TT 177

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TIMES TODAY Family Re-centre your
TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022


My Pulpit Message notes | Family: Re-centre your duties | 3-4

My Devotional: Multiplying Our Ministry | 6

King’s Inspiration: Do you have the right image of God? | 7 Wambui’s reflections: The highs and lows of life : David’s profile | 8

My Entrepreneur: How trusting and hustling work together | 9

My Health: Exercise restores brain insulin sensitivity, may protect against type 2 diabetes | 10-11

My Kitchen: Mexican fiesta rice |12

My Sports: Addo: Ghana can beat anyone on our day |13

My Pulpit Message Notes

Family - Re-centre your duties

Never before in history has the family come under such tremendous onslaught. We at NBC hold out and declare that the growth and sustenance of the strong families is our major plunk in our vision and mission. Tat is… because we draw from the Scriptures the truth that in all human relationships and inter actions, the one which best shows our true state of faith and obedience to God and one which exposes our true Christian character is the family. Tat is per plexing, but it is true.

It is easy for you and I to exhibit a vibrant spirit flled life for one, or two hours on a Sunday morning, but it takes the work of the Holy Spirit in us to exhibit godliness not only on a Sunday, but also in everyday relationship. Te closest and most intimate of such relationships is the family. Tere, within the family, our capacity to act out a profession of faith quickly diminishes because the en vironment of the family makes it impossible to be anything other than our true selves. And ofen our true selves are not what we profess them to be. Not what we project ourselves to be.

If the passage in Ephesians 5:21-33 has anything to say at all, it is that the fol lowers of Jesus must give up their former ways of life, “Out of reverence for Christ” and “unto the LORD”, and practice purity in daily living and integrity in their relationships. For the family is always and inevitably a commentary of the relationship that you and I have with the Lord Jesus.

Last week we were reminded that the family was not a cultural invention. It was and is God’s idea. While it is true that Eve was God’s answer to Adam’s lone liness or aloneness “no suitable helper was found” Genesis 2:20b. Te greater truth is that God created family for His own glory. He created the church as the apostle Paul says in verse 26 “to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the wash ing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”

Tis means that we may be compassionate and charitable to the whole society, to the world even, but unless that afects our families, that is all useless. Indeed there are cases without number that some of the most altruistic people are at the same time diabolical towards their families. Te family is a theatre where deep intimacy and afection may exist, but also where horrendous selfshness may co-exist. A family where unsurpassed care and concern may be exhibited but also ofen cruelty and violence. Where there may be admirable kindness, but also terrible self-centredness. And all these may be because of close prox imity. We are close to each other. And because we are close to each other we rub each other the wrong way.

For that reason God counsels us in Ephesians 5:14-17, “15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Terefore do not be foolish, but un derstand what the Lord’s will is.”

Tis is what I would like to take about. Te Lord’s will about family. We are engaged in speaking to all of us about re-centering our priorities about family, but we need to know what that means, what that family needs.

Last week we were told about re-centering our defnition, not just of words, but of concepts and reality and today we speak about re-centering our duties.

What’s God’s will for the family?

Te apostle Paul in this passage is talking to us about that. In doing so he chal lenges what conventional thinking is about. Conventional thinking questions and challenges Biblical wisdom. Now, for instance, conventional thinking press es the idea of equality to its nth degree. Te pressure of equality on a variety of grounds and levels including gender, flial. All this has caused havoc in the functioning of family. It is no longer possible to know how, when and by whom decisions are to be made in the family on any issue relating to the family. Tis fuid situation leads to a vacuum of authority which in turn results in inertia and complete chaos within the family. We even fnd a gridlock in matters where we ought to get relatively easy through and straightforward to reach consensus.

For instance, now more than any other time, is difcult for newly married cou ples to decide whether, when they should have children and if so how many. Whose decision is it? Te woman’s sole right? Older couples struggle with ques tions of schools to which their children may be taken.

Other much more established couples struggle with questions of how to old separate, or joint bank accounts. Tey wonder about whether and in what they should invest their surplus income. Te result is that married couples live in secrecy and exclude their spouses from their matters which would nonetheless afect the family so that you fnd within the family one spouse borrowing and the other has no idea what’s happening. Mortgaging the family home etc.

Tis is because conventional wisdom has brought it to bear upon them the idea that there are no roles, no duties, no diferences. Because conventional wisdom can be found as the idea so that the unquestioned is the allure of conventional wisdom that we let it displace what we otherwise know as Scripture.

So Scripture reminds us in the passage that we are looking at today. It not only reminds us, it commands us to know that relationships, and particularly family relationships, is on a two prong basis. Te family is upheld by two main ideas; an idea of submission, an idea of love.

When the apostle Paul frst speaks to us in verse 21, he says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” then he goes on to talks about, “ Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”

Quite ofen people have noticed that submission is spoken only in connection to the wives. Tat of course is a mis-reading or an insufcient reading of the Scriptures, because submission is not only for the wife. In fact you note that in this particular passage, submission only covers three or four verse, while when it comes to love, it is provided for in connection with the man/husband there are seven verses.

So even if we were to take it mathematically, the fact that the apostle Paul thought it necessary to talk about submission in only four verses and we are torn to talk about love in eight verses, there must be some reason why he would do that. So it’s quite clear though, that submission is not just for the woman nor is love only for the man, but there are reasons why the apostle Paul writes the way he does to us.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022
My Pulpit Message Notes are transcribed from the sermon preached at the Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC) Ngong Road on Sunday 13th November, 2022. Preacher: Reverend Dr. Fred Ojiambo. Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33. Topic: Family - Re-centre your duties

My Pulpit Message Notes

Scripture prescribes that wives are to submit to their own husbands as to the Lord and the reason is that the husband is the head to the wife as Christ is the head to the body of which He is the Saviour. (verse 23)

“ Now as the church submits to Christ” writes the apostle Paul, “so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” V24. Many would questions that and wonder wherther it has not been borrowed by a publication by a male chauvinist activist and converts, but it is God’s Word. but is is batterous you will see from 1 Corinthians 1 1:3 “3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.”

It is not a court regulating gender equality, no. What God is seeking to do is to set out in a family, a chain link as it were. A chain functions as a chain, only when the individual links are put together. Each of those links has an individual identity, but cannot function as well as when they are all put together. God is trying to explain to us that the whole idea of why He has this hierarchy of au thority . It is not a qualitative statement. It should not because the man is more important than the woman and the woman more important than the man, is because for the functioning of that family, the chain must be able to work and the chain works best when the links are together.

It so happens, when you have a chain, there must be one in front and the other behind it. Te hierarchy of authority as they are set out, it does not convert the wife into a mindless, silent and invisible slave. Far from it. It says, it confers upon the husband the privilege / duty and responsibly of providing guidance for the greater good of the family as a home. He is in the nature of a chairman of a board where all the chairman does is simply help the rest of the board to make decisions and to make them efciently and efectually.

Tey do this by massaging the decision making capability of a board. Te chair man is not better than any other people. In fact you might fnd that the chairman is less more indulged than the individual board members. But still you do need a chair so that the board can function efciently and efectively. It is in that sense that God does make the husband the head of the wife. It is in that sense also that the wife submits to a husband’s authority and the wife respects the husband.

Te other side of leadership is that the head acts in acknowledgement of delegat ed, not absolute authority. Men, as we lead in our homes, we should know that we do not exercise authority that is ours. We exercise authority that has been delegated to us by God. We exercise trust authority. We do not exercise authority which we think is ours.

Tere is an expression, particularly in law which is a latin phrase, ‘ipse dixit’. Tis translates to, ‘he said it himself’. Ipse dixit means a person’s own assertion without relying on any other authority, or proof. It usually implies an assertion of authority as in a statement, it is legal on the speaker’s authority and nothing else. In other words, it is right because I say so. Tere is no other proof about it.

God is not giving men authority to act ipse dixit, is if all the authority is in them. Te structure that God has put together in the family is to ensure that there is a quick, efcient, conclusive decision making. Tis is because there is no vacuum of leadership, or decision making. Whenever there is a vacuum of leadership, whether in the political level, or business, or in the home, there will be turmoil.

But God does that also because He makes all parties to share in ensuring that decision is made. All parties are equal in the making of that decision. Both hus band and wife, know that they exercise that leadership.

Tis isn’t another lecture, but it is good to get the bedrock of what the apostle Paul was trying to convey to the Ephesians and by extension to you and I. Lead ership ofen happens when there is a confusion in the roles and responsibilities or a usurpation of power.

T Bible is prescribing for you and I mutual respect to one another in recogni tion that it is a trust conferred by God.

Submission and in this case is not just cringing acquiescence to what is being put to you. It is a recognition of the love that elicits that submission. In other words, we submit because of Jesus Christ. Christ is the epitome of all submission. He died on the cross for you and I in circumstances that He should have been able to say, but God why should I be dying on the cross for this lot? But he submits to God’s ruling because that’s what God wanted Him to do. It is the kind of sub mission that is sacrifcial. He sacrifced Himself. Sacrifcial leadership. Te focus is not on the leader, but on the led. Not on one’s position, but on welfare of those you are leading. Tat is what forms the principal motivation, and that is both private and public.

If it is for that reason that he says, ‘Women submit to your husbands’. It doesn’t

mean that they are to be mindless, silent slaves. Nor does it mean that the man should be an autocrat, no. But it does mean that those in leadership, will love those that they lead to such an extent that they love their own bodies. Tat is what the Scripture tells us. Tat if you truly love your body and we do because we spend so much time trying to beautify ourselves, trying to make sure that we are looking very well, if that is the kind of love and afection and commitment that you have to your body, it is the same extent that you commit to your spouse. So two pronged basis; love and submission.

What is the goal of all this? Why is God delineating the rules, duties and responsibilities of spouses?

I would like to suggest that God does that simply because of protection. You sub mit for protection purposes. You love for protection. Submission is not cringing, or squirming acquiescence by an inferior or enforced negative measure. Submis sion is a responsibility of every Christian for their own protection.

1 Peter 5:5 says, “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” 6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lif you up in due time.”

Submission does not smother creativity, or independent thought, or initiative, or ability. Proverbs 31:10-31, we read about this woman, and it gives you an idea of what a woman can do and can be and is. A woman who is creative, a thinker, intelligent, innovative, has strength and dignity and love under-guards all that.

Te apostle Peter speaks to us, “Above all love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. Ofer hospitality without grumbling. “10 Each of you should use whatever gif you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.(I Peter 4:10).

Te focus is to ourselves, to think about what we do need for purposes of ensur ing we do that which the apostle Paul does here so that we remind ourselves that love is not overbearing, that love is accommodating. It gives, it does not take. It is generous, not selfsh. Not self-centred, but charitable.

I’ve been in the legal practice for about half a century now and I have had a rear sideview of miseries that one sees in families. My heart bleeds when I see the kind of squabbles that one sees in inheritance cases. Te selfshness of parents who will hold on to what they have to the end of the grave and let their children and their wives sufer the trouble of unravelling all that nonsense.

I have seen the kind of undeniscine cruelty and violence just because somebody didn’t do what they need to do. I have seen the conspiracies within families, the fear and suspicion, the lack of transparency. Tere is an instant where a man died,and they couldn’t open his briefcase because he had a combination lock and the wife didn’t know what the combination was and they had been married for 50 years. You ask yourself why? What’s the secrecy? How ofen we do these things without even thinking about it.

I’m talking to myself how ofen I hurt my wife. How ofen, simply because of the feeling of hierarchy or others? I’d like to say to you as an invitation, but also as a prayer because it is also a command in Hebrews 4:16 “16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confdence, so that we may receive mercy and fnd grace to help us in our time of need.”

None of us is without sin. All of us are in need of God’s mercy. All it takes how ever is a step of faith. I think of the prophet Isaiah seeing God,… he’s been in ministry, but suddenly he sees God in Isaiah 6, God in all His splendour, and say ““Woe to me!” …I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

Tat is the clarion call for a reset for you and I to refresh, to begin to look again at our families, to look at God’s prescription to what He is saying to us. Could it be that you, as I, have ignored these simple truths in Scripture and have let conventional wisdom dictate how you and I relate within the family? Could it be that there is confict in the home simply because selfshness has crept into the hearts of the members? Might you, or I lost focus and we see only the wrongs of our partners and not the fact that Christ shed His blood for them?

God calls us to His throne of grace to seek mercy so that He can give us another chance.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

My Life

How to get saved and spend eternity with God

His Love

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16 (NASB)

My response

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)

My prayer

Lord God Almighty, thank You for Your love for me. Tank You that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed against You. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross and You raised Him from the dead on the third day. Please write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Help me to live a life that is holy and pleasing unto You. In Jesus’ Name I pray and believe. Amen

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

My Devotional

Multiplying Our Ministry

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” — 1 Corinthians 3:6

What does it mean to be a teammate? An excellent team player looks outside himself or herself and gives pointers to others on how to perform at a high level and how to overcome the challenges of competition. If a wide receiver teaches all the receivers, tight ends and running backs how to catch the ball with their hands and not let it bounce of their shoulder pads, then the team has more com pletions. Te outstanding teammate has planted seeds for the fruits of victory.

When Jesus called the 12 disciples, He intended to reproduce Himself in them. While Jesus walked this earth, He was in one place at a time. Afer three years, the seed of the Gospel grew in the hearts and minds of 11 of those disciples through Jesus’ example and encouragement. Tose selfsh men became humble servants and fearless messengers. As more people scattered the seed of the Gos pel, it was like Jesus Himself going into many places at once.

Soon, many churches were established, as the early Christians followed the prin ciples of multiplication. Ministers and laypeople shared the Gospel message in so many locations that God’s spiritual orchard exploded in growth. “ Tose who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went” (Acts 8:4). It’s not easy to plant the seed of the Gospel, but the apostles and their helpers kept on sharing in spite of obstacles and opposition. “As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

As we see many churches shrinking and downsizing today, this development happened partly because we are relying on the paid ministers rather than joining them in the work. If we all plant seeds consistently, as fellow workers in God’s feld, then we will see God multiply our eforts. “I planted the seed, Apollos wa tered it, but God has been making it grow” (1 Corinthians 3:6).

If we want to see fruit, seeds must be planted in the garden of peoples’ hearts. Let us join together in planting seeds of the Gospel today.

image courtesy: Ecclesia Sempa Reformanda
TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

King’s Inspiration

Do you have the right image of God?

How do you see God? Te apostle Paul says, “Because of our faith in Christ, we can come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of His glad welcome” (Ephesians 3:12).

If you have the right image of God, knowing that He gladly welcomes you, that He loves spending time with you, you will go fearlessly to Him.

All through the day, you will talk with Him as a son, or daughter. However, not many of us have the audacity to think that God would be happy to see us. So many people see Him as a harsh and condemning judge who holds our mistakes against us and expects us to be perfect.

Too ofen we have the wrong image of God and shrink back in fear and intimidation, feeling that we can never measure up and will always be unworthy. Your perception of God will have a great impact on whether, or not you become all you were created to be. He is not basing His “glad welcome” on your performance.

He made you in His own image and you are His most valuable possession. He

says, “See, I have tattoed your name on the palms of My hands” (Isaiah 49:16). He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows your thoughts before you think them. Tere is nothing more important to God than you. We have all made mistakes, gotten of course and done things we are not proud of. We let the accuser remind us of how unworthy we are, how we should be ashamed of ourselves. Do you know how God sees you? Ephesians 1:4 says, “Even before He made the world, God loved us.”

Scripture says that He loves you unconditionally and sees you without fault. How can this be? Because Christ already paid the price for your sins, mistakes and failures. He sees you without fault but that won’t do you any good if you do not see yourself without fault.

Do not let a wrong image of God keep you from the blessings, joy, favour that belongs to you. Why don’t you drop the baggage of feeling unworthy, condemned and receive God’s glad welcome? He has already forgiven your sins. Come fearlessly into His presence, knowing that strongholds of guilt are being broken right now.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

Wambui’s Refections

The highs and lows of life : David’s profle

1.) David was anointed as King of Israel. 2 Samuel 5:1-5 .

1 Samuel 16. David’s problems started at this time. High/Pinnacle of David’s Life.

2.) David killed Goliath...

1 Samuel 17 - Another high/Pinnacle of David’s Life. Te Power of God was with him and David in all his highs had the Power of God.

3.) David had to fee from Saul. Low profle for David .1 Samuel 18:31 - David had married Saul’s Daughter yet the in law relationship was bad. David stayed like a convict / refugee for 13 years being chased running away from Israel to the Philistines.

4.) 1Samuel 30 - Te town David had been given by the King of Philistines was called Ziklag. It is there Ziklag had found out that their wives and Children had also been taken captive.

Te 600 men were bitter in spirit and had turned against David and wanted to stone him. For the frst time David was alone and isolated. Low profle for David. (David retreated to his stronghold) BUT David found strength in the Lord his God.

- In everyone’s life there comes a time when we feel alone. God allows this so that we can draw near to him so that God can direct us.

- When we get into a situation like this we need to go David’s way that is Retreat to your Stronghold, it is a place of consulting God. E.g where you pray that is where you usually go to meet with your God!

5.) 2 Samuel 12 - David was Crowned King of Judah. High pinnacle.

6.) 2 Samuel 7 Chapter 8 - God made a special covenant with David declaring there will be peace in the whole of Israel. Tis was the Climax of David’s highest pinnacle!

8.) 2 Samuel 11 - David committed the frst dreadful sin. He committed Adul tery with Bathsheba killed her husband (Murder). Low pinnacle. David was over confdent, he felt he could not sin anymore and as such he was taking God for granted.

Warning : Be very very careful when God lifs you up to high levels of anointing. It is when you get to that high level that you become most vulnerable. Unless you ask God to sustain you in this high pinnacle it is very easy to fall. For example,

Moses was told by the Lord to speak to the stone for water to come out, but instead he striked the stone. Tere and then he lost it. He never saw the Prom ised land.

As the Lord anoints you, you are to walk in more humility at all times. God is to be exalted at all times. All the glory and honor goes to God and God Alone!

Remember God hates pride with a passion!

9.) 2 Samuel 12 - David was given the Son Solomon from Bethsheba. Tis was the son who took over from him. A high pinnacle.

10.) 2 Samuel 15 - chapter 18.....Absolom who was a son from another of David’s wives, Rebelled against his own father David. David had 700 wives who trapped him into a snare. Tere was too much confict among the children of these women. Most of them ended up killing each other due to strife. Te Spirit of Polygamy was so much in play here. A low pinnacle.

- Ask the Lord to free you totally from the spirit of polygamy.

11.) 2 Samuel 19 - David was restored again as King of Judah and Israel. High pinnacle

12.) 2 Samuel 24 - David decided to take the census against the will of God . Tis caused the death of 70,000 people. A low pinnacle.

13.) 1 Kings 2 - David’s plan for the temple was accepted, but God refused him to build it. Why? His hands were stained with blood. David handed over his reign when he was alive to his son Solomon. *A high* *pinnacle.*


1.) You must start preparing your children to take over from where you will have lef. Be open and tell your children what you own and what you do.

2.) We cannot always control our ups and downs, but we can trust God to lead us in His ways day to day.

3.) We can be certain that God will help us through our trials just like He helped David. He will in the end give us victory through our daily trials. We must therefore learn to be consistent in our faith and learn to trust Him in all situations.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

Gift Sells


How trusting and hustling work together

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have pro duced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confrms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today (Deuteronomy 8:17-18).

“Hustle” has to be one of the most popular mantras in work culture today. En trepreneurs are told that they have to “hustle” to make their businesses succeed. Everyone seems to be working on a “side-hustle” outside of their 9-to-5 job.

But what does God’s Word have to say about hustle?

On the one hand, Scripture clearly celebrates hard work. In Colossians 1, Paul himself claims to “strenuously contend with all the energy” in his work. Ten, a few verses later, he commands us to do the same saying, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” (Colossians 3:23).

Given the many ways our work matters to God, we should “hustle” and work hard. But, in all of our hustle, we must also wrestle with the biblical truth that it is God alone—not us or our hustle—that produces results in our work. Today’s

passage and many others make this crystal clear.

As Christ-followers, we are called to embrace the tension between trusting and hustling, on the one hand working “with all our hearts,” while on the other hand leaving the results of our hard work in God’s hands.

How do we know if we are managing the tension between trust and hustle well? By whether or not we are able to rest from our work. It is that subject we will turn to next.

Every Good
TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022 | By Jordan Raynor | image credit: istock

My Health

Exercise restores brain insulin sensitivity, may protect against type 2 diabetes

When the brain loses its sensitivity to insulin, increased hunger and disrupted metabolism ofen follow.

Reduced brain insulin sensitivity can lead to weight gain, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A new study fnds that an 8-week exercise program consisting of 1 hour of exercise 3 times a week can restore brain insulin sensitivity in individuals with obesity.

Te link between brain insulin insensitivity and diabetes is well-established, but the exact nature of that connection is still being studied.

New research from researchers at the German Center for Diabetes Research, Tübingen University Hospital, and Helmholtz Munich in Munich, Germany, ex plores the efect of exercise on brain insulin sensitivity.

Te study found that healthy levels of brain insulin sensitivity were restored in participants afer an 8-week exercise program.

Te fndings were recently published in JCI Insight.

“ Tis study reinforces the fact that physical activity is needed to restore the mind-body metabolic pathways in patients with obesity, prediabetes, diabetes, and metabolic disease in general,” Dr. Ana Maria Kausel, an endocrinologist and co-founder of Anzara Health, not involved in the study, told Medical News Today.

8 weeks of exercise restores insulin sensitivity

For the study, 21 healthy participants with overweight and obesity were enrolled

in an 8-week supervised aerobic exercise program.

Te cohort included 14 men and 7 women with a body mass index (BMI) rang ing from 27.5 to 45.5 kg/m2. Te participants led sedentary lifestyles and were deemed at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Tree times a week, participants were led through 1-hour endurance training sessions. Each session included a combination of cycling and walking to bring individuals up to 80% of their peak oxygen intake, or VO2 max.

Using functional MRI afer administering an insulin nasal spray to each individ ual, researchers assessed their brain insulin sensitivity at the start of the study and afer 8 weeks.

Te exercise program increased insulin action in the brain’s striatum and strengthened functional connections in the hippocampus to levels of people without overweight or obesity.

Te researchers found that improved insulin sensitivity in the brain had posi tive efects on participants’ metabolism and reduced their sensations of hunger. Participants also decreased their amount of visceral fat, which further benefted their health.

Ryan Glatt, CPT, NBC-HWC, personal trainer and brain health coach for the Pacifc Neuroscience Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, not involved in the study, noted the following to MNT:

Tis was an interesting study — however, the sample size was very small (21 people), with twice as many women as men, which make the study underpow ered, especially in the absence of a control group.”

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022 | By Robby Berman on November 11, 2022 — Fact checked by Jennifer Chesak

My Health

Diabetes and brain insulin resistance

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels.

In type 1 diabetes, for instance, the immune system attacks cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. In type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to the insulin it produces.

Although insulin resistance is an element of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, brain insulin resistance is not quite the same thing.

“Brain insulin insensitivity can be correlated to diabetes and obesity, but more so has to do with brain metabolism and the efciency therein,” Glatt explained.

Dr. Ahmet Ergin, an endocrinologist with SugarMD told MNT agreed, noting that insulin afects brain function.

“Studies have shown that insulin plays a role in neurotransmission, which means it can infuence our mood, behavior, and cognition,” Dr. Ergin said. “One theory is that brain insulin insensitivity directly causes diabetes by preventing the body from properly processing glucose.”

“Another theory suggests that weight gain is the primary driver of diabetes, and that brain insulin insensitivity is indirectly connected to the disease. Tis second theory is supported by research showing that people who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, even if they don’t have any other risk factors. Ultimately, more research is needed to determine the exact relationship between brain insulin resistance and diabetes. However, it is clear that both conditions are strongly linked, and that managing one can help to prevent the other.”

Dr. Kausel described insulin resistance as a “vicious cycle,” noting that the pro cess begins in the liver before it starts afecting diferent organs, such as the brain.

“When we have brain insulin resistance, the important connection between the brain and gut for hunger [or] satiety signals and metabolism gets impaired, making the problem even worse,” Dr. Kausel said.

Signs of brain insulin resistance

Symptoms of brain insulin resistance to look out for include: chronic fatigue brain fog long-term memory problems constant hunger

Te signs of brain insulin resistance may go unnoticed since these symptoms are also shared by other chronic health conditions.

“Symptoms of brain insulin resistance include feeling tired afer eating, cravings for sugary foods, and difculty concentrating,” Dr. Ergin said.

“In severe cases, brain insulin resistance can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. Because the symptoms of brain insulin resistance are similar to those of other conditions, it can be difcult to diagnose,” he added.

Restoring brain insulin sensitivity

For people with diagnosed brain insulin resistance or those concerned they might have it based on their symptoms, exercise is linked to improved health in general.

Making a change away from a sedentary lifestyle is unlikely to cause harm — but it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor frst.

“I always say to my patients to just start however they can — that is the frst and hardest step,” Dr. Kausel said.

“Make sure they enjoy the activity so they can sustain it long-term, and every week add 5 minutes to it until they can do it for at least 45 mins. Te activity doesn’t matter, the point is to move.”

Dr. Ergin added that exercising to restore insulin sensitivity may feel like a daunting task, which is why it’s important to start slow and set realistic goals.

“Every journey begins with a single step,” Dr. Ergin said. “A person might begin by walking for 20 minutes each day and gradually increasing the length and in tensity of their workouts over time.”

Dr. Ergin emphasized exercises that build muscle, such as lifing weights or us ing resistance bands, which may help improve insulin sensitivity.

To stay motivated and consistent with your workout routine, Dr. Ergin recom mends creating a support system with friends or family members who are also working to improve their health.

“By following these simple tips, anyone can begin working toward a healthier lifestyle,” he said.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

My Kitchen

Mexican festa rice


2 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, fnely chopped

2 peppers (choose your favourite colours), fnely chopped

4 garlic cloves, very fnely chopped or crushed

1 tsp cumin seeds or ½ tsp ground cumin

1 tbsp tomato purée

small pinch of sweet smoked paprika

250g basmati rice

450ml hot vegetable stock (make sure it’s vegan-friendly) fnely chopped coriander and sliced spring onions, to serve



Heat the oil in a large saucepan with a lid, then add the onion, pepper, garlic and

cumin and sizzle gently for 8-10 mins until the vegetables are sof and golden. Stir in the tomato purée and smoked paprika and cook for 1 min, then stir in the rice.


Pour over the stock, then cover and bring to the boil. Stir quickly, then cover again and place on the lowest heat possible. Simmer for 10 mins. Turn of the heat and leave, covered, for a further 10 mins. If serving straightaway, stir through the coriander and spring onions; alternatively, leave the rice to cool, chill, then refry before serving and stir the coriander and spring onions through at the end.

TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

My Sports

Addo: Ghana can beat anyone on our day

He believes the Black Stars can make a big impact with their attacking prowess At least a point from their opening Group H fxture against Portugal is vital Otto Addo is usually responsible for helping to develop Borussia Dortmund’s young talents, but at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ his focus will be on established senior stars.

Te former Bundesliga stalwart –whose playing career featured spells at Hannover, Dortmund, Mainz and hometown club Hamburg – was appointed as Ghana’s caretaker coach ahead of March’s World Cup play-of against Nigeria. In the new year he plans a full-time return to polishing Dortmund’s raw diamonds but over the coming weeks he hopes to steer the Ghana national team to new heights. FIFA+ chatted to the 47-yearold about the exciting task ahead.

Otto Addo on…

…the moment he became coach of the Black


I had mixed feelings because I’d already worked alongside coach Milovan Rajevac. I think he did a good job. I was happy to work with him and we got on well. It was a shame to miss out on the Africa Cup of Nations. I was sad not to be able to continue working with him, but now I’m obviously happy to be on the touchline for Ghana. It’s an honour for me and I’ll always try to do my best, just like I did when I was a player.


nerve-wracking play-of matches against Nigeria

We had some bad luck initially because we had a lot of injured players before the frst game. I think I had to make do without eight players that I wanted to select. On top of that, two others were suspended. So there were a lot of absentees but that opened the door for new players, for debutants. Tere were a lot of question marks before the game against Nigeria but the boys adapted well to the diferent ways Nigeria play. We did well given the circumstances, with all the injuries, the new players and a new coaching team. Tere were mixed feelings at the end. It was only two days later that the penny dropped that we’d qualifed for the World Cup. And it was a fantastic feeling.

…his plans for his coaching career

As a child or even as a player, I never really thought about becoming a coach one day. I always just wanted to be a footballer and play for either Germany or Ghana. I never thought beyond that. I’ve liked being a coach. As a player I always did my best and, as I said, I’m happy and feel honoured to be in this position.

…his team’s strengths

We have a lot of quality. I see that in training and in our matches too. It was an especially tough game against Nigeria but we competed with them even though we’d made a lot of changes. Te players adapted very well and very quickly. I think we’ve got a bright future ahead of us with all the talented young players we have, especially because we have the right balance with the older and more experienced players. We’re in good shape defen sively, we read the game well and have a good feel for when to press the opposition at the right time. We’ve got a great deal of quality up front, our individual class. We can do damage one-on-one and with our speed. We can beat anyone. It’s up to the players, not me. It’s their performances that have brought them this far. Tey have the quality, with or without me. I’m responsible for putting them in the right positions so that they can produce their best performances, with and without the ball. Tey have to be able to play together.

...the reunion with Uruguay, who ended Ghana’s brilliant run at South Africa 2010 in a quarter-fnal penalty shoot-out I’m sure that’ll be in the back of the minds of some players because it was a decisive game, not just for Ghana but for Africa as a whole. If Ghana had won they would have made history as the frst African team to reach a World Cup semi-fnal. It was very pain ful but now a new generation of players is out on the pitch. We need to take it one game at a time in Qatar. Te frst match against Portugal will be very decisive and important. Te result will determine how we approach our second game. If we can get a point against Portugal then it’ll take a lot of pressure of our meeting with Uruguay.


game against Korea Republic

We’re going up against three strong opponents and we could lose all three games or win all three. It’s up to us and how we adapt to their playing style, how we stop them, how we work together as a team. We need to play intelligent football, exploit our opponents’ weaknesses and bring our own strengths to the fore. Every single game is diferent and the frst match will be decisive. Te subsequent games depend on the frst one. If we lose, we need to be more attacking in the second match, but if not we can set ourselves up diferently. It also depends how Uruguay and Korea Republic play against each other. In the end, it’s about mentality.

…the expectations on his team for this World


Everything is possible. As I’ve said, we have three strong opponents in our group. If we don’t perform as we need to, or if we’re not able to implement our tactics then it’ll be very difcult. Especially because Portugal, Uruguay and Korea Republic are very strong opponents with qualities on and of the pitch. It will be difcult to compete with them but, as I’ve said, we have the quality to beat them. If we progress from the group, any thing is possible.

The Times Today is a publication of Elizabeth Omondi Consultancy. P.O. Box 833-00100 GPO Nairobi. Tel: 0722 927792.

Otto Addo is facing the biggest challenge of his young coaching career with Ghana in Qatar TT 177 | November 15th - November 21st | 2022

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