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Am Flutgraben 3 12435 Berlin telefon +49 30 27580882 fax +49 30 2476319 internet www.raumlabor-berlin.de

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf


about raumlaborberlin


clients and more




press (selection)




projects: situative narratives


projects: mobile activators


projects: urban strategies


projects: real utopias


projects: urban intervention objects

Am Flutgraben 3 12435 Berlin telefon +49 30 27580882 fax +49 30 2476319 internet www.raumlabor-berlin.de

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

raumlaborberlin is a Berlin based network-collective of 8 trained architects founded in 1999. raumlaborberlin works at the intersection of architecture, city planning, art and urban intervention. We address in our work city and urban renewal as a process. We are DWWUDFWHG WR GLIĂ€FXOW XUEDQ ORFDtions. Places torn between different systems, time periods or planning ideologies that cannot adapt. Places that are abandoned, left over or in transition that contains some relevance for the processes of urban transformations. Our projects approach the city from very different perspectives, they range from complex large scale urban strategies (Aktivierende Stadtentwicklung Flughafen Tempelhof, Kolorado Neustadt) and a specialization in dynamic master planning to urban intervention objects (Crossing Path Super Bench, CanapĂŠ Saint-Nazaire), which address D VSHFLĂ€F VLWXDWLRQV LQ FLW\ VSDFH in a direct and immediate way. Our real utopias (Eichbaumoper, Open House) are multi layered cultural projects, which start from a strong and VHHPLQJO\ XWRSLDQ LGHD IRU D GLIĂ€FXOW site. They combine a broad range

of often unconventional planning strategies and initiate active alliances between local actors and external experts. The situative narratives (Big Crunch, Der Berg) translate a SDUWLFXODU VWRU\ FRQà LFW RU VLWXDWLRQ into architectonical space. Our mobile activators (Kitchen Monument, Cape Fear) opens urban space for temporary collective uses, explore its qualities and possibilities and interact with the architectural and the social spaces. We transform urban spaces into something completely different, far from all expectations and visions. We move programmatic narratives into urban spaces, install new atmospheres and create a sense of new potential. Through the participation of local actors in cooperation with experts from all creative GLVFLSOLQHV QHZ ÀHOGV RI DFWLRQ DUH discovered, tested, and projected into the future.

For our projects, we form tailored teams of interdisciplinary experts. City residents are also specialists. No one knows better in each respective situation than those who have to deal with the places on a daily basis. Thus we can gain valuable information about the history, fears, desires, H[LVWHQWLDO QHHGV DV ZHOO DV GHÀFLWV that exist like an invisible network over every spatial situation. Thus we discover new areas of action and RSHQ QHZ ÀHOGV RI H[SHULPHQWDtion, whose possibilities we test and examine collectively. We understand architecture as an experimental laboratory for a moment related to the participatory work practice in urban areas. For us architecture is not an object, but rather as history, a layer of the history of the place. As architects, artist we are more of activists, because we operate within the city. Architecture is a tool, in the search for a city of possibilities!

The activation of public space plays a key role in powering the development of vibrant, contemporary and adaptive neighborhoods. We try to invent new user-based applications and involve the urban actors as early as possible in the transformation processes.


big crunch 2011 Darmstadt in context of Architektursommer ´VWDGWÀQGHQµ www.raumlabor.net/?p=4108

which seems to roll towards the building. It is possible to enter this ’whirlpool’. This swarm of common items of civilization, such as furniture, refrigerators, wooden items, scrap, timber, windows etc., can be used and be acquired as a gathering SODFH DQG IRUXP IRU FRQÁLFWV DQG GLVFXVsions.

What meaning does the historical centre of a city carry and who has sovereignty over that meaning? Shortly before the demolition of Palast der Republik in Berlin, raumlaborberlin built a huge mountain formation in, on and in front of this controversial building. The mountain showed that even a rough concrete ruin can become home to people, their past and their dreams. Its size, grace and

speed, along with the countless installations, performances and record numbers of visitors to it, caused a great storm within the political debate; a storm which unfortunately calmed all too quickly. However, this still remains one of the boldest projects on this list.

© raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

7KH LQVWDOODWLRQ ´7+( %,* &581&+µ ZDV EXLOG DV SDUW RI WKH ࡐVWDGWÀQGHQ´ Architektursommer Darmstadt on the Georg-Büchner-Platz in Darmstadt. The idea was to assemble a kind of swarm of common items which have been cast away in the Georg-BüchnerAnlage. These things condense in direction of the theatre to a sort of ball

der berg 2005 Berlin, Palast der Republik organised by the Sophiensälen, HAU, raumlaborberlin and Club Real www.raumlabor.net/?p=90


küchenmonument since May 2006 Duisburg, Mülheim, Hamburg, Warschau, Giessen, Berlin, Liverpool u. a. www.raumlabor.net/?p=88

The Trojan horse is a metaphore we have taken in using the monument to create urban identity. This mobile sculpture transports identity into the the public sphere, enabeling people to actively co-create. The monument is a tool for recapturing public space.

Construction work is going on at ´:RQGHUV RI WKH 3UDLULHµ ,Q WKH H\HV of the public a boat is built from pieces of wood, junk, and offset-metals at the Alte Feuerwache. A sign points out that raumlabor-berlin is building a submarine ZKLFK ZLOO EH VHQW RQWR D ࡐGDQJHURXV´ journey on the Neckar and Rhein to Ludwigshafen on Sept. 20. At its destination it will be handed over to the Kunstverein Ludwigshafen.

With a team of ten courageous persons we built the boat/vessel and then naviJDWHG LW RQ D GLIÀFXOW DQG DGYHQWXURXV journey.

© raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

The Kitchen Monument is a mobile sculpture which has two states of being. This zinc sheetclad sculpture can be extended into public space by a pneumatic spatial mantle that transforms it into a temporary collective space. Different programmes are staged in different places. Its broad spectrum of uses includes a banquet hall, conference room, cinema, concert hall, ballroom, dormitory, boxing arena and steam bath.

cape fear 2008 Mannheim commissioned by the festival ´:XQGHU GHU 3UlULHµ www.raumlabor.net/?p=600


aktivierende stadtentwicklung Ă XJKDIHQ WHPSHOKRI 2007-2009 Berlin commissioned by Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development www.raumlabor.net/?p=84

development in Tempelhof is a strategic approach to a generation of quality growth on different layers of planning that have to be developped parallely. These layers are adjusted regularly and synchronised with the ongoing development of Tempelhofer Feld. This way urban development functions as a successive agglomeration of activities, programmes and networks which will gradually manifest in an architectural way.

Halle Neustadt was one of the largest urban planing projects carried out in the GDR. As a start-up socialist city, Halle Neustadt was to be a counter-design to capitalist urban planing. Due to drastic economic restructuring of the former GDR, the population of Halle Neustadt sank dramatically in the early 1990s. The traditional top-down planning tools of urban development had already failed before we began our work. One of the objectives of our work was therefore WR ÀQG ZD\V RI EUHDNLQJ XS FRQIURQWDtions beween the actors involved and

to create negotiation space. The project involved designing urban development strategies within the context of urban shrinkage. We developed a new smaller VFDOH VWUXFWXULQJ RI WKH FLW\ LQWR Ă€HOGV whose development could and should EH GLIIHUHQW IURP Ă€HOG WR Ă€HOG (VVHQWLDO DVSHFWV RI WKH GLYHUVLĂ€FDWLRQ SURFHVV were to attract attention to smaller urban HOHPHQWV XVLQJ WKH ´.RORUDGR 3ODQÂľ DQG to include residents in the development process and to initiate negotiation processes using developmental objectives and means.

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

An ideas workshop is working out a concept for an integrated urban development of Tempelhof considering the special situation in Berlin, recognizing urban pioneers as catalysts and initiators of urban activity and applying them as tools of site development. Site activation by urban pioneers and culural initiatives is linked with long-term urban development concepts from the start and is taken to mean an integrative component of the entire development process. Integrated urban

kolorado - neustadt 2002–2005 Berlin, Halle-Neustadt commissioned by Halle City Planning 2IĂ€FH LQ WKH FRQWH[W RI ´6WDGWXPEDX 2VWÂľ www.raumlabor.net/?p=76


eichbaumoper and beyond since 2008/2009 MĂźlheim/Eichbaum In collaboration with Schauspiel Essen, Ringlokschuppen MĂźlheim, Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen www.raumlabor.net/?p=590 www.eichbaumoper.de

and the inhospitable spaces became the IRUPDWLYH SDUW RI WKH ŕĄ?(LFKEDXPRSHU´ which was performed in 2009. Theatrical and urban spaces are no longer VHSDUDWHG IURP HDFK RWKHU 7KH ŕĄ?(LFKbaumoper“, constructed from a neglected station became a theater in which there were no spectators, only actors and in addition to the artistic enjoyment of the spectacular moments of the newly formed Opera, a process of change was activated, which persists until today.

Open House is a vertical village, a social sculpture. We were asked to design, build and program the center of the Open City, a self-learning laboratory, constantly in creation and transformation for the collective research of the New Community. The aim was to initiate a process between international and local artists as well as the citizens of the open city, to discuss the issues of community against the background of rapid urban redevelopments in Anyang, South Korea, to construct a unique form

of collective space. A subjective urban research was the basis for our physical and social link with the existing urban landscape. The results of our research, our observations and experiences have directly influenced the shape and features of Open House.

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

Eichbaumoper characterises the temporary transformation of the metro station (LFKEDXP LQWR DQ RSHUD KRXVH �(LFKbaum’ is a crosspoint and station located between the cities of Essen and Mßlheim. Once considered as a place of aspiration DQG KRSH WKH �(LFKEDXPҋ LV QRZ VKDSHG by vandalism, fear and foreboding. The invited composers, librettists and local residents formed the opera. In addition to the local peoples stories, the noise of the highway, the rhythm of the passing metro

open house 2010 Anyang/Korea commissioned by Anyang Public Art Project 2010 / A New Community in the Open City www.raumlabor.net/?p=2732

During the summer, we conducted an 8-week public house building workshop. In this time, more than 200 residents have participated in the construction of houses, the design and furnishings.


canapee saint-nazaire 2011 France/Saint-Nazaire comissened by Le Grand Cafe, Saint Nazaire Centre d´Art Contemporain www.raumlabor.net/?p=3438

almost completely destroyed in the Second World War. It was rebuilt in a Modernist manner with expanded streets and wide urban spaces. There is a lot of open space for possible appropriation around the city center and the harbor. The Canape Saint-Nazaire is a mobile wooden bench designed by raumlabor for the use in public space. It is an invitation to conquer the public spaces of Saint-Nazaire.

Right behind the train station Porta Garibaldi: An area like a piece of periphery right in the centre of Milano. Not a place to rest but to traverse. Here, at the end of Cavalcavia Eugenio Bussa, which connects the quarter Isola over the railway track with the more central Zona 1, over the years pedestrians formed footpaths on a small patch of lawn.The existing network of paths does not entirely comply with the needs of movement in the city. It is rationalized in a slow process by daily use. The net-

work of informal paths superimposes the planned and paved alleys and complements these with shortcuts and a bike lane parallel to the stairs. Superbench substantiate this common phenomenon WHPSRUDULO\ 7KH DUHDV ZDV ´GHYHORSHGµ with ordinary Milan benches, which were positioned precisely along the edges. For a summer, the crossing path super EHQFK µLQVWLWXWLRQDOL]HGµ WKH LQIRUPDO QHWwork of footpaths, which are not a result of top-down planning, but originates in an act of appropriation of public space.

© raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

One of raumlabor’s motivations is to engender alternative practices within the city, fostered through cooperation and self-empowerment. They explore what remains of collective ideals and ways to overcome today’s harsh conditions of economic competition. Establishing temporary communities is one tool to creating a surrogate notion of a city beyond the capitalist logic of use-value DQG SURÀWDELOLW\ Saint-Nazaire was

crossing path superbench 2011 Milano invited by Public Designfestival organized by Esterni www.raumlabor.net/?p=4740


clients & more

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

Galeries and museums: Schirn Kunsthalle/Frankfurt; PS1/New York; Akademie der KĂźnste/Berlin; Kunstwerke/Berlin; Aedes-Galerie/ Berlin; Transmediale/Berlin; HdKW/ Berlin;KunstraumKreuzberg/Berlin; ZKM Karlsruhe; Kunsthaus Bregenz; Museum Folkwang/ Essen; Galerie Kritiku/Praha; 0047/Oslo; CAPC/Bordeaux; Tate Modern/ London; Kulturamt Rostock; Kunstvereine in Wolfsburg, Freiburg; Frankfurt and Heidelberg; NGBK/Berlin; The Centre for Contemporary Art; Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw Architecture centers: MAI/Essen, DAZ/Berlin,BDA Galerie, Architekturforum OberĂśsterreich, Bauhaus Dessau, Bauhaus Archiv/Berlin, Shrinking Cities, Storefront for Art+Architecture/New York, Pavillion Suisse/Paris, Casa Encendida/ Madrid European Capitals of Culture: in Copenhagen 1996, Graz 2003, Ruhr 2010 International Building Exhibitions: IBA FĂźrst PĂźckler Land, IBA Stadtumbau 2010 Sachsen Anhalt, IBA Berlin 2020

Biennials: Biennale di Architettura, Venice 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010; Anyang Biennial 2010/South Korea Liverpool Biennial; Berlinbiennale for Contemporary Art Festivals: Espace Temporaire/ GenĂŠve, Public Design Festival/ Milano, Akzente Festival/Duisburg, Ortstermine Festival/MĂźnchen, Steirischer Herbst 06/08/09/Graz, ŕĄ?*ORZ´ (LQGKRYHQ ƒ %HUOLQ Periferic 8/Iasi/Romania, Portavillion/London, Tuned City/Berlin, Club Transmediale/Berlin, Wunder der Prärie/Mannheim, Theater der Welt/Halle Saale and many more Theatres: MĂźnchner Kammerspiele, Theater Freiburg, Ringlokschuppen MĂźlheim/Ruhr, Grillo Theater Essen, Stadttheater Heidelberg, Thalia Theater Halle/Saale, Sophiensaele/Berlin, HAU/Berlin, Kampnagelfabrik/Hamburg, Theater an der Parkaue/Berlin, Festspielhaus St.PĂślten, Comedie de Caen Comunes Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development, +DOOH &LW\ 3ODQQLQJ 2IĂ€FH )HGHUDO 2IĂ€FH IRU %XLOGLQJ DQG 5HJLRQDO Planning(BBR), Cultural Department of the City of Munich

Our projects have been funded by the Federal German Cultural Foundation (Bundeskulturstiftung); Hauptstadtkulturfonds; European Commision, Cultural Programm; Lottostiftung; Kunststiftung NRW and Sachsen Anhalt; Stiftung Mercator; Goethe Institutes of Warsaw New York, Prag, Moscow, Milano, Torino and many private companies Awards: Eichbaumoper was is nominated for Mies van der Rohe Award 2011, Eichbaumoper was nominated for Urban Intervention Award 2010, raumlaborberlin was nominated for Ian Chernikhow Prize 2010, Eichbaumoper was Ă€QDOLVW IRU WKH (XURSHDQ 3UL]H IRU Public Space 2010, Kitchen Monument was nominated for Mies van der Rohe Award 2009, Kolorado 1HXVWDGW LV ´EHVW SUDFWLFHÂľ 3URMHFW RI WKH ´,QLWLDWLYH %DXNXOWXUÂľ Hans Schäfers Preis - Auszeichung, Kolorado Neustadt, 2004 Erich Schelling Preis for Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, 2004 We are teaching Professors at the Technische Fachhochschule Dortmund and the Academy for Art, Architecture and Design in Prague.


publications (selection)

© raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

acting in public 2008 raumlaborberlin and Julia Meyer; Jovis Verlag/Berlin http://www.raumlabor.net/?p=235

the knot 2011 Markus Bader, Oliver Baurhenn, Kuba Szreder, Raluca Voinea & Katharina Koch, Jovis Verlag, Berlin http://www.raumlabor.net/?p=4259

U(topie)18 2007 'RNXPHQWDUÀOP Jan Liesegang, Matthias Rick, Florian Riegel; Duisburg/Mülheim/Essen http://www.raumlabor.net/?p=552

Dolmusch X-Press 2007 raumlaborberlin und Peanutz Architekten, Eigenverlag/Berlin

Halle-Neustadt-Führer 2006 Markus Bader, Daniel Hermann Hg., Mitteldeutscher Verlag/Halle an der Saale http://www.raumlabor.net/?p=478

Hotel Neustadt 2004 Thalia Theater Halle Hg., Alexander Verlag/Berlin http://www.raumlabor.net/?p=403


press (selection)

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf



2011 “Moderato Cantabile, SpaceEXVWHUÂľ LQ TEMPORARY Architecture Now!, Taschen, KĂśln

Autumn 2011 “Aus Neu mach Alt 7KH %LJ &UXQFK Âľ LQ frieze d/e, Contemporary Art and Culture

´QR WUXVW QR FLW\¾ ,QWHUYLHZ by Hans Ulrich Obrist, in: Kaleidoscope A Contemporary Magazin, Milano

´(LFKEDXPRSHU¾ LQ Testify. The consequences of architecture, NAi Publishers

´ -DKUH 3ODQXQJ¾ Dieter Hoffmann-Axhelm, in: StadtBauwelt

´(LFKEDXPRSHU¾ LQ arqua Architectura e Arte, Lisboa

2010 “Open Hous, Bang Bang, 2SHQ 0DVWHUSODQÂľ LQ New Comunity in the open city, Anyang Public Art Project

04/2011 “Eichbaumoper�, in: arqua Architectura e Arte, Lisboa

´6WUHHWIRRWEDOOZRUOGÂľ LQ Container Architcture, NRW-Forum DĂźsseldorf 2009 “Cape Fear, Moderato Cantabile, Silver Pearl Conference &HQWHU DQG 6SDÂľ LQ Spacecraft 2, Gestalten Berlin 2007 “Schrebers Delight, Der Berg, .LWFKHQ 0RQXPHQWÂľ LQ Spacecraft, Gestalten Berlin ´UDXPODERUEHUOLQÂľ LQ Find the Gap. Neue KĂśpfe und Wege in der Architektur, Aedes Berlin

´9L %\JJHU $OGULJ $OHQHÂľ in: Arkiteken, Midkertidig architektur, København 06-07/2011 “raumlabor“ & “house RI FRQWDPLQDWLRQÂľ LQ eme3_2011eme3, 6th Int. Architecture Festival, COAC/ Arts Santa Mònica / DHUB /Elisava, Barcelona 05/2011 “Contested Mobility, Future &LWLHV DQG 3XEOLF /LJKWÂľ LQ Domus Magazine for Architecture, Design and Art ´UDXPODERUÂľ ,QWHUYLHZ E\ Silvia Franceschini, in: Klat Magazine Contemporary Art, Design, Architecture

Winter/2011 “Dome Culture in the 7ZHQW\ Ă€UVW &HQWXU\Âľ LQ Grey Room Inc. and Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11/2006 “Luftraum - Temporäre Orte I U GLH 6WDGWÂľ LQ md International magazine of design 02/2011 “Der (un)entschiedene Wettbewerb. Raumlabor baut modulare Kunst-Stadt in Berlinâ€?, BauNetz Berlin, BauNetz 06/2010, ERA 21: Germany: New Urban Strategies, Brno (Edition curated by Matthias Rick/raumlaborberlin) 11/2006 “Temporäre Orte fĂźr die Stadtâ€? in: md international magazin of design



Francesco Apuzzo born in Naples (Italy) in 1972, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin) where he graduated with a Diplom (Masters) in 2003. He was awarded the DCI Prize for Best Diplom Thesis. He has been in practicing partnership with Axel Timm since 2004 and a member of raumlaborberlin since 2005.

Š raumlaborberlin, 2011, PRESS_webA4.pdf

Markus Bader born in Karlsruhe in 1968, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin) and London (Bartlett, School of Architecture). He worked 3 \HDUV LQ GLIIHUHQW DUFKLWHFWXUH RIĂ€FHV in London and Berlin, was Assistant of Prof. Inken Baller at BTU Cottbus for 6 years, taught as Professor at Academie of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague 2009/10, currently teaches as International Guest Professor at the FH DĂźsseldorf, founded raumlabor in 1999 Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius born in Stuttgart in 1968, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin/HDK) and Copenhagen (Kunstakademie). He received a prize for best Diploma 1999 and won the Max Taut Prize for Best Diplom (Masters) Thesis. In 1997 he founded the “Institut fĂźr DQJHZDQGWH %DXNXQVWÂľ ,QVWLWXWH RI Applied Architecture), taught as Professor at Academie of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague 2010/11. He has been a performance architect since 1998 and a member of raumlaborberlin since 2000.

Andrea Hofmannn born in OsnabrĂźck in 1969, she studied Architecture in Munster (FH Munster), where she graduated in 1995. 1996–2000 post-graduate studies at Kunsthochschule Berlin WeiĂ&#x;ensee. In 1999 she co-founded raumlaborberlin. Jan Liesegang born in Cologne in 1968, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin), Copenhagen (Kunstakademie) and New York (Cooper Union, School of Architecture). He received a prize for best Diploma in 1997, worked 3 years for Sauerbruch/ Hutton Architects, was Assistant of Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch and Guest Professor at Art Academy Stuttgart, residency in Villa Massimo/ Roma in 2010, founded raumlabor in 1999.

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Axel Timm born in Hannover in 1973, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin), where he graduated with a Diplom (Masters) in 2004. 2003–2005 he was a member of the board of Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben e.V. Since 2005 he has been head RI ´$XWRWUDQV /WG Âľ VRFLHW\ IRU DUWLVWLF production and studio administration. 2010/11 he taught at the FH Dortmund as Guest Professor. He has been in practicing partnership with Francesco Apuzzo since 2004 and a member of raumlaborberlin since 2005.

Christof Mayer born in Wangen i. A., in 1969, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin, HDK) and London (Bartlett School of Architecture). He worked 2 years in different architecWXUH RIĂ€FHV IRXQGHG RIĂ€FH LQ SDUWnership with Martin Heberle in 2000. He has been an external examiner at the ETH Lausanne since 2006, founded raumlaborberlin in 1999. Matthias Rick born in Versmold in 1965, he studied Architecture in Berlin (TU Berlin). In 1997 he founded the “Institut fĂźr angewandte %DXNXQVWÂľ ,QVWLWXWH RI $SSOLHG Architecture), was assistant of Prof Horst Antes for 3 years, founded the Institute for Applied Building Arts/ Berlin 1997, taught as Professor at Academie of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague 2009-11, part of raumlabor since 2002.


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