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Which Brand?
Which Brand?
Identify the brand names associated with the following well-known slogans. Slogans Brand NamesThis is a Ready-Ed Publications' The fl avour really hits you. Just do it. book preview. Think diff erent. The spirit of Australia. The fresh food people. Lowest prices are just the beginning. Eat fresh. Taste the rainbow. Your potential; our passion. Connecting people
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Read this information to help you with the tasks on the following page. INFORMATION
The large number of brands in almost every category of goods and services can sometimes be overwhelming for consumers. choice With so much choice on the market, it can be diffi cult to decide which good or service to buy. One method that can be used, particularly when shopping for expensive goods and services, such as computers, televisions and repairs, is known as comparison shopping. The strategy works by comparing the compare price and features of a particular product with other similar products on the market before making a decision. As the advertised price is not always the lowest, consumers can often negotiate a better price with sales assistants by mentioning value that they have obtained quotes from other suppliers and requesting a further discount. This can result in considerable savings and greater customer satisfaction. When shopping for less expensive products, such as common grocery items, the unit pricing method can be used to calculate the cost of goods by weight or volume. This strategy enables consumers to compare the prices of diff erent brands, especially when they are packaged in diff erent quantities. It also prevents consumers being misled by words and phrases such as ‘value pack’ and ‘25% extra’ on larger packages of the same brand, which do not always provide better value for money. CONSUMER