December 15, 2013
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December 15th, 2013
Big Hill Boxcart Derby a race to remember
Wet weather did not dampen the spirits of the participants of the 15th Annual Big Hill Boxcart Derby. This year’s King of the Hill was a repeat: Christian Wilhoyte driving “White Lightning.” Pat McCully was honoured as the newest Hall of Fame inductee. For the story see page 2.
2013 Hope Town Turtle Trot participants finish with smiles
Above: Chrystonia Robertson passes the historic Hope Town Lighthouse on her way to the finish during the Turtle Trot.
Press Release The sun came out for the second annual Hope Town Turtle Trot, a 5K fun run/ walk which benefited Friends of the Environment’s marine conservation and education programs. The event was presented by H.G. Christie and sponsored by Hope Town Inn and Marina, Hummingbird Art Gallery and the Abaco Tourism Office. More than 80 runners and walkers started at the Gallery in downtown Hope Town, just behind the historic Post Office, headed north through town and out to the northern tip of the island before heading back to the Gallery for the finish. The course wound through paved roads, dirt trails, sandy tracks, and muddy areas, but overall the participants finished with a smile. The overall winner was Rusty Heise and second overall was Nicole Barnes, who took the top female category. The third place winner was Elizabeth “Ellie” Hislop, who took the top junior award. Second and third place men were Luke Allen and Derek Sandberg, second and third women were Sarah Cox and Lisa Manley, and the second and third juniors were Digges Allen and Charlie Young. After the adult 5km race, students from the Hope Town Primary School and visiting children lined up for the Mile Fun
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Run around Hope Town. J.J. Decius won for kids over 10, Maison Koepke for kids 7 - 9, and Frye McCoy won for 6 and under. The event was professionally timed using the Chronotrack race time system by a team out of Nassau and assistance with transportation was provided by Albury’s Ferry Service. FRIENDS marine programs include installing and maintaining mooring balls on local reefs to prevent anchor damage, an annual lionfish derby, promoting protected areas and awareness of local fishing regulations and closed seasons. To learn more about FRIENDS’ programs please visit:
“White Lightning” tops 15th Annual Big Hill Boxcart Derby
Above: a race to the finish. The Hope Town Boxcart Derby consistently feature fierce competition in a fun atmosphere.
Top right: Special Projects Coordinator, Lindsey McCoy, with top female finisher Nicole Barnes in front of Hummingbird Gallery. Above: Hope Town Primary students after they all finished the mile fun run.
By Canishka Alexander Intermittent rain forced the 15th Annual Big Hill Boxcart Derby to get off to a late start on Nov. 30, but the wet weather did not dampen the spirits of the participants and those who came to watch the much-anticipated event. Of course, the sensational Tania Duncombe emceed the event, and got everyone up to speed on what they needed to know once armed with her “swiggle” drink. Before the event, participants took their box
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carts for trial runs down the hill to determine who they would race against. Although Hope Town School students were absent this year with their book fundraising booth, a new addition this year was the Hope Town Wreckers Softball team players. The Wreckers sold conch salad, switcha and ice cold sno-cones of strawberry and grape flavours to support Hope Town’s Youth Softball League.
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School & Youth News Student leaders participate in AIDS Awareness Training Seminar By Canishka Alexander The Abaco AIDS Awareness Student Leadership Seminar 2013 was facilitated by Sandy Edwards of the Department of Education on Nov. 2 at the Government Complex. The ongoing theme is: Getting to Zero. The audience was comprised of primary and high school student leaders from Abaco Central High School; Forest Heights Academy; Agape Christian School; Smith’s Memorial School; Every Child Counts; and Central Abaco Primary
School. Guest speaker Nurse Ticia McKinney of the Marsh Harbour Government Clinic discussed the benefits of confidentiality during her remarks noting that documents must be protected and kept secure in order to build trust with patients and to maintain one’s reputation. Continuing where Nurse McKinney had left off, Edwards presented a number of scenarios that could or would not lead to the contraction of HIV, and the students conveyed their responses by standing next to the “disagree” or “agree” signs placed on each side of the room. Edwards shared that there are 300 new cases of HIV infections every year, which is slightly down from almost 500 persons affected by the deadly diseases in 2005. She was pleased that the numbers are decreasing.
Above: students learning about AIDS impact on society and the misunderstandings surrounding the disease. There are 300 new people infected every year in The Bahamas.
The 2012 statistics reveal that there were 293 reported cases with 17 percent of persons infected between the ages of 15 to 24 years old, and another 50 percent amongst 25 to 44-year-olds. “HIV is real and among your age group,” Edwards said. “You are at a delicate age where you are vulnerable to certain things.” The students agreed that they are faced with peer pressure, stress and societal demands that lead them to make poor decisions. Incest is also a culprit in teenage pregnancy and the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teens. However, Edwards reminded the students that they can avoid sexual interactions by thinking about the consequences of their decisions, by not putting themselves in situations where they are not in control; and by saying “no” and meaning it. Edwards added that it is important not to discriminate against persons with HIV/ AIDS and that some people may have acquired it at birth, blood exchange or they could have been raped. “Do not discriminate; we still have to love them,” she emphasized. “HIV has no face.” Adhering to the “Getting to Zero” theme, Edwards said that they are determined to get to “zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.” In total, there were 12,712 HIV infected persons recorded since Dec. 31, 2012. With a population of approximately 350,000 people in The Bahamas, 8,186 are still living. Sub-Saharan Africa is highest hit with the HIV epidemic with the Caribbean placing second with HIV-infected persons. The afternoon session was reserved for role playing exercises with the students.
Long Bay observes Thanksgiving during school program By Canishka Alexander Long Bay School held its Annual Thanksgiving Program on Nov. 21 for students, teachers and parents. PTA president Gentry Morris was the moderator. The students led the program with a welcome, theme song, and Scripture Reading that was highlighted by a special performance by Brianna Pubien. Next, there was a video presentation of students sharing the meaning that Thanksgiving holds for them. Mrs. Grimmond, a teacher, was featured in a skit as Tantie Pearl, a woman who had endured many struggles but had overcome them. Grade 10 students mesmerized the audience with their interpretive dance to Tasha Cobbs’ “Break Every Chain” gospel hit. A humourous skit by the school’s Drama Club took place in a court setting where a few Long Bay students were found guilty for being thankful for their school. One of the students was charged for knowing her school work well, another for bringing a Thanksgiving gift, and another for arriving to school on time. Singing Hands performed “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus What a Wonder You Are.” A Turkey Poem was recited by students of Grades 1, 2 and 3 before Celeste Dean-Kelly introduced the speaker, Mrs. Moultrie, who is also a teacher at Long Bay. Mrs. Moultrie formulated a speech that was based on story called “The Thankful Coat.” The main character was a boy named David, and he and his friend Sandy looked all around for the coat. When they found the coat and David put it on, he became thankful. The more thankful he became, the happier he became. She emphasized the importance of being in an atmosphere of courtesy and love, and implored everyone to be thankful to God for His goodness. Grade 12 students narrated a poem
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on thankfulness. Using a doughnut as an example, Morris also shared with students how they must be focused on the doughnut and not its hole. The doughnut was a good way to demonstrate how we must focus on the things we have and not worry about what we do not have. At the end of the program, there was a surprise presentation from Grade 11 stu-
dents to their parents and teachers for their hard work and ongoing support. Mr. Isaac Collie, presented certificates to Mrs. McDermott, a parent who is a faithful supporter of the school. Morris also received a certificate for being the master of ceremonies and PTA president. Finally, a presentation was made to Mrs. Moultrie for being the guest speaker.
Abaco Science Fair observes human impact on marine environment
Above: students learning from presentations at FRIENDS’ Abaco Science Fair.
Above: Pre-school students watching the Thanksgiving Program at Long Bay on Nov. 21.
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By Canishka Alexander Friends of the Environment’s Abaco Science Fair 2013 took place on Nov. 22 at New Vision Ministries. This year’s theme was: “Human Impact on the Marine Environment.” A welcome was given by Cassandra Abraham, FRIENDS education officer, before she called on the featured speaker – Jared Dillard of The Bahamas National Conchservation Campaign. Dillard talked about conch habitats, human impact on conch fisheries in The Bahamas, and what they are doing to protect conchs. Additionally, Dillard shared that the Web site – – is a great resource for science teachers. Every Child Counts, and Agape Christian School students submitted projects for the non-competitive high school category. Many of the projects were spinoffs of the theme and focused on overfishing as well as the impact of pollution and oil spills on coral reefs, the mangroves,
conch, grouper, birds, seagrass beds and plants. Projects were judged based on four criteria: originality, content, presentation/ appearance and student explanation. Students represented Agape Christian School; Amy Roberts Primary School; St. Francis de Sales School; Angels Academy; Forest Heights Academy; Hope Town School and Man-O-War Primary School. For the primary school category, Agape student Kaley White explained how oil spills affect the ocean environment by killing animals. Man-O-War Primary School students put together a diagram of a landfill filled with battery acid and oil; a golf course with fertilizers and pesticides; and houses with cesspits and dredging that create runoff that enters the ocean and impacts marine life. The students also learned about
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coral reefs, the importance of biodiversity, and the benefits of using solar power. At the end of the project, students arranged a colorful booklet of photos, drawings and information to share what they discovered. Next to them, Angels Academy students rocked their SOUP acronym. SOUP stands for: Save Our Underwater Paradise. The students determined that the public must be educated and that laws need to be passed and enforced to protect our marine resources. They visited a beach where they cleaned up the garbage they found, and used the discarded items in their project to show how garbage negatively impacts coral reefs. For the senior schools, Marlique Hield, Mone’t Brown, Shar Fox, Abidemi Simon and Mikee Consulta of St. Francis de Sales School compared the average size of the conchs collected with those collected in the past, and measured the average lip thickness of the conch shell to determine the maturity of the conch. Conchs collected in the past were more mature, which demonstrates that juvenile conchs are being harvested. Marlique suggested that fishermen take calipers to measure the conch, while Mone’t added that a simpler way to determine the maturity of a conch is to use a penny to measure the lip’s thickness.
Above: a project listing some threats to the environment. Forest Heights students – Dashane Knowles, Yael Sawyer, Amanda Bethel and Tristan Albury –illustrated how developments impact marine ecosystems citing the mangroves in South Abaco. Jenna Williams, a student of Forest Heights Academy, was assisted by Nicola Roberts and Kate Sims. They showed how oil causes plants in the ocean to photosynthesize less and produce less oxygen because direct sunlight and air are blocked. On a larger scale, the students said that humans will eventually be impacted, and as the population grows this will become a
greater concern. Raquel Albury and Joshua Bonamy of Agape built an electric motor using two 9-volt batteries. They also explored the alternatives of using solar power or wind because of people running boats back and forth with gas leaking from their engines. Overfishing was Celena Russell’s focus. She surveyed 100 people on ways to increase the conch population noting that people prefer an open season on turtles and closed season on conch, which will allow them to regulate each other. Celena emphasized that education is key to address-
ing the problem of overfishing. “I was surprised by people’s reactions because some don’t care until it’s too late,” Celena said. “Although they educate us in the schools, we must find a way to educate the older generation.” Additional booths were set up by Friends of the Environment with activities like fish ID, colouring, and a Shark and Queen Conch Jeopardy Game. Royal Bank of Canada’s Blue Water Project, and Conchservation Campaign’s message on being conch police were promoted. Joy Chaplin, FRIENDS Board member, announced the winners of the Abaco Science Fair. In the Lower Primary Division: Hope Town Primary was awarded first place; Man-O-War Primary, second; and Agape Christian School, third. Hope Town placed first again in the Upper Primary Division, followed by Angels Academy in second place and ManO-War Primary in third. Agape Christian and Forest Heights Academy placed first and second, respectively in the Junior High Division. Finally, in the Senior High Division, St. Francis de Sales swept the first place prize for the third consecutive year, and Agape Christian captured second place. Students won exciting prizes like digital cameras, printers, equipment and microscopes for their schools.
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
Eighty graduate from 8-Weeks of Wellness Program
seminar. The main presenters of the lecturers for this program were Minister Marvin Sands, Pastor Patrick Terrell, Richard Berry and Berline Dormeus. Statistics were shared on longevity due to lifestyle changes, the dangers of alcohol, fast food and drugs to ones’ health, and how many diseases can be avoided once persons make a lifestyle change. Persons interested in learning more about Holistic Health can call Minister Marvin Sand at 436-9842 or 367-5730.
Michael Jackson thrills at Magic Show
Above: some of the participants of the 8 Week program. A total of eighty graduated from the lifestyle change initiative. By Samantha Evans After 8-Weeks of Wellness training was held by the Marsh Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church, eighty persons received their certificate of completion on Saturday November 23 at 5pm at the church. Over the course of the program, the focus was on participants making a lifestyle change so that they could live their optimal health. They learned about the eight laws of health, life style changes regarding what they eat, increasing water, vegetable, fruit and grain intake, getting more sleep and rest, benefits of outdoor activities and sunlight, spending time with God, and learning self-control.
The people who participated have all had great results inclusive of some losing up to 20 pounds, getting taken of off medications, balancing out cholesterol and blood pressure, and just feeling better and healthier. All participants committed themselves to remaining on the path to taking care of their health which was the focus on the program. During this time, they encouraged each other, met once a week at the church for updates and to get weighed and to exercise. The program was such a huge success that the organizers are looking forward to doing it again. Early next year, they are going to host a Cancer prevention and awareness
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By Timothy Roberts Children and their parents alike were treated to a fantastic show featuring a top Michael Jackson impersonator, Bobby Miller, and magician, Curt Anderson, at Grace Gym on November 15. Children from Every Child Counts, whose tickets were sponsored by local businesses, along with students from St. Francis de Sales, Crossing Rocks and Agape Christian School attended the event put together by Soft Touch Productions. Children from the audience were invited to participate in a Michael Jackson dance-off and were delighted as Impersonator Bobby Miller took the stage performing several of the ‘King of Pop’s’ hits. The children were also mesmerized and entertained by the magic of Curt Anderson who also got the children involved in his act which indeed included a bunny rabbit. David Wallace, founder of Soft Touch Productions, said “after starting the circus four years ago and taking it to Grand Bahama and Nassau we felt that the family islands deserved to see some of this talent.” He said that Bobby Miller performed Michael Jackson at the circus this year and he was a hit. However, because the circus had so many performers he was only given about five minutes to perform. “He said he wanted to come back and that he could do a show almost by himself,” Mr. Wallace said. “So we said ‘why not’ and now we are taking it to the family islands, starting with Abaco, then Eleuthera and Freeport and in February we will take it to Exuma, Long Island and Andros and even on to Turks and Caicos.” He noted while they can’t bring the full circus of twenty or thirty persons and they felt that many of these kids will not have the opportunity to see a magician or a Michael Jackson impersonator, they felt a smaller show would be able to reach more.
Above: Bobby Miller - Michael Jackson impersonator. Mr. Wallace gave special thanks to those who sponsored Every Child Counts to be able to see the show. He said that “God gives special [needs] children to special parents.” He thanked Dr. Lenora Black, District Superintendent of Education for Abaco, for helping to arrange the day. School keeps a portion of the ticket price. Last year they gave $20,000 back to schools. He said they hope to continue giving back as they bring smiles to the faces of the little ones.
Above: magician Curt Anderson performs a trick with an audience member.
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Lifestyles Hope Town Harbour Lodge hosts annual Arts and Crafts Festival By Jennifer Hudson The Hope Town Harbour Lodge held its fourteenth annual Arts and Crafts Festival on November 29. This has become a well-loved tradition for both locals and visitors to gather on the day following Thanksgiving to enjoy an excellent and varied display of arts and crafts and also to socialize with friends over a glass of wine and some hors d'oeuvres. According to Dianne Carey of the Hope Town Harbour Lodge, this year, though not the largest show ever, there was quite an increase in numbers over last year's 16 participants for just over 20 artists and artisans took part. Items on display included a large variety of jewellery, paintings, shell craft, woodcarving and turning, photography, Christmas ornaments and fabric crafts. The majority of participants are regulars at the show who, though they come back year after year, always try to add something new to their wares. However, there were a couple of first-timers, one of whom was Julie Sawyer with her line of jewellery. She uses silver and gold fill in the crafting of her pieces, many of which include sea glass and semiprecious gems but she also likes to use natural items which she finds such as driftwood, corals and seeds.
Roshanne and Richie Eyma are a very talented husband and wife duo of fine artists. They are well known in Nassau and indeed worldwide and have shown at other shows on Abaco, which is now their home, but this was their first time at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge Show. The only original painting they had at this show was a small one by Richie since all of their major works will be shown at their family art show in Marsh Harbour shortly. However, they had a large selection of prints of their works for sale. Fabric artist, Maureen Koepp, was happy to be back at the Lodge art show this year. "It is exciting getting back since it has been a long time since I was at the Lodge show but this was originally the first show I ever did," she stated. Maureen is a fabric artist who creates incredible pictures with cloth. These contain hundreds of small pieces and take months to complete. Her amazing work was very popular at the show. The Every Child Counts stall is always very popular and always manned by a couple of students assisted by their art teacher. They produce a lovely variety of items which include Christmas tree ornaments, jolly driftwood Santa Claus, fabric dolls and attractive red and green holiday utensil packets produced by Starfish Enterprises at the school's new vocational centre. A striking mosaic created entirely from buttons was the centrepiece of the ECC stall and was purchased very quickly. Christine Sawyer uses pine needles
Above: patrons and artists mingle at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge Arts and Crafts Festival. to create her handwoven and uniquely designed pine needle baskets and jewellery. She also combines raffia and sometimes coloured thread to create the interesting patterns of her baskets. She also incorporates coloured polymer clay into her baskets, necklaces and ear-rings. When asked about the very unusual and attractive designs of her baskets she replied; "I let the pine needles direct me." She also displayed key chains made with handmade beads. Brenda Bain travelled all the way from Sandy Point to display her jewel-
lery and shell crafts all made out of native materials. The sea glass she collects from Crossing Rocks and the Cays and the shells from Sandy Point and Crossing Rocks. She also makes jewellery from conch horns and fish scales which she asks the local fishermen to save for her. Corella Sands and Vonda Bethel are two Cherokee natives who are very talented with the sewing needle. The variety and multiplicity of their crafts was amazing and
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included quilts, bags, iPod and phone cases, placemats, painted T-shirts and Christmas decorations. Beautiful works of art crafted from native woods are the hallmarks of Andy Albury of Man o War Cay and Steve Knowles of Bahama Palm Shores. Mr. Albury is well known for his half boat models and Mr. Knowles for his wood bowls, billy clubs and spinning tops. Other exhibitors were Mary Balzac, Leo and Renée Bethell, Brigette Bowyer, Kevin Carrol, Kent Le Boutiller, Marlee Mason, Kim Brody, Ann Schadt and Ginny Warner. The Elbow Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society was represented by Tom Hazel and Paul Thompson. Their stall, from which they sold specially printed Elbow Reef Lighthouse T-shirts, was perfectly positioned on the patio overlooking the famous candy striped lighthouse itself for which they were raising funds.
Above: Maureen Koepp displays her work.
A variety of excellent wines, provided by Bristol Cellars, was enjoyed by patrons and added to the festive atmosphere of the occasion along with hors d’ouevres by the Lodge. Ovidia Neilly, employee of Bristol Cellars, was very helpful in imparting information on the various red and white wines from Germany, Italy, New Zealand, California, France and Australia. It was obvious that patrons of the show once again thoroughly enjoyed this annual event and many of the exhibitors expressed pleasure at how happy the patrons were to open their pocket books to purchase their wares. The recent renovations of the front office area made a nice addition and enlarged the space available for some lucky exhibitors. Unfortunately, those in the backroom were a little less happy as they felt that many people were not making it through to the back and they are hoping that next year traffic can be directed somewhat differently. However, the overall atmosphere was one of festivity and Christmas shopping.
Above: Every Child Counts booth is always popular at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge Art Show.
Annual Urban Renewal Luncheon hosts community’s elderly By Jennifer Hudson Each year, Abaco Urban Renewal 2.0 hosts the elderly people of the Abaco communities to a Thanksgiving luncheon. The luncheon for the elderly of Central Abaco was held on Tuesday, November 26 in the Burial Society Hall, Dundas Town. Also in attendance were ministers of the gospel and heads of various government agencies. Everyone enjoyed a sumptuous Thanksgiving meal of turkey, ham and all the trimmings but before the food was served, various persons brought remarks which were, of course, all centered on the theme of Thanksgiving. Administrator for Central Abaco, Preston Cunningham, was moderator for the occasion and opened the proceedings by saying what a good government program he believes Urban Renewal to be, for in society some persons are bound to fall through the cracks and be forsaken but Urban Renewal looks to address these problems. He also stated that we live in a very un-thankful society but on the occasion of Thanksgiving it is essential that we
will always be thankful for friends, family, government, Members of Parliament and public servants. Following an opening prayer by Pastor Lernis Cornish and the singing of the National Anthem, Sgt. Cash, who is a member of the Urban Renewal team, gave the official welcome in place of the Honourable V. Alfred Gray, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government who was unable to attend. Sgt. Cash described those present as; "Our valuable senior citizens and precious pearls, and also nation builders from the Little Darlings Academy Preschool,” who performed later in the programme. Mr. Renardo Curry, Member of Parliament for North Abaco, brought greetings on behalf of the Prime Minister. He stated how glad he was to be present on behalf of the Prime Minister because Urban Renewal is "his baby." He told those gathered that; "Urban Renewal was developed to bring communities together because so many young people are going astray.” He praised the elderly saying that they have taught us to have respect for others and that we owe the senior citizens a great deal of
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gratitude. He also praised the work of Urban Renewal which he said; "Brings every person and agency together to bring relief to the underprivileged for there are some in our communities who are hurting so badly." Guest speaker, Pastor Stephen Knowles, President of the Bahamas Christian Council on Abaco, stated that there are three things everybody should do: Make a joyful noise, serve the Lord with gladness and always be thankful. "Today there is much unrest and discomfort in The Bahamas but we must be careful as a nation to be thankful because God has been too good to us. In the past people had less but they had more gratitude. Where has the gladness and enthusiasm gone?" he asked. He closed by saying that everyone must be thankful to God for; "God is good, his mercies endure forever." Senior Pastor Baillou of the New Rehoboth Ministries International, asked a
blessing on the food and the elderly and the lunch was enjoyed by all. During the luncheon entertainment included a moving solo by Paulette Nesbitt of the Central Abaco Urban Renewal and a presentation by several students from the Little Darlings Academy in Dundas town. The students delighted the audience with excellent verse speaking and beautiful singing all on the theme of being thankful. Their closing recitation stated; "We are thankful to Urban Renewal for making our elderly people feel so special." The young students brought with them three boxes of canned goods which they had collected for the elderly. Pastor Lernis Cornish led a time of him singing which everyone enjoyed joining in. The extremely inclement weather may have prevented some of the older people getting to the event but those that were there enjoyed the occasion and were very appreciative to have been thought of in this way.
Above: students from Little Darlings Academy perform at the Urban Renewal luncheon.
Parrots and shore birds observed during South Abaco birding trip
Above: a small flock of the magnificent Abaco parrot. By Mirella Santillo During a bird watching trip to South Abaco, led by Dr. Elwood Bracey, second home owners were delighted to witness the antics of a flock of Rose-Throated Parrots, Amazona Leucocephala - the Abaco species. The birding group, comprised of six winter residents of Treasure Cay and three locals including Dr. “Woody� Bracey, made a couple of hours stop in the Bahama Palm Shore area where they spotted the parrots feeding on poison wood and gu-
melemi berries as well as on grass seeds. The flocks of close to twenty birds consisted of parents and quite a few juveniles who still had some of their baby plumage. They flew from a dead tree back and forth to their feeding trees, mindless of the people watching them or the ones getting closer to take photographs. Many of them gathered in the dead tree, preening each other, fluttering from branch to branch.
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When they had enough of being watched they would take off in a display of green, red and turquoise to land further away. Colourful Western Spindalis males (formerly called Western Stripe- Headed Tanagers), accompanied by dainty females, were also seen in abundance around the many trees bearing fruits. A Kestrel perched on telephone wires scouting for prey and Smooth-billed Anis called each other in their loud screech. A Crescenteyed Pewee and an Oven bird were also on the list. A Black -Throated Green Warbler, not a very common sight in The Bahamas, was spotted by Dr. Bracey. Around lunch time the groups separated with the Treasure Cay residents deciding on continuing to Sandy Point for lunch with Woody. A bird watcher could not go to Sandy Point without looking for shore birds and being the avid ornithologist that he is, Dr. Bracey was not about to miss the occasion. “We had 40 species for the day,” claimed Dr. Bracy, “Had a nice lunch at Nancy's and good telescope look at shorebirds at the Sandy Point Sandbar. 8 Oystercatchers, 25 Willets and 33 Great Egrets were remarkable. Also 15 Magnificent Frigatebirds at the Nassau ferry dock where there were 52 Coots on that inland lake. But no ducks. Just lots of shotgun shells!” Dr. Bracey usually conducts a birding trip on the first Saturday of the month. Information can be obtained through the office of the Bahamas National Trust.
Abaco schools join together to observe World AIDS Day
Above: Students and teachers form Human Ribbon in observance of World AIDS Day at St. Francis de Sales Catholic School on Dec.6. By Canishka Alexander Students from schools across Central and South Abaco met at the St. Francis de Sales Catholic School campus to form the Human Ribbon in observance of Worlds AIDS Day on Dec. 6. Sandy Edwards of the Dept. of Education listed HIV/AIDS statistics before introducing Nurses Natasha Pennerman and Tamaris Newton of the National HIV/ AIDS Centre as well as Carlene Smith of The Bahamas AIDS Foundation as guest speakers. Nurse Pennerman, who works with children who are infected with HIV, offered tips on how to avoid contracting the disease. She was pleased that there has been a 34 percent decrease in HIV infec-
tions as well as a 40-percent decrease in AIDS-related deaths. Since 1991, the Human Ribbon also known as "The Red Ribbon Project” has been the symbol of support and compassion for those who are living with the disease and for their caregivers. At the end of her presentation, Nurse Pennerman encouraged all of the participants to declare that: “HIV stops with me!” During her remarks, Smith informed the students that The Bahamas AIDS Foundation is the biggest organization that helps people living with HIV or AIDS in the country, and it is a great support system for them. Josephine Kumar, principal of St. Francis de Sales, closed out the session by
welcoming all visitors to the school’s campus. She noted that St. Francis has been observing World AIDS Day for the past 12 years. “This is a celebration because we are doing something for the world,” Kumar said. “Some of the kids sacrificed their money for their T-shirts.” Students from Every Child Counts, Agape Christian School, Crossing Rocks Primary and Horizons Academy joined St. Francis students to form the human ribbon. The World AIDS delegation travelled to Treasure Cay Primary School to meet with North Abaco schools namely Cooper’s Town Primary and S.C. Bootle High School for their World AIDS Ceremony.
I wish the people of the North Abaco Constituency, and of all Abaco, a blessed Christmas holiday and a bright and prosperous New Year.
December 15, 2013
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Lifestyles Annual Fireman’s Banquet looks back on busy year
He shared his appreciation for the many individuals and businesses who have shown great support for the fire department noting that the fire department would not work without the financial help and support of the community. He thanked the volunteers as well who willingly sacrifice their time and put their lives in harm’s way to keep the communities in and around Marsh Harbour safe.
The Bahamas declared a site of importance for Piping Plover research
Above: supporters mingle with volunteers at the MHVFR Fireman’s Ball By Timothy Roberts The Second Annual Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire and Rescue Fireman’s Banquet, the department’s largest fundraiser, was held November 30 at the Pavilion at Abaco Beach Resort and was well attended by many supporters. The Banquet featured a silent auction with a wide variety of items from jewelry, to plane tickets, to artwork and crafts and more, all donated by businesses and individuals. Fire Chief Danny Sawyer presented a year in review highlighting a number of the more significant fires the volunteer service responded to throughout the year. Mr. Sawyer also spoke of the needs of the department, some of which were addressed with funds raised over the last year
and much that still needs to be acquired. Over the last year the department was able to complete the conference room and bathrooms at the fire station, purchased some helmets, goggles, facemasks and have dealt with maintenance and repairs to some of the fire engines. Mr. Sawyer said the department is seeking to further equip firefighters with safety gear, including wildland gear, entry tools and new self-contained breathing apparatus as well as a large tanker that can hold upwards of 3000 gallons of water or more. He also spoke of the drills and training that has been ongoing with the objective of making Abaco and the community more fire-ready with the hope of saving lives and property.
Season’s Greetings Landing Point House
By Mirella Santillo A presentation on Piping Plovers by Todd Pover and Stephanie Egger took place in the evening of November 7 2013, in the conference room of Friends of the Environment. It was attended by a few stakeholders, the Bahamas National Trust Park Director, Mr. David Knowles, Dr. Elwood Bracey accompanied by his wife and fellow birders, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Knowles as well as an intern of Friends of the Environment from England, Oscar Wood. The Piping Plovers, which are on the endangered species list in the United States and are considered at risk in Canada, are birds that breed along the Eastern coast of the United States, in Texas and around the Great Plains and the Great Lakes. Mr. Pover explained that after the chicks are fledglings, the Piping Plovers leave their
breeding grounds to winter in Mexico, some of the Southern Caribbean islands and The Bahamas where they spend several months, arriving around the end of August to stay until March or April. Because of their endangered status, several organizations have endeavored to monitor the birds both at their breading and wintering sites, in an attempt to protect them. Since the first census in The Bahamas in 2006, there has been an important increase in the numbers of birds initially reported. A subsequent census was done in 2011, the next one will take place in 2016. In the meantime researchers are trying to discover new wintering areas. In October 2013 two Audubon members explored Jolters Cay near Andros and found a few hundred. Many organizations, such as Disney, are now partnering with the Bahamian project, hence the renewed interest in discovering and monitoring sites where the elusive birds could be found. Some birds have been reported in the Berry Islands and there have been significant sightings on Abaco, especially on Green Turtle Cay. The researchers are convinced that as more surveys take place on Abaco, a greater number of birds will be reported. In her introduction, Mrs. Egger explained that the two researchers, who are both with the Conserve Wildlife Founda-
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December 15, 2013
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Lifestyles Plover
Toastmasters’ YLP participants enhance communication skills
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tion of New Jersey, were on Abaco for a week from November 4 to November 11. Since their arrival they visited the Green Turtle Cay flats where they found seventeen birds; seventeen were also spotted in Casuarina Point, but the big surprise was Crossing Rocks where they counted fifty three Piping Plovers. Mr. Pover explained about the Recovery Program that establishes critical sites to protect the population during the breeding season and when the chicks have hatched. Because of the birds wintering in The Bahamas, it is being considered to create protected areas here as well; hence the reason why more monitoring is taking place, especially on Abaco. With the total world population of plovers estimated at just over 6000, the population in this country makes it indeed an important center of information about the birds. The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey has recently received approval for a grant by Disney World Wildlife to conduct research in The Bahamas and particularly Andros and Abaco. Mr. Pover mentioned that the number of birds monitored in the breeding areas is greater than the ones recorded on the wintering sites. He explained that is probably because of the challenge of reaching some of the wintering sites, especially in The Bahamas with so many islands to monitor and the lack of manpower and funds to do it, among other factors; another one
Todd Pover and Stephanie Egger: Piping Plover researchers. being that the fact that the Piping Plovers can usually only be found on a beach at low tide. A program has been established to link Green Turtle Cay’s Amy Roberts Primary School to Ocean City Primary School, to invite the kids to produce artwork relating to the Piping Plover that will be published. Also there will be field trips in both countries that will contribute to an interchange of information between the two schools. The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey is working closely with the Audubon Society, the United States Fish & Wild Life Service, the Bahamas National Trust and Friends of the Environment, among other protection agencies. Dur-
ing meetings with BNT, consideration had been given to making Jolters Cay into a National Park. Mr. Pover and Mrs. Egger are planning to come back to Abaco within the next couple of months to conduct more surveys. Mr. Pover will attend the Science Alliance Conference in Marsh Harbour in January and Mrs. Egger intends to attend the one in Nassau. Two Audubon Society researchers will also come back to Abaco during the winter. They are hoping to train local volunteers to help with the monitoring. They have already contacted bone fishing guides to take them to the Marls and other difficult to reach areas.
By Canishka Alexander Members of the Abaco Lighthouse Beamers Toastmasters Club held a finale ceremony for the graduates of their Youth Leadership Program (YLP) on Dec. 4 at the Parish Hall. YLP took place over the course of eight weeks, and allowed the participants an opportunity to enhance their communication skills. Following the welcome by Toastmaster (TM) Syrena Hollingsworth, TM Charmaine Bonaby, Abaco Lighthouse Beamers President and YLP coordinator, commended the students for their consistent attendance throughout the program, and for developing their talents with respect to communication and leadership. As one of the judges, TM Felicia Russell explained the contest rules. Five contestants addressed the audience on the topic: “Most of the Crime in the Country is Committed by Young People. Who is to blame? Society, the home, or the young people themselves?” In their speeches, Janae Gedeon of Agape Christian School; Conrad Cornish of Abaco Central High School (ACH); Brichael Ferguson of Forest Heights Academy; Shanitra McKenzie of Agape Christian School; and Kirkland McIntosh of
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The Partners, Associates and Support Staff of Alexiou Knowles & Co. Counsel & Attorneys-at-Law
Extend Warm Holiday Greetings to the Entire Abaco Community and Heartfelt Appreciation to our Valued Clients Our holiday schedule is as follows: Closed: December 24th 2013 - January 1st 2014 Re-Open: January 2nd 2014 at 9:00 am
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
Lifestyles YLP
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ACH all attempted to persuade the audience with their choices. Most of the contestants agreed that the societal, parental or youth factors all contribute to the proliferation of crime. However, Brichael questioned if we are trying to save youths from unlawful citizens or from becoming unlawful citizens themselves. She addressed the issue of young people being turned away from jobs, but being encouraged to find a “hustle” on the streets. “Everyone plays a part with crime in our country,” she concluded. Kirkland blamed the media and substance abuse as contributors to the degradation and moral decline of society. He also cited the aggressiveness of young men as well as high levels of poverty and social inequality as contributing factors. Nevertheless, Kirkland suggested that crime
can be remedied with love and compassion from community-minded citizens who believe in the potential of youths to bring about change. Finally, Shanitra also addressed the impacts of media and social networks. She acknowledged that parents have strayed away from the teaching and principles that were instilled in them, which has led to societal breakdown. “If society wasn’t so tolerant, there wouldn’t be a high crime rate,” Shanitra expressed. “If our forefathers were to resurrect for an hour they would be discouraged.” She added that senseless crimes are occurring because children are unhappy – an unhappiness that stems from a lack of self-identity. Many are being judged for what they have done, and not for who they are.
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Season’s Greetings! To Residents of Central/South Abaco, and indeed, all Abaconians.
It gives me great pleasure to greet you at this special time of the year, a time when a spirit of love, the Love of God, and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness; a time when our thoughts and actions and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God. It is my fervent wish for All, that every cup may overflow with blessings, rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace. My wife and family, together with the Chairman and Officers of the Central/South Abaco branch of the Free National Movement, join me in wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a safe and peaceful New Year.
Edison Key, M.p.
Above (l to r): TM Glen Fernander, Kirkland McIntosh (winner), TM Julieth McCafferty and TM Charmaine Bonaby, president of Abaco Lighthouse Beamers.
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“With togetherness, vision and God on our side, we can make a difference if we take that stand,” she assured. Speech competition winners were Kirkland McIntosh in first place followed by Shanitra McKenzie, second, and Brichael Ferguson, third. McIntosh will represent Abaco in a national speech competition. TM Glen Fernander shared his YLP experience noting that great progress was made with the students. He said that Toastmasters is a program for youth and adults, and builds self-esteem. TM Julieth McCafferty, YLP coordinator, was invited to give a charge to the graduates. She thanked parents for their support. To the participants, she shared that they would be able to take what they learned in the program through life. She was encouraged that the students wanted to go through the program again. “I challenge you to embrace the program one more time and build your confidence,” McCafferty urged. The following night, the Beamers held their first speech-a-thon for their Toastmasters International year. All Toastmasters were encouraged to complete as many speeches as possible to achieve their personal goals, as well as the club’s goals. Toastmasters meetings will resume after the holidays, and take place every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Conch Inn.
Bienniel Science Alliance starts January 16 Press Release Friends of the Environment is hosting the 6th biennial Abaco Science Alliance Conference January 16th - 18th at New Vision Ministries in Marsh Harbour. The conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about research and programs taking place in Abaco and the rest of The Bahamas, meet with scientists and program leaders and partake in field trips led by those individuals. Registration is now open through Friends of the Environment’s office and website. The Conference opens on Thursday
evening with an informal cocktail party and open house at FRIENDS’ education center for speakers and attendees. Speakers are coming from Universities and organizations in the United States, the Caribbean, and across The Bahamas, as well as Abaco based researchers and program directors. Friday is a day full of interesting speakers at New Vision Ministries. Topics to be covered include: The impact of nutrients on the marine environment, historical and modern bird records from fossils and observations, conservation planning and a population study on beaked whales. Friday’s talks are offered to school students free of charge thanks to sponsorship of the conference by JS Johnson, Abaco Tourism Office and Royal Bank of Canada. Interested schools should contact Friends of the Environment to sign up. Saturday’s talks will occur in the morning and will look at coral reef restoration, invasive species and a proposal for an important bird area in Abaco. Saturday afternoon will be devoted to field trips. The first option for a field trip will be joining local expert Nancy Albury on an expedition to visit Gilpin Point along with Perry Maillis to introduce one of Abaco’s newest fossil sites. The trip will explore the coastal habitat at Gilpin Point, with opportunities for snorkeling, bird watching and participating in fossil collection for the research project. The second field trip will be led by local birding expert, Woody Bracey, to one of Abaco’s unique bird habitats. More information about the conference, the speakers, and the field trips are all available on the FRIENDS’ website: or call 367-2721.
Minnis and Eyma Family hold Art Exhibition
Above: artist Eddie Minnis and local patron Frederick Gottlieb. By Timothy Roberts The Minnis and Eyma family held an art exhibition on December 6 and 7 with the hopes of the exhibit becoming a permanent gallery in Abaco for the family’s art. The Exhibit will remain open for the month of December and hopefully longer. The exhibit, which was held upstairs in the building between Java Coffee shop and Abaco Gold, features the artworks of well-known Bahamian artist, Eddie Minnis as well as his two daughters, Nicole and Roshanne and his son-in-law Ritchie Eyma. Roshanne, and her husband Ritchie, are now living in Abaco and aside from producing and displaying their artwork
have also been busy with their church work. Mr. Minnis, also known for his Bahamian folk music and the Potluck comic strip featuring Granny B, said he was pleased when his daughters decided to follow in his steps as an artist. He said he first began painting while in school and later painted on the street. After some time people started to take notice and he began to sell his artwork, but he said he marked the beginning of his career at about the time he left St. John’s College in 1963.
Please See Minnis
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
Church News Enrichment Conference Epworth hosts a Marriage at Zion Cathedral encourages holiday luncheon going “Back to the Garden”
Above: seniors enjoying a turkey luncheon provided by the Cherokee Methodist Soup Kitchen. By Lee Pinder Cherokee’s Epworth Methodist Chapel has sponsored a monthly Soup Kitchen for more than two years catering to the elderly and shut-ins within the settlement. On Tuesday, their regular soup day, November 19, the ladies of the church prepared and hosted a turkey luncheon with all the trimmings for all its customers. All the regulars were given printed invitations, along with a few other persons who attend church from outside the settlement who also fell within the Soup Kitchen’s age limits but do not live close enough to take advantage of the meals. Twenty four persons attended the party held at Seaview Villas near the Bridge Creek on a beautiful sunny afternoon to meet and greet old friends and enjoy a meal together. Even though the turkey was reluctant to co-operate with the cooks, the meal was only delayed by half an hour. The time was not wasted as persons attending
read poems, told old Cherokee stories and played games. The conversation was lively while they all enjoyed a fruit cocktail to whet their appetites before the meal. Reverend Marie Neilly blessed the food and the guests were served. An additional ten meals were placed in containers and delivered to the homes of those who unfortunately could not attend. After recently attending a Senior Citizen’s Luncheon put together by Government’s Social Services Department in Marsh Harbour, that turned out to be such a huge success, some of the ladies at Epworth decided to attempt the same thing in Cherokee, and with so many functions taking place between November and December, it was decided to combine the two regular Soup Kitchen meals into one big luncheon for everyone. This is the first time the church has taken on the task of a sit-down meal of this type.
Dr. Marc Binard
Board Certified Internal Medicine Will be at Integrated Medical Centre Dec 20- Jan 14 Walk-ins, House Call & Out Island Calls Call 367-1304 for appointments
Above: guest speaker during the two sessions was Bishop Cardinal McIntosh along with his wife. By Mirella Santillo Couples, parishioners and residents of other communities congregated at Zion Cathedral in Murphy Town during the evenings of October 18 and 19 to participate in a marriage enrichment conference. The aim of the gathering was to strengthen relationships between couples with the help of spiritual, psychological and physical counseling. The guest speaker during the two sessions was Bishop Cardinal McIntosh with the Grand Bahama Worship Center, a preacher who, besides being a spiritual leader, also boasts a career in counseling. Holding the audience together with mild manners but powerful words, he kept their interest by switching from bible readings to down-to-earth commentary on married life. The first session opened with Gospel singing and poetry reading by members of the parish, followed by the door prize drawing. The prizes comprised the usual household items of glasses, mugs, tooth brush holder/ soap dish, but one of the prizes was particularly in tune with the theme of the conference: a romantic night for two at the Abaco Club at Winding Bay. After offering his welcome to the congregation, Pastor Dean introduced the presenter, Bishop Cardinal McIntosh, a native of Green Turtle Cay. Bishop McIntosh introduced himself as a doctor here to give couples the right injection. He loosened the audience with light conversation before coming to the more serious matter: the lack of commitment of couples working to save their relationship. “The statistics about marriage are not good,” he said, “one in two ends in divorce. Before, when something was broken,” he explained, “we used to mend it. Today we throw it away.” But, he warned, relationships reflect God’s intent, proving his point by quoting Genesis. He said we have to go back to this intent by celebrating a relationship instead of hating it. “Marriage was God’s idea and God is too wise to make a mistake. Go back to the Garden.” He offered to put forward some prin-
ciples which he promised, “will turn your marriage around. I don’t care if you have already called the lawyer.” He invited the couples to find out where they were in their relationship and where in their lives. He also advised them to locate Satan “or you will never be successful.” By Satan, the Bishop, meant whatever distraction, disturbance or disagreement came between the couple, saying they should never go to sleep without resolving a conflict. For a good marriage there should be a strong foundation that reaches deep beyond the surface. Spouses should love unconditionally, give sacrificially, serve each other faithfully, make it an endeavor to commit to each other and pray unceasingly. During the second session, which lasted well into the Friday night, Bishop McIntosh was accompanied by his wife Minerva. Again he alternated jokes with religious quotes and serious advice with funny anecdotes. He asked the congregation not to think of Zion Cathedral only as a church, but as a place to reach out to people. “Being married is the hardest thing you’ll ever do,” he warned, “but remove divorce as an option.” He followed that advice with a list of things to do and not to do to keep a relationship going, addressing in turn husbands or wives. Some of the list of his recommendations: pray together, date regularly, impress the woman, create an environment of adventure, go to bed at the same time, women revitalize romance by giving him something to look at, praise your spouse to others, go away together and make sex a priority anywhere, when you are upset, touch each other and don’t let a split between you get bigger. Before the end of the conference, Bishop McIntosh invited people to be blessed. People who had a burden to carry, then single people and lastly married couples joined the Preacher to be anointed with oil that, seconded by his wife, he placed on their foreheads while praying for a change in their life that would bring peace of mind and happiness.
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Church News
School & Youth News Lifestyles
Assemblies of God hosts Marriage Seminar and Banquet
S.C. Bootle dedicates new bus during Thanksgiving Service
By Samantha Evans Under the theme “His Needs, Her Needs,” the Marriage Ministry of First Assemblies of God held its first Marriage Seminar on Saturday November 16 at the church in Marsh Harbour. The one day event catered to twenty-two couples, two of whom are engaged. The purpose of the Marriage Ministry – Marriage Formula 2HB1 (2 hearts be one), is to provide a healthy environment for married couples to share and learn how to improve their relationships. The purpose of this seminar was to encourage and strengthen marriages. The sessions began at 8:30am on the seminar day with breakfast and lecturer sessions. The presenters for this event were Andrew and Monique Coakley from Freeport, Grand Bahama. They are also the authors of “Women with Jobs, Men with PMS.” The book was launched on Abaco on the day of the seminar which was a great addition to what they had already deemed a successful event. Some of the topics covered included communication, conflict, sex, sweet-hearting, role distinctions, finances, quality time and affirming one’s mate. They shared statistics on the various topics relevant to The Bahamas which made the topics real for those in attendance. The advice given was focused on spending quality time, listening to one another, and budgeting and money management. The couples gave feedback and had opportunities throughout the day to ask questions. They were very encouraged and inspired by the seminar and are already looking forward to the next event. This event was spearheaded by Mr. and Mrs. Deon Edwards and hosted by Pastor Deion and Sister Anette Gibson. That evening, a banquet was held from 7-11pm at Dundas Town Burial Society to allow the couples a time to socialize, relax and unwind. At the banquet, they honored the longest married couple in the church Brother Joseph and Sister Eunamae Sawyer who have married fifty years and Brother Bradley and Sister Lovely Reckley who have been married for thirty-seven years. Both couples received a certificate and a dinner voucher to Curly Tails. The food for the evening was catered by Lovely’s Delight. Special thanks are extended to Vanria Lightbourne, Rose Bethel, MaryAnne Bonamy, Gina Raymonville and Gardina Beadle for serving and Danivia Bethel for decorating the hall beautifully for the event.
Above: Students of S.C. Bootle High School attend their Awards Day, Thanksgiving and Bus Dedication Service on Nov. 29. By Canishka Alexander S.C. Bootle High School held its Awards Day, Thanksgiving and Bus Dedication Service on Nov. 29 under the theme: “Still I Rise.” The day was designated as a day to celebrate the students’ achievements and to give thanks, so many came out in support of the grand event, which was sponsored by Treasure Cay Beach Hotel, Resort and Marina. The S.C. Bootle School Choir entertained the audience with a musical selection before Patiqua Cooper, head girl, and Antonese Kersaint, head boy, led the audience through the series of planned activities. District Superintendent Dr. Lenora Black was the first speaker. She commended the students for maintaining a unique standard of excellence throughout the years noting that even in the times they may have fallen, God helped them to rise up. “As we recognize your brilliance, I want you to be mindful to give thanks because it’s God who gives liberally,” Dr. Black admonished. The choir returned to perform two renditions of: “Give Thanks with A Grateful Heart” and “I Give You Thanks.” Following the spectacular awards ceremony for top students receiving high flyers awards, subject awards, and BJC and BGCSE awards, Shayna Dean, the school’s policing officer, sang a stirring version of “To God Be the Glory.” Guest speaker Pastor Rudolph McKinney of Full Gospel Assembly, quoted
Proverbs 23:7, which states: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” He encouraged the students to focus on excelling despite difficulties or challenges. He specifically applauded the young men who received awards, and drew their attention to former Prime Minister the Hon. Hubert Ingraham, who excelled to the highest office in the country. “All things are possible and we can rise above all things,” Pastor McIntosh proclaimed. “We have to put God first, and do what is right and pleasing.” In his remarks, Principal Huel Moss thanked parents for their attendance and support of their children. He made a special presentation of unveiling a school bus for S.C. Bootle. Moss shared that the project to acquire a school bus began three or four years ago under the leadership of Eric Collie and Sylvia Poitier. Donations from businesses and individuals were based on bronze, silver, gold and platinum sponsorships. Special recognition was also given to the Class of 2013, Desmond Bootle of 3 Ds Designs, Betty K Shipping and Schooner Bay. “We were challenged with getting students to Marsh Harbour because we couldn’t afford bus charter fees, so we used the teachers’ cars or begged the students to get to Marsh Harbour,” Moss recalled. “It was not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. “I want to officially unveil our very own S.C. Bootle school bus.”
Christmas Art Show at Little Harbour to benefit the Abaco Cancer Society Press Release The Christmas Art Show in Little Harbour is helping to raise money for transportation assistance to Abaconians who must travel for treatment of cancer. The Art Show will take place Saturday, December 21 at Pete’s Pub in Little Harbour. It starts at 11 am and will run until dusk. Parking can be found behind the Foundry. Featured art: Original oils and acrylics of Abaco scenes, beaded and bezeled sea glass jewellery, hand blown lamp worked bead jewellery, Finest quality photography, Pine needle basketry and jewellery, turned wood pens, hand made quilts and quilted household items, plants, and much much more. Featured artists: Celia Rogers, David and Melanie Rees, Peter and Jo Bradley, Marjolein Scott, Christine Sawyer and Leo Bethel, Brenda Bain, Vonda Bethel, Atilla Feszt, Ginny Warner, Stacey Adderly, Kim Roberts, Lanie Summerville, Darlene Haines, Mirella Santillo and Sebastian with more joining every day. The show will include live music, pig roast, silent auction, raffle, good food and drinks. The Christmas Art Show in Little Harbour is a golden opportunity to fill in any gaps in your Christmas Gift List while you meet your friends for an afternoon of sand between your toes and fun. The Abaco Cancer Society will have a couple of tables loaded with gently used Christmas ornaments and display items with all proceeds going to the cause. Purchases at the Christmas Art Show will not only benefit the artists but will assist those among us living with Cancer. They are the ones who need our support the most, especially at this time of year.
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Since he left school he said he was always able to supplement his income with art and so considered himself fortunate. He said his daughters always accompanied him to art exhibitions and they would discuss the work and as both of them wanted to focus their lives on teach the Bible found that art was a good and satisfying way to support themselves in their ministry. “I was personally amazed with the level of talent they had and how quickly they went from beginners to professional,” Mr. Minnis said. He noted that right after they graduated school they were able to have family exhibitions and today they are still in the Christian ministry and they are still able to support themselves with their art.
Please See Minnis
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Auskell Medical Clinic Welcomes New Chiropractor Michael Hendley, D.C. of Freeport, Grand Bahama
He will be in Marsh Harbour
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 18TH For more information or to make an appointment call Auskell: 367-0020 or Cell: 242-439-0768
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
Across 3. Five gold ______. 7. Led the wise men. 10. Abaco’s forest 11. Lizard, turtle, snake. 12. Jingle all the way. 13. Christmas songs. 16. Roast over an open fire. 17. After Fall.
Down 1. Our planet. 2. Bahamian artist Eddie. 4. Delicious, endangered fish that now has a closed season. 5. Male monarch. 6. Rolling Stones Mick. 8. This Jack nips at your nose. 9. Computer language 13. Animal that stores water in its hump. 14. This derby in Elbow Cay features downhill racing. 15. Necessary for a “White Christmas.”
Dec 1 Crossword Answers Across
3. MAKO—Fast shark 5. PENINSULA—Florida an example of this; land surrounded by three sides 9. URGENT—very important and timely. 12. TIRE—Four of these are found on a car 13. THANKSGIVING—US holiday celebrated with turkey 15. TRAIN—Locomotive 16. ANDROS—Largest Bahamian island 18. PEARL—Aquatic jewelry 21. ISLAND—Landmass surrounded by water 22. MORSE—Communication by dots and dashes 25. EPWORTH—Newly renovated Cherokee church. 26. BEACH—Relaxing stretch of sand 29. MINUTE—Less than an hour more than a second. 30. ART—Creative espression 33. OCTOPUS—Inky mollusc 35. WRECKING—Lighthouses put an end to this once-common Bahamian industry 37. ARCHIPELAGO—Bahamian geography 39. ORANGE—A fruit and a colour 40. SOLAR—Power from the Sun. 43. STAMP—Necessary to mail a letter 45. DEVEAUX—This Loyalist recaptured The Bahamas in 1783 46. BOA—A constricting snake and a fashion piece 47. IGUANA—Reptile found in Exuma. 48. ULYSSES—Famous Joyce novel.
1. CONCH—”Queen” of Bahamian cuisine 2. CAPTAIN—Pilots a ship 4. ALVERNIA—Formerly Como, highest point in Bahamas 6. SHARK—Cartilaginous fish 7. CRETERS—These Bulldogs just won the National Softball Tournament. 8. PINEAPPLE—A festival celebrates this Bahmian produce 10. NAVY—A colour; a branch of military. 11. FLAMINGO—National bird 14. MARIO—famous plumber 15. TIDE—Comes in and out, ebbs and flows 17. NICK—Christmas Saint 19. ELEPHANT—This animal “Never forgets” 20. LAKE—large body of fresh water. 23. CROCODILE—These fossils are found in Abaco blue holes 24. FOIL—When “Toters” come to your party, they usually bring this. 26. BEATLES—John, Paul, George and Ringo 27. CAPYBARA—Largest rodent in the world. 28. ROSETTA—This stone helped unlock ancient languages 31. BLACKBEARD—He could “Teach” you something about pirates 32. SISAL—”Stringy” old Bahamian industry 34. CRATER—Remnants of a meteor strike. 36. ROAD—This underwater Bimini feature is said to be proof of Atlantis 38. ANCHOR—Holds boats in one place 41. OINK—Pig onomatopoeia 42. SUN—Closest star 44. PIGS—Famous for swimming in The Bahamas
December 15, 2013
The Abaconian
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Lifestyles Cherokee Methodist Chapel hosts Marsh Harbour choir for evening of song
Above: Kevin Sawyer leads Gospel Chapel Choir in Cherokee Sound on Saturday Dec 6, 2013. By Lee Pinder Epworth Methodist Chapel hosted the twenty four members of the Gospel Chapel Choir out of Marsh Harbour to perform their “Bethleham Morning” concert on Saturday evening, December 6. A good crowd came out to enjoy this beautiful combination of music and spoken text of the birth of the Christ child. Supposedly there would have been a movie to accompany the music sung by the choir, but for
some reason it could not be shown because of technical difficulties. The twenty two members of the choir were elegantly dressed in black, with the men wearing solid blue shirts and some of the ladies wearing the same colour blue shawls. There were several times during the program that individuals stepped forward to sing alone and one young man with the group signed the words of one of the pieces for the hearing impaired.
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The Choir Director, Kevin Sawyer, kept everyone’s attention and once the program started it continued uninterrupted to the end. The Technician who controlled the musical accompaniment sat at the rear of the hall and also managed to keep everything coordinated. The audience listened with deep appreciation of hearing the old, old story once again. Refreshments were provided afterwards by the Epworth town folks and the beautiful weather encouraged the crowd to stay and fellowship with their Marsh Harbour friends.
From Page 19
Ritchie Eyma has been on the art scene since the late eighties and has artwork that has been seen at various exhibitions, including the Annual Central Bank Art Competition, Long Branch Artist Shows, the Inaugural National Exhibition, NE4 and, of course, the Minnis Family Exhibitions. The artists all work on oil and canvas and each brings their own perspective to distinctly Bahamian scenery and life through their artwork.
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
Sports Boxcart
From Page 2
Brenda Sawyer represented the Abaco Swim Club and was in charge of T-Shirt and raffle sales. Supporters filled up on hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks and sweets in time to cheer their favourite racers along on the 800-foot course. Box carts of all shapes, colours and themes were creatively designed to expertly match the drivers’ costumes as they whizzed toward the finish line. This year, there were 12 adult entries and 10 junior entries. In the junior downhill category, Tracy Lebrun placed first with “Goodyear”; Skyler Devoe winged a second-place win with “Seagull”; and Emily Kemp came third on “Scurvy Few.” The top three contenders for the adult downhill category were: Lauren Cobb on the “Nicole Megaloudis Foundation’s” box cart; Christian Wilhoyte on “White Lightning,” and John
Stailey with “Crazy.” The more challenging slalom category allowed Wilhoyte to capture first place aboard “White Lightning.” This time Cobb settled for second place with the “Nicole Megaloudis Foundation,” and Chloe Sweeting took third aboard “Greased Lightning.” Creativity was awarded to Wilhoyte again for “White Lightning.” Chloe and Malia Sweeting were a close second for “Greased Lightning,” and Christopher Lightbourne accepted third place for “Bahama Pride.” For the second year in a row, Christian Wilhoyte was crowned King of the Hill. Pat McCully was honoured as the newest Hall of Fame inductee. According to Organizer Stafford Patterson of the Bahamas Boxcart Association, funds raised will benefit Hope Town School, Hope Town Swimming Team and the Hope Town Junior Sailing Club.
Above: Greased Lightning” and its driver prepare to tackle the Big Hill.
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December 15, 2013
The Abaconian
Section B
Page 23
Classified Advertisements Houses and Land - For Rent and For Sale
Classified Rates Minimum for 3 lines of info $10 per issue Picture and 4 lines $25 B&W Additional lines at $2 per line Colored Photo additional $20 Spot Color highlight on wording, additional $10 Call 242-367-3200 Fax 242367-3677 Email:
RENTAL HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Casuarina Point, tastefully furnished 3 bed 2 bath house, central air, beach views, 15 mins from Marsh Harb. $1,000/mon. Ph. 225-3211 Great Cistern, 3 bed, 2 bath, turn key access to sea. $2200/month. Call 554-9872
Marsh Harbour, Sky Developers 2 bed/1 bath, furnished, with A/C, washer and drier, water included, $1100/mo. Call Mrs. Green at 367-2660
Marsh Harbour, Government Sub, For sale by owner - Duplex located in. Large corner lot of land. Can easily be converted into 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. $325,000 Net. Phone 242-342-5066/357-0386
COMMERCIAL RENTALS Office Space for Rent, 900 sq. ft. in plaza next to Kidney Center on Don, McKay Blvd. For more information call 577-0420 or email:
PROPERTY & HOUSES FOR SALE Dundas Town, Central Pine Estates, Duplex for sale, 2 bed, 1.5 bath & 2 bed, 1 bath. For more information please call 225-2095
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The New Plymouth Inn, Located in historic New Plymouth on Green Turtle Cay. The inn features quiet Colonial charm with 11 guest rooms, 50 seat restaurant and bar, garden and pool. Could be for spa, bonefish lodge, corporate retreat, school for art, culinary, ocean research, sailing or family home. Designated historic landmark, circa 1820. Tax exempt. For sale by the owner of forty years. Priced to sell! Call 1-242-365-4138 or 242-559-9104.
Treasure Cay - Canal front property with 111’ dock, boat lift, davits, & cleaning station. REDUCED to $279,000. Call 305-245-6043 or
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Classified Advertisements Items for Sale, Employment, Services, Cars & Boats
Minimum for 3 lines in one issue $10 Picture and 4 lines $25 B&W Additional lines at $2 per line Colored Photo additional $20 Spot Color high light on wording, additional $10 Call 242-367-3200 Fax 242-367-3677 Email:
Evinrude Re-Power Orphans, Two Evinrude Direct Injection 175hp. 250+/- hours on each. One owner, perfectly maintained. Excellent & frugal operating. $5,850 ea. Jimmy at Roberts Marine (242) 375-8758 Trailer: dual axle aluminum trailer for 22 ft boat. Brand new. Duty paid. $3,000. (242) 366 0204 or
SERVICES Abaco Powerline Construction Co. Specializes in: overhead & underground power line construction, bucket truck & truck rentals, drill holes, tree trimming & more. Call 475-2905 or email:
9 Ft Fiberglass Dinghy, Hopetown Please call 242.366.0635
1997 13 ft Whaler with 30 hp Mercury, electric start 2-stroke. Duty paid. $5,000 (242) 366 0204 or
Spectacular Wood Whale Sculpture, 7’ x 3’. Great for home, office or restaurant. $3,500 OBO. Call 458-6216
15’ Whaler, 2010, 75 HP Mercury. Excellent Condition, asking $ 7,900 - call 357 6687
Frigidaire 20.6 cubic foot upright freezer, Energy Star compliant, frost free, digital control, almost new $995. Call David 577-0263 2 Queen Bedroom sets, 1 Twin bed set, & miscellaneous items for quick sale. Call 2252095
18.5’ Edgewater 2002, Yamaha 150 - low hours, custom canvas, VHF, Depth finder. Dual axle trailer, DUTY PAID $19,500. M H, (242) 458-0355,
31’ Tiara, 1990, Duty paid. Tuna tower. Needs engine wk. $10k obo. Truman major HT (242) 366-0101. Peggy FL (561) 789-3996
23’ & 27’ Concept Boats, 26’ Paramount Boats with twin motors & a 23’ Excalibur (miniature cigarette boat). Sold separately or as fleet. Call for pricing. Ph: 577-3737. Serious enquiries only. 2008 Q-Link 244cc, automatic water cooled, stored 5 yrs; 30 miles, not running $998 OBO. Call 458-6216
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40’ Lindsey Globemaster Center Cockpit Motorsailer with Double Fore and Aft Cabins each with a Private Head. 6’ of Headroom in the Main Cabin, Lehman Diesel 120hp. Duty Pd, Located MOW Cay, $60k: Contact 242577-0609
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The Abaconian December 15, 2013
hg christies