ABOUT EVOLVE HOUSING At Evolve Housing, we believe in everyone’s right to a home — somewhere to feel safe and secure and to be part of a community. Although our core service is providing housing to those in need, we do more than simply put a roof over our residents’ heads. We also offer programs, activities and services that enrich our residents’ lives and help them feel connected to their community.
OUR VISION Thriving communities for all people.
• Quality, accessible, affordable housing developments that build strong, integrated and sustainable communities.
OUR PURPOSE To enable more people to live in quality homes
We provide subsidised housing to people living on
in thriving and inclusive communities.
very low to moderate incomes who are unable to pay for appropriate housing in the private market.
WHO WE ARE Evolve Housing is one of the largest not-for-profit
Through alliances with governments, developers and
community housing providers in Australia. As of
investors we create new community housing stock to
30 June 2020, we managed 4,054 properties housing
help meet a growing demand. Our properties cater to
8,419 residents. We have a presence in 32 local
a diverse range of needs, household sizes and incomes,
government areas across the Sydney and Hunter
so we can offer a variety of options to our residents.
regions, as well as the NSW Central Coast and Mid North Coast. We manage key worker housing
We help people to reach their potential by providing
in Victoria*, and also have a presence in Tasmania
support services and programs. These include
through our membership of Centacare Evolve Housing.
education and training programs that provide opportunities for residents to participate in their
communities and pursue their career aspirations.
At Evolve Housing, we provide:
We also offer tailored support plans to address certain
• Safe and secure housing for people experiencing
areas of need in residents’ lives including physical
homelessness or those on lower incomes
health, mental health, education and job readiness.
experiencing housing stress,
Our regular social activities bring people together,
• Support services, programs, financial grants and activities that empower individuals, build their
which helps residents to feel welcome and part of a local community.
capabilities, and provide pathways to greater independence, and * In association with Jens Veal Byrne Pty Limited ABN 56 608 923 646 trading as EchoRealty in Victoria under licence from Evolve Housing Limited ABN 16 127 713 731
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