Members of Evolve Housing’s 2019–2020 Resident Advisory Group.
WELCOMING OUR NEW RESIDENT ADVISORY GROUP Our new Resident Advisory Group (RAG) began working
backgrounds and geographic areas of Sydney.
together in February this year, and have been meeting
Some long-term members have remained in the
each month.
group, while we also welcomed aboard some new residents, providing a good balance of experience
The role of the RAG is to represent all residents, relay
and fresh perspectives.
any concerns residents may have, and provide feedback to us about our activities, programs and key policies.
We have created a flat structure for the group, which enables all members to have their say and
The group includes a diverse mix of residents of
provide feedback and suggestions on the work we
all ages coming from a wide variety of cultural
do. Each month, the RAG makes a suggestion for
48 | Evolve Housing Annual Report 2019–20