Bridgend College HE Prospectus

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The Outstanding College Committed to Your Success Y Coleg rhagorol gydag ymrwymiad i’ch llwyddiant

Higher Education Prospectus 2012 /13 PROSPECTUS 2012/13


8 9 12 14 16


19 23 29 33 39 45 49 51 53 57 63 65 69


72 76 81 82 86 88 90



The Best of Both Worlds... Nestled perfectly between the cities of Cardiff and Swansea, students could not wish for a better location than Bridgend. Offering the best of both worlds, the modern yet historical market town gives students the option of a big night out, or shopping trip to either city, or on the other hand a relaxing evening in one of the many bars and restaurants in town. With the stunning Glamorgan Heritage Coast a short distance away, the country-style beauty of the town can be misleading. Don’t be fooled, just a few minutes drive and visitors are safely back on the M4 corridor. With excellent transport links to Bridgend, the College is a popular choice for both full and parttime students from as far away as West Wales, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and North Somerset. Originally formed as a mining college in1929, Bridgend College has grown to be one of the largest colleges in Wales, with an enviable reputation for its quality teaching and above average student success. At Bridgend College the lecturers don’t merely teach their students, they take an interest in their careers and beyond, with a real passion to help students reach their potential and achieve in their careers.



University Courses, on your Doorstep... For those students who live in Bridgend, why look any further than your own doorstep? With the impressive range of university courses on offer, there’s certain to be a course right for you. You’ll find full and part-time Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, Foundation degrees and Undergraduate degrees, as well as Professional qualifications and Masters degrees. There’s something for everyone. People have different reasons for choosing to stay near home and study locally. It can be work commitments, family commitments, or it may just make great economic sense. Here are some of the reasons why students choose Bridgend:

According to the National Student Survey, 87% of overall students are satisfied with HE at Bridgend College; 90% of our students study in Grade 1 or Grade 2 departments; Reduced travel time and transport costs; Live at home and save student accommodation fees; Courses are taught in small, personal groups; Scholarships are available.



A welcome from

Croeso gan

the Principal y Pennaeth One of the biggest secrets about this College - your local college - that many people don’t appreciate, is that we offer the widest range of full and part time Higher Education courses more than any other college across Wales. Every year over 1,200 students study Higher Education courses with us.

Un o’r cyfrinachau mwyaf am y Coleg hwn eich coleg lleol - nad yw llawer o bobl yn ei werthfawrogi yw ein bod yn cynnig ystod ehangach o gyrsiau Addysg Uwch llawnamser a rhan-amser nag unrhyw goleg arall ar draws Cymru. Mae dros 1,100 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio cyrsiau Addysg Uwch gyda ni bob blwyddyn.

Our courses are validated by a range of Universities including the University of Glamorgan, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of Wales, Newport. We also work with professional associations including the Certificate in Personnel Development (CIPD), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).

Caiff ein cyrsiau eu dilysu gan amrediad o Brifysgolion yn cynnwys Prifysgol Morgannwg, Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda chymdeithasau proffesiynol yn cynnwys y Dystysgrif mewn Datblygiad Personél (CIPD), Sefydliad Siartredig Marchnata (CIM) a Chymdeithas Technegwyr Cyfrifeg AAT).

At Bridgend College students are offered the widest range of Foundation Degrees, Undergraduate Degrees, Higher National Certificates, Higher National Diplomas, Postgraduate and Masters Degrees and professional qualifications!

Yng Ngholeg Penybont caiff myfyrwyr yr ystod ehangaf o Raddau Sylfaen, Graddau Israddedig, Tystysgrifau Cenedlaethol Uwch, Diplomâu Cenedlaethol Uwch, Graddau Ôl-radd a Meistr a chymwysterau proffesiynol!

SO WHY DO 1,200 STUDENTS CHOOSE TO STUDY HIGHER EDUCATION AT THE COLLEGE? For some it’s the local flexible solution that we offer and the ability to balance your studies with work and family commitments. For others, who may have studied with us before, it’s having the confidence and familiarity with the lecturers and the knowledge that the College delivers a very high quality of education. For other students it’s to do with the impressive Higher Education facilities based on all 3 main campuses at Cowbridge Road, Queens Road and Pencoed. In the past 18 months these facilities have further been developed as part of our £11m investment programme in student and learning facilities.

FELLY PAM FOD 1,200 O FYFYRWYR YN DEWIS ASTUDIO ADDYSG UWCH YN Y COLEG? I rai mae’r ateb hyblyg lleol a gynigiwn a’r gallu i gydbwyso eich astudiaethau gydag ymrwymiadau gwaith a theulu. I eraill, sydd efallai wedi astudio gyda ni o’r blaen, mae’n ymwneud â chael yr hyder a bod yn gyfarwydd gyda’r darlithwyr a’r wybodaeth fod y Coleg yn cyflawni safon uchel iawn o addysg. I fyfyrwyr eraill mae’n ymwneud â’r cyfleusterau Addysg Uwch rhagorol yn seiliedig ar bob un o’r 3 prif gampws yn Heol y Bontfaen, Heol y Frenhines a Phencoed. Cafodd y cyfleusterau hyn eu datblygu ymhellach yn y 18 mis diwethaf fel rhan o’n rhaglen buddsoddi £11m mewn cyfleusterau myfyrwyr a dysgu.

Today there is so much uncertainty in Higher Education, both in relation to tuition fees and the possible rationalisation of universities in Wales. Indeed with the number of available HE places reducing at the same time the demand to study Higher Education is increasing, more and more students are looking for a degree of certainty. We believe that we can offer that certainty.

Heddiw mae cymaint o ansicrwydd mewn Addysg Uwch yng nghyswllt ffioedd hyfforddiant a hefyd y rhesymoli posibl ar Brifysgolion yng Nghymru. Yn wir, gyda’r nifer o’r lleoedd addysg uwch sydd ar gael yn gostwng ar yr un pryd â’r galw i astudio Addysg Uwch yn cynyddu, mae mwy a mwy o fyfyrwyr yn edrych am rywfaint o sicrwydd. Rydym yn credu y gallwn gynnig y sicrwydd hwnnw.



‘The outstanding College committed to your success’, your local university on your doorstep which 1,200 students, just like you, choose every year. At Bridgend College an impressive 87% of students are satisfied with the HE experience that they receive, compared to a national average across all UK HE institutions of 83%, as evidenced in the annual National Students Survey.

‘Y Coleg rhagorol gydag ymrwymiad i’ch llwyddiant’, eich prifysgol leol ar garreg eich drws y mae 1,200 o fyfyrwyr, yn union fel chi, yn ei ddewis bob blwyddyn. Yng Ngholeg Penybont mae 87% o fyfyrwyr yn fodlon gyda’r profiad Addysg Uwch a gânt, o gymharu â 83% ar draws holl sefydliadau addysg uwch y Deyrnas Unedig, fel y dangosir yn yr Arolwg Myfyrwyr Cenedlaethol blynyddol.

We look forward to welcoming you to Bridgend College. MARK JONES Principal




What is

HigherEducation? If you’re confused between Foundation Degrees, HNCs, HNDs, Degrees and all of the other complex terms associated with higher education - look no further. Here is a breakdown of what it all means, and what you need to do to study a higher education course at Bridgend College.


Firstly, take a look at the different levels of education below. This framework will help you identify where you are, in relation to the highest qualifications you currently hold, and what level you should aim for next.



The next step is to choose the subject you would like to study. At Bridgend College, we understand how the range of courses on offer can leave students unsure of what to choose. That’s why we’ve set out all of our courses across the following pages, with the essential information you will need to make the right choice. The areas of study you can choose from are:


























Identified the next stage of higher education for me Decided on the subject area I would like to study Chosen the course I would like to study Applied to study a full time university course through UCAS Completed, and returned a Bridgend College application form Attended the Higher Education open days (page 81 for open day dates)

Asked about the scholarships and bursaries on offer (page 73)



QueensRoad Campus Centre for Higher Education Many of our students studying a university course at Bridgend College enjoy the comfort of our Queens Road Campus – with its’ recent £1m investment upgrade. Situated on the Bridgend Industrial Estate, the newly extended and refurbished Centre for Higher Education Studies offers a modern and innovative learning environment for those students studying university courses at the College.

The university courses delivered to higher education students at the College are taught by experienced, supportive staff, committed to providing an engaging curriculum. At Bridgend College we understand why you have chosen to study with us, you want to be successful. We invite professional guest speakers into the lectures to help give our students an insight into the industry they want to succeed in. Our Media, Design and Photography students also enjoy the state of the art facilities located at the Queens Road Campus, which include purpose built studios and workshop spaces for film recording, sound editing and photographic studio camera work. The campus is also home to art digital imaging suites and video editing workstations.





Student Facilities REFECTORIES Whether you want a quick cup of tea or a sit down meal, our student refectories offer a range of choices, from hot meals through to sandwiches and snacks. For more information on refectory opening times and locations visit

LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE (LRC) AND LIBRARY To support our students in their studies, a range of learning resources and research facilities are provided at the Queens Road, Bridgend and Pencoed campuses. The LRC has a wealth of reference books relating to your course, periodicals and magazines and of course an impressive suite of open access computers with internet access to assist with your research. In addition, higher education students have access to the library facilities and Student Services support from their franchise University, whether it be Glamorgan University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff or the University of Wales, Newport. For more information on LRC opening times and locations visit

TRAVEL & PARKING Bridgend College encourages its students to travel to College by green, environmentally friendly means. However, we recognise in some instances this may be inconvenient and even impact on a student’s ability to study at the College or attend a lecture at a certain time. Wherever possible, please access our campuses by public transport or via sustainable transport such as foot, bicycle or car sharing. Bridgend Campus For students arriving by car, over 400 car parking spaces are available at the Bridgend Campus. Access to the student car park is through a set of automatic barriers and a student car parking permit can be requested, and issued with your student ID card.

Pencoed Campus Both students and staff have access to the car parks at Pencoed campus. There are currently no automatic barriers and no car parking permits in operation. Queens Road Campus Both students and staff have access to car park spaces at the front and side of the main campus building. There are currently no automatic barriers at the Queens Road Campus and no car parking permits are in operation.



Campws Heol y Frenhines Canolfan Addysg Uwch Mae myfyrwyr sy’n astudio cwrs prifysgol yng Ngholeg Penybont yn cael moethusrwydd a chysur Campws Heol y Frenhines - a adeiladwyd yn arbennig ar eu cyfer. Wedi’i leoli ar Safle Diwydiannol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, mae’r Ganolfan Astudiaethau Uwch newydd ei ymestyn a’i adnewyddu ac yn cynnig amgylchedd dysgu modern a blaengar ar gyfer y myfyrwyr hynny sy’n astudio cyrsiau prifysgol yn y Coleg. Caiff y cyrsiau prifysgol a gyflwynir i fyfyrwyr addysg uwch yn y Coleg eu haddysgu gan staff profiadol a chefnogol sydd ag ymroddiad i roi cwricwlwm diddorol. Yng Ngholeg Penybont rydym yn deall pam i chi ddewis astudio gyda ni, rydych eisiau bod yn llwyddiannus. Gwahoddwn siaradwyr gwadd proffesiynol i’r darlithoedd i roi cipolwg i’n myfyrwyr ar y diwydiant y dymunant lwyddo ynddo.




6 YSTAFELL DDOSBARTH NEWYDD SBON, MANYLEB UCHEL ARDAL RAGOROL I FYFYRWYR, A GAIFF EI GALW YN ATRIWM WYDR FFREUTUR GYDA SEDDI MODERN LLYFRGELL A CHANOLFAN ADNODDAU WEDI EU HADNEWYDDU GWELL CYFLEUSTERAU I STAFF A MYFYRWYR Mae myfyrwyr Cyfryngau, Dylunio a Ffotograffiaeth yn mwynhau cyfleusterau o’r math diweddaraf yng Nghampws Heol y Frenhines yn cynnwys stiwdios a adeiladwyd yn bwrpasol a gofodau gweithdy ar gyfer recordio ffilm, golygu sain a gwaith camera stiwdio ffotograffig. Mae’r campws hefyd yn gartref ystafelloedd delweddau digidol a gorsafoedd gwaith golygu fideo.

Cyfleusterau I Fyfyrwyr FFREUTURAU P’un ydych eisiau cwpanaid gyflym o de neu bryd eistedd i lawr, mae ein ffreuturau myfyrwyr yn cynnig amrywiaeth o ddewisiadau, o brydau poeth hyd at frechdanau a snaciau. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar amserau agor a lleoliadau’r ffreuturau, ar gael yn

CANOLFAN ADNODDAU DYSGU A LLYFRGELL I gefnogi ein myfyrwyr yn eu hastudiaethau, mae amrediad adnoddau dysgu a chyfleusterau ymchwil yng nghampysau Heol y Frehines, Penybont a Phencoed. Mae’r Ganolfan Adnoddau Dysgu yn gyfoeth o lyfrau cyfeirio’n ymwneud â’ch cwrs, cyfnodolion a chylchgronau ac wrth gwrs nifer dda o gyfrifiaduron mynediad agored gyda mynediad i’r rhyngrwyd i’ch cynorthwyo gyda’ch ymchwil. Mae gan fyfyrwyr addysg uwch hefyd fynediad i gyfleusterau llyfrgell a chefnogaeth gwasanaethau myfyrwyr o’u Prifysgol ffransais, p’un ai yn Brifysgol Morgannwg, Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd neu Brifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar amserau agos a lleoliadau Canolfannau Adnoddau Dysgu ar gael yn

TEITHIO A PHARCIO Mae Coleg Penybont yn annog ei fyfyrwyr i deithio i’r Coleg drwy ddulliau gwyrdd a chyfeillgar i’r amgylchedd. Fodd bynnag, sylweddolwn y gall hyn weithiau fod yn anghyfleus a hyd yn oed effeithio ar allu myfyriwr i astudio yn y Coleg neu fynychu darlith ar amser neilltuol. Lle bynnag sy’n bosibl, gofynnir i chi ddod i’n campysau ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus neu drwy drafnidiaeth gynaliadwy megis cerdded, beicio neu rannu car. Campws Penybont Ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n cyrraedd mewn car, mae dros 400 o ofodau parcio car ar gael yng Nghampws Penybont. Mae mynediad i’r maes parcio myfyrwyr drwy set o glwydi awtomatig a gellir gofyn am docyn parcio ceir myfyrwyr, fydd ar gael gyda’ch cerdyn adnabyddiaeth myfyriwr. Campws Pencoed Mae gan fyfyrwyr a staff fynediad i’r maes parcio yng nghefn campws Pencoed. Nid oes clwydi awtomatig na thocynnau parcio yn weithredol ar hyn o bryd. Campws Heol y Frenhines Mae gan fyfyrwyr a staff fynediad i ofodau parcio car ym mlaen ac wrth ochr prif adeilad y campws. Nid oes clwydi awtomatig na thocynnau parcio yn weithredol yng Nghampws Heol y Frenhines ar hyn o bryd.



Higher Education

Partners To ensure we offer the widest range of university courses, we have teamed up with three outstanding universities in South East Wales, to deliver an impressive range of courses to our students.

University of Glamorgan Students who want to achieve their ambitions, but are being held back by work or family commitments, no longer have to choose between the two. The partnership agreement between Bridgend College and the University of Glamorgan means students can study a University of Glamorgan course - at the College. Bridgend College works closely with the University and offers higher education programmes that could just be the start of something great. Those choosing to study one of the courses at Bridgend College, will still be a University of Glamorgan student and receive a university qualification, but can conveniently study at a Bridgend College campus.

A huge benefit of students studying a University of Glamorgan course at Bridgend College is that students will be encouraged to progress onto the University’s full range of awards and obtain an even higher level qualification. At Bridgend College, the results from studying a higher education course are excellent. Students who progress onto the University of Glamorgan enjoy their studies and are extremely successful in gaining rewarding careers after they graduate. For University of Glamorgan courses offered at Bridgend College, contact the Higher Eduction Team on: 01656 302302 E:



P artneriaid Addysg Uwch I sicrhau ein bod yn cynnig y dewis ehangaf o gyrsiau prifysgol, rydym wedi uno gyda thair o’r prifysgolion gorau yn Ne Ddwyrain Cymru i gyflwyno ystod ragorol o gyrsiau i’n myfyrwyr.

Prifysgol Morgannwg Nid yw myfyrwyr sydd eisiau cyflawni eu huchelgais, ond sy’n cael eu dal yn ôl gan ymrwymiadau gwaith neu deulu, yn gorfod dewis rhwng y ddau bellach. Mae’r cytundeb partneriaeth rhwng Coleg Penybont a Phrifysgol Morgannwg yn golygu y gall myfyrwyr astudio cwrs Prifysgol Morgannwg - yn y Coleg. Mae Coleg Penybont yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r Brifysgol ac yn cynnig rhaglenni addysg uwch a fedrai fod yn ddechrau rhywbeth gwych. Bydd y rhai sy’n dewis astudio un o’r cyrsiau yng Ngholeg Penybont yn dal i fod i fyfyriwr Prifysgol Morgannwg ac yn derbyn cymhwyster prifysgol, ond yn medru astudio’n gyfleus yng nghampws Coleg Penybont. Mantais enfawr i fyfyrwyr sy’n astudio cwrs Prifysgol Morgannwg yng Ngholeg Penybont yw y caiff myfyrwyr eu hannog i symud ymlaen i ystod lawn o ddyfarniadau’r Brifysgol a chael cymhwyster hyd yn oed yn uwch.

Mae canlyniadau astudio cwrs addysg uwch yng Ngholeg Morgannwg yn ardderchog. Mae myfyrwyr sy’n symud ymlaen i Brifysgol Morgannwg yn mwynhau eu hastudiaethau ac yn llwyddiannus iawn wrth sicrhau gyrfaoedd gwerth chweil ar ôl iddynt raddio. I gael gwybodaeth am gyrsiau Prifysgol Morgannwg a gynigir yng Ngholeg Penybont, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch ar: 01656 302302 E:



Cardiff Metropolitan University Students choosing to study a course from Cardiff Metropolitan University at Bridgend College will be provided with education and training opportunities that are accessible, flexible and of the highest quality. Impressively the university has been independently acclaimed for its high academic standards and for its high level of student satisfaction. Cardiff Met has five academic schools which offer courses that are career orientated and have been designed in conjunction with business and industry. Learning and teaching will always be at the heart of Cardiff Met and the University aims to deliver education to its students with a personal touch and within a friendly and supportive learning environment.



FROM FURTHER EDUCATION, TO HIGHER EDUCATION Cardiff Met has operated a Consortium since 2004 which provides a framework for its courses to be studied at further education colleges. The Consortium facilitates the progression of students from college into further study at Cardiff Met. The Consortium is better known as the ‘Further Education to Higher Education Consortium’ (FE2HE). In 2010/11 there were over 220 students studying on programmes across this Consortium. The programmes offered by the Consortium enable students to study flexible programmes at their local college, whilst gaining a reputable and recognised higher education qualification.

Within the Consortium there are 13 undergraduate courses at HNC, HND, Foundation degree and Bachelor degree level. Courses include Social Work, Health and Social Care and Design for Interactive Media. Several courses are also available both full and part time. Good news for students wishing to pursue a course at Bridgend College, in partnership with Cardiff Met, is that the Consortium is only going to grow. New part time Foundation degree courses in Financial Services, Food Science and Technology, Sustainable Design and Construction and IT Management for Business have recently been developed. The work of the Consortium meets the aims set out in the Welsh Government’s Higher Education strategy document, ‘For Our Future’, which emphasises collaborative working between further education colleges and schools and higher education institutions. The Consortium will look to widen access and increase participation, encourage progression, and continue meeting regional, skills and employers’ needs. For Cardiff Metropolitan University courses offered at bridgend College contact the Higher Education Team T: 01656 302302 E:

Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd Bydd myfyrwyr sy’n dewis astudio cwrs gan Brifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd yng Ngholeg Penybont yn derbyn addysg a chyfleoedd hyfforddiant hygyrch, hyblyg ac o’r ansawdd uchaf. Cafodd y brifysgol ei chanmol yn annibynnol am ei safonau academaidd uchel a’i lefel uchel o foddhad myfyrwyr. Mae gan Brifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd bum ysgol academaidd sy’n cynnig cyrsiau sydd â gogwydd at yrfaoedd ac a gafodd eu cynllunio mewn cysylltiad gyda busnes a diwydiant. Bydd dysgu ac addysgu bob amser yn ganolog i Brifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd ac mae’n nod gan y Brifysgol i gyflenwi addysg i’w myfyrwyr gyda chyffyrddiad personol ac o fewn amgylchedd dysgu cyfeillgar a chefnogol.

O ADDYSG BELLACH, I ADDYSG UWCH Mae Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd wedi gweithredu Consortiwm Addysg Bellach i Addysg Uwch ers 2004 sy’n rhoi fframwaith i’w chyrsiau gael eu hastudio mewn colegau addysg bellach. Mae’r Consortiwm wedyn yn hwyluso cynnydd myfyrwyr o’r colegau hyn i astudiaeth bellach ym Mhrifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd. Yn 2010/11 roedd dros 220 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio ar raglenni ar draws y Consortiwm. Mae’r rhaglenni a gynigir gan y Consortiwm yn galluogi myfyrwyr i astudio rhaglenni hyblyg yn eu coleg lleol, tra’n ennill cymhwyster addysg uwch cydnabyddedig. Mae 13 cwrs i israddedigion o fewn y Consortiwm ar lefel HNC, HND, gradd Sylfaen a gradd Baglor. Mae’r cyrsiau’n cynnwys Gwaith Cymdeithasol, Iechyd a

Gofal Cymdeithasol a Dylunio ar gyfer Cyfryngau Rhyngweithiol. Mae nifer o gyrsiau hefyd ar gael yn llawn-amser ac yn rhan-amser. Y newyddion da ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n dymuno dilyn cwrs yng Ngholeg Penybont mewn partneriaeth gyda Phrifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd yw bod y Consortiwm yn sicr o dyfu. Rydym wedi datblygu cyrsiau gradd Sylfaen rhanamser newydd mewn Gwasanaethau Ariannol, Gwyddor a Thechnoleg Bwyd, Dylunio ac Adeiladu Cynaliadwy a Rheoli Technoleg Gwybodaeth ar gyfer Busnes. Mae gwaith y Consortiwm yn cyflawni’r nodau yn nogfen strategaeth Addysg Uwch Llywodraeth Cymru, ‘Ar Gyfer ein Dyfodol’, sy’n tanlinellu cydweithio rhwng colegau addysg bellach ac ysgolion a sefydliadau addysg uwch. Bydd y Consortiwm yn edrych ar ehangu mynediad a chynyddu cyfranogiad, annog cynnydd, a pharhau i ddiwallu anghenion rhanbarthol, sgiliau a chyflogwyr. Ar gyfer cyrsiau Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a gynigir yng Ngholeg Penybont cysylltwch â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch Ff: 01656 302302 E:



Universityof Wales, Newport The proud partnership between Bridgend College and the University of Wales, Newport is an arrangement where students can study any of the courses offered at the University, in the comfort of their local college - Bridgend College. The qualification will be awarded through the University of Wales, Newport in the same way as for those students studying at the University’s own campuses. Newport’s University has nearly 10,000 students, many who study part-time at one of the University’s Caerleon and City Campuses. As a student of the University, you join a vibrant and diverse group of people who come from within Wales and across the world. When students enrol on a University of Wales Newport course through Bridgend College they become eligible for a range of benefits and support from both the College and the University. These include access and borrowing rights from both the University’s and Bridgend College Library Services. There is an online University portal especially set up for you that gives you access to all the information you will need, including a forum where you can meet and communicate with other students. Students at Bridgend College are as important to the University as those who study in University of Wales Newport, and feedback is just as valued.



The University often gets students saying that the course they took in their local college helped them gain a great deal of confidence as well as skills and knowledge, with many students going on to progress to higher levels of study at the University. Students are welcomed as part of the University’s community, with support and encouragement offered to students to progress their education and career. Staff and lecturers at Bridgend College meet regularly with University staff in order to ensure that standards of learning and teaching remain high and that everyone is happy with the quality of the experience. A Newport course through Bridgend College gives you the best of both worlds - a University education delivered close to home. For University of Wales, Newport courses offered at Bridgend College, contact the Higher Education Team on: T: 01656 302302 E:

Prifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd Mae’r bartneriaeth falch rhwng Coleg Penybont a Phrifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd yn drefniant lle gall myfyrwyr astudio unrhyw un o’r cyrsiau a gynigir yn y Brifysgol yng nghysur eu coleg lleol - Coleg Penybont. Dyfernir y cymhwyster drwy Brifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd yn yr un ffordd â’r myfyrwyr hynny sy’n astudio yn nghampysau’r Brifysgol ei hun.

Mae myfyrwyr Coleg Penybont mor bwysig i’r Brifysgol â’r rhai sy’n astudio yng Nghasnewydd, a chaiff adborth ei werthfawrogi yn union yr un modd.

Mae gan Brifysgol Casnewydd bron 10,000 o fyfyrwyr, llawer ohonynt yn astudio’n rhan-amser ar gampws Caerllion neu gampws y Ddinas y Brifysgol. Fel myfyriwr i’r Brifysgol, byddwch yn ymuno â gr wp egnïol ac amrywiol o bobl o Gymru ac ar draws y byd.

Mae’r Brifysgol yn aml yn cael myfyrwyr yn dweud i’r cwrs y gwnaethant ei gymryd yn eu coleg lleol eu helpu i ennill llawer iawn o hyder yn ogystal â sgiliau a gwybodaeth, gyda llawer o fyfyrwyr yn symud ymlaen i lefelau uwch o astudiaeth yn y Brifysgol. Caiff myfyrwyr eu croesawu fel rhan o gymuned y Brifysgol, a chynigir cefnogaeth ac anogaeth i fyfyrwyr i symud ymlaen yn eu haddysg a’u gyrfa.


Pan fydd myfyrwyr yn ymrestru ar gwrs Prifysgol Casnewydd drwy Goleg Penybont byddant yn dod yn gymwys am amrywiaeth o fuddion a chefnogaeth gan y Coleg a hefyd y Brifysgol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys mynediad a hawliau benthyca gan Wasanaethau Llyfrgell y Brifysgol a hefyd Goleg Penybont. Mae porth Prifysgol ar-lein yn arbennig ar eich cyfer sy’n rhoi mynediad i’r holl wybodaeth rydych ei hangen, yn cynnwys fforwm lle gallwch gyfathrebu gyda myfyrwyr eraill fel chi.

Mae staff a darlithwyr yng Ngholeg Penybont yn cwrdd yn rheolaidd gyda staff y Brifysgol er mwyn sicrhau fod safonau dysgu ac addysgu’n parhau’n uchel a bod pawb yn hapus gyda safon y profiad. Mae cwrs Casnewydd drwy Goleg Penybont yn rhoi’r gorau o ddau fyd i chi - addysg Prifysgol a gyflwynir yn agos adref. I gael wybodaeth am gyrsiau Prifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd a gynigir yng Ngholeg Penybont, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch ar Ff: 01656 302302 E:



Are you currently studying at Bridgend College? Have you given much thought to what to do after you’ve finished your course? FE toHE

There are lots of options to consider, you could find employment, you may want to move away to University, or you can stay on at College and study a higher education course. The higher education courses at the College are university courses, aimed at making you more appealing to employers. The courses are in partnership with three universities; the University of Glamorgan, The University of Wales, Newport and Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Students will study the university course, but from the comfort and convenience of Bridgend College. Rather than travel out of Bridgend for lectures, or even pay to move away to university, you can get your degree here, at the campus that you love and with the lecturers that you know. Some of you may be eager to find a job and start earning money. However, in an increasingly competitive job market, employers are looking for highly skilled personnel and in most roles this requires specific, and often higher level qualifications. The idea of going away to University may appeal to some, but others will feel more comfortable in an environment they’re familiar with. Moving away to university will involve finding somewhere to live, meeting new friends and settling down in a new place. Many students choose to continue studying within the College as it allows more flexibility with work or family commitments, and allows students to live at home saving on student accommodation fees. Our full and part time university courses are designed to assist you in getting that crucial head start in the career you’ve always wanted or to progress more quickly in your chosen area of study.

Case Study “

I always knew that I wanted to be a social worker, so when I moved to Wales I was advised to complete a first Diploma in Health and Social Care with Bridgend College. This gave me the qualifications I needed to complete a National Diploma in Care. I enjoyed the course and feel the skills I gained helped me work with service users. “I went on to complete the BSc (Hons) Social Work degree, also at Bridgend College. I decided to study there rather than at a large university, due to the support I had been offered throughout the other courses I completed. The classes were smaller and encouraged me to ask questions during class, and the tutors got to know me and my learning style. “Since completing the course in July 2011 I now work as a full time social worker in a private fostering agency. It’s my dream job and I wouldn’t have been able to gain the qualifications, skills and confidence if I had not gone to Bridgend College. As well as gaining my qualifications, I had a lot of fun along the way, meeting people who I’m still close friends with.




Art,Design & Media Can you see yourself being creative?



BA (Hons) Degree in

Foundation Degree in

Photographic Practice

Applied Art and Design



CAMPUS: Queens






Full-time: 3 years Part-time: Up to 5/6 years (requires 1 day and 1 evening)

One year: full time


Full-time: £9,000* per year, inclusive of essential studio fees Part-time: £678 per year COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course aims to provide students with professional and academic development, enabling them to become creative individuals that are responsive to the needs of the photographic and associated industries. Students will progress through three levels of study and will be provided with the opportunity to develop a sustained body of commercially viable independent practical work, in conjunction with a body of academic research. On completion of the course graduates should be able to advance professionally and contribute significantly within the field of photography. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A minimum of 2 A levels at grade C or above (one of which must be an art based subject) or A BTEC Level 3 extended diploma or equivalent in a related subject with merit grade or above or A BTEC Diploma in Foundation Studies, Art & Design or A mature student with a substantial portfolio of photographic and/or artwork

FEES: £9,000* per year, inclusive of essential studio fees COURSE DESCRIPTION:

The Foundation Degree in Applied Art and Design will develop your 2D and 3D skills covering the breadth of applied arts practice including painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, surface manipulation, creative lens and timebased media. Whilst you develop these skills you will also study business practice, communication and ICT, professional practice and contextual studies. As the course progresses you will develop your 2D or 3D specialism, and work-based learning will continue to play a pivotal role. A strong emphasis is placed on the applied nature of art and design, so that you will be well prepared to move directly into employment or art practice. The vocational focus of the course includes live projects from the creative industries and businesses, outside placements in studios, galleries, museums, foundries and animation companies, and work placements alongside art/design practitioners. Work based learning and placements form the focus and ethos of this course, which will prepare you for a career as an art and design practitioner. The Creative Industries Practical Skills Development Contextual Studies Case Study Workshop Development Communication Skills Development of Business Plan Practical Studio Realisation



The course is based at Bridgend College. Taught sessions will include lectures, seminars, workshops, demonstrations, tutorials and critiques. Work-based learning alongside art practitioners will take place through a range of external placements, and will help prepare you for employment in the creative industries. ASSESSMENT METHODS


*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.


Photography work by Melissa Jenkins

Assessment is carried out in a variety of ways, including 2D and 3D finished artwork and preparation work (including sketchbooks); essays; seminar presentations; seminar reports, journals and case studies; and practice in the workplace including diary entries, photographic records and/or sound recordings. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES

Employment in the creative industries; Self employment as an artist/ designer/ craftsperson; Gallery/museum administration; Community-based art work; Prop making for theatre, television or animation companies.

Student Reflections “

I found the course a fantastic stepping stone between A Levels and full time employment. There are a number of situations the course puts you through, which are key to developing personal and practical skills, from mock interviews to real life clients. I had no experience with the software or equipment I used on the course beforehand. But, this didn’t deter me, as the lecturers were extremely helpful. From day one after meeting my Lecturer, Andy Satherley-Bell for a tour of the facilities, I knew this was the course for me. It’s about being creative and I was amazed by some of the professional skills I learnt throughout my time, and still use today. Bridgend College puts 110% into all its courses. The facilities available are brilliant, and in some cases better than most professional standards. My highlight of the two years that I spent at Bridgend College would be the final major project. I was fortunate enough to be a part of Swansea City Football Club’s Media Department for the whole year and experienced real life situations as part of the course! After the year I spent with the club and my two years of study, I was offered full time employment with SCFC. This is my dream job - and the reason why the course and lecturers are perfect for that step up you need to make it to the next level. Looking back on my time at College I have no regrets and would recommend it to anyone. If you’re not certain about what you plan to do in the future, then explore what is on offer at Bridgend College and I know that there will be something that interests you.


Foundation Degree in

Creative Industries (Film & Video) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



Full-time: 2 years FEES:

£7,500* per year COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This is an innovative course designed and delivered in partnership with employers, to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills required by the creative industries.

It provides students with practical and theoretical skills in television and film, providing specialist training from scriptwriting to camerawork and editing. The course will provide students with the opportunity to work with business clients and media professionals, enabling the development of project management, team working and problem solving skills and communication techniques. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A minimum of two A Levels at grade C or above or A BTEC Level 3 extended diploma / Certificate or equivalent in a related subject or A BTEC Diploma in Foundation Studies, Art & Design or A mature student with industrial or relevant experience

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details. WWW.BRIDGEND.AC.UK


HNC Design for


HND Design for

Interactive Media Interactive Media VALIDATED BY:

CAMPUS: Queens



CAMPUS: Queens




Part-time: 2 years

Full-time: 2 years



Wed & Thurs 6pm – 9pm

£7,000* per year



£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)

The HND Design for Interactive Media course combines the creative potentials of Art & Design with cutting edge technology, in order to provide students with the necessary understanding and skills to produce media-rich interactive multimedia products for a dynamic industry. It is a full-time, module-based programme of study that has a broad range of topics that encompass both the creative and technical aspects of multimedia.


The HNC Design for Interactive Media course is ideally suited to those people who want to enhance current skills and knowledge in this rapidly changing industry, or those who want to re-train and enter it. It is a part-time, two year module-based programme of study, encompassing both the creative and technical aspects of multimedia.

Four GCSE passes at grade C or above, with at least one Art/Design/Technology subject and English and Mathematics or Additional qualifications can include one A level pass in either Art/Design/Technology subjects or A merit profile in one of the following; BTEC Level 3 extended diploma in Multimedia, BTEC Diploma Foundation Studies, BTEC Advanced VCE in General Art & Design, or a relevant BTEC National Diploma, or a pass in a relevant and equivalent area of study or Mature students are encouraged to apply for this course and will be considered on the basis of life and educational experience PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students can apply to top-up their HND to Degree level by applying to the third year of a University degree programme, or enter the multimedia industry.


No formal entry requirements needed. However, the applicant should have recent and relevant experience in computing or technology based field. Applicants will be expected to bring a portfolio of work to an informal interview with the course director or course team members. The portfolio should include examples of current and relevant work that will support their application.

Where do you see yourself? *Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



Design work by Bridgend College student

Business Studies & Management

Can you see yourself as a manager?



Foundation Degree in

Foundation Degree in

HNC in

Financial Services

Management & Business

Business Studies



LENGTH: Part-time: FEES: TBC

CAMPUS: Queens



This course is designed to develop the necessary skills and knowledge so that students can become effective practitioners in the field of financial services. Students will gain a critical appreciation of the role of financial services, the organisations and the products in the retail financial environment. This course is designed to prepare students for future positions at middle management level in the financial services sector. The Foundation Degree has been designed by business, for business. Delivery is shared between Bridgend College and Cardiff Metropolitan University. There is an identical programme running in Ystrad Mynach College and there will be opportunities for shared learning with their students. This programme addresses the core priority to support the Financial Services related industries in South East Wales and there is no fee for those enrolling in 2012. Employers simply need to release staff for one afternoon per week, and in turn employees need to dedicate that same evening per week for the studies. Modules include: Academic Skills for Business Business in Context Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Experience through work Money and Finance in the 21st Century Personal Taxation Quantitative Methods for Financial Services Accounting for Finance Professionals Financial Planning Practice Investment Markets and Principles Tax and Legal Aspects of Business Experience through Work 2

Part-time: 1year

All students must be in employment as the skills and knowledge they are developing need to be demonstrated back in the workplace by making a positive impact on the businesses they work for. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification. Students also have the opportunity to progress to the BSc.



CAMPUS: Queens



2 years





Mon 5pm – 9pm FEES:


The course builds upon the knowledge and experience gained when completing the HNC Management & Business. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

Live Project Employment Experience ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students will be required to complete the HNC Management & Business before studying the foundation degree. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

There is an opportunity to continue your studies part time at the University of Glamorgan in order to achieve the BA Degree in Management & Business (Topup). Alternatively the qualification can be used to further your aspirations in the workplace.

Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

YEAR 1 Tues 2pm – 9pm or Tues & Wed 6pm – 9pm YEAR 2 Wed 2pm – 9pm or Tues & Wed 6pm – 9pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

Do you want to get ahead in Business? Need practical and relevant knowledge to help you make your mark? By looking at how businesses work, this business studies course will give you the vital skills needed for a successful career. The course is varied and interesting and teaches you what it takes to manage a successful business or organisation. There is a mix of theory and practice, which means what you learn is relevant to what happens in real life. You will study all aspects of a business, giving you extensive knowledge of different areas and how they work together. With learning based on actual scenarios, you will gain the day-to-day skills for successful business performance. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

YEAR 1 Management and Organisational Behaviour Information Management Business Environment Managing Financial Information YEAR 2 Human Resource Management Strategic Business Analysis Enterprise Management Marketing Relationships ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students are requited to hold 120 UCAS Tariff Points or Mature students can enter at the course tutors discretion PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

There is an opportunity to continue your studies at the College in order to achieve the Foundation Degree in Management & Business. Alternatively the qualification can be used to further your aspirations in the workplace.

HND in


CAMPUS: Queens


Chartered Institute of Marketing in

Chartered Institute of Marketing in

Professional Diploma in Marketing

Introductory Certificate in Marketing




Full-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

YEAR 1 Mon to Wed: 9am – 1pm YEAR 2 Wed & Thurs: 9am – 1pm Fri: 10am – 2pm FEES: £7,500*

per year


Do you want to get ahead in Business? Need practical and relevant knowledge to help you make your mark? By looking at how businesses work, this business studies course will give you vital skills for a successful career. This varied and interesting course teaches you what it takes to manage a successful business or organisation. There is a mix of theory and practice, which means what you learn is relevant to what happens in real life. You will study all aspects of a business, which will give you extensive knowledge of different areas and how they work together. With learning based on actual scenarios, you will gain the day-to-day skills for successful business performance. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

YEAR 1 Management and Organisational Behaviour Managing Customers and Suppliers Information Management Business Environment Managing Financial Information Employability and Professional Development YEAR 2 Human Resource Management Strategic Business Analysis Enterprise Management Live Project Marketing Relationships Optional Module ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students are requited to hold 120 UCAS Tariff Points or Mature students can enter at the course tutors discretion PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Many students progress to the University of Glamorgan to complete the BA (Hons) Degree in Business Studies (Top-up). Alternatively the qualification can be used to gain entry to an organisations management training programme or to gain entry onto a number of professional qualifications. *Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



time: 1 year

DAYS & TIMES: Weekly

5pm – 9pm

CAMPUS: Queens

Road Campus


Part time: 1 year




Weekly 6pm – 8pm



qualification provides the knowledge, skills and ability to do in relation to marketing planning and developing the marketing professional across a range of areas. The qualification is a hybrid of marketing with a considerable emphasis on management as marketers move from specialist aspects of marketing into either a functional or departmental role. The course is ideal for marketers with operational responsibilities and an eye on management – including departmental managers, product or brand managers, marketing managers, account managers, marketing executives and business development managers.


The Marketing Planning Process Delivering Customer Value through Marketing Managing Marketing Project Management in Marketing ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Any Business or Marketing Bachelors or Masters degree, or an equivalent qualification, where a minimum of one third of credits come from Marketing (i.e. 120 credits in a Bachelors degree or 60 credits with a Masters degree) CIM Professional Certificate in Marketing (either 2002 or 2008 syllabus) Suitable work experience in a marketing management role that has provided the ability to demonstrate you can meet the learning outcomes of the CIM Professional Certificate in Marketing if required to do so, and is sufficient to pass the entry test to Level 6. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater marketing opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification whether within or external to the students organisation. Students also have the opportunity to progress to the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing or the Masters Management programme.


The Introductory Certificate in Marketing is for all those who want to find out more about marketing - whether you’re in a job that involves marketing or not. It aims to develop the knowledge and skills for those people who are working to support others in basic marketing tasks. This beginners course requires no previous experience or knowledge of marketing and students can study at a time suitable for them. For example if a student is already be working and wants to study around work commitments, or is looking for a job and therefore will not have time to study during the day the course is flexible. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

What is Marketing? This covers the importance of marketing in terms of what marketing is and how it is defined. It focuses on the role of marketing, its cross-functional importance and its contribution to business success. It also looks at the role of marketing as a service provider within the organisation. Understanding Customer Relationships. This module focuses on developing an understanding of internal and external customers, and considers how a knowledge and understanding of customers can assist in designing appropriate marketing activities to engage and support customers to achieve long-term customer loyalty. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

This is an ‘open’ qualification, which means you don’t need any previous qualifications or marketing experience. However, if you are working or have some business experience, this will certainly help you put your learning into context. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater marketing opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification. Students also have the opportunity to progress to the Professional Certificate in Marketing



Chartered Institute of Marketing in

Chartered Management Institute Level 4 Diploma in

Association of Accounting Technicians in

Professional Certificate in Marketing

Management & Leadership

Level 4 Diploma in Accounting IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:




Part time: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES:

Weekly 5pm - 9pm FEES:


This qualification offers the practical skills and knowledge to devise and execute tactical marketing activities and gain marketing credibility. It’s ideal for junior marketers or those working in marketing support roles. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

Marketing Essentials Assessing the Marketing Environment Market Information & Research Marketing for Stakeholders ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

This qualification is the equivalent to the first year of a foundation degree, which means you must meet at least one of these criteria: A general Bachelors or Masters degree CIM Introductory Certificate in Marketing (Level 2 or 3) A NVQ or SVQ Level 3 (equivalent to NQF Level 3) A NVQ or SVQ Level 4 in any other subject (UK – equivalent to NQF Level 4 and above) PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful achievement of this qualification will help students to gain marketing credibility within their own working environment, as well as in other business sectors. Students will also have the opportunity to progress to the CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing.




CAMPUS: Queens


LENGTH: Part-time:

1 year

Part-time: 1 year


5pm – 9pm



The Level 4 qualification in Management and Leadership is designed to develop personal management capabilities, making effective use of information in the decisionmaking operations and the development of the skills of managing people. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

Personal Development as a Manager and Leader An Introduction to Managerial Style Managing Stakeholder Expectations Introducing Organisational Culture, Values and Behaviour Managing and Guiding Interviews Managing Equality and Diversity Being a Leader ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

There are no specific entry requirements. However, individuals are likely to have several years experience middle management experience. A CMI Level 3 Diploma in First Line Management or equivalent would be advantageous but not essential. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Upon successful completion of a Level 4 Diploma in Management and Leadership a number of progression and career opportunities become available: Enhance professional status by upgrading membership with the Institute Start working towards Chartered Manager status Progress onto the next level of qualification – an MSc in Management Become a senior manager


Wed 9am – 5pm or Wed 1pm – 5pm & 6pm - 9pm or Wed 5pm – 9pm & Thurs 6pm – 9pm FEES:


Provides an understanding of more advanced financial and cost accounting, and is designed to enable students to achieve the Level 4 Diploma in Accounting. On successful completion students may apply for membership of the Association. UNITS INCLUDE:

Financial Statements Personal Tax Business Tax Budgeting Financial Performance Internal Control and Accounting Systems ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Level 3 AAT or an equivalent qualification (as approved by the AAT) PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Qualified Accounting Technicians can hold responsible positions in Industry and Commerce. The qualification is recognised globally and accepted by employers. Holders of this qualification gain exemptions into other professional accounting qualifications, including the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) part time courses at the University of Wales, Newport.

Student Reflections “

Before I decided to enrol on the AAT course, I was working in a small, family run hotel. As my son was then in school I decided that it was the time to further my education and study something I had wanted to do for a long time – accountancy. I decided to study AAT. I looked into home study courses; however I thought I would do better if I had the support of tutors, so I decided to enrol with Bridgend College. I found the lectures very informative and the tutors were great. They were always willing to help and explain something further if needed. As a result of my studies I managed to leave the hotel where I was working and secure a job in the finance department of a manufacturing company. The company I now work for are willing to support me in furthering my education, so I am planning to study the ACCA qualification.


CIPD Intermediate Certificate in

Institute of Legal Executives in

Human Resource Management Level 5

Level 6 Single Subject Certificate




Part-time: 1 year DAYS & TIMES:

Wednesday 1pm - 7.30pm FEES:

£718 Plus CIPD registration fee (paid direct to CIPD) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

The course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills required by Human Resource specialists. You will study a three core unit and three optional units covering a wide range of HR activities including: Developing the Professional Business Issues & The Contexts of Human Resources Using Information in Human Resources Employee Engagement Contemporary Issues in HRD Managing & Co-ordinating the HR Function The course is set at degree level and allows progression onto the Professional Advanced Diploma. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A Certificate in Personnel/Human Resource Practice (CPP/CHRP) or equivalent or supervisory experience, ideally within Human Resources.

This enables students to build up a larger qualification at their own pace (subject to availability). All applicants must attend and interview with the course tutor prior to enrolment to discuss available units and also course prerequisites.

CAMPUS: Bridgend

GCE A level minimum requirement ILEX Level 3 Professional Diploma A Degree in a relevant area.



Part-time: 1 year

Become a fully qualified Legal Executive. Please see the ILEX website for more detailed information -


One evening per week FEES:

£333 per module Plus membership and other fees paid directly to ILEX. There are no exemptions for this course. COURSE DESCRIPTION:

ILEX recognises that not every student of law or legal practice wishes to go on to become a Legal Executive and Fellow of ILEX. The ILEX Level 6 Single Subject Certificate enables students to achieve a recognised national qualification in a niche area of law, legal practice or legal skill. For example, this could support an area of interest or practice or be part of a larger qualification. Whilst students may just want to take one or two Level 6 Single Subject Certificates, each is also a step on the road towards achieving the full ILEX Level 6 Professional Higher Diploma in Law and Practice qualification.

Where do you see yourself?



MSc Leadership & Management IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



3 years DAYS & TIMES:

Foundation Degree in

IT Management for Business IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


2 years DAYS & TIMES: Day to be confirmed 1.00pm until 9.00pm

Thursday 4pm - 9pm




ÂŁ1,177* per year

This course is mix of management and technology modules with a focus on the use of modern technology in modern businesses. The programme brings together the IT and business management skills required by small and large businesses alike. The course focuses on skilling up future decision makers to understand how IT can better be used to drive their business forward whilst giving them practical insight into how technologies work without being a technology specialist. The Foundation Degree has been designed by business, for business. Delivery is shared between Bridgend College, Cardiff Metropolitan University and The Open University. There is an identical programme running in Ystrad Mynach College and there will be opportunities for shared learning with their students. The course addresses the core priority to support the Telecoms and ICT related industries in South East Wales, with no fee for those enrolling in 2012. Employers simply need to release staff for one afternoon per week, and in turn employees need to dedicate that same evening per week for the studies.


This new Masters course focuses on leadership & management capability, change, learning and sustainability. We discuss leadership theories and apply them to your own leadership practice and organisation. Organisational leadership themes relating to power, politics, ethics, gender and cross-cultural leadership will also be considered. You will study leadership and management processes, covering the creation of a learning environment, reading and moulding organisational culture, building a trust and a high performance team culture, managing and leading complex networks, alliances and partnerships, and the contribution of Human Resource Management. MODULES INCLUDE:

The course consists of seven 20 credit modules and one 40 credit module including: Developing the Professional Leadership & Change A 15,000 Dissertation in Year 3 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants will be selected in light of their qualifications, work experience and aspirations. A sound theoretical understanding of business and management is essential and the ability to adapt to studying at Masters level. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification whether within or external to the students organisation.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.




Career Development and Employability Management Theory and Practice Finance for Managers Technology Fundamentals Web Technologies for Managers Legal and Ethical Issues in Computing HRM in Context Developing a Business Management Resource Tools Research Skills Business Intelligence Systems Statistical Tools and Techniques for Technology Managers Change, Strategy and Projects at Work ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

All students must be in employment as the skills and knowledge they are developing need to be demonstrated back in the workplace by making a positive impact on the businesses they work for. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification. Students also have the opportunity to progress onto the BSc within Bridgend College.

Care & Childhood Studies Can you see yourself working with children?



Cert Higher Education in


CAMPUS: Queens



10 weeks per module Modules can be studied as individual stand alone modules, or 4 modules needed for successful completion of the Cert HE DAYS & TIMES: Wednesday FEES: £584

5pm – 8pm

per 120 credits


Certificate in Higher Education in

(Safeguarding Children and Young People) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



Part Time: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Monday, 9.30am to 1:00pm FEES: £678 COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course is aimed at those people whose professional role brings them into contact with issues relating to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The course was originally designed by a multiagency working party and is in line with “Safeguarding Children - Working Together under the Children Act 2004” guidelines. The course has run for a number of years and attracted social workers, nursing staff, education welfare officers, police officers, early years workers, foster carers and voluntary sector workers from a wide range of geographical areas.



The course aims to extend the knowledge and confidence of students and encourage professional discourse between workers of different agencies. It has brought about greater appreciation of roles and responsibilities and aims to help improve communication channels for the benefit of children and families involved in the child protection process. The assignments enable students to research more extensively particular subject areas, link their knowledge with practice and generally consolidate and articulate their learning. Clearly Local Safeguarding Children Boards provide excellent training events in this field but the provision of Higher Education learning and qualifications ensures validated, standardised and quality provision for staff working in the field of child protection. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Candidates must demonstrate an ability to study at Higher Education level, and be working with children or young people.

This course is suitable for those working in an educational setting wishing to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The Certificate in Higher Education will be awarded for successful completion of four modules. It is suitable for staff working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. Each module is accredited at 60 credits at Level 4. MODULES INCLUDE:

Education Entitlement Responding to SEN Pupils with Emotional, Behavioural, Social Difficulties Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) Pupils with Speech and Language Difficulties Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Co morbidity and developmental disorders Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants will be working in school settings and have an interest in learners with additional needs.

Student Reflections As a Nursery Nurse employed in a local primary school, I have always felt it is important to study in order to provide the best possible care and education for children and also to develop professionally. Having previously studied at the college, completing a NVQ 3 and Foundation degree in Early Years Care and Education, I wanted to continue my studies and felt that Bridgend College was the place to do this. I knew from experience that I would receive excellent teaching, encouragement and support from the lecturers. The college was the ideal place to carry out my higher education course as it meant I was able to continue working full time and access resources such as the college library and internet moodle site.

As a mature student I feel very proud that I succeeded in gaining my BA (Hons) in Education, which proves that it is never too late

The challenges of the last three years of studying have been made easier by the support of good friends made during the course and I feel that gaining my BA (hons) Education will enable me to progress further in my career. As a mature student I feel very proud that I succeeded in gaining my BA (Hons) in Education, which proves that it is never too late, and the idea of lifelong learning is encouraged in Bridgend College. SUSAN BOWE, NURSERY NURSE

Foundation Degree in


Part-time: 2 years

This exciting course is part of a Government initiative to promote the delivery of Foundation Degrees in Further Education Colleges. There is a growing demand for Early Years practitioners with higher level qualifications such as this Foundation Degree. The Wales agenda is embedded within the study of the sector as a whole, recognising the significant changes we are currently experiencing.



Early Years Care & Education IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



Mon 4.30pm – 8.30pm with occasional 4.00pm tutorial sessions Plus 6 Saturday workshops throughout the year FEES:

£584 per year

Year 1 Study Skills Observing Children Safeguarding Children Additional Learning Needs within the Early Years Play, Learning and Development Professional Practice 1 Year 2 Researching Children

Developing Effective Teams Equality and Diversity Children’s Health and Well Being Professional Practice 2 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants must demonstrate an ability to study at Higher Education level and ideally will already be working in the field of Early Years for a minimum of 12 hours per week In exceptional cases students may find suitable work placements if they are not currently in employment. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Following successful completion of the Foundation Degree, students are able to progress to Year 3 of the BA (Hons) Education. Past students have experienced progression within their employment including senior practitioner posts and new posts within Sure Start and Flying Start initiatives. WWW.BRIDGEND.AC.UK


BSc (Hons) in

Degree in Social Work IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



Full-time: 3 years FEES:


The BSc (Hons) Social Work is offered with Cardiff Metropolitan University and Local Authority Social Services partner agencies to provide collaboration in all aspects of teaching and learning. Practice learning opportunities in social work and social care settings form an integral part of the programme and provide students with a wealth of experience to allow them to develop essential links between theory and practice. Students are required to undertake 200 days of assessed practice in practice learning settings throughout the course.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.




Role and Context of Social Work Introduction to Assessment Communication and Empowerment Legislation and Social Work Practice Introduction to Research Personal and Professional Development – Becoming a Social Worker Working in Organisations Social Policy Risk Assessment and Decision Making Evaluation and Research Methods Social Work Theory Communication and Development across the Lifespan Evidence Based Practice ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants must be able to demonstrate an ability to study at higher education level and have the equivalent of 240 UCAS tariff points normally through a recognised qualification at Level 3. This can include: BTEC National Certificate or A levels or Relevant NVQ Level 3 or 4 or

Access to Higher Education Certificate or other recognised qualification that provides evidence of ability to study at Higher Education level In addition to the above, applicants must provide evidence of Key Skills in Communication and Application of Number assessed at Level 2 or other qualifications such as GCSE Maths and English or Welsh at Grade C or above. Applicants will also need at least six weeks supervised social care experience prior to application but will usually have more extensive experience than this. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students who successfully complete the course will be entitled to practice as a professionally qualified social worker.

Where do you see yourself?


Can you see yourself building for the future?



HND in



Full-Time for 2 years FEES:



This course is designed to develop a students understanding of the professional areas within the construction industry. Students develop critical thinking skills and problem solving skills related to construction activities at higher education level. Assessment of student performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations. MODULES:

Construction Technology Management & Contractual Procedures Site Surveying Building Services Building Law Building Regulations Design Principles Refurbishment, Maintenance and Adaptation ICT & CAD Building Design & 3D Modelling Production Studies Quantity Surveying & Practice Procedures Integrated Project

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.




A BTEC National Diploma or Certificate in Construction or Civil Engineering or One A level or Mature candidates with a suitable academic and construction background may enter the course at the discretion of the course tutor PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the construction based professions including, Construction Management, Project Management, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Architecture. The course allows entry onto the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport, which is full time study and leads to Chartered Status.

Did you know? Burj Dubai is the world’s tallest building, surpassing the height of the world’s tallest free standing structure – the CN Tower in Toronto. Burj Dubai has the largest number of storeys than any building in the world with 150 levels.


HND in

HNC in

Building Studies

Building Studies







year (post HNC)


Wednesdays 09.15am – 16.15pm £678 Plus approx. £80 BTEC Registration Fee



This course is aimed at students wishing to develop their academic study from HNC to HND level. It is designed to enable building technicians to gain a further qualification and broaden their expertise and knowledge. Assessment of student performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations. MODULES INCLUDE:

Production Studies Management and Contractual Procedures Building Law Refurbishment, Maintenance and Adaptation ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students wishing to progress onto the course must complete the HNC in Building Studies PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the construction based professions including, Construction Management, Project Management, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Architecture. The course allows entry onto the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport, which leads to Chartered Status. The BSc degree can be studied full time over one year, or part time over two years.


Year 1 Mon 09.15am – 19.45pm Mon & Thurs 16.45pm – 19.45pm Year 2 Thurs 09.15am – 19.45pm Mon & Thurs 16:45pm – 19.45pm £678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)



This course is aimed at students wishing to further their academic qualifications and enhance their career opportunities within construction. Students develop critical thinking skills and problem solving skills related to construction activities at Higher Education level. Assessment of student performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations MODULES INCLUDE:

Construction Technology Science & Materials Site Surveying Building Services ICT & CAD Building Regulations Design Principles Integrated Project

A BTEC National Diploma or Certificate in Construction or Civil Engineering or One A level or Mature candidates with a suitable academic and construction background, may enter the course at the discretion of the course tutor. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the construction based professions including, Construction Management, Project Management, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Architecture. The course allows entry onto the top-up HND course, which in turn leads onto the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport which is taught full time.

Did you know? Construction is one of the nation’s largest industries with 1.5 million workers, and accounts for around 10% of the UK’s Gross Domestic Product.



HND in

Civil & Construction Engineering IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


Time: 2 years



This course is designed to develop students understanding of the professional areas within a civil engineering profession. Students develop the engineering and problem solving skills required at Higher Education level. Assessment of student performance is carried out via coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations.

HND in

Civil & Construction Engineering

Did you know?



Science and Materials Analytical Mathematics Civil Engineering and Highway Design Health & Safety Geology and Soil Mechanics Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology Structural Analysis Structural Design Traffic Engineering and Transportation Management and Contract Procedures Integrated Project Surveying for Construction & Civil Engineering ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A BTEC National Diploma or Certificate in Civil Engineering or One A level or Mature candidates with a suitable academic and civil engineering background may enter the course at the discretion of the course tutor PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the various civil engineering professions. The course allows entry onto the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport which is fulltime study. DID YOU KNOW?

“Civil engineers are at the heart of society, delivering sustainable development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise”

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.




1 year (post HNC) DAYS & TIMES:

Fridays 09.15am – 16.15pm FEES: £678 Plus approx. £80 BTEC Registration Fee COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course is aimed at those seeking a career as a senior technician in civil engineering. Students develop the engineering and problem solving skills required at Higher Education level. Assessment of student performance is carried out via coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying and examinations MODULES INCLUDE:

Management & Contract Procedures Analytical Mathematics Civil Engineering and Highway Design Geology and Soil Mechanics Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology Traffic Engineering and Transportation ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students should hold a HNC in Civil Engineering PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the various Civil Engineering professions. The course allows entry onto the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport which is full time study.

The world’s highest road bridge is the Millau Viaduct in Southern France. It is 1.5 miles long, 343m tall and weighs 242,000 tonnes. It spans the River Tarn in the Massif Central and cost £276 million to build.

Student Reflections “

I decided to study the HNC Building Studies course at Bridgend College in 2006 due to my interest in building structures. I wanted to improve my employment prospects. After successfully completing the course I then decided to study the Civil Engineering course. During my studies I was particularly impressed with the professional tuition I received from highly motivated staff that held construction industry experience. The main thing I enjoyed about both courses was the lecturer’s professional expertise, which was implemented in a practical way in the classroom. My studies increased my confidence and I was able to secure a better job. I now work for a prestigious Engineering company in Cardiff as a CAD Technician. My employer fully supports my learning and professional development and I am currently studying BSc Civil Engineering at the University of Wales Newport. I am hoping to graduate in 2013.



HNC in

Civil & Construction Engineering IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:




Year 1 Tues 09.15am – 19.45pm Tues & Thurs 16.45pm – 19.45pm Year 2 Thurs 09.15am – 19.45pm Tues & Thurs 16.45pm – 19.45pm FEES: £678

per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course is designed to develop a students understanding of the professional areas within the Civil Engineering profession. Students develop expertise in specialist areas of the civil engineering Industry, including, structures, highways, surveying, municipal engineering and civil engineering management. Assessment of student performance is carried out thorough coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying and examinations.

Science and Materials Analytical Mathematics Civil Engineering and Highway Design Geology and Soil Mechanics Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology Structural Analysis Structural Design Surveying in Construction & Civil Engineering ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A BTEC National Diploma or Certificate in Civil Engineering or One A level or Mature candidates with a suitable academic and civil engineering background may enter the course at the discretion of the course tutor PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful students are able to progress onto a variety of roles within the various Civil Engineering professions. The course allows entry onto the top-up HND course, which in turn leads to the final year of the BSc Degree programme at the University of Wales, Newport which is full time study.

Did you know? Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure, and so shape the history of nations around the world. They contribute to the public’s standard of living, and by exploring the influence of civil engineering we can creatively envision the progress of the future.



Did you know?

Foundation Degree in

Sustainable Design & Construction IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:




2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Year 1 Tues 09.15 – 19.45 Year 2 Wednesdays 09.15 – 19.45 FEES:


Students will learn about meeting the low carbon agenda and code 5/6 housing, including both new design and refurbishment. You will be taught about new materials, new technologies and integrated services as well as learn about Environmental Impact Assessment.




Sustainable Construction Materials & Technology Introduction to the Built Environment Technology & Material Fundamentals Computer Aided Design & Application Analytical Methods Research Methods and Study Skills 1 Learning in Action 1: Applying Skills and Competences Learning in Action 2: Theory Meets Practice Renewable Energy Building Services ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A BTEC National Diploma or Certificate in Construction or related area or One A level or Mature candidates with a suitable background may enter the course at the discretion of the course tutor or Be employed in a construction related area PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Upon completion, students can progress onto the final year of the BSc Architectural Design & Technology at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

The UK’s low carbon market is already worth more than £100 billion per annum. By 2015 it is expected to increase to £150 billion. The investment required to meet the UK climate change and renewable energy target will require a vast amount of work to replace and upgrade our infrastructure to meet the target.

Education & Training Can you see yourself in front of a class?



Foundation Degree in

Learning Support (Secondary/Further Education) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

LENGTH: Part-time:

2 years

DAY & TIMES: Wednesday 4pm-8pm Plus 3 study Saturdays per year FEES: £584

per year


There is a growing demand for trained Learning Support Practitioners with higher level qualifications. This course is designed for those providing learning support in secondary schools, further education and life-long learning. MODULES INCLUDE:

Foundation Degree in

Learning Support (Primary) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens



Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Tues 4pm – 8pm plus 3 study Saturdays per year FEES:


There is a growing demand for trained Learning Support Practitioners with higher level qualifications. This course is designed for those providing learning support at primary school age ranges.


Professional Practice Principles and Practice of Learning Support Planning, Observing, Assessing and Recording Language Literacy and Numeracy Managing Behaviour for Purposeful Learning Learning Support in an Institutional Context Plus additional modules on specific additional needs. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Include CLANSA/OCR Level 3/CACHE Level 3/NNEB, DWS, Access, HNC or HND or Mature students will be considered, depending on employment and other relevant experience demonstrating readiness to study at Foundation Degree Level or Applicants already working a minimum of 12 hours per week in an educational setting or Students can contact the programme leader in the School of Education and Training to discuss suitability for this course PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Following successful completion students are able to continue onto BA (Hons) Education - Year 3 and achieve full degree status. Foundation degree holders are also able to apply for senior posts within their sector



Study Skills Professional Practice Principles and Practice of Learning Support Planning, Observing, Assessing and Recording Language Literacy and Numeracy Managing Behaviour for Purposeful Learning Learning Support in an Institutional Context Plus additional modules on specific additional need ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Suitable qualifications include CLANSA/OCR Level 3/CACHE Level 3/NNEB, DWS, Access, HNC or HND or Mature students can apply dependent upon employment and other relevant experience demonstrating readiness to study at Foundation Degree Level or Applicants that ideally already work a minimum of 12 hours per week in an educational setting or Contact the programme leader in the School of Care, Childhood Studies and Education PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Following successful completion, students are able to continue onto BA (Hons) Education - Year 3 and achieve full degree status. Foundation degree holders are also able to apply for senior posts within their sector.

Where do you see yourself?

Graduate Certificate in


Certificate in Higher Education in


CAMPUS: Queens



CAMPUS: Queens

10 weeks per module 2 modules needed for successful completion of the Graduate Certificate



Wednesday 5pm – 8pm FEES:


This course is suitable for qualified teachers wishing to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The certificate will be awarded for successful completion of two modules focusing on educational entitlement for pupils with SEN and responding to different types of SEN in the classroom. It is suitable for teachers working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. This course is accredited at 60 credits at Level 6. MODULES INCLUDE:

Education Entitlement Responding to SEN


10 weeks per module. Modules can be studied as individual stand alone modules, or 4 modules needed for successful completion of the Cert HE DAYS & TIMES:

Wednesday 5pm – 8pm


Education Entitlement Responding to SEN Pupils with Emotional, Behavioural, Social Difficulties Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) Pupils with Speech and Language Difficulties Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Co morbidity and developmental disorders Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants will be working in school settings and have an interest in learners with additional needs.


£584 per 120 credits COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course is suitable for those working in an educational setting wishing to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The Certificate in Higher Education will be awarded for successful completion of four modules. It is suitable for staff working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. Each module is accredited at 60 credits at Level 4.


Applicants will be practising teachers with responsibility for, or an interest in learners with additional needs. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Previous students have achieved career progression within their chosen area including SENCO responsibilities. The course also allows progression to the Graduate Diploma (SEN). WWW.BRIDGEND.AC.UK


Graduate Diploma in


Preparing to Teach

BA (Hons) in


(Post-Compulsory Education & Training)

Post-Compulsory Education & Training

CAMPUS: Queens



CAMPUS: Queens

CAMPUS: Queens



10 weeks per module 2 modules plus the Graduate Certificate needed for successful completion of the Graduate Diploma DAYS & TIMES:

Wednesday 5pm – 8pm


weeks (Begins September and January)

LENGTH: Part-time:




6pm – 9pm


FEES: £136




This course is suitable for qualified teachers who have already completed the Graduate Certificate and wish to continue to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The diploma will be awarded for successful completion of two modules focusing on specific needs within the classroom. It is suitable for teachers working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. Each module is accredited at 30 credits at Level 6.

per module

This course is intended for new or intending teachers, trainers or professional people with a training function in the Post-14 Sector (2009 Lifelong Learning Sector). Successful completion leads to 10 credits at level 4 in the Credit and Qualification Framework for Wales (CQFW). The course is endorsed by Initial Teacher Training, Life-long Learning Sector (LLUK) in Wales. TOPICS COVERED:

Delivering a 20 minute Presentation Session Planning Writing Objectives



(Two from the following) Pupils with Emotional, Behavioural, Social Difficulties Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) Pupils with Speech and Language Difficulties Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Comorbidity and developmental disorders Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties

Applicants must hold an appropriate professional qualification related to their proposed teaching or training area.


Applicants will be practising teachers with responsibility for, or an interest in learners with additional needs and must have completed the Graduate Certificate. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Previous students have achieved career progression within their chosen area including SENCO responsibilities. The course also allows progression to the Masters programmes at University of Wales, Newport.





Successful candidates can progress to the full PGCE or Cert Ed programme on condition that they can ensure a minimum of 150 hours of teaching or training experience in the Post 14/Adult sector over the two year period of the course.

2 years study of 120

credits per year Year 1 Monday 5.30pm - 8.30pm Year 2 Tues 5.30pm - 8.30pm FEES: £1,179

for 120 credits


This programme is designed to further your professional development as a teaching and training practitioner in the post compulsory sector. It attracts suitably qualified teachers and trainers from such diverse fields as further education, nursing, community education, higher education, the fire and police services, private training providers and voluntary and charitable organisations. The course will benefit anyone with an involvement in teaching or training in any field within the vast post compulsory sector, which is currently age 16 and beyond. MODULES INCLUDE:

Research Methods Social Psychology Current Issues Understanding Organisations Well Being Critical Thinking Language Identity and Culture Educational Inclusivity ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Certificate of Education (Education & Training), Accreditation for Prior Learning (APL) may be given for additional professional qualifications. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Former students confirm that graduate status enhances their career potential. Examples include promotion to a range of management positions from course leadership to senior management. Completion of this degree also allows progression to the Masters programmes available at the University of Wales, Newport.

BA (Hons) Education with Linked Named Awards in

BA (Hons) Education / Inclusion / Early Years IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

(subject to revalidation)

CAMPUS: Queens


LENGTH: Part-time:

1 year

DAYS & TIMES: Wednesday 5 – 8pm Plus individual tutorials for independent study FEES: £794 COURSE DESCRIPTION:

There is a growing demand for trained Early Years and Learning Support Practitioners with higher level qualifications. This course is suitable for early years workers and teaching assistants as part of their continuous professional development. The course provides the final degree year following successful completion of a relevant Foundation degree or Level 5 course. MODULES INCLUDE:

Research Methods and an Independent Study Management and Leadership Teaching and Learning ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Entry level will depend upon qualifications and experience Suitable level 5 qualifications include HNC, HND, Dip HE or Foundation Degree in Educationally related studies or Applicants will need to be working in a relevant setting on a paid or voluntary basis

Student Reflections

I decided to come to Bridgend College for two reasons. The first being that is was extremely local and offered the facilities that appealed to me, and the second was that I knew that the specialist support for deaf people was an outstanding service which I had accessed previously. The whole team ranging from the lecturer, interpreter and the specialist support tutor offered me a service which I feel was second to none. At present I am a specialist support officer for the Hearing Impaired Service in Bridgend. I have previously enrolled on other courses at Bridgend College and feel that after completing this current course I have learned a great deal. I have extended my knowledge within education and developed my language skills to what was required. I have learned about relevant policies and practices regarding educational issues and developed my self confidence enormously. The highlight for me is being treated as an equal and meeting new people and recently being awarded my cap and gown for this course. My plans for the future are to develop my skills further and achieve my BA Hons in Education which I am currently undertaking.



Previous applicants have secured a variety of senior posts within the sector. Progression is available to post graduate study, subject to meeting the university entry requirements.

Where do you see yourself?



Professional Graduate Certificate Education (PGCE) / Certificate of Education (CERT ED) in

Post Compulsory Education & Training IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Queens




This is a nationally recognised qualification to work in the postcompulsory sector, broadly, further education, adult and community education, work-based training and development. It will provide a basis for students to achieve the full professional status of Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills [QTLS] after the required period of professional formation working in the sector. The course will continue to meet the requirements of Health Inspectorate Wales for qualifying professional educators in the NHS.

Applicants should possess a degree or recognised professional qualification and be able to ensure a minimum of 150 hours of teaching or training experience in the Post 14/Adult sector over two years. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Former students confirm that graduate status enhances career and employment potential. Progression routes include the BA for non-graduates and the MA Postcompulsory Education & Training programmes for those who wish to continue with postgraduate studies. Cert Ed students can progress on to the BA Hons PCET.



Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Year 1 Weds 9am – 4pm or Weds 2pm – 9pm or Thurs 9.30am – 4.30pm Year 2 Tues 9am – 4pm or Thurs 2pm – 9pm

Preparing to Teach Professional Development & Practice 1 Foundations of Learning and Teaching Planning and Assessment Professional Development & Practice 2 Curriculum Design for Inclusive Learning Widening Professional Practice or Health Professionals: Mentoring and Reflective Practice


£1,724 per year

Did you know?


The Foundation Degree route recognises the depth of knowledge gained through work based learning and integrates this practice with theory to provide an academic framework at level 4 and 5.


Engineering Can you see yourself as an Engineer?



HND in

Engineering (Top-up) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


Part-time: 1 year DAYS & TIMES:

Mon 9am – 6.30pm FEES:

£678 Plus approx. £80 BTEC Registration Fee COURSE DESCRIPTION:

The Higher National Diploma course is a ‘top-up’ provision intended as a progression for students who have completed the Higher National Certificate (HNC) course for the relevant pathway. It is not a ‘stand alone’ course and students must have completed the HNC course before they can start the HND. MODULES INCLUDE:

Digital Logic and Software Principles Mathematics 2 Network Technology Introduction to Quality Assurance ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Students must hold a HNC including all the modules for one of the HNC pathways achieved with a Merit profile

HNC in

Engineering (Electronics or Electrical Power) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


Part-time: 2 years



Students successfully completing the course can go onto study a degree in the relevant pathway

Year 1 Mon 9am – 6.30pm Year 2 Tues 9am – 6.30pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This Higher National Certificate is designed to support a range of technical and management careers in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local higher education institutions as an entry qualification to a Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level course.

Where do you see yourself?




Energy, Technology & Sustainability Mathematics Design for Sustainability ELECTRONICS MODULES:

Electrical/Electronic Principles Data Communication & Networks Analogue & Digital Devices and Systems Electronic Engineering Project Management & Implementation ELECTRICAL POWER MODULES:

Electrical/Electronic Principles Power Electronics Electric Power Systems Electrical Engineering Project Management & Implementation ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Level 3 Diploma in a relevant subject area achieved with a Merit profile or Mature students may be accepted if they have relevant experience or other appropriate qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can go onto study a HND or degree in the relevant pathway

HNC in



£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)

(Measurement and Control Systems)




Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Year 1 Wed 9am – 6.30pm Year 2 Tues 9am – 6.30pm

This Higher National Certificate course is designed to support a range of Technical and Management careers in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local HE institutions as an entry qualification to Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level courses.


Level 3 Diploma in a relevant subject area achieved with a Merit profile or Mature students may be accepted if they have relevant experience or other appropriate qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

On completion of the course students can progress onto a HND or degree in the relevant pathway


Core Modules: Energy, Technology & Sustainability Mathematics Design for Sustainability MODULES:

Measurement Principles Data Communication & Networks Analytical Measurements Control Systems Project Management & Implementation



HNC in

HNC/D in


Building Services Engineering

(Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering)

(Electrical & Mechanical Options)



CAMPUS: Bridgend CAMPUS: Bridgend


Part-time: 2 years



Year 1 Wed 9am – 6.30pm Year 2 Tues 9am – 6.30pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)

HNC in

Operations Engineering IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


This Higher National Certificate course is designed to support a range of careers at management and technician level in manufacturing and maintenance areas. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local higher education institutions as an entry qualification to Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level courses. CORE MODULES:

Energy, Technology & Sustainability Mathematics Design for Sustainability MODULES:

Mechanical & Manufacturing Principles PLC & Fluid Power Systems Measurement Principles Project Management & Implementation Mechanical Systems Design & Materials ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Level 3 Diploma in a relevant subject area achieved with a Merit profile or Mature students may be accepted if they have relevant experience or other appropriate qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can progress onto a HND or degree in the relevant pathway


Part time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Thursday 9am - 9pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This HNC course is designed to support a range of technical and management careers in operations engineering along two pathways; electrical or mechanical. The HNC is supported by several local employers and is accepted by local higher education institutions as an entry qualification to HND or degree level courses. MODULES INCLUDE:

Business Management Techniques Engineering Science Analytical Methods for Engineers Materials Engineering Project Instrumentation and Control Principles Electrical & Electronic Principles Plant and Process Principles Mechanical Principles Engineering ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Level 3 Diploma in a relevant subject area achieved with a Merit profile or Mature students may be accepted if they have relevant experience or other appropriate qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can go onto study a HND or Degree in the relevant pathway



Part-time HNC: 2 years HND: 3 years (HNC followed by a final year) DAYS & TIMES:

Year 1 Thurs 1pm – 9pm Year 2 Tues 1pm – 9pm Year 3 HND Wed 1pm – 9pm FEES:

HNC £678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) HND £678 Plus approx. £80 BTEC Registration Fee MODULES (HNC):

Mathematics Electrical Design Applications Lighting Applications Management & Profiling, Project Air-Conditioning Heating Manual Drawing CAD and Thermo-fluids MODULES (HND):

Integrated Design Project Building Management Systems Energy Options for the Future Air Conditioning Heating Management & Sustainability ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants should possess a suitable City & Guilds or BTEC Level 3 qualification or relevant industry experience PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can go onto study a BSc Degree in Building Services at the University of Glamorgan

General Education Can you see yourself in the lab?





Prospective students should hold either a BTEC National Certificate/Diploma in a Science related subject, or At least 1 A Level pass (in Chemistry) and supporting passes at GCSE Level at Grade C or above, or Mature students, who have laboratory experience, will be considered on an individual basis.

per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)

The HNC has been designed to allow students to develop an understanding of Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Laboratory Techniques and Analytical Methods. The programme will explain the rationale and principles of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods used in scientific investigation. This qualification is particularly useful for individuals employed in the Manufacturing, Engineering, Scientific and Environmental sectors.



HNC in

Environmental & Applied Chemistry IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Bridgend LENGTH: Part-time:

2 years

FEES: £678

Year 1: Tues 9am – 7.30pm Year 2: Thurs 9am – 7.30pm

Year 1 Fundamental Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Year 2 Further Chemistry Project Analytical Methods

Where do you see yourself?




The course is suitable for entry to a Chemistry or Environmental Honours degree. In some circumstances the first year of the Degree would be exempt. Alternatively, those seeking employment are qualified to hold a supervisory position in a Laboratory environment.

Hair & Beauty

Can you see yourself as a stylist?



Foundation Degree in

Hair Design and Make up for Theatre, TV and Film (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Bridgend


Year 1 Introduction to make up design Dressing and styling hair Dressing wigs Hair and make-up continuity Live project Study skills Special make-up effects


Year 2 Advanced dressing and styling of hair Advanced make-up and prosthetics Live project Study skills Period hair and make-up




2 years DAYS & TIMES:

3 days per week plus industry placements


This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in working behind the scenes within the theatre, TV or film industry. Students will gain skills in a range of practical techniques and will have the opportunity to build specialist hair or beauty skills already gained within previous qualifications. Students will be required to work on TV, film and theatrical productions in order to apply skills learnt in practice.

Level 3 qualification or A level, national diploma, certificate, level 3 diploma in hair and beauty or Industry experience may be considered in the place of formal qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can progress onto a top up BA hons degree with a partner university or can go straight into employment with a salon, theatre or TV. Alternatively students can freelance and set up their own business

Foundation Degree in

Salon Management (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Bridgend LENGTH:

2 years DAY & TIMES: 3 days per week plus industry placements FEES: TBC DESCRIPTION:

This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in managing a salon. Students will develop an understanding of management techniques relevant to the business environment. Students will gain skills in a range of practical techniques and will have the to build specialist hair or beauty skills already gained within previous qualifications. Students will be required to work on TV, film and theatre productions in order to apply learnt skills in practice. MODULES INCLUDE:

Year 1 Managing finance Research Techniques Human Resources Small Business Set-up Skills Development (hair or beauty) Practical Project Year 2 Managing Marketing Research Techniques 2 Managing People Salon Operations Practical Project 2 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Level 3 qualification or A level, national diploma, certificate, level 3 diploma in hair and beauty or Industry experience may be considered in the place of formal qualifications PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can progress onto a top up BA hons degree with a partner university or can go straight into employment with a salon. Alternatively students can freelance and set up their own business.

Where do you see yourself?



Information Technology

Can you see yourself as a computer expert?



HND in



Full-time, 2 years FEES: ÂŁ7,500* COURSE DESCRIPTION:

Foundation Degree in

IT Management for Business IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


2 years DAYS & TIMES: Day

to be confirmed 1.00pm until 9.00pm


This course is mix of management and technology modules with a focus on the use of modern technology in modern businesses. The programme brings together the IT and business management skills required by small and large businesses alike. The course focuses on skilling up future decision makers to understand how IT can better be used to drive their business forward whilst giving them practical insight into how technologies work without being a technology specialist. The Foundation Degree has been designed by business, for business. Delivery is shared between Bridgend College, Cardiff Metropolitan University and The Open University. There is an identical programme running in Ystrad Mynach College and there will be opportunities for shared learning with their students. The course addresses the core priority to support the Telecoms and ICT related industries in South East Wales, with no fee for those enrolling in 2012. Employers simply need to release staff for one afternoon per week, and in turn employees need to dedicate that same evening per week for the studies.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.




Career Development and Employability Management Theory and Practice Finance for Managers Technology Fundamentals Web Technologies for Managers Legal and Ethical Issues in Computing HRM in Context Developing a Business Management Resource Tools Research Skills Business Intelligence Systems Statistical Tools and Techniques for Technology Managers Change, Strategy and Projects at Work ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

All students must be in employment as the skills and knowledge they are developing need to be demonstrated back in the workplace by making a positive impact on the businesses they work for. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Greater opportunities exist for those successfully completing this qualification. Students also have the opportunity to progress onto the BSc within Bridgend College.

This exciting new HND course offers you a good grounding in computing principles and cutting-edge technologies, with particular reference to the analysis, design and implementation of computing systems in a business context. Having a greater understanding of computer systems will really give you the edge in whatever line of work you are in or want to pursue in this field. This course has a strong vocational focus that will prepare you for a career in Information Technology. Join us, and you will get quality tuition from highly experienced professionals. MODULES ARE:

YEAR 1 Web Application Development Information Systems Analysis and Design 1 Developing Business Applications Computer Systems and Networking Concepts Professional and Business Skills Problem Solving for Computing YEAR 2 Information Systems Analysis and Design 2 Computer Architecture Mathematics Individual Project Computer Programming Web Applications Technology Database Development ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

BTEC Extended Diploma in IT or 120 UCAS points in an appropriate subject, plus 5 GCSE’s at Grade C or above, including Mathematics and English Language. Applicants with appropriate professional experience may be accepted at the discretion of the course tutor. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful completion will open up a whole new world of career opportunities, and enable you to progress onto the BSc in Computing, which is a further year of full time study.

BSc Degree in

Information Systems IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


Full-time: 1year (post HND) Part-time: 3 years FEES:

Full-time: £9,000* Part-time: £678*

Student Reflections


The computing industry is an exciting place to be and information Systems is woven through the fabric of all professions. Information Systems play a role in virtually everything we do, whether you work in any of the retail, manufacturing, construction, education, medical, electronic or financial sectors, computing is a part of our everyday lives. Join us Bridgend College and you will get quality tuition from highly experienced professionals. MODULES INCLUDE:

Research Methods Professional Development Group Project Strategic Information Systems Management Advanced Databases and Modelling E-Commerce Systems and Strategy ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:


Successful completion will open up a whole new world of career opportunities in both technical and non-technical fields. The knowledge and experience you will gain during the course will help you develop skills and qualities that are highly valued in any profession. Successful students have even gone onto continue their studies at Bridgend College or at the University of Glamorgan.

I attended Swansea University for a year before attending Bridgend College. I found that the university was not for me, the size of the lecture halls made it too impersonal. At Bridgend College the classes are smaller and the tutors are very helpful, always providing answers to your problems. The course was very interesting and helped me gain an understanding of what we were going to do. The course helped teach us how to solve our own problems and work with groups to solve bigger problems. I think that Bridgend College should be looked at when considering universities, as much as the bigger ones. All in all it was a good choice to come here and has helped me greatly.


Before I joined my HND course in Information Systems, I had finished my A Levels and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I had a part time job, so began working full time. I soon realised the job wasn’t what I wanted to do. I had always been interested in all aspects of computers and a friend suggested that I undertake a HND in College. I’m so glad that I did! Studying the course at Bridgend College has really given me something to work for. The lecturers have been fantastic and make the topics easy to understand and learn. In the future I plan to finish off my degree in Information Systems and then possibly complete a teaching degree and start teaching IT. Due to the versatility of this course and the fact it gives you a grounding in all computing aspects the possibilities are endless.


*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



HNC in



Part-time: 2 years FEES: ÂŁ678 per year Plus approx. ÂŁ165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) DESCRIPTION:

Our HNC course will provide you with a good grounding in computing principles, with particular reference to the analysis, design and implementation of Information Systems in a business context. This course has been designed to enable you to study part time, during evenings, to achieve the HNC Computing. This is a suitable choice if you are seeking a career in Information Technology, looking to improve your computing knowledge and skills, or want to gain a nationally recognised qualification in the computing field.




YEAR 1 Web Design and Development Information Systems Analysis and Design 1 Business Applications 1 Professional and Business Skills YEAR 2 Information Systems Analysis and Design 2 Problem Solving for Computing Web Application Technologies Computer Systems and Networking Concepts ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Applicants with suitable qualifications or appropriate professional experience may be accepted at the discretion of the course tutor. PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Successful completion will open up a whole new world of career opportunities, and also enable you to progress onto the BSc Degree in Information Systems, which is a further three years of part time study.

Where do you see yourself?

Landbased Can you see yourself working outdoors?



HNC in

Animal Studies (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH:


Anatomy & Physiology Nutrition Practical Animal Husbandry Animal Nursing ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Year 1 Tues 9.15am – 5pm Year 2 Wed 9.15am – 5pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview

HND in

Animal Studies (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH: Full-time: FEES: £8,250*

2 years

per year


This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides higher education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Animal Studies Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery.


This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides higher education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Animal Studies Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery.


Nutrition Behaviour Practical Animal Husbandry Animal Nursing Conservation Biology ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can progress to degrees including Animal Science, Agriculture, Welfare, Zoology or enter employment in roles such as animal welfare, veterinary nursing and research or with charitable organisations.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



HNC in

Environmental Conservation Management (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH:

Part-time: 2 years (4 modules per year) DAYS & TIMES:

This modular course allows you the flexibility to choose sessions from the following: Mon or Tues 9.15am – 4.30pm or Tues 3pm – 8.30pm or Tues 5pm – 8.30pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only)


This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Environmental Management Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE 8 MODULES INCLUDING:

Grassland Management Ecology Practical Conservation Skills Woodland Management Amenity Land Use ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview

HND in

Environmental Conservation Management (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH: Full-time: FEES: £8,250*

2 years

per year


This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Environmental Management Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery. Assessment on this course is continuous with examinations in some modules. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE 12 MODULES INCLUDING:

Grassland Management Practical Conservation Skills Ecology Woodland Management Amenity Land Use. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

Where do you see yourself?

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

This vocational qualification provides students with the knowledge and skills to study at degree level or gain employment in a wide range of organisations in the sector. These jobs include wardens or rangers at National Parks or Country Parks, Public Rights of Way Officers, Environmental surveyors or a job in Environmental education.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



HNC in

Equine Studies (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH:

Part-time: 2 years DAYS & TIMES:

Mon or Fri 9.15am – 4.30pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Equine Management Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE 8 MODULES INCLUDING:

Equitation Event Management Performance Development Anatomy & Physiology ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview

HND in

Equine Studies (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH:

Full-time: 2 years FEES:

£8,250* per year COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Equine Management Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery. Assessment is continuous on this course, with examinations in some modules.


Equitation Event Management Performance Development Anatomy and Physiology ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can progress to degree level studies or gain employment in a variety of disciplines such as Equine Yards (Private, training, competition, studs etc), charitable organisations, management, sales, retail and equine specific insurance, research, equine welfare, teaching, complimentary therapies and self employment.

Where do you see yourself?

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



HNC in

Landscape Construction & Garden Design

seeking development within the Landscape Design Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised module delivery. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

Part-time: 2 years

Students will complete 8 modules including: Surveying Design Plant Use.



(Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH:

Tues or Thurs 9.15am – 4.30pm FEES:

£678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those

40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at National Diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview

Student Reflections “ I realised I was bored and not positively challenged in my job in a call centre. After visiting my local careers centre I was directed to Pencoed campus to have a chat with one of the lecturers. I quickly made my decision and followed my passion in life in Horticulture.

Being a mature student I was worried about how I would manage back in education, but the staff were very encouraging and offered one to one support and feedback on my work. As with everything in life you put the effort in and then you can reap the rewards, but the lecturers also helped me to realise my potential and encouraged me to persevere. The college arranged many trips, so there were also plenty of opportunities to make new friends and contacts. The timetabling of the course afforded me the possibility of working alongside my studies, to obtain further experience in the field and gain some supplementary income. Since completing my studies I have secured a management role in a plant sourcing company in Gloucester.




Where do you see yourself?


HND in

Landscape Construction & Garden Design (Subject to Validation) CAMPUS: Pencoed




Full-time: 2 years

Progress onto a degree course or enter employment with opportunities available across South Wales, the UK and Europe. Students typically follow one of the following routes: Start up own business Landscape Architecture Local Authority roles Garden Designer Horticultural Therapy Instructor



This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Landscape Design Industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery. Students will study a selection of modules. Full-time students will complete 12 modules in the time period given.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



40 UCAS points from an A2 or 12 unit NVQ programme or Merit at level 3 extended diploma with 4 GCSE passes at grade C or above. Equivalent international qualifications are acceptable or Mature student entry assessed individually by interview

Performing Arts

Can you see yourself on stage?



Foundation Degree in

Creative Industries (Drama) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Bridgend LENGTH: Full-time: FEES: £7,500*

2 years

per year


The Foundation Degree in Drama is an innovative course, designed and delivered in partnership with the industry, to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills required by the theatre business. It provides students with the opportunity to devise and write their own productions, work from texts and learn performance skills and techniques. The Foundation Degree will introduce students to live performance and theatre, plus drama as a vital form of film, television and radio through workshops with professional bodies. A dynamic course packed full of engaging, innovative and exciting modules delivered by a strong team of experts and industry professionals.


Year 1 Introduction to Drama Texts Theatre Practice 1, Devising, Collaborating & Performing Technology & Performance Creative Industries Practical Project Study Skills Year 2 Theatre Practice 2 Themes in Drama Specialist Elective Career Development Improvisation & Roleplay ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A minimum of 1 A Level or A BTEC National Diploma (at least 5 merits) or Mature students may be accepted at the discretion of the course tutor PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Graduates from the Foundation Degree in Drama may progress to a degree course or a professional qualification. There is also the opportunity to enter the media entertainment industries due to the wealth of skills and transferable experience you will gain, which further enhances options for a career path.

Foundation Degree in

Creative Industries (Popular Music Technology) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Bridgend LENGTH: Full-time: FEES: £7,500*

2 years

per year


The Foundation Degree in Popular Music Technology is an innovative course, designed and delivered in partnership with the industry, to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills to work within a variety of music and media industries. It provides students with the opportunity to develop their music production and performance study skills. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to work with industry professionals and produce real life industry projects whilst utilising industry standard resources and a variety of music production software. A dynamic course packed full of engaging, innovative and exciting modules delivered by a strong team of experts and industry professionals. MODULES INCLUDE:

Creative Industries Practical Project Study Skills Radio Production Music Technology Arranging Techniques Music Theory Aural Investigation

Student Reflections


A minimum of 1 A Level or A BTEC National Diploma (a Merit profile) or Mature students may be accepted at the discretion of the course tutor PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Graduates from the Foundation Degree in Music Technology may progress to a degree course or a professional qualification. There is also the opportunity to enter the media and music industries due to the wealth of skills and transferable experience you will gain, which further enhances options for a career path.

The Foundation Degree in Creative Industries Drama has helped me a great deal. Having taken a long time out of education to raise my son, it was fantastic in providing me with a safe learning environment where I could gain the confidence I needed to go onto my final year of university. Before the course I was shy and very nervous but the positive environment and supportive teachers and students helped me gain confidence. The teaching was excellent and I am proud of every show I was involved with. I have now gone onto my final year in the Atrium and will have a full degree by the end of the year.


*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.

Sport & Public Services

Can you see yourself in the team?



Student Reflections “

After working for 8 years in the construction industry I decided I wanted to pursue a career in Sport. After contacting Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC) they recommended I study a HND in Sports development & Coaching at Bridgend College. Studying at Bridgend gave me the opportunity to meet new friends, and the lecturers made me feel welcome and were very supportive. I enjoyed my time at College and would recommend the HND course to any prospective students. I believe that it provided an excellent stepping stone to a top up degree which I am now pursuing at Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC), alongside the part-time Level 3 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy here at Bridgend College.


HND in

Public & Emergency Services IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Pencoed



Full-time: 2 years FEES:

£7,500* per year COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This is an excellent course to develop academic and life skills that gives the student an advantage in an ever changing Public Service sector. There is also an option to complete a top-up year at the University of Glamorgan, achieving a degree.



Year 1 Effective study skills for the Social Sciences Public Affairs Public Sector Organisation Planning and Operations Community Study 2 Year 2 Public Service Project Public Service Law The Public Sector Environment Emergencies, Disasters and Transport Community Study 2 – Health Issues

After the course students can progress onto a third year degree course in a related field. Alternatively students can go onto find employment in a number of areas. The course increases competitiveness when applying for jobs in the Police, Army, RAF, NHS, Paramedics, Customs and Excise and the Navy.


A minimum of 1 A Level at grade D or above or a BTEC National Diploma or Mature students are welcome

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



HNC in

Sports Development & Coaching IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:

CAMPUS: Pencoed LENGTH: Part-time:

2 years


9am – 4.30pm

FEES: £678 per year Plus approx. £165 BTEC Registration Fee (year 1 only) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course aims to develop both theoretical and practical skills and knowledge in the field of Sports Development and Coaching. The course has a strong vocational emphasis focused on training students for a career in Sport or to progress to a relevant HND. SUBJECTS INCLUDE:

Research Methods Psychology Sport in Society Coaching Science Sport Development Health and Special Populations Performance Analysis Personal Development Planning Outdoor Activities and Practical Sports

Where do you see yourself?


1 A Level in a related subject, BTEC National Diploma or GNVQ Advanced or Mature students at the discretion of the course tutor



HND in

Sports Development & Coaching IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:


Full-time: 2 years FEES:

£9,000* per year COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course provides students with the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Sports Development and Coaching. The course has a strong vocational emphasis focusing on training students for a career in Sport or progression/career opportunities to degree level.


Elect Research Methods Psychology Sport in Society Coaching Science Sport Development Health and Special Populations Performance Analysis Personal Development Planning Elective subjects include: Outdoor Education Rugby Football Hockey Cricket Netball Gymnastics Athletics Aerobic activities ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:

A minimum of 1 A Level at grade C or above in a relevant subject or a BTEC National Diploma or GNVQ Advanced or Special consideration for mature students PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

A degree can be achieved with an additional one year ‘top-up’ programme following on from this course. The course will prepare students for employment in a range of occupations including Sports Development Officers, Coaches, Fitness Instructors, Sales and Teaching.

*Please see page 86 for tuition fee details.



Where do you see yourself?

Tourism & Hospitality Can you see yourself working in tourism & hospitality?



Foundation Degree in

Tourism and Events Management PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY:

(subject to validation)

CAMPUS: Queens





3 days plus one day work placement FEES: TBC COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course will develop knowledge and skills relating to the tourism and leisure industry. Students will gain hands on experience in events management linking with a number of hospitality, theatrical and musical public events. Students will market, promote and organise real life projects and have the opportunity to link with industry professionals working within the field. MODULES INCLUDE:

Tourism and Leisure Industry Events Management Managing Human Resources Tourism Operations Management Airline & Cruise Operations Finance for Managers Academic Skills for Business Human Resource Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Visitor Attractions Management Live Projects PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can go straight onto a successful career within the tourism or hospitality industries, such as gaining employment with airlines and cruise ships or events and festival organisation. Alternatively students wishing to further their education still, can progress onto a top up degree.



Foundation Degree in

Hospitality and Events Management PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY:

(subject to Validation)





3 days a week plus a work placement FEES: TBC COURSE DESCRIPTION:

This course will develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the hospitality industry. Students will gain hands on experience in events management linking with a number of hospitality public events. Students will market, promote and organise real life projects and have the opportunity to link with industry professionals working within the field.

Hands on management of the college restaurant and marketing events will equip students with industry relevant skills. Work placement opportunities will enhance students knowledge of the industry sector and enhance students Curriculum Vitae. MODULES INCLUDE:

Hospitality Industry Events Management Managing Human Resources Finance for Managers Academic Skills for Business Human Resource Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Front of House Operations European and World Cookery Live Project PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Students can go onto employment into the hospitality industry, hotel management or even new business set up. They could also look for employment in events and festival organisation. Alternatively students can progress onto a top up degree, subject to interview with the University.

Foundation Degree in

Food Science and Technology PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY:

CAMPUS: Queens



2 Years DAYS & TIMES:

Tuesday 9 – 8pm TBC FEES:


This programme aims to develop a pan Wales provision to support the Welsh food industry. Students will cover a range of modules linked to their industry employment placement in order to develop students knowledge of manufacturing within the food and drink industry. This course may be full or part funded if you are working in the industry. Study support will be given to those students who are returning to education. MODULES:

Modules are assessed by assignments, presentations and exams. Learning is linked to the students employment and work placement. YEAR 1 Food Raw Materials Food Chemistry & Microbiology Professional Studies Foundation Law Nutrition Food Preservation & Sensory Analysis Work Based Project YEAR 2 Food Safety Food Quality & Legislation New Product Development Processing Technology Research Methods Work Based Project

Did you know? Excellent employment opportunities are available in the food and drink Industry. You may receive full or part funding for tuition fees on this course, if you are working in the Hospitality or food manufacturing Industry


Interview plus industry employment/ experience PROGRESSION & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:

Entrance into employment within the Hospitality services or manufacturing industry / Progression onto a full Degree



The Important Stuff Full Time Students If you are commencing a full time Higher Education course in September 2012…read on. If you are planning to study on a part time basis, please turn to page 76, for your information. As a prospective full time student, you will find lots of answers to some of the key questions you may have, over the next few pages. In addition, we have a team of staff who work closely on all matters relating to HE, so there is always someone who we can direct you to for an answer, whether it be during your application, preparing for your interview or confirming what fees are applicable and what sources of funding you are eligible to apply for. So here goes… Applying for a Full-time Course…

Making your Application…

The awarding body for university courses UCAS (Universities and College Admissions Service) begin receiving applications for courses each September, so effectively ‘the books’ open a year before the course actually begins. Applications will then continue to be received throughout the admissions cycle, although some courses do fill early in the year.

Apply online at or Contact UCAS T: 0870 112 2200 or Request a Bridgend College Application Form:

In addition, UCAS have specific applications deadlines, for a range of courses/subject areas. For more info. check out: WWW.UCAS.COM

Course Codes & Campus Codes…

When to start researching courses, planning your application and actually submitting it, is down to personal preference, however students are advised to check closing dates on the above websites or to liaise directly with the HE Team at Bridgend College. Like most institutions, a number of our programmes are oversubscribed, so ensuring that your application is submitted at the right time, is crucial. For all of our fulltime HE courses, students are directed to apply via UCAS and/or via a Bridgend College Application Form. Should you have any query regarding this process, please get in touch with our HE Team. Where appropriate, you may also be asked to make further applications to relevant application or funding organisations. Students choosing to make an application within the Art & Design disciplines should refer to the UCAS application deadline dates, should they wish to consider additional time to prepare/develop their portfolios.

T: 01656 302 302 E: Download an application form at:

When completing the application form, don’t forget to check and insert the relevant Course Code and Campus Code (where applicable). This enables us to process your application smoothly and efficiently. To clarify a course or campus code, please refer to the individual course section on the UCAS website or contact the HE Team at Bridgend College.

So, What Happens Next’ Once your application has been received at UCAS, a copy will be sent to Bridgend College for consideration. The academic staff responsible for your course will be asked to consider the information provided by you and the comments received from your referee. Successful applicants (at application form stage), will be invited to attend an interview at Bridgend College. During this process, you will meet the course team, have an opportunity to discuss your application, ask any questions you may have and view the high quality teaching facilities and learning resources on offer.

An Offer of a Place on Your Chosen Course… Should you be successful in gaining an offer of a place on your chosen course, then this offer will be communicated to you via the online UCAS system or via the College HE Team. Bridgend College aims to process applications as soon as possible, after receiving your



application form. If you are successful, and receive an offer for a place on the course, the offer could be one of two:

Unconditional Offer The course tutor is confident that you have satisfied the entry requirements for the course, and your place on the course is unconditional. You will be advised via UCAS and/or your offer details, how to accept or reject this offer.

Conditional Offer You have been accepted onto the course on the condition that you obtain: certain examination grades; or a certain number of UCAS tariff points; or meet other course entry specific criteria.

Confirming Your Place… If you have an unconditional offer, you can accept your offer online via UCAS or by contacting the HE Team at the College. If you have a conditional offer, upon receipt of your qualification results or meeting any courses specific conditions set, you are requested to contact the HE Team.

Haven’t Quite Met Your Conditions of Offer… For some students, finding that you may have fallen slightly short of your conditions of offer or specific course entry requirements leads to a very stressful and often confusing few days… Do not despair, contact us to discuss the options that may still be available to you and we’ll do our very best to provide impartial advice and guidance and/or signposting to other course opportunities available locally. Don’t forget…Keep in touch…Contact our HE Team: T: 01656 302 302 E: More info:

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fee Loan

Full-time Higher Education course fees for academic year 2012/13 range between £7,000 and £9,000 per year. As a Welsh student, you may be eligible for a Welsh Government non means tested, non-repayable grant, as a contribution towards these fees. For students from outside of Wales, further information on help with your tuition fees is available from your Local Education Authority (where you live).

If you require a loan to assist you with your tuition fees, you may apply for a Tuition Fee Loan from the Student Loans Company(SLC). The loan is paid directly to your university/college, in lieu of your tuition fees and is added to the total amount that you owe to the Student Loans Company. It will form part of the final calculations made, in relation to your future repayments.

For further information on Tuition Fees visit

Student Maintenance Loan

Something Every Student & Parent Should Read… Full Time Higher Education Fees 2012/13 There is a huge public misunderstanding in relation to full time HE Fees for the forthcoming academic year – and this is undoubtedly contributing to the forecast reduction in applications for HE courses next September that is being reported in the media. In case you are asked by friends, or more importantly, prospective students and parents – we would like to clarify the position. From next year all Welsh students will only have to pay £3,465 per annum - whether they study in Wales (including this College) or in England. All full time students, who have not previously obtained a HE qualification, can access a maximum fee loan to cover this payment if they so wish. The actual course fees are however much higher, being between £7,000 and £9,000 as outlined in the ‘fee plan’ for each individual University. (For our one directly funded course – HND in Interactive Media – we have set the fees at £7,000). However the actual fee is misleading since for Welsh students the difference between these figures and the £3,465 figure will be met in full by the Welsh Government through a non means tested tuition fee grant ie effectively a non-repayable subsidy, which varies dependent on what the institution charges. So as far as our prospective Welsh students are concerned, they will have to pay £3,465 irrespective of the course that they are on and the level of fees set by each individual HE institution. This subsidy only applies to Welsh students – and therefore the situation will arise where a Welsh student paying £3,465 ends up sitting next to an English student paying £9,000 on the same course – and this is simply the result of different political agendas in Westminster and Cardiff. If you need any further clarification or have any questions regarding Bridgend College tuition fees, contact Student Services: T: 01656 302 302 E:

Financial Assistance There is a range of financial help available to assist with tuition fees and living expenses whilst studying a university course. These include: Tuition Fee Loan – assessed by your Local Authority Student Maintenance Loan – assessed by your Local Authority Assembly Learning Grant (Wales) – assessed by your Local Authority Maintenance Grant – same as above, for English students University & College Scholarships Bridgend College Bursaries

This loan will usually be paid in three installments, each payment at the start of each term. The SLC will make payments straight into your bank or building society account and you will receive a payment schedule telling you when you will receive the money. The payment schedule won’t be sent to you, until you have completed the enrolment process at a) the College and b) at the University that your College course is franchised from. There will be a delay of around 2 weeks from your enrolment for processing of loan payments through franchised Universities. You will be required to pay this amount back once you are working and earning above £15,000.

Assembly Learning Grant (ALG) This is available as extra support for students who permanent live in Wales. You can apply for an ALG on top of a student loan and other forms of support. Full-time and part-time undergraduate students must be attending a course of 30 credits or more, to be eligible. The Assembly Learning Grant is paid in three installments, one at the start of each term, like the Student Maintenance Loan. This is a means tested allowance. The amount you receive will be dependent upon household income, and will be calculated by your Local Education Authority. For further arrangements for the ALG for entry in September 2012: visit contact your Local Education Authority Bridgend College HE Team T: 01656 302 302 E: Once you have been offered a place on a fulltime higher education course, you are advised to contact your Local Education Authority’s Student Grants and Awards Department for a PN1 form (new students) or the PR1 form (existing students). This is the application form that students need to fill out to apply for the Tuition Fee Loan, the Student Maintenance Loan and/or the Assembly Learning Grant (ALG). Contact your Local Education Authority for a PN1 form: Bridgend LEA T: 01656 642637 Caerphilly LEA T: 01443 864854 Cardiff LEA T: 02920 872000 Vale of Glamorgan LEA T: 01446 709539 Rhondda Cynon Taff LEA T: 01443 680500 Ext 4261 Swansea LEA T: 01792 636000 Neath Port Talbot LEA T: 01639 763580 Once you have submitted this form, you will receive a financial notification from the Student Loans Company (SLC) telling you if you’re required to pay anything towards your tuition fees, or whether you can consider taking out a Tuition Fee Loan. This notification will also tell you what other financial help you have requested.

More Financial Assistance Childcare Grant – available to students with dependent children. Eligibility depends on a student’s circumstances Parents Learning Allowance – help for course related costs for students who have dependent children Adult Dependants Grant – available to students with dependent adults Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) – available to full-time and part-time students with a disability Child Tax Credit from the Inland Revenue For assistance in filling out your finance forms and for more information visit: Students in Wales: Students in England:

Bridgend College Bursaries & Scholarships The Bridgend College Bursary 2012 Bursaries are extra financial help for Higher Education students, provided by Bridgend College. The Bridgend College Bursary for academic year 2012/13 is non-means tested and non-repayable i.e. you do not have to pay it back. It is in addition to all other statutory support such as loans and grants that you may be entitled to. All first year full-time Higher Education students will receive a £1,000 bursary for the first year of their course. Bursaries will be paid in two installments: 50% in December 2012; 50% on satisfactory completion of the academic year

Bridgend College Scholarships 2012 Bridgend College will also be offering five unique Scholarships of £1,000 for full-time students joining us in September 2012. Scholarships are available in the following areas: Business / IT Scholarship Creative Arts Scholarship (Art, Design & Media and Performing Arts) Care & Childhood Scholarship Construction Scholarship Land-based / Sport Scholarship Scholarships will be awarded to high achieving students, who achieve high tariff UCAS points, in addition to demonstrating a strong desire to make their career path within the chosen subject area via the application form. Students awarded the scholarship will receive £1,000 per year, up to a maximum of £3,000 (3 years). Scholarships will be paid in three installments: 50% in December 2012; 50% on satisfactory completion of the academic year The closing date for applications for all Bridgend College Scholarships 2012 entry, is the 15th October 2012. For further information about the Bridgend College Scholarships for 2012 and to download an application form: visit T: 01656 302 302



Y Pethau Pwysig Myfyrwyr Llawn-amser Os ydych yn dechrau cwrs Addysg Uwch llawn-amser ym mis Medi 2012 - daliwch ati i ddarllen. Os ydych yn bwriadu astudio ar sail ran-amser, trowch i dudalen 78 i gael gwybodaeth os gwelwch yn dda. Fel darpar fyfyriwr llawn-amser, fe welwch lawer o atebion ar yr ychydig dudalennau nesaf i rai o’r cwestiynau pwysig a all fod gennych. Mae gennym hefyd dîm o staff sy’n gweithio’n agos ar bob mater yn ymwneud ag addysg uwch, felly mae bob amser rywun y gallwn eich cyfeirio atynt i gael ateb, p’un ai yw hynny wrth wneud cais, paratoi ar gyfer eich cyfweliad neu gadarnhau pa ffioedd sydd i’w talu a pha ffynonellau cyllid yr ydych yn gymwys i wneud cais amdanynt. Felly bant â ni... Gwneud cais am gwrs llawnamser… Mae dau gorff dyfarnu cyrsiau prifysgol - UCAS (Gwasanaeth Derbyn Prifysgolion a Choleg) a GTTR (Asiantaeth Hyfforddi Athrawon Graddedig) yn dechrau derbyn ceisiadau am gyrsiau bob mis Medi, felly’n ymarferol mae’r ‘llyfrau’ yn agor flwyddyn cyn y bydd y cwrs yn dechrau mewn gwirionedd. Bydd ceisiadau’n dal i ddod i law yn ystod y cylch derbyn, er bod rhai cyrsiau’n llenwi’n gynnar yn y flwyddyn. Yn ychwanegol, mae gan UCAS a GTTR (Asiantaeth Hyfforddi Athrawon Graddedig) ddyddiadau cau penodol am geisiadau, ar gyfer amrywiaeth o gyrsiau/pynciau. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar gael yn: WWW.UCAS.COM WWW.GTTR.AC.UK Pan fyddwch yn dechrau ymchwilio cyrsiau, cynllunio eich cais a’i gyflwyno, mater o ddewis bersonol yw hi, fodd bynnag cynghorir myfyrwyr i edrych ar y gwefannau uchod beth yw’r dyddiau cau neu gydlynu’n uniongyrchol gyda Thîm Addysg Uwch Coleg Penybont. Fel y rhan fwyaf o sefydliadau, rydym yn derbyn mwy o geisiadau nag sydd o leoedd ar gael ar nifer o’n rhaglenni, felly mae’n hollbwysig sicrhau eich bod yn cyflwyno eich cais ar yr adeg gywir. Dylai pawb sy’n gwneud cais am ein cyrsiau Addysg Uwch wneud hynny drwy UCAS a/neu drwy Ffurflen Gais Coleg Penybont. Cysylltwch â’n Tîm Addysg Uwch os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiad am y broses os gwelwch yn dda. Lle’n briodol, efallai y gofynnir i chi hefyd wneud ceisiadau eraill i sefydliadau perthnasol neu sefydliadau ariannu. Dylai myfyrwyr sy’n dewis gwneud cais o fewn disgyblaethau Celf a Dylunio gyfeirio at ddyddiadau cau ceisiadau UCAS os dymunant ystyried amser ychwanegol i baratoi/datblygu eu portffolios.

Gwneud eich Cais… Gwnewch gais ar-lein yn neu



Cysylltu ag UCAS Ffôn: 0870 112 2200 neu Gofyn am Ffurflen Gais Coleg Penybont Ff: 01656 302 302 E-: Lawrlwytho ffurflen gais yn:

Cod Cwrs a Chod Campws… Pan fyddwch yn llenwi’r ffurflen gais, peidiwch anghofio gwirio a dodi’r Cod Cwrs a’r Cod Campws perthnasol (lle bo angen). Mae hyn yn ein galluogi i brosesu eich cais yn llyfn ac yn effeithiol. I egluro cod cwrs neu god campws, edrychwch ar yr adran cwrs unigol ar wefan UCAS neu gysylltu â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch yng Ngholeg Penybont.

Felly, Beth sy’n Digwydd Nesaf? Unwaith y bydd UCAS wedi derbyn eich cais, anfonir copi i Goleg Penybont i’w ystyried. Gofynnir i’r staff academaidd sy’n gyfrifol am eich cwrs i ystyried yr wybodaeth a roddir gennych a’r sylwadau a dderbyniwyd gan eich canolwr. Gwahoddir ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus (ar y cam ffurflen gais) i fynychu cyfweliad yng Ngholeg Penybont. Yn ystod y broses yma, byddwch yn cwrdd â thîm y cwrs, yn cael cyfle i drafod eich cais, gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau a all fod gennych a gweld y cyfleusterau addysgu ac adnoddau dysgu safon uchel sydd ar gael.

Cael Cynnig Lle ar y Cwrs a Ddewiswch… Os ydych yn llwyddiannus wrth gael cynnig lle ar y cwrs a ddewiswch, yna byddwch yn cael gwybod am y cynnig hwn ar-lein drwy system UCAS neu drwy Dîm Addysg Uwch y Coleg. Mae Coleg Penybont yn anelu i brosesu ceisiadau cyn gynted ag sy’n bosibl, ar ôl derbyn eich ffurflen gais. Os ydych yn llwyddiannus, ac yn derbyn cynnig am le ar y cwrs, gallai’r cynnig fod yn un o ddau:

Cynnig Diamod Mae tiwtor y cwrs yn hyderus eich bod wedi bodloni gofynion mynediad y cwrs, ac mae’ch lle ar y cwrs yn ddiamod. Cewch eich hysbysu drwy UCAS a/neu fanylion eich cynnig sut i dderbyn neu wrthod y cynnig hwn.

Cynnig Amodol Cawsoch eich derbyn ar y cwrs ar yr amod eich bod yn cael: graddau penodol mewn arholiadau; neu nifer benodol o bwyntiau tariff UCAS; neu’n cyflawni meini prawf penodol eraill ar gyfer mynediad i gwrs.

Cadarnhau eich Lle… Os cewch gynnig diamod, gallwch dderbyn eich cynnig ar-lein drwy UCAS neu drwy gysylltu â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch yn y Coleg. Os cewch gynnig amodol, gofynnir i chi gysylltu â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch pan dderbyniwch eich canlyniadau cymhwyster neu gyflawni unrhyw amodau penodol a osodwyd ar gyfer cyrsiau.

Ychydig yn Brin o Holl Amodau eich Cynnig... Ar gyfer rhai myfyrwyr, mae canfod eich bod ychydig yn brin o amodau eich cynnig neu ofynion mynediad ar cwrs penodol yn arwain at ychydig ddyddiau pryderus ac aml ddryslyd iawn .. Peidiwch â phoeni, cysylltwch â ni i drafod yr opsiynau a all fod yn dal ar gael i chi a gwnawn ein gorau glas i roi cyngor ac arweiniad diduedd a/neu gyfeirio at gyfleoedd cwrs arall sydd ar gael yn lleol. Peidiwch anghofio…Cadwch mewn cysylltiad…Cysylltwch â’n Tîm Addysg Uwch: Ff: 01656 302 302 E: Mwy o wybodaeth:

Ffioedd Hyfforddiant Mae ffioedd cwrs Addysg Uwch llawn-amser ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2012/13 yn amrywio rhwng £7,000 a £9,000 y flwyddyn. Fel myfyriwr o Gymru, gallwch fod yn gymwys am grant gan Lywodraeth Cymru nad oes prawf modd arno ac nad yw’n rhaid ei dalu’n ôl, fel cyfraniad at y ffioedd hyn. Ar gyfer myfyrwyr o’r tu allan i Gymru, bydd gwybodaeth bellach ar help gyda’ch ffioedd hyfforddiant ar gael gan eich Awdurdod Addysg Lleol (lle’r ydych yn byw). I gael mwy o wybodaeth ar Ffioedd Hyfforddiant, ewch i

Rhywbeth y Dylai Pob Myfyriwr a Rhiant ei Ddarllen... Ffioedd Addysg Uwch Lawn-amser 2012/13 Mae llawer iawn o gamddealltwriaeth ym mhlith y cyhoedd am Ffioedd Addysg Uwch llawn-amser ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd i ddod - ac mae hyn yn ddi-os yn cyfrannu at y gostyngiad a ragwelir ac a adroddwyd yn y cyfryngau am nifer y ceisiadau ar gyfer cyrsiau Addysg Uwch fis Medi nesaf. Hoffem egluro’r sefyllfa rhag ofn bod ffrindiau, neu’n bwysicach, ddarpar fyfyrwyr a rhieni yn eich holi. O’r flwyddyn nesaf dim ond £3,465 y flwyddyn y bydd yn rhaid i’r holl fyfyrwyr o Gymru ei dalu - p’un ai ydynt yn astudio yng Nghymru (yn cynnwys yn y Coleg yma) neu yn Lloegr. Gall pob myfyriwr llawn-amser, nad ydynt wedi cael cymhwyster Addysg Uwch yn flaenorol, gael mynediad i uchafswm benthyciad ffi i dalu’r daliad yma os dymunant. Fodd bynnag mae gwir ffioedd y cwrs yn llawer uwch, gan fod rhwng £7,000 a £9,000 fel yr amlinellir yn y ‘cynllun ffi’ ar gyfer pob Prifysgol unigol. (Ar gyfer yr un cwrs a ariannir yn uniongyrchol - HND mewn Cyfryngau Rhyngweithiol - rydym wedi gosod y ffioedd ar £7,000). Fodd bynnag mae’r gwir ffi yn gamarweiniol gan y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer myfyrwyr o Gymru yn talu’r gwahaniaeth rhwng y ffigurau hyn a’r ffigur o £3,465 drwy grant ffi hyfforddiant heb brawf modd h.y. yn ymarferol yn gymhorthdal nad yw’n rhaid ei ad-dalu, sy’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar faint mae’r sefydliad yn ei godi. Felly, ar gyfer ein darpar fyfyrwyr o Gymru, bydd yn rhaid iddynt dalu £3,465 pa bynnag gwrs y maent arno a lefel y ffioedd a osodir gan bob sefydliad Addysg Uwch unigol. Dim ond i fyfyrwyr o Gymru y mae’r cymhorthdal hwn ar gael - ac felly bydd y sefyllfa’n codi lle mae myfyriwr o Gymru yn talu £3,465 yn eistedd wrth ymyl myfyriwr o Loegr sy’n talu £9,000 am yr un cwrs - ac mae hyn yn llwyr oherwydd yr agendâu gwleidyddol gwahanol yn San Steffan a Chaerdydd. Cysylltwch â Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr os ydych angen eglurhad pellach neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am ffioedd hyfforddiant Coleg Penybont: Ff: 01656 302 302 E:

Cymorth Ariannol Mae amrywiaeth o help ariannol ar gael i gynorthwyo gyda ffioedd hyfforddi a chostau byw tra rydych yn astudio cwrs prifysgol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys: Benthyciad Ffi Hyfforddiant - asesir gan eich Awdurdod Lleol Benthyciad Cynnal a Chadw Myfyrwyr asesir gan eich Awdurdod Lleol Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad (Cymru) - asesir gan eich Awdurdod Lleol Grant Cynhaliaeth - fel uchod, ar gyfer myfyrwyr o Loegr

Ysgoloriaethau Prifysgol a Choleg Bwrsariaethau Coleg Penybont

Benthyciad Ffi Hyfforddiant Os ydych angen benthyciad i’ch cynorthwyo gyda’ch ffioedd hyfforddiant, gallwch wneud cais am Fenthyciad Ffi Hyfforddiant gan y Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr (SLC). Telir y benthyciad yn uniongyrchol i’ch prifysgol/coleg, yn lle eich ffioedd hyfforddiant ac fe’i ychwanegir ar y cyfanswm sy’n ddyledus gennych i’r Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr. Bydd yn ffurfio rhan o’r cyfrifiad terfynol a wneir, yng nghyswllt eich addaliadau yn y dyfodol.

Benthyciadau Cynhaliaeth Myfyrwyr Fel arfer telir y benthyciad yma mewn tri rhandaliad, pob taliad ar ddechrau pob tymor. Bydd y Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr yn gwneud taliadau yn syth i’ch cyfrif banc neu gyfrif cymdeithas adeiladu a byddwch yn derbyn gwybodaeth yn dweud wrthych pryd y byddwch yn derbyn yr arian. Ni chaiff yr wybodaeth hon ei hanfon atoch nes y byddwch wedi cwblhau’r broses ymrestru yn a) y Coleg a b) y Brifysgol y mae eich cwrs Coleg ar ffransais ganddo/ganddi. Bydd oedi o tua 2 wythnos rhwng i chi ymrestru a phrosesu taliadau benthyciad o Brifysgolion ffransais. Bydd angen i chi dalu’r swm hwn yn ôl unwaith yr ydych yn gweithio ac yn ennill dros £15,000.

Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad Mae hyn ar gael fel cymorth ychwanegol ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n byw’n barhaol yng Nghymru. Medrwch wneud cais am Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad ar ben benthyciad myfyrwyr a dulliau eraill o gefnogaeth. Mae’n rhaid i fyfyrwyr israddedig llawn-amser a rhan-amser fod yn mynychu cwrs o 30 credyd neu fwy i fod yn gymwys. Telir Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad mewn tri rhandaliad, un ar ddechrau pob tymor, yr un fath â’r Benthyciad Cynhaliaeth Myfyrwyr. Mae prawf modd ar y lwfans yma. Bydd y swm a dderbyniwch yn dibynnu ar incwm eich cartref, a chaiff ei gyfrif gan yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am y trefniadau ar gyfer Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad ar gyfer mynediad ym mis Medi 2012: ewch i cysylltu â’ch Awdurdod Addysg lleol Tîm Addysg Uwch Coleg Penybont Ff: 01656 302 302 E: Unwaith y cynigiwyd lle i chi ar gwrs addysg llawn-amser, fe’ch cynghorir i gysylltu ag Adran Grantiau a Dyfarniadau Myfyrwyr eich Awdurdod Addysg Lleol i gael ffurflen PN1 (myfyrwyr newydd) neu’r ffurflen PR1 (myfyrwyr presennol). Dyma’r ffurflen gais sydd angen i fyfyrwyr ei llenwi i wneud cais am y Benthyciad Ffi Hyfforddiant, y Benthyciad Cynnal a Chadw Myfyrwyr a/neu Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad. Cysylltwch â’ch Awdurdod Addysg Lleol i gael ffurflen PN1: AALl Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Ff: 01656 642637 AALl Abertawe Ff: 01792 636000 AALl Bro Morgannwg Ff: 01446 709539 AALl Caerdydd Ff: 02920 872000 AALl Caerffili Ff: 01443 864854 AALl Castell-nedd Port Talbot Ff: 01639 763580 AALl Rhondda Cynon Taf Ff: 01443 680500 Ext 4261 Unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno’r ffurflen yma, byddwch yn derbyn hysbysiad ariannol gan y Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyriwr yn dweud wrthych os oes angen i chi dalu unrhyw beth tuag at eich ffioedd hyfforddiant, neu p’un ai

a allwch ystyried cymryd Benthyciad Ffi Hyfforddiant. Bydd yr hysbysiad hefyd yn dweud wrthych ba help ariannol arall yr ydych wedi gofyn amdano.

Mwy o Gymorth Ariannol Grant Gofal Plant - ar gael i fyfyrwyr gyda phlant dibynnol. Mae’r cymhwyster yn dibynnu ar amgylchiadau’r myfyriwr. Lwfans Dysgu Rhieni - help ar gyfer costau cysylltiedig â chyrsiau ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd â phlant dibynnol. Grant Oedolion Dibynnol - ar gael i fyfyrwyr gydag oedolion sy’n ddibynnol arnynt Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl - ar gael i fyfyrwyr llawn-amser a rhan-amser sydd ag anabledd Credyd Treth Plant gan Gyllid y Wlad I gael cymorth ar lenwi ffurflenni cyllid ac i gael mwy o wybodaeth edrychwch ar: Myfyrwyr yng Nghymru: Myfyrwyr yn Lloegr:

Bwrsariaethau ac Ysgoloriaethau Coleg Penybont Bwrsariaeth Coleg Penybont 2012 Mae bwrsariaethau yn help ariannol ychwanegol ar gyfer myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch, a ddarperir gan Goleg Penybont. Nid oes prawf modd ar Fwrsariaeth Coleg Penybont ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2012/13 ac nid yw’n rhaid ei ad-dalu. Mae’n ychwanegol at yr holl gefnogaeth statudol arall megis benthyciadau a grantiau y gallwch fod â hawl iddo. Bydd pob myfyriwr Addysg Uwch llawn-amser blwyddyn gyntaf yn derbyn bwrsari o £1,000 ar gyfer blwyddyn gyntaf eu cwrs. Telir bwrsariaethau mewn dau randaliad: 50% ym mis Rhagfyr 2012; 50% ar ôl cwblhau’r flwyddyn academaidd yn foddhaol

Ysgoloriaethau Coleg Penybont 2012 Bydd Coleg Penybont hefyd yn cynnig pump Ysgoloriaeth unigryw o £1,000 ar gyfer myfyrwyr llawn-amser sy’n ymuno â ni ym mis Medi 2012. Mae ysgoloriaethau ar gael yn y meysydd dilynol: Ysgoloriaeth Busnes/Technoleg Gwybodaeth Ysgoloriaeth Celfyddydau Creadigol (Celf, Dylunio a Chyfryngau a Chelfyddydau Perfformio) Ysgoloriaeth Gofal a Phlentyndod Ysgoloriaeth Adeiladu Ysgoloriaeth Tir-seiliedig/Chwaraeon Rhoddir ysgoloriaethau i fyfyrwyr cyflawniad uchel, sy’n ennill pwyntiau tariff uchel UCAS, yn ogystal ag arddangos dymuniad cryf i wneud eu llwybr gyrfa o fewn eu dewis maes pwnc drwy’r ffurflen gais. Bydd myfyrwyr y dyfernir ysgoloriaeth iddynt yn derbyn £1,000 y flwyddyn, hyd at uchafswm o £3,000 (3 blynedd). Telir ysgoloriaethau mewn tri rhandaliad: 50% ym mis Rhagfyr 2012; 50% ar ôl cwblhau’r flwyddyn academaidd yn llwyddiannus Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau i holl Ysgoloriaethau Coleg Penybont derbyniad 2012 yw 15 Hydref 2012. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Ysgoloriaethau Coleg Penybont ar gyfer 2012 ac i lawrlwytho ffurflen gais: ewch i Ff: 01656 302 302 WWW.BRIDGEND.AC.UK


The Important Stuff Part Time Students

If you are commencing a part-time Higher Education(HE) course in September 2012, then read on… If you are planning to study on a full-time basis, please turn to page 72, for your information. As a prospective part-time student, you will find lots of answers to some of the key questions you may have, over the next few pages. In addition, we have a team of staff who work closely on all matters relating to HE, so there is always someone we can direct you to for an answer, whether it be during your application, preparing for an interview or confirming what fees are applicable and what sources of funding you may be eligible to apply for.

Where appropriate, you will be advised to make further application(s) to the relevant organisations.

So here goes…

Request a Bridgend College Application Form:

APPLYING FOR A PART-TIME COURSE START EARLY… When to start researching courses, planning your application and actually submitting it, is down to personal preference, however students are advised to check individual course closing dates, when making their application. Like most institutions, a number of our programmes are oversubscribed, so ensuring that your application is submitted at the right time, is crucial. Making your Application All applications for part-time HE courses are made directly to the College and are received throughout the year. Applicants are advised to submit their applications as early as possible, to avoid disappointment. All applications should be made directly to Bridgend College on a College Application Form.



Bridgend College Application Form When completing the application form students are asked to use the correct course and campus codes. This information can be found on the UCAS website Alternatively, please contact the HE Team for further information.

T: 01656 302 302 E: Download an application form from at SO, WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Once your application form has been received by Bridgend College, a copy will be sent to the appropriate department for consideration. The academic staff responsible for your chosen will be asked to consider the information provided by you and the comments received from your referee. Successful applicants (at application form stage), will be invited to attend an interview at Bridgend College. During this process, you will meet the course team, have an opportunity to discuss your application, ask any questions you may have and view the high quality teaching facilities and learning resources on offer.

An Offer of a Place on your Chosen Course… Should you be successful in gaining an offer of a place on your chosen course, then this offer will be communicated to you via letters, from the HE Team at Bridgend College. Bridgend College aims to process applications as soon as possible, after receiving your application form. If you are successful, and receive an offer for a place on the course, the offer could be one of two: Unconditional Offer The course tutors feel you have satisfied the entry requirements for the course, and your place on the course is unconditional. You will be advised by the HE Team how to accept or reject this offer. All unconditional offers are subject to the provision of satisfactory qualification certificates, at the point of entry. Conditional Offer You have been accepted onto the course on the condition that you obtain certain grades or points in exams or qualifications. Students that are given a conditional offer need to let the college know their exam results as soon as they receive them. In some instances, even if the results don’t fully meet the conditions of the offer, it can still be possible to gain a place on the course.

CONFIRMING YOUR PLACE… If you have an unconditional offer, you can accept your offer at any point in time, by contacting the HE Team or by returning the acceptance slip enclosed with your offer letter.


If you have a conditional offer, upon receipt of your qualification results or meeting any course specific conditions set, you are requested to contact the HE Team, to confirm your position.

Part-time students on university courses that are 50% or more of an equivalent full-time course can apply for support towards their fee and course costs. The fee grant is linked to how intensive your course is, and there will be three different rates of fee grant up to a maximum of £1,000. You can also apply for course related costs worth up to £1,125.



For some students, finding that you may have fallen slightly short of your conditions of offer or specific course entry requirements leads to a very stressful and often confusing time. Do not despair, contact us to discuss the options that may still be available to you and we will do our very best to provide impartial advise and guidance and/or signposting to other course opportunities available locally.

This is available via a part-time Grant form which you can get from your Local Education Authority:

TUITION FEES Part-time Higher Education course fees for academic year 2012/13 vary across the subject areas. The fee for the course(s) you are interested in, will be detailed within the individual course information, inside this prospectus. For further advice & assistance, contact the HE Team: T: 01656 302 302 E: You may also wish to visit: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE There is a range of financial help available to part-time students to help with tuition fees and living expenses whilst studying a university course. These include: Part-time Higher Education Grant Higher Education Assembly Learning Grant (ALG)

Bridgend LEA T: 01656 642 637 Caerphilly LEA T: 01443 864 854 Cardiff LEA T: 02920 872 000 Vale of Glamorgan LEA T: 01446 709 539 Rhondda Cynon Taff LEA T: 01443 680 500 Ext 4261 Swansea LEA T: 01792 636 000 Neath Port Talbot LEA T: 01639 763 580 FEE EXEMPTIONS Students may apply for exemption of fees if they are: Claims Jobseekers Allowance or Income Support Dependent upon a person who Claims Jobseekers Allowance or Income Support Claims incapacity benefit or severe disablement benefit Dependent upon a person who claims incapacity benefit or severe disablement benefit Claims Pensions Credit (Guarantee Credit only) Dependent upon a person who claims Pensions Credit (Guarantee credit only)

PLEASE NOTE Not all courses are eligible for exemption. Please see individual course information If applying for fee exception current proof of any benefits must be shown and copied at enrolment Part-time students receiving exemption of fees will be charged a £10.00 fee per course at the time of enrolment Where registration costs are payable to professional or awarding bodies, these costs will be met by individual students The course fees are calculated each academic year. Therefore if your course is more than one year, there will be course fees to pay in each additional year of study An exception of this information is the HNC or HND Design course in Interactive Media, where students can apply directly to the Bridgend College Higher Education Access Fund for additional financial support We reserve the right to make further adjustments when there have been changes out of our control, for example to registration and exam fees N.B. The above Fee Exemptions information is subject to continual change – you are advised to refer to the Higher Education Course Fees section of our website, for the very latest information. Visit PAYMENT METHODS Payment of tuition fees may be made by cash, cheque (with cheque guarantee card), Debit, Access or Visa cards. Instalment plans are available for course tuition fees of £300 or more. Don’t forget…Keep in touch… Contact the HE Team: T: 01656 302 302 E: More info:



Y Pethau Pwysig Myfyrwyr Rhan-amser Os ydych yn dechrau cwrs Addysg Uwch rhan-amser ym mis Medi 2012 - daliwch ati i ddarllen. Os ydych yn bwriadu astudio ar sail lawn-amser, trowch i dudalen 74 i gael gwybodaeth os gwelwch yn dda. Fel darpar fyfyriwr rhan-amser, fe welwch lawer o atebion ar yr ychydig dudalennau nesaf i rai o’r cwestiynau pwysig a all fod gennych. Mae gennym hefyd dîm o staff sy’n gweithio’n agos ar bob mater yn ymwneud ag Addysg Uwch, felly mae bob amser rywun y gallwn eich cyfeirio atynt i gael ateb, p’un ai yw hynny wrth wneud cais, paratoi ar gyfer eich cyfweliad neu gadarnhau pa ffioedd sydd i’w talu a pha ffynonellau cyllid yr ydych yn gymwys i wneud cais amdanynt. Felly bant â ni ... GWNEUD CAIS AM GWRS RHAN-AMSER DECHRAU’N GYNNAR… Mater personol yw pryd i ddechrau ymchwilio cyrsiau, cynllunio eich cais a’i gyflwyno, fodd bynnag cynghorir myfyrwyr i wirio dyddiadau cau cyrsiau unigol wrth wneud eu cais. Yn yr un modd â’r rhan fwyaf o sefydliadau eraill, derbynnir mwy o geisiadau ar gyfer ein rhaglenni nag sydd o leoedd ar gael, felly mae’n hollbwysig sicrhau y caiff eich cais ei gyflwyno ar yr adeg gywir. Gwneud eich cais Gwneir pob cais am gyrsiau rhan-amser Addysg Uwch yn uniongyrchol i’r Coleg a chânt eu derbyn drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Cynghorir ymgeiswyr i gyflwyno eu ceisiadau cyn gynted ag sydd modd er mwyn osgoi siom. Dylid gwneud pob cais yn uniongyrchol i Goleg Penybont ar



Ffurflen Gais y Goleg. Lle’n berthnasol, fe’ch cynghorir i wneud cais/ceisiadau eraill i’r sefydliadau perthnasol. Ffurflen Gais Coleg Penybont Gofynnir i fyfyrwyr ddefnyddio’r cod cwrs a’r cod campws cywir wrth lenwi’r ffurflen gais. Mae’r wybodaeth yma ar gael ar wefan UCAS Gall y Tîm Addysg Uwch hefyd roi mwy o wybodaeth os dymunwch.

Cael Cynnig Lle ar y Cwrs a Ddewiswch… Os ydych yn llwyddiannus wrth gael cynnig lle ar y cwrs a ddewiswch, yna byddwch yn cael gwybod am y cynnig hwn drwy lythyr gan y Tîm Addysg Uwch yng Ngholeg Penybont. Mae Coleg Penybont yn anelu i brosesu ceisiadau cyn gynted ag sy’n bosibl ar ôl derbyn eich ffurflen gais.

Ff: 01656 302 302

Os ydych yn llwyddiannus, ac yn derbyn cynnig am le ar y cwrs, gallai’r cynnig fod yn un o ddau:


Cynnig Diamod

Lawrlwytho ffurflen gais yn

Mae tiwtor y cwrs yn teimlo eich bod wedi bodloni gofynion mynediad y cwrs, ac mae’ch lle ar y cwrs yn ddiamod. Cewch eich hysbysu gan y Tîm Addysg Uwch sut i dderbyn neu wrthod y cynnig hwn. Mae pob cynnig diamod yn dibynnu ar ddarpariaeth tystysgrifau cymhwyster boddhaol adeg derbyn.

Gofyn am Ffurflen Gais Coleg Penybont

FELLY, BETH SY’N DIGWYDD NESAF? Unwaith y bydd Coleg Penybont wedi derbyn eich ffurflen gais, anfonir copi i’r adran berthnasol i’w hystyried. Gofynnir i’r staff academaidd sy’n gyfrifol am eich cwrs i ystyried yr wybodaeth a roddir gennych a’r sylwadau a dderbyniwyd gan eich canolwr. Gwahoddir ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus (ar y cam ffurflen gais) i fynychu cyfweliad yng Ngholeg Penybont. Yn ystod y broses yma, byddwch yn cwrdd â thîm y cwrs, yn cael cyfle i drafod eich cais, gofyn unrhyw gwestiynau a all fod gennych a gweld y cyfleusterau addysgu ac adnoddau dysgu safon uchel sydd ar gael.

Cynnig Amodol Cawsoch eich derbyn ar y cwrs ar yr amod eich bod yn cael graddau neu bwyntiau penodol mewn arholiadau neu gymwysterau. Mae angen i fyfyrwyr a gaiff gynnig amodol adael i’r coleg wybod beth yw canlyniadau eu harholiadau cyn gynted ag y maent yn eu derbyn. Mewn rhai achosion, hyd yn oed os nad yw’r canlyniadau’n llawn gyrraedd amodau’r cynnig, gall ddal fod yn bosibl i ennill lle ar y cwrs.



Os cewch gynnig diamod, gallwch dderbyn eich cynnig unrhyw adeg drwy gysylltu â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch neu ddychwelyd y ddalen dderbyn a amgaewyd gyda’ch llythyr cynnig.

Mae amrywiaeth o help ariannol ar gael i fyfyrwyr rhan-amser i helpu gyda ffioedd hyfforddiant a chostau byw tra’n astudio cwrs prifysgol. Maent yn cynnwys:

Os cewch gynnig amodol, gofynnir i chi gysylltu â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch pan dderbyniwch eich canlyniadau cymhwyster neu gyflawni unrhyw amodau penodol a osodwyd ar gyfer cyrsiau. YCHYDIG YN BRIN O HOLL AMODAU EICH CYNNIG ... Ar gyfer rhai myfyrwyr, mae canfod eich bod ychydig yn brin o amodau eich cynnig neu ofynion mynediad ar cwrs penodol yn arwain at ychydig ddyddiau pryderus ac aml ddryslyd iawn. Peidiwch â phoeni, cysylltwch â ni i drafod yr opsiynau a all fod yn dal ar gael i chi a gwnawn ein gorau glas i roi cyngor ac arweiniad diduedd a/neu gyfeirio at gyfleoedd cwrs arall sydd ar gael yn lleol. Peidiwch anghofio…Cadwch mewn cysylltiad…Cysylltwch â’n Tîm Addysg Uwch:

Grant Addysg Uwch Rhan-amser Grant Dysgu’r Cynulliad ar gyfer Addysg Uwch GRANT ADDYSG UWCH RAN-AMSER Gall myfyrwyr rhan-amser ar gyrsiau prifysgol sy’n 50% neu fwy o gwrs cyfwerth llawn-amser wneud cais am gefnogaeth tuag at eu ffioedd a chost cyrsiau. Mae’r grant ffi yn gysylltiedig â pha mor drylwyr yw’ch cwrs, a bydd tair cyfradd wahanol o grant ffioedd hyd at uchafswm o £1,000. Gallwch hefyd wneud cais am gostau cysylltiedig â chyrsiau’n werth hyd at £1,125. GRANT DYSGU’R CYNULLIAD AR GYFER ADDYSG UWCH Mae hyn ar gael drwy ffurflen Grant rhan-amser y gallwch ei chael gan eich Awdurdod Addysg Lleol:

Ffôn: 01656 302 302

AALl Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr Ff: 01656 642637


AALl Abertawe Ff: 01792 636000

Mwy o wybodaeth:

AALl Bro Morgannwg Ff: 01446 709539

AALl Caerdydd Ff: 02920 872000

FFIOEDD HYFFORDDIANT Mae ffioedd cyrsiau rhan-amser Addysg Uwch ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2012/13 yn amrywio ar draws y meysydd pwnc. Bydd manylion y ffi ar gyfer y cwrs y mae gennych ddiddordeb ynddo o fewn yr wybodaeth am y cwrs unigol yn y prosbectws yma. I gael mwy o gyngor a chymorth, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Addysg Uwch: Ff: 01656 302 302 E: Efallai yr hoffech hefyd edrych ar:

AALl Caerffili Ff: 01443 864854 AALl Castell-nedd Port Talbot Ff: 01639 763580 AALl Rhondda Cynon Taf Ff: 01443 680500 Ext 4261 EITHRIADAU FFIOEDD Gall myfyrwyr hawlio eithriad ffioedd os ydynt yn: Hawlio Lwfans Ceisio Gwaith neu Gymhorthdal Incwm Dibynnu ar berson sy’n hawlio Lwfans Ceisio Gwaith neu Gymhorthdal Incwm Hawlio budd-dal analluogrwydd neu fudd-dal anabledd difrifol

Hawlio Credyd Pensiwn (Credyd Gwarant yn unig) Dibynnu ar berson sy’n hawlio Credyd Pensiwn (Credyd Gwarant yn unig) DALIER SYLW OS GWELWCH YN DDA Nid yw pob cwrs yn gymwys am eithriad. Gweler yr wybodaeth am y cwrs unigol. Os ydych yn gwneud cais am eithriad ffioedd, mae’n rhaid dangos tystiolaeth o unrhyw fudd-daliadau a rhoi copi adeg ymrestru Codir ffi o £10.00 fesul cwrs adeg ymrestru ar fyfyrwyr rhan-amser sy’n derbyn eithriad ffioedd Pan fo costau cofrestru yn daladwy i gyrff proffesiynol neu gyrff dyfarnu, bydd myfyrwyr unigol yn talu’r costau hyn Caiff ffioedd cyrsiau eu cyfrif bob blwyddyn academaidd. Felly os yw’ch cwrs yn fwy nag un flwyddyn, bydd ffioedd cwrs i’w talu ym mhob blwyddyn ychwanegol o astudio Eithriad i’r wybodaeth yma yw’r cwrs HNC neu HND Dylunio mewn Cyfryngau Rhyngweithiol, lle gall myfyrwyr wneud cais yn uniongyrchol i Gronfa Mynediad Addysg Uwch Coleg Penybont am gefnogaeth ariannol ychwanegol Rydym yn cadw’r hawl i wneud addasiadau pellach lle bu newidiadau y tu allan i’n rheolaeth, er enghraifft i ffioedd cofrestru ac arholiadau. D.S. Caiff yr wybodaeth uchod ar Eithriadau Ffioedd ei newid yn gyson fe’ch cynghorir i edrych ar adran Ffioedd Cyrsiau Addysg Uwch ein gwefan i gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf un. Ewch i DULLIAU TALU Medrir talu ffioedd hyfforddiant gydag arian, siec (gyda cherdyn gwarant siec), cardiau Debyd, Access neu Visa. Mae cynlluniau rhandaliad ar gael ar gyfer ffioedd hyfforddiant cwrs o £300 neu fwy.

Dibynnu ar berson sy’n hawlio budd-dal analluogrwydd neu anabledd difrifol WWW.BRIDGEND.AC.UK


HOW UCAS WORKS If you’re planning to progress to higher education following completion of a BTEC National or CACHE Diploma, most courses will require you to achieve a certain amount of UCAS points to gain entry onto the course.



The UCAS tariff is a points system used to determine your eligibility for a course. It reflects two things, your level of study, such as how many units you have studied and your level of achievement, such as the grade.







































320 D


240 M


200 P



225 220



285 280









120 100





80 60






Important Dates SEPTEMBER - JULY Apply for a university course through Bridgend College or UCAS; The application is reviewed by Bridgend College; if successful, you’re invited to an interview. FEBRUARY Attend a Bridgend College Open Day. MARCH ONWARDS Financial advice, such as looking at what fees, grants and loans are available.

APRIL – JUNE Reply to your course offer(s). JULY ONWARDS Enrolment information issued. AUGUST Late applications processed & interviewed; Exam results; Prepare all your documents; Put your student finance in place. SEPTEMBER Enrolment & Course Induction. LATE APPLICATIONS It’s not too late to apply! Applicants seeking a place on a

university course in the Summer prior to the start of the course can contact the College to check availability. Alternatively, visit the vacancy course list online at

OPEN DAYS 3 March 2012 10am - 2pm Bridgend & Pencoed Campuses 20 June 2012 4pm - 7pm Bridgend, Pencoed & Queens Road Campuses

Dyddiadau Pwysig MEDI - GORFFENNAF Gwneud cais am gwrs prifysgol drwy Goleg Penybont neu UCAS; Caiff y cais ei adolygu gan Goleg Penybont; Os ydych yn llwyddiannus, fe’ch gwahoddir am gyfweliad. CHWEFROR Mynychu Diwrnod Agored yng Ngholeg Penybont. MAWRTH YMLAEN Cyngor ariannol, fel edrych pa ffioedd, grantiau a benthyciadau sydd ar gael.

EBRILL - MEHEFIN Ateb i’ch cynnig/cynigion cwrs. GORFFENNAF YMLAEN Cyhoeddi gwybodaeth ar ymrestru. AWST Prosesu a chyfweld ceisiadau hwyr; Canlyniadau arholiadau; Paratoi eich holl ddogfennau; Rhoi eich cyllid myfyrwyr yn ei le. MEDI Ymrestru ac Anwytho Cwrs. CEISIADAU HWYR Dyw hi ddim yn rhy hwyr i wneud cais! Gall ymgeiswyr sy’n

edrych am le ar gwrs prifysgol yn yr Haf cyn cychwyn y cwrs gysylltu’r Coleg i holi os oes lleoedd ar gael neu medrir arlein edrych ar y rhestr o gyrsiau sydd â lleoedd ar gael yn

DIWRNODAU AGORED 3 Mawrth 2012 10am - 2pm Campysau Penybont a Phencoed 20 Mehefin 2012 4pm - 7pm Campysau Penybont, Pencoed a Heol y Frenhines



Student Support Services Student Support Services Team At Bridgend College, we aim to provide our students with the best. The quality of teaching is second to none, our student facilities are impressive, and the support that we offer to students is no different. We want you to succeed. That’s why we make sure our study and recreational facilities are accessible, and the support we offer is the support you need. SERVICES WE OFFER INCLUDE: Welfare and Wellbeing Counselling Financial Advice Specialist Support Centre Student Learning Support DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) STUDENT WELFARE Student Welfare is located on the 2nd Floor of A Block at Bridgend Campus and in the Old House at the Pencoed Campus In the life of every student there comes a time when some advice and extra support is welcome, to perhaps help solve a problem that’s not going away or to get some advice so you can make the best decision. All students are able to make an appointment to meet with the Student Welfare Officers, please contact: John M Morgan: T: 07973 716794 Anneliese Donovan: T: 07800 598090

Both John and Anneliese work together as a team to make sure there is always someone available to listen and give support and advice to students and help you reach your full potential. The Student Welfare Officers are available every day and want to hear from anyone who requires assistance, so help can be provided. Support and advice can also be provided on many issues including housing, finances, personal and relationship issues and alcohol and substance misuse. We are committed to supporting all students to ensure they are able to study within a safe and supportive environment. COUNSELLING SERVICES The College understands that some students may have personal difficulties that they would like to discuss with specially trained staff. The College has counsellors who are professionally qualified and will provide student counselling on a confidential basis. The College Student Welfare Officers, John and Anneliese can help arrange an appointment for you at the earliest opportunity. Please contact: John M Morgan: T: 07973716794 Anneliese Donovan: T: 07800598090

SAFEGUARDING Bridgend College’s main aim is to provide an outstanding environment in which students can study, socialise, achieve and progress. To ensure the College is a safe place to be, we have rigorous procedures in place. The College recognises that in supporting Students it has a wider role than simply protecting them from neglect and abuse. The role involves keeping students safe from accidents, crime, bullying and actively promoting student welfare in a healthy and safe environment. Safeguarding students and promoting their welfare is a key statutory responsibility which Bridgend College takes very seriously. Within the College’s duties there is a requirement to safeguard all students. The College has a Safeguarding Committee which meets on a termly basis and consists of two designated managers for safeguarding, and two student welfare and child protection officers. Further information can be found on the College Portal. The College has a zero tolerance stance towards incidents involving equality and diversity. It is essential to maintain a healthy environment in which all Bridgend College students can thrive and achieve. The College has specific software to protect you whilst using the internet at College and our Citizen Code explains your obligation in relation to how you use the internet. Whilst at College if you have any concerns, worries or queries about your safety or wellbeing, or if you simply want more information contact: Student Welfare Officers: T: 07973716794 or T: 07800598090 Student Support Services Manager (Designated Manager for Safeguarding): T: 01656 302488 or T: 07791339272 Director of Human Resources (Senior Designated Manager for Safeguarding): T: 01656 302594






The Assessment Centre is located in the Specialist Support Centre at Bridgend College and provides study needs assessments for students who are eligible for the Disabled Students Allowances (DSA). Students will talk about their disability and the barriers they experience, and then be told about the support and equipment available to help make your time as the College as easy as possible.

Specialist Support is located on the ground floor in E block at Bridgend Campus and within the main teaching block at Pencoed Campus. It offers help and support for students who have additional needs or a disability. The centres offer an initial assessment to determine the appropriate support, guidance or assistive technology required. All staff are qualified in their specialist areas to ensure a first class service to any student who needs assistance. The service is available across all four campuses. Contact the Bridgend Centre for further details on T: 01656 302417

Parents of young children wishing to continue their education need the reassurance that their child is being cared for in a happy and secure environment. Bridgend College Day Nursery provides this safe haven for children to play, learn, eat and sleep.

The DSA can help with additional costs disabled students face in attending courses as a direct result of a disability. This is available to full-time and part-time disabled students, although part-time students must be studying at least 50% of a full-time course. It is available to both undergraduates and postgraduates and is not means tested. Students eligible for the DSA are normally requested to attend a Study Strategies Assessment by their Local Authority or Funding Body. The Study Needs Assessment is an informal discussion where students will find out what help is available. The assessors have a wide range of professional experience and expertise and are able to assess specific learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, ADHD, ADD, autistic spectrum disorders, mental health difficulties, sensory impairments, and chronic or progressive medical conditions. The Bridgend Assessment Centre is a registered assessment centre with the Disabled Students Allowances Quality Assurance Group and is a member of the National Network of Assessment Centres. The Centre offers assessments to disabled students studying in and around the regions of South and Mid Wales, or to students from the region that plan to move away to study elsewhere within the UK. For more information contact: T: 01656 302561 E:

WHAT CAN I GET HELP WITH? Dyslexia Support Deaf Support and British Sign Language Interpreters Assistive Technology Service Classroom Support Sight Loss Service Assessment Service for HE students WHAT IS AVAILABLE TO ASSIST ME? Magnification Devices Spelling Aids Specialist Input Devices Dictaphones Communication Aids Literacy Support Software This support is offered to ensure all students are able to realise their full learning potential. For further information: Visit: specialiststudentsupport CONTACT: Specialist Support Assessor T: 01656 302438 E: Specialist Support Administrator T: 01656 302417

It is a 100 place nursery for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years, and during school holidays (except Christmas) they also run a Play Scheme that caters for children aged 3 - 13 years. For further information call Michelle Morgan-Moody on T: 01656 302241 STUDENTS’ UNION All full time students are automatically members of the Bridgend College Students Union. The union is run by students, for students and makes sure your College experience is the best it can be. There will be many ways for you to participate with the College Students Union - you can even stand for election to join the Students Union Council, joining other students to help organise fund raising for local charities, and planning social events for students. All our students are eligible to purchase the Student Union card (NUS Extra Card) which costs £11. It allows you to enjoy discounts at local and national stores such as McDonalds, Ticketmaster, Odeon, Pizza Hut, and Amazon. For more information visit Legally, the College must make it clear that students do not have to participate in Student Union activities and that the College ensures that students who do not wish to join are not educationally disadvantaged. STUDENT ACADEMIC REPRESENTATIVES (STARS) At the beginning of your course will be asked to elect two Student Academic Reps or StARs as we call them within the College. The role of the StARs is to be the voice of the class for the year, making sure that student concerns are addressed promptly. All StARs receive training & support and are required at certain times of the year to sharing feedback with tutors, schools of study and the Students Union. StARs can make real changes to help the College become the best it can.



Tîm Gwasanaethau Cefnogaeth Myfyrwyr Yng Ngholeg Penybont, ein nod yw darparu’r gorau i’n myfyrwyr. Mae ansawdd yr addysgu yn ddiguro, mae ein cyfleusterau i fyfyrwyr yn rhagorol ac felly hefyd y gefnogaeth a gynigiwn i fyfyrwyr. Rydym eisiau i chi lwyddo. Dyna pam y gwnawn yn siwˆ r fod ein cyfleusterau astudio a hamdden yn hygyrch, a bod y gefnogaeth a gynigiwn yr hyn rydych ei hangen. MAE’R GWASANAETHAU A GYNIGIWN YN CYNNWYS: Lles a Llesiant Cwnsela Cyngor Ariannol Canolfan Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Cefnogaeth Dysgu Myfyrwyr Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl LLES MYFYRWYR Mae Lles Myfyrwyr ar Lawr 2 Bloc A yng Nghampws Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ac yn yr Hen Dyˆ yng Nghampws Pencoed. Daw adeg ym mywyd pob myfyriwr pan groesewir peth cyngor a chymorth ychwanegol, efallai i helpu i ddatrys problem nad yw’n mynd i ffwrdd neu i gael cyngor fel y gallwch wneud y penderfyniad gorau. Gall pob myfyriwr wneud apwyntiad i gwrdd gyda’r Swyddogion Lles Myfyrwyr, drwy gysylltu â John M Morgan: Ff: 07973 716794 Anneliese Donovan: Ff: 07800 598090

Mae John ac Anneliese yn cydweithio fel tîm i wneud yn sicr fod bob amser rywun ar gael i wrando a rhoi cefnogaeth a chyngor i fyfyrwyr ac i’ch helpu i gyrraedd eich potensial llawn. Mae’r Swyddogion Lles Myfyrwyr ar gael bob dydd ac maent eisiau clywed gan unrhyw un sydd angen cymorth, fel y gellir rhoi help. Gellir hefyd roi cefnogaeth a chyngor ar lawer o faterion yn cynnwys tai, cyllid, materion personol a pherthynas a chamddefnyddio alcohol a sylweddau. Mae gennym ymrwymiad i gefnogi pob myfyriwr i sicrhau y gallant astudio o fewn amgylchedd diogel a chefnogol. GWASANAETHAU CWNSELA Mae’r Coleg yn deall y gall rhai myfyrwyr fod ag anawsterau personol yr hoffent eu trafod gyda staff a hyfforddwyd yn arbennig. Mae gan y Coleg gwnselwyr gyda chymwysterau proffesiynol fydd yn cwnsela myfyrwyr ar sail gyfrinachol. Gall John ac Anneliese, Swyddog Lles Myfyrwyr y Coleg, helpu i drefnu apwyntiad i chi ar y cyfle cyntaf posibl. Cysylltwch â: John M Morgan: Ff: 07973716794 Anneliese Donovan: Ff: 07800598090

DIOGELU Prif nod Coleg Penybont yw darparu amgylchedd rhagorol lle gall myfyrwyr astudio, cymdeithasu, cyflawni a sicrhau cynnydd. Mae gennym weithdrefnau trylwyr i sicrhau fod y Coleg yn lle diogel i fod. Wrth gefnogi Myfyrwyr, mae’r Coleg yn cydnabod fod ganddo rôl ehangach na dim ond eu diogelu rhag esgeulustod a chamdriniaeth. Mae’r rôl yn cynnwys cadw myfyrwyr yn rhydd o ddamweiniau, troseddau, bwlio a hyrwyddo lles myfyrwyr mewn amgylchedd iach a diogel. Mae diogelu myfyrwyr a hyrwyddo eu lles yn gyfrifoldeb statudol allweddol y mae Coleg Penybont yn ei chymryd yn ddifrifol iawn. Mae gofyniad o fewn dyletswyddau’r Coleg i ddiogelu pob myfyriwr. Mae gan y Coleg Bwyllgor Diogelu sy’n cwrdd unwaith y tymor ac sy’n cynnwys dau reolwr dynodedig ar gyfer diogelu, a dau swyddog lles myfyrwyr ac amddiffyn plant. Mae gwybodaeth bellach ar gael ar Borth y Coleg. Mae gan y Coleg safbwynt o ddim goddefgarwch tuag at ddigwyddiadau sy’n ymwneud â chydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae’n hanfodol cadw amgylchedd iach lle gall holl fyfyrwyr Coleg Penybont ffynnu a chyflawni. Mae gan y Coleg feddalwedd benodol i’ch diogelu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r rhyngrwyd yn y Coleg ac mae ein Cod Dinasyddion yn esbonio eich oblygiad yng nghyswllt sut y defnyddiwch y rhyngrwyd. Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon, gofidiau neu ymholiadau am eich diogelwch neu les pan fyddwch yn y Coleg, neu os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: Swyddogion Lles Myfyrwyr: Ff: 07973716794 neu Ff: 07800598090 Student Support Services Manager (Designated Manager for Safeguarding): Ff: 01656 302488 or Ff: 07791339272 Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Cefnogaeth Myfyrwyr (Rheolwr Dynodedig Diogelu): Ff: 01656 302594





Mae’r Ganolfan Asesu yn y Ganolfan Cefnogaeth Arbenigol yng Ngholeg Penybont ac mae’n darparu asesiadau anghenion astudio ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n gymwys am Lwfansau Myfyrwyr Anabl. Bydd myfyrwyr yn siarad am eu hanabledd a’r rhwystrau y maent yn eu hwynebu, ac yna dywedir wrthynt am y gefnogaeth a’r offer sydd ar gael i helpu gwneud eu cyfnod yn y Coleg mor rhwydd ag sydd modd.

Mae Cefnogaeth Arbenigol ar y llawr daear ym mloc E yng Nghampws Penybont ac o fewn y prif floc addysgu yng Nghampws Pencoed. Mae’n cynnig help a chefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol neu anabledd. Mae’r canolfannau’n cynnig asesiad dechreuol i benderfynu’r gefnogaeth, arweiniad neu dechnoleg gymhorthol briodol sydd ei hangen. Mae gan yr holl staff gymwysterau yn eu meysydd arbenigol i sicrhau gwasanaeth o’r radd flaenaf i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd angen cymorth. Mae’r gwasanaeth ar gael ar draws y pedwar campws. Cysylltwch â Chanolfan Penybont ar Ff: 01656 302417 i gael manylion pellach.

Gall y DSA helpu gyda’r costau ychwanegol sy’n wynebu myfyrwyr anabl wrth fynychu cyrsiau fel canlyniad uniongyrchol i’w hanabledd. Mae hyn ar gael i fyfyrwyr anabl llawn-amser a rhanamser, er bod yn rhaid i fyfyrwyr rhanamser fod yn astudio am o leiaf 50% o gwrs llawn-amser. Mae ar gael i israddedigion ac ôlraddedigion ac nid oes prawf modd. Fel arfer gofynnir i fyfyrwyr sy’n gymwys am y DSA i fynychu Asesiad Strategaethau Astudio gan eu Hawdurdod Lleol neu Gorff Ariannu. Mae’r Asesiad Anghenion Astudio yn drafodaeth anffurfiol lle bydd myfyrwyr yn canfod pa help sydd ar gael. Mae gan yr aseswyr ystod eang o brofiad proffesiynol ac arbenigedd a gallant asesu anawsterau dysgu penodol yn cynnwys dyslecsia, dyspracsia a diaslcwlia, AHDD, ADD, anhwylderau ar y sbectrwm awtistig, anawsterau iechyd meddwl, amhariadau synhwyraidd, a chyflyrau meddygol cronig neu gynyddol. Mae Canolfan Asesu Penybont yn ganolfan asesu gofrestredig gyda Grwˆp Sicrwydd Ansawdd Lwfansau Myfyrwyr Anabl ac mae’n aelod o’r Rhwydwaith Cenedlaethol o Ganolfannau Asesu. Mae’r Ganolfan yn cynnig asesiadau i fyfyrwyr anabl sy’n astudio yn Ne a Chanolbarth Cymru, neu i fyfyrwyr o’r rhanbarth sy’n bwriadu symud i astudio mewn rhan arall o’r Deyrnas Unedig. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: Ff: 01656 302561 E:

GYDA BETH Y GALLAF GAEL HELP? Cefnogaeth Dyslecsia Cefnogaeth i’r Byddar a Dehonglwyr Iaith Arwyddion Prydeinig Gwasanaeth Technoleg Gymhorthol Cefnogaeth Ystafell Ddosbarth Gwasanaeth Colli Golwg Gwasanaeth Asesu ar gyfer myfyrwyr Addysg Bellach BETH SYDD AR GAEL I FY NGHYNORTHWYO? Dyfeisiau Chwyddo Cymhorthion Sillafu Dyfeisiau Mewnbwn Arbenigol Dictaphones Cymhorthion cyfathrebu Meddalwedd Cefnogaeth Llythrennedd Cynigir y gefnogaeth hon i sicrhau y gall pob myfyriwr wireddu eu potensial dysgu llawn. I gael mwy o wybodaeth: Ewch i : specialiststudentsupport CYSWLLT: Asesydd Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Ff: 01656 302438 E: Gweinyddydd Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Ff: 01656 302417

GOFAL PLANT Mae rhieni plant ifanc sy’n dymuno parhau â’u haddysg angen y sicrwydd fod eu plentyn yn derbyn gofal mewn amgylchedd hapus a diogel. Mae Meithrinfa Ddydd Coleg Penybont yn rhoi’r hafan ddiogel hon ar gyfer plant i ddysgu, chwarae, bwyta a chysgu. Mae’n feithrinfa gyda 100 lle ar gyfer plant rhwng 6 wythnos a 5 mlwydd oed, ac maent hefyd yn cynnal Cynllun Chwarae yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol (heblaw’r Nadolig) sy’n darparu ar gyfer plant 3 - 13 oed. I gael mwy o wybodaeth ffoniwch Michelle Morgan-Moody ar Ff: 01656 302241 UNDEB MYFYRWYR Mae pob myfyriwr llawn-amser yn awtomatig yn aelodau o Undeb Myfyrwyr Coleg Penybont. Caiff yr undeb ei rhedeg gan fyfyrwyr, ar gyfer myfyrwyr ac mae’n gwneud yn siwˆr fod eich profiad yn y Coleg gystal ag y gall fod. Bydd llawer o ffyrdd i chi gymryd rhan yn Undeb Myfyrwyr y Coleg - gallwch hyd yn oed sefyll etholiad i ymuno â Chyngor yr Undeb Myfyrwyr, gan ymuno â myfyrwyr eraill i helpu trefnu codi arian ar gyfer elusennau lleol a chynllunio digwyddiadau cymdeithasol ar gyfer myfyrwyr. Mae ein holl fyfyrwyr yn gymwys i brynu cerdyn yr Undeb Myfyrwyr (cerdyn NUS Extra) sy’n costio £11. Mae’n rhoi disgownt iddynt mewn storau lleol a chenedlaethol fel McDonalds, Ticketmaster, Odeon, Pizza Hut ac Amazon. I gael mwy o wybodaeth ewch i Mae’n ofyniad cyfreithiol bod y Coleg yn ei gwneud yn glir nad yw’n rhaid i fyfyrwyr gymryd rhan yng ngweithgareddau Undeb y Myfyrwyr a bod y Coleg yn sicrhau nad yw myfyrwyr nad ydynt yn dymuno ymuno dan anfantais addysgol. CYNRYCHIOLWYR ACADEMAIDD MYFYRWYR (STARS) Ar ddechrau’r cwrs gofynnir i fyfyrwyr ethol dau Gynrychiolydd Academaidd Myfyrwyr neu StARs fel y’u galwn hwy yn y Coleg. Rôl y StARs yw bod yn llais y dosbarth am y flwyddyn, gan sicrhau y caiff pryderon myfyrwyr eu trafod yn brydlon. Mae pob StAR yn derbyn hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth ac ar rai adegau o’r flwyddyn mae gofyn iddynt rannu adborth gyda thiwtoriaid, ysgolion astudiaeth ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr. Gall StARs wneud newidiadau gwirioneddol i helpu’r Coleg i ddod y gorau y gall fod.



Student Services ENROLMENT Enrolment for full-time and part-time Higher Education courses will start from Monday 3 September 2012. The enrolment process is important as it confirms your registration as a Bridgend College student and also as a student of the University with whom your course is linked. An enrolment timetable will be issued to you by Student Services over the Summer, detailing when and where your enrolment event will be held. It is crucial that you attend at the designated time, due to the high volume of students enrolling during enrolment week. You will need to bring the following items with you: Proof of identification, SLC Financial Notification (confirms who is paying tuition fees, and releases your student grant or loan), Qualification Certificates (we will need original copies), Original copy of your Birth Certificate For further advice contact Student Services: E: PAYING YOUR FEES Students are required to pay tuition fees at the point of enrolment and evidence of how you will be paying the fees is required. Payment can be made in cash, cheque (with cheque guarantee card), debit or credit card. For fees over the value of £300 flexible instalment plans are available. It is Bridgend College policy to refer overdue fees to a debt collection agency. Any charges made by the collection agency will be added to the balance owed by the learner’s employer or sponsor or in the event that the employer / sponsor



does not pay, the learner themselves will be responsible for any amounts outstanding. Paying your Fees – Full-time Full-time students will need to bring their SLC Financial Notification, which tells you who is paying your tuition fees so that your student grant/loan can be released. If you do not have this notification you will need to make an initial payment of £1,155 at enrolment. This payment can be made by cheque or credit card. This will be refunded once proof of your funding is received by the College. Paying your Fees – Part-time Part-time students will need to make a payment of half of their course fees on enrolment. HND / HNC courses will be subject to a BTEC registration fee. This includes students applying for a part-time Higher Education Grant. Please bring your PTG 1 form to enrolment so that it can be signed off by Registry staff. Any students paying their own fees in full will need to bring their bank details to enrolment to allow completion of a direct debit mandate. Sponsored students, such as those whose fees are paid for by an employer, must bring a letter from their employers acknowledging their consent to pay. ‘Direct debit’ and ‘authority for invoicing fees’ forms can be requested in advance from reception. For further advice contact Bridgend College Registry: T: 01656 302 309 COURSE INDUCTION What’s the difference between enrolment and induction? Enrolment is the process whereby you officially become a student at Bridgend College and complete lots of forms and pay your fees and so on…

Induction is a little more informal, it’s when you actually get to meet the lecturers and the other students enrolled on the same course as you. Information about your course modules, timetable and assignments will also be provided at induction, so make sure you don’t miss your session. FRESHERS EVENTS We’ll be working alongside the Bridgend College Students Union to bring you an exciting schedule of events during your first couple of weeks of term. Such events are designed to bring together information on a range of student services, both internal and external, as well as the opportunity of becoming a member of College interest groups and societies. Most importantly, it’s the opportunity to meet and often, make new friendships that last a lifetime. Freshers Events information will be available on the College website and distributed on campus, during the first week of term. Visit NO SMOKING POLICY All Bridgend College Campuses are no smoking zones IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING TUITION FEES *The Welsh Government will provide Welsh Students studying on a full time course with a non-means tested tuition fee grant of £4,035. As such full time students will have to pay only £3,465 for which fee loans are available through the Student Loan Company.

Ymuno â ni YMRESTRU


Talu eich Ffioedd - Rhan-amser

Bydd ymrestru ar gyfer cyrsiau llawnamser a rhan-amser Addysg Uwch yn dechrau o ddydd Llun 3 Medi 2012. Mae’r broses ymrestru yn bwysig gan ei bod yn cadarnhau eich cofrestriad fel myfyriwr yng Ngholeg Penybont a hefyd fel myfyriwr yn y Brifysgol y mae’ch cwrs yn gysylltiedig ag ef. Bydd Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr yn cyhoeddi amserlen dros yr haf, yn rhoi manylion pryd a lle y cynhelir eich digwyddiad ymrestru. Mae’n hollbwysig eich bod yn mynychu ar yr amser a nodwyd, oherwydd y nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr sy’n ymrestru yn ystod yr wythnos ymrestru.

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng ymrestru ac anwytho? Ymrestru yw’r broses lle deuwch yn swyddogol yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Penybont a llenwi llawer o ffurflenni a thalu eich ffioedd ac yn y blaen. Mae anwytho ychydig yn fwy anffurfiol. Dyma pryd y byddwch yn cwrdd â’r darlithwyr a’r myfyrwyr eraill sydd wedi ymrestru ar yr un cwrs â chi. Rhoddir gwybodaeth am eich modiwlau cwrs, amserlen ac aseiniadau hefyd yn yr anwythiad, felly gwnewch yn siwr nad ydych yn colli eich sesiwn.

Bydd angen i fyfyrwyr rhan-amser wneud taliad o hanner eu ffioedd cwrs adeg ymrestru. Mae hyn yn cynnwys myfyrwyr sy’n gwneud cais am Grant Addysg Uwch rhan-amser. Dewch â’ch ffurflen PTG 1 gyda chi adeg ymrestru fel y gall staff Cofrestru ei lofnodi. Bydd angen i unrhyw fyfyrwyr sy’n talu eu ffioedd eu hunain yn llawn ddod â’u manylion banc adeg ymrestru er mwyn llenwi mandad debyd uniongyrchol. Mae’n rhaid i fyfyrwyr a noddir, fel y rhai y mae cyflogydd yn talu eu ffioedd, ddod â llythyr gan eu cyflogwyr yn cydnabod eu cydsyniad i dalu. Gellir gofyn am ffurflenni ‘debyd uniongyrchol’ ac ‘awdurdod ar gyfer anfoneb am ffioedd’ ymlaen llaw o’r dderbynfa.

Bydd angen i chi ddod â’r eitemau dilynol gyda chi: Tystiolaeth adnabyddiaeth. Hysbysiad Ariannol Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr (yn cadarnhau pwy sy’n talu’r ffioedd hyfforddiant ac yn rhyddhau eich grant neu fenthyciad myfyrwyr) Tystysgrifau Cymhwyster (byddwn angen copïau gwreiddiol) I gael mwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr: E:

Talu eich Ffioedd Mae’n ofynnol i fyfyrwyr dalu ffioedd hyfforddiant adeg ymrestru a bydd angen tystiolaeth o sut y byddwch yn talu’r ffioedd. Gellir talu mewn arian parod, siec (gyda cherdyn gwarant sieciau), cerdyn debyd neu gerdyn credyd. Mae cynlluniau rhandaliad hyblyg ar gael ar gyfer ffioedd dros £300. Talu eich Ffioedd - Llawn-amser Bydd angen i fyfyrwyr llawn-amser ddod â’u Hysbysiad Ariannol Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr gyda hwy, sy’n dweud pwy sy’n talu eich ffioedd hyfforddiant, fel y medrir rhyddhau eich grant/benthyciad myfyriwr. Os nad yw’r hysbysiad hwn gennych bydd angen i chi wneud taliad dechreuol o £1,097 adeg ymrestru. Gall y taliad hwn fod drwy siec neu gerdyn credyd. Ad-delir hyn unwaith y bydd y Coleg yn derbyn tystiolaeth o’ch cyllid.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â Chofrestrfa Coleg Penybont: Ff: 01656 302 309 GWYBODAETH BWYSIG AM FFIOEDD HYFFORDDIANT *Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu grant ffi hyfforddiant heb brawf modd o £4,035 i fyfyrwyr o Gymru sy’n astudio ar gwrs llawn-amser. O’r herwydd dim ond £3,465 y bydd yn rhaid i fyfyrwyr llawn-amser ei dalu ac mae benthyciadau ffi ar gael ar gyfer hyn drwy’r Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr.



Quick Reference




Courses studied at a university or college of higher education at university level, such as degrees and diplomas.

A qualification awarded after the completion of three years of full-time study at university level. Foundation degrees may be awarded after 2 years of study.

A student who may have spent some time away from study and has now returned. While mature students may not hold the qualifications required, they may have work or life experience that makes them eligible to study a HE course.

FURTHER EDUCATION (FE) Courses that provide education in a wide range of subjects and levels, including A Levels, vocational courses, BTECs and key skills. Further education courses can help students move onto Higher Education.

BACHELOR A person who has completed undergraduate studies and been awarded a degree by a college or university.



A Higher Education Institute can be a term used to describe a university.

A student studying a course at a higher level, usually only available for those who have already passed their degree or undergraduate course.

CAMPUS The location of a College or University, Bridgend College has four campuses: Cowbridge Road, Pencoed, Maesteg and Queens Road, the campus allocated to HE Students.

A student that receives an academic degree upon completion of their studies.

UNDERGRADUATE A student studying either full or part time for a first bachelor’s, degree.



Students new to a university course are called Freshers, and Freshers Week is the first week of term that introduces them to university life.

UCAS The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service for the UK.



A common term associated with postgraduate study.

Non-repayable grants of money usually based on academic excellence as opposed to financial need, which a bursary is based on.



A Higher National Diploma is a two year qualification that can also be used as a stepping stone to a degree. A HND can be converted into a degree by doing a one year top-up.

BURSARY A non repayable grant given to students who would require financial support and who fulfil specific criteria.

Canllawiau Cyflym

Geirfa Addysg ADDYSG UWCH (HE)



Cyrsiau a astudir mewn prifysgol neu goleg addysg uwch ar lefel prifysgol, megis graddau a diplomâu.

Myfyriwr sy’n astudio’n un ai’n llawnamser neu’n rhan amser ar gyfer gradd gyntaf baglor.



Cyrsiau sy’n darparu addysg mewn ystod eang o bynciau a lefelau, yn cynnwys Lefelau A, cyrsiau galwedigaethol, BTEC a sgiliau allweddol. Gall cyrsiau addysg bellach helpu myfyrwyr i symud ymlaen i Addysg Uwch.

Cymhwyster a ddyfernir ar ôl cwblhau tair blynedd o astudiaeth lawn-amser ar lefel prifysgol. Gellir dyfarnu graddau sylfaen ar ôl 2 flynedd o astudiaeth.

Myfyriwr a all fod wedi treulio peth amser i ffwrdd o astudiaeth ac sy’n awr wedi dychwelyd. Er efallai nad yw’r cymwysterau gofynnol gan fyfyrwyr aeddfed, gallant fod â phrofiad gwaith neu fywyd sy’n eu gwneud yn gymwys i astudio cwrs Addysg Uwch.

HEI Gall Sefydliad Addysg Uwch fod yn derm a ddefnyddir i ddisgrifio prifysgol.

BAGLOR Person sydd wedi cwblhau astudiaethau israddedig ac y dyfarnwyd gradd iddynt gan goleg neu brifysgol.

Lleoliad Coleg neu Brifysgol, mae gan Goleg Penybont bedwar campws: Heol y Bontfaen, Pencoed, Maesteg a Heol y Frenhines, campws a ddyrannwyd ar gyfer Myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch.

Y Glas yw myfyrwyr sy’n newydd i gwrs prifysgol, ac Wythnos y Glas yw wythnos gyntaf y tymor sy’n eu cyflwyno i fywyd mewn prifysgol.




Myfyriwr yn astudio cwrs ar lefel uwch, fel arfer ddim ond ar gael i’r rhai sydd eisoes wedi pasio eu cwrs gradd neu israddiwr.

MEISTR Term cyffredin yn gysylltiedig gydag astudiaeth ôlraddedig.

Gwasanaeth Derbyn Prifysgolion a Cholegau ar gyfer y Deyrnas Unedig.

YSGOLORIAETHAU Grantiau o arian heb fod yn ad-daladwy fel arfer yn seiliedig ar ragoriaeth academaidd yn hytrach nag angen ariannol, y mae bwrsari yn seiliedig arno.

GRADDIWR Myfyriwr sy’n derbyn gradd academaidd ar ôl cwblhau eu hastudiaethau.

HND Mae HND (Diploma Genedlaethol Uwch) yn gymhwyster dwy flynedd y gellir hefyd ei ddefnyddio fel carreg gamu i radd. Gellir trosi HND yn radd drwy wneud blwyddyn ychwanegol.

BWRSARI Grant heb fod yn ad-daladwy a roddir i fyfyrwyr sydd angen cefnogaeth ariannol ac sy’n cyflawni meini prawf penodol.



Contact Us If you’d like to know more about how to apply for a course contact:











During academic holidays, to ensure you get a quick response, please send any emails to the designated academic departments AND Student Services.

If you’d like more information about the courses, you can contact the relevant department by e-mail: ART, DESIGN & MEDIA art& BUSINESS STUDIES & MANAGEMENT

DISCLAIMER The information provided is correct at the time of publishing. However, course information is subject to change and all students are advised to refer to our website for the most up to date information. To receive a Welsh language or large print version of this publication, please contact the Marketing Team on 01656 302 490 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Edited by: Natalie Llewellyn, Bridgend College Design by: Printed by: Zenith Printers




For a successful future contact Bridgend College T: 01656 302 302 E: Facebook: Bridgend College

Twitter: @bridgendcollege

The Outstanding College Committed to Your Success Y Coleg rhagorol gydag ymrwymiad i’ch llwyddiant

Higher Education Prospectus 2012 /13 PROSPECTUS 2012/13

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