Over the past financial year, Evolve Housing has
been working on a number of projects to improve
To allow our staff to work together effectively online,
our digital processes and infrastructure to ensure
we will be adopting Office 365 and its suite of cloud
that we can operate as efficiently and securely
collaboration tools.
as possible. Features include digital conferencing, voice calls, secure
file sharing through OneDrive and SharePoint, chats
A major part of this journey has been moving our
through Teams, and version control of documents.
enterprise resource planning system to a solution called Software as a Service, which will be used by
Using Office 365 will enhance collaboration across
many different areas of our business (including HR,
Evolve Housing, and also presents us with future
Contact Centre, Asset & Maintenance, Finance
opportunities to better engage with our residents
and Resident Services) to store important data
(for example, through the creation of an extranet
and documents.
or through the secure sharing of documents that residents can directly access).
Adopting the cloud solution Software as a Service involves moving our data and integrated systems
The whole platform can be accessed online, making it
into the cloud, which will provide a more secure,
easy for teams to work together even if they are not all
robust service platform that can be accessed from
in the office.
any location and on any type of device. We will also be migrating our IT infrastructure onto Using the new cloud-based system will also help us
Microsoft Azure, which is a cloud-based platform.
to save costs and streamline our services. This project will run parallel with our Tech1 project, This project began with a roadmap in October 2019
and is expected to be running by November 2020.
and is expected to go live from November 2020, after the testing, system preparation and User Acceptance
Testing processes occur.
We have replaced our previous contact centre software with Genesis Pure Cloud, a cloud contact centre service
The cloud solution Software as a Service has been
that is fully web-based.
created by Tech1, who have also very generously donated 12 laptops to Evolve Housing.
This new system is easy to manage and use, and gives our Contact Centre staff a lot more independence
We will be distributing these laptops to some of
and control than they had previously, allowing them
the young people who participate in our programs,
to schedule calendar events, make reports, access
to be used for their education.
information, and chart Key Performance Indicators.
22 | Evolve Housing Annual Report 2019–20