Hibiscus 5 $80 for or $19.95ea Pittosporum 20% off Gardenia 20% off Lomandra Lime Tuff 5 $60 for or $14.95ea Budget range House Plants 3 $45 for or $19.95ea Spreading Rosemary ‘lockwood de forest’ 5 $50 for or $13.95ea Griselinia Broadway Mint Tibouchina 30% off Rhipsalis calvata basket Ficus Tuffi 10 $140 for or $26ea / 6L Selected Deciduous trees, pip and stone fruit trees. buy 2 get 1 free EASTER OFFERS AVAILABLE UNTIL TUESDAY 2ND APRIL CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER SUNDAY Giant Bird of Paradise normally $69.95 only $35 save $10 only $15 Excludes Peace Baby 46% off over40% off fastgrowinghedge superhedge or $12.50ea 10 $99 for or $23.50ea 10 $140 for 1.3L pots 6L pots Excludes Little Kiwi Open Monday - Saturday 9am till 5pm Closed Sunday 76 Kapiro Rd, Kerikeri Ph: 09 407 1645 plantzonedirect.co.nz at plant zone direct