GCSA Autumn 2025

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Sophie Thomson, South Australia’s best known gardening expert, joins us again to provide tips to help you garden in 2025.

Autumn is the best time for action in your garden, with delightful weather and so many fun tasks to do. Get stuck into planting, feeding and pruning, and be sure to check on your indoor plants too. Refresh pot plants –pot them on, divide them, feed them or throw them out and start again. Feed the whole garden, from lawns and roses to fruit trees, vegies and everything else.

Fuchsia for shady
Lovely colours and lovely flowers, fuchsias are well suited to hanging baskets. 140mm pot
Lisianthus Pink
Hebe Tiki Tiki
Lovely soft pink spikes of flowers complement
Pink Posy Daisy Argyranthemum or Federation Daisies are
Pink Posy has long lasting rich pink flowers. 150cm pot


Supporting PINK

I really support thinking PINK on the last weekend in March to support the great work done by the McGrath Foundation. You will be assured of ‘seeing pink’ in the Garden Centre, with staff wearing pink, pink flowers out on special, raffles and other activities to raise funds for the cause

Join in the fun and add some pretty in pink flowers to your garden, choose from pink salvias, daisies, geraniums, hebe and dahlias to name but a few, and part proceeds will be donated to the McGrath Foundation.

Geranium Pink Splash

Love a bright geranium? This is one of the brightest! Perfect for gardens or container planting. 150mm pot

Dahlia Elite Rose Beauty
Pink Bicolour

No, you’re not imagining – the heads on these mushroom are on springs so they can move in the breeze. Three shades of green available. Up to 27cm tall.

Salvia Velour White

Kangaroo Paws

Choose from a great selection of colours of Anigozanthos or K paws, as they are commonly known. 140mm pot

Grevillea Two Tone

Flowers are strong red and yellow in colour, on a small shrub growing over 2 metres tall. Nectar attracts birds, bees and butterflies. 140mm pot

Eremophila nivea

A beautiful shrub growing to just over one metre, with purple blooms on silky soft silver foliage. Very hardy. Sometimes called Emu bush. 140mm pot


Midyim Berry

Hakea laurina

A shrub or small tree, it is commonly known as the pin-cushion hakea. It has red and cream stunning globular flowers and lance shaped leaves. 140mm pot

One of the most delicious bush foods you can grow, the small purple dotted berries are sweet yet tangy and cover the small shrub in late summer to early autumn. Ideal as a low hedge too. Lemon Myrtle

Backhousia citriodora is its proper name. A pretty shrub which is renowned for the flavour its leaves add to dishes. 140mm pot

Banksia prionotes

Commonly known as acorn or orange banksia for its spectacular orange blooms. Can be kept as a shrub in a container, or grows to a small tree in the ground. 140mm pot.

– bush ‘caviar’

Australia’s native citrus, finger limes are thorny evergreen shrubs that prefer full sun. The fruit are full of ‘pearls’ containing tangy lime flavoured juice. Now are popluar flavour for chefs to add to their dishes.140mm pot

Your GCSA Centre has a wide range of bulbs ready for planting out this season, loose or in packs, from old favourites to new releases. Two new pink ones for Strike Me Pink –Freezia Pink Devotion and Tulip Pink Ardour.

HEDGE your space

Rhaphiolepis Oriental Pink

Hardy evergreen small hedging shrub, with glossy green leaves flushed copper when new. Perfect for borders and hedges, it has softscented pink flowers in summer. 140mm pot


Spring Bling! Plant now!

Plant spring flowering bulbs now for spring bling. Bulbs add the element of surprise and excitement to a garden, as each year, we eagerly await their emergence from the soil, followed by their breath-taking performance. Although the flowering period of most bulbs is generally only brief, they make up for their fleeting appearance by their stunning display.

SA’s BEST Low HedgeEuonymus ‘Tom Thumb’

A hardy evergreen shrub with small dark glossy foliage and a compact upright growth habit to 60cm, it will establish quickly in either garden or containers from $1498 EACH

Looking for some colour in your garden or pots for the cooler months ahead? There’s a good variety of pansies, violas, marigolds and snapdragons to choose from.

Colourful pots

Perfect for green foliage plantsthese pots add the flowers! Three sizes ready to drop your pots into.

Classic and stylish –these ‘Mariner Belly’ pots come in 3 sizes. Available in grey as well.

good for covering fences.


For the first time - a beautifully scented cyclamen! Indoors or for shady

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