Publishers of Educational Books and Online Resources Ready-Ed Publications
2021 Recent Releases
Let’s Get Quizzical ‘Let’s Get Quizzical’ Books 1 and 2 are a collection of thematic research quizzes on a wide variety of subject. Each page of quiz questions invites children to explore numerous facets of a topic, using a mix of resource materials: books, newspapers, journals, atlases, as well as the internet. At the bottom of each quiz page a research section is offered for extension work. These “Research and Report” activities encourage students to investigate a topic in more depth than the quiz questions allow. The quiz activities in these book will not only provide children with a useful and interesting store of general knowledge, they will also foster solid research techniques, which will come in very useful in their further studies.
Let’s Get Quizzical 1
Years 4-6
Let’s Get Quizzical 2 REP-1433
Years 2-4
Sum-Thing’s Fishy! The creative, fun activities in ‘Sum-Thing’s Fishy’ are designed to encourage young students to extend and apply mathematical concepts they have already learnt. To assist teachers in planning maths sessions and assigning activity pages background Teaching Points are provided on facing pages. These include the following: Relevant mathematical concepts, skills appropriate to the page, and suggestions for use. Years 1-2
REP- 1318