EchoRealty, a division of Evolve Housing, is a profit-forpurpose real estate agency. Launched in 2017, the agency was the first of its kind in NSW specialising in affordable housing. While most of the properties that EchoRealty manages are affordable housing (owned by Evolve Housing or a private landlord), the team also manages some privately owned properties leased at market rent on a fee-for-service basis. With a combined 50 years’ experience in private and affordable housing management, the EchoRealty team has successfully partnered with government and private organisations including the Aboriginal Housing Office, City of Parramatta, Willoughby Council, Altis Property Partners, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, various developers and investors. Since its launch, EchoRealty has been very successful, growing its affordable housing portfolio from 40 properties to 1,413 properties. Of EchoRealty’s property portfolio, 262 dwellings are owned by Evolve Housing, and we have played an active part in growing affordable housing supply in Australia by building our own developments.
Apartment located at 17 Lachlan Street, Waterloo NSW.
EchoRealty’s aim is to provide affordable, high-quality
Unlike traditional real estate agents, EchoRealty’s
properties and supportive tenancy management
profits are reinvested to create more social and
to residents, and to help increase the supply of
affordable housing stock and to fund social support
affordable housing in NSW by partnering with
programs for disadvantaged members of the
developers and investors.
community. EchoRealty also provides fee-for-service property management for key worker housing.
EchoRealty’s affordable properties are available to
Key worker housing is housing provided at below
households with low-to-moderate incomes. Income
market rent to eligible applicants who are employed
limits are applied to relevant affordable housing
in essential services such as aged care, health care,
policies and schemes, combination of household
education, emergency services, childcare and
members, size and market rent of the dwelling.
law enforcement.
66 | Evolve Housing Annual Report 2019–20