Worlds Best Cyclamen Our Famous Cyclamen are so bright and colourful and love the cooler days. Loads of buds and flowers to enjoy for months to come. Gift Vouchers Available IN-STORE & ONLINE AT BAYROAD.COM.AU Pansy Bloomer Pots Pansies are an autumn favourite. Select from the great colours available to brighten your autumn days. 200mm Autumn Flowering Hydrangeas There are fantastic varieties of the hardy and late flowering Hydrangeas. Varieties include Candlelight, Sunday Fraise and Diamond Rouge. 200mm BUY 1 GET 1 FREE $49.95 $13 Save $5 ea

Easy Colour 6 Packs Flowering Pansies and Violas brighten the cooler days perfectly. Easy Colour 6 packs are perfect for instant impact. THE BEST WAY TO BUY COLOUR BUY 6 GET 1 FREE The best compact Azaleas for our Bayside conditions. Flowering spring & autumn. Varieties include Flamingo, Aline, Charlie and Luci. 170mm Belgian Azaleas Spring Flowering Bulbs Daffodils, Jonquils, Tulips, Hyacinths and lots more. $33 3 or $12.95ea for $24 Save $5 95 $13.95 PER PACK Calatheas are stunning houseplants with beautifully coloured and patterned leaves. We have great varieties available. Calatheas $99 While Stocks Last HUGE 250MM POTS! $24 95 130mm

ONLY $15 EACH SAVE $5 Convolvulus Moon Series Excellent new varieties of this popular, long flowering hardy ground cover with a bushy ground hugging habit. Includes ‘Purple Moon’, ‘Two Moons’ and ‘New Blue Moon’. 140mm Salvia Season It is Salvia Season and there is a great range available. Modern varieties of Salvias are compact with a very long flowering season and create great colour displays in the garden or as potted features. 140mm Anenome Pink and White Popular and hardy perennial and are an ideal filler plant or a feature plant in the garden or pots. 140mm Limonium Perezii Blue Limonium ‘Perezii Blue ‘ is very hardy and very colourful with long-lasting rich blue or purple/mauve flowers. Suitable to grow in most locations. 140mm Loropetalum ‘Plum Gorgeous’ has beatiful deep plum coloured foliage and bright magenta, tassel like flowers in spring and autumn. 170mm Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous Flowering Grevilleas There always seems to be a Grevillea plant in flower and native birds love them. Discover the huge range of groundcover, 1m shrubs and 3m high screening plants. 200mm $26 95 from $30 Save $5 ea

A glorious autumn in Melbourne
The Bay Road Nursery Autumn Catalogue is a part of the celebration of a great month of gardening in Victoria. The Bay Road Nursery is proud to be involved in Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 2024 and we are also open all Easter to help with your Easter gardening projects.

Cosmos ‘Cherry Chocolate’ is a stunning new cultivar of the beloved Chocolate Cosmos. It has large arge fuchsia-pink blooms with an enticing rich chocolate fragrance.
$25ea Save $5 $39 95
Cosmos Cherry Chocolate

‘Figalicious’ is a dwarf fig that produces an abundance of delicious dark red fleshed fruit with purple-green coloured skin in summer. 200mm Ficus ‘Figalicious’ Now is the time to protect your citrus trees from citrus leaf miner with eco - Citrus Leafminer Traps. Eco LCM Traps The Brasco range of native daisies have dark green foliage and masses of small vibrant flowers. Varieties include ‘Brasco Violet’ and ‘Radient Magenta’. 140mm Brachyscome $15ea Save $5 Growing herbs is so rewarding. A fresh and flavoursome harvest is just a few steps away from the kitchen - perfect. 120mm Fresh Herbs $33 3 or $11.95ea for Grow Better Indoor Potting Mix contains peat and perlite and is formulated with slow release fertiliser, wetting agent, trace elements and natural growth stimulants. It is perfect for topping up and potting up all indoor plants. 12lt Indoor Plant Potting Mix $13 95 $89 95 $29 95

SCREENING PALLET SALE HUGE plants, HUGE savings There are great varieties of Camellias now available as the early blooms begin to open. This is an excellent time to plant. $33 3 or $12.95ea for Huge 1.5m tall plants. 250mm Advanced Sasanqua Camellias $75 Save $25 This is a very hardy evergreen shrub with a dense habit and is perfect for hedging and screening. 250mm Portuguese Laurel $75 Save $25 Myles Choice is a compact growing Bay Tree that will hedge beautifully to a height of 3m and 1m wide. 250mm Myles Choice Bay Tree $90 Save $20 New, very compact and bushy to 2.5m tall. With beautiful glossy green leaves Supergem is perfect for pots or a medium height screening plant. 250mm NEW SUPERGEM Magnolia $99 Save $20 The popular magnolia with the big Teddy Bear like leaf and large white flowers. 250mm Teddy Bear Magnolias $99 Save $20
The Bay Road Gardener is a service to bring the knowledge, inspiration and fantastic plants of The Bay Road Nursery to your garden. Have a chat with David Howard to find out more about how The Bay Road Gardener can help you create beautiful places and spaces.

If a specific product becomes unavailable during the sale period every effort will be made to provide an equivalent product at the same price. Unless otherwise stated, accessories shown are not included in the price. Bay Road Nursery reserves the right to limit quantities sold to any one customer. All sizes shown are approximate only. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Due to the printing process, colours may vary to the actual item. Actual grown product may vary from images. Advanced examples and mass planting shown for effect. These offers remain valid until 2nd April 2024. / BayRoad (03) 9521 0197 112 Bay Rd Sandringham Open 7 Days 9am - 5pm / bayroadnursery