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King's Inspiration: THE SMILE OF GOD


By William King |


When was the last time someone did you wrong? Did you hold onto the hurt, become vindictive and try to pay them back? When someone betrays your trust, when they leave you out. One big test we have to pass is to forgive people as Jesus has forgiven us and as much as possible to be a “peacemaker” rather than be vengeful (Matthew 5:9).

Tat means to be good to those who have not been good to us. Jesus says, “Love your enemies, do good to them... Ten your reward will be great” (Luke 6:35). Tat is the test. God is seeing if you are ready to be promoted. Tat is when God can trust you to handle favour, influence. One likely peacemaker in the Scripture was the man Esau.

His brother, Jacob, first tricked him out of his birthright (Genesis 25) and later deceived their father into giving Jacob the double blessing that belonged to him, the first son (Genesis 27). Both were tremendous losses for Esau. When he found out, he was so angry that Jacob had to run for his life.

For years these brothers lived estranged from each other. After many years and difficulties of his own, Jacob finally acknowledged that he had done wrong, wanted to reconcile with Esau and decided to return to his home. Jacob sent messengers to Esau with gifs, telling Esau he wanted to see him.

Esau sent word back that he was coming to meet Jacob with four hundred men. Jacob’s only thought was that Esau was finally about to get his revenge and kill him. When Esau saw Jacob, he ran to him and hugged him, weeping and welcoming Jacob and his family back. Jacob was so moved by Esau’s forgiveness that he said, “When I saw your face, it was the face of God smiling on me!” (Genesis 33:10).

When you are good to people who don’t deserve it, you are a peacemaker, you are being the smile of God. You are passing the test, showing God that He can trust you. Life is not about getting revenge and hurting people who hurt you. Maybe God has you reading this so that you can be good to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

It is easy to pay someone back, ignore them, make them suffer. Tat is not being a peacemaker. Why don’t you be the smile of God and show them kindness they don not deserve? Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. When you are the smile of God, He will make sure people will smile back on you.

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