Automation & Digitalisation: Redefining the Future of Product Certification Processes
Motors &Drives: High-Performance Servo Drives and Motion Controllers for the World’s Largest 3D Concrete Printer
Sensor Technology: Radar Imager Scans Through Packages for In-Line Quality Control
page 8
page 10
March 2024 - Vol 50 - No 3 ISSN : 2031-9193 www.ien.eu INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING NEWS
Digitize the Industry
Intelligent Sensor Technology for Efficient Automation Page 20 Creating a Digital Ecosystem With DCS, Edge and Cloud
Smart Components
Interview: Hannover
Hubertus von Monschaw,
Messe 2024.
Deutsche Messe AG. page 14
Expand your connectivity
Do you want to start using OPC UA today? Now you can seamlessly connect your current system to OPC UA with Cogent DataHub OPC Gateway, and convert real-time, streaming OPC DA data to UA or vice-versa. Using the OPC Gateway feature, you can connect any OPC DA server or client to any OPC UA server or client, locally or over the plant network.
SkkynetTM, DataHubTM, Cogent DataHubTM, the Skkynet and DataHub logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks used under license by the Skkynet group of companies (“Skkynet”) in the USA and elsewhere. All other trademarks, service marks, trade names, product names and logos are the property of their respective owners. Learn more at CogentDataHub.com 64286 at www.ien.eu
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Dear Readers,
I am delighted to be able to present you with my first print edition as editor of IEN Europe. Until now, I have been responsible for the Germanlanguage partner title IEN D-A-CH, which I will continue. This is the ideal way for me to make use of the wide range of information on new products, trends and solutions that I gather at the many trade fairs and events I attend and to pass it on to you.
Automation and digitalisation are wide-ranging topics that are of great importance to us all. From major infrastructure issues such as the conversion and digitalisation of supply networks, energy savings and the development of the circular economy, to the automation of workplaces to relieve skilled workers, similar questions arise time and again. How can complex processes be structured and redesigned so that they can be managed easily and flexibly or run automatically?
We would like to tell you about how this is done in the industry, give you examples and report about techlological solutions. This could be digital and flexible sensor technology, as in the article on page 10, or the new development for inline quality control on page 22, or, of course, an interview such as the one we conducted with Hubertus von Monschaw about this year's Hanover Fair (page 14). After all, major events such as the Hanover Fair can intensify the exchange between different industrial sectors and create new links that are needed.
I wish you an interesting read and look forward to your questions, feedback and suggestions.
KayPetermann Editor for IEN Europe
Industrial Engineering News Europe
Prinari - m.prinari@tim-europe.com © 2024 TIM Global Media BV Production by design3, Milano, Italy Printing by Logo Srl - Padova, Italy
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at: www.ien.eu/technical-guidelines/
FREE Digital Subscription 3
Cover Story: Creating a Digital Ecosystem With DCS, Edge and Cloud. An interview with Jonas Trautmann, Global Product Marketing Manager at ABB
Automation & Digitalization: Smart Components Digitize the Industry.
Automation & Digitalization: Redefining the Future of Product Certification Processes. Siemens and UL Solutions demonstrate how digital twin technology could accelerate product development and certification.
Exclusive Interview:
The Added Value of the Show Is Generated by the Cross-Industry Interaction of Technologies. IEN Europe spoke to Hubertus von Monschaw, Global
FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION N° 3 - MARCH 2024 4 Industry News New Products
Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG
Director Trade Fair and
& Drives: Motion
to Devices for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
Technology Integral
construction. Sensor Technology: Advanced Sensor for Collaborative Robots
Technology: Looking into the Black Box. Radar imager scans through packages. New Products Index & Events 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 6 22 25 12 10 contents In the next issue: Hannover Messe Special 2024 Intelligent Motion, Drives & Control PCN Europe Supplement: CO2 Reduction, Renewables and Circular Economy N° 3MARCH 2024 18
Printing Technology for Buildings.
performance servo drives, motion controllers and servo motors equip the world’s largest 3D concrete printer for
Analog Devices Expands Partnership with TSMC
Analog Devices announced that it has entered into a special agreement with TSMC, the world's leading dedicated semiconductor foundry, to provide long-term wafer capacity through Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing, TSMC's majority-owned manufacturing subsidiary in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Building on ADI's more than 30-year partnership with TSMC, this provides another option for ADI to secure additional capacity of fine-pitch technology nodes to serve critical platforms across its business, including wireless BMS (wBMS) and Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL™) applications. The joint efforts reinforce ADI's resilient hybrid manufacturing network, which helps to insulate against external factors while supporting the means to increase output and scale rapidly to meet customer needs. “Our hybrid manufacturing network helps deliver a competitive edge to our customers. Together with TSMC, we can serve our customers with more resilient supplies, respond even more rapidly to customer needs and changing market conditions, and focus our investments on innovative manufacturing solutions that benefit society and the planet,” said Vivek Jain, Executive Vice President of Global Operations & Technology at ADI.
On the Path to Open, FutureProof Tracking Systems
HIMA Group acquires Origo Solutions
World's first omlox® test lab in operation since November 2023. PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) has approved the Fraunhofer Institute in Lemgo, Germany, as a PI test lab for omlox. This enables manufacturers of tracking technologies to have their products tested by an independent test laboratory according to the omlox® standard. The function and interfaces of the multi-vendor omlox technology are described by standards. In order for components (hardware and software) from different manufacturers to work together in a system, the components must be implemented exactly according to the standards. The world's first test laboratory for this purpose is now testing and certifiying components for omlox concordance. For the first time, omlox enables the provision of location information in production environments, regardless of technology or manufacturer. Different location technologies such as ultra-wideband (UWB), 5G, RFID, QR codes and GPS can be used to-gether in an omlox system with standardised interfaces. The standard also ensures that so-called Omlox satellites (components of the localisation infrastructure in a building) can be integrated with Omlox tags (devices that are localised via signals), regardless of the manufacturer.
New CEO at the Endress+Hauser Group
The HIMA Group, the German supplier of safety automation solutions, has acquired the Norwegian technology company Origo Solutions. The agreement was signed on 8 January and is effective as of 31 January. With this transaction, both companies intend to continue their growth strategies and expand their range of solutions for the process industry and renewable energies. Main focus here is the digitalisation of functional safety, which HIMA is pushing under the motto "Safety goes digital". Origo Solutions is recognised as a market leader in safety, automation and instrumented systems for monitoring, control and protection of offshore and onshore installations, as well as complete SCADA systems for the wind industry. Origo Solutions has been the exclusive representative of HIMA in Norway for more than 20 years. As the regional headquarters for Scandinavia, the Norwegian company will also be responsible for sales and service in Sweden and Denmark. Existing Origo Solutions customers will benefit from a broader application portfolio and access to HIMA's global sales, engineering and partner network. HIMA customers in Sweden and Denmark will be served from Norway, resulting in even more efficient processes.
Endress+Hauser has completed the announced change at the top of the Group: The 54-yearold Dr Peter Selders has taken over the CEO position at the Swiss specialist for measurement technology and automation solutions. He holds a doctorate in physics, has been with the company since 2004 and was previously managing director of the competence center for level and pressure measurement technology based in Maulburg, Germany. He is only the fourth CEO in the Group’s 70-year history. His predecessor Matthias Altendorf (56) is moving to the Supervisory Board after 10 years at the helm. In 2014, he became the first non-family CEO to succeed Dr Klaus Endress. He is now replacing the 75-year-old as president of the Supervisory Board. In future, two members of the third generation will represent the interests of the shareholder family: In addition to Sandra Genge, Steven Endress, a grandson of the company founder, joined the board on 1 January 2024. Peter Selders has been succeeded at Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure by Dr Dirk Mörmann (50), who was previously head of technology and a member of the management board. Endress+Hauser had already announced all these changes to the public in February 2023.
industry news 5
Pepperl+Fuchs offersasolution forsafeabsoluteposition determination,whicharebased onacombinationofthenew PUSevaluationunitwiththe safePXVorWCSsensors.Safety functions(SF)complyingwith SIL3andPLecanthereforebe achievedwithminimalintegrationeffort. ThesafePXVnoncontact absolutepositioningsystemonlyrequiresonecamera-supported sensorsinceitprovidesintrinsicredundancythroughmulticolored DataMatrixcodes.Forlinear-guidedapplications itofferspositioningwithmillimeterprecisionovertracksupto10kilometersin length.TheruggedWCSpositionencodingsystemforabsolute positioninginoutdoorareasusesastainlesssteelcoderailwith recesses.Inthesafeversion,twoU-shapedreadheadsmonitorthis railandensurereliabledetectionalongtrackdistancesofupto 314.5meters,eveninadverseconditionsasfoundinportcrane operation. Theredundantsignalsfromthesensorsareprocessed andevaluatedbythePUS-F161-Bsafeevaluationunitviatwo channels.Thedeviceactsasagatewaytothefieldbus.Itgenerates asafepositionvalue(SafePosSF),whichitcanalsousetodetermineasafelymonitoredspeed(SafeSpeedSF).Applicationsthat integratethesensorsandtheevaluationunitarecertifiedaccordingtoIEC61508forSIL3andaccordingtoEN13849forPLe.
EM Microelectronic introduces itsnewem|bleuBluetooth™5.4 chip,atthemomentprobably thesmallestandlowestpower productofitskindinthemarket. Theem|bleuICintegratesa sleekdesignwithpowerefficiencyinthewirelesstechnologyarena.Engineeredforpeak performanceinthemostdemandingusecaseswiththe smallestfootprint,thischipistheidealsolutionforseamlessly embeddingBluetoothfunctionalityintoeventhemostsize-and power-constraineddevices. Inthefastgrowingandverydemandinghealthcaresector,whereconsistencyandaccuracyareessential,em|bleuismeticulouslydesignedtofulfilltheserequirements. Itenablesreliableconnectivityforarangeofhealthmonitoring devices,frombloodpressuremonitorstoglucosetrackingsystems. Itisanidealsolutionforhealthcareapplicationstransitioning towardsaninterconnected,patient-focusedmodelofcare. em|bleu alsoofferseffectivesolutionsacrossmultipleothersectors,bringingablendofenergy-efficientfeaturesthatmeetdiversecommunicationneeds.InthefieldofIoT,itsrobustRFperformanceand energyefficiencymakeitasuitablechoiceforavarietyofdevices, fromsensorstosmartcitycomponents.
Forhigh-resmeasurementintheelectronicsindustry Hightemperaturesnegatively affectthelifeofelectronic componentsandassemblies. Thisisduetotheaccelerated ageingofmanysemiconductor materialsathightemperatures. Poorelectricalconnectionsdue toincreasedcontactresistance cancausethis,forexample. Complexsemiconductorcomponentssuchasprocessorscanalso experienceelevatedtemperatures.ThePI640iinfraredcamera from Optris isnowabletocaptureinfraredimagesofevencomplex structuresusingthenewMO2Xmicroscopeopticswith2xmagnification. Foranaccuratetemperaturemeasurement,4x4pixelsare required(MFOV).Thismeansthatobjectsassmallas34µmcan nowbemeasured.Thethermalresolutionof80mKisaverygood valueforthisoptic.Thefocusofthenewopticmakesitpossibleto workatadistanceof15mmfromtheobjecttobemeasured. The opticsonthePISeriesinfraredcamerasareeasilyinterchangeable, allowingthesystemtobeusedflexiblyfordifferentmeasurement tasks.Togetherwiththesuppliedhighqualitymicroscopestand withfineadjustment,microelectronicassembliescanbeeasily inspected.Themaximumresolutionoftheinfraredcamerais640x 480pixelsataframerateof32Hz.Evenat125Hz,thePI640istill deliversanimpressive640x120pixels.
Emerson announced the new
PACSystems™ IPC 2010 Compact Industrial PC (IPC)The new solution is designed to serve manufacturing sites and OEM machine builders who need a ruggedized, compact, durable IPC to cost-effectively support their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The IPC 2010 addresses this by pre-loading the PACEdge™ industrial edge platform and elements of Movicon.NExT™ SCADA software, helping users run applications quickly using browser-based configuration.Provisionsareincludedforkeepingthesoftware platformcurrentandpassivelymaintained,minimizingusereffort, whilemaximizingreliability. RunninganindustrialversionofLinux, andincludingserialandEthernetconnectivity,theIPC2010canbe usedasacommunicationsgatewayinavarietyoftopologies,and simultaneouslyorseparatelyasanedgecomputingdevice.Users canimplementtheIPC2010asaflexibleprotocolconverter—and formanyothercomputingfunctions—inmanyIIoT,edge,OT/IT convergence,HMIvisualization,SCADAconnectivity,anddigital transformationroles. ThecompactformfactorIPC2010features thewidestoperatingtemperaturerangeofanypassivelycooled IPC,withalowpowerconsumptionofjustfourwatts,andtough packagingsoitcanbeinstalledvirtuallyanywhere.
TDK-Lambda isintroducing 15kWand22.5kWscalable powersystemstothe rangeof GENESYS+™programmable DCpowersupplieswithhigh powerdensity.Theyareavailablein12factory-configuredoutputvoltagesandcurrentsfrom 0-20V/0-1125Ato0-1500V/0-15Ain2Uor3Uheights.Therange addressesaverywidemarketincludingbattery,electricvehicle, component,aerospaceandautomotivetesting,semiconductor fabrication,watertreatment,platingandsolarpanelsimulation. Thetwonewpowerlevelscanbespecifiedtoacceptthree-phase inputsfrom170to265VACorwide-rangeinputsfrom342to528 VACwithactivepowerfactorcorrection(PFC).Allmodelscan operateinconstantcurrent,voltageorpowerlimitmodesandalso offerinternalresistancesimulation.Theadvancedparallelsystem enablesamultiple-unitsystemtoachievedynamic,rippleand noiseperformancecomparabletoasingleunit.Asimpledatalink cableenablesthecontrolandauxiliaryunitstoauto-configureby detectingtheparalleldatalinkandsettingtheirparameters accordingly.TheseriesbenefitsfromDSP(DigitalSignalProcessing)technologyandthelatestgenerationofcomponents,including ferritematerials.Thisenablesefficienciesofupto92%.Theseries issafetycertifiedtoIEC/EN/UL/CSA61010-1withCEandUKCA markingtotheLowVoltage,EMCandRoHSDirectives.
TheaimofMMPDV'snewAISuiteis toenablemanufacturingcompaniestoeasilyuseAImethodsto fullyexploittheirdata.AllapplicationsinthenewAISuitecanbe deployedandusedwithoutacostly AIproject-outofthebox,soto speak.Thiseaseofdeploymentis madepossiblebytheexistingsemanticdatabasethatissharedby allMPDVITsolutions.Thereisnoneedforadatascientist. Manufacturingcompaniescangaininsightintotheirproductionin averyshorttime. TheAISuitecurrentlycompriseseightstandard applications.Theyprovidefunctionsforautomaticproductionand personnelplanning,aswellasforanalysingandpredictinglead times,scrapandmachineutilisation,orforpredictingproduct quality. Everybodyistalkingaboutartificialintelligence(AI),which isalreadyanintegralpartofoureverydaylivesinmanyareas,such asvoiceassistants,translationtoolsandnavigationsystems.AI alsoofferstremendousopportunitiesinthesmartfactoryby optimisingproduction,increasingproductivityandimproving sustainability. WhiletodayAIismainlyusedbyafewlarge companiesincomplexandcostlyprojects,MPDV'sAISuiteoffersa widerangeofstandardapplications.MPDVoffersapplicationsthat allowmanufacturingcompanies,evensmallandmedium-sized ones,togetstartedwithlittlepreparationandeffort.
Withitscompactdesign,thenewPPILZ safetylockingdevicePSENmlockmini forpersonnelprotectionisidealfor space-criticalapplications,suchas flapsorcoversforexample.Theactuatorhasawiderangeofmountingoptions.Withitscompactdesignofjust 30x30x159mm,you'llalwaysfind spaceforthesafetylockingdevice PSENmlockmini,eveninspace-critical applications.Thesafetyswitchmanagessafeguards,suchasflapsandcoversforexample,viaasafe guard-lockingdeviceforpersonnelprotectionapplicationsuptoPL d,Category3(ENISO13849-1).The1950NholdingforceFZH (F1max:3900N),withwhichthe"small"safetylockingdevice reliablysafeguardsevenhigherforces,ensuresahighlevelof robustness. Thedual-channeloperationofthesolenoidandthe bistableguardlockingprincipleguaranteeahighlevelofsafetyin theeventofapowerfailure:that'sbecausethelaststateismaintainedandthegateisclosed.TheOSSDoutputsdetectwiring errorsandimmediatelyswitchthemachinetoasafestateinthe eventofafault,thusguaranteeingsafety. TheRFIDsafetyswitch withprotectiontypeIP67alsooffersahighdegreeofmanipulationprotectioninaccordancewithENISO14119: thecodingis freelyselectable-coded,fullycodedoruniquelycoded.
Moxa officiallylaunchedthe CCG-1500Seriesindustrial5G cellulargatewaystohelp customersembracethebenefitsofprivate5Ginindustrial applications.TheCCG-1500 Seriesgatewaysprovide3GPP 5Gconnectivityforboth Ethernetandserialdevicesto simplifyindustrialprivate5G deployments,suchas AMR/AGV applicationsinsmartmanufacturingandlogistics. The CCG-1500SeriesgatewaysactasanARM-basedmediaand protocolconverterwithabuilt-in5G/LTEmodule,leveraging Snapdragon®X555GModem-RFSystem.Theseindustrial gateways,theproductofcollaborationwithindustrypartners, incorporateabroadrangeoftechnologiesandprotocolstoenable interoperabilityandcompatibilitywithmajor5GRANs(Radio AccessNetworks)and5Gcorenetworksfromproviderssuchas Ericsson,NEC,andNokia. ThecompactCCG-1500Seriesgateways feature5Gspeedsupto920Mbpsandserial/Ethernet-to-5G conversionforprivatenetworks.EquippedwithtwoGigabitports andoneserialport,theCCG-1500Seriesprovidesrobust connectivitywhiledual-SIMsupportprovidescarrierfailoverfor extrareliability.
Creating a Digital Ecosystem With DCS, Edge and Cloud
An interview with Jonas Trautmann, Global Product Marketing Manager at ABB about the value of data and how to structure it.
Plant owners have always understood the significance of the value that can be derived from their data. The Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT, has grown substantially as a result of this necessity. The majority of the data produced by manufacturing equipment and sensor readings is currently mostly contained within the Distributed Control System (DCS). The next industrial revolution will be driven by computing power, as industries seek to use cloud and edge computing together to harness additional processing capability. If computer processing is the engine, then data is the fuel. In order for technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to produce the anticipated business benefits, they require access to highquality data.
DCS, edge, and cloud computing create a powerful IIoT ecosystem that enables industries to harness the benefits of data-driven decision-making, predictive maintenance, process optimization, and improved operational efficiency. What is the role of the DCS within this ecosystem?
The Distributed Control System (DCS) is at the heart of the data flowing around a manufacturing plant. Designers of the first DCS offerings relied exclusively on purpose-built Operation Technology (OT) platforms to ensure the integrity of processes that, if uncontrolled, pose very real hazards to employees and surrounding communities.
In the 1990s, commercial off-the-shelf technology (COTS) and Information Technology (IT) began to augment the DCS with Windows-based Operator and Engineering stations and Ethernet communications to connect islands of control. Today, the integration of IT and OT enables con-
trol system data to be collected and analyzed to generate insights not easily acquired through traditional means.
Digital transformation through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is ever more present with edge, on-premise, and cloud-based platforms becoming increasingly more accessible. However, DCS users want to go further, demanding that their DCSs become ever more open, expandable and flexible. Vendors have already gone some way to meeting this by shifting away from DCSs based on hardware with hard coded functionality, to solutions that are largely software-based. By leaving the hardware as a set of black boxes that can be programmed, the DCS becomes much more agile, allowing plug and play components and moving away from proprietary solutions that tie users to a single vendor.
What added value is brought to a plant through the powerful combination of the DCS, edge and cloud? Can this trio be described as the cornerstone of the future orchestration environment which promises to bring agility and flexibility to the process industries of tomorrow?
A major benefit of edge computing and industrial analytics is the ability to utilize masses of industrial data to optimize production processes. In particular, combining the cloud with the edge provides the ability to train AI models using data from IIoT devices and entire systems. These models can then be executed at the edge, allowing devices to respond more appropriately to changes.
OPC UA is an essential ingredient in the smooth integration of the DCS, edge and cloud. Can you provide some more in-depth detail explaining how it does this and what benefits it brings to the customer?
The Open Group approach envisions an automation architecture that divides systems and activities between a robust, evergreen core and an extended, digitally enabled environment that facilitates faster innovation and continuous performance improvements. This aim is realized by the decoupling of DCS hardware and software. Rather than being programmed to work with a specific piece of hardware, process controller and application software will instead exist as functional entities or modules. These modules can be deployed flexibly wherever they are needed, across purpose-built and industrial PC controllers, edge devices, on-premise servers and cloud platforms.
The OPC UA architecture also enhances securi-
Jonas Trautmann, Global Product Marketing Manager for ABB Process Automation
ty by adopting a zero-trust stance at the core. This means that all components will be required to digitally demonstrate their identity and originality, as well as their authorization to carry out specific tasks. This is both a flexible and robust solution that will be able to adapt in an evolving threat landscape.
What are the key technical challenges and security considerations associated with achieving seamless interoperability between DCS, edge and cloud platforms, and how can these challenges be addressed?
While Distributed Control Systems have provided an ideal solution for managing the functions needed to keep plants operating efficiently and safely, they are struggling to meet the expectations arising from the emergence of digital technologies in the industrial space. Although developments such as smart instrumentation and sensors utilizing IIoT technologies are transforming possibilities for control and access to data, the difficulties of integrating them into Distributed Control Systems have meant that in some cases their full potential has remained largely unrealized.
For existing systems especially, carrying out the modifications needed to accommodate new technologies such as smart field devices like transmitters, sensors and actuators could be a complicated and potentially risky process, incurring significant time and cost to perform due to the need for any new functions or components to be tested. Consequently, the response of many plant owners has been to maintain the status quo, keeping their Distributed Control Systems as they are.
A key element to address these challenges is to select an edge technology that seamlessly and securely integrates into the existing OT landscape without compromising plant productivity. Protecting the core of the plant and at the same time tapping into the existing information model allows the edge to unfold its value by providing a secure information gateway to the cloud and an on-premise application eco-system.
In what ways does the interoperability of DCS, edge and cloud applications enhance real-time data analysis and decision-making capabilities in industrial environments? Essentially, the edge can be thought of in two
ways. The first is as an extension of the cloud – the edge pre-processes data from distributed devices, which may use different languages and communications protocols, such as Modbus TCP, IEC61850, Profinet, or serial communications like Modbus RTU. As well as distributed devices, ABB supports the entire DCS, which is connected using a dedicated system extension that preserves the DCS’ information model. In this regard, the role of the edge is to collect and transform data in a format that the cloud can understand.
The cloud then performs data processing, the results of which alters what happens at the edge. For example, cloud computing makes possible machine learning and training of models that can then be deployed back to the edge. The edge hosts applications and uses these models as a guide to respond to local data from the onsite devices.
Data drives digitalization yet today, an average plant uses less than 20% of the data it generates. How will emerging edge and cloud technologies change the automation landscape when combined with the future DCS to enable companies to transform more of this data into actionable insights and thus achieve smarter and more sustainable operations?
The NAMUR Open Architecture (NOA) enables the straightforward and cost-effective addition of a secure second communications channel,
transporting additional real-time data from edge devices in the field in parallel to core process measurement data. NOA is a vision for how to apply digital technologies to control systems without disrupting proven workflows in process-oriented industries including chemicals, food and pharmaceuticals. NOA aims to make production data easily and securely usable for plant and asset monitoring as well as optimization.
NOA adds a layer to a Distributed Control System that enables extra functions to be added by providing an open and secure environment for integrating IT components from the field up to the enterprise level. With this new approach, operators can extend the capabilities of their control systems to include new functions such as asset and device management, optimization, and planning, without affecting the core functions of the DCS itself and without the time or risks previously associated with making changes or upgrading.
By enabling edge and cloud technologies to be easily integrated into the Distributed Control System, the NOA approach will now allow users to fully unlock the possibilities of Industry 4.0 by enabling the improved flow of data throughout an organization that can be securely accessed as and when required to allow informed decisions and actions.
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Smart Components Digitize the Industry
Smart connectors facilitate the remote digital monitoring of installations.
TE Connectivity (TE) and tacterion have partnered to develop these cutting-edge components. The first joint steps involve designing outstanding connectors for modular machines used in smart factories. Taking into account early customer feedback, the portfolio will undergo continuous expansion and enhancement.
In the context of Industry 4.0, highly flexible production equipment is playing an increasingly important role. Unlike traditional factories dedicated to producing specific goods, these plants can manufacture diverse products or variants in different quantities. To achieve this, they leverage advanced automation and robotics technologies. Thanks to their high adaptability, they can be flexibly adapted to meet different customer and production requirements. Smart connectors which support digital remote monitoring for predictive maintenance can help ensure the productivity of each module in these factories.
Frequent retooling and increasing number of mating cycles
Retrofitting such production equipment involves rearranging, replacing, or expanding modules and components. It is therefore im-
portant to integrate simple, fast, robust, and reliable connectivity that can resist vibration, shock, temperature fluctuations and other environmental influences. In terms of flexibility, connectors have several advantages over hard-wired modules. They act as an interface for the transmission of electrical signals, data, and power between different parts of the installation. They offer high electrical performance, low transmission loss and good signal integrity to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the production process. The retooling of flexible systems results in an increasing number of manual mating cycles. As this is often done under time pressure, connectors may not be properly locked. The resulting declination of the Ingress Protection (IP) category can lead to machine malfunction – and thus to a complete shutdown of the entire production line, resulting in ad-
ditional costs and time delays. Due to the complexity and number of connectors in the plant, finding a fault is often difficult and can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Many good reasons for smart connectors
Users want to be informed about the status of their mechanical and electrical connections without having to develop costly and time-consuming solutions themselves. The aim is to detect system malfunctions or potential failures in advance and to create the basis for optimum production based on smart and reliable connections. A smart connector can help ensure correct mating and provide information on whether a connector is delivering the desired solid performance at every stage of the product lifecycle. For these reasons, there has long been a desire in the industry to add intelligence to connectors. TE is therefore working with tacterion, a leading company for tactile sensor technology based in Munich, Germany. The aim of the partnership is to use intelligent touch and force sensor technology to digitize industrial processes and to develop smart solutions that combine the reliable TE connectors with the novel sensor technology from tacterion. These will enable digital remote monitoring of plants – making the connectors a crucial component for predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and safety applications in Industry 4.0.
Flexible tactile sensors integrated into the connector
tacterion holds patents on technologies for bendable and stretchable proximity and touch
FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION N° 3 - MARCH 2024 10 automation & digitalisation
Thin and flexible: the plyon® sensors from tacterion (source: tacterion)
Authors: Kurt Robert Hippler, TE Connectivity, and Dr. Michael Strohmayr, tacterion
Concept for a smart connector
(source: TE Connectivity)
and force sensors with the brand name plyon®. The sensors – attached to curved or bent surfaces – are characterized by their flexibility, robustness, and high signal integrity. An extremely thin and flexible hybrid sensor technology with a combined capacitive and resistive measuring principle can detect forces and touches, and even approximations.
The sensor system detects and reports the status of the connectors
(source: TE Connectivity)
The plyon® sensors have a total thickness of only 0.5 to 0.7mm. They are suitable for a minimum bending radius of up to 1.0cm while maintaining their full measuring range. The sensors are extremely durable and resistant to static loads. Thanks to tacterion's proprietary drift compensation technology, they provide virtually drift-free readings over time, allowing them to be used in demanding industrial environments.
TE uses flexible plyon® technology to make their own products even smarter. The sensor technology is mechanically and electrically
integrated into a TE connector design. It is a challenge to accommodate so much additional high-tech in the smallest possible space, because the core functionality of reliable transmission of data, control, measurement or regulation signals or power supply must be guaranteed. In addition to voltage, output current and power consumption, tactile signals are also recorded, which reveal a great deal about the state of the connector.
Capture and utilize valuable unexploited data
Thanks to the plyon® sensor layer, a "smart" connector can, for the first time, collect previously undetectable data on condition and interaction and derive valuable information from it, such as whether a mis-mating has occurred. The sensor monitors the condition of the connector and reports malfunctions, such as deviations or open connections, to monitoring systems. Plug and play allows machines and systems to be retrofitted with this advanced digital technology.
The information gained can be shared on the shop floor or with higher-level monitoring systems to help optimize process efficiency, reduce costs and help minimize machine downtime through predictive maintenance.
During installation, commissioning documentation can be simplified as the factory handover can be easily and digitally monitored and documented. There are many applications and use scenarios for smart connectors. Therefore, the plan is to gradually expand their use in areas such as robotics and automation and, in the long term, in transport and medical technology. 64597
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Redefining the Future of Product Certification Processes
Siemens and UL Solutions demonstrate how digital twin technology could accelerate product development and certification.
For the first time ever, an industrial product has been certified for the United States after parts of the required tests were conducted through digital simulation. That simulation was verified and validated with physical testing. This remarkable achievement is a global first in a national safety-certification process. To make this advance possible, Siemens collaborated with UL Solutions.
"UL Solutions has always been at the forefront of advancing safety science. Our collaboration with Siemens in this transformative journey represents a significant shift in the certification paradigm," Jennifer Scanlon, President and CEO of UL Solutions points out.
“The certification process relies on physical testing. Now, digital simulations integrated with traditional methodologies can redefine how our customers approach testing and certification and open new avenues for precision and efficiency. UL Solutions is proud to be part of this revolutionary leap."
Revolutionising product certification
Traditionally, product certification demanded exhaustive physical tests, often subjecting a single product to a battery of assessments. Simulation based on the digital twin is the answer to the special challenge and cost factor of test units and certified laboratories when high power electronics components are involved. Siemens and UL Solutions, however, introduced a paradigm shift. A product may not need to undergo every test physically; instead, the process can integrate the power of Siemens' digital twin technology. UL Solutions spearheads this transformative approach, navigating the certification process with unmatched expertise.
By harnessing the power of digital simulations, Siemens is ushering in an era in which traditional testing boundaries are being transcended and product insights can be gained with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The future of certification will be characterized by reduced costs, accelerated time-to-market, and seam-
less integration of digital modelling tools. Comprehensive digital twins are becoming the cornerstone for not just helping to meet compliance requirements, but also driving innovation at high speed without compromising safety, performance or quality.
In Siemens’ pioneering venture into the industrial metaverse, the demarcation between physical and digital spaces is becoming increasingly indistinct. The resulting combination is fostering a dynamic environment conducive to innovation. The first certification of an industrial product - the “SINAMICS G220”, a sophisticated VDF system that enables precise control and efficient operation of electrical drives in various applications – leveraging Siemens’ comprehensive digital twin is a compelling demonstration of the industrial metaverse’s potential to usher in unprecedented possibilities for product development and other engineering tasks.
64596 at www.ien.eu
12 automation & digitalisation
ThenewTTurck M12Plusconnectorstransfertheconditionmonitoringofhighlystressedcables directlytotheconnectiontechnology.Theconnectors,whichare equippedwithvoltageandcurrent monitoringandaBluetoothchip, enablethewirelesstransmission ofmeasuredvoltageandcurrent valuestoacontroller. Bycomparinginputandoutputvalues,problemssuchascablekinks,cable breaksorpowerfailurescanbedetectedearly.ThankstotheindividualMACaddressofeachconnector,theusercanidentifyany cableatriskinadvanceandreplaceitimmediately.TheTurckAutomationSuite(TAS)visualisesthemeasuredvaluesoftheM12PlusviatheCableMonitorapplication,thusenablingcondition monitoringandotherIIoTapplications. Thelatestdesignofthe M12Plusfeaturesafour-corecable(4x0.34mm²)oftheTXLseries witharobustpolyurethaneoutersheathandisspeciallydesigned foruseindragchains.A-codedM12Plusconnectorsarefittedto bothendsofthecable.Themeasuredvaluesaretransferredtothe datainterfaceviaBLE(BluetoothLowEnergy)atafrequencyof2.4 GHz.Themaximumrangeofthisis40mindoorsandupto100m outdoors.Whenscrewedtight,theM12PlusisprotectedtoIP69K andoffersoutstandingresistancetochemicalsandoil.
Theiifm O2Imulticodereaderis capableoftheevaluationof different1Dand2Dcodesand textsinasingleimage.Applicationsforthisnewvisionsensorareprimarilytobefoundin logistics.TheO2Icanbeused tocheckthequalityofcodes andtextinformationortoensuretraceabilitythrough-out theentireprocess. TheO2IisequippedwithintegratedRGBW illuminationoruseindarkorshadedenvironments,enablingreliabledetectionofdifficultcolourcombinationsofcode,textand background. ThereaderusestheCOM3standardwithaspeedof 230.4kbaudfordatatransmissionviaIO-Link.Inordertoimprove thetransferabilityofdatawithasizeofmorethan32bytes,the dataisautomaticallydividedintoseveralblocksandthustransferredtothecontrollerasquicklyaspossible.Inadditiontotransmission,IO-LinkalsosimplifiesthehandlingoftheO2Imulti-code reader.Thankstoateachbutton,userscaneasilysetupthesensor.Thisinvolvesaligningthesensortothecode.Thesensorthen automaticallyperformsfocusing,codetypedetectionandexposure adjustment.Themulti-codereaderisthenreadyforusewithin seconds.Basicconfigurationisdoneviaadedicatedsmartphone app,whichcanalsobeusedtosettriggersortheIPaddress.
Machinescanbemaintained quicklyandreliablybyusing digitaldata.Withitsinnovative solution, I IoTize provesthat digitalizationdoesnotalways havetobeamajorstrategic project. Thesolutionisperfect fortechnicianswhohaveahighlevelofspecialistknowledgebut noprogrammingskills.Digitalizationprojectsaresignificantlysimplifiedandacceleratedwiththiscompletesolutiontodeliverresultsquickly. Maintainingandmonitoringindustrialmachinery becomesmuchmoreefficientwhentechnicianshaveacustomised HMIontheirmobiledevice.WithIoTize'scross-platformno-code IoTsolution,HMIappsforiOS,AndroidandWindowscanbecreatedinminutesandtailoredtospecificusertypessuchasinstallers, maintenancetechniciansorsupervisors.Nocodingisrequired thankstoadrag-and-dropconfigurationenvironment.Theresulting UIscanbeusedonmobiledevicesaswellasforclouddashboards. Withthecloudoption,collecteddatacanalsobetransferredtoa supervisoryplatform. Arangeoffieldbusadaptersoffer accessto devicedataandparameters. Thesecanbeusedtowirelesslyconnectamobiledevicetoindustrialequipment.TheseadaptersconnectdirectlytotheRS-232,RS-485EthernetorUSBfieldbusofany system.Thispatentedsolutionrequiresnoprogrammingorhardwareredesigntoaddwirelesscommunicationtoexistingproducts.
TheC6043isaparticularlypowerful additiontotheultra-compactindustrialPCseriesby B Beckhoff,whichis characterizedprimarilybythe secondboardlevelforanNVIDIA graphicsprocessingunit(GPU). With theex-factoryassignableslotfor powerfulgraphicscards,theunit, whichmeasuresjust132x202x 127mm,canbeequippedwith highlyparallelizingandlong-term availableNVIDIAGPUsinadditionto itsmodernIntel®Core™processors.Thismakesitidealasacentral controlunitforchallengingapplications,e.g.applicationsthat placehighdemandson3Dgraphicsorwithdeeplyintegrated visionandAIprogrammoduleswithminimalcycletimes.The TwinCAT3automationsoftwarecanmapthesefunctionsfully integratedalongsidetheclassiccontroller,withoutadditional softwareorinterfaces.WiththeadditionalfreelyassignablePCIe compactmoduleslot,theC6043canalsobeflexiblyexpanded withadditionalinterfaces.Thepowersupplyandcoolingsystem provideenoughpowertofullyexploitthepotentialoftheexternal graphicscardandthelatestIntel®processors. Withthe12thand 13thgenerationIntel®Core™processors,theC6043alreadyoffers excellentcomputingwithoutanexternalgraphicscard.
The Added Value of the Show Is Generated by the Cross-Industry Interaction of Technologies
IEN Europe spoke to Hubertus von Monschaw, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG, about the current challenges facing the industry and HANNOVER MESSE 2024.
IEN Europe: The theme of HANNOVER MESSE 2024 is "Industrial Transformation - Energizing a Sustainable Industry". How can the event specifically help trade visitors achieve climate and efficiency targets of their organisation?
von Monschaw: HANNOVER MESSE focuses on themes such as automation, digitalisation and electrification to drive a climate-neutral and competitive industry. The event provides guidance to visitors interested in these topics. Hall 13 specifically highlights the hydrogen industry, with a focus on green hydrogen produced through renewable energy sources like electrolysis. This offers a climate-neutral alternative for industrial applications. Automation technology is a core aspect of HANNOVER MESSE, catering to the growing demand for precision, efficiency, and data transparency in production and business processes. The exhibition will feature a wide range of solutions from exhibitors, including robotics, drive technology, sensor technology, AI, cloud, and control technology, encompassing both compact sensors and complex automation solutions.
IEN Europe: The idea of Industry 4.0 was born in Hannover almost 15 years ago. What do you think will be the focal points for HANNOVER MESSE and its exhibitors in 2024 to concretely advance these ideas?
Hubertus von Monschaw, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG
exclusive interview
© Deutsche Messe/Rainer Jensen © Deutsche Messe/Rainer Jensen
von Monschaw: On the one hand, of course, with our exhibitors, but we are also organizing an AI Day on the Industrial Transformation Stage in Hall 3 on the Tuesday of the trade fair. Our partners from the Industrial AI Podcast are designing the program. AI in industry is more than just a huge language model and poses special challenges. Use cases will be presented and best cases discussed on the stage.
IEN Europe: The event is always characterised by its comprehensive and informative conference stages. What will be the focal topics this year?
von Monschaw: We are creating a varied and exciting program on our main stages. On the Industry 4.0 stage, experts will present the latest trends and innovations – from the administration shell to OPC UA, machine learning, cloud and edge computing to data rooms. The Energy 4.0 Stage will focus on topics relating to an energy-intelligent, climate-friendly and sustainable future, the Tech Transfer Stage is the communication and competence platform for the discourse between science, business and politics, and the Industrial Transformation Stage focuses on the trend topics of HANNOVER MESSE across all sectors.
IEN Europe: Norway is the partner country of HANNOVER MESSE 2024. What impetus can this partnership generate?
von Monschaw: Norway will be presenting itself at HANNOVER MESSE as an innovative and reliable energy partner. The partner country's motto is "Norway 2024: Pioneering the Green Industrial Transition". This underlines Norway's goal to play a key role in the development of solutions in the field of renewable energies, carbonneutral production and the digitalization of industry. At the "North Sea Energy Hub" conference on April 23, politicians and experts from Norway and Germany will discuss the energy transition with a focus on political conditions as well as technological developments and applications.
IEN Europe: In your opinion, what should every trade visitor have seen before travelling home?
von Monschaw: HANNOVER MESSE is unique with its wealth of innovations. It is impossible for me to see everything, but I can only recommend that all visitors take the time to visit the trade fair and think outside the box, because the cross-industry interaction of different technologies is what makes HANNOVER MESSE so special.
IEN Europe: Thanks for these insights!
64508 at www.ien.eu
© Deutsche Messe/Rainer Jensen
Motion Technology Integral to Devices for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
From treatment of narrowed arteries to circulatory support, miniature motors are at the heart of medical devices used to treat cardiovascular disease. When selecting motor solutions for such applications, compact size and precision control are key factors.
Earlier this year, the World Heart Federation, the global organisation that focuses on cardiovascular disease prevention, reported that deaths caused by this condition had increased globally from 12.1 million in 1990 to 20.5 million in 2021, making cardiovascular disease the highest cause of deaths worldwide (https://world-heart-federation.org/news/ deaths-from-cardiovascular-disease-surged60-globally-overthe-last-30-years-report).
While improvements in diet, regular exercising and advances in medication can help prevent and manage the disease, medical procedures are often required to treat more advanced symptoms.
Procedures as such can have various purposes like removing defective or harmful biological matter in arteries, supporting the administration of medication to better the condition, and assisting with the overall blood circulation. The commonality between these procedures
is their requirement for medical devices that rely on the controlled rotation of an electric motor. The size requirements, as well as the relatively low power needs, mean that miniature DC motor technology is commonly used.
Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fatty substances, cholesterol and calcium within the arteries. Significant narrowing can cause conditions such as peripheral and coronary artery disease, and the deposits, known as plaque, need to be removed from the artery walls to restore blood flow. This atherectomy process is achieved by cutting, shaving and sanding the inhibiting material with a motordriven medical device.
Considering the small space envelope of operation and the potential for damage to a healthy artery, the main motion requirement is precise control of the end effector. This
Artery disease treatment devices rely on the controlled rotation of an electric motor of a compact size.
must be combined with high speed, sufficient to effectively cut or grind the plaque, whilst minimising procedure time to improve the patient outcome.
Brushless DC motors (BLDC) are the preferred technology. With a design that uses electronic commutation via an external controller, this precise modulation enables rapid switching of the motor's windings that achieves high speed. Improving synchronisation between the rotor's position and the current applied to the coils allows smoother motor operation, necessary to reach the required speed. Portescap’s Ultra ECTM BLDC motors, for example, can deliver speeds up to 73,000 rpm. In combination with speed, providing high torque to weight and footprint, a motor as small as just 16 mm diameter can be used.
Another key advantage of a BLDC motor’s external commutation is enhanced control precision. This allows close modulation of speed and torque, ensuring effective plaque removal while minimising the risk of damage to the arterial wall. Improved control also enables more targeted treatment, resulting in reduced procedural complications and better outcomes for patients. Precise control is enhanced with low vibration, a feature of a BLDC motor like the Ultra EC™, while low noise enhances the experience, both for the patient as well as surgical staff.
While a stroke is categorised as a neurological condition, an acute ischemic stroke involves the blockage of an artery, preventing blood flow to part of the brain. This blockage could be caused by a plaque build-up, or a blood clot. Procedures can be used to dissolve
FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION N° 3 - MARCH 2024 16 motors & drives
the blood clot, and this treatment may also be required for cases of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and pulmonary embolism. A thrombolysis procedure involves drug administration to remove the clot, while alternatively, thrombectomy uses specialised catheters and devices to capture, dismantle, and remove the clot. Within these devices, coreless brushed DC motors are preferable, primarily for their characteristics of light weight combined with high power to weight ratio. The design of the motor removes the traditional iron core, replacing it with a specially designed winding. This makes coreless brushed DC motors, like the Portescap AthlonixTM, compact and lightweight, ensuring ease of manoeuvrability within the catheter, enabling rotation of the end effector to break up the clot.
Coreless brushed DC motors also give smooth and precise speed regulation, particularly at lower speeds, while operating with minimal vibration. These factors are essential to maintain control precision, and they also ensure smooth and reliable functioning of the thrombolysis treatment devices. As coreless brushed DC motors generate low noise levels and are low in vibration, the patient experience is also optimised.
Circulatory support
Even when under close medical monitoring, patients with weakened hearts, such as those awaiting a heart transplant or wider cardiovascular treatment, are at risk of a temporary pause in heart function. Though heart pumping can restart, this can impact the heart’s ability to resume normal flow thereafter. To help prevent this, ventricular assist devices, also known as cardiac assist devices, support
the heart in pumping blood through weakened chambers.
These devices can be intracorporeal (inside the body) or extracorporeal (outside the body). In both cases, the pumps are driven by miniature motors, essential for the form factor, particularly for intracorporeal use, and the main motion requirements are high precision with maximum responsiveness to follow the natural rhythm of the heart. As a result, BLDC motors are the typical choice. As BLDC motors use electronic commutation, this optimises precise control over speed and torque, which in turn means accuracy in pump speed and flow. Consequently, the pump can closely mimic the natural functioning of the heart and is able to dynamically adapt to a patient’s changing requirements. Portescap’s Ultra EC BLDC motor enhances this level of control with smoother torque flow thanks to the lower inductance and cogging torque generated by the slotless design.
To ensure reliable operation, as well as pa-
Portescap’s Athlonix™ motors are compact and lightweight, making them ideal for thrombectomy applications.
tient safety, minimising motor temperature rise during operation is also crucial. BLDC motors ensure high efficiency with minimal losses, thanks to the reduction in friction that they provide, keeping temperature at a controlled level. This efficiency, combined with reduced mechanical wear, also enhances reliability.
To specify the optimal miniature motion solution, it is crucial to fully understand the requirements of the procedure and host device. Getting this right from the start will ensure a more efficient development and integration programme, achieving a faster time to market.
This is particularly important as customisation of the motion solution is often required. Customisation can impact form factor and weight, overall design integration, as well as performance. As a result, working with motor designers like Portescap from outset of the project will ensure the best outcome for the patient experience, the surgical staff, as well as the OEM device designer.
64255 at www.ien.eu
3D Concrete Printing Technology for Buildings
High performance servo drives, motion controllers and servo motors from Inovance equip the world’s largest 3D concrete printer for construction.
Headquartered in Chennai, Merlin Automation Solutions operates in over 22 countries worldwide. Comprising mechanical, industrial, software, automation and robotics engineers, its expert team of industrial automation and robotics professionals has a wealth of experience delivering turnkey solutions to a wide range of customers in industries ranging from automotive, oil & gas, and construction equipment, to theme parks and heavy machinery. Merlin Automation Solutions delivers solutions that improve efficiency, quality and productivity, better utilizing manpower by automating mundane tasks.
Merlin Automation Solutions approached Inovance’s office in Chennai, India, to provide motion control technology for a groundbreaking new 3D concrete printing machine it
was developing with L&T Construction. 3D concrete printing is used to fabricate buildings, houses and construction components in shapes not previously achievable with traditional concrete formwork.
Challenge accepted
Merlin and L&T needed motion control solutions that would enable the machine to operate in challenging weather conditions, so durability and reliability were key. High performance and accuracy are also critical to the safe
construction of 3D printed buildings, and the project was operating within a very tight timeframe, so delivery times and good customer service were essential. With support from Inovance’s expert team of industrial automation engineers, Merlin Automation Solutions opted for AC703 motion controllers, SV660N servo drives working with MS1 series servo motors, and Inovance I/O modules.
The CNC function in Inovance’ s AC703 high performance intelligent controller particularly appealed to Merlin. The motion controller supports up to 32 axes at 1 ms EtherCAT period and a maximum of 128 EtherCAT slaves, including remote I/O modules, with support for multiple communication protocols providing multi-layer networking and IIoT functionality, which allows remote commissioning. Offering EoE support with Inovance SV660N drives, the controller was paired with the drives and motors for high dynamic performance with a compact footprint. The SV660N has ultra-fast 4.5 kHz current loop, speed loop bandwidth up to 3 kHz, easy set-up and tuning, user-friendly installation, and SIL3 Safe Torque Off.
Printing concrete
WEAVER, developed jointly by Merlin and L&T, is currently the largest 3D printer in construction and is already being used on
FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION N° 3 - MARCH 2024 18 motors & drives
building sites. The user-friendly installation, and easy set-up and tuning of the Inovance SV660N servo drives was important in helping the companies deliver the printer in 3.5 months.
The 3D concrete printer can erect buildings on-site up to three storeys (12m) tall and the world’s largest 3D printed accommodation complex is being built in Chandigarh using WEAVER. Commissioned by the Border Roads Organisation (BRO), it will provide transit support facilities for personnel and equipment
within six building blocks over 1.98 acres, five of which are being constructed using 3D printing technology.
Saranya Subramanian, Co-Founder of Merlin Automation Solutions, says, “The high performance, accuracy, fast delivery times and smooth implementation of Inovance’s solutions appealed to us. This is a landmark project for our company and we found setting up the EtherCAT communication between the Inovance motion controller, servo drives and IO Modules easy.”
Compact&low-weight:industry-optimiseddriveconcepts Chainandrollerconveyors,belt andpalletconveyors,container andoverheadconveyors:warehouselogisticsrequirereliable driveswithsufficientpower. ThisisguaranteedbytheLogiDriveBasicandLogiDriveAdvancedsolutionsfromdrive specialist N NORD. Both are characterised by maximum user-friendliness, easy wiring, low weight and compact installation space. The Basic solution comprises an IE3 asynchronous motor, decentralised NORDAC ON frequency inverter and a gear unit from the NORD portfolio. The perfectly matched components meet all the requirements for warehouse applications and have a large adjustment range. This drive solution does not offer maximum efficiency but features low investment costs. The LogiDrive Advanced solution offers highly efficient IE5+ synchronous motor with an decentralised NORDAC ON+ frequency inverter, specially designed for combination with the IE5+ motor and a NORD gear unit. This drive solution ensures maximum energy efficiency and thus achieves high savings in CO2 emissions. It achieves its very high efficiency via large speed and load ranges, and allows for a variant reduction. This is particularly attractive for large systems with numerous drives as fewer drive variants in a system result in streamlined logistics and reduced costs.
Anil Kumar, Director of Inovance India, adds, “We are delighted to have been part of such an exciting project and to provide the high performance and reliable motion control needed to make it a success. The groundbreaking 3D printer produced by Merlin and L&T is already involved in construction projects and it is great to see it in action, using Inovance technology in a new and innovative way.”
64268 at www.ien.eu
TheSMA21absolutelinear encoderfrom L Lika Electronic providesfineresolutiondownto 1µmandhighaccuracyof±2 µmatfastspeedupto10m/s. Itisideallysuitedforchallengingapplicationsoververylong measuringlengthsupto32.7m (107.28ft)wheresmallsize,fineresolutionandgreataccuracyare mandatory.Themeasuringsystemcombinestheencoderwiththe MTA-A154tape,thatencodestwotracks:thetrueabsolutepattern forpositioninformationanda2mm(0.078")polepitchincrementaltrackforspeedfeedback.Itisshrunkdowninwidthto10mm only(0.39").TheMTA-A154tapeisinsensitivetodust,oil,grease, water,andcommonchemicalagents,thusthemeasuringsystem canreliablyoperateinthemostaggressiveindustrialenvironments.High-qualityandselectedelectronicsarefullyovermoulded andresin-coated,sotheencodercanguaranteeIP67-ratedenvironmentalprotectionalongwithimmunitytocontaminantsand interference.TheSMA21isvirtuallywearandmaintenance-free andensuresstrongreliabilitythroughoutitsoperatinglife. An additionaldiagnosticLEDshowsthecorrectinstallationandalignment.Theabsoluteinformationisdelivered throughBiSS-C,SSI, andPanasonicinterfacesandtheincrementalinformationthrough theABLineDriverincrementaloutputcircuit.
Advanced Sensor for Collaborative Robots
Collaborative robots, or cobots, are making their presence felt in ever more applications, working alongside humans wherever production requires the decision making and discrimination abilities of humans, combined with unceasing production, dexterity and precision of cobots. Fabrizio Petris, Omron Electronic Components Europe B.V.
From assembly of circuit boards to healthcare applications, the ability for cobots to co-exist safely with humans on the same fenceless factory floor is transforming the way we think about production and its possibilities for customization.
This flexibility, allied with their many other benefits, has led to their rapid adoption - with the market for cobots estimated at USD 0.95 billion in 2023, this is expected to reach USD 2.41 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 20.50% during the forecast period 2023-2028.
To work successfully with human workers on shared tasks, safety must be paramount to ensure humans are not injured by their robotic coworkers or produce conditions that could be hazardous to people. These can include proximity sensors for collision detection, force/torque sensors, speed monitoring to ensure the cobot does not move at a speed that could harm humans, as well as object detection systems.
The latter are particularly important, as accurate object detection that can put the cobot’s effectors in the correct place with high precision is vital to maintaining safe operation. It is also essential in the handling of goods, particularly packages that could leak hazardous substances if damaged. Accurate detection is also required to ensure that the cobot can recognize the presence of human workers and adjust its motions to account for them.
Options for object detection
The two major sensing technologies for detecting objects and humans in an environment are ultrasonic and optical based systems. Ultrasonics, although useful in some applica-
tions, have several drawbacks, namely a limited range and accuracy that is affected by soft materials.
Optical based systems are often based on LiDAR – Light Detection And Ranging or Laser Detection And Ranging. This can come in two forms, either 2D or 3D. 2D LiDAR suffers from the drawback that, because it uses only a single beam of light bounced off a single surface, it can miss certain objects that are out of the scannable area of the laser beam.
For example, it can miss boxes or other items on the floor as well as possible hazards such as steps. This can be problematical if the robot is mounted on an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and needs to negotiate across an area while avoiding obstacles.
By contrast, 3D LiDAR offers a greater detection envelope, using multiple beams of light simultaneously to create a 3D image of the surrounding area. One of the major drawbacks of 3D LiDAR is its high cost.
An alternative optical method that overcomes many of these drawbacks is the time-of-flight camera (ToF camera), also known as a time-offlight sensor (ToF sensor). This is a range imaging camera system that measures the distance to each point of the image based on time-offlight, the round trip time of an artificial light signal. As scannerless systems, ToF devices capture the entire scene with a single pulse of light from a laser or an LED.
The system is very compact, with the illuminating light or laser placed close to the lens. This compares with stereo vision systems that need a certain minimum base line. Another advantage compared to scanning systems is that no mechanical moving parts are required.
Computing power needed is also minimized, with only simple algorithms required to extract the distance information from the output signals of the ToF sensor – with stereo vision, complex correlation algorithms are implemented.
ToF cameras can measure the distances within a complete scene with a single shot, turning captured images into 3D images. With speeds of up to 20 frames per second, they are ideally suited for use in real-time applications and tracking the movements of objects in three dimensions.
ToF sensors also win against 2D and 3D cameras in situations of poor illumination, or when there are issues with the colours for example - 3D cameras can find it difficult to distinguish objects if the colours are very similar.
An example is a white coloured object on a white background. In this case, using a conventional camera, the edges and the shape
sensor technology
B5L Time-of-Flight-Sensor
of the object are difficult to identify.
By contrast, because it works on time of flight, the ToF sensor is not affected by light and can also work very well in strong direct sunlight. Overall, compared to 3D sensors,
ToF sensors offer a good balance between performance and cost.
High precision ToF sensor
Omron offers all these advantages, as well as several others, in its B5L ToF sensor, which offers real-time 3D sensing of the distance to humans or objects with a resolution of 320x240 pixel.
The Omron B5L offers an ambient light immunity equivalent to 100,000 lux. This powerful ambient light immunity ensures a stable detection performance that is free from saturation even in bright environments.
Designed for a measurement distance of between 0.5 and 4m, the B5L has a detection resolution of 0.3 degrees and a detection accu-
racy of +/-2%, equivalent to 4cm or less at 2m from the object, with a repeating accuracy of only 1%. The device also outputs compensated signals to minimize the need for processing by the robot’s computer.
A long life of five years is ensured thanks to OMRON’s proprietary circuit design, the product’s heat emission design and the adoption of LEDs for the emission elements.
Omron’s optical design technology also contributes to the accuracy and quality of the image detection and distance measuring. The lens used is designed to correspond to the wavelength of the emitter LEDs, while the arrangement of emitters and receivers minimizes the effect of suspended particles of dust.
The B5L also incorporates interference prevention. This allows up to 17 B5L units to be used simultaneously, ideal for when multiple robots are making use of the device for distance measurement.
Another Omron development that can be used with the B5L is skeleton detection software. Based on defined points on the human body, output data from the B5L is used to estimate the pose adopted by the human in question. Although not a safety function as such, it could be used to detect if the human worker is moving towards the cobot or away from it. In concert with an AI package, cobots could use the skeleton detection function to learn the typical action of the people it works with, contributing to more efficient collaboration by allowing it to optimize the timing and speed of its movements.
ToF sensors in general offer several advantages over standard laser-based 3D sensors and with the technology offered by Omron, the B5L takes the technique to new levels of performance and accuracy.
64599 at www.ien.eu
Looking into the Black Box
With its radar imager, Balluff scans through packages for completeness, integrity, and foreign objects. Customers can benefit from efficient, in-line quality control at the end of the line.
Pharmaceutical products often pose high demands on packaging and logistics concepts.
In 2022, the Drug Commission of German Pharmacies (AMK) received 7,182 spontaneous reports of suspected quality defects and adverse effects of drugs from 4,049 different (hospital) pharmacies. Of the 4,843 quality defects, as in previous years, packaging errors remained the most cited issue, accounting for 45% (2,80 cases), as in previous years. This underscores the need for flexible production lines incorporating 100% in-line quality control at the conclusion of the packaging process.
According to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, in 2023 there were 46 reports regarding foreign objects found in food. Consequently, the food industry is focusing on preventing the entry of products that may contain foreign objects into the market.
How does radar imaging work?
Quality control in production involves the use of various technologies. These include opti-
cal systems, which are unable to see through packaging materials, conveyor systems that do not provide insights into error cases, and X-ray inspection. The latter requires expensive safety measures due to ionizing X-ray radiation and the need for a radiation protection officer. While X-ray analysis can reliably detect metals in packaging, it may not work flawlessly for glass, plastic, and wood fragments.
This is where Balluff's RadarImager comes into play. The industrial 3D imaging system, based on radar technology, scans through various types of packaging. It allows for the detection of all kinds of "hidden objects." The system checks packages for completeness, product integrity, and identification of foreign bodies, thereby elevating the quality control to a new level.
The radar sensor developed by Balluff seamlessly integrates into production, reliably scanning products and packaging. It uses non-ionizing waves in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared, ensuring safety for health. The compact,
high-performance system allows for confident identification of errors based on the obtained results.
The sensor emits electromagnetic waves that can penetrate non-conductive products. Each material absorbs the wave energy specifically, reducing their amplitude. The additional reflection at interfaces generates time differences between the original and reflected waves.
The specialized software used translates the measured amplitude and time-of-flight differences into images. The system generates up to 10 image stacks per second, covering the entire area beneath the RadarImager. The evaluation of the image stack forms the basis of the quality inspection. Since each image has its own timestamp, precise traceability is achievable.
The data obtained in this way document identified irregularities and foreign objects or verify whether packaging is complete and intact.
The RadarImager in practice
In the frequency range used, radar beams
FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION N° 3 - MARCH 2024 22 sensor technology
can penetrate all dielectric materials, such as foils, cardboard, and plastics. While it can detect metals, conductive objects, and liquids, it cannot penetrate them. This allows for the detection of metallic objects or particles and the recognition of fill levels. Additionally, the sensor can capture the surface characteristics of various materials.
Due to the frequency range used, the imager can optically separate dielectric objects with a distance of a few millimeters, securely. Even when objects are closely positioned, it is possible to obtain important information at belt speeds up to 1.5 meters per seconds or 90 meters per minute. However, for the necessary precision in measurement, the RadarIm-
ager requires continuous movement of the product conveyor belt or knowledge of its position and an unobstructed view of the products undergoing inspection.
Once the sensor is set up in the production line, it requires suitable inspection software to analyze the images. If the product changes, the customer only needs to load the new “recipe.”
The advantages of radar measurements
The new robust radar sensor from Balluff, an industrial 3D imaging system, offers significant advantages. It stands out for its high accuracy and reliability, providing a wide range of configuration options. The compact
ThenewSSICK W10standsforversatilityandahighdegreeofflexibilityinapplicationdesign.This opensupawiderangeofapplicationsforthephotoelectricproximitysensoracrossnumerousindustrialsectors. Slideswitches,knobs, potentiometers-theW10does awaywiththemall.Thisismade possiblebythetouchscreen display.Speed,standardorprecisionmodes,foregroundorbackgroundsuppression,individualteach-insettings,pre-configured parametersandlimits-theoperatorcanselect,recall,adjustand saveeverythingintuitively.AspecialsecurityfeatureoftheW10is thescreenlock,whichprotectssettingsfromunauthorisedaccess orchanges.Alternatively,theW10canbeeasilysetupviaIO-Link. Itcanalsocommunicateviathisinterface.TheW10hastwodigital outputsforoutputtingswitchingsignals. TheW10combinesa high-precisionClass1laserlightsource-whosefocusedbeam producesonlyasmallspotoflightonanobject-withafastand accuratereceiverevaluationline.Thankstothistechnology,the sensorachievesveryprecisedetectionresultswithhighrepeatability,bothintheshort-andlong-rangeversionswithworking distancesbetween25mmand400mmor25mmto700mm:ideal forpreciseobjectandpositiondetection.
sensor can be easily integrated into existing production lines using Plug & Play. The customer can then perform the calibration. It is maintenance-free and user-friendly – operating precisely and reliably even in challenging lighting conditions – and delivers optimal results even in the presence of dust, smoke, moisture, and rough surfaces without influencing the product itself.
This makes the RadarImager an attractive alternative to current technologies in use and presents completely new solutions in the field of quality control for food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, packaging, and logistics.
64598 at www.ien.eu
The JJUMO meroVIEWdigital indicatorseriesisavailablewith afive-digitdisplayinthe96× 48mmlandscapeformatthatis typicalofdisplaydevicesas wellasinformats48×48mm, 48×96mm,and96×96mm. Flexibleadaptation,customizabledevicemenu,text-supported operation,parameterization,andtheconfigurationin4languages aswellasthequickwiringinPUSH-INterminaltechnologymakea faststartupandversatileuseindifferentindustriespossible. Upto 5universalmeasuringinputsallowtheconnectionofRTDtemperatureprobes,thermocouples,resistancetransmitters,resistance potentiometers,andstandardsignals0(4)to20mA/0(2)to10V. Customer-specificlinearizationwith40valuepairsoramathematical4thorderpolynomialallowindividualadaptationtoawide rangeofsensorsignals.Thankstofastpulseinputs,machine speedsortotalizedflowrates(orcountingpulses)canalsobe acquiredanddisplayed.Themodulardeviceconceptoffersflexible expansionwithawidevarianceofoptions.Theseincludedigital andanaloginputs,outputs,andinterfacesaswellasavoltage supplyfortwo-wiretransmitters.Ahighdegreeofconnectivityis achievedthroughtheavailableinterfaces,RS485(ModbusRTU master/slave),Ethernet(ModbusTCPmaster/slave),andPROFINET deviceaswellasUSBhostandUSBdevice.
ThenewR&SMXO5oscilloscopeswithfouroreightchannelsarenowavailablefrom R Rohde & Schwarz.Thenewoscilloscopestakemeasurement performancetothenextlevel, basedonMXO-EPprocessing ASICtechnology.Capturing moreofasignal'sactivityin boththetimeandfrequency domainsthananyotheroscilloscope,theMXO5istheworld'sfirst eight-channeloscilloscopewith4.5millionsamplespersecond and18millionwaveformspersecondacrossmultiplechannels.It allowsengineerstocapturethefinestdetailsofsignalsandrare eventswithexceptionalaccuracy.Itfeaturesdigitaltriggeringon alleightchannelstooutperformthecompetitioninaccurately isolatingsmallsignalanomalies.Itsground-breakingcapabilityof 45,000FFTspersecondgivesengineersunparalleledinsightinto thespectrumofsignals.ThisisparticularlyusefulforEMIand harmonictesting. Bycapturingupto99%ofthereal-timesignal activitywiththeworld'sfastestacquisitioncapturerate,theR&S MXO5speedsupsignalanalysiswhileatthesametimedetecting rareandrandomeventsthataremissedbymostotheroscilloscopes.Thesefeaturesenableengineerstodebugdesignsmore efficientlyinawiderangeofapplications.
Unitronics haslauncheditsIO-Linksolutionto enhancetheautomationexperienceofitscustomers.Thisnewproductofferingencompasses IO-Link,whichhasbeenstandardizedbythe InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission(IEC). IO-Linkisafieldbuscommunicationsolutionfor sensors,actuators,andmechatronicsthatcanbe integratedintoanyexistingfieldbus,information technology,orautomationsystem.Unitronics' IO-Linksolution,whichdoesnotrequireanycoding,makesiteasyformachinebuilderstostreamlinetheiroperations.The automatedsetupprocess solvestheissueofmanualconfigurationsand relatedproblems.Itisdesignedtokeepthingseasy andsimplesinceallcontrollerssupportIO-LinkviatheEthernet/IP communicationprotocol.Theprogrammingconsistsoftwoeasy steps-afterdragginganddroppingtheconfiguration,allthat needstobedoneisassigningIPaddresses.Oncedone,allcommunicationsarecompletelytransparentandseamless.Combinedwith UniLogic,thedrag&dropall-in-onesoftwarefordevelopingPLC andHMIappsinoneenvironment,implementingtheIO-Link bi-directionaldatatransferisquickandeasythankstoitsdrag& dropconfiguration.Machinebuildersnowhaveaccesstoasingle, comprehensiveplatformthatintegratesIO-Linkeffortlesslyand ensurestheseamlessoperationofallconnectedcomponents.
COSEL hasannouncedthe launchofthePDAseriesof AC/DCpowersupplieswith furtherenhancedreliability forindustrialapplications.
Thefirstunitsarenowbeing launchedandtherangewill beexpanded. Designedfor worldwideapplications,thePDAserieshasaninputvoltagerange of85VACto264VACsinglephaseandmeetssafetystandardswith aninputvoltagerangeof100-240VAC(50/60Hz).The15W PDA15F,30WPDA30Fand50WPDA50Fareavailableinthree outputvoltages,5V,12Vand24Vwithcorrespondingoutput currents.Theseriesbenefitsfromanoptimisedquasi-resonant switchingtopologyandhasanefficiencyofupto87.5%at230VAC andratedload.Inrushcurrentlimiting,over-currentprotectionwith automaticrecoverywhenthefaultisremovedandover-voltage protectionarepartofthefunctionality.Basedonanoptimised topology,theserieshasnobuilt-inactivePFCbutfullycomplies withIEC61000-3-2(ClassA).Theunitsaredesignedtooperate overawidetemperaturerangeof-20to+70°Candcanbe mountedinanyorientation,althoughderatingmayapply dependingonambienttemperatureandenvironment. ThePDA seriescomplieswithFCC-B,VCCI-B,CISPR11-B,CISPR32-B, EN55011-BandEN55032-Binconductedemissiontests.
SCHURTER hasexpandedits MSIIproductfamilywith stainless-steelindicatorelements.Awiderangeofilluminationoptions-point,ring orsurfaceillumination-are availableforthenewindicator elements.Thisvarietynotonly ensuresanattractiveappearance,butalsooffersusers innovativewaysofvisualisingtheirinformation.Immediateinformationrecognitionissupportedbyawiderangeofbacklight colourscoveringalmosttheentirespectrum(16.7millioncolours). Fromclassicwhitetobright,dynamiccolours,theuserhasallthe optionstoachievetheoptimumsignallingfortheirapplication. FlexibilityisoneofthekeystothesuccessoftheMSMIIfamily.In ordertomeetthemostindividualrequirements,thenewMetal Lineindicatorelementsaredesignedtooperatewithawiderange ofvoltages(5,12,24VDCorvariable).Aswellasbeingastylish highlight,theindicatorelementsalsoboastahighlevelofimpact resistanceinaccordancewiththeIK08standard.Theyaretherefore ideallyequippedtomeetthechallengesofmanyyearsofharduse. TheentireMSMrangeisavailableintwodifferentinstallation depths,givingdesignersthefreedomtochoosetheoptimum solutionfordeviceswithdifferentinstallationrequirements.
TheHSM14FHall-effectsingleturnencoderfrom M MEGATRON hasanextremelycompact design,withahousingdepthof just6.2mmandoffersahigh resolutionandlongbearinglife. Withtheoptionalredundant electronics,theencoderisalso suitableforuseinapplications withincreasedrequirementsfor operationalreliability. The HSM14Fhasaverysmallhousingdepthanddiameterofonly14 mm.Thankstoitscompactdimensions,itistheidealanglesensor forallapplicationswheretheinstallationspaceislimited.The HSM14Foffersaresolutionof12bits(4096steps)andanelectricallyeffectiverotationangleof360°.Anglesof270°,180°and 90°,aswellascustomisedvalues,arealsoavailable.TheHalleffectencoderisflange-mounted.Ithasawideoperatingtemperaturerangeof-40...+105°CandisIP65rated.Thismakesitsuitableforapplicationswithharshenvironmentalconditions.The integralsleevebearinghasalifeof100millionrevolutionsandthe maximumoperatingspeedis400rpm.Accordingtocustomer requirementsitcanalsobemodified forseriesproduction.For example,PWMoutputs,customisedoutputsignals,differentshaft geometries,shaftflatteningorcableassembliesarepossible.
CTX offersawiderangeof differenttypesofheatsinksfor optimaldissipationofheatin high-performancecomponents. Thecoolingsystemiscustom tailoredtothesizeandpowerof theparticularapplication,as wellastheavailableinstallationspace. Tomeettherequirements ofrobustandlow-maintenancedevices,passivecoolingsystems suchasprofileheatsinksareoftentheidealsolution.Aluminum profileheatsinks-alsoknownasdie-castorextrudedheatsinks, dependingonthemanufacturingprocess-aretheclassicmethod forcoolingofpowerelectronics.Theirfinsprovidealargecooling surfaceforeffectiveheatdissipationthroughnaturalconvection. Applicationsrangefromcoolingofsemiconductorsinsmallmobile enddevicestocoolingofhigh-powerIGBTsinrailwaytechnology. Thehighfindensityofhigh-performanceheatsinkscreatesa substantialsurfacearea.Incombinationwithafanforactive cooling,theyprovideahighlyefficientcoolingsystem,which makesthemidealforuseinpowersupplydevices. Inapplications withtightinstallationconditionsthatpreventdirectmountingof high-performanceheatsinks,forexample,heatpipesaretheideal solution.Thecopperheatpipestransfertheheatfromthe electroniccomponenttotheheatsink,whichthendissipatesthe heatintotheambientair.
Westermo haslaunchedanewrangeof compact,easy-to-useunmanagedindustrialEthernetswitches.TheSandCat five-portFastEthernetswitchseriesprovidesacost-effective,plug-and-play solutionforindustrialapplicationsand supports100Mbps.Theyaredesigned tomeettheincreasingnetworkcomplexity,reliabilityandbandwidthrequirementsoftheutilities,manufacturingandenergyindustries.Theavailabilityofafibreportenablescommunicationoverlongerdistancesortodifferentlocations.Although managedswitchesarewidelyusedtoimprovetheconfiguration andsecurityofdatanetworks,theSandCatrangeisidealfor extendingtheportcountofmanagedswitches,enablingmoreend devicestobeinstalled. Theseriesisdesignedformission-critical applicationsusingDIN-railmountinginharshindustrialenvironments.ItprovidesEthernetconnectivitybetweendrives,inverters, HMIs,PLCsandI/Ounits.Toenableinstallationinharshindustrial environments,theswitchesmeetEMC,insulation,vibrationand shockstandards.IP30metalhousing,-40°Cto75°Coperating temperature,widepowerinputrange,multiplesmallform-factor pluggable(SFP)transceiveroptionsandextensiveindustrycertificationsandapprovalsensuremaximumapplicationflexibility.
TheMMeler Micron+Titan200and Micron+TitanPURaredesigned forhotmeltadhesiveapplications, whichareconstantlygrowingin varioussectors,andoffer easy-to-use,specialisedsolutions withtheaimofmaximising industrialproductivityinasimple andconvenientway. MicronbyMeleroffershotmeltsystems designedforIndustry4.0andbasedonafundamentalprinciple:"to keepindustrialadhesiveapplicationsimple".TheMicron+rangeis equippedwitha16"touchscreenthatallowsdirectcontrolofthe mainparameters(pumping,temperature,operatingmodes...)and itselectronicplatformallowsreal-timedatamonitoring. The Micron+Titan200hasahighmeltingcapacitywitha200litretank andiscompatiblewithawiderangeofadhesiveformats,pillows, blocksandpellets. Thankstothehomogeneoustemperature distributionatallpointsofthetank,themelterensuresoptimal adhesivecare,savesenergyconsumptionandallowstomaximise industrialperformance. WiththeMicron+TitanPURMelterhas createdadedicatedunitthatoffershighspeedadhesivemelting witheffectivePURhotmeltadhesiveconservation-oneofthe mostcomplicatedissueswhenusingreactiveadhesivesinany productionline.It'scompatiblewithupto2blocksof20kg unwrappedPURadhesive.
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