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S. Shareef BuildingandEnvironment194(2021)107675

S. Shareef BuildingandEnvironment194(2021)107675


Master Planning Guidelines

Sustainability is clearly the main issue due to high temperatures and scarcity of water. There are many papers and case studies that explore the utilisation of passivhaus strategies such as a varied urban morphology which one paper has found to have an average reduction of 0.5 degrees C in temperature. Another study looks at the traditional courtyard designs and the methods used such as ventilation from the front facade through to the courtyard to help cool down the buildings.

Other studies have looked at cooling down for human comfort on the streets. They have identified that 50% of existing streets in the Al Ras area of Dubai have the potential to be improved with canopies & trees for shading to reduce temperature from 5 to 8 degrees C. These additions can also aid in reducing desert dust and improving permeability.

Dubai faces many climate issues, most coming from heat and lack of water due to high temperatures. In order to reduce temperatures a lot of artificial cooling is implemented which uses a lot of energy and water is imported. However, Dubai does have traditional passive measures to mitigate the temperatures which can be found in the local planning guidelines. These are some principles we will be following in our own designs which can be seen in.

There are also methods in place for recycling grey water in order to order vegetation and aid to cool down the citiscapes. However, water collection systems can be put in place in order to collect water from the air. Plans for this are being put in place as the UAE has goals of making 6,700 Litres of Drinking water from air daily using Hyper-Dehumidifiers.

C.7. Shading


Base Model - 5 Stories

Iteration 1 (7:3:3:7) Stories along Y axis Shows 0.5 degrees C average cooling

Iteration 2 (7:3:3:7) Stories along X axis Shows 0.5 degrees C average cooling

Quality of Life & Wellbeing The orientation of the urbangridandbuilding massing play a major role in creating spaces with pleasant microclimateand thermal comfort.By assessing the shadow casts in the area at different timesof the day, the optimal location, orientation andmassing of buildings can be identified. Considering the prevailingwinddirectionand adopting an orientation to optimize the windcapturewill support the implementation of a passive cooling system within the master plan. Such systems will support creating pleasant andliveable spaces while reducing the potential water and energy consumptionandassociated costs.

Considering the provision of other shadingfeatures to the building façade design canalso improve the quality ofopen spaces. For instance, façade design that supports the shading of pedestrianpaths, by integrating elements such asbuilding overhang, attached canopies, or even colonnades willenhance the viability and utilization of the space.

C.7. Shading

Vegetation Canopy

Environment & Nature

Flexibility & Adaptability Quality of Life & Wellbeing

Reorganize so open space is facing Northern side No shading Building cantilever to provide shade

Viability & Figure C.8: Placement of buildings and elements to Robustness maximize shading Attached canopy shading

Efficient Use of Resources

The orientation of the urbangridandbuilding massing play a major role in creating spaces with pleasant microclimateand thermal comfort.By assessing the shadow casts in the area at different timesof the day, the optimal location, orientation andmassing of buildings can be identified. Considering the prevailingwinddirectionand adopting Shows 0.5 degrees C average an orientation to optimize the windcapturewill support cooling compared to Base Model Environment & Nature the implementation of a passive cooling system within the master plan. Such systems will support creating pleasant andliveable spaces while reducing the potential water and energy consumptionandassociated costs. Considering the provision of other shadingfeatures to the building façade design canalso improve the quality ofopen spaces. For instance, façade design that supports the shading of pedestrianpaths, by integrating elements such asbuilding overhang, attached canopies, or even colonnades willenhance the viability and utilization of the space.

Shows 0.44 degrees C average cooling compared to Base Model

Figure C.6: Urban grid in line with wind direction Flexibility & Adaptability

Viability & Robustness

Figure C.7: Massing in line with wind direction No shading


Efficient Use Fig. 4. of Resources The isometric view of the base case and the developed configurations of the two groups.

validation consists of 206 semi-attached villas, the villas are designed in three types according to bedroom number: two, three, and four (Fig. 8). measurement tool. The tool that is used for air temperature measurements is the 4-in-1 Environmental Meter-model 45170. This tool allows measuring four parameters at a specific point. The parameters that can be measured using this tool cover: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Airflow, and light level. The tool is an ergonomic Figure C.6: Urban grid in line with wind direction pocket size housing, with an LCD simultaneous display of weather data (Fig. 9). Furthermore, the tool allows to hold the displayed value and records the Min/Max readings. The range of the measured air temperature by this device is varied between 0 ◦C and 50 ◦C, while it can dedicate the wind velocity from 0.3 m/s up to 30 m/s. The accuracy of the device for air temperature and air velocity is ±3% and ±1.2 ◦C respectively. In this study, the data collected for the software validation covers the air temperature over18 h between 6:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. The Fig. 4. The isometric view of the base case and the developed configurations of the two groups. data was compared to the air temperature data generated by IES-VE for software validation. collection for the validation process. One villa in Dubai/ UAE was selected for the IES-VE software validation. The indoor air temperature of the villa for one day and 12 h of data is evaluated against the values obtained from modelling the villa using the IES-VE and running the simulation process for the indoor thermal performance. The Iteration 3 (7:5:3:3:5:7) Stories along X axis initial condition set for running the software covers, thermal, and conShows 0.5 degrees C average cooling struction files. The thermal file contains the internal gain including occupant and lighting gain, while the construction file contains the material used in the villa envelope. The simulation has been run for one day, the 3rd of February 2018. However, no indoor air conditioning system was used during the measurements day. The highest variation between the measured data and simulation results observed is 3.3%. Hence, the validity of the software is acceptable and the software is valid as the variation between the measured data and the simulated data is less than 5% [53]. The data measurements started at 6:00 a.m. and continues for 18 h until 11:00 p.m. with a variation between the actual and simulated data. This variation is less in the afternoon when the highest air temperature degree was recorded, however, the highest variation observed is 3.3%. (Fig. 10).

Shows 0.47 degrees C average cooling compared to Base Model

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