Urban design project in Oxford

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Oxford Brookes University | Urban Design | Group 1

Existing Local Businesses & Community Facilities on Site

Promoting Local Business & Co-Working Currently Osney Mead is relatively isolated and disparate, however within the industrial estate we have identified a variety of local, independent businesses within the site which contribute to the local economy. One of our key aims to integrate these existing businesses within the site, whether by retaining and refurbishing their existing premises or by providing new premises within the local centres of our masterplan. This would support the existing local economy, add variety to the commercial/business offering and therefore promote a thriving local economy. These local businesses include: a fish and meat market, gym, laundry service, coffee shops and a conference centre that acts as a church/flexible community space. We aim to keep the church/conference centre since as a focal point of the community and reintegrate the other businesses within our proposed local centres. On the site there is also an existing flexible co-working space (Urbanoid Workspace Oxford). In our proposed masterplan we hope to develop this idea of the flexible co-working spaces and incorporate more flexible spaces for people of all ages

Figure 3.28. Aldens Fishmarket & Restaurant

Figure 3.29. Jericho Coffee Traders Roastery & Spring Greens Cafe

Figure 3.30. Oxwash

Figure 3.31. Urbanoid Workspace Oxford

Figure 3.32. Aldens Meatmaster

Figure 3.33. The Athlete Centre

Figure 3.34. The King’s Centre/ Oxford Community Church


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