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PROGRAM OF ARTISTIC RESIDENCIES INSTITUT FRANCAIS APPLICATION FORM FOR FOREIGN CREATORS CITÉ INTERNATIONALE DES ARTS / PARIS Applications must be sent by French Embassy, Institut Français or Alliance Française of the candidate’s country of residence to : citedesarts@institufrancais.com > CANDIDATE (TO BE COMPLETED IN CAPITALS) Mrs Ms Mr ➲ Profession

➲ Last name (official)

➲ First name

➲ Date of birth

Passport-sized photo

…/…/… (dd/mm/yy)) ➲ Nationality

➲ Adress ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………...……………………………………………………………………… Zip Code ………………Town ……………………………… Counry……………………………………

➲ Telephone ……………………………… Mobile ………………………… E-mail ………………………………………………………………………… Web site ………………………………………………………………………

> SUBSIDIES ALREADY OBTAINED (grants, awards, residencies...)

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> CURRENT PROJECTS (shows, exhibitions, éditions, talks,...)

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> DISCIPLINE : 1 – Visual arts : plastic arts – photography – new images – design – curator or critic studies – graphism ; 2 – Performing arts: theatre, dance – circus – dramaturgy – contemporary & experimental music – actual music ; 3 – Litterature ; 5 – Cinema ; 6 – Multidisciplinary projects : peformance – scenography – research ; 7 - Others disciplines : architecture – urbanism and landscape – digital arts – decorative arts – fashion

> PLANNED DATES AND LENGHT OF RESIDENCY (3 months maximum, mark the quarter or precise the dates)



July 3 2012

September 27 2012

October 2 2012

December 27 2012

January 3 2013

March 28 2013

April 2 2013

June 27 2013

> PROJECT OUTLINE (5 lines maximum)

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> OPINION AND COMMENTS ON THE PROJECT BY THE FRENCH CULTURAL INSTITUTION The representative of the french cultural institution must motivate the application and describe how the residency will be promoted after the candidate’s return in his/her country. He’s also invited to mention if a grant is allowed to the candidate. If not, the representative must make sure that the candidate will be able to cover his/her expenses.

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> PIECES A JOINDRE > A resume. > A sworn statement confirming that the candidate : - is the author of the works submitted to the commission ; - will be free from their professional activities during the whole residency period. > A photocopy of a current valid identity card or passport. > A photocopy of repatriation insurance covering the whole period of stay, to be sent to Institut français before the arrival. > The detailed project in the form of a typed note of 3 to 10 pages in French or English. The candidate should indicate the motivation of his/her stay, themes of research and nature of the works. > Any visual or sound document in French or English that may help to give an idea of the project. Deposit Applications must be sent by French Embassy, Institut Français or Alliance Française of the candidate’s country of residence to : citedesarts@institufrancais.com NOTICE : Application forms should not exceed 10Mo

For any further informations on Cité internationale des arts program, please contact : Laetitia Chauvin, chargée de mission pour les résidences (laetitia.chauvin@institufrancais.com) Deadline 1st commission: April 7, 2012 2nd commission October 2012 (to be confirmed)

> ADDITIONAL SERVICES The Cité internationale des Arts purposes services to help you to develop your project and improve your stay. All these services are available for an additional fee, which, has to be settled directly with the Cité.

PRICE LIST 2012 Adult companion : 110 euros for one month Visitor stays : 140 euros for a stay up to one month Visitor stays : 95 euros for a stay of one week Young child from 4 to 7 years : 60 euros for a stay up to one month Young child from 4 to 7 years : 40 euros for a stay of one week Young child from 0 to 4 years : free

NOTICE : Studios are not conceived for families. 2 parents with a child is a maximum. Collective studios for visual artists (etching, lithography, silkscreen printing) : 85 euros for one month, 80 euros the following month Two collective studios simultaneously : 135 euros for one month, 120 euros the following month Ceramics kiln : 30 euros per session Photography dark room : 30 euros for one day Upright piano: 65 euros for one month Grand piano : 80 euros for one month French lessons : 10 euros for a lesson two hours long Car Parking : 55 euros for one month Museum pass: free

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