Available until 25th of September While Stocks last. Actual grown product, advance examples and mass planting shown for effect. Buy 1 get 1 free $7.95 EACH 95MM Pet Grass Pets love Pet Grass. They love to smell it, chew it, roll in it and lay with it. Pet Grass is a wonderful treat for your Best Buds. Straight from the patch to the plate, fresh herbs are easy to grow Grow Better Controlled Release Fertiliser Scientifically designed to release nutrients over a 4-6 month period as your plants need them. Easy to use and not attractive to pets. THIS SATURDAY 10AM - 1PM AT BAY ROAD NURSERY free petting zoo $4 .95 $25 EA / 1.8KG $30 3 for OR $11.95 EA / 120MM save

If a specific product becomes unavailable during the sale period every effort will be made to provide an equivalent product at the same price. Unless otherwise stated, accessories shown are not included in the price. Bay Road Nursery reserves the right to limit quantities sold to any one customer. All sizes shown are approximate only. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Due to the printing process, colours may vary to the actual item. Actual grown product may vary from images. Advanced examples and mass planting shown for effect. These offers remain valid until 25th September 2023. /Bay Road 03 9521 0197 112 Bay Road, Sandringham 9am - 5pm 7 days a week / bayroadnursery DISCOVER THE BAY ROAD NURSERY TOP VALUE RANGE Osteospermum There are many varieties of African Daisies ‘Osteospermum’ in an amazing selection of colours and forms. These plants are very hardy, drought-resistant, and very colourful. The new Armeria Dreameria® Collection The new Armeria Dreameria® Collection is backed by a 20-year breeding program. The low maintenance, tough nature of this collection makes it an ideal range for use in contemporary architectural settings to complement the modern home garden, and high traffic public spaces. Lavender Lavenders are fabulous in pots and in the garden. There are great varieties available to add colour and fragrance to your spaces and places. $5 $15 EA / 140MM save $5 $15 EA / 140MM save $5 $15 EA / 140MM save Camellias 1.5m tall Advanced Sasanqua & Japonica Camellias. These large top quality plants are exceptional value with lots of buds and blooms for stunning instant impact. $25 $65 EA / 250MM save