TT 148

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TIMES TODAY TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

Is it fake news?

CONTENTS My Pulpit message notes: The News is Good: Is it fake news? | 3-4 My Devotion: Good and faithful, or wicked and lazy? | 6 Business: The socio economic benefits of refugee arrivals | 7 My Inspiration: Be a friend with faith | 8 My Entrepreneur: How to becoeme a leader who inspires the best in others| 9 My Health: 10 My Kitchen: Thai chicken thai baked |11 My Sports:Kenya to renew rivalry with Fiji, USA at Vancouver Sevens | 12

My Pulpit Message - notes Is it fake news? My Pulpit Message Notes are extracted from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 10th April 2022. Preacher: Pastor Daniel Kemboi. Topic: Is it fake news? Scripture: Genesis 3:14-15 Many times we receive news from different circles and someone would tell you that is fake news or the truth.

a result of his pride. His rebellion then continued on earth, eventually spreading through the world. Satan and his fallen angels became an organised network of powerful spiritual beings whose aim is to frustrate the Fake news is news or stories created to misinform or deceive the work of God. readers. Sometime back you may remember there was fake news over the Paul refers to him in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not internet that Don Moen is no more. They even said that TD Jakes prayed against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, for him before his death. People started sending condolence messages to against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of the family until Don Moen came out and said he is alive and still serving evil in the heavenly realms.” God. That was fake news. This is why God said, I will bring enmity between you (serpent) Many in our world today believe that the death and resurrection and the woman. Enmity began before the creation of man and the strugof Christ is fake news. Even Christians have become too familiar with gle is real. the idea that Jesus died for our sin. But with that familiarity it makes no We live in two parallel worlds. We have the physical world in impact in them because they are taking it lightly. which I can come and eat in your house, we can communicate and live However, the Bible is not fake news because God’s rescue mission life as usual and we have the spiritual world that you cannot see with your was fulfilled and many of us are naked eyes, controlled by the anthe recipients of the saving grace gels, the demons. of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is But we who live in Christ, why we come to worship Him beHe guides us on how we can oper“ cause this news is not fake news. Satan thought that he won, but his disappointment came when ate in this spiritual world. From the passage Genesis In fact, it is written in 34 Jesus rose from the grave. The darkest day in human history 3:14-15, going back we see the crebooks in the Bible the mention of ation story and as God is creating gave way to the brightest hope, the resurrection. That is our angels. 103 times in the Old Teseverything He says, ‘It is good”. hope and that is why we are celebrating Easter. tament and 165 times in the New When he created man, He said, Testament. ” ‘It is good’ but He also said, “It is You need to know your ennot good for a man to live alone.” emy and understand how he operDuring that time God created anates. If you don’t believe the exisother creature called a woman and tence of the enemy, he has already God said, it is good. won, because his work is to deceive humanity that we do not believe that Day one to six of creation God said it is good, but after creating there is another world, a spiritual world that is frustrating the works of man, we see God saying, “It is not good for a man to live alone.” God. Once you receive Christ, the Bible says that we are not living here as the owners of this world, but we are sojourners, we are ambassadors From the passage there is a shift and it shows the fellowship that of Christ her. This world is not our home. This world is controlled by the was going on between God and the first people He created, Adam and devil. The god of this world is controlling this world and that is why he is Eve. It reached a time when a creature called the serpent is introduced. trying to frustrate us. This is where we see the darkest verse in the Bible, because before, we In 2007 as a first year student at the university, the second month read ‘It was good’, but when we come Genesis 3:15 it says, And I will put of the first semester we were chosen to go for a school mission. As we enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; went there we started worshipping and preaching the gospel led some to he will crush your head and your shall bruise his heel.” the LORD as that is what we were called to do. Day one we preached and Enmity means conflict, chaos, hostility. God introduces another many girls gave their lives to Christ. Day two, as we were preaching and aspect of bringing enmity between the serpent and the woman. praying, this is when I realised there was some manifestation as people Satan comes in the form of a serpent and deceived Adam and Eve. were behaving in a weird way. Some of my comrades were thoroughly However, Satan’s rebellion began in heaven when he was still an angelic beaten by the girls and one of them would say, ‘as much as I am a Chrisbeing. tian I will fight you’ and that is when one of girls said, it is not her fighting, but the enemy is fighting you. I remember people praying and casting out Who was this serpent? demons and trying to deliver these girl who was very strong. I was also Revelation 12:9 “And the great dragon was thrown down, the ser- at my corner praying and as I saw one of my friends thoroughly beaten, I pent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole prayed, “God not me, let them be beaten, don’t allow that demon to come [d]world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown to me.’ As we continued to cast out that demon, one girl came to me and down with him.” said, speak. I was really shaking. Three people had already been beaten. I The Bible points out that Satan was an angel who turned a third repeatedly said, ‘In the name of Jesus,’ and the girl became still’ and was of the angels in heaven against God. He was cast down to the earth as told that the demon had left the girl.

There will be conflict

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Pulpit Message - notes The following day at 3 pm. we started praying for people to be delivered from the oppression of the enemy. It took long. Men were casting out demons and for many hours we tried casting out particular demons, shouting and sweating and nothing seemed to happening. Then a tiny, small girl by the name Zippy came and said, ‘Be still.’ She then said, ‘Demons, out in the name of Jesus’. She did not shout but just commanded in her small voice and the girl was delivered. I realised there are spiritual forces operating that we do not see with our naked eyes, but there is the power that we have been given by Jesus Christ to enable us to overcome the works of the devil and I can testify because Zippy did not shout, neither was she big or strong, but just commanded in her small voice, ‘demons out’. The world does not sympathies with you, agree with you, because in 1 John 5:19 we know that we are children of God and the world is under the control of the evil one. We are the minority and as that is why the devil tries to frustrate us. But you are right because God is on your side. Genesis 3 helps us to understand the root of the battle by highlighting there will be enmity between Satan’s seed and the seed of the woman. Though the word used in Genesis 3 says ‘seed’, it can be singular or plural, it is clarified with the word ‘he’. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel” So it has been clarified by the word ‘he’ which is singular. The Bible progresses and reveals that ‘he’ is Jesus Christ who came through a specific lineage. Seth, Shem, Isaac, Jacob, David and eventually Joseph and Mary, the parent of Jesus. God says that he (Jesus) will crush your head. Even before Jesus was born, Satan attempted to destroy His lineage. It started in the garden of Eden and even after Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden we see that Satan incited Cain to kill Abel, but God raised up Seth as the seed (Genesis 4:8). Satan caused evil to pervade the earth so that God destroyed it by flood, but God save one family to start again (Genesis 6:1-8). Pharaoh acted as Satan’s agent when he told the midwives to kill all the male Hebrew infants. God rescued Moses. Satan sent King Saul to haunt David and end the Messianic hope through his line (1 Samuel 21). Herman in the book of Esther attempted genocide against the Jews, but he was hang on his own gallow (Esther 7). In the New Testament, Herod acted as Satan’s agent when he ordered male babies in Bethlehem should be killed, but God helped Mary and Joseph to escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:16-18). Even as Jesus was about to begin His public ministry, Satan went in person to tempt Him in the wilderness. He told Him to throw Himself off the temple pinnacles. Jesus told him, ‘It is written…’ Jesus knew the Word of God. All of Satan’s attacks have been attempts to destroy the seed of a woman.

There will be confrontation “You shall bruise his heel”

This is an instruction given to the enemy, the serpent. That he will bruise the heel of Christ. When Satan failed to destroy Jesus’ royal lineage he incited the Jewish leaders, mobs of people and the Roman government to crucify Christ. The conflict between Jesus and Satan moved to one final showdown. the coming One, Jesus confronted the serpent bringing Himself a temporary injury, the bruised heel that was fulfilled in the physical pain and the death of Jesus Christ. I know by then the enemy was so happy when he failed in trying to convince Jesus to sin, or follow his instruction, he went to the Jewish and Roman government and tried to crucify Jesus, of which he thought that he had succeeded.

As Jesus was crucified and said, “It is finished”, I believe that the enemy was so happy. But they didn’t know that it was just a bruised heel which is a temporary pain. When Jesus died, the enemy was happy, but on the third day when Jesus arose, He assured us of victory, fulfilling this Word that He can conquer death and we will be living with Him. We will resurrect and be with Him forever and ever and the enemy will not have any dominion in our lives. Colossians 2:14-15 “having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” This is our Lord Jesus Christ. He overcame the devil assuring us, if we believe in Him, we shall overcome. Assuring us that if we believe in Him, we will be delivered. If we believe in Him, we will be saved. He who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

There will be conquest “He will crush your head”.

Satan thought that he won, but his disappointment came when Jesus rose from the grave. The darkest day in human history gave way to the brightest hope, the resurrection. That is our hope and that is why we are celebrating Easter. Through the cross, there was victory for those who chose to believe in Jesus Christ. Satan no longer has power over those who follow Jesus Christ. If you have not encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ,you are wasting your time. I beg you to believe in Jesus Christ so that you can win the spiritual war of victory and be with Him. So that you can be assured of eternity with Him. Satan still fights his destiny and the battle in spiritual realm spills into our world and life. It is for this reason that the Bible tells us to put on the full armour of God and stand against the enemy. Paul said that we should be aware of the devices of the enemy for us to overcome him. - Genesis 3:14-15 portrays God’s ultimate redemption plan to send the Messiah to crush the rebellion of Satan and the fallen angels. Jesus said, the prince of this world will be driven out and be judged and through Scriptures we see that he will be cast into the lake of fire together with those who don’t believe, who do not follow his ways. I wouldn’t like anyone of us to miss this saving grace. We have been given an opportunity while we are still alive. Jesus will ultimately crush Satan’s authority over the earth not just over God’s people. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” Believe in Him. We have already seen in Genesis how the enemy tried to frustrate the work of God and to destroy lineage of Christ, but we see that he was not able. Even when they crucified Christ, He rose from the dead. If you have not believed in Jesus Christ, I invite you to accept Christ as your personal Saviour so that you will not be ashamed. So that you will not die in a lake of fire in future. I invite you to have a personal relationship with Christ. The gospel is true. For redemption of sin, for setting us free from condemnation, it is only Christ. The enemy comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. He wants to kill your joy, to steal your peace and freedom. He is really attempting to do that. He wants to steal your eternal life that you may die and be condemned in a lake of fire. Christ came that we may have life and have it abundance. This is the true gospel.

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Life How to get saved and spend eternity with God His Love “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NASB) My respose that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)

My prayer Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe. Amen

My Devotion Good and faithful, or wicked and lazy?

By Liz Omondi | Email: timestodayke@ | Image courtesy:

gold, according to their abilities and immediately the first two 26 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew servants went and put to good use their money and each of that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have them doubled their portions. Only the third one, who got one not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my mon- talent, went and hid his master’s money in a hole in the ground. ey on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. After a long time the master returned and settled accounts with 28 “‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who the servants who had done extremely well. The master rewardhas ten bags. 29 For whoever has will be given more, and they ed them by putting them in charge of many things because they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what were faithful we the few things they had been entrusted with. they have will be taken from them. 30 And throw that worth- He affirmed them with the words, ‘well done, good and faithful less servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be servant’. weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ On the other hand, the servant who had one talent and dug a Matthew 25:26-30 hole and hid his master’s money in the ground was punished. The one talent which he had been given was taken from him Any person who wants to be promoted to a higher position, and given to the one who had ten talents. The master referred or seeking a pay raise at any professional industry will do the to this servant as wicked and lazy was fired. best they can with their skills and abilities to win the favour of the appraiser. Knowing that you have put your best foot for- From the look of things, Jesus Christ will be returning very soon. ward, you can boldly come before the presence of the appraiser I am cranking my brain and thinking, of how I can immediateand present your case to prove your worth and justify why you ly put to work the talents that God has given me and multiply should get a promotion, or pay raise. them just like the first two faithful servants. I would never ever want to be called wicked and lazy. Neither would I want to be What if at the end of the year, you innocently stand before your thrown out into the darkness where there will be weeping and boss expecting some reward along with the rest of your col- gnashing of teeth. leagues and the words you hear are, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! You did nothing with what I gave you. You’re fired!’ Eish! May the LORD help me to be a good steward of everything, That is too harsh! every gift, talent, resource, or whatever it may be, to bring Him glory and honour. May God strengthen me and fill me with His Yet these ear piercing words got my brain grinding thoughts on Holy Spirit to do the work He has called me to do as I await His what my Master and Lord Jesus Christ has given me to do faith- return. I know that it is not by might, nor by power, but by the fully as I await His return. What gifts, talents, or abilities am I Holy Spirit, that I can do that which He created me in Christ putting to good use to expand His kingdom? Am I making ex- Jesus to do. cuses as to why I cannot faithfully serve Him before He soon returns? Am I at high risk of being called wicked and lazy? Ouch! The Scripture in Matthew 25:26-30 describes a master who entrusted his property to three servants. He gave each talents, or

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

Business The social and economic benefits of refugee arrivals

LOUISE CORDAUDREY SACKSSTEPHEN WINKLER | Uganda’s northern district of Adjumani borders South Sudan and is home to around 244,000 refugees. If you visit, you may be surprised not to find the tell-tale signs of refugee quarters — fences, camps, and other kinds of demarcations. Instead, refugees live alongside locals, enjoying basic liberties like the right to work, freedom of movement, and access to critical basic services. This integrative approach toward refugee hosting has been a cornerstone of Uganda’s domestic policy since the 1960s. A new policy research working paper on Inclusive Refugee-Hosting in Uganda Improves Local Development and Prevents Public Backlash by Yang-Yang Zhou, Guy Grossman and Shuning Ge, part of a broader new series of research on Forced Displacement, further reiterates that the presence of refugees has significantly improved access to social services, such as education and healthcare, for host communities in Uganda , shattering popular stereotypes of refugees as a source of tension, protests, or economic drain for a country. Uganda’s approach to hosting 1.6 million refugees— the largest refugee settlement in Africa and the fourth largest in the world—has also helped quell insecurities or negative sentiments towards migrant presence in the nation, mitigating the likelihood of backlash against them. Almost 12,000 miles away on a different continent, Peru is seeing similar gains with the large arrival of Venezuelans, according to a new policy research working paper on Immigration, Labor Markets and Discrimination: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus in Peru by Andre Groeger, Gianmarco León-Ciliotta, and Steven Eric Stillman. The presence of more than a million Venezuelans has helped Peru improve local labor market conditions, reduce crime rates, increase levels of trust between neighbors, and improve satisfaction with public services. These improved economic conditions have helped to decreased anti-immigrant discrimination. These findings align with new analysis of nearly 100 refugee camps across Africa. In the policy research working paper titled The Geography of Displacement, Refugees’ Camps and Social Conflicts, authors Nicola Daniele Coniglio, Vitorocco Perag-

ine, and Davide Vurchio show that, while the initial shock of refugee arrivals can at first increase social tension, refugee arrivals contribute to improved economic conditions in the medium and long term in host communities with no negative impacts on social cohesion.

Forced Displacement Today

Understanding and carefully studying the conditions under which host communities are successful at integrating people who have been forced to flee their home is critical for the international community . Here are some lessons emerging from this new series of studies:

Large arrivals of refugees do not necessarily have a UNHCR estimates that 84 million people were forc- negative effect on the attitudes of host communities ibly displaced by the middle of 2021, including over or on economic outcomes of a region or country. 20 million refugees and a growing number of internally displaced people (IDPs). In just ten years, the In Peru, the inflow of Venezuelans who have a right share of the world’s population that has been forcibly to work is associated with positive labor market efdisplaced due to conflict, violence, and persecution, fects and more positive attitudes towards refugees. as well as political, economic, and environmental crises, has grown from 1 in 159 to 1 in 95. Humanitarian assistance and development investments should be directed both to refugees and host Despite the magnitude of displacement around the communities to mitigate negative effects of disworld, including the 3.7 million people recently placement. Investments in infrastructure and serdisplaced from Ukraine, there is a remarkable lack vices are key to meeting the increased demand of of research on the topic to inform policies and de- the population shocks generated by the arrival of velopment investments. To fill this gap, the World displaced people and to avoid tensions over limited Bank together with UNHCR and the UK Foreign, resources. In Uganda, areas exposed to more refCommonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) ugees experienced better access to public and pricommissioned a series of studies to understand how vate schools, health centers, and roads as a result of to prevent conflict and promote cohesion among resources allocated from aid, reducing tensions becommunities experiencing displacement. A find- tween refugees and host communities. ing that’s consistent across the board in the studies highlighted above on Uganda and Peru is, yes, Investments paired with high-quality facilitation forced displacement is a global crisis that poses sig- can help ensure that benefits reach refugees and nificant developmental challenges. Yet, if managed host communities and promote social cohesion. Faeffectively with inclusive policies and development cilitated refugee–host interactions can improve host investments, forced displacement can bring about communities’ perceptions of refugees and internally social and economic prosperity . These programs displaced persons. Community Driven Developand policies can assume many forms, including ment approaches that bring refugees and host resimulti-sectoral development investments in services dents together for joint planning, decision making, and infrastructure; social assistance (i.e., cash trans- and oversight of investments in essential infrastrucfers, vouchers, workfare programs, grants to com- ture and services can foster positive interactions. munities); educational scholarships; skills training programs; mental health support; and public mes- It’s said that the best way to predict the future is to saging to evoke empathy towards refugees and pre- invent it. Countries have much to gain economically empt xenophobia. and socially from thinking magnanimously and innovatively about how to integrate displaced people into mainstream society. The positive effects may take time to emerge but can be well worth the wait and enable all citizens to thrive in dignity and prosperity.

Working Toward Collective Social and Economic Prosperity

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Inspiration Be a friend with faith

By William King | Email: | image courtesy:

It’s great to have faith for yourself, to believe for your dreams and speak victory. God didn’t give you faith just for you. There will be people you encounter who feel overwhelmed by a sickness, loss, difficulty in a relationship. Maybe at one time they believed they were strong.

friends. They lifted him, carried him, believed for him. Will you let someone borrow your faith when you don’t have any faith? Will you stand in the gap when they’re down?

It’s easy to criticize and find fault. “Why did they do that? They should have known better.” They don’t need your judgement; they need your faith. Try a different approach. Pray for them, ask God to show Your faith can be what breaks the addictions, lights their passion. Your mercy, to get them back on faith can be what God uses to propel you into their destiny and you’ll dis- course, to help them fulfill cover that when you help others rise higher, God will help you rise higher. their purpose.

The way they’re going to see a breakthrough is not through their faith, but through the faith of a friend. You can be the one who steps up and believes over them. You can encourage them, pray for them, speak healing, favour and victory over their life. In Mark 2, four friends put a paralyzed man on a stretcher and carried him to a house where Jesus was teaching.

You can be the one who pushes them past the discouragement, who lifts them back on their feet. God is counting on you to be a friend with faith - not a friend with criticism. There’s enough of that in the world. Be a lifter, an In effect, they were saying, “We’re taking you to Jesus. You encourager. Tell them that you’re praying for them. may not think it can happen, but we believe you’re going to walk again.” When they got there, the house was so packed Your faith can be what breaks the addictions, lights their they couldn’t get in. Rather than give up, they carried the passion. Your faith can be what God uses to propel you into man to the roof, took off the covering and lowered him to their destiny and you’ll discover that when you help others Jesus. rise higher, God will help you rise higher. When you help others in need, when you let others borrow your faith, there’s The Bible says that, “when Jesus saw their faith,” He healed no limit to how high God will take you. the man. It wasn’t the faith of the paralyzed man but his

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

Every Good G S ift



How to become a leader who inspires the best in others

By Christian Muntean — President, Vantage Consulting | |Image courtesy: People sometimes talk about whether leaders are born or made. That’s a little like asking if athletes are born or made. It’s absolutely true that some athletes seem to have unique kinesthetic talents. Or their bodies process oxygen or lactic acid more efficiently.

them grow? Do those people become more able, confident, and independent than they were before? Do they accomplish positive results that “stick?” These are all signs of servant leadership.

3. Vision:Leaders lead to what they see. They can’t lead if they have nowhere to go. Whether this vision is generated by the leader or the leader pulls it out of But athletes still need to show up and do the work. The most naturally gifted those they lead, leaders have vision. athletes in the world will never be competitive (or even in shape) if they don’t try. They clarify it. They communicate it. They catalyze action around it. Anyone claiming to be a leader, but who doesn’t have vision, only fills the seat of leadSimilarly, leaders—at least the ones that people are willing to follow—are made. ership. Or, perhaps more specifically, self-made.The ability to lead people wellover time comes from choices that only the leader can make. Why it matters Three core attributes of leaders others want to follow Leaders, effective leaders, come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are gregarious. Others reserved. They might lean in different ways: big-picture strategic thinkers, active doers, people people, or diligent executors and operational wizards. All can be effective. In fact, all three will be effective at the executive level if they get these three things right: 1. They embrace leadership:Too many people in leadership roles don’t lead. Leadership, frankly, is tiring and takes a lot of work. Being a “boss” or autocrat isn’t leadership. Engaging the will of people in a common direction is.

It can be easy for leaders, especially executives, to get sucked into the weeds of their job. Often they drift towards a part of the job that they enjoy the most or are the most skilled at. It’s easy for executives to end up being glorified business developers or HR managers or operations directors or financial directors. All of which can be valuable roles. As a test, think of a healthy, vibrant organization that has a track record of sustainably growing. Here’s what you will see:

The leaders of those organizations are actively doing the work of leadership. They’ve embraced it. They lean towards serving vs. seeking to be served. Many people view the role of “leader” as the next rung in the ladder—a reward They exude vision. or a position earned. They don’t always see leadership as something that only These aren’t just platitudes. Or “nice-to-haves.” exists through action and in relationships. If you aren’t sure—flip it. Can you think of a healthy, vibrant organization with The best leaders actively inspire a compelling vision among their team. They are a track record of sustainable growth led by a leader who: cultural architects and role models. They engage their people. They accept that the path to excellence is often on the other side of discomfort. Is inactive, absent, or lost in the weeds? Insists on being the “the boss” or maximizing their perks? They work at leading. Has no vision, no sense of direction, and communicates no purpose? You can’t, can you? How are you doing? 2. Servant leaders:People who end up in senior roles are often motivated, ambitious, and drivers. They get things done. The question is for whom? To what degree do you believe you: The best leaders are primarily motivated to serve others. They focus on deliv- Embrace leadership as a responsibility and role? ering value to others. Or helping their team or organization reach their highest Provide servant-hearted leadership? level. This focus on serving others translates into the attitudes and behaviors Have and communicate a clear and compelling vision on a regular basis? that generate sustained success. It’s easy for a leader’s motivation to shift towards self-centeredness. A focus on their own vision, legacy, goals, advancement, etc. When this happens, a leader’s attitudes and behaviors shift from being generative to parasitic. It’s not either/or. Leaders are all on a scale, some leaning more one way than another. The difference shows up most obviously in results. Do the people around

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Health

Ministry of Interior to work with the Ministry of Health to address the problem of early pregnancies, HIV Aids and Gender Based Violence against adolescents

The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government andthe Ministry of Planning together with development partners have convened to explorestrategies for building on the gains made in addressing the three threats of earlypregnancies, HIV Aids and Gender Based Violence against Adolescents.

predominantly young population, we need to nurture their potential in order to tap the demographic dividends.” She said. Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiang’i emphasized the need for focused effortsbetween government agencies and development partners to address the triple threat. “ We must approach this agenda with a preventive lens through one Governmentapproach, the Ministry of Interior will work closely with relevant agencies to ensure that existing National Government structures are used as campaign machinery against thethreats.” He said.

Kenya has made significant milestones in the in the fight against early pregnancies, HIVAids and Gender Based violence against adolescents and teenage girls. Cases of teenage pregnancies reduced from. 427,135 to 317,644 between 2018 and 2021. The rate of HIV infections among adolescent girls also reduced from 343 girls weekly in 2015 to 98 cases per week in 2021.Concerted efforts by Government and devel- The CS said that his ministry will work the Ministry of opment partners have also resulted to a significant drop in Health to develop training manuals to be used for training the cases of Gender based violence among adolescents. of National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) on datacollection, data analysis and reporting on the three Speaking during the meeting in Mombasa, Health Principal threats. Secretary noted that there is need for more concerted efforts towards eliminating the triple threats. “Kenya has a TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Kitchen Thai Chicken Thigh Bake By By Jacqueline | \ image courtesy:

Ingredients ½ cup soy sauce ⅓ cup brown sugar ¼ cup peanut butter 3 tablespoons hoisin sauce 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger root 2 tablespoons minced fresh garlic 2 tablespoons chile-garlic paste 1 tablespoon cornstarch 10 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized cubes ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro, or to taste (Optional) Directions

Step 2 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Line a jelly roll pan or rimmed cookie sheet with a double layer of foil large enough to envelop the chicken. Step 3 Spread chicken evenly over the bottom layer of foil. Top with the marinade, fold the upper layer of foil on top, and wrap to fully cover chicken. Step 4 Roast in the preheated oven until chicken thighs are no longer pink, about 1 hour. Unwrap and sprinkle with cilantro.

Step 1 Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, peanut butter, hoisin sauce, ginger, garlic, and chile paste in a resealable container. Mix well. Stir in cornstarch. Add chicken to marinade, cover, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022

My Sports Kenya to renew rivalry with Fiji, USA at Vancouver Sevens

Shujaa’s Billy Odhiambo (right) shrugs off Perry Baker of USA during Dubai Sevens. [Courtesy, World Rugby]

By Washington Onyango:

Kenya Sevens will renew their rivalry with Olympic and Singapore South Africa have retained the top spot on the World Sevens Series Sevens champions Fiji and United States of America at the sixth leg standings despite not reaching the finals. of the World Rugby Sevens Series, Vancouver Sevens on Saturday. They bagged 10 points in Singapore and lead the log on 98 points. Shujaa have be pooled in Group A and they will face USA and England in the group stage. The second position is held by Australia who have 83 points same as third-placed Argentina but have a better point differential. The Last weekend, Fiji returned to the World Rugby Sevens Series in fourth spot has USA who have amassed 67 points from the five tourstyle with a stunning victory where they defeated New Zealand 28- naments. 17 in a pulsating final to claim the Singapore Rugby Sevens title. Fiji had missed out on the Seville leg played in Spain. Ireland once again bagged 15 points in this outing and they move to 61 points. They close the top five while France are sixth on the log The second Group has Singapore Sevens runners-up New Zealand with 54 points. who will go up against Samoa, Wales and Japan. Vancouver 7s Pools Singapore Sevens bronze winners Australia will face World 7s Series leaders South Africa, Spain and hosts Canada in Group C matches. Group A: Fiji, USA, Kenya 7s, England. The final group has Ireland who will battle against, Argentina, France Group B: New Zealand, Samoa, Wales, Japan. and Scotland. Group C: Australia, South Africa, Spain, Canada. Meanwhile, Kenya Sevens have dropped to 10th in the world rankings after managing five points at last weekend’s Singapore Sevens. Group D: Ireland, Argentina, France and Scotland.

TT 148 | April 12th - April 18th | 2022 The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

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