November 1, 2013
The Abaconian
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November 1st, 2013
Proposed direct seaplane service runs test flight to Hope Town By Timothy Roberts A proposed seaplane service looking to offer direct flights to Hope Town made a test run to the island on October 19 with a view to starting regular service in the new year. IJet Charters partnered with Tropic Ocean Airways to bring a new direct service to Hope Town hoping to add a new level of convenience to travelling to Abaco’s cays. Jim Sweiter, President of IJet Charters in Fort Lauderdale, said “I saw a real need for these little islands outside of the big Abaco island for direct air service out of Fort Lauderdale. The people who can afford homes here value their time as important and the quicker I can get them here from Fort Lauderdale the better.” He said with this service he plans to leave at noon out of Fort Lauderdale starting in the first quarter early in 2014. “This gives time for all the banks of airlines to get into Fort Lauderdale. We’ll have a private van pick them up at the terminal, take them to Sheltair where they will be loadIn an effort to serve a clientele of second homeowners in the Abaco Cays, IJet partnered with Tropic Ocean Airways to bring direct airlift to Elbow Cay via seaplane. If successful, there are plans to expand to other cays.
Airport driveway paved North Abaco Port Update
After months of complaints from taxi drivers, visitors and others who frequent the airport, the driveway at the old terminal was paved. The blacktop paving will go a long way towards preventing the accumulation of mud and potholes that had plagued the area.
Record 70 pints collected in blood drive
Abaco Business Bulletin
•Electric car sales debuted - Page 14 •Local development honoured for “Excellence in Urbanism” Page 14 •Abaco Chamber continues to raise awareness on FACTA - Page 16 •SAFA addresses farming conBTC and PMH organized a blood drive in cerns - Page 7 Cooper’s Town and Marsh Harbour. A re•Entrepreneur Report - Page 17
Cooper’s Town Residents may see groundbreaking for the North Abaco Port as early as December. The China Harbour Company (CHC) is clearing land and doing other preliminary work in preparation for construction. According to North Abaco MP Curry, heavy machinery operators are needed and the gov’t is looking to supply that need, as well as other areas, with local labour. CHC is setting a goal of 70% of the workforce being Bahamian, however gov’t is pushing for 80% Bahamian. This translates to between 70 and 80 local workers. For the full story see page 5.
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MHH Airport Progress Detailed Since a planned upgrade in 2000, the Marsh Harbour Terminal has seen a variety of setbacks spanning four different government administrations. Currently the new terminal is set to open in January 2014, one and a half years behind the projected completion. For details see page 20. For the expanded graph on the left see page 22.
Controversy surrounds new Treasure Cay development
cord total was donated. See page 7
After dredging began in a creek in Treasure Cay, residents were upset. The development responsible received paperwork and approvals from the Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA). However, locals and members of the Treasure Cay Town Committee insist any approvals should not have been given without consultation with locals first, seeing as how the creek is a fish breeding ground. Further insistence that a Cease and Desist letter has been issued, despite it never being presented to the developers, has muddied the water. For the full story see page 5.
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