Winter Housekeeping

With Grosafe Garden

Start pruning – It is best to prune when the sap is least likely to be flowing through the plants
Roses – Best to prune early August –
Remove all remaining leaves.
• This allows you to see the structure of the bush and clearly see all the canes (stems). This step also removes any pests or diseases that may have been hiding over winter in the foliage.
• Start with dead wood.
Open up the center of the plant.
• Take out crossing branches which can rub, causing damage and encouraging disease. The goal is to have upward-reaching branches with an open structure in a vase-like shape.
Remove any thin, weak growth.
• The basic rule of thumb is to remove anything thinner than a pencil.
• See Image in slide for the shape of the pruning cut
Seal fresh cuts.
• Protect freshly cut canes from rot and rose borers by sealing the wounds with a compound like Innoc Bloc Pruning Paste
Clean up.
• After pruning, make sure to clean up the surrounding area underneath. All leaves and cut branches should be disposed of as diseases and pests could be lurking. Also, sterilize your pruners by wiping them with isopropyl alcohol between plants to prevent spreading contaminants or disease.
After pruning apply an effective wound protectant such as InocBloc Prune’n’ Paste immediately to reduce infection of plants so it can work as a wound protectant. Is a unique Pine based product that provides an effective natural barrier against potentially devastating trunk disease. InocBloc Prune’n’Paste is Bio0Gro Certified Application Tips
• Avoid applying wound protectants in damp or humid conditions.
• Always use sharp pruning tools.
• Ensure Organic Prune’n’Paste is only applied to clean, dry wounds.
• Brush Organic Prune’n’Paste onto wound as soon as possible after cut is made.
• Clean equipment with ethanol, methylated spirits or alcohol based hand sanitiser.
FreeFlo Copper® - Fungicide
Bio Gro Certified
FreeFlo Copper ® –Fungicide: should be sprayed on after the pruning and the pruning paste has been applied
This is to protect the plants from over wintering pathogens that will hibernate on the plants.
Black Spot, Leaf Spot Bacterial Blast can be treated effectively with FreeFlo® Copper.
We should spray again just before bud burst
Complete coverage of the plant is essential
EnSpray99® Spraying Oil Insecticide
Bio Gro certified EnSpray 99 will smother and kill any insects that are living on the plants ie mites scale, mealy bugs and aphids. Aphids will have probably laid eggs in the autumn and will overwinter on the host plant.
EnSpray 99® can be applied and mixed with your FreeFlo Copper® spray and can be applied at the same time
Reapply at bud burst with your FreeFlo® Copper Spray. Ensure to get complete coverage as both products need contact with the pest
• It is all about Prevention :
• Grosafe has three insecticides
• GroVentive Garden® – Systemic Insecticide
• EnSpray 99® – Contact Insecticide – Bio Gro
Certified – Can be used on Edibles
• BioNeem® – Contact Insecticide - Bio Gro
Certified – Can be used on Edibles
• GroVentive® Garden Two Way
Systemic Insecticide
• For the control of sucking and chewing insects on ornamentals, hedging, roses, pot plants and flowers
• Safe on Bees
• As Groventive Garden is systemic it kills insects that are hard to kill with the softer contact sprays
• Do not apply more than four times in a growing season
• Can be mixed with EnSpray99®
• Can be mixed with Eco Spread®
EnSpray 99 Sparaying Oil – Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide – Contact Killer
• Bio Gro Certified
• Benefits:
• A Fungicide: Effective stand alone for powdery mildew on grapes
• An Insecticide and Miticide: Effective across a range of home garden pests
• An Adjuvant: A biological and chemical insecticidal carrier with
• Unique sticking and spreading features
• Behavior Modifier: Deters feeding and/or egg laying behavior on a range of key home garden pests
BioNeem ® Insecticide
BioGro Certified
BioNeem® Contact Killer has repellent and antifeedant properties that effectively prevent adverse effects from insects that suck and rasp.
BioNeem® effectively controls the economically important pests such as whitefly, aphids, mites, thrips, mealy bugs, leaf-mining flies and scale in a wide range of crops.
Apply on a rotation with EnSpray 99® every four weeks
Can be mixed with EnSpray 99 ®
Can be mixed with Eco Spread ®
BioPower® Seaweed Flake, which is a natural store house of major and minor nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids and naturally occurring plant bio-stimulants, to support crop health, nutrition and quality. It is easily applied and sprayed directly onto the foliage.
Ocean Power® Super Seaweed Plant Food Use Ocean Power® to improve crop, plant and soil health, it will boost plant vigor, defend against natural climatic occurrences, (drought and frost) and also help defend against insect attack. The ideal time to use Ocean Power® is when plants are in bud burst and to counteract transplant stress.
• OceanFert® is a slow release fertiliser. Soil micro-organisms breakdown and decompose the solid granules over a long period of time, slowly releasing nutrients and compounds as the growing plants require them. OceanFert® is a naturally derived soil conditioner. It will increase soil organic matter, improve soil physical structure and enhance fungal and bacterial activity in the soil.
• When To Apply:
• It is best to apply the foliar seaweeds when plants are going through growth spurts or are under any type of stress
• In the spring when plants are pushing out new buds and shoots
• When plants are under stress due to pest damage, drought or frost.
• BioPower Seaweed Flake:
• Bio Gro certified
• Can be applied and mixed with all spray applications, every four weeks. Foliar Spray works as a boost and tonic promoting strong healthy plants
• OceanPower: Super seaweed with added stimulants. Best to be applied 3 x at bud burst 1st application 2nd application commencement of flowering and 3 rd application on fruit set
• OceanPower will increase desirable yield, improve overall plant nutritional health, improve root growth and development, improve plant vigour and maximise crop potential during periods of stress
• Ocean Fert slow release pellets :-Fertiliser.
• Bio Gro certified
• OceanFert® is a slow release fertiliser. Soil micro-organisms breakdown and decompose the solid granules over a long period of time, slowly releasing nutrients and compounds as the growing plants require them.
• Improves growth, yield and quality of crops
6 weeks from planting
• Improves availability and composition of major and minor nutrients.
• Promotes greater root growth and development when applied into planting hole
• Enhances soil microbial activity in the soil.
• Improves soil pH, texture, aeration and drainage.