3 minute read
My Inspiration: Be deaf to unbelief
from TT 176
Be deaf to unbelief
By William King | Email: kingwilliam189@gmail.com | image courtesy: success.com
We all have discouraging thoughts telling us what we cannot do, how we are not going to get well or ever be successful. Sometimes people will speak negative words, say things that can limit our destiny. If we let the negative comments play in our mind, they will keep us from becoming what we were created to be.
No one can make you think something. You get to choose what you dwell on. When those lies come saying, “You are not attractive, you do not have a good personality, you are too old,” you can dwell on it and let it poison you, or you can ignore it. In the Scripture, David had people constantly speaking defeat over him.
How did he keep his mind filled with faith? He says, “My enemies lay traps for me, all day long they say deceitful things, but I am like a deaf man - I hear nothing” (Psalm 38:12-13). If you are going to reach your potential, you have to become deaf to the negative. When people speak defeat, do not give it the time of day.
The apostle Paul says, “So what if they don’t believe? Will their unbelief make
your faith of no effect?”(Romans 3:3). Sometimes we’re wanting people to believe in us who are never going to be for us. We long for a family member to cheer us on, for a friend to encourage us. You have to say as Paul did, “So what if they don’t believe?”
These are the tests we have to pass. There will be doubters, naysayers, people who are close tp you who don’t think you can accomplish what God put in your heart. You don’t need them to believe. They did not put that dream in you. Be respectful, but deaf to their unbelief. The quicker you get rid of it, the better you will be.
You cannot play defeat in your mind and have victory. You cannot think sickness and have health. You cannot dwell on thoughts of lack and have abundance. The way you keep the infection out is by dwelling on what God says about you: “You are strong, talented, valuable, your future is bright.” The next time one of those lies come just say “No, thanks.”