The Abaconian - December 1, 2013 - Section B

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December 1, 2013



The Abaconian

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December 1st, 2013

Kayakers overcome high winds and raise money for charities

On November 9 the Annual Kayak Challenge was held in Little Harbour. Blustery conditions proved no obstacle for many intrepid paddlers and kayakers. The event raises money for Friends of the Environment and the Abaco Cancer Society. See Page 16.

Pilot Club paints home of disabled woman, promotes Anchor Club in schools

Above: Pilot Club of Abaco members overjoyed at the completion of the painting of Sheila Calma's home on Nov. 16. Calma is a disabled resident of Murphy Town.

By Canishka Alexander In the early morning hours of Nov. 16, the Pilot Club of Abaco celebrated International Care & Kindness week by demonstrating what it means to be kind. According to Pilot Keora Archer, the team of volunteers painted the home of Sheila Calma, a disabled lady residing in Murphy Town. Archer gave a special thank you to the Paint Place and Abaco "Ace" Hardware for donating the paint. Also, a note of thanks was extended to Pilots Peter and Claudia Williams for donating the paint brushes to complete the project. Project Coordinator Margo Dean was responsible for organizing the event. “Finally, a heartfelt thank you is extended to all of our volunteers,” she exclaimed. “You did a great job!” Three days later, Archer and her father, Augustine Williams, visited Abaco Central High School (ACH) where she addressed the students about the Anchor Club program. From ACH, she and Williams travelled to S.C. Bootle High School to enjoy the enthusiastic elections for positions within the Anchor Club. Archer concluded: “The day was not over yet because then we hopped on a speed boat and went across to beautiful Green Turtle Cay, I thought ‘there is no other place I would rather be right now.’”

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

Lifestyles Epworth Methodist Chapel raises funds through Christmas Concert By Jennifer Hudson The Epworth Methodist Chapel of Cherokee Sound presented a Christmas concert on November 23 in the Caitlin Grace Albury Gymnasium in aid of their renovation project. In her words of welcome the Rev. Marie Neilly, Pastor of the church, stated that this was the second time around as a similar fundraiser had been organized earlier in the year and that now Christmas had indeed come early. She thanked all the organizers and participants for their singing and fellowship and she prayed that; "Everyone's hearts would be filled with joy and their sorrows soothed by the music." The Epworth Chorale opened the concert with the well-loved Christmas Carol ‘What Child is This?' followed by the rousing 'Go Tell it on the Mountain'. The concert then progressed with beautiful Christmas song selections by Esther Bethel, Londa Sawyer, Kevin Sawyer, Monica Higgs, Viola Johnson and Jessica Pinder and closed with a moving duet by Dave Lowe and Ted Pearce. Also there was a keyboard selection by Renée Kemp and a lively Carol medley by the 'Gospel Rake 'n Scrapers. Following a collection which was taken up in aid of the building fund of Ep-

Above: performers and organizers of the Saturday evening concert in Grace Gym to benefit Cherokee’s church renovations. worth Methodist Chapel to assist in the renovation project being undertaken this year, the master of ceremonies, Michael Knowles, gave an update on the building project. "This project first began to be talked about approximately 5 to 7 years ago then earlier this year we decided it was time to stop talking and get on with it. The first fundraising was done to begin the first stage of refinishing the inside walls. Un-

fortunately, once the contractors began to chip at the plaster it was realized that this would not be as simple a project as previously thought because the steel inside the walls was all swollen. An engineer was called in to give guidance on maintaining the integrity of the building and it was discovered that the cost would be doubled. However, the project is almost complete and we don't owe much more considering the size of the project," Mr. Knowles was

Abaco Real Estate

pleased to announce. A beautiful quilt, hand sewn by the Ladies Quilting Group of Cherokee Sound, headed by Joanne Sturrup, was then auctioned and raised the sum of $700 towards the building fund. Altogether, by the end of the night when everything had been added up including the goodwill offering collected, sale of refreshments and amounts by two anonymous donors, the sum of $9,000 was realized.

December 1, 2013

The Abaconian

HG Christie

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013


December 1, 2013

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School & Youth News South Abaco Talent Contest delights community

St. Francis de Sales wins Religious Knowledge Competition

Above: Second place winners of the talent competition - Crossing Rocks Primary School doing a Quadrille Dance. By Jennifer Hudson St Mark’s Baptist Church at Crossing Rocks was packed to capacity with young people attending the South Abaco Youth Talent competition on October 26. A large number of youth performed and were well supported by friends and family members. The talent and awards night was held as part of Youth Month celebrations. Moderator, Frank Hepburn, Sr., after an opening prayer, welcomed the audience and then introduced the judges and gave an explanation of the rules. Nine groups and soloists from the settlements of Sandy Point, Crossing Rocks, and Cherokee Sound participated in the competition and the items presented were interesting and varied. A poem and song were presented by students of the J.A. Pinder Primary School, Sandy Point, while three students of the Crossing Rocks Primary School performed a very well executed quadrille dance. Choral selections were delivered by choirs from St Marks Baptist Church and Deep South Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Crossing Rocks, and Mount Zion Baptist Youth Choir, Sandy Point. A Praise Dance was performed by 'The Pearls' and a solo dance was performed by the youngest competitor, threeyear-old Brenesia Bain. Though at first a little hesitant to perform, with a little support from an older friend, Brenesia overcame her nerves and delighted the audience with her performance. Vocal solos were performed by a young man from Sandy Point and a young lady from Cherokee Sound. It was altogether a delightful evening and the standard of talent was excellent. Moderator, Mr. Hepburn, was very excited by the performances and stated, "I am thrilled by the talent I have seen here tonight." The three winners were presented with trophies and the standings were:

Eddie Minnis


3. Students of J. A. Pinder Primary School. 2. Students of Crossing Rocks Primary School. 1. Deep South Seventh-Day Adventist Church Choir. Certificates of appreciation were also presented to members of the communities of South Abaco in the categories of sports, business, education, community service, religion, creative arts, crafts, youth enterprise and youth leader. It was also a special awards night for the volleyball players. The volleyball trophy, along with medals and certificates, was presented to the winning team of the Independence and Hepburn Investment Tournaments. The volleyball tournaments were held between July and September between the Royal Nets of Sandy Point and the Rockers of Crossing Rocks. "These young ladies have been playing their hearts out since July and I have seen tremendous improvement on both sides," stated Moderator Mr. Hepburn. The Crossing Rocks Rockers were crowned 2013 to 2014 Volleyball Champs. The title of Coach of the Year went to Nadia Stuart Sands and MVP was Nathalie Burrows.

Above: Brenesia Bain, youngest contestant.

Ritchie Eyma



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Above: the young competitors of the Religious Knowledge Competition. The top three were Yvenski Alcime of St. Francis, Kaitlyn Francis of Central Abaco Primary and Deshawn McKinney of Crossing Rocks. By Samantha Evans November was recognized as Religious Studies Month under the theme “Arise and Shine.” During this month, students engaged in numerous activities such as character building quests, special assemblies, talent shows, decoration of display boards and a district speech competition. On Friday, November 15, the district Religious Studies Speech Competition was held on Abaco at Church of Christ in Marsh Harbour beginning at 10am. Seven schools participated including Agape Christian School, St. Francis

de Sales, Central Abaco Primary School, Crossing Rocks Primary, James A. Pinder, Treasure Cay Primary and Man-OWar Primary. The winner of the competition was Yvenski Alcime of St. Francis de Sales with 243 points, in second place was Kaitlyn Francis of Central Abaco Primary School with 238 points and in third place was Deshawn McKinney of Crossing Rocks Primary School with 230 points. The winner of this competition will travel to New Providence on November 30 to compete in the National Championship Competition.

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

School & Youth News CAPS, K-Kids make donation to ACS president

Above: Students of Central Abaco Primary School and those involved in the Kiwanis Club's K-Kids Program presented a cheque to Joanne Bradley, president of the Abaco Cancer Society, on Nov. 19. By Canishka Alexander In a joint effort by students of Central Abaco Primary School, and K-Kids, the youth arm of the Kiwanis Club, funds were raised to support the Abaco Cancer Society (ACS). On Nov. 19, students and staff members presented a $400-cheque to Joanne Bradley, ACS president. According to Grade One Teacher Neulessa Major, the funds were raised from a dress-up day at the school where students were asked to wear pink clothing. Major said that there will be a lot of ongoing projects from now until when school closes. The next project in the pipeline is called the “Paint the Wall Project.” Major said they received permission from

CAPS’ principal, Beatrice Moxey, to paint a section of the school’s wall near Forest Drive. The wall will depict the different types of cancer then a Memorial Wall will be constructed nearby with the names of survivors and non-survivors. A fee will be charged to add names to raise additional funds. “We are looking to do this in all of the schools, so that everyone can be more sensitized to cancer,” Major explained. “The project will also incorporate high school students, and be extended to the Kiwanis Club’s senior students.” The senior arm is referred to as the Key Club with 7th to 9th grade students called Builders and 10, 11 and 12th grade students are named Keys.

Sandy Point service celebrates youth

Above: the youth of Sandy Point were encouraged by community leaders on November 16. By Jennifer Hudson A service of celebration for the youth of South Abaco was held at the Assemblies of God Church in Sandy Point on November 16 as the culmination of Youth Month activities. Following an opening prayer by one of Sandy Point's youth, Santino Bain, and the singing of the National Anthem a welcome was given by Brenell Higgs, Principal of the J . A. Pinder School in Sandy Point. Moderator for the evening was Chairman of the Youth Organizational Committee of South Abaco, Frank Hepburn. He expressed his disappointment that there were not more young people present but he told the ones that were there not to be discouraged by lack of numbers. "This is not a good representation of South Abaco, there should be standing room only," he stated. He had a message for parents telling them that they need to wake up and lead and guide kids in the right direction. "We need to get a grip of ourselves and then train up the children. Let us give the right impression to young people. If there was ever a time that we needed it, it is now." He encouraged the congregation to share the news and let other parents know that they need to wake up. His recommendation to the young people was that whenever in doubt they need to seek the advice of a reliable older person. The new administrator for South Abaco, Lavon Harris- Smith, introduced herself to the congregation. "I am no stranger to South Abaco since I have been coming here for a long time to visit some good friends. I also served a term as Administrator on Green Turtle Cay until last May. Although I only arrived in Sandy Point three days ago I wanted to make sure that I was here tonight and I'm privileged to be in the midst of talented young people. You are

our future and the wealth of our nation," she told the youth. Harris-Smith praised the young student who read a passage from the Bible earlier in the service and she encouraged children to read aloud out of the Bible every day. A short talk to the children was also presented by John Hudson, Council Member for South Abaco and Member of the Youth Committee who told the children a story about a young man who missed out on a wonderful gift because he did not open his Bible. “You’ll find any answer you need in the Bible and you can always ask your teacher to explain to you what you don’t understand,” he said. Pastor of the Sandy Point Assemblies of God Church, Erskine Wells, told the youth that the dreams they have in their hearts were placed there by God and he encouraged them to dare to dream big. "God gave gifts or talents to everyone, you all have great potential inside. Stop looking at yourself and saying I'm no good or I can't. You need wisdom from God; ordinary becomes extra ordinary in the hands of God." He told the youth that dreams don't die and gave the example of a grandmother who never let her dream die and she had recently graduated from college at the age of 90. He closed by charging the young people to "Put your faith and trust in God and he will lead you through." Following recognition of the Youth Committee for their service to the young people of the community, the service closed with a prayer for the youth of the nation by Elder Berry of the Deep South Seventh Day Adventist Church and a vote of thanks by Ms Brenell Higgs. During the service musical selections were rendered by Simone Bain, the students of the J A Pinder School and The Deep South Seventh-Day Adventist Choir.

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December 1, 2013

The Abaconian

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School & Youth News Largest ever College Fair hosts 26 colleges By Jennifer Hudson The annual Abaco College Fair, held under the banner "Paving the way for a brighter tomorrow," was held on November 19 at the Agape Christian School's Grace Gym. All of the local high schools, including Moores Island and Mary E Albury of Man O War, were invited. Hundreds of senior students turned up to take advantage of the fair and receive information and guidance to assist them in making decisions about the next stage of their career. Grade 12 students were invited for the first part of the morning and were followed by Grades 11 and 10. A short opening ceremony commenced with a welcome by Kathy Sawyer, a prayer by Principal Cecile Albury and the singing of the National Anthem. Dr Lenora J. Black, Abaco's District Superintendent of Education, gave a short speech on behalf of the Ministry of Education. She expressed her delight in being present to share this annual, exciting opportunity which exposes the young people to the many opportunities which exist for them for further education in The Bahamas and beyond. “This College fair provides a second lens through which to view your future. The choice is yours to take up the opportunities you are exposed to. Your future looks bright and provides real opportunities if you work hard and remain diligent in your studies; higher education is within your grasp," she told the students. Dr. Black encouraged the students to ask many questions and then declared the

Above: students consulting with a college representative. annual College Fair officially open. Jonathan Cartwright, College Fair Coordinator, was pleased to state that this is the biggest College Fair ever on Abaco. Whereas last year 15 or 16 colleges participated, this year the number was up to 26. Both of The Bahamas’ institutions of tertiary education were represented along with many colleges from Florida which are popular with Bahamian students since they are close to home. For those wishing to venture further afield there were also colleges from northern states such as Minnesota, New England, New York and many Canadian colleges. Canadian colleges are a popular choice for many Bahamian stu-

dents, the tuition usually being slightly lower that than for US Colleges. The students, in addition to being able to ask questions, were able to leave the fair armed with many brochures and other handouts to help them with their decisions. Some colleges, in addition to brochures, were handing out items such as mouse pads, pens, rulers and tote bags. The College of the Bahamas’ booth was very popular with the students since COB now offers a wide range of options and is, of course, far more financially viable than going abroad. In addition to the more than 250 Associate of Arts degrees it offers, it also now offers Bachelor of Arts

and Bachelor of Science degrees and even some Masters degrees. It is scheduled to become a fully-fledged university by 2015 and many new state-of-the-art buildings are planned. Phase 1 of a state-of-the-art dormitory is already under construction with 250 rooms and also a new science complex. The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) is also a popular choice and between 20 and 30 young people from Abaco are currently enrolled in courses there. Programs of study range from beauty and fashion trades to office, construction, electronics and mechanical trades. BTVI has a very interesting jointventure with the New England Institute of Technology which was also represented at the fair. “Students can attend BTVI for the first two years then transfer to New England Institute of Technology and get their Bachelor's degree within 24 months which saves them a lot of money,” informed Mark Seltzer, Director of Admissions for NETECH. It is a hands-on college with class sizes of less than 25 students. The college also has a long-standing agreement with the Lyford Cay Foundation which offers scholarships and it also recognizes Bahamas Ministry of Education scholarships. A $5000 scholarship is given by the college to each graduate from BTV I. Several of the colleges were participating in the Abaco College fair for the first time this year hoping to attract students from Abaco though they have participated in college fairs in Nassau and Grand Bahama in previous years and have several Please see


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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

School & Youth News College

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students from those areas enrolled. Durham College, near Toronto, was not only venturing into Abaco for the first time but this was their first time in the entire Caribbean region. Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, which offers over 100 programs, was also appearing for the first time on Abaco and hoping to entice students since it has the lowest tuition for any university in Canada. Most colleges within the United States require SAT results but one which does not is Flagler College, St Augustine, Florida. This is a small college in the oldest city in the United States with small average class sizes of 20 students. Although it does not require SAT scores it requires a minimum 3.0 GPA average. SAT scores are not required for any colleges or universities in Canada. Many of the colleges offer unique features. Fanshawe College, London, Canada, boasts such a comprehensive campus with fine dining restaurants, shops, pharmacies etc. that one never even needs to leave. Any students graduating from this college are allowed to stay and work in Canada for three years. Some colleges, such as Southeastern University in Lakeland Florida, offer the option of spending a night in a dorm to get a feel for the college. Lincoln Culinary Institute and College of Technology offers boot camps three times per year where students can go and experience the college to see if they will be a good fit. The students certainly had a large choice of college and university personnel to visit and literature to pick up. They made the most of their time asking questions of the recruiters to receive as much information as possible in the time allowed and their comments upon leaving showed just how helpful they had found this College Fair to be.

Largest group in CAPS’ history receives Honour Roll By Samantha Evans It was a proud day for the parents of those students who made the Honour Roll and beyond at Central Abaco Primary School for the 2012-2013 school year. The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday November 5 at the school beginning at 7pm. The program was executed by some of the outstanding students including the deputy head girl Berneisha Davis. In attendance for this wonderful occasion, and bringing remarks, was Superintendent Dr. Lenora Black who began by saying that there are moments in life when you celebrate the accomplishments of our students and this is one of those moments. She told the story of some parents of excellence she has been encountering and stated that she knows that there are so many of more of them at this school. She spoke of her encounter with a former student earlier that day and how it made her so proud to see that student doing so well. She told parents that there are many students of excellence among these honourees who will one day give their teachers stories like this one to tell. She congratulated the 254 students who are being honoured, their parents, and the teachers who served them and laboured hard during the school year in question to help these students achieve such an honour today. She hopes that at next year’s ceremony that the number of honor students will double. The guest speaker for the evening was former student Naason Sands, Chef and Youth Pastor of Friendship Tabernacle Church. He spoke to the students about excellence, stating that it is a way of life.

It should be seen in the way they dress, in their attitude and the way they play and in the classroom. Hence, he told the students that excellence, like heat, rises to the top. He gave the students four truths of excellence. Firstly, excellence is a journey not a destination. Therefore, Sands told them that they have to renew the way they think daily. Secondly, excellence inspires and uplifts. It leaves a clear path for others to follow. Thirdly, excellence never comes easy. It focuses on the finish line. Finally, excellence is attainable. Sands encouraged them to get up and try again when they miss the mark because excellence never lets the dream die. He told the students that God specializes in making big endings out of small beginnings so they should not be so concerned about how they started but how they will finish. After the speaker gave his remarks, he was presented with a gift by Mistress of Ceremony Samantha V. Evans the school’s Guidance Counselor. One hundred and forty-seven students were then presented with their Honour Roll Certificate which is the largest number ever in the history of this school. These students achieved a 3.0 to 3.49 Grade Point Average. Thirty-five students made the Vice Principal’s List having achieved a 3.50 to 3.79, nineteen students received the Most Improved Award, twenty students received the Top Achiever Award (new award), and seventeen students made the Principal’s list who achieved a 3.80 to 4.0 Grade Point Average. The most outstanding students at each grade level are: Reniah Curry – Grade 1, Faith Francis – Grade 2, Lakelle Ambrister – Grade 3, Kaitlyn Francis – Grade 4 and Selena Saunders – Grade 5. The students on the Principal’s List are: Kaitlyn Francis, Niccara Major, Bernard Hield, Patrinique Huyler, Faith


Francis, Derisha Stuart, Joshua McPhee, Raquan Knowles, Meldeka Maynard, Reniah Curry, Tiana Bootle, Keyondre Swain, Calvin McIntosh, Shane Mitchell, Christopher Turnquest, Tamara Polycarpe, and Gary Guerrier. Community Partners were also acknowledged for supporting the school in various ways. They are: Voice of Deliverance, Lovely Reckley, Change Ministries, Miracle Church of God, Lovely’s Delight, Shannon Albury, Sherry Rolle, Linda Mills, Abaco Battery and Tire, Audra’s Touch and Commonwealth Bank. The coordinator of this event was Teacher of the Year Mrs. Kayla Wallace.

ID cards will grant student discounts By Samantha Evans Local photographer, Marcia Taylor, created an Identification Card (ID Card) for students that provide them with discounts to local stores on the island. Taylor stated that she believes that I.D. badges are a great way to identify students when they are on the school campus and in chase of an emergency. The card will also have other relevant information on it including the student’s date of birth, student number, grade and school. It will also have the names of all of the stores that provide discounts and emergency contacts for the clinic, police and social services. The businesses that agreed to support this initiative by offering a 10% discount are: Abaco Computer Services, Abaco Hardware, Abaco Pizza, Nubian Styles, Muck-A-Mucks, Out Island Printing and Taylor’s Photography. Taylor stated that more discounts will be added as she forms partnerships with more businesses. Schools interested in their students getting ID Cards can call Mrs. Taylor at 423-6797.


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December 1, 2013

The Abaconian

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

School & Youth News


Mini-Fair and Fun Day held for Cherokee School

Abaco Rotary Club hosts District Governor

Above: DG Jeremy Hurst presents the newly formed Rotaract CLub with a Service Project Grant. Left to right: Abaco Rotary President Desmond Bootle, DG Hurst, Rotaract President Troy Seymour, Rotarian Jo-Ann Bradley and Rotarian Andrew Sands.

Above: children playing in Cherokee Sound on October 26 during the PTA fundraiser. By Lee Pinder Cherokee Primary held a mini-fair and fun day on October 26. Parents and friends all pitched in to help by preparing casseroles and sweets to sell. They raised $1,150 for the school. These funds will be used for new playground equipment. The P.T.A. would like to thank all those who donated and supported them. Visitors came from other settlements to join in the fun and the older children enjoyed themselves swimming and sailing in the small Opti, and the larger Laser,

sail boats. Cherokee folks love having a day out at the beach and long dock. It is a chance to visit with their neighbours and the little ones never tire of snorkeling by the bridge to find hidden treasures. While the second-home owners and ‘snowbird’ visitors are beginning to feel the bight of winter cold and wind, we should all be thankful we live in paradise. The tide was up and the temperature a warm eighty-five degrees with a light breeze; one of those perfect days.

Island Map Store

On Tuesday, November 12, The Rotary Club of Abaco hosted Rotary District Governor Jeremy Hurst. Mr. Hurst is Governor of District 7020 which includes The Bahamas, Jamaica, Cayman, US Virgin Islands and other Caribbean nations. Also on hand that evening were members of the newly formed Rotaract Club and other guests. The evening event was held at Abaco beach Resort’s Anglers Restaurant. A fine meal was served as the District Governor addressed Club President Desmond Bootle and the rest of the congregation. He highlighted the importance of engaging Rotary to bring about positive change in the community and worldwide. Immediate Past President of the Ab-

aco Rotary Club, Dwayne Wallas, was awarded a Presidential Citation for an outstanding job leading the Club to pursue “Peace through Service.” The award came as a pleasant surprise, validating the hard work of the Club. The Rotaract Club, a youth arm of the Rotary Club, was also the recipient of an award from the District. Troy Seymour, Rotaract President, was on hand to accept a cheque for $2,600 that will go towards the club’s service project, Project HELP. Project HELP focuses on helping the elderly of the community. Rotaract members go into homes and do care-work. The evening was wrapped up with a raffle and the signing of a banner, commemorating the District Governor’s visit.

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December 1, 2013

The Abaconian

Artist Highlight A 'Crafty' Couple - Star Crafts By Jennifer Hudson Leo Bethel, since retiring from his full time job three years ago, has discovered that he has quite a talent for 'crafting.' His wife, Renee, who still works full time as a secretary / art teacher at Agape Christian School, and who shares his love of crafting, says that she has always been naturally artistic. During his first year of retirement Leo found himself "Doing things I had to do rather than things I wanted to do." This did not sit well with him and he decided that he wanted a hobby to make his time more profitable. He received some inspiration from craftsman Roddy Pinder of Spanish Wells who got him interested in pen making. Leo purchased a DVD which he watched several times and, through trial and error, he has now succeeded in perfecting the craft. The first pen he completed took him five hours but now he has whittled the time down to one and a half to two hours. He turns these pens on a lathe and then shapes them using gouges, skews and other tools. Finally he polishes them with special polishes to form lovely works of art. So far he has been making only pens using acrylic and wood blanks then adding the mechanical parts but he has now also added propelling pencils which he also sells in sets, plus darts sets. What starts out as an acrylic or wood blank is turned into a beautiful writing implement. The pens are made in a variety of very interesting and beautiful woods such as Olive Wood, Bethlehem, Mahogany,

Cocobolo, Zebra Wood, Purple Heart, Redwood and Spaulted Tamarind and also a large selection of very attractive acrylics in all colours and patterns. Both Leo and Renée make these writing implements, sometimes individually but sometimes as a joint effort. "We sell many twist action pens but our most popular model has a bolt action," says Mr. Bethel. Renée also turns her hand to a large variety of other crafts which include wood plaques which she illustrates with fish and native parrots either by painting or wood burning, and mosaic plaques and mirrors made with sea glass. Now that Leo has perfected the craft of his pen and pencil making and has amassed quite a varied collection he is now looking for another fun and exciting way to profitably fill his time. He is now saving all the Coca-Cola cans he can find because in the New Year he plans to begin making non-motorized model airplanes from these Coca-Cola cans. Both Leo and Renée say how much they enjoy making all of their crafts. So far they have been selling just by wordof-mouth but they are now looking to expand their outlets by entering various craft shows. On November 29 they will be exhibiting in their first show which will be the Hope Town Harbour Lodge Arts and Craft show then on December 21 they will be at Pete’s Pub at Little Harbour for the Cancer Society benefit show and at the end of January at the Bahamas National Trust ‘Art for the Parks’ annual show at the Abaco Beach Resort. Their enterprise is called Star Crafts and Leo and Renée Bethel can be contacted at telephone 366 2802 or by e-mail at bps39 and or hands off_07@hotmail. com.

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Above: Leo and Renée Bethel working in their shop. Their budding business, Star Crafts, will be displaying their work in some upcoming art shows.


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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

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December 1, 2013

Creter’s Bulldogs celebrate championship win with fans By Canishka Alexander Following their historic win at the Bahamas Softball Federation's (BSF) National Round-Robin Tournament last month, the Creter’s Bulldogs organized a grand celebration on Nov. 16 at the Murphy Town Ball Field inviting fans on Abaco to celebrate with them. Leading up to the event, T-shirts were sold ensuring that all supporters were well represented in their Bulldogs’ attire. Free food, drinks and entertainment were provided, and a recap of the championship game was shown on the big screen for everyone to enjoy. After 32 years of playing in the softball league, the Bulldogs captured the winning title as The Bahamas’ National Softball Champions on Nov. 3. A delegation of Bahamas Softball Federation (BSF) officials also attended the event. In attendance were: Burket Dorsett, BSF president; Clifford Butch Scavella, director; Jeffrey Henfield, assistant treasurer; and Ted Miller, first vice president. Officer Paul Johnson was in the audience and congratulated the Bulldogs on their win. “All I can tell them is keep up the good work; next year we just have work to do,” he admonished. Certainly, Bulldogs Pitcher Lyle Sawyer is familiar with hard work, and is known to train every day. During the championships, he struck out some of the nation’s best players when the Bulldogs defeated New Providence’s Arnette’s Sporting Lounge Hitmen 4 -0 in the bronze medal game led by Pitcher Alcott Forbes, and advanced to the finals in the Round Robin to face Edney “The Heat” Bethel and the Elnet Excel Eliminators from Grand Bahama. This game proved to be more challenging, but the Bulldogs toppled the Eliminators: 5-3. Lyle struck out 11 players in that game, and earned the Most Valuable Player award. Lyle’s grandmother Pauline Sawyer was most excited as the Bulldogs’ “No.1 Fan.” “I’m so proud of Lyle. He’s my first grandchild, he gave me my first greatgrandchild, and he went to Nassau and won the first Bahamian championship and brought it back to Abaco,” she boasted. BSF President Burket Dorsett said that any of the six men’s softball teams could have won the national championship title, but the Bulldogs just had that extra


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Above: Team shot of Creter’s Bulldogs and BSF officials during their victory celebration on Nov. 16 at the Murphy Town Ball Field. The Bulldogs became the national champions after winning the Bahamas Softball Federation’s (BSF) National Round-Robin Tournament on Nov. 3. edge in their game. Dorsett said he was pleased that the championship was able to return to one of the Family Islands. “We don’t have anything against the New Providence based teams, but it shows the level of improvement in play in The Family Islands,” Dorsett explained. “Let me just say here that based on what we have seen in the Nationals, there’s a possibility that three or four players from the Creter’s Bulldogs would be invited out to the National Team practice and try out for inclusion in the National Team that will be travelling to Argentina in April of next year.” The good news didn’t end there. During the 2014 Round Robin Tournament, the Creter’s Bulldogs will be presented with their National Championship rings, and the BSF is looking to host the tournament on Abaco. In his remarks, Clifford “Butch” Scavella reminded the Bulldogs that all teams would be gunning for them next year. “One of the hardest things to do is to stay at the top, and right now the Bulldogs are No. 1 in The Bahamas,” Scavella cheered. “You’ve got to work, and I encourage ‘Creter’ [Christopher Roberts] and the Bulldogs to continue to work hard. I am so impressed with Lyle, and I remember in my 20s I was able to throw the ball as hard as he can, so I simply want to en-

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courage him to keep on going. “Perhaps he is the future for The Bahamas Softball National Team, so that we can come to be in one, two or three again. So Bulldogs, go for it and congratulations Abaco.” Christopher “Creter” Roberts made a special presentation of the championship game ball to Lyle for his hard work over the years.

Listed as the 2013 Bahamas Softball Champions are Creter’s Bulldogs players: Andrew Albury; Dillon Albury; Grant Albury; Kaleb Albury; Michael Albury; Jarrod Douglas; Mark Douglas; Willard Gardiner; Alton Janes; Nathaniel Malone; Haziel McDonald; Darren Rogers; Tyler Russell; Lyle Sawyer; Fred Sweeting; Brandon Weatherford; and William Weatherford. Royal Harbour Village Suite 102A Marsh Harbour, Abaco (Next to Abaco Gold)


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The Abaconian December 1, 2013


Abaco Swim Club dominates during November swim meets

mers from Man-O-War, Hope Town and Marsh Harbour. Many of the new swimmers competed for the first time. The youngest and newest on the team, Frye McCoy, successfully swam all 4 strokes and finished well. Many came home with trophies: 1st – 6 & Under girls: Addison Albury 2nd – 6 & Under boys: Digges Allen 3rd – 6 & Under boys: Cooper Allen 1st – 8 & Under girls: Carys Pinder 3rd – 8 & Under girls: Paxton Albury 3rd - 9-10 girls: Taylor Albury

Above left to right: Joshua Wong, Brayden Dam, Maddox Pinder, Jewel Pinder, & Mackenzie Dam at the Barracuda Family Guardian Invitational Meet. Press Release Abaco Swim Club (ASC) travelled with 5 club swimmers to meets in November. The swimmers were: Joshua Wong, Jewel Pinder, Maddox Pinder, Brayden Dam and MacKenzie Dam. The first swim meet was in Nassau, Nov 1 – 2. The Barracuda Family Guardian Invitational was an exciting meet that saw high points and broken records. 8-andunder competitor, Braden Dam, broke both the 50M breaststroke with 44.31 and the 100M breaststroke with 1:45.53 Jewel Pinder won high point trophy

for her age group, 9-10 girls. In the 8-andunder boys it was a clean sweep. Brayden Dam took 1st and Maddox Pinder took 2nd. Joshua Wong swam personal bests and added to his list of Carifta qualified events. MacKenzie Dam swam all personal bests and conquered the challenging 200M fly. ASC attended the 14th Annual Northern Bahamas Short Course Jr Swimming Championship in Grand Bahama on Nov 16. 13 swimmers attended this one-day meet. It was an early start for the swim-

All swimmers had personal bests and placed well overall. 7th – 6 & Under: Frye McCoy 4th – 8 & Under: Kiana Hicks 4th – 8 & Under: Jeremiah Weatherford 4th - 9-10: Roman Pinder 4th - 9-10: Katie Sands 16th - 9-10: Lilly Albury 3rd - 13 & Over girls: Camille Albury

Left: Brayden Dam who broke two national records. Right: Maddox Pinder who took second in the 8-and-Under Boys.

Successful Kayak Challenge held on schedule despite high winds By Mirella Santillo The third Kayak Challenge, a fund raising event for the Abaco Cancer Society and Friends of the Environment, was a great financial success with double the business sponsorship over last year. Helen Jacobs was the lucky winner (considering every raffle ticket had been sold) of the grand raffle prize, a Hobe kayak donated by Lightbourn Marine. The event took place, as scheduled, on November 9 in spite of heavy morning showers and strong winds. Under an overcast, threatening sky, the forty participants assembled at Pete’s Pub in Little Harbour, enthusiastically ready to cover the seven miles stretch around the Bight of Old Robinson. People undertaking the challenge were kayakers and paddle-boarders. The route had been changed because strong east winds made it dangerous to get out of the harbor. So after a short briefing by one of the organizers, Adam Lawrence, the boat captains and their mates, as well as the paddle-boarders, were driven by trucks to the beach where the kayaks had already been assembled. The paddle-boarders left Please see


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for another close-by area, but the kayakers took off at around 10:30 am, eventually separating to go left and around the creek. Upon their arrival at Pete’s Pub, the participants had been welcomed by some of the organizers and volunteers who helped them register, reminding them that they could either pay $25.00 with the understanding that they would raise $100.00 in pledges or pay the $100.00 in advance. With their contribution they received a complimentary T-Shirt decorated by artist Marjolein Scott. Supporters who wanted to contribute could buy T- shirts and caps for $20.00 as well as mugs with the Friends of The Environment logo for $25.00.

In the meantime, people kept arriving to Pete’s Pub where free Bloody Maries could be had. They socialized around the bar and on the upper deck while waiting for the return of the athletes. The first team to complete the course were two visitors, Sue Bourke and Mary Jane O’Hair, who, they said, had little experience in kayaking. They arrived at the departure point at 1:00 pm. They were among the six people who completed the entire course. The other four individual kayakers who managed to fight the strong winds to return to the starting point were Adam Lawrence, Dr. Buddy Wiles from Virginia, Marjolein Scott and James Richard Herminette Jean Noel also returned at 1:00 pm. Anna Albury and Amanda

The Abaconian

Lightbourn followed a few minutes later, but they stopped at the paddle-boarders’ departure site. Three daring sportsmen, Matthew McCoy, Christopher Higgs and Luke Allen, decided to brave the rough seas around the point and kayaked all the way back to Pete’s Pub. Marjolein Scott, another of the organizers and a participant, said that although shorter than last year, the distance was more challenging because of the weather. The event was organized by members of both organizations, which included Kristin Williams, Cha Boyce, Sarah Fair and Ruth Albury all with Friends of the Environment. Heather Moore was the coordinator for Pete’s Pub.

Treasure Cay Billfish Tournament Announces New Format for June Competition

Above: Matthew McCoy, Christopher Higgs and Luke Allen, who decided to brave the rough seas around the point and kayaked all the way back to Pete’s Pub.

Press Release The Treasure Cay Billfish Tournament (TCBT) announces a new date and format for its 31st Annual tournament, June 25-29, 2014. Held at Treasure Cay Beach Marina & Golf Resort, Abaco, Bahamas, the tournament will offer three fishing days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with an optional Family Fun Day, Kettle of Fish Tournament and Rock the Dock Party on Sunday. Stephen Kappeler, General Manager, said, “We took into consideration that some tournament participants may like to depart on Sunday to return to work on

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Monday. Plus, scheduling the event after school is out will make it easier for participants to include their families.” Known for its great fishing, excellent value and social events, the world-class competition attracts teams from around the world. The TCBT modified release tournament also offers social parties, dinners and fun competitions. The guaranteed cash payout ranges from $10,000 for a minimum of ten boats and up to $50,000 for participation of 50 boats. The TCBT offers a special bonus of one free room night at the resort or a free day of dockage for registrations made prior to March 31, 2014. The early registrations also receive an entry into a drawing for free tournament dockage for boats up to 60 feet and additional prizes. One of the best fishing destinations in the Bahamas, Treasure Cay is known for grander-size record-breaking marlin, large dolphin and wahoo. While billfish is the focus of the TCBT, the tournament includes Fun Fish Division awards for tuna, dolphin and wahoo. The Fun Fish Division offers an optional payout rivaling top prizes of U.S. based tournaments. Release point standings are verified by the participant’s own digital and/or video camera with an image that can verify the time and date the photo was taken. The TCBT is open to the public and center consoles over 30 feet are welcome. In addition to its great food and family social events, the TCBT also raises funds for the children of the Treasure Cay Primary School. Registration for up to six team members, including boat entry, cash prize eligibility, dinners, cocktail parties, team goody bag and room discounts is only $2,950 per team and can be made online at

Marina Gottlieb Book Signing

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

Remembering Family and Friends M r . Fred Parker age 61 years of Treasure Cay, Abaco died in Treasure Cay, Abaco on Saturday, October 5th, 2013. He is survived by his Wife: Nelrose Parker; Children: Bruno and Ginger Parker, Jevaughn & Rico Toote, and Rossanna Parker; Grandchildren: Quishawn Parker, Tayari Ramsay. Jordan Parker and Aletheia Balfour; Brothers: Daniel, Oswald Sr., Calman, Elton, Cedric, Eric, Wayne, Calvin (Elvern); Sister: Mary Jane Cooper, Doris Thompson; and a host of other relatives and friends.

Ansula D. McDonald, 49, of Murphy Town, Abaco, died at PMH on 30th Sept. 2012. She is survived by her husband: Gary McDond; 4 daughters: Ariel, Brittany, Aniska & Leshan; 6 brothers: Sean, Shane, Mario, Kenneth, Alex & Shawn; 2 sisters: Janet & Charmaine & a host of other rela-

tives & friends. Funeral Service for

Mr. Edyson “Blenders” Davis age 63 years, Resident of Moore’s Island Abaco, was held on Saturday November 16th 2013, at 11am, at Greater Bethel’s Native Baptist Church, Moore’s Island Abaco, officiating will be Pastor Preston Knowles, assisted by Pastor Anthony Williams, Interment followed at the Public Cemetery, Moore’s Island Abaco. Cherished memories will linger a life time in the hearts of his wife, Rosamae Davis, three (3) daughters, Dianne, Darlene & Driscol Davis, two (2) sons, Edison Davis Jr., & Demollar Davis (pre-deceased), seven (7) grand-children, Tristian Knowles, Taj Rolle, Twanesha Lightbourne, Amari Russell, Pedria Burrows, Sasha & Shania Davis, parents, Leonie Davis & Laban Davis (pre-deceased), three (3) sisters, Violet Hield, Rozena Swain & Mispah Davis, one (1) daughter-in-law, Merlinda Davis, three (3) brothers-in-law, Rodney, Weldon & Ollie Davis, eight (8) sisters-in-law, Sylvia Outten, Ludeen McDonald, Tarsha Wallace, Eloise Wells (pre-deceased), Shanell

Gierzewski, Sonamae, Julie & Molly Davis, six (6) brothers-in-law, Joshua & Peter Swain, Lavardo Wallace, Andrew Gierzewski, Thomas Hield & Clarence Outten, two (2) aunts, Edith Clarke & Jennie Stuart (pre-deceased), one (1) uncle, Edward Stuart, twenty-five (25) nieces, twenty-one (21) nephews and many other relatives & friends. A memorial service to honour and celebrate the life of Jea-

nette Louise Higgs (née Lowe) will be held on December 25, 2013 in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas. Jeanette would often recite her treasured memories of Marsh Harbour and the summer she spent there as a young girl. Following an extended illness, Jeanette passed away peacefully on November 20, 2013 at West Hills Hospital in the San Fernando Valley, California, where she had resided for the past 40 years; she was 82 years old. Jeanette is survived by her three daughters: Daphne Louise Lombardo, Sylvia Mary Russell, and Susan Jeanette Goulet; five grandchildren: Farrah Cartwright, Lauren Knowles, Michelle Russell, and Tyler and Karen Goulet; two great-granddaughters: Sierra and Eden Cartwright; her sister: Lassie Bullington; niece: Nancy Bingaman; sons-in-law: Anthony Lombardo and Larry Russell; grandsons-inlaw: Andrew Cartwright and Desmond Knowles as well as her extended family in the Bahamas and abroad. The family is deeply grateful for your prayers and encouragement for Jeanette during her last illness.

D a r lene Patricia Sawyer was born on August 17th, 1952 in Cherokeee Sound, Abaco to Leland and Eula Roberts. Mr. Leland was a familiar mail boat Captain for a number of years who met and married Ms. Eula Sands from Man-O-War Cay and brought her back to his home in Cherokee Sound. They had seven children in all, four girls (one was lost in childbirth) and three boys. Darlene left school at 14 and was a great help to her mother who taught her the basics of being a good wife and homemaker and she soon married her childhood sweetheart Daniel Sawyer when she reached 16 years of age (who developed throat cancer and preceded her in death by nearly two years almost to the day). The union never produced any children, but they were both well loved by their nephews and nieces, whom they treated as if they were their own and did all they could to assist in their up-bringing. A little over ten years ago she and Daniel were afforded the opportunity of adopting a little girl named Tyler who brought purpose and additional love into their lives. Sadly she has now lost them both, but hopefully will carry along what they taught her as she continues her journey through life. I know she will miss them both. For a short time in the mid-1980’s they ran the Cherokee Auto and Boat Haven, and even ventured into a restaurant in Cherokee called Dan’s Place. But Dan Please see


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Sales, Rentals and Property Management Member B.R.E.A. G.P.O. Green Turtle Cay, Abaco, Bahamas Telephone 1-561-283-3781 • Telephone/Fax 1-242-365-4636 E-mail: •

ON GREEN TURTLE CAY: . SOLD!!! 3/4 acre beachfront lot at Bight O Bay. . NEW!!! 6,100 sq.ft. lot just 30’ from Coco Bay Beach. Short walk to public dock. Power and water.


. Great Opportunity! Price Reduction! “Twin Palms” offers two immaculate attached furnished waterfront

townhouses on the Sea of Abaco. Each side mirrors the other with 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. A/C throughout. Internet and satellite. 2 Kayaks. Mini putts. Newly built 60’ dock accommodates 42’ boat. .537 acres. Reduced from $1.65m to $1.45.

. JUST REDUCED!!! 9,600 sq.ft. lot just steps to the Atlantic Ocean Beach. Quiet residential area.


. UNDER CONTRACT!!! 85 x 120 lot with start-up foundation. Less then 300 steps to the Atlantic Ocean Beach. Just reduced from B$85,000 to B$59,000.00 . NEW!!! 20,000 sq.ft. parcel 125’ from Long Bay Beach. Water view possible. Water and power accessible.


. NEW!!! Chic furnished artist’s home with two master bedroom suites plus 1/2 bath. Water view of White Sound. Within walking distance to a public dock with ramp. A/C throughout. Artist studio with north light exposure. Garage, workshop, golf cart. $495,000.00 . PRICE REDUCTION!!! “The Pink Pearl” Completely re-furbished 115 year old historic wood building centrally located in the heart of New Plymouth. Commercial/or residential use. Excellent tenant in place .Short walk to Settlement Creek and ferry service. Parking area. B$169,900.00 . “The Golden Reef “ Large two story commercial building in the heart of historic New Plymouth. Shop/office space on ground floor. Two furnished two bedroom one bath apartments on second floor with good rental history and sea views. Parking space. $550,000.00 .Two elevated waterfront parcels on the Bluff overlooking the Sea of Abaco. Stunning sunsets. Approximately 1/4 acre each with 85’ each on the water. Naturally deep water for a dock. Priced to sell TOGETHER for a total of $395,000 + 7 1/2% to close

PUBLIC NOTICE Re: SUNKEN AND DERELICT-ABANDONED VESSELS IN MARSH HABOUR, HARBOUR AND SURROUNDING CAYS Notice is hereby given to all owners, caretaker, or operators of vessels sunk or abandoned in Marsh Harbour, Harbour or the surrounding Cays to have them removed within fourteen (14) Days. Failure to do so will result in the Port Department removing same at the owner’s expense. PORT DEPARTMENT P.O. Box AB-20922 Marsh Harbour, Abaco Phone: (242) 367-0038/2934 Fax: (242) 367-0041

December 1, 2013

Remembering Family and Friends Obits

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soon returned to repairing automobiles which he enjoyed and worked at Frank’s place behind the Shell Gas Station in Marsh Harbour for many years. Darlene focused her efforts on her family and community and was always ready to assist whenever and wherever she was needed. As a good cook, as many Cherokee women are, she always had something cooking on the stove when out-of-towners dropped by for a visit. Somewhere along the way, both their lives changed and they found God. Daniel became an Assistant Pastor in the local Assemblies of God Church working with the church members and the men’s visiting ministry group and Darlene took over the women’s ministry group arranging various functions for them to become involved in. She must have read her Bible every day because many attested to the fact they she could quote chapter and verse of many scriptures by heart. She worked hard at anything she did and continued this work ethic, right up the time when she became too ill to continue in late June of this year. At that time her family and friends rallied around her and cared for in her final days. She died at home in her own bed on October 13, 2013. She leaves behind two sisters Una Sawyer and Diane Sawyer and two brothers, Freeman and Audley Roberts. A third brother Elvis predeceased her by just a little over two months. She also leaves behind a host of other family members and friends. May she Rest In Peace.

R u t h Kenyon was an early visionary of Abaco’s potential when she first arrived in Hope Town in 1954. She was a founding member of New Hope on Elbow Cay, later renamed the Elbow Cay Club. She was later instrumental in the founding of the Hope Town Harbour Lodge and a pioneer in the successful Abaco Inn. Her presence was warmly remembered at a memorial gathering in her memory at the Abaco Inn in the afternoon of November 23, 2013. Hotel and restaurant staff who grew up under her leadership spoke of the training they received on serving guests. Waitresses at many area restaurants could be identified as her earlier staff by the precise but informal service they gave. Ruth Kenyon Traughton passed away on June 2, 2013, in South Africa where she moved in later life with her husband Jeremy. Her ashes were scattered in the waters off the Hope Town Harbour Lodge and the Abaco Inn where she spent so many enjoyable days. Her legacy continues with family and friends perpetuating her goodwill throughout the area.

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Lifestyles Pilot Club of Abaco celebrates Founder’s Day

Above: Pilot Club of Abaco members celebrated Founder's Day on Oct. 29 in honour of Elizabeth Leonard and 40 other leaders who founded the dynamic club in Macon, Ga.on Oct. 18, 1921. By Keora Archer On Oct. 29, the Pilot Club of Abaco celebrated Founder’s Day at Leannie’s Restaurant in the tranquil settlement of Crossing Rocks. Pilots and their guests came from near and far to recognize the beginnings of this outstanding organization. This grand event was hosted by Membership Coordinator, Lauren Riviere. During the Founder’s Day Programme, Pilot members recited the Pilot Pledge, the Founder’s Day Proclamation was read and the Pilot October birthday celebrants were recognized before a scrumptious meal was served. The night climaxed with the First Pilot and Anchor History Trivia Competition. The brave and courageous competitors were Pilot Gwen Sawyer, Pilot Keora

Archer, Pilot Stacey Dean, and Pilot President Christine Lightbourne. After four challenging and exciting rounds of Pilot and Anchor History questions, the judges – Pilot Augustine Williams, Pilot Charlamae Fernander, and Head Judge Pilot Carlene Farquharson – announced Pilot Keora Archer as the champion of the Trivia Competition. Pilot International recognizes Oct. 18 as Founder’s Day, in honour and memory of Elizabeth Leonard of Macon, Georgia, who on Oct. 18, 1921, together with 40 other local leaders established this dynamic organization. This non-profit, service organization’s mission is to further Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts by charitable, educational and research programs, through friendship and service.

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

3. Fast shark 5. Florida an example of this; land surrounded by three sides 9. very important and timely. 12. Four of these are found on a car 13. US holiday celebrated with turkey 15. Locomotive 16. Largest Bahamian island 18. Aquatic jewelry 21. Landmass surrounded by water 22. Communication by dots and dashes 25. Newly renovated Cherokee church. 26. Relaxing stretch of sand 29. Less than an hour more than a second. 30. Creative espression 33. Inky mollusc 35. Lighthouses put an end to this once-common Bahamian industry 37. Bahamian geography 39. A fruit and a colour 40. Power from the Sun. 43. Necessary to mail a letter 45. This Loyalist recaptured The Bahamas in 1783 46. A constricting snake and a fashion piece 47. Reptile found in Exuma. 48. Famous Joyce novel.

Down 1. “Queen” of Bahamian cuisine 2. Pilots a ship 4. Formerly Como, highest point in Bahamas 6. Cartilaginous fish 7. These Bulldogs just won the National Softball Tournament. 8. A festival celebrates this Bahmian produce 10. A colour; a branch of military. 11. National bird 14. famous plumber 15. Comes in and out, ebbs and flows 17. Christmas Saint 19. This animal “Never forgets” 20. large body of fresh water. 23. These fossils are found in Abaco blue holes 24. When “Toters” come to your party, they usually bring this. 26. John, Paul, George and Ringo 27. Largest rodent in the world. 28. This stone helped unlock ancient languages 31. He could “Teach” you something about pirates 32. “Stringy” old Bahamian industry 34. Remnants of a meteor strike. 36. This underwater Bimini feature is said to be proof of Atlantis 38. Holds boats in one place 41. Pig onomatopoeia 42. Closest star 44. Famous for swimming in The Bahamas

As an apology to our avid crossword enthusiasts, here is a JUMBO puzzle to make up for the mistake from last issue. Enjoy, and thanks for reading The Abaconian

December 1, 2013

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

Abaco Judo Club takes top medal count in international competition Press Release Abaco Judo Club stunned the entire Caribbean Region by winning 4 GOLD, 2 SILVER, 1 BRONZE and TOP ATHLETE at the XIII Barbados International Invitational tournament on November 23rd in Bridgetown, Barbados. This tournament is the premier Caribbean event and attracted over 100 of the very best fighters from 12 countries in the region. Abaco sent four of its top under-18 year olds to represent The Bahamas and these young men were exceptional representatives for The Bahamas and Abaco. “Winning at this tournament was very important because the International Judo Federation (IJF) now demands that only national champions (all four Abaco fighters are national champs) and then Regional medalists are allowed to compete at the Continental level events” stated Sensei Albert Lill. “One of our fighters - Dre Hall - was so good in practice that I entered him in his correct weight division AND the next higher weight group. He won silver in his proper division and then wiped out 4 top fighters including two brown belts to get the GOLD in the heavier group,” enthused Sensei. “Desmondo Bootle faced the toughest field by far and still won BRONZE and BEST TECHNIQUE by placing one of his opponents in a reverse/inverse arm bar forcing his opponent to tap out and defeating another with a tremendous and difficult combination of attack sequences and then a vicious throw” said Head Coach Parotti. Jonathan Strachan won SILVER in his weight category and was chosen to fight in the TOP TEAM competition where he won GOLD. This was Jonathan’s first international tournament and gained the instant respect of all his peers and their


coaches. Desmond Bootle fought several tough matches and prevailed for GOLD with a great match over Guyana. Abaco Judo Club easily won the most gold medals and total medal count of all teams, and together with their older team members from Nassau, propelled The Bahamas to Third overall medal count even though other countries had twice to three times as many fighters. The Club would like to shout out a huge thank you to everyone who supported the team. While all coaches and Sensei pay their own way and volunteer all their time, sending Abaco’s youth to international events would not be possible without the community’s most generous contributions.

Flag Football - Week Two

Above: tough competition on Man-O-War’s field. By Timothy Roberts In week two of the Abaco Youth Football Association’s (AYFA) Flag Football Season there was great excitement and

competition with all teams playing at the softball field in Man-O-War on November 16. Please see


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December 1, 2013

Sports Football

From Page 22

In Senior Division competition the games were hotly contested and AYFA saw its first overtime game of the inaugural season. In the first Senior Division game after taking an early lead, the Marsh Harbour Wildhawgs held off the Man-O-War Ma-

kos winning by a touchdown - 28 to 20. In the wildly competitive second game the Wildhawgs and Green Turtle Cay Falcons battled in a close game which was forced into overtime. The Wildhawgs defense held and Bailey McBride hit on a deep pass to Kale Pinder to secure the OT win. In the third senior division game the

The Abaconian

Falcons pulled ahead of the Makos and took the game by two touchdowns with a score of 29 to 14. In the Junior Division the Wildhawgs faced off against the Makos and taking a two touchdown lead by the half and finished the game 33-13. In the second game for the Juniors the Falcons took an early lead and did not look

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back leaving the Wildhawgs behind by ten points at the end with the final score 50 to 40. In the final game of the day for the Juniors the Falcons again held an impressive lead and defeated the Makos 48 to 19.

Classified Advertisements Items for Sale, Employment, Services, Cars & Boats

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2000 Ford F350, 4x4 extended 4 door cab, power/stroke diesel, one very careful owner from new, seat covers from new, service history, immaculate thr’out, new tyres, drive as brand new, no knocks or rattles! $23,500 USD!! 242-554-8663

29’ - 2009 lightning built by formula boat, with twin 250 Yamaha, Gamin GPS, sound system very loud, fast and very dry off shore boat, price $47,600. Call 577-6434

2002 Mercedez Benz, leather interior, A/C. Call 357-6751 GMC Flat Bed Crane, all in working order. Offers call 242-554-8663

31’ Tiara, 1990, Duty paid. Tuna tower. Needs engine wk. $10k obo. Truman major HT (242) 366-0101. Peggy FL (561) 789-3996

Classified Advertisements Houses and Land - For Rent and For Sale

Classified Rates Minimum for 3 lines of info $10 per issue Picture and 4 lines $25 B&W Additional lines at $2 per line Colored Photo additional $20 Spot Color highlight on wording, additional $10 Call 242-367-3200 Fax 242367-3677 Email:



Marsh Harbour, Sky Developers 2 bed/1 bath, furnished, with A/C, washer and drier, water included, $1100/mo. Call Mrs. Green at 367-2660

Marsh Harbour, Government Sub, For sale by owner - Duplex located in. Large corner lot of land. Can easily be converted into 4 bedroom, 2 bath house. $325,000 Net. Phone 242-342-5066/357-0386


Treasure Cay - Canal front property with 111’ dock, boat lift, davits, & cleaning station. REDUCED to $279,000. Call 305-245-6043 or

RENTAL HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Casuarina Point, south Abaco, 2 bed, 1 bath house, one minute walk from the beach. Water & elec included. Only $800 p/m. Call Mr. Wheeler at 376-6447, 225-2344 or 475-7116 Casuarina Point, tastefully furnished 3 bed 2 bath house, central air, beach views, 15 mins from Marsh Harb. $1,000/mon. Ph. 225-3211 Great Cistern, 3 bed, 2 bath, turn key access to sea. $2200/month. Call 554-9872 Guana Executive Rental, 2 bedroom, fully quipped and furnished. $1300, includes cable. Call 904-982-2762

Central Pines, 2,000 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, home for sale on big corner lot. Well built, hardi board, energy efficient house, open floor plan, large front porch. Serious inquires only. Call 475-8475 Casuarina, For sale by owner, Lot # 100, across the street from the canal, 75’x160’. Asking $45,000. Call 367-3472. Serious inquiries only!


Scotland Cay, Abacos Private Island. Magnificent large 4 bedroom, 3 full bath pool home, 1 acre on the Abaco Sea, private dock, beautifully furnished, 3 golf carts, 45kw diesel generator, landing rights on pvt runway, in turn key condition, $1.2m, owner financing available. Also available, beautiful lot and boat slip in the pvt marina, by owner 561-254-8648

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The Abaconian December 1, 2013

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