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Community Calendar • Arts & Entertainment – Pages 20
Tuesday August 3
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: ZOOTOPIA 5 p.m., Kaiser Permanente Arena, 140 Front St., Santa Cruz The Santa Cruz Police Department celebrates National Night Out, co-sponsoring with the Santa Cruz Warriors a free family movie night, showing Zootopia.
There will be games, crafts, bounce house, K9 demos, popcorn, and treats. Movie starts at 6:30 p.m.
No pets, no smoking, and no alcoholic beverages are allowed. An adult must accompany children under 12.
National Night Out is designed to reinforce relationships between citizens, businesses, and local law enforcement. RSVP at bit.ly/scpdzootopia
Thursday August 5
FREE TEEN DRIVER CLASS 5:30-7:30 p.m., Online Seminar The California Highway Patrol offers a free traffic safety program for teenage drivers and their parents, Start Smart, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5.
Traffic collisions are the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds so the goal is to provide teens and parents with an understanding of how poor choices behind the wheel can affect the lives of numerous people. Topics include: Defensive driving, traffic laws, dynamics of traffic collisions, tips on avoiding traffic collisions, and DUI — driving while under the influence — awareness.
The class will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. Information on how to log onto Microsoft Teams will be sent after the class reservation. Call the Santa Cruz CHP Office to reserve a spot: (831) 662-0511.
Saturday August 7
LIONS ‘MAGIC MARKET’ 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Road Cabrillo Host Lions will present “Magic Market,” a benefit supporting Lions charities.
Vendors include Ed Jenkins, who makes wooden toy trucks, Megan Purdue, who makes signs out of driftwood, and Dale Herra, who sells avocados, and Mid-County Senior Center will sell produce grown in the garden in Capitola. For information, call 831-688-3356.
HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI REMEMBRANCE Noon-1 p.m., Town Clock, downtown Santa Cruz A remembrance for Hiroshima and Nagasaki — featuring speakers, music, and prayer — is being sponsored by the United Nations Association of Santa Cruz County, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Veterans for Peace, Santa Cruz Chapter of the ACLU, and Santa Cruz’s Branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
The United States detonated atomic bombs over those Japanese cities in 1945 during World War II to pressure Japan to surrender, which it did, six days after Nagasaki was bombed. Between 129,000 and 226,000 people in the two cities died, most of them civilians.
Tuesday August 10
CABRILLO COLLEGE REGISTRATION FAIR 6-10 p.m., Cabrillo College Watsonville Center, 318 Union St. Cabrillo College Watsonville Center will host an in-person registration fair to help people with the registration process.
GOAL — Great Opportunities through Adult Learning — a program at Building 1602 at Cabrillo’s main campus in Aptos, 6500 Soquel Drive, offer classes for everyone.
Wednesday August 3 thru Saturday August 6
9 a.m.-2 p.m., Scotts Valley High School, 555 Glenwood Drive All students should plan to attend SOAR Day (Student Orientation And Registration) with their grade level. Students will get their class schedule, textbooks, yearbook/ID photos, pick up PE uniforms, and learn more about Associated Student Body activities. All students (including seniors) must have their picture taken for ID cards.
SOAR Day Dates
Come anytime on your scheduled day! • August 3: 12th Grade • August 4: 11th Grade • August 5: 10th Grade • August 6: 9th Grade
Also, after registration on August 6, there will be New Student Orientation, 2:30-3 p.m. in the gymnasium.
If you cannot attend your scheduled SOAR Day, you MUST contact Kelly Cox 831-439-9555 x1. (Include student’s name and grade level in email or voicemail.) Information: https://www.svhs.santacruz.k12.ca.us/ planning the annual party for current members and potential new members who have been vaccinated.
If you love to cook, enjoy fine wine and conversation, this is your opportunity to meet vaccinated locals that share your interests. A festive, gourmet meal with margaritas and wine (for purchase) will be served along with live music.
Festivities begin at 4 p.m. Price is $20 for nonmembers. To learn more & get the location, email Rhonda Mills in advance at info@SantaCruzDinnerClub.com. n
Saturday August 21
MEET KEVIN KILEY Noon-4 p.m., Corralitos Grange Hall, 165 Little Corral Way, Watsonville The Santa Cruz County Republican Party plans a family BBQ which will feature guest speaker Kevin Kiley, 36, the Republican assemblyman who has represented the 6th District, Placer, Sacramento, and El Dorado counties since 2016 and is running to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in the Sept. 14 recall election.
Kiley, vice-chair of the Education Committee, declined a pay raise granted in 2021, and has introduced legislation to end special perks like the private DMV office for state lawmakers and their staff.
He is the author of a 200-page ebook, “Recall Gavin: The Most Corrupt Governor in the Nation,” focusing on the results from his policies.
The son of a doctor and a special education teacher, Kiley comes from Granite Bay and has three siblings. He graduated from Harvard and became a high school English teacher in South Central Los Angeles, where he started an award-winning speech and debate team.
Next he graduated from Yale Law School, joined a private law firm in California, then became a deputy attorney general working on cases involving convicted felons. The past three years, the BBQ has sold out. Tickets are $40 per person or $100 for a family (2 adults with children). To buy, see https://santacruzrepublicans.com/upcoming-events/
https://www.goaladultlearning.org/events/month?lang=es Questions? Call Adriana Torres, 831-400-8128
Wednesday August 11
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Students in Scotts Valley Unified School District return to school on Aug. 11. Back-to-school nights for parents will be:
Brook Knoll School, Sept.1 • Scotts Valley Middle School, Sept. 2 • Scotts Valley High School Sept. 8 • Vine Hill School, Sept. 9.
Thursday August 12
SENIOR DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM 9 a.m., Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office Community Room located at 5200 Soquel Ave. The California Highway Patrol is offering a traffic safety program for senior drivers.
The Age Well, Drive Smart Program is designed to provide drivers with the keys to driving safer and driving longer. This program is designed as an educational tool for mature drivers. Topics of discussion will include: • How to tune up driving skills. • Refreshing their knowledge of the rules of the road. • Learning about normal, age-related physical changes and how to adjust to them • When it may be time to limit or stop driving. • Understanding the alternatives to driving.
Age Well, Drive Smart classes are approximately two hours long and are free of charge. These classes are geared toward drivers age 65 and up, but they are open to anyone who feels they can benefit from this information. Space in this class is limited. To make a reservation, call the Santa Cruz CHP Office at (831) 662-0511.
Saturday August 14
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Free Comic Book Day, one of the comic book industry’s most beloved and anticipated celebrations, will again be a single-day event.
The event, traditionally on the first Saturday in May, shifted to August in hopes that disruption related to COVID-19 will have passed. As this is the 20th anniversary of Free Comic Book Day, there are themed t-shirts and posters.
Joe Field, founder of Free Comic Book Day and owner of Flying Colors Comics & Other Cool Stuff in Concord, said, “While the world has changed over these last 20 years, our love of comics and the power of comics to entertain and enlighten is stronger than ever. … I can’t wait to see all the first-time comic-curious readers, as well as our long-time faithful fans come together.”
Free Comic Book Day 2021 will feature up to 50 free titles at participating shops, including Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St., Santa Cruz, 831-426-0158, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Comicopolis, 829 Front St., Santa Cruz, 831-427-1929, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Visit freecomicbookday.com.
Monday August 30
RECALL REGISTER DEADLINE The deadline to register for the Sept. 14 governor recall vote is Aug. 30. Visit votescount.us to do so.
If you miss that deadline you must use same-day registration, register in person Sept. 14 at the county Election office or a voting center, and your ballot will be conditional until the voter registration is processed. To find your polling place, see https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/polling-place/
Wednesday September 15 thru Sunday September 19
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR Opens Noon Wed.-Fri. / 10 a.m. Sat. & Sun., Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 East Lake Ave., Watsonville For information about fair entry guides and education days see https://www.santacruzcountyfair.com/
To volunteer, go online at https://www.santacruzcountyfair.com/fair-time/general-info/volunteer
Monday September 17
BANFF FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR 7 p.m., Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour brings outdoor adventure to the big screen at the Rio Theatre.
Expect remote vistas, topical environmental issues, and adrenaline-packed action sports. Reserve your tickets. For a list of films (check film ratings first; some are subtitled) visit https://www.riotheatre.com/events-2/2021/9/17/banffcentre-mountain-film-festival-world-tour n