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Blind Taste Test 1
Blind Taste Test 1
Conduct the blind taste test below.
What You Will Need Three diff erent brands of the same product such as cola, bottled This is a Ready-Ed Publications' water, potato chips or chocolate (enough for each member of the class to have a taste). Use at least two well-known brands and one home brand. book preview. Small cups, plates or napkins for each member to taste the products
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as needed. Instructions
1. 2.
Declare any food allergies before carrying out the activity. Discuss the kinds of things that people would consider when deciding between brands. For example, consumers of cola might consider criteria such as fl avour and the amount of fi zz. Choose two criteria for each product and enter them in the table below. Make a prediction about which of the three brands you would be likely to choose prior to completing the blind taste test.
_________________________________________________________________________ 4. Carry out a blind taste test and record your fi ndings in the table below. Sample trays of the product should be prepared ahead of time so that there is no evidence of the brand names or packaging to infl uence those who are sampling. 5. Rank the brands 1-3 in order of preference.
Criteria 1: Brand A Brand B Brand C
Criteria 2:
6. Rank: Rank: Rank:
Complete these rows after completing the blind taste test.