One of the most successful components of Evolve
In early 2020, EchoRealty also expanded into Victoria,*
Housing’s strategy has been forging mutually
managing 76 affordable properties for key workers
beneficial partnerships with government, private
in Moonee Ponds, just seven kilometres north-west
corporations and not-for-profits to deliver more
of Melbourne’s CBD.
affordable housing. The properties are located in a high-quality mixed
tenure apartment building that includes 29 privately
We currently manage 62 affordable properties in
EchoRealty at market rent.
rented properties, which are also being managed by
Sydney Olympic Park for key workers who are employed in the area.
All apartments within the building have the same high-quality features and equal access to amenities
Evolve Housing was selected to manage the properties
including a pool, gymnasium and entertainment areas.
in November 2019 after a competitive tender process for the Sydney Olympic Park Authority’s Affordable
A property launch was held in February 2020 in
Housing Program.
Melbourne, with Evolve Housing CEO Lyall Gorman attending alongside representatives from Aware Super
Tenants in the properties are required to be on a low
and Altis Property Partners.
to moderate income, and many are working in Sydney Olympic Park in a sports related role, or as an essential
Mr Gorman said that the project meets an important
service worker in industries including health care,
need for essential workers.
education, emergency services, law enforcement, aged care and childcare.
“Key workers such as police officers, nurses and teachers are among the hardest working, most
essential service providers in our community, but
EchoRealty has partnered with real estate firm Altis
unfortunately, rising rental prices often prevent them
Property Partners to manage affordable housing for
from living within a reasonable commuting distance
key workers employed in industries such as emergency
to their workplace,” he said.
services, law enforcement and healthcare on behalf of superannuation provider Aware Super.
“This project allows these workers to live in high-quality homes and cut down on their commute time without
We have worked together on four housing projects
having to stretch their budget. We know only too well
in NSW, located in Epping, Hurstville, Northmead
the huge positive impact on quality of life and overall
and Waterloo, comprising a total of 138 apartments
individual and family well-being that projects such as
housing up to 138 key worker households on low
this have. We would like to applaud Aware Super and
to moderate incomes.
Altis Property Partners for having the initiative and
64 | Evolve Housing Annual Report 2019–20