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Tim Payne
Hey guys, as you've probably guessed, my name's Tim. I'm not really one for talking a lot about myself - so here's a brief run through: I completed my secondary education at Trinity Grammar School doing the I.B. in years 11 and 12. Currently I'm at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Uni of Sydney) doing my Bachelor of Music Education (BMus. Ed). I'm a countertenor singer and also have experience in flute, piccolo, recorder (sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor) and piano. Essentially I'm a unique individual if you get to know me well you will discover my uniquenesses. My love for music is unbreakable. I will listen to anything except hardcore death metal shit. I do love boxes, particularly nice ones. I have a small collection of boxes that I have collected over the years. So that's about it for now. Talk later. Kay bye.