Challenging Dubai global identity with high-intensity of land use

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Taking advantage of the prevailing wind to allow for passive cooling, lowering the temperature of the development

Green and Blue Infrastructure Cohesion between the land and sea Due to the site’s location on the waterfront and set with an existing harbour, this gives this proposal the perfect opportunity to form a strong relationship between the land and sea. Rhyne-like water channels will help to irrigate the green corridors and waterfront mangroves to encourage positive ecological growth. These channels will also act as wind tunnels to draw the sea air down and through the site with the potential to natural cool the development.


Ecological gardens and mangroves to provide a green connection between with land and the sea

In-land rhynes will act and wind tunnels, cooling the development from the water and providing a connection to the sea

Forming nature corridors along the primary movement routes using native planting and vegetation to soften the urban landscape

Continuing the use of native planting along the primary streets to act as a way-finding tool and break up the streetscape

Wind tunnels to aid in-land cooling Active sea water channels Ecological waterfront mangroves

Much of the development along Dubai’s waterfront, seemingly ignores its prime location and how it can use the seas and the water to its advantage; a characteristic which will be enacted within this development.

Green corridors with native vegetation

Native Planting The climate and weather conditions contribute highly to the choice of planting and vegetation available to use within the site. By using native and existing vegetation and planting types within the site, this enables the development to embed its public realm within the existing natural character of the city. Within the neighbouring developments, native trees have been planted along the key travel routes where possible to highlight these streets as primary movement corridors (as well as acting as a form of natural shading). This ideal will also be utilised within the site, with the primary movement network emphasised by not only its width and modes of transport but by the use of large planting at the street’s edge and vegetation to help soften the urban landscape.

Water recycling and irrigation The recycling of water will be essential in terms of keeping the green corridors and ecological parkland in top condition. Grey water will be reused to help irrigate the native planting, as well as the use of salt water friendly planting and vegetation which can be irrigated from the rhyne water channels.


Green and Blue Infrastructure Parameter Plan

URBD7019: Urban Design in Challenging Contexts


Hybrid Dubai

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