9 minute read
Fourth of July Parade Returns
Fourth of July Parade Returns!
The Sun entered Leo last Thursday (July 29th) And the next night, Friday, we had a full moon (Leo solar festival). There are two full moons under Leo. The second occurs on the last day of Leo (August 22), nine hours before the Sun enters Virgo.
Both full moons under Leo are Festivals of Sirius, with emphasis on the second full moon, as it occurs in the heart of the lion which is the star Regulus, the Law Giver. Regulus is the Royal Star and thus referredtoasMagha,Magaormagic.SiriusflowsthroughLeo,offering humanity love, intelligence, liberty and freedom, qualities much needed by humanity at this time of the Kali Yuga when the world is filled with darkness.
Each of the 12 Labors (zodiacal Gates and signs) of Hercules is a story about the Light, the Soul and personality. Leo is the 5thgate, sign, labor and task for Hercules. He is to overcome the Nemean Lion (reactive personality) destroying the lands creating fear in the people. Hercules is courageous, strong and brave - Leos qualities. There are two lions in the story. One is the kingly lion, Hercules himself (the Soul). The other is the animal lion (the roaring personality). The animal lion (uncontrolled personality) is “destroying the countryside” (one’s life).
And so Hercules, alone and unafraid enters the world and tends to his labor. Eventually he hears the “Lion’s roar in all the land, especially in the evening air”, and comes upon a cave and entering it faces the fierce lion whose breath is fiery hot. Hercules grasps the lion by the throat and lifts him into the air holding him aloft “til the lion’s roars of hate subside”. Hercules overcomes the lion with great courage, strength and an act of will. And the great Teacher, looking on, said to Hercules, “The lion is dead, Hercules, but lions and serpents must be slain again and again. You have done well. Rest now.” Hercules in his task wore a lion’s skin. It informed the Teachers he was ready for testing and training. Humanity must now slip on its lions’ skin, gather its strength and courage, stand valiantly with resolve, pluck and willingness, and actually save the world from the “menacing lions”. For humanity’s tests have already begun.
You may struggle physically, emotionally and mentally to maintain equilibrium between desires, hopes, wishes, dreams and what is actually possible. It’s good to study the subject of sacrifice (from the heart) — the 1st Law of the Soul. At the center of sacrifice is Love ... a paradox. Love and sacrifice both come from the heart. We’re on Earth because we each chose to be here, leaving heaven to experience earth. You may not have known this before. You have chosen the Art of the Warrior as identity. Your companion is Mars, then Mercury. Spiritual warriors always win.
You assess all relationships in terms of value. You must also assess what you value, whether you are of value, what value that may be, and then the values you offer others. Often you sense there is more you can offer, supply and give. Always you are to begin when giving with intentions for Goodwill which create Right Relations. You offer the goodness, kindness and stability of yourself in relationships. You know love isn’t a feeling.

Tend to all things great and small, to all events and tasks both in between and necessary in daily life. Observe all habits, agendas, and how you serve the kingdoms around you. We evolve step-bystep, beginning with tending to our physical, then emotional, then mental bodies. Then we progress to the Soul. Each day “brood as a Soul upon the work, tasks and service for the coming day.” Emotions are then calmed. And the full moon shines upon you.
You reassess goals and aspirations, plans and agendas for the next two months. Interacting with nature (soil, trees, plants, air, sky, weather) is very important for your well-being. Make sure you’re out and about in the sun both morning and evening. Stand in nature, the most balanced kingdom. Its radiations strengthen your heart and mind, refocus your enthusiasm (“filled with God”), allowing calmness to emerge. Where is your garden and are the devas your companions?
Ponder upon how you want to be seen, known, admired, praised and recognized in the world. Consider your identity as one who is called to use all your talents to build the new culture and civilization. Leos are to nurture the new era at its foundational stages because Leos are leaders. Begin to share with everyone your thoughts, ideas, resources and discoveries about the future. Cultivate all creative gifts. Leo’s talents must move from self to the community called humanity.
You’re coming into a new self-identity. You keep re-identifying yourself. Your newest identity is filled with thoughts of goodness and goodwill. It’s important to tend to the home. Its value is now and in the future. A certain set of teachings holds possibilities for greater Love & Wisdom. This study allows you to enter into the life stream of humanity through understanding the mysteries. Uranus asks if you’re studying astrology and the wisdom teachings consistently?
It’s a spiritual practice, especially in Leo to realize that one is valuable. Is this consideration as one who is of value difficult for you? If so make lists of all your gifts, abilities, talents, kindnesses, good deeds, thoughts, ideas and plans and all that you give. There you discover, realize and recognize your value. Place the lists on your walls, reading them each day. This knowledge of self as valuable harmonizes you. It’s the beginning of your self-identity as a server of Goodwill for humanity.
Things, stars, people sometimes go into hiding. You understand this because hiding away for Scorpio is second nature. Sometimes you find someone else hiding away and make their acquaintance. There’s someone in your life of great value to you. They’re knowledgeable and have the skills needed for your next creative stage. They are concerned with humanity’s future. Call forth all your resources, using them to help others. Then you have a reason to come out of hiding.
Life becomes subtler, slightly different, a bit inside out, upside down, too. These changes in our lives awaken many feelings. One is that of compassion. In daily life, tend to all debts and then give (tithe) to charity. Example of giving to those in need: St. Jude’s Hospital; Doctors Without Borders; the Heifer Project. These are difficult financial times for many. The spiritual law is what we give is returned ten-fold. When we give to others our life in turn is cared for. You need deep and loving care.
Things seem transformative at times, restricted other times. Then along comes joy streaming in from the garden through the back door. An interesting photography book to consider doing would be called Dinner in the Garden. Sometimes the days and evenings seem moody. And sometimes a new identity is forming with the sense of a new self. The river of life is taking you downstream into new territories, showing you new ideas for the new culture and civilization. What do you think is your part in its creation?
You see the need for nourishment of self and others. One source of nourishment is financial security in terms of home and land. Visualize a home on vast amounts of land. Include many small cottages, a barn or two, a large workspace for the arts, multiple gardens, fruit and nut trees, ponds, a communal professional kitchen, a lodge. See friends and loved ones living close by, Work daily on this through visualization. Draw and paint and talk about it. These begin to anchor your dream.
You sense the need to be creative, to construct and build something. Returning to a previous, perhaps put-aside creative work allows you to reaffirm its importance in your life. There’s a renewed fire in the mind, calling you to two things. Laughter with a sense of play, much missed in your life since childhood. And a new level of creative work reflecting art and beauty . All parts of you yearn to create a close spiritual community, offering humanity refuge. It will appear in its right timing. It will be a paradise. “Dignity/Anthem Split” from page 16
“… Dignity Health is a nonprofit health care system and California’s largest Medi-Cal provider and has lost money in recent years, while Anthem is a for-profit insurance company that earns billions of dollars in profits.
“New contracts with Anthem will let our doctors and nurses continue confronting the COVID-19 pandemic and providing essential services to our patients. Dignity Health has offered Anthem a proposal with rates that do not even cover hospital inflation costs and are below increases included in prior agreements.”
Dignity Health will continue to treat all patients in need of emergency care through our hospitals’ Emergency Departments, regardless of the hospital or physician’s network status.
Dignity Health is a nonprofit network of10,000physicians,60,000+employees,41 acute care hospitals, and 400+ care centers in Arizona, California, and Nevada.
Info: www.keepdignityhealth.org •••
Anthem Blue Cross July Press Release
For many years, Anthem members have been able to receive in-network care from Dignity Health, which unfortunately has become one of the more expensive health systems in California.
Dignity issued contract termination notices to Anthem for the vast majority of its Anthem business and has now informed us if we do not agree to substantial rate increases it will leave our health plans, making care at Dignity hospitals, medical groups and clinics unavailable to Anthem members.
Anthem’s intent is to reach agreement on reasonable contractual language and reimbursement rates that will help protect affordability for consumers. We cannot, and will not, agree to excessive rate increases that will make care at Dignity even less affordable for those we serve.
Dignity rates are … almost 30 percent more expensive than other health systems. Dignity charges commercial insurance members in excess of 300 percent of the Medicare allowable rate for some services. If we were to give in to Dignity’s demands for excessive rate increases, it would result in higher out-of-pocket and premium costs for our members. That’s something we just can’t do.
If we do not reach a new agreement by July 15, Dignity facilities will no longer be in our health plans for members enrolled in Commercial PPO, EPO, HMO, and POS benefit plans as well as some Medicaid and Medicare Advantage plans. This includes Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital. n
Info: www.anthem.com/ca/dignity/ •••
Editor’s Note: Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center in Santa Cruz is in Anthem’s network but it doesn’t have an emergency room or urgent care. Also in Anthem’s network is Watsonville Community Hospital, which does have an emergency department.