CALU Oct 2011 Newsletter

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From: Jean Semler <> Subject: ChangeALIfe Uganda (CALU) receives Merck grant & Fr. Lawrence's Sept. visit helps grow CALU. Date: October 13, 2011 12:13:32 PM EDT


Father Lawrence shared his personal story with the friends of ChangeALife Uganda during his recent visit. "I received the gift of education and now I am the one to be the voice of the voiceless. If I can be the instrument to get people to provide education for the young ones, these children will be the ones to make a difference in Uganda." The hope and message to our ChangeALife Uganda children is to change themselves, their families, their villages, and by staying in Uganda - change their country.


QuartersForWater Merck grant to fund next phase of water project We are pleased to announce the support and generous funding by Merck of a $35,000 grant, which will go directly to our QuartersForWater program. These funds will allow us to proceed with the next phase of this important project: drilling the test wells to determine the one that will yield the necessary volume of muchneeded clean water for our schoolchildren. Through the efforts of CALU board member and Merck employee Nancy Singer, we had a successful informational meeting at Merck with Chirfi Guindo, VP Global HIV. In addition, Merck is providing invaluable advice, leads and contacts in support of our efforts to expand our water program and HIV/AIDS initiative.

To see how his vision has become ChangeALIfe Uganda, click on the video below.

Children Catalyst for Change, ChangeALife Uganda 3.m4v

Listen to CALU sponsored student, Esther Naggendo recite an inspiring poem about the value of education which she dramatically performed at a rehersal for a regional school competition.

Curious Hearts "A right to learn" .m4v

Curious about a trip to Uganda? Thinking about coming with us in 2012? View a short video of the Chandler family's July 2011 experience.

Uganda.My Story.


During a meeting on September 27 at Merck in Whitehouse Station, NJ, Chrifi Guindo, VP and Global Brand Leader HIV for Merck discussed with Fr. Lawrence Kimbowa, Dave Thelen, Jean Semler and Nancy Singer (not in the photo) scaling up ChangeALife Uganda to strengthen our impact on uplifting the lives of our children and their families in Migyera and Nabbingo, Uganda.

FATHER LAWRENCE MEETS MANY CALU FRIENDS, SPONSORS AND DONORS DURING HIS VISIT TO THE US. September 2011: Father Lawrence, who as an eight year old survived his country's civil war and an attack on his home, shared his story with students, parents and current sponsors and those who want to understand why we work in Uganda. Here in the U.S. for two weeks, he described his life as a sponsored seminary student who wore his first pair of shoes at seventeen when he attended school. "Education is the best gift you can give an African child and it will change that child's family." Fr. Lawrence's inspiring story details how his family was separated for 10 years and a priest found him a sponsor in Chicago. That sponsor stayed with him until he was ordained. Father Lawrence was first assigned to Migyera, "the bush where there was nothing but a small school in poor repair. I decided to thank God by making this place a better place and I hope one day to have more Father Lawrences doing the work of change." Father's vision is to educate students in both academic and practical matters such as how to farm more effectively, read and help their parents to make the home more like the school which has latrines, furniture and buildings of brick. In turn, these children educate their families as did Lawrence, who taught his father how to conduct business while he learned practical skills from Tata (Bagandan for dad). This year, Father Lawrence's visit featured gatherings in sponsors' homes in Lake Forrest, IL, New Haven, CT, Old Tappan, Rumson, Wall and Brick, all in NJ, bringing them up to date about the students' development and school accomplishments. He shared the progress of our program with the students of West Essex High School, Rumson Country Day School, Old Mill School in Wall, Crawford Rodriquez School in Jackson, St. Catharine's Religious Education Program in Blauvelt, NY and the Toms River Breakfast Rotary.

If you are a FACEBOOK user, please visit our page and like us. We are hoping to use FACEBOOK for the wonderful photos, videos and news about our students in Uganda and friends in the US. Click and like us now! Thanks so much.

Betty and Peter Gillespie, ChangeALife Uganda sponsors from Lake Forest, IL are helping Fr. Lawrence increase the number of sponsored children by reaching out to their local community.

Fr. Lawrence updated Ann Murdock, a teacher at Rumson Country Day School and Kerry Chandler, a RCDS parent and ChangeALife Uganda Board member, about the children's micro-finance program in Uganda which is funded by Rumson Country Day. See below.

Kathryn Kent invited sponsors and friends of ChangeALife Uganda to her home to hear an update by Fr. Lawrence on our mission, progress and new programs.

Mary Corcillo, 4th grade Old Mill School teacher, shares teaching resources with Fr. Lawrence as school nurse Sue Peacock looks on.

The Matheny Medical and Education Center in Peapack, NJ, our new partner in providing resources to the disabled in Uganda, was a gracious host. They welcomed us with a special program of music and singing. Generously, Matheny School sent Linda Newsome, a speech therapist, and Glen Stackhouse, a physical therapist, to Uganda (on our recent summer trip) to assess the situation at the Nalukolongo Home for handicapped people. This partnership resulted in a plan for Matheny to help with grant writing, training and

a sponsorship program.

Jessica, a member of a client group at Matheny Medical and Educational Center, joins Fr. Lawrence and Jean Semler for lunch along with other clients and Matheny staff members. The Center sponsors Florence, a ChangeALife Uganda student.

We are pleased to announce a corporate sponsorhip by Johnson & Johnson's Consumer Products Company, whose Baby Marketing team is sponsoring 6 children. CALU's mission parallels J&J's credo that challenges employees to put the needs and well-being of the people they serve first. The team's generous sponsorship will have an immediate, direct impact on 6 children who will now have the opportunity to attend school. Since the baby division is particularly sensitive to women's and children's issues, there may be a time in the future when J&J will help with products for CALU's health center when it is completed!

J&J Consumer Products Baby Marketing team learns first hand from Fr. Lawrence about our mission and program.

Also, Father Lawrence updated everyone on microfinance projects that are meeting with success. One example is Rumson Country Day School, which financed an initiative with the children at St. Lawrence School. They wrote a business plan where the Ugandan children's crafts are sold here with profits reinvested in Uganda.

Meet St. Lawrence School students who make beautiful handmade beads as part of the RCDS funded microfinance craft group.

Importantly, CALU launched the Christopher Health Fund thanks to the support of Gaye and Paul Nicholson of Rumson NJ. One of our sponsored children, Christopher Bakwana died earlier this year from Malaria. Named in Christopher's honor, this fund will raise money to complete the health center in Migyera. A special thanks goes to Kathryn and John Grifonetti, Kathryn Kent, Susan Peacock and Gaye and Paul Nicholson for hosting gathering for the friends of CALU; and to Reverand Patrick Mulewski from St. Pius Church in Old Tappan, NJ for his parish's warm welcome. We are most grateful to Earl Quijano from Jackson Municipal Water provided education on water issues to support good decision making by Fr. Lawrence as we move forward with our water project.

Earl Quijano from Jackson Municipal Water shows Fr. Lawrence and Wayne Shellock, ChangeALife Uganda board member, the water treatment plant for Jackson residents and businesses.

The support and creativity of the people in the USA and Uganda has been incredible. We have asked everyone to share their " Time, Talent, and Treasure." It's not just about money, but about people showing their values and teaching their children to understand how privileged we all are. Children all over the world are equally talented and equally intelligent - education and experience are what make the difference.

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