CommStrat Chat - Jan 2011

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Issue 1 January 2011

Driver’s Seat

Job Boards

Spirit of enterprise

Moving on Magento


My Business

X Factor & Fishnets

producing the brand

in Focus

The Associates

400 titles later

forums and finance

Melbourne Conferences & Events spreading the good word

Graphic Design aka Arty Farty department


Bulletins & Publications

results you can calculate

a serious venture

Spirit Of Enterprise Matt’s Chat

elcome to 2011 and the first

With Magento as a platform users and

is heading up online development – new

issue of CommStrat Chat,

clients and customers have a profile, we can

business online, and to lead sales in events out

designed to bring everyone

see what they do and learn how to monetize

of the Melbourne office. We’re all very positive

up to speed on all current and

that, and it allows us to track and see the

about his return, Scott has lots to offer.

future activities. Plus a bit of

results of things. We can use the commerce

With this business the big opportunity – if

history, given this is the inaugural issue and

functionality instead of manually processing

you look at traditional media business as it is

many staff are keen to learn more about the

forms and it also enables direct payments of

– we have a reasonable amount of publishing

range of CommStrat services.


revenue and our events revenue is growing

From a content management system

First things first…

nicely. What we don’t have is much online

everyone can start taking responsibility for

revenue besides the Job Boards. Online

the URLs they look after and if they want to

advertising revenue – that is where we are

for another year of strong growth. We’re

change a banner or something – add a few

seeing significant growth, CommStrat needs

tapping into smart new technologies;

articles – they do not have to take up hours of

more exposure to that.

capitalising on the success of the Job Boards;

Madi’s time. If they have the right PDF format

casting a wider net for conferences; and

they can upload it and it’s on in six or seven

yearly results — we’ve got the preliminary

driving the evolution of GTR and expansion of

minutes. It’s quick and efficient.

internal ones at the moment – are looking

It’s no secret that CommStrat is positioned

Focus. Plus lots more.

The first couple of websites are just about

In other matters I’m pleased to say the half-

good. I think that’s a reflection on the effort of

ready to be rolled over to Magento and I’d like

all the staff. The past six months have been

December Teambuilding session and during

to see all of them completed by the end of

pretty big for this business and to come out

the Christmas break I started building plans

March but we’ll prioritise.

with the result is pretty good. We are now

Many ideas were presented at the

into the business. And as part of the Job

And in due course our Domain name will

unfettered in terms of with what we can

Review announced late last year, I’ve aligned

move to CommStrat but this requires a bit of

achieve over the next twelve months. And

the goals with what people can achieve and

planning, so as part of the web changes all

beyond that who knows what …

also their KPIs.

URLs, including the corporate website, will be

Everyone knows their jobs and responsibilities but they will also be focused

pointed to CommStrat. Our corporate website has a good-looking

on filling all those components and tasks of

format; I want it to be sharp and crisp and

getting us to the next level. We’ll be following

it also needs to align with the corporate

up on these plans in the first quarter and

branding strategy which is to effectively bring

implementing them over the next six months.

the CommStrat brand forward, give it more

In a recent discussion with teambuilding facilitator Peter Shields he mentioned what a

prominence. Hallmark Editions will always be the

fantastic bunch of staff we have – and that is

trading company, this helps avoid confusion.

great feedback from a bloke who’s conducted

But CommStrat is our ASX listed name and

sessions for many of our top corporations.

Hallmark Editions has varying degrees of take

You will have heard the name Magento many times at the teambuilding session. In a nutshell it’s an integrated online solution. Currently we have bits all over the place

in the market – some view it as good, others not so good. In recent staff moves we welcome Patrick Hardy to the GTR team and Simone Benson,

and we are not monetizing some of our

Event Coordinator. Based in the Sydney office

good URLs. For example My Business under

Simone’s role is day-to-day management

performs compared to its contemporaries

of the operations side of events, support for

in the market and we have an opportunity

Sandii in My Business and also the GTR team.

to support our other mediums with this great offering.

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Scott McKinnon has returned to the fold and there are two elements to his role: one

Full steam ahead Let’s now take a closer look at who’s doing what…

Focus Publishing

Team leader: Jaqui Lane. Staff: Peter Hock (Editor), Sam Collier (Client Services Executive which involves coordinating clients’ material and liaising with the creative team), Cem (pronounced Gem) Ozturk (Sales, currently based in Singapore) and newcomer Ben Lusk (Sales). Late last year Phil Jones upped stumps to relocate to the scenic South Island of New Zealand where – when not landing the next big catch – he may work on special projects.

Securing Australia’s Water Future This one’s a book and a conference, with Brian Rault securing sponsorship and profiles. The book will be launched at the Water Conference in July 2011.

Background: With a mission to create high-quality books for business

Power of 100

and government, Focus was founded in 1989 by Jaqui Lane and leading

The Focus team is also applying finishing touches to The Power of 100.

Australian businessman Steven Rich. In less than two decades Focus

100 Women who have shaped Australia. Crafted on behalf of Westpac

has published more than 400 titles and worked throughout Australia,

this beautifully presented publication showcases the diverse range of

Asia, the Middle East and Europe. In 2009 CommStrat acquired Focus.

women who have helped shape Australia. It will be launched nationwide

The Focus team is currently assembling – in some cases finalising – a

on March 8 to celebrate the bank’s 100th anniversary. And in recognition

large range of books.

of International Women’s Day, Foxtel is assembling a series about some of the women; this goes to air in February.

Powering Australia

Focus is also working on a number of corporate histories including:

An annual publication on the electricity sector in Australia. Vol 4 was

Uniting Care–Burnside, Motorama, the Commonwealth Bank (100 in

launched by Federal Minister Martin Ferguson in Nov 2010; Vol 5 will be

November 2011), and is in discussion with Telstra and Amcor about

launched in Sept 2011 at the Powering Conference.

history books.

Australian Education 2010 – Passport to a Global Career (Vol 3)

histories and specialist industry sector books or corporate histories

Published in November 2010 this book showcases the best Australia

predominantly use offshore printers as they are significantly cheaper

has to offer by marketing the competitive advantages of Australian

and our timelines mostly allow for the extra shipping time.” Print

education here and through international campuses.

runs range from 2000 to up to 50,000 copies. All content is specially

What do Focus books have in common? “In the main they are that take from six months to two years to produce,” Jaqui says. “We

commissioned and where the book is a corporate history the client

Saudi Arabia and Australia The book romises to be a great read about these two nations that share

usually retains the copyright.

a significant bilateral relationship and are positioned for strong growth

New Business opportunities:

based on existing trade, cultural, and person-to-person linkages. Due for

Focus’ target market for corporate histories is the top 1000 companies

publication in June 2011

in Australia. It takes about four to six months from an initial discussion to sign a contract for a corporate book. The ‘average’ corporate book


contract is worth $150,000–$200,000. If you have any ideas or good

The second book on this bi-lateral relationship will be sold by Cem and

contacts with a company ask them if they’ve ever thought about

published in February 2012 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the

creating a book – Jaqui can then meet with them and develop the lead.

Australia–Japan Business Cooperation Committee

There is more: Focus is now working with the conference teams to build up books/annuals around key conference topics, ie Water, Power,

Stories from the Road – Vol 2

Digital Cities. So remember, think of what Focus might be able to create

Due to launch in June 2011 this book continues the tradition

in your area.

of acknowledging the value of the trucking industry.Also in production: CILTA 75 Gems a high-quality, 160-page, full-colour, hardcover publication.

Did you know? Focus turns 22 this year and started off in a small office with no windows in Double Bay with Jaqui, a desk + phone and a Business Who’s Who.

ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2011 | 3

Government Technology Review Team leaders: Steve Congerton (Publisher), Simon Sharwood (Editor). Staff: Chris Rodrigues (National Sales and Marketing Manager – conferences and events); Shahida Sweeney (Senior Conference Director); Peter McKim (Graphic Designer, EDM Manager and Online sales Manager); Patrick Hardy (Manager Customer Services); and Melbourne based Brian Rault (Sales Manager).

Magazine, website and conferences dedicated to discussion of information technology in the public sector. For more information see

The brainchild of publisher Steve Congerton,

fast captured attention among the target

infrastructure and Local Government and

aka Congo, the 60-page magazine GTR is a

market of government ICT decision makers –

our conferences dovetail nicely with the ICT

relative newcomer that is edited by Simon

and cheque signers – across the three tiers

strengths of GTR as well as Local Government

Sharwood. With its top line-up of writers and

of government in Australia and in Central &

and infrastructure with our sister publication

contributors, GTR showcases the latest in

Local Government in New Zealand.

Council Manager.

all things related to technological advances.

Complementing the publication are GTR

“We also want to get the GTR brand into

GTR is circulated to 15,000 government ICT

events that zoom in on the high-end of

New Zealand, to have a Tasman footprint.

stakeholders, universities and all 80 councils

technology enterprise. GTR’s ambitious

Why? With our close economic ties it

in New Zealand and attracts big name

agenda for 2011 kicks off in Canberra, in late

represents the ninth Australian state! And they

advertisers such as motor manufacturers,

February, with the Cloud Computing Forum.

need a bit of competition when it comes to

global ICT corporations and office suppliers. As

In May the team addresses hot topics in

publishing and conferencing!” One thousand copies of GTR are already

the publication continues to build enormous

the Broadband Australia Summit at Dockside,

interest advertising sales are revving up, with

Sydney’s Darling Harbour, which has also

circulated to New Zealand’s 80+ councils and

Brian in the hot seat.

been selected as the best host venue for

in a bid to further boost CommStrat’s presence

Water Business Australia (July), Future City

Congo has brokered a deal with Auckland-

GTR magazine was launched on June 24, 2010

Development/Retirement (August), Customer

based Hawkehurst Media to sell advertising

to a crowd of 200+ government bureaucrats

Contact Point (Sept) and DIMS ie Digital

features in GTR and Council Manager and My

and technology suppliers at Sydney’s Hilton

Information (November).

Business magazine “and any other part of

Notable for its eye-catching cover images,

hotel. Since then GTR has

Completing the round is the Data Security Storage conference also being held in November, but at the nearby SCEC. For those counting that’s seven conferences

To date GTR’s business (magazine and conferences) consolidated revenues have topped $800,000, just $300,000 short of the

being written by Shahida (who sources all the

$1.1 earmarked for this financial year – and

high-calibre speakers/presentations) and sold

there’s still another five months to go. Income

by Chris (to key selected sponsors).

for the 2011 calendar year is targeted to reach

“We’re all about creating bespoke events,” says Congo. “CommStrat’s strengths lie in

Design for the forthcoming premier issue of the Government Suppliers Guide.

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CommStrat if they want to get involved”.

$2 million and the year beyond (Jan to Dec 2012) $2.5 million.

New look GTR Redesigns and a new name Some of the conceptual redesigns for the Government Technology Review magazine — along with new titling of the publication to GTR!

Did you know? Rocky horror! Out of work Brian Rault is a rock star! Parading on stage as Dr Frank-n-Furter, George Michael, Robbie Williams and more, Brian founded and manages the funky versatile corporate show band Big City Beat During the past 12

Talent quest – CommStrat’s very own X Factor

months the band has performed in Singapore

Anyone else with hidden talents? How about

and Beijing and ... drum roll ... on NYE

sharing them with staff? Or maybe you have

entertained revellers in Muscat, Oman. And

an interesting hobby? A fabulous garden?

what CommStrat end-of-year party would be

An intriguing ornament? Cute pet? A funny

complete without the circulation of scary, very

photo of some sort? If so please send in your

scary, pics of Brian dressed in drag? Lock up

colourful contribution for an upcoming issue

your daughters. Sons too.

of Chat.

ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2011 | 5

My Business Background: With extensive and regular coverage of all things marketing, technology, taxation, finance and management – interspersed with colour features on enterprises and entrepreneurs that showcase the passion and pride in building a business – My Business retains top spot as the leading magazine for small to medium enterprises. With circulation standing at a smidgin under 30,000 the magazine continues to attract high profile advertisers. In late 2010 My Business was treated to a makeover and the first of the slick new-look magazines hit the newsstands in October. The facelift was top of the agenda for the newly appointed and award winning editor Simon Sharwood (previously long-term technology editor) who simultaneously secured fresh new talent in the form of three hot-shot freelance reporters (Nat, Lia and Tiffany). Kick-starting the year is the February issue brimming with topical features including a look at the future landscape for business. MB reporters managed to pin down some big names, among them the preeminent – and eminently amusing – social demographer Bernard Salt. Look out too for the series of sharp-shooting interviews on aspects of tertiary education which gets in-depth coverage in the upcoming issue. Also moving along is the MB website ... the eye-catching new layout is set to be unveiled prior to Easter. Currently Uber design’s Alan Jason and CommStrat’s Madi are working to deliver a refreshing new look website that readers will find easy to navigate as well as useful and informative. Produced 11 times a year (the December and January issues are rolled into one) MB is available on newsstands, by subscription and through targeted bulk distribution arrangements. Complementing the magazine is the e-newsletter that is distributed to thousands of readers twice monthly. In the next issue of CommStrat Chat we’ll take a look at the results of the reader survey and plans to develop the My Business brand. Meantime, visit for more information

Did you know?

My Business was founded by David Koch back in 1990 and for many years he presented a TV program of the same name each Sunday morning. (And who could have missed the fact that the small screen is now the preferred medium of Kochie.) Hallmark took over MB in late 2005 and at its peak circulation reached 40,000. The Christmas issue (Dec 2010/Jan 2011) features sporty Santa on the cover – a familiar face perhaps?

Team leader: TBA Staff: Simon Sharwood (Editor) Tony May (Commercial Manager) and Christine Gould (sales); Kristi Holahan (Art Director). Writers: Natalie Apostolou (Marketing editor), Tiffany Hutton (Finance), Lia Timson (Technology) and Nicola Card (features). Also on the team is Sandii Mackary who as Sales Manager is organising a stellar program for the June Expo in Melbourne and October Expo in Sydney. Sandii will also be handling the annual MB Awards extravaganza in October.

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eam leaders: Russell Montgomery (Production Manager) and Tim Hartridge (Creative Director). Designers: Mitzi Mann, Kristi Holahan, Annette Epifanidis who help set/design the gamut of CommStrat print and digital publications and brochures. In addition design student interns Yanni Chen and Audrey Xu help out two days a week in the Sydney studio. Not forgetting web guru Madhuraka (Madi) Godahewa who – Russell tells us – also occasionally likes to tackle IT issues around the Melbourne office!

Tim has initiated Monday morning phone hook-ups enabling the team of designers based in Sydney and Melbourne to discuss upcoming workloads and critique current design projects such as Focus books, redesign of GTR and Council Manager (soon to incorporate Councillor). “The meetings are all part of the collaborative process we are keen to foster,” Tim says. “The idea behind the meeting is to have a forum

What else?

Once the aforementioned magazines and book projects are bedded

where designers can speak to designers. Staff in Sydney can upload

down the studio is keen to pitch for high quality business and

design concepts for Melbourne to review online, and vice versa.”

there appears no shortage of agencies and authorities outsourcing

Tim added that the online Art Gallery, which holds design concepts, is only accessible by the design team, not by other staff members “so that

design work.

when we submit redesign concepts we are getting qualified comment,

Did you know?

rather just interested opinion”.

Until recently Tim spent two years freelancing in design with the

Madi has joined the Monday meetings to provide design ideas and input which will translate into web design elements to be used by both

feather in his cap: The Diplomat, the Time-magazine-style current affairs publication that is now produced by an ex-pat living in Japan.

himself and the graphic design team. On the wish-list is a webcam that caters for groups, enabling staff located 900kms apart to eyeball each other. Once installed and operative other departments can take advantage of the technology for interstate

Photos above: Some of the conceptual design work for various

meetings without the flight tag.

CommStrat publications.

Team leader:


Job Boards

Blake Duggin (National Sales and Advertising Manager).

Jeanne Pickering, Ben Hutchison and Brian Rault (various Job Boards); Ebony Wilson (Admin and Sales support – uploading the ads and maintaining client relationships via confirmation of the emails – also proud mum of wide-eyed, floppy-eared Lola, as pictured).

The Job Boards suite expanded last year with

users to self-load jobs. Other things can be


the October 2010 launch of Health Services

plugged in, for example streaming media.”

Managed by Blake, LGJobs

Jobs and Education Jobs. Each continues to

In other moves, within two months the

au lists new middle and senior level positions

gather steam, with Education successfully

team will be rolling out the new websites

available within the local government sector

capitalising on the well-established Research

redesigned by Uber in Sydney.

throughout Australia. It’s the largest of its

Jobs network. All up the team now manages

kind in Australia and is sent each week to all

Background/circulation dates: Monday

councils. Circulation 17,000.

enhancement with the imminent introduction

Blake’s EnviroJobs ResearchJobs revenue and ad counts

of Magento which eliminates the need to

has tripled within a year and is fast becoming

laboriously copy and paste the hundreds of

Listing jobs in the environment management,

recognised as a top resource.

ads received via email and fax each week. And

natural resource, environmental engineering,

it comes with many more benefits.

environmental health and environmental

Job Board features searchable fields ranging

Sounds enigmatic, what is it?

science fields. EnviroJobs boasts a mighty

from states to specialised fields, and each

“Magento is smart and revolutionary, a whole

18,000 subscribers.

Board features its own dedicated database

new world,” Blake says. “Instead of typing

Brian’s WaterJobs

that is maintained by CommStrat. Collectively

in the background which has been a security

Blake’s Planning Jobs

the websites receive over half a million hits

risk – we’ve been hacked into a few times – it

au is a weekly email service that lists new

per month, 450,000 of which relate to LG Jobs

collects data for us. We’ve got user name

positions available within the planning sector

with users making good use of the search

passwords and can harvest user information;

Ben’s RoadJobs : new

functions. Importantly, the Job Boards are

we know what areas they are working

middle and senior level positions available

number one on relevant Google searches.

in and can cross reference and use that

within the local government and road sectors.

nine Job Boards. The suite of Job Boards is set for

By way of example when a user logs on a pop up message appears to the effect:

compete with a couple of others that were

Ben’s Engineering Jobs Australasia

doing well. But now, for the past five years : 3000 subscribers/readers.

we’ve been number one, we’ve overtaken – in fact smashed – our competitors and now own

subscribed to Council Manager. You are not


subscribed to ... Your Ad Pack currently has

Jeanne’s EducationJobs and

credits of...’

HealthServicesJobs – newcomers that

“It’s a smart, user friendly and personalised

8 | Commstrat chat

“LG was the initial and our flagship Job


‘Welcome back to LG Jobs, you are also

operating system that comes with options for

For the convenience of job seekers each

Board that we launched eight years ago to

information within conferencing and our other publications.”

ResearchJobs (Jeanne) www.researchjobs.

complement existing Job Boards. (Earmarked for extensive marketing this year.)

the market,” Blake says. “We want to do this with all the other Job Boards too. “Of the new launches Education is set to be very big, there are 27 key universities and we

Melbourne Conferences and Events

want to have great relationships with them all, like we do with government now.” As many as 230 councils have signed up for Ad Packs, enabling pre-paid accounts for substantial savings and a logo in the Featured

In the team led by Scott: Conference Producers are Scott Matthews, Ben Hutchison and Maya Gorelik. Also Denise McQueen (Conference Manager extraordinaire) looks after registration and venues for this and other CommStrat conference teams. Scott McKinnon will soon join the team to sell sponsorship and exhibition.

Advertisers section of the e-newsletter and website, and the already-healthy Job Board

The team is staging numerous conferences throughout 2011. In the first half of the year: OH+S

revenues look set to rise substantially.

in Local Govt (organised by Ben), 6th Roads Engineering (Scott), Melbourne Planning Summit

“Our target now is to increase revenue from a standard $35,000 weekly to $50,000. Our target is $1.8 for this financial year and $2.4 million next year,” Blake says.

(Ben), Local Govt and NBN (Ben), Australian Small Bridges (Scott), Govt Recruitment and Retention (Maya) and NSW Sustainable Development (Maya). And continuing the momentum in the second half of the year: Local Govt Sustainable Development (Maya), International Flexible Pavements Conference (Scott), Powering Australia (Maya), and Metropolitan Planning Summit (Maya). A long list that demands a top line-up of savvy speakers, thousands of seats to be filled and

Did you know? More than 120,000 people in local

hundreds of eager sponsors and exhibitors. Fortunately the team has it all in hand. Talking to Maya (pronounced My-ahh) who joined CommStrat in the latter half of 2010 there

government, business and the environment

are several tricks of the trade that work well in spreading the good word to entice attendees.

tap into the various Job Boards on a regular

“I definitely recommend using Traction – you can send out email broadcasts that include links to

basis and the related websites which attract

articles to potential delegates and check who has opened them then do a follow-up for interest

up to half a million readers monthly are

... that is one of the best methods!

amongst the most popular in Australia in their particular fields.

“Podcasts are good too – all you need do is set up a time with one of your key speakers and either interview them over the phone or face to face. I record the interview on a digi-recorder and enlist Madi’s help to upload it to the website! I also send this link out to potential delegates via traction. This has a twofold effect. It adds to our credibility as an organisation and it also shows what marketing tools potential delegates respond to better. ” Maya also circulates general email broadcasts to potential delegates and supplements

On a lighter note:

awareness via Council Manager and LG News. “I do a lot of market research myself to find out who are the relevant people. I also try to source out delegate lists from other conferences and use CommStrat’s database. The email broadcasts could contain information about early bird

Out-of-office auto reply: “I

specials, new speakers etc. Most of the time I like to provide a hyperlink to a relevant article that I have read in the email. Again, this positions me as one of their peers and builds up credibility.

will be unable to delete all the

“It is a little bit early to say, but for my first conference (Government Recruitment and Retention), I would expect around 100 delegates. I would say that the sustainability conferences

unread, worthless emails you

will attract more delegates because it is such a hot topic at the moment.”

send me until I return from

one to chat to if you‘re on the hunt for a decent venue in any town or city in any state.

holidays in mid-January. Please


As for suitable venues ...with hundreds of conferences to her name, Denise McQueen is the

There’s no denying the conference industry took a hit during the GFC but all signs are it has

be patient and your mail will

sprung right back and CommStrat is poised to deliver a wider variety of events than ever before, with a tally of around 25 conferences across all sectors.

be deleted in the order it was received.”

Did you know? The Melbourne Conference Team is collaborating with the Job Boards team to promote the boards and conferences at the same time. Blake will even be making his debut as a speaker at the Govt Recruitment and Retention Conference with Maya assisting Blake in some market research in order to help position him, and CommStrat Boards, as industry leaders.

ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2011 | 9


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d on ec on S e ds na al io bl va on : F f f ei l D ta ec au t) S nd R : P ys ) a ts er al ble un ad n a co . le al A Pay (Ac ns) i am nc ts gel tio Te ina un ie rip (F cco Sp sc (A uth Sub R nd a




Bulletins and Publications Rounding up the CommStrat library: With 11 online issues a year The Australian Venture Capital Journal (editor Adrian Herbert) provides reliable industry news and information to assist all professionals in the private equity finance industry. The AVC Journal is complemented by a hard copy AVC Guide that is produced annually. Published by Private Equity Media Local Government News is the weekly online news bulletin that focuses on issues directly relating to Australia’s 560 councils (it is compiled by Rex Pannell who doubles as lunch-time Age Quiz Master – a reflection of his years in commercial radio news). Enviro Info Premium (editor Rex) the fortnightly online service aimed at professionals in the areas of environmental and natural resource management. Rex also edits, writes stories and arranges contributor articles for the bi-monthly Roads magazine. Edited by Ben, Council Manager which was launched in 2007 provides local govt managers with news and info in a bid to enhance council performance. Now there is a move to get the publication in to New Zealand. And in other news, Councillor is being merged into Council Manager and the design team is currently brainstorming the best new-look layout for optimum appeal. Look out for the first new issue due out in March 2010. Connections (editor Nicola), on behalf of the Australian Canvas and Synthetic Products Association Inc (ACASPA). The mag is blessed by the plethora of images showcasing stunning architect designed structures.

10 | Commstrat chat

pcoming events include the annual FTA Debt Markets

required; and membership management – maintenance of membership

Update forums (Sydney, Monday 7 February) and Melbourne

records and the development of membership acquisition strategies.

(Wednesday 9 February). Partners include: ANZ; National Australia Bank; Barclays Capital and JP Morgan and the forums are normally attended by 100–120 senior finance & treasury professionals in each location. “On Monday 4 April, we will be holding the 2011 FTA International Treasury Forum in Sydney,” Simon said. “The inaugural one-day

The team also assists in financial reporting (bank reconciliations; preparation and submission of quarterly BAS as well as end of year financial reports in conjunction with accountant and auditor); marketing & communications – website management, member e-newsletter and journal.

conference and gala dinner on the evening of Sunday 3 April will feature a number of Treasurers from leading corporations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand and elsewhere.”

“And in terms of sponsorship development, we have strong relationships with a large amount of potential sponsors from the top four banks, professional service firms to SME corporate opportunities,”

Team leader: Simon Davis Staff: Joanne King (part-time school hours); Naomi Braham (EDA) and Nadia Kentera three days a week – contractor. Genevieve Tilleard (contractor based in Sydney, half to one day each week).

Association Services

Simon says. “We also have the ability to publish Association magazine & books; we engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) management – the development and administration of the annual CPD calendar for members; and conference management. With our in-house resources we are able to expertly manage large industry association events.” EDA is the peak professional association for Economic Development Managers within local councils, Australia-wide. The mission of Economic Development Australia (EDA) is to increase the social, economic and environmental prosperity of Australian communities. Current membership stands at about 400 thanks to Naomi’s persuasive telemarketing skills. The EDA 2011 Conference takes place in Adelaide in October.

Background: The department’s key clients include:

Magazines published for associations include: Irrigation Journal

Finance & Treasury Association (FTA) and Economic Development

– Irrigation Australia Ltd (IAL); Connections – Australian Canvas and

Australia (EDA) .

Synthetic Products Association Inc (ACASPA); and Public Works Engineering for the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia

FTA is the peak professional Association for Treasury professionals and


risk managers drawn largely from Australasia’s 300 top corporations. Current membership stands at 850.

The Association Services team is poised to deliver more services, in particular conference expertise, to enhance a range of organisations’

FTA’s peak event is the annual Congress (Sydney, October)


which normally attracts in excess of 350 senior finance & treasury professionals. Services provided include secretarial services – the management of corporate governance requirements including the preparation of papers for monthly Board meetings, reporting of minutes and other tasks as

Did you know? During 2010 CommStrat managed over 45 continuing professional development (CPD) forums for the FTA. The aim is to increase this to 60 in 2011.

ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2011 | 11

A round-up of CommStrat print and digital publications Magazines: • My Business. Available via newsstands ($6.95) and subscription • Gov Tech Review

Journals: • Roads (edited by Rex, set by Annette, ads by Yuri) • Council Manager (edited by Ben, set by Mitzi, ads by Yuri) • Connections (edited by Nicola, set by Mitzi, ads by Yuri) • Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (AJEM) edited externally by Professor Helen Ross of Qld Univ and Bill Carter of Univ Sunshine Coast • Public Works Engineering (edited by Ben, laid out by Mitzi, ads by Yuri) for the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA), and • Irrigation Journal (edited externally by Anne Curry, laid out by Mitzi, ads by Brian Rault) is the magazine of Irrigation Australia Ltd (IAL).

Other periodicals:

Don’t forget

• GT suppliers guide

Talent quest – CommStrat’s very own X Factor Anyone else with hidden talents? How about


sharing them with staff? Or maybe you have

• Councillor news

an interesting hobby? A fabulous garden?

• Enviroinfo premium (every two weeks)

An intriguing ornament? Cute pet? A funny

• Local Government (LG) News (weekly)

photo of some sort? If so please send in your

• My Business News

colourful contribution for an upcoming issue of

• Aus Venture Capital

CommStrat Chat.

• Planning news, and • Economic Development Association (quarterly)

Books – refer to Focus … and websites CommStrat My Business Water Powering Australia Job Boards – refer to list AFOX, the Australian Franchise Opportunities Exchange www. The Australian Roads Suppliers Guide

That’s just about it for now. This first newsletter sets the scene for forthcoming issues that will be delivered on a regular basis to update staff on all developments. Among other things the next issue reviews company milestones in 2010.

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