followed. Follow @foodtrucksagogo on social media or email: info@ foodtrucksagogo.com
Saturday April 24
DUCKY DERBY 2 p.m., Online Fundraiser This fundraiser for Omega Nu’s scholarship program will be a virtual event at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 24. Info: http://www.duckyderbysantacruz.org/#duckyderby n