School of Health, Education and Social Care 2011 - 2012
INTRODUCTION Welcome to the School of Health, Education and Social Care at Barnet College. We are very pleased you have chosen to study with us and require you to make yourself familiar with the contents of this generic course handbook. It is also your responsibility to access and read the policies that are referred to herein.
STAFF DETAILS Barnet College Name Nina Bloomfield Hester Bonnerman Ros Burstein Felicity Cromwell Bridget Evans Mark Fountain Clare Hallam Jackie Hynes Kate James Laura Lemon Simone Lester Jane McFadden (0208 266 Andy Monaghan Julie Murphy Ike Odina Lisa Portland Janet Reale Fiona Russell Jenny Silvester Annette Small Nicola Stylianou Mine Tana Heather Tant Christalla Tsattala Asha Urhobo Ann Walshe Kirsten Willoughby
Wood Street
020 8200 8300
Ext 2620 2621 2554 2564 2570 2541 2535 2537 2857 2555 2516 4198
Location WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05
Role/department MGL Childcare & Education MGL Childcare & Education MGL Health & Social Care Sessional Lecturer MGL Health & Social Care Curriculum Manager – Health & Social Care MGL Childcare & Education Sessional Lecturer MGL Childcare & Education MGL Childcare & Education Sessional Lecturer MGL Childcare & Education
2619 2634 2505 2522 2628 2654 2571 2694 2606 2512 2550 2519 2557 2651 2728
WS/C-F05 WS/C-F10 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F04 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F01 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05 WS/C-F05
Sessional Lecturer Curriculum Manager – Childcare & Education MGL Health & Social Care Head of School MGL Health & Social Care MGL Health & Social Care MGL Childcare & Education MGL Childcare & Education Sessional Lecturer Sessional Lecturer Early Years Placement Officer Senior Administrator MGL – Health & Social Care MGL Health & Social Care MGL Health & Social Care
Wood Street Direct Dial = 0208 275 7xxx 2
FAX = 0208 275 2811
TUTORIALS As part of your course, you will have individual tutorials which will be an opportunity to monitor your progress and discuss any personal issues confidentially. You will also have a variety of enrichment opportunities throughout the year. You are also able to request a meeting with Lisa Portland, head of school for HESC. Please email in the first instance: (For urgent matters speak with your tutor to access my availability).
ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY Students are expected to attend all lessons, tutorials and placements and arrive promptly for the start of each session. Lateness and absence are recorded and monitored. College expectations at 95% with consistent attendance across all units. Excellent attendance and punctuality will always serve you well on University or Job applications, it proves you are reliable and conscientious and take your studies and your career seriously. Please make dental, doctor, optician and hospital appointments after college or placement hours or in the holidays where possible. If you need to make an appointment in college or placement hours, you will need to show your appointment card to your personal tutor so that your absence may be recorded as „explained‟. If you are unable to attend college for any reason, or if you are late, you need to call and leave a message for your personal tutor. If you are unable to attend placement, you must contact the setting before 9am and also contact your tutor or the placement officer. It is your responsibility to catch up on any work and write up notes you have missed through absence. If you are persistently late, you will be subject to the college‟s disciplinary procedure. Please read the college policy on Attendance and Punctuality
ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Please read this information very carefully……… We recommend that you word process your assignments if possible. This makes resubmission much easier. Always keep a copy of your assignments. If you handwrite your work you should make a photocopy before you submit it to your tutor. Your tutor will provide you with an assignment submission calendar together with marking and resubmission dates. All assignments must be submitted to your personal tutor at the beginning of the group tutorial on the correct day. Failure to submit an assignment will result in you being placed on Stage 1 of the disciplinary procedure. The assignment must then be submitted the following day. If you are ill, you will need to arrange for someone to deliver the assignment to the college on the day. You can arrange an extension with your tutor in advance, due to personal matters or illness, but not on the day that the assignment is due. In order to arrange an extension, you will need to put your request in writing and support your request with appropriate evidence, for example an appointment card or doctor‟s certificate.
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PLACEMENTS All Health & Social Care and Childcare courses have a practical element and placement is an integral part of the course. Students must undertake practical training across age ranges or types or settings as appropriate to their individual course of study. Evidence of competencies demonstrated during your placement will form part of your overall college assessment. Be professional at all times, successful placements can lead to job offers and excellent references carry considerable weight! Heather Tant is here to provide support for students in their placements. If you are having any difficulties, no matter how small, contact her as soon as possible so that she can arrange to talk to you or to visit the setting.
STUDENT SERVICES Your first point of contact at college will be your personal tutor who will meet with you regularly and try and help you with any problems or concerns which you may have. They may refer you to one of the student counsellors or you may prefer to approach them directly for help. These services are available to all students:
Confidential Counselling Welfare Advice Health Advice Financial Information Childcare Information Careers/Education Guidance
If you have any concerns, please seek help or advice. Talk to your personal tutor or a student counsellor. Small worries can usually be easily overcome but may build up to be a bigger problem if not dealt with quickly. All your tutors and placement supervisors are anxious that you succeed so do talk to them and let them help you. Student Services can be found on the ground floor of the building in the reception area.
Summary – Disciplinary Procedure To be used in conjunction with document entitled “Initial Analysis of Barriers to Achievement” (Attached to MLE Applications) and “Roles of Staff Involved in Support for Students”.
Stage One The personal tutor arranges an interview with the learner. Explore solutions to the problem/s. Tutor and learner agree an action plan set. Include referral to appropriate internal services.* Learner receives a copy of the action plan. Course team notified of meeting and action plan set.
a) b) c)
Two Weeks Improvement: Remain on stage One and monitored No Improvement or Tutor receives further notification of misconduct: Refer to Stage Two
Stage Two Disciplinary form and learners file forwarded to Curriculum Manager. Student invited to attend a Stage Two interview with manager. Revised action plan and targets set for the learner. Include referral to appropriate internal services.* If learner is under 18 years, details of meeting and outcomes sent to parents/guardian. Course team notified of meeting and action plan set
Weeks 1 and 4: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 6:Start/ continue Disciplinary Process if applicable.
24-Oct-11 31-Oct-11
Weeks 7 and 10: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 13:Start / continue Disciplinary Process if applicable.
19-Dec-11 26-Dec-11 02-Jan-11
Weeks 14 and 17: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 19: Start/ continue Disciplinary Process if applicable.
13-Feb-11 a) b) c) d)
Two Weeks Improvement: Remain on Stage Two and monitored No Improvement or Tutor receives further notification of misconduct or Learner has been suspended Refer to Stage Three
Weeks 20 and 23: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 25:Start / continue Disciplinary Process if applicable.
02-Apr-11 09-Apr-11 Stage Three Disciplinary form / Learners file / Statement/s – Forwarded to HOS. Meeting arranged between learner and HOS. Attendance at the meeting is compulsory. If learner fails to attend without explanation, the meeting will still take place in their absence. 1. A formal written warning with an action plan. Include referral to appropriate internal services.* Failure to keep to the plan could result in a recommendation for permanent exclusion being made by SMT. 2. An immediate disciplinary recommendation for permanent exclusion. Begin Common Assessment Framework referral
*See document “Staff involved in support for learners”
Weeks 26 and 29: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 31:Start/ continue Disciplinary Process if applicable. Weeks 31 and 34: Review attendance/punctuality/behaviour Identify learners with issues. Look for opportunities to praise and reward. Discussion/Support Week 36:Start/ continue Disciplinary Process if applicable.
COURSE HANDBOOKS 2011 The following College policies are accessible via the Intranet: -
Assessment and Achievement Policy Attendance and Punctuality Policy Bullying Policy Careers Policy Children on-site (for Students) Policy College Charter Complaints Procedure Student Code of Conduct Meeting Student Need (Barnet College‟s Disability Statement) (Copies are available from all main reception areas) Equal Opportunities Policy Health & Safety Policy Mission Statement Plagiarism Policy Draft Race Equality Policy Role of the Attendance Liaison Officer
The following policies are included in your handbook for information and ease of reference:
Conduct for external assessments / tests Attendance and Punctuality Policy Disciplinary Procedure flowchart Student Appeals Against Assessment Decisions Role of the Personal Tutor and Tutorials Role of the Student Representative Complaints Procedure Additional Curriculum Support Fire / First Aid Procedures Role of the Attendance Liaison Officer
Site maps are available from Reception areas and were distributed as part of your Induction pack.
This Course Handbook can be made available in alternative formats on request. If you require this, please contact your tutor. There is further a range of services available to students within the College. Details on these services are described in your Student Diary. If you have not received a copy of the Student Diary, please ask you tutor for one.
Specific Course Information Your personal tutor will supply you with the following details about your course:
Examination and assignment calendar Term dates and placement dates Course content
Dear Student, Work hard, research, study, ask for help and you will succeed. Take advantage of all your college opportunities and don’t hesitate to speak to me about any concerns you may have. Lisa Portland Head of Health, Education and Social Care/14-16 Designated Safeguarding Officer: Direct line: 020 8266 4077 Health Education & Social Care Barnet College, Wood Street High Barnet Barnet EN5 4AZ
0208275 7634 ext. 2522 Direct Line: 0208 275 7522 College Mobile: 07545 423290