Riverfront Autumn 2017 Events

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i ddewis a phrynu eich seddi bedair awr ar hugain y dydd.

Chi fydd y cyntaf i glywed y newyddion… Tanysgrifiwch i’n e-restr yn newportlive.co.uk/riverfront i gael diweddariadau a newyddion ebost rheolaidd.

Dewch yn rhan o’n gwaith, rhannu eich lluniau neu’ch barn ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol… Hoffwch ein tudalen ‘TheRiverfront’ ar Facebook Dilynwch ni ar: @RiverfrontArts Instagram: RiverfrontArts

We are saving paper by reducing the amount of printed brochures we print and reducing the amount that we post out. If you want to make sure you get all the latest news and show listings then please join our e-list and we will email our brochure right to your in-box. Design: savageandgray.co.uk 6735-17

The Riverfront is the No.1 Comedy Venue in Newport. We love everything funny and want to find out what makes you laugh, so why not try our fun quiz? Whether you are a Slapstick Steve, Deadpan Dan or Surreal Susan, we have comedy that will appeal to you! After taking the quiz, you can spot your comedy character on the comedy shows to see if we think you might like it.

Glan yr Afon yw pennaf Oedfan Comedi Casnewydd, rydym yn dwli ar bopeth sy’n ddigri ac am gael gwybod be sy’n gwneud i chi chwerthin, felly be am roi cynnig ar ein cwis difyr – i chi gael gwybod be sy’n gwneud i chi chwerthin. Pa un a ydych chi’n Sioni Slapstig, yn Deio Di-wên ynteu’n Siani Swrreal, mae gennym gomedi fydd at eich dant chi, felly rhowch gynnig ar y cwis ac adnabod eich cymeriad comedi ar y sioeau comedi i weld ydyn ni’n meddwl y byddech yn ei hoffi!

Tuesday 26 September, 7.45pm Mawrth 26 Medi, 7.45pm

We Are Bronte¨ Publick Transport




Morecambe and Wise meets David Lynch in this madcap and hilarious reimagining of the Brontë myth. An over-ambitious attempt by two hopeful performers to present a physical interpretation of the Brontë myth without having done the proper research. Expect mad women, spooky houses and really bad coughs. Ymgais oruchelgeisiol gan ddau berfformiwr gobeithiol i gyflwyno dehongliad corfforol o fyth y teulu Brontë heb wneud yr ymchwil iawn. Gewch chi ddisgwyl merched gwallgo, tai bwganllyd a pheswch dychrynllyd.

deadpan dan



surreal susan

£10, Reductions £8 Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

www.newport live.co.uk/ comedyquiz






Friday 6 October, 7.45pm Gwener 6 Hydref, 7.45pm

Paul Foot Tis a Pity she’s a Piglet


Professor Ketchup and his camembert piglet join forces as he tackles the big issues such as terrorism plus Ant ‘n Dec, Immigration, X-Factor and breakfast. The multi-award winning Mr Foot has appeared on numerous TV and radio programmes including; Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Would I Lie To You, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Russell Howard’s Good News and The Infinite Monkey Cage on BBC Radio 4.

‘Utterly outlandish, but beneath layers of absurdity is Foot’s sharp eye for satire’ Time Out “He’s a comedy whirlwind from the school of Spike Milligan… It’s risky to call someone unique, but Foot is certainly pretty close.” Three Weeks Edinburgh Yr Athro Ketchup a’i fochyn bach camembert yn ymuno i fynd i’r afael â’r achosion mawr fel brawychiaeth ac Ant ‘n Dec, Mewnfudo, X-Factor a brecwast. Ymddangosodd y Mr Foot tra arobryn ar raglenni Teledu a Radio rhif y gwlith. £15

STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran


Saturday 21 October, 8pm Sadwrn 21 Hydref, 8pm

Andy Parsons Peak Bullsh*t Worried about your job? Worried about your family? Worried about yourself? Worried about the health service? Education? Climate change? World War 3? Worried about worrying? Sod it! Come and have a laugh about it. It’s one of the things we do best. Or is it? Was it something we did best but like everything else has now gone West. Or South. Or East. Ah - go on. Take a risk. Put on your lucky pants and your party shoes – and get yourself on a night out. Or maybe come out dressed in a binbag, top hat and clogs. We could all use a laugh. As seen on Mock the Week, Live at the Apollo, Q.I. etc. - and repeated on Dave.

“Brilliantly funny and insightful” Metro “Cracking adlibbing…a joke-rich rallying call for a better Britain” The Guardian Yn pryderu ynghylch pryderu? I’r diawl ag e! Dewch i chwerthin am ei ben. Dyma un o’r pethau rydyn ni’n ei wneud orau. Ond tybed? Oedd e’n arfer â bod yn rhyweth roedden ni’n ei wneud orau ond sydd bellach, fel popeth arall, wedi mynd i’w grogi. Wedi canu arno. Wedi cael y farwol. Dewch ’laen. Mentrwch hi. Rhowch eich trowsus lwcus amdanoch a’ch sgidiau parti am eich traed – a chael noson i’r brenin. £16

theatre Age Guide Canllaw Oedran




COMEDY COMEDI 5 Thursday 9 November, 7.45pm Iau 9 Tachwedd, 7.45pm

Saturday 18 November, 7.45pm Sadwrn 18 Tachwedd, 7.45pm

Sofie Hagen Dead Baby Frog

Ellie Taylor This Guy

Sofie Hagen is unquestionably one of the most talked-about comics of the moment. A modern legend in her native Denmark, she burst onto the British scene by winning Best Newcomer at Edinburgh Festival 2015; her 2016 follow-up, ‘Shimmer Shatter’, was a second total sell-out. She’s spoken to millions as former host of ‘Guilty Feminist’ and current host of ‘Made of Human’ podcasts, and appeared on ‘The One Show’, ‘The Now Show’ and ‘Live From The BBC’.

Following a sell-out Edinburgh Festival season and 2016 tour, the star of BBC’s Live at the Apollo, Mock the Week and The John Bishop Show, Channel 4’s 8 Out of 10 Cats, and BBC Radio 4’s The Now Show presents an unmissable new stand-up show discussing whether or not she should breed.

“Radiates charisma... blessed with great flair” Guardian “She doesn’t miss a beat” List

This, her biggest national tour to date, is a brand-new show packed with brilliant, offbeat observations, passionate argument, and jokes. Also: one parable.

The star of numerous TV comedy shows, Ellie presents an unmissable new stand-up show discussing whether or not she should breed.

The Riverfront is anxiety-safe, has disabled access and gender neutral toilets.

Dyma Ellie, seren sioeau teledu lawer, yn cyflwyno sioe stand-up newydd rhy dda i’w cholli sy’n trafod a ddylai fagu ai peidio.

Does dim dau nag yw Sofie Hagen yn un o’r digrifwyr y mae’r mwya o sôn amdanyn nhw ar hyn o bryd. Sioe newydd sbon danlli grai yn heigio o graffter gwreiddiol, disglair, dadlau taer, a jôcs. £12, Reductions £9

£14, Reductions £12

STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran


STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

14+ Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk




Out for a as laugh / M am hwyl


Bring your colleagues, bring your friends, for a shed load of laughs! The relaxed cabaret style comedy club offers you the chance to enjoy a drink and up to three professional comedians to entertain you. Previous acts have included Alan Carr, Michael McIntyre, Lucy Porter, Nick Helm, Russell Kane and many more…

Friday 10 November, 8pm Dydd Gwener 10 Tachwedd, 8pm

Dewch â’ch cydweithwyr, dewch â’ch ffrindiau, am lond sied o hwyl a sbri!

Rich Hall’s critically acclaimed grouchy, deadpan style has established him as a master of absurdist irony and the king of rapid-fire wit.

Mae’r clwb comedi hamddenol braf ar ddull cabaret yn rhoi cyfle i chi gael blas ar ddiod a hyd at dri o ddigrifwyr proffesiynol i’ch difyrru chi. Ymhlith actau a fu gwelwyd Alan Carr, Michael McIntyre, Lucy Porter, Nick Helm, Russell Kane a llawer mwy…

Perrier (Edinburgh Comedy Festival) Award and Barry (Melbourne International Comedy Festival) Award winner, Hall has been described as a transatlantic messenger lampooning each country he visits with his common sense, and he is no less harsh to his homeland.



open AGOR 7.45PM, First ACT 8.15PM

*Comedians booked to appear at Comedy Shed are correct at time of going to print.

THIS SEASON: Please check our website for the up to date list of which comedians will be appearing. Medi 29 September

Tachwedd 24 November

Chris McCausland Henry Paker Robin Morgan

Laura Lexx Fumbi Omatayo Andy Robinson

Hydref 27 October

Rhagfyr 15 December

Steve Gribbin, Tom Lucy Roger Monkhouse Tickets / Tocynnau

Rich Hall: Live 2017

“Now is the time to grab this chance to see the great man at work” The Guardian “Rich Hall is a comedy phenomenon” The Sun Bu arddull ddi-wên, sarrug Rich Hall - sy’n fawr ei chlod gan y beirniaid - yn gyfrwng ennill iddo’i blwy yn feistr eironi abswrd ac yn frenin ffraethineb fel bwled o wn. £18

theatre Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

Ian Smith Danny Ward Mark Maier

01633 656 757 Tickets / Tocynnau www.newportlive.co.uk/riverfront 01633 656 757comedy



DRAMA DRAMA 7 Thursday 14 September, 7.30pm Iau 14 Medi, 7.30pm

Thursday 21 September, 7.45pm Iau 21 Medi, 7.45pm

Jane Eyre: An Autobiography

Cannonballista Liz Clarke

Dyad Productions Struggling to think, live and love beyond the stifling expectations of duty, class and convention, governess Jane Eyre and Master Edward Rochester take a dark journey towards sensual and intellectual liberation. Told through Jane’s eyes, English literature’s most celebrated autobiographical novel shocked the Victorians, and Charlotte Brontë’s gothic subversion of fairy tale romance is now distilled for the stage – under its full title – by writer/director Elton Townend Jones. Performer Rebecca Vaughan embodies everywoman Jane – and several other characters – in this intimate study of love’s realities.

“Hands down the best adaptation of Jane Eyre, in any medium.” Broadway Baby “Truly extraordinary… one of the most exciting young performers on the British Stage” British Theatre Guide “A theatrical masterpiece” Edinburgh Guild Dan ymlafnio i feddwl, byw a charu’r tu hwnt i ddisgwyliadau gormesol dyletswydd, dosbarth, a moes a defod, mae’r athrawes gartref Jane Eyre a’i Meistr Edward Rochester yn mynd ar daith dywyll tuag at ryddid y cnawd a’r deall. £13, Reductions Gostyngiadau £12 Early Bird £10

D rama


Cannonballista is an explosive solo show by Liz Clarke, which explores grief, coping mechanisms and things we do to get us through. Betty Bruiser (Liz’s Super Hero Alter Ego) has been present in her life for a good few years and Betty thinks it’s about time she had her own show. This highly charged performance will bring together; a cannon, a shed and impossibly high heels, in ways that have never been witnessed before! It also features (if Betty gets her way); the biggest feat of her career and costume changes a plenty, topped off with a huge dollop of glitz. Bydd y perfformiad gwefreiddiol yma’n dwyn ynghyd: canon, sied a sodlau uchel dros ben llestri, mewn ffyrdd na welwyd erioed o’r blaen! Mae hefyd yn cynnwys (os caiff Betty ei ffordd) gorchest mwyaf ei gyrfa a llond gwlad o newid gwisgoedd, ac ar ben hynny talp anferthol o swagar. £12, Reductions £10


Discover your own Super Hero Alter Ego in a special workshop with Liz Clarke. Designed for women with and without mental health issues, this workshop will help you to discover the parts of yourself that are extra-ordinary, untapped and unexpected. Saturday 16th September, 10am-5pm £5 Booking essential. Email info@lizclarke.org to book your place.



more than Buy tickets for e transaction on in a am dr e on ion for both. and get a reduct

The more you see, the cheaper it gets!!

£20 2 x DRAMAS for £27 for 3 x DRAMAS £30 4 x DRAMAS for


Thurs 28 September, 10am & 7.30pm, Fri 29 & Sat 30 September, 7.30pm Iau 28 Medi, 10am & 7.30pm, Gwener 29 & Sadwrn 30 Medi, 7.30pm

Flying Bridge Theatre

Not About Heroes

8 Stephen Macdonald Combining poetry, politics and passion, this remarkable play honours fallen soldiers on all sides, on whose backs we have built today’s history, but challenges with a strong anti-war message. It tells us the tragedy of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen and their influence on each other’s lives and poetry, during their incarceration in a war hospital for nervous disorders. Forced by society to hide their homosexuality, they develop a perfect but ill-fated love, based on their poetic talents, their political ethics and their experiences on the front. Together they set-about defying the military censors to inform those ‘at home’ of the front-line horrors of war, with a perfect book of poetry. Dyma ddrama hynod sy’n cyfuno barddoniaeth, gwleidyddiaeth ac angerdd sy’n anrhydeddu milwyr a gwympodd ar bob tu, yr ydym wedi llunio hanes yr oes sydd ohoni ar eu cefnau, ond sy’n herio â neges gref yn erbyn rhyfel. Forget Me Not Chorus singing in the foyer before the show on Sat 30 Sept. £14, Reductions £12, Schools & Groups £7

The more you see, the cheaper it gets!!




more than Buy tickets for e transaction one drama in on ion for both. and get a reduct

£20 2 x DRAMAS for £27 for AS M RA 3xD £30 4 x DRAMAS for

Dcomedy rama D rama comedi

DRAMA DRAMA 9 Saturday 23 September, 7.30pm Sadwrn 23 Medi, 7.30pm

Tuesday 10 October, 7pm Mawrth 10 Hydref, 7pm

Seabright Productions

Puppet State Theatre Company present JRR TOLKIEN’S

Black is the Color of my Voice

Leaf by Niggle

With soundtrack composed by Karine Polwart and MJ McCarthy

Written and performed by Apphia Campbell, directed by Arran Hawkins and Nate Jacobs. Direct from sell-out performances in Shanghai, New York and at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Inspired by the life of Nina Simone, ‘Black Is The Color Of My Voice’ follows a successful jazz singer and civil rights activist seeking redemption after the untimely death of her father. She reflects on the journey that took her from a young piano prodigy destined for a life in the service of the church, to a renowned jazz vocalist at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement.

“Campbell may wear Simone’s trademark head wrap but her performance goes beyond impersonation.” The Times “A compelling and heartbreaking story, punctuated with bursts of song” Ed Festival Magazine Nina Simone a ysbrydolodd ‘Black Is The Color Of My Voice’ sy’n dilyn cantores jazz lwyddiannus a gweithredwraig dros iawnderau sifil ar drywydd iawn ar ôl marw annhymig ei thad. Mae’n myfyrio ynghylch y daith aeth â hi o fod yn bianyddes ifanc ryfeddol a bywyd yng ngwasanaeth yr eglwys yn yr arfaeth iddi, i fod yn gantores jazz enwog yn rheng flaen y Mudiad Iawnderau Sifil. £16

Niggle is a painter. Not a very successful one, partly because he has so many other things to do. For some time he has been obsessed with one particular canvas – a curious picture of a tree with a vast landscape stretching out behind it. The painting keeps getting bigger and bigger, but Niggle has a journey to make. He doesn’t want to go, but he cannot get out of it… In 1939 Tolkien was despairing of ever bringing his great work The Lord of the Rings to a conclusion. One morning he woke up with Leaf by Niggle complete in his mind and wrote it down. Suitable for adults and young people aged 10+ With thanks to the Tolkien Trust.

“Tolkien’s lord of small things … enchanting one-man show.” Guardian Ym 1939 roedd Tolkien yn anobeithio gallu fyth ddwyn ei waith mawr The Lord of the Rings i’w derfyn. Un bore deffrodd a Leaf by Niggle yn gyflawn yn ei gof a’i daro ar bapur. £12

STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

theatre Age Guide Canllaw Oedran


D rama

D rama



Thursday 12 October, 7.45pm Iau 12 Hydref, 7.45pm

All The Things I Lied About By KatIE bONNA


Fringe First award winner Katie Bonna is giving a TED talk on the science of lying. Well, that’s not quite true. TED haven’t actually asked her to give a talk - yet. Part TED talk, part confession, Katie unpicks how everyday lies can lead to a world of Trump and Brexit. A fearlessly honest show for the post-truth era presented by Paul Jellis and Katie Bonna.

Wednesday 18 & Thursday 19 October, 10am & 6pm Mercher 18 & Iau 19 Hydref, 10am & 6pm

Theatre Fio

The Mountaintop

TED is a media organisation which posts talks online for free distribution, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”.

By Katori Hall A fictional depiction of Martin Luther King’s last night on earth. In his motel room in Memphis, King is visited by Camae, a maid on a much greater mission than just delivering coffee. Gripping, relevant and often humorous, it is presented by Fio, a company intent on diversifying Welsh theatre.

“A riveting, funny and discomfiting hour” The Times “Moving, potent and personal” The Stage Mae’r enillydd gwobr Fringe First, Katie Bonna, yn traddodi sgwrs TED ar grefft dweud celwydd. Wel, dyw hynny ddim yn wir ’i wala. Dyw TED ddim mewn gwirionedd wedi gofyn iddi draddodi sgwrs – eto. Yn rhannol yn sgwrs TED, yn rhannol yn gyffes mae Katie’n datrys sut y gall celwydd pob dydd arwain at fyd o Trump a Brexit. Sioe eofn o onest i’r oes ôlwirionedd a gyflwynir gan Paul Jellis a Katie Bonna.

POST SHOW DISCUSSION - After the show Fio will be offering a free discussion based on the themes explored in the play. So grab a drink and come back into the theatre, to listen and/or join in. Darlun ffuglennol o noson olaf Martin Luther King ar y ddaear. Yn ei ystafell mewn motél yn Memphis, daw ymwelydd heibio i King - Camae, morwyn ar berwyl llawer mwy na dim ond dod â choffi. Mae’n afaelgar, yn berthnasol ac yn aml yn ddoniol ac fe’i cyflwynir gan Fio, cwmni sydd â’i holl fryd ar amrywio theatr yng Nghymru.

£12, Reductions £10 studio

£12, Reductions £10 Schools & Groups £7



more than Buy tickets for e transaction one drama in on ion for both. and get a reduct



The more you see, the cheaper it gets!!

£20 2 x DRAMAS for £27 for AS M 3 x DRA £30 4 x DRAMAS for


DRAMA DRAMA 11 Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 November, 7pm Mawrth 14 & Mercher 15 Tachwedd, 7pm

Wednesday 22 November, 7.45pm Mercher 22 Tachwedd, 7.45pm

Shakespeare Schools Festival

Lucid Theatre

Shakespeare Schools Foundation is proud to present the world’s largest youth drama festival. A series of unique Shakespeare productions staged by your schools. Whether you are a parent, friend or another local school, we invite you to an exhilarating evening of theatre where you will see Shakespeare’s stories brought to life like never before. Details of the schools performing at The Riverfront can be found on SSF’s website: shakespeareschools.org/the-festival SSF is a cultural education charity, transforming lives through the unique power of Shakespeare. In the celebratory finale of their Festival journey, 30,000 young people from primary, secondary and special schools across the country will unite on their local professional theatre in thrilling performance evenings. Cyfres o gynyrchiadau Shakespeare dihafal a lwyfannir gan eich ysgolion. Pa un a ydych chi’n rhiant, yn ffrind neu’n ysgol leol arall, rydym yn eich gwahodd i noson fywiocaol o theatr lle gwelwch chi straeon Shakespeare yn cael bywyd o’r newydd fel na welsoch erioed o’r blaen. £10, Reductions £8, Group (20+) £7 each


Little Wolf By Simon Harris When a young boy mysteriously disappears, Freddie and Rita are forced to confront the truth of their marriage. Is their love too fragile for the truth? As their worlds fracture and collide, what is there worth holding on to? Little Wolf is an intense, surreal and honest exploration of a couple who find themselves facing their ultimate fear. Inspired by Henrik Ibsen’s play Little Eyolf, this is a present-day retelling of a compelling classic of modern drama. From award-winning writer and director Simon Harris, Little Wolf is a play that speaks to the heart of our current uncertainty – one that’s vital, raw and often blisteringly funny. Mae Little Wolf yn chwilio – yn ddwys, yn swrreal ac yn onest – gwpwl sy’n eu cael eu hunain yn wynebu eu hofn mwyaf oll. Drama Henrik Ibsen Little Eyolf a ysbrydolodd y sioe sy’n ailadrodd yn gyfoes un o glasuron cymhellol y ddrama fodern. Gan yr awdur a’r cyfarwyddwr arobryn Simon Harris, drama ydi Little Wolf sy’n llefaru wrth galon ein hansicrwydd presennol – drama sy’n fyw, yn gignoeth ac yn aml yn ddeifiol o ddigri. £10, Reductions £8

STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

D rama

D rama



Monday 6 November, 7.30pm Llun 6 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

Saturday 11 November, 7.30pm Sadwrn 11 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

Michael Portillo – Life: a Game of Two Halves

Saba DouglasHamilton: A Life with Elephants

It took Michael Portillo little more than 10 years to get a seat in the House of Commons and then rise in power and esteem to a point where he was a favoured leader of his party and possible future Prime Minister.

Join Saba Douglas-Hamilton, the highly acclaimed elephant conservationist and wildlife TV presenter of ‘This Wild Life’ and ‘Big Cat Diaries’ for an evening of exciting animal stories and intimate behind the scenes tales of life in Kenya with her young family.

Since leaving the house a decade ago, a historian at heart, Michael has endeared himself to many with his love of the Victorian railways and taking millions of viewers on a historical voyage of discovery. Listen to his extraordinary story, told with a light almost “stand up” touch, and then feel free to question him about it. Ers gadael y tŷ ddeng mlynedd yn ôl mae Michael - hanesydd yn y bôn - wedi ennyn hoffter llawer dwy ei gariad at reilffyrdd oes Victoria a mynd â miliynau o wylwyr ar daith ddarganfod hanesyddol. Dewch i glywed ei stori hynod, y mae’n ei hadrodd â chyffyrddiad ysgafn sydd bron fel “stand up”, ac wedyn mae croeso i chi ei holi yn ei chylch. £18

Dewch at Saba Douglas-Hamilton, y gadwraethwraig eliffantod fawr ei chlod a chyflwynydd y rhaglenni bywyd gwyllt ar y teledu This Wild Life a Big Cat Diaries, i noson o straeon anifeiliaid cyffrous a hanesion agosatoch o’r tu ôl i’r llenni ei bywyd yn Kenya gyda’i theulu ifanc. £18, Reductions £16



Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk

CELEBRITY NIGHTS noson celebriti

Journalist, television presenter and best-selling author Ned Boulting will bring you tales from life in the cycling lane, as well as the inside scoop from Ned’s time at the 2017 Tour de France. What drives the cyclist (apart from a sturdy, well-oiled chain) to such ecstasies of endurance? What curious, deep-rooted passions are aroused by the sight of a simple pair of padded shorts? And what on earth is a derailleur? From the humble commuter to the winner of the Tour de France*, Boulting takes an off-centre look at what it means to ride a bike, drawing on his own underwhelming adventures in the saddle to his fourteen summers spent hurtling around France in

A breakneck descent through the history of the sport followed by a lung-bursting climb into the present day - all two-wheeled life is here. Keep your wits about you, as you might find yourself up on stage to compete in Ned’s search for the nation’s Number 1 Bikeologist! *Ned Boulting has never tested positive for performance enhancing substances Bydd y newyddiadurwr, y cyflwynydd teledu a’r awdur llwyddiannus Ned Boulting yn dod â hanesion atoch chi o’i fywyd yn y lôn feiciau, yn ogystal â’r sgw^ p o’r tu mewn o amser Ned yn Tour de France 2017. £21




pursuit of the sport’s biggest names including no less than Cavendish, Wiggins, Froome and of course Armstrong.


Friday 17 November, 7.30pm Gwener 17 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

CELEBRITY NIGHTS noson celebriti


Friday 3 & Saturday 4 November, 7.30pm Gwener 3 & Sadwrn 4 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

Ballet Cymru

Shadow Aspect


Ballet Cymru present a brand-new evening-length work choreographed by International choreographer Tim Podesta, and featuring ex-Royal Ballet Principal Dancer and Royal Ballet Guest Principal Mara Galeazzi. ‘Shadow Aspect’ refers to an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious mind does not identify in itself. In short, the shadow is the dark side.

Thursday 19 October, 7.30pm Iau 19 Hydref, 7.30pm

Gwyn Emberton Dance


A powerful new dance theatre production from critically acclaimed Welsh choreographer Gwyn Emberton, that tackles our collective response to how we see and talk about those seeking refuge. Five people, each with a different heritage and background, find themselves in a world far away from home, in a land they do not recognise, hearing a language they do not understand. As they realise their own otherness, against a backdrop of spite and hateful politics, love and friendship, the question about who they are is turned on its head. Might we ask, what if it was you or me who was a refugee?

Ballet Cymru yn cyflwyno gwaith hyd noson, newydd sbon danlli grai a goreograffwyd gan y coreograffydd Rhyngwladol Tim Podesta, yn cynnwys y Prif Ddawnsiwr gynt o’r Royal Ballet a Phrif Ddawnsiwr Gwadd y Royal Ballet Mara Galeazzi. Cyfeirio y mae ‘Shadow Aspect’ at yr agwedd anymwybodol ar y bersonoliaeth nad yw’r meddwl ymwybodol yn ei ganfod ynddo’i hun. Mewn byr o eiriau, y cysgod yw’r ochr dywyll.

“To know yourself, you must accept your dark side. To deal with others’ dark sides, you must also know your dark side.” Carl Jung £14.50, £12.50, Reductions £12.50, £10.50 Dance Groups £10.50, £9

Pump o bobol, a chan bob un wahanol dreftadaeth a chefndir, yn eu cael eu hunain mewn byd ymhell oddi cartref, mewn gwlad nad ydynt yn ei hadnabod, yn clywed iaith nad ydynt yn ei deall. Wrth iddynt sylweddoli eu harallrwydd eu hunain, o flaen cefnlen o falais a gwleidyddiaeth atgas, troir y cwestiwn ynghylch pwy ydynt â’i ben i lawr. A gawn ni ofyn, beth petaech chi neu fi yn sgidiau’r ffoadur? Raft is supported by Arts Council of Wales, University of South Wales, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, UCAN productions and Creu Cymru.

“Mesmerising and mercurial” ASIW “A standard-setter for Welsh dance” Wales Arts Review FREE AFTER SHOW CHAT with cast in the auditorium straight after the show. £13, Reductions £11, Students £9





OPERA OPERA 15 Friday 6 October, 7.30pm Gwener 6 Hydref, 7.30pm

Rhydian, Richard & Adam Welsh stars Rhydian, Richard & Adam come together with their live band to bring you a truly magical evening of classical arias and contemporary songs. SatURDAY 7 & SunDAY 8 October, 11am & 2pm Sadwrn 7 & Sul 8 Hydref, 11am & 2pm


Nightmare Scenario Aggie Cornog tells stories, dangerous and enchanting stories. Usually they end and everything goes back to normal, but this terrifying tale has come to life! It’s down in the basement, telling itself, and can’t be stopped. That is, unless Aggie can recruit a gang of fearless story-busters to go down there and sort it out! Nightmare Scenario is an edgy and immersive musical mystery. Mae Aggie Cornog yn adrodd straeon, straeon peryglus a chyfareddol. Fel arfer maen nhw’n dod i ben a phopeth drachefn fel y bu, ond mae’r hanes brawychus yma wedi dod yn fyw! Mae i lawr yn y selar, yn ei adrodd ei hun, a does dim modd ei atal. Hynny ydi, onibai bod Aggie’n gallu recriwtio giang o ddofwyr straeon di-ofn i fynd lawr yno i’w setlo! Dirgelwch cerddorol ar bigau’r drain yw Nightmare Scenario y byddwch yn ymgolli ynddo. £7, Family Ticket (4 tickets) £26 Age Guide Canllaw Oedran

Classically trained Rhydian has carved out a successful career both as a recording artist and in musical theatre, and his entrancing live performances continue to captivate audiences. Rhydian is joined on stage by brothers Richard and Adam, one of the most successful acts to emerge from Britain’s Got Talent. Daw’r sêr o Gymry Rhydian, Richard ac Adam at ei gilydd gyda’u band byw i roi noson wirioneddol hudol i chi o ariâu clasurol a chaneuon cyfoes. Hyfforddwyd Rhydian yn glasurol a meithrinodd yrfa lwyddiannus yn artist recordio ac mewn theatr gerdd, ac mae ei berfformiadau byw’n cyfareddu cynulleidfaoedd bob gafael. At Rhydian ar lwyfan daw ei frodyr Richard ac Adam, yn un o’r actau mwyaf llwyddiannus i ddod i’r fei o Britain’s Got Talent. £26 THEATRE VIP Meet and Greet tickets £76 (Includes front row seats, meet with all 3 stars and a souvenir photo)




CLASSICAL MUSIC Cerddoriaeth glasurol

Sunday 29 October, 3pm Sul 29 Hydref, 3pm

Sunday 5 November, 3pm Sul 5 Tachwedd, 3pm

Sinfonia Cymru with Michael Petrov

The Cann Twins

Haydn Cello Concerto No.2 in D major, Hob. VIIb:2, Op. 101


Schubert Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major, D. 485 With outstanding cello soloist Michael Petrov and Principal Conductor Gareth Jones, award winning chamber orchestra Sinfonia Cymru returns to The Riverfront with its classic blend of virtuosity and excellence. Relaxing for the listener, but technically intricate and challenging, Haydn’s Cello Concerto No. 2 in D major is a soothing and lyrical work by a master of string music. Schubert’s Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major is a joyful addition to this elegant programme. Young Classical Artists Trust artist Michael Petrov was nominated by the Barbican as ECHO Rising Star, and has appeared as soloist with the Philharmonia, Royal Philharmonic, Bournemouth Symphony and English Chamber Orchestras. He studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where he is now a fellow. Mae Ail Concerto Soddgrwth Haydn yn D lon yn dechnegol ddyrys a hergar ond yn hamddenol i’r gwrandäwr, a chan hynny’n waith mwyn a thelynegol gan un o feistri cerddoriaeth i’r tannau. A Phumed Symffoni Schubert ym meddalnod B lon yn ychwanegiad llon at y rhaglen gain yma. £17, Reductions £13, Under 27’s £6, Friends of Sinfonia £16 & £12


Claire and Antoinette Cann studied piano at the Royal College of Music with the legendary duo-pianist Phyllis Sellick, arranging for two pianos with the celebrated harpsichordist and academic Gerald Gifford. They graduated with first class honours in both solo and duo-piano performance, the only pianists ever to have done so, and were awarded the “President’s Rosebowl”, the Royal College of Music’s highest award for “outstanding musical achievement.” Since then, their duo-piano career has taken them all over the world. The identical twins have had many works written for them by international composers and their recordings have won top awards. Astudiodd Claire ac Antoinette Cann y piano yn y Royal College of Music gyda’r pianydd deuawd chwedlonol Phyllis Sellick, a threfnu i ddau biano gyda’r harpsicordydd a’r academwr enwog Gerald Gifford. Graddiodd y ddwy ag anrhydedd dosbarth cyntaf mewn perfformio piano solo a deuawd, yr unig bianyddion i wneud hynny erioed, a dyfarnwyd iddynt y “President’s Rosebowl”, gwobr fwyaf y Royal College of Music, am “gyrhaeddiad cerddorol eithriadol”. £6



If you would like to enjoy a lazy Afternoon Tea to go along with your cinema ticket, you can pre-order one for an additional £15 between 2 people.

CLASSICAL music cerddoriaeth glasurol


Live Music Now: Matinee concerts, which combine delightful live music and entertainment whilst you enjoy a hot beverage and a little treat from The Riverfront Café inside the studio theatre.

Quartet 19

Formed of four Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama scholars in 2016, Quartet19 is a young, dedicated and highly versatile percussion ensemble. The multi award-winning group are well practised in a vast array of styles and genres. Wednesday 1 November, 2pm Mercher 1 Tachwedd, 2pm

Vesta Trio

The Vesta Trio was formed in 2013 at the RWCMD by Alex Griffiths (Flute), Lowri Thomas (Viola) and Megan Morris (Harp). They are winners of the Cardiff Violin Prize (2015).

Ticket includes entry into the concert and either a Tea or Filter Coffee and a slice of tray bake cake. £6



Ticket includes entry into the concert and either a Tea or Filter Coffee and a slice of tray bake cake. £5



Cyngherddau matinee, sy’n cyfuno cerddoriaeth fyw swynol ac adloniant ar yr un pryd a chael blas ar ddiod boeth a danteithyn bach o Gaffi Glan yr Afon yn y theatr stiwdio.

Wednesday 6 September, 2pm Mercher 6 Medi, 2pm

CLASSICAL MUSIC Cerddoriaeth glasurol




Sinfonia Cymru Matinee classical music recitals presented across the year including wind trios, string quartets, piano, classical guitar, harp and much more. A chance to meet and enjoy music, with lunch or a drink in The Riverfront Café before or after the performance. Cyfle i gyfarfod a chael blas ar gerddoriaeth, ynghyd â chinio neu ddiod yng Nghaffi Glan yr Afon cyn neu ar ôl y perfformiad.

Wednesday 4 October, 1pm Mercher 4 Hydref, 1pm

Showcasing two much-loved but sometimes overlooked instruments: the viola and the bassoon. Krommer’s Bassoon Quartet sees the bassoon play alongside two violas and a cello, while Mozart’s rich and intricate String Quintet in G minor features an extra viola added to the traditional string quartet line-up.

Wednesday 6 December, 1pm Mercher 6 Rhagfyr, 1pm

Melting away the winter cold with the richness of music for cello and piano. Suite Populaire Espagnole by Spanish composer Manuel de Falla and Franck’s Sonata in A major demonstrate the beauty and emotional range of the instruments in a way that is sure to warm the heart of the listener

CLASSICAL music cerddoriaeth glasurol

MUSIC CERDDORIAETH 18 Saturday 16 September, 7.30pm Sadwrn 16 Medi, 7.30pm

Friday 22 September, 7.30pm Gwener 22 Medi, 7.30pm

Peace Train – The Cat Stevens Story

Rockin’ on Heaven’s Door

Following a sell-out run at the world-famous Sydney Opera House, Peace Train is a night of music and story-telling. A journey back in time, recreating the sights and sounds, seeking out the man in the music and telling the story behind the songs.

A roller-coaster ride back to the heady days of the very first teenagers in the fabulous 50s and the swinging 60s. This is a real, live wire show, quite rightly referred to in The Stage and Television Today as ‘A Classic Slice of Social History’. Featuring stunning portrayals of Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Eddie Cochran and the King himself, Elvis Presley, and backed by a superb rock ‘n’ roll band.

Featuring songs such as ‘First Cut is the Deepest’, ‘Father & Son’, ‘Peace Train’, ‘Moonshadow’ and ‘Where do the Children Play’, this show traces the path of a man who never stopped wondering about how to make the world a better place and has had audiences on their feet, cheering for more all around the globe. Yn dilyn rhediad werthodd bob tocyn yn y Sydney Opera House Fyd-Enwog, dyma Peace Train, noson o gerddoriaeth ac adrodd straeon. Taith yn ôl mewn amser, yn ail-greu golygfeydd a seiniau Cat Stevens, ar drywydd y dyn yn y gerddoriaeth ac yn adrodd y stori’r tu ôl i’r caneuon. £25


Reid colli cylla yn ôl i ddyddiau penfeddwol y ‘tînejyrs’ cyntaf erioed yn y pum degau penigamp a chwrligwgan y chwe degau. Sioe wirioneddol wefreiddiol yw hon, y mae The Stage a Television Today yn ei galw’n haeddiannol ‘A Classic Slice of Social History’. Mae yma bortreadau syfrdanol o Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Eddie Cochran a’r Brenin Ei Hun, Elvis Presley a band roc a rôl gwych yn gefn. £24.50




MUSIC CERDDORIAETH Saturday 28 October, 7.30pm Sadwrn 28 Hydref, 7.30pm

Back to Bacharach

Viva Neil Diamond

Back to Bacharach celebrates the magical music of Burt Bacharach, one of the most accomplished popular composers of the 20th century, who together with Hal David penned some of the most memorable and iconic hits that stand the test of time.

To celebrate the icon’s 50-year recording career the UK’s very own ‘voice of Neil’ Bob Drury brings his one-man stage show simply bursting with Neil Diamond gems! Including; Sweet Caroline, Forever In Blue Jeans, Love on the Rocks, America, Hello Again, I’m A Believer, Red Red Wine, and many, many more.

Performed by three of the finest West End singers and accompanied by a live 10-piece band recreating Burt Bacharach’s timeless hits. Songs featured in the show include; Alfie, Anyone Who Had A Heart, Arthur’s Theme, Always Something There To Remind Me, Close To You, Walk On By and many more. Songs everyone will remember and fall in love with again. Mae Back to Bacharach yn dathlu cerddoriaeth hudol Burt Bacharach, un o gyfansoddwyr poblogaidd mwyaf dawnus yr ugeinfed ganrif a sgrifennodd, ar y cyd â Hal David, rai o’r hits mwyaf cofiadwy ac eiconig sy’n sefyll prawf amser. £23.50, Reductions £22


Friday 13 October, 7.30pm Gwener 13 Hydref, 7.30pm

I ddathlu gyrfa recordio hanner can mlynedd y gwron, mae ‘llais Neil’ gwledydd Prydain, Bob Drury, yn cyflwyno’i sioe undyn sy’n heigio gan emau Neil Diamond! Yn cynnwys: Sweet Caroline, Forever In Blue Jeans, Love on the Rocks, America, Hello Again, I’m A Believer, Red Red Wine, a llawer, llawer at hynny. £16



Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk



MUSIC CERDDORIAETH 20 Saturday 18 November, 7.30pm Sadwrn 18 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

Saturday 25 November, 7.30pm Sadwrn 25 Tachwedd, 7.30pm

Beyond the Barricade

Motown’s Greatest Hits: How Sweet It Is

Recreating original West End/Broadway musical hit songs with amazing authenticity, Beyond the Barricade features a cast of past principal performers from the West End production of Les Miserables, and the 25th Anniversary Concert at the 02 Arena. This production will include songs from Miss Saigon, Phantom Of The Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Lion King, Blood Brothers, The Jersey Boys and many more hit musical productions, climaxing with a spectacular finale from, of course, Les Miserables!

The UK’s number 1 Motown show will have you dancing All Night Long with songs from legendary artistes such as Lionel Richie, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson Five and many more…

Mae Beyond the Barricade yn ail-greu caneuon llwyddiannus dramâu cerdd y West End/ Broadway yn ddilys i’w ryfeddu, yn cynnwys cast o brif berfformwyr gynt o gynhyrchiad Les Misérables yn y West End, a Chyngerdd y Chwarter Canmlwyddiant yn yr 02 Arena. £24, Reductions £22.50

Dyma bennaf sioe Motown gwledydd Prydain, gaiff gennych ddawnsio Ar Hyd Y Nos i gyfeiliant caneuon gan artistiaid megis Lionel Richie, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye, The Jackson Five a llawer at hynny… £23, Reductions £21



Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk




Christmas in the Basement

Saturday 30 September, 8pm Sadwrn 30 Medi, 8pm

Christmas Cabaret...

La Forme and Adwaith La Forme are a three piece venn diagram of a band who meet in the middle and write dark electronic pop songs. Europe’s rich history and early electronic pop music remain their biggest influences. La Forme hail from Newport but that hasn’t stopped them looking out over the continent to inform their music. Adwaith are like the Welsh Slits playing Johnny Cash, all set in a distinctively European postpunk urban setting. The future of Welsh music, Adwaith’s music is a combination of Buddy Holly, The Pixies and The Velvet Underground – uncompromising heartbreak in under three minutes! Diagram Venn tridarn o fand yw La Forme, sy’n cyfarfod yn y canol ac yn sgrifennu caneuon pop electronig tywyll. Mae Adwaith fel Slits Cymru’n chwarae Johnny Cash mewn lleoliad trefol ôl-pync Ewropeaidd. Free Entry with a donation to the Newport Food Bank



Saturday 9 December, 8pm Sadwrn 9 Rhagfyr, 8pm

Whether you are feeling naughty or nice, we have something for you! Who wants a Silent Night when you can dust off your tinsel and jingle your way to live music, comedy and plenty of Christmas cheer to kick start your holidays. Prizes for the best fancy dress!! Yule be sorry to miss it!

Cabaret Nadolig... Pa un a ydych chi’n teimlo’n ddrwg ynteu’n dda, mae gennym rywbeth i chi! Pwy sydd eisiau Tawel Nos pan allwch chi dynnu’r llwch oddi ar eich tinsel a thincian mynd i gyfeiliant cerddoriaeth fyw, comedi a digonedd o hwyl Nadolig i gychwyn eich gwyliau â chlec. Gwobrau am y wisg ffansi orau!! Bydd yn edifar gennych ei golli! £5





Sunday 17 September, 11.30am & 2.30pm Sul 17 Medi, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Saturday 7 October, 1.30pm & 4.30pm Sadwrn 7 Hydref, 1.30pm & 4.30pm

A Macrobert Arts Centre and Barrowland Ballet Co-Production

Story Pocket Theatre Ltd


Poggle is the story of Vince, who wants to explore the forest, but is too scared, until one day he meets Poggle, a friendly creature. Together, they go on an adventure through the forest where they discover the magical musical tree. A warm hearted, sensory dance theatre piece with live music, clapping rhythms and comedy throughout in an imaginatively changing world that the children have the chance to explore. Stori Vince yw Poggle. Mae Vince am chwilota’r goedwig, ond mae arno ormod o ofn, nes iddo, un diwrnod, gwrdd â Poggle, creadur cyfeillgar. Gyda’i gilydd mae’r ddau’n mynd ar antur drwy’r goedwig lle maen nhw’n darganfod y goeden gerdd hud. Darn theatr ddawns swynhwyraidd twymgalon yw hwn, ac iddo gerddoriaeth fyw, rhythmau clapio a chomedi drwyddo draw mewn byd dychmygus newidiol y mae’r plant yn cael y cyfle i’w chwilio. £7, Family Ticket £26 Age Guide Canllaw Oedran




Michael Morpurgo’s King Arthur A thrilling tale of magic, heroism, love and betrayal adapted from the novel Arthur: High King of Britain, by Michael Morpurgo, the author of War Horse and Private Peaceful. A drowning boy is rescued by a mysterious figure who claims to be Arthur Pendragon. The old man’s stories transport the boy back to the heady days of Camelot, the Round Table, Merlin and Excalibur. Join award-winning Story Pocket Theatre as they bring these thrilling stories to life in a family adventure packed with music, magic and outstanding storytelling. Achubir bachgen ar foddi gan rywun annirnad sy’n honni bod yn Arthur Pendragon. Mae straeon yr hen w^ r yn cipio’r bachgen yn ôl i oes benfeddwol Camelod, y Ford Gron, Myrddin a Chaledfwlch. Dewch at y cwmni arobryn Story Pocket Theatre sy’n rhoi bywyd o’r newydd i’r straeon cynhyrfus yma mewn antur i’r teulu sy’n heigio o gerddoriaeth, hud a dawn chwedleua ddirfawr. £11, Children £10, Family Ticket £36 Age Guide Canllaw Oedran



Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk





kshops for e and wor term! atr e th e half ms, liv joy in the Family fil i mily to en gweithda a w all the fa eatr fy r h y t , os r lu d u e w t h r Ffilmiau i’ d gael blas arnyn n gy mor! i’r teulu i hanner ty DATE / DYDD



Captain Underpants (U)



Family Craft Drop In


4pm & 6.30pm

£2.50 Film screening to be confirmed closer to the time

Tues/ Mawrth 31.10.17

11.30am & 2.30pm

The Snow Dragon

Wed / Mercher 1.11.17


£5 I made it! Super Hero Sewing class

Mon / Llun 30.10.17

11am & 1.30pm

£7, Family ticket £26

(Age guide 3+)

(Ages 5-8)


£5 I made it! Super Hero Sewing class (Ages 7-12)

Thurs / Iau 2.11.17

Fri / Gwener 3.11.17

10am - 12pm


(Ages 7+) Book at www.milittlepad.co.uk


11am & 1.30pm

Captain Underpants (U)

4pm & 6.30pm

£2.50 Film screening to be confirmed closer to the time £2.50 Captain Underpants (U) £2.50 Film screening to be confirmed closer to the time £2.50 Captain Underpants (U) £2.50 Film screening to be confirmed closer to the time

11am & 1.30pm 4pm & 6.30pm

Sat / Sadwrn 4.11.17

Minecraft Club

11am & 1.30pm 4pm & 6.30pm


e/ y Tim Famil Teulu’ r Amse

If that wasn’t enough, Newport Live also offers a host of other holiday fun activities within the rest of our venues, check out www.newportlive/ holidayfun to find out more! Ac ar ben hynny i gyd mae Casnewydd Fyw hefyd yn cynnig llond gwlad o weithgareddau gwyliau difyr yng ngweddill ein hoedfannau, bwriwch olwg ar www.newportlive/ holidayfun i gael gwybod rhagor!


Tuesday 31 October, 11.30am & 2.30pm Mawrth 31 Hydref, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Saturday 11 November, 11.30am & 2.30pm Sadwrn 11 Tachwedd, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Tall Stories

Sherman Theatre

Billy has everything a young goat could need – and more besides. On New Year’s Eve, Billy is looking forward to the annual visit of the legendary Snow Dragon, who will bring him even more goodies… But when Billy bumps into some hungry wolves in the forest, New Year’s Day seems a long way off. How will Billy escape? And has he been naughty or nice?

By / Gan The Brothers Grimm A new version by / Fersiwn newydd gan Alun Saunders

The Snow Dragon

Toe-tapping songs and lots of laughs from Tall Stories, the company that brought you ‘The Gruffalo’. Mae gan Billy bopeth sydd wrth fodd calon gefryn – a rhagor ar ben hynny. Nos Galan, mae Billy’n edrych ymlaen at ymweliad blynyddol y Ddraig Eira chwedlonol, fydd yn dod â mwy fyth o bethau da iddo... Ond mae Billy’n taro ar fleiddiaid llwglyd yn y goedwig ac wedyn rywsut mae Dydd Calan i’w weld yn bell i ffwrdd. Sut gall Billy ddianc? Ac a fu’n ddrwg ynte’n biwr? Caneuon tapio traed a llond bol o chwerthin! £7, Family Ticket £26 Age Guide Canllaw Oedran



The Magic Porridge Pot

Overflowing with songs, music and fun for all the family! In a village on the edge of the Enormous Forest, Aggie is always trying to help her mother and the other villagers, but often ends up just making a mess. Whilst on one of her adventures Aggie is given a magical pot which makes tasty porridge, but when her mother tries her hand at it and can’t make the pot stop, the town is filled with porridge and Aggie’s help is really needed... by everyone. Mewn pentref ar ymyl y Goedwig Anferth, mae Aggie’n trïo’i gorau bob tro i helpu’i mam a’r pentrefwyr eraill, ond fel arfer yn diweddu fyny mewn tipyn o gawlach. Un diwrnod tra allan ar antur, caiff Aggie grochan hud sy’n gwneud uwd blasus, ond pan mae ei mam yn rhoi tro arni mae’n methu gwneud i’r crochan stopio, mae’r pentref yn llenwi ag uwd ac mae wir angen help llaw Aggie... ar bawb. 11.30am Performance in Welsh, 2.30pm Performance in English

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk

£7, Family Ticket £26

STUDIO Age Guide Canllaw Oedran




“The Riverfront panto combines adventure, comedy, song, dance and a few double entendres for the grown-ups. Featuring a cast that love to perform and guaranteed fun for the family, Newport’s very own panto treat!” Andy Howells, South Wales Argus

26 5 December 2017 – 7 January 2018 5 Rhagfyr 2017 – 7 Ionawr 2018

The Riverfront in association with The Production Exchange present


Written by Daniel O’Brien Directed by Colin Blumenau

A traditional fun family pantomime!

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk

If you could have three wishes what would they be? To ride a magic carpet to a faraway desert? To be friends with a Chinese Dragon? To fall in love with the most beautiful person in the world? All of these wonderful things are within Aladdin’s reach. But life is never that easy. The girl he loves is forbidden to him. The Chinese Dragon has a cruel master. The magic carpet ride comes at a great cost. A whole host of colourful characters join him in his story as he struggles to see that good is rewarded and that bad is punished. There’s wicked Abanazar who tells everyone that he is the long-lost brother of Widow Twankey’s late-departed brother Dafydd. There’s the beautiful Princess Jasmine and her slightly domineering mother the Empress Double Chinn. And at SudsU-Like poor old Widow Twankey and Wishee Washee must wash a mountain of smalls for the Royal Wedding.


PERFORMANCES Show times are colour coded to indicate the price

A whole host of colourful characters join him in his story as he struggles to see that good is rewarded and that bad is punished. There’s wicked Abanazar who tells everyone that he is the long-lost brother of Widow Twankey’s latedeparted brother Dafydd. There’s the beautiful Princess Jasmine and her slightly domineering mother the Empress Double Chinn. And at SudsU-Like poor old Widow Twankey and Wishee Washee must wash a mountain of smalls for the Royal Wedding.

Thursday 07-Dec


Friday 08-Dec


Tuesday 05-Dec 7pm Wednesday 06-Dec 10am



Monday 11-Dec



Tuesday 12-Dec



Wednesday 13-Dec



Thursday 14-Dec



Friday 15-Dec



Saturday 16-Dec



Monday 18-Dec



Pantomeim teulu traddodiadol difyr!

Tuesday 19-Dec



Pe caech chi dri dymuniad be fydden nhw? Reidio carped hud i anialdir pell? Bod yn ffrindiau â Draig Tsieineaidd? Syrthio mewn cariad â’r person hardda’n y byd? Mae’r holl bethau bendigedig yma o fewn cyrraedd Aladdin. Ond dyw bywyd byth mor hawdd â hynny. Mae’r ferch mae’n ei charu wedi’i gwahardd iddo. Mae gan y Ddraig Tsieineaidd feistr creulon. Mae’r reid ar y carped hud yn costio’n ddrud.

Wednesday 20-Dec 10am


Mae’r panto eleni yng Nglan yr Afon yn llawn cân, dawns, drama ac ysblander, yn ddwyawr yng nghwmni rhai o’r cymeriadau mwyaf ym myd pantomeim yn ymdrechu’r ymdrech deg yn rhai o’r llefydd mwyaf egsotig. Croeso i Peking!

Facebook.com/TheRiverfront @RiverfrontArts #RiverfrontPanto Instagram – RiverfrontArts

Thursday 21-Dec


Saturday 23-Dec



Sunday 24-Dec



Tuesday 26-Dec



Wednesday 27-Dec



Thursday 28-Dec



Friday 29-Dec



Saturday 30-Dec



Sunday 31-Dec



Tuesday 02-Jan



Wednesday 03-Jan



Thursday 04-Jan



Friday 05-Jan



Saturday 06-Jan



Sunday 07-Jan





Saturday 09-Dec

Mae haid o gymeriadau lliwgar yn dod ato i’w stori ac yntau’n stryffaglio i weld gwobrwyo’r da a chosbi’r drwg. Dyna i chi Abanazar anfad sy’n dweud wrth bawb ei fod yn frawd hirgoll Dafydd, diweddar frawd y Weddw Twankey. A dyna’r Dywysoges Jasmine hardd a’i mam ormesol braidd, yr Ymerodres Double Chinn. Ac yn SudsU-Like mae’r Weddw Twankey a Wishee Washee druain bach yn gorfod golchi tomen o ddillad isa ar gyfer y Briodas Frenhinol.




Christmas Cracker Performances: £6 each – no reductions. Off Peak Performances: £17.50, £15.50 Reductions £15.50, £13.50 Family Tickets (2 adults, 2 children) £54, £48 Restricted view £11.50 Peak Performances: £20.50, £17.50 Reductions £18.50, £15.50 Family Tickets (2 adults, 2 children) £62, £54 Restricted view £12.50 Schools Performances: £9.50 each (supervising teachers FREE) Access Performances: *British Sign Language & Audio Described and Touch Tour



Full of song, dance, drama and spectacle this year’s panto at The Riverfront offers two hours in the company of some of the greatest characters in the world of pantomime fighting the good fight in some of the most exotic places. Welcome to Peking!

Cinema Sinema

Mondays to Wednesdays, The Riverfront plays a broad range of films from around the world in our intimate Studio Theatre. We also play family films in the school holidays.

Silver Screen

Check out our cinema listings on our website or subscribe to our e-list to get the latest listings to your in-box. Ddyddiau Llun, Mawrth a Mercher mae Glan yr Afon yn dangos dewis eang o ffilmiau o bedwar ban byd yn ein Theatr Stiwdio agosatoch. Rydym hefyd yn dangos ffilmiau teulu yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol. Bwriwch olwg ar ein rhestriadau sinema ar ein gwefan neu danysgrifio i’n e-restr gael i’r rhestriadau diweddaraf ddod i’ch blwch derbyn £5.50, REDUCTIONS GOSTYNGIADAU £5

SunDAY 24 September, 3pm DYDD Sul 24 Medi, 3pm

Singin’ In The Rain (U) Join us for the greatest MGM musical of them all, Singin’ In The Rain on the big screen. Starring the dream team of Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O’Connor. This film has it all, great songs, that soggy dance number, romance, comedy and we can guarantee that you will leave with your toes tapping and a smile on your face.

Cinema Sinema Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757

Newportlive.co.uk/riverfront The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk



if you book to see any four films in one booking, you can see them all for £16

Pa ffordd well o ddathlu’r Pasg na mewn Parêd Pasg o ddramâu cerdd clasurol MGM? Pwy sy eisiau wyau siocled pan fo Fred Astaire a Judy Garland ar y sgrin fawr! Yn cynnwys y caneuon clasurol gan Irving Berlin “Easter Parade” a “Steppin’ Out With My Baby” ac alawon dawns cofiadwy. £5


Studio If you would like to enjoy a lazy Afternoon Tea to go along with


Drwy’r flwyddyn gron byddwn yn troi’r cloc yn ol ac yn eich gwahodd chi I wylio ffilmiau safodd brawf amser a dod yn glasuron am reswm da!


Throughout the year, we will be winding back the clock and inviting you to join us to watch films that have stood the test of time and become classics for a reason!

SunDAY 22 October / DYDD Sul 22 Hydref, 2pm doors open for picnic and 3pm Film

The Princess Bride (U) Unbelievable as it seems, cult and family classic The Princess Bride is 30 years old this October. Bring along your family picnic in the studio theatre, before our favourite swashbuckling adventure story starts at 3pm. We will bring the cake! Pa ffordd well o ddathlu’r Pasg na mewn Parêd Pasg o ddramâu cerdd clasurol MGM? Pwy sy eisiau wyau siocled pan fo Fred Astaire a Judy Garland ar y sgrin fawr! Yn cynnwys y caneuon clasurol gan Irving Berlin “Easter Parade” a “Steppin’ Out With My Baby” ac alawon dawns cofiadwy. £5


your cinema ticket, you can pre-order one for an additional £15 between 2 people.

SatURDAY 28 October,7.45pm DYDD Sadwrn 28 Hydref, 7.45pm

The Shining (18) Here’s Johnny! As a special Halloween treat we are screening the masterpiece of modern horror, The Shining…But not any old version we will be screening the American version, with an extra 24 minutes of Overlook Hotel terror. Rhowch eich siwt grandiaf amdanoch neu dyrchio allan eich cotiau ffwr (ffug) a dod aton ni, i weld Goodfellas, fel na’u gwelsoch erioed o’r blaen, ar ein sgrîn fawr. Bydd bar ar gael. Join us before the film for a talk by Philip Morris. Phillip Morris was formerly Senior Lecturer at the University of Wales, Newport, where he taught its MA in Writing for Screen Media and Stage. He is a co-founder and Associate Editor of Wales Arts Review and currently works as a playwright. £5

C inema

S inema



PLATFFORM Newport Live is offering a fantastic opportunity for local schools and their pupils to contribute to the development of a new script for teenagers with writer Catherine Dyson, who is currently a writer in residence at The Riverfront.


TuesDAY 14, WedNESDAY 15 & ThursDAY 16 November Mawrth 14, DYDD Mercher 15 & DYDD Iau 16 Tachwedd

The Riverfront and the Into Film Festival The world’s largest free educational film festival for 5 to 19 year olds, which aims to encourage young people to visit the cinema more often and build audiences for the future. The Festival opens up the world of film to young people, introducing them to different genres and showcasing cinema as the goldstandard of film-viewing. Many young people experience the cinema for the first time as part of the Festival. Gw^ yl ffilmiau addysgol am ddim fwya’r byd i blant a phobol ifanc 5 hyd at 19, a chanddi’n amcan annog pobol ifanc i fynd i’r pictiwrs yn amlach a meithrin cynulleidfaoedd at y dyfodol. Mae’r W^ yl yn agor byd ffilm i bobol ifanc, gan eu cyflwyno i wahanol genres a rhoi stondin i’r pictiwrs yn safon aur gwylio ffilmiau. Yn rhan o’r W^ yl y mae llawer o bobol ifanc yn profi’r pictiwrs am y tro cyntaf. For more information and school booking details visit www.intofilm.org/festival FREE

With our partner, Theatr Iolo we are actively seeking young people aged 11 – 13 to take part in classroom-based workshops with Catherine and help her workshop ideas. We will deliver these engaging and thoughtprovoking workshops at your school during the autumn term 2017. There will also be the opportunity for further participation in a workshop based setting at The Riverfront, at a later date. Mae Casnewydd Fyw’n cynnig cyfle tan gamp i ysgolion lleol a’u disgyblion gyfrannu at ddatblygu sgript newydd i bobol ifanc gyda’r awdur Catherine Dyson sydd ar hyn o bryd yn awdur preswyl yng Nglan yr Afon. Gyda’n partner, Theatr Iolo, rydym ar drywydd pobol ifanc 11 – 13 oed i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdai ystafell ddosbarth gyda Catherine a’i helpu i roi prawf ar ei syniadau. Byddwn yn traddodi’r gweithdai difyr a phryfoclyd yma yn eich ysgol chi yn ystod tymor hydref 2017. Bydd yna gyfle hefyd i gymryd rhan eto, mewn sesiwn ar ddull gweithdy yng Nglan yr Afon, yn ddiweddarach ar y flwyddyn. Check out our website for more details, email Danielle.rowlands@newportlive. co.uk or call our education team on 07980 748097.



Get your school involved in a fascinating historical project! With the help of The Riverfront, your school can carry out a fascinating research project into a World War 1 Soldier with a local Newport connection. The soldier may have lived in the area or may have been buried here. The Riverfront will provide you with a WW1 Education Resource Pack to help your children access various areas of research on their soldier, including CWGC information, national archives, press or dispatches information, personal memorabilia, Battalion and Regimental information, Battles and the Life of a Soldier. Upon completion of the project your school will also be invited to have a tour of The Riverfront Theatre and Arts centre and attend a special memorial service. For more information or to get involved please contact Danielle.rowlands@newportlive.co.uk or call 07980 748097

Gwnewch eich ysgol yn rhan o brosiect hanesyddol cyfareddol! Gyda chymorth Glan yr Afon, gaiff eich ysgol chi wneud prosiect cyfareddol sef ymchwil i Filwr o’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a chanddo gysylltiad lleol â Chasnewydd. Efallai bod y milwr yn byw yn y cyffiniau neu wedi’i gladdu yma. Bydd Glan yr Afon yn rhoi Pecyn Adnoddau Addysg Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf i chi i helpu i’ch plant gyrchu amryw fesydd ymchwilio i’w milwr, gan gynnwys gwybodaeth Comisiwn Beddi Rhyfel y Gymanwlad, archifau cenedlaethol, gwybodaeth y wasg neu adroddiadau, memorabilia personol, gwybodaeth Bataliwn a Chatrodol, Brwydrau a Bywyd Milwr.

Sinfonia CymruMeet the Orchestra Your pupils could meet the wonderful musicians from Sinfonia Cymru and get to hear some of the music played up close and find out more about the instruments they use, followed by a live lunchtime concert. Gallai’ch disgyblion chi gwrdd â’r cerddorion gwych o Sinfonia Cymru a chael clywed peth o’r gerddoriaeth yn cael ei chwarae’n agos atyn nhw a chael gwybod rhagor am yr offerynnau maen nhw’n eu defnyddio, ac wedyn cyngerdd awr ginio byw. If your school would like to be involved, please contact Danielle on 07980 748097 or email Danielle.rowlands@newportlive.co.uk Workshop and Concert tickets £5

Wedi gorffen y prosiect gwahoddir eich ysgol hefyd i fynd am dro o gwmpas Theatr a Chanolfan Celfyddydau Glan yr Afon ac i fynd i wasanaeth coffa arbennig.



Wednesday 4 October, 11.15am & Wednesday 6 December, 11.45am Mercher 4 Hydref, 11.15am & Mercher 6 Rhagfyr, 11.45am


Schools Remembrance - Y Ddraig Goch Quest


Aged 14 – 19 years old? Are you a budding musician? Interested in media? Want to gain experience in the creative industries or develop new skills in music, visual arts, event management and more?


Ydych chi’n 14 – 19 oed? Ydych chi’n egin gerddor? Oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y cyfryngau? Oes arnoch eisiau cael profiad yn y diwydiannau creadigol neu ddatblygu sgiliau newydd ym meysydd cerddoriaeth, y celfyddydau gweledol, rheoli digwyddiadau a rhagor?

Contact our Music Hub team at The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk to find out more…

Cysylltwch â’n tîm Canolgylch Cerdd yn The.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk i gael gwybod rhagor…


Tuesdays, 12pm-2pm (From May until end of October) Tuesdays, 12pm-2pm (From May until end of October)

Lay Down Your Roots

The Riverfront is creating a wild flower garden Supported by made of edible plants and native flowers. Come along on Tuesdays between 12pm and 2pm and be part of the Newport City Seedlings Community Gardening Group. There will also be a number of guest speakers along the way covering everything from bees to hedgerow foraging and native flowers. Open to all abilities and ages. Come prepared to get dirty! Contact: the.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk or call 01633 656688 for more details. Gwahoddodd Grow Wild bobol ifanc 12-25 oed i wneud cais am gyllid i gynhyrchu gweithiau celfyddyd i godi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd blodau a phlanhigion gwyllt brodorol gwledydd Prydain. Digwyddiad ysblennydd undydd fydd hwn, yn dathlu’r gweithiau hyn, fydd yn cynnwys celfyddyd weledol a pherfformio.


Come and join The Riverfront’s Community Gardening Project!

Saturday 9 September, FROM 10.30am DYDD Sadwrn 9 Medi, 10.30Am

Grow Wild Celebration Grow Wild invited young people aged 12-25 to apply for funding to produce creative works of art to raise awareness about the importance of UK native wild flowers and plants. This will be a one day spectacular event celebrating these works, which will include visual and performance art. To find out more go to: www.growwilduk.com Grow Wild is the UK’s biggest-ever wild flower campaign, bringing people together to transform local spaces with native, pollinator-friendly wild flowers and plants. Supported by the Big Lottery Fund, Grow Wild is the national outreach initiative of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. PRICE TBC

Studio & Dance Studio



Classes Dosbarthiadau MONDAY

nuWave 10am-12pm


Rubicon and The Riverfront have teamed together to create an over 50’s performance group. This group by audition only and some experience is required. Call 02920491477 for more details. Price: £3 per session. Tutor: Rubicon.

Classes Dosbarthiadau Every week during school terms, The Riverfront offers a range of weekly classes. Bob wythnos yn ystod tymhorau’r ysgol mae Glan yr Afon yn cynnig amrywiaeth eang o dosbarthiadau wythnosol i bob oed a diddordeb. AUTUMN TERM 11 September – 16 December *Not including half terms and bank holidays. These activities have limited space, so to avoid disappointment, pre-book your space.

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757


Musical Theatre (7-11yrs) 5.45pm-6.45pm Prices Vary per term length. (12+yrs) 6.45pm-8.00pm Prices Vary per term length. Classes run by Defying Gravity Academy professional tutors will teach singing, acting and dance. TUESDAY

Music Tots (8 weeks to 5yrs) 9.45am – 10.30am & 1pm-1.45pm A fun and energetic music and movement class. Price: £3 per session. (Sibling discount available) Tutor: Lucy Peploe.


Newport Youth Dance

Breakdance (6-18yrs)

Dance Tots (1-5yrs)

6.30pm – 7.30pm

Juniors (6-10yrs) 4.15pm-5.15pm

You will learn breakdancing styles, uprock, freezes and power moves.

9.30am-10.05am & 10.15am-10.50am

Younger Youth (11-17yrs) 5.15pm-6.15pm Dance taught by Rubicon, one of Wales’ leading community dance companies. Price: £3 per session.

Ceramics for Adults 6pm – 8pm Throwing and sculpting and hand building for all abilities. Either work on projects from the tutor or go your own way. This workshop must be pre-booked and will only run when the class is full. Prices vary per term length.

Cheer Tots (1-5 yrs)

9.30am-10.15am A fun and energetic session of movement and cheer. Price: £3 per session.

Price: £3.50 per session. Tutor: Kwam Chang.

FitSteps FAB (For All Bodies) 10am – 11am A dance fitness workout designed for people who love to dance, want to keep fit, but for a variety of reasons prefer a lighter intensity, lower impact and perhaps a slower pace. Price: £4 or free if you are a Newport Live Member Instructor: Mandy

Hatch Youth Theatre (5-8 yrs) 4.30pm-5.30pm (9-12yrs) 5.30pm-6.30pm (13-21yrs) 5.00pm-6.30pm Hatch Youth Theatre is a place to crack open young people’s creativity. Play, learn, grow and perform as individuals and as a group. Price: Price varies on term length. Tutor: Tin Shed Theatre

This is a fun session of dance and exercise using props and music for toddlers with their parents. Price: £3 per session, per toddler

Older Adults Dance/Exercise 11am – 12pm Dance and exercise class aimed at the over 50s. Price: £3 per session





Art Gallery Oriel Celf ART GALLERY ORIEL CELF 36


There are three separate gallery spaces in The Riverfront: the subterranean Basement Gallery, the Art Gallery on the ground floor and the Upper Mezzanine on the first floor foyer overlooking the River Usk. Mae yna dair oriel ar wahân yng Nglan yr Afon: Oriel y Baslawr dan ddaear, yr Oriel Gelf ar y llawr gwaelod a’r Mesanîn Uchaf ar y llawr cyntaf yn edrych dros Afon Wysg.

Art Gallery Oriel Celf Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757





August 5 Awst – September 16 Medi

Medi 27 September - Hydref 30 October

Lessons Learned

Out of My Mind by Stephanie Roberts

An exhibition of work by participants in Criw Celf. Criw Celf is a series of workshops, run by professional artists, that give an opportunity for children who have shown talent and/or a special interest in art to develop their skills and experiences. All the work in this exhibition has been created by 11-14 year olds who have attended monthly Criw Celf sessions at LGAC. We asked participants to submit a piece of work created in one of their Criw Celf classes or a piece of work created at home using some of the techniques learnt or ideas collected over the 10 months of the programme. Main Floor

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757


Stephanie’s immersive exhibition is a response to researching visual and practical ways of managing her dyslexia. Out of My Mind reveals a process she created to aid her language and communication skills, offering an alternative to the written word. She takes the viewer on an illustrated journey from drawn line to finished object. This is Stephanie’s first major solo exhibition and it is supported by the Arts Council of Wales. Main Floor

Riverfront Guests Gwesteion Glan yr Afon On occasion there are a number of companies who love The Riverfront as much as we do and hire out the venue with quality productions that we would also like to recommend to our customers.

Wednesday 1 November / Mercher 1 Tachwedd, Doors 6.30pm, Starts 7pm

Superstars of Welsh Wrestling Live Superstars of Welsh Wrestling body slam their way into town in this one night extravaganza. Come and experience the excitement and atmosphere first hand as the top names in British wrestling battle it out in an evening of high impact wrestling action, suitable for all the family. Witness the thrills and spills of American style wrestling, an event normally only reserved for your TV screens! Archsêr Byw Ymaflyd Codwm Cymru yn dod i’r dre gan glepian cyrff yn y strafagansa unnos yma. Dewch i deimlo’r cyffro a’r awyrgylch yn llygad y ffynnon a’r pennaf enwau ym myd Ymaflyd Codwm Prydain yn bwydro i’r pen mewn noson o ymaflyd codwm, yn wrthdaro grymus cynhyrfus, addas i’r teulu i gyd. Gewch chi weld holl ffair a ffwndwr ymaflyd codwm y dull Americanaidd, digwyddiad sydd fel arfer ar gael ar eich sgriniau teledu’n unig! Tickets: £13 Adult, £10 Children, £39 Family (Four tickets, minimum two children) Theatre

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757




The Riverfront Theatre and Arts Centre brings people together to connect with the arts, creativity and each other. From ballet to contemporary dance, heart-warming drama to comedy belly laughs, our programming includes the best in live performance, film,

As a supporter of The Riverfront, you can unlock many benefits as well as opportunities to fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility. Benefits include high profile PR, staff workshops and exclusive rates for conference spaces and room hire. On top of all this you can also enjoy a discount at The Riverfront Café.

Corporate Membership includes:-

Sponsorship opportunities can be tailored to your areas of interest, from single events, community projects and festivals to naming rights for one of our performance genres. You can even sponsor a space like the bar or the art gallery. So, whether you are looking to be a benefactor for one night or a long term basis, we can create a package that meets your business objectives.

We would like to thank our existing Corporate Club Members:

Exclusive discounts for performances and events Invitations to networking and business events Priority booking for programme highlights The Riverfront forms part of the Newport Live family and as such benefits from the not for profit charitable trust status. Any surplus income generated is reinvested into the organisation, enabling us to develop our products and services for the cultural and physical wellbeing of the city of Newport and further afield. Such investment is sure to benefit residents, visitors and businesses alike. Together we can show Newport is not only open for business but can lead the way.

The Riverfront is operated by Newport LIVE on behalf of Newport City Council. Newport LIVE is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, Company Number 9323582 and Registered Charity Number 1162220. The Riverfront is recognised as a Regional Performing Arts Centre by the Arts Council of Wales. Rhedir Glan yr Afon gan Newport LIVE ar ran Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd. Cwmni cyfyngedig gan warant ydi Newport LIVE, wedi’i gofrestru yn Lloegr ac yng Nghymru, Cwmni Rhif 9323582 a Elusen Gofrestedig Rhif 1162220. Cydnabyddir Glan yr Afon yn Ganolfan Celfyddydau Perfformio Ranbarthol gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Find out more

01633 656 757

This is your opportunity to partner with one of the most dynamic, creative and ambitious venues in Wales to improve participation and access to the arts for all.

Become a Sponsor

Onsite brand recognition


community workshops and classes.

Carem ddiolch i’n Haelodau presennol o’r Clwb Corfforaethol:


Customer Information Gwybodaeth i Gwsmeriaid

Sut i Archebu

Ewch i newportlive.co.uk/riverfront i ddewis a phrynu eich seddi bedair awr ar hugain y dydd.

How to Book

Visit newportlive.co.uk/riverfront to select and buy your seats 24 hours a day.

Rhowch ganiad i 01633 656757 neu alw heibio i ni yn Kingsway, Casnewydd NP20 1HG.

Call 01633 656757 or visit us at Kingsway, Newport NP20 1HG.

Taliadau Codi Tocynnau

Os ydych chi am i ni anfon eich tocynnau atoch, mae tâl postio dros ben o 70c. Ac eithrio digwyddiadau wedi’u canslo, dydyn ni ddim yn cynnig ad-daliadau oni bai ein bod yn gallu ailwerthu eich tocynnau, os felly codwn dâl gweinyddu o £1 y tocyn.

Booking Fees

If you would like your tickets posted to you, an additional postage charge of 70p applies. With the exception of cancelled events, we do not offer refunds unless we are able to re-sell your tickets, in which case an admin charge of £1 per ticket applies.

HH 31

NN 30 MM30 LL 31 KK 31 JJ 31

TT 5

G 22 F 22 E 21 D 21 C 20 B 19 A 18

RR 1 QQ 1

RR 12 QQ 16

29 29 28

K 21 J 21


PP 24

19 19

N 17 M 18 18 L K18 J 18 H 18

HH 31 AY16 AX 14

NN 30 MM30 LL 31 KK 31 JJ 31

PP 24

29 29 28

K 21 J 21

RR 12 QQ 16

19 19

N 17 M 18 L 18 K18 J 18 H 18

N1 M1 L1 K1 J1 H1 G1 F1 E1 D1 C1 B1 A1

PP 1

NN 1 MM 1 LL 1 KK 1 JJ 1 HH 1 GG 1 FF 1 EE 1 DD 1 CC 1 BB1 AA 1 1

SS 5 AY1 AX 1

STAGE G 22 RR 12 22 F QQ 16 PP 24 E 21 Restricted view seats  Wheelchair Positions Seating Key:  1 NN 30 D 21 MM30 C 20 for Rows For family shows and all Please ask box office This is a typical seating LL 31AX and AY are B 19 31 29 family film screenings, clarification if needed. sometimes removed for plan but not all shows KK 31 and are29therefore Babies under 2 years can have one price for all TT 5 A 18 JJstaging The studio theatre 28 N 17 sit on an adult’s lap and HH 31 not always available. seats. Selected shows is always sold as M 18 will not be charged. They Please askAY when booking. may use up to three 16 unreserved seating. L 18 do still need to be issued pricing options. 14 AX 21 ticket prices 19please KFor K18 a ticket. 18 19 J 21 see the individual J H 18 performance details. 22


How to Find Us Sut i Ddod Atom

How to Find Us

Sut i Ddod Atom

Venue Hire

Situated opposite the main bus station, a 10 minute walk from Newport train station and a 5 minute stroll from the city centre. The Riverfront is easily accessible by foot, car, coach and train.

Gyferbyn â’r brif orsaf fysus, gwaith cerdded deng munud o orsaf drenau Casnewydd a thro bach pum munud o ganol y ddinas. Mae Glan yr Afon yn hawdd mynd ati ar gerdded, mewn car, coets neu drên.

The Riverfront can provide a dramatic and memorable venue for conferences, events, meetings, presentations, training, corporate entertaining and more. Please visit newportlive.co.uk/riverfront or call 01633 656677.



Hurio’r Oedfan

There is a small Pay and Display car park just past The Riverfront on the riverside which is free after 8pm.

Mae yna faes parcio Talu a Dangos bychan yn union heibio i Lan yr Afon, ar lan yr afon, sydd am ddim ar ôl 8yh.

Mae Glan yr Afon yn gallu cynnig oedfan ddramatig a chofiadwy ar gyfer cynadleddau, digwyddiadau, cyfarfodydd, cyflwyniadau, hyfforddiant, croesawu corfforaethol a rhagor. Ewch i newportlive.co.uk/riverfront neu roi caniad i 01633 656677.

The next closest car parks are the multi-storey Kingsway Car Park and Friar’s Walk Car Park, which are a short, flat five minute walk from the venue.

Y maes parcio nesaf agosaf ydi Maes Parcio aml-lawr Kingsway a Maes Parcio Friar’s Walk, sy’n waith cerdded gwastad byr o’r maes parcio I’r oedfan.

© The Riverfront, Kingsway, Newport NP20 1HG. The Riverfront is run by Newport Live on behalf of Newport City Council. Newport Live is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, Company Number 9323582 / Charity Number 1162220. The Riverfront is recognised as a regional Performing Arts Centre by the Arts Council of

Access Mynediad

Art and culture is for everyone, but if you have an impairment or a specific access requirement, often enjoying a visit to a theatre and arts centre can be more complicated. The Riverfront is a part of the Hynt national scheme as we believe it offers our customers the very best practice in fair ticketing policy and accessibility. Mae celf a diwylliant i bawb, ond os oes gennych nam neu ofyniad mynediad penodol, yn aml, gall mwynhau ymweliad i theatr neu ganolfan gelf fod yn fwy cymhleth. Mae Glan yr Afon yn rhan o’r cynllun Hynt am ein bod yn credu ei fod yn cynnig yr arfer gorau oll i’n cwsmeriaid o ran polisi tocynnau a mynediad teg.

Hynt is a Membership Card | Hynt is a resource: Hynt cardholders are entitled to a ticket free of charge for a personal assistant or carer at The Riverfront. Visit www.hynt. co.uk or www.hynt.cym to find a range of information and guidance about the scheme. You can also find out whether you or the person you care for are eligible to join the scheme and complete an application form. Alternatively, please contact our box office staff on 01633 656679.

There are two reserved parking spaces for blue badge holders at all times. These spaces cannot be reserved. Mae yna ddau le parcio ar gadw bob amser i ddeiliaid bathodynnau glas. Does dim modd cadw’r llefydd yma. You can drop off and pick up immediately outside the entrance by coming up to the barriers at the castle end of the building, press the buzzer and you will be let in. Gewch chi ollwng a chodi’n union y tu allan i’r fynedfa o ddod at yr atalfeydd ym mhen yr adeilad nesaf at y castell, pwyso’r seiniwr ac agorir i chi. Lift access, wheelchair access and toilet facilities accessible on all levels except for the Basement space. Mae mynediad lifftiau, cadeiriau olwyn a chyfleusterau tai bach hygyrch ar bob lefel.

Cerdyn Aelodaeth yw Hynt | Adnodd yw Hynt: Mae gan rai â cherdyn Hynt hawl i gael tocyn yn rhad am ddim i gynorthwyydd personol neu ofalydd yn Glan yr Afon. Ewch i www.hynt.co.uk neu www.hynt.cym am wybodaeth ac arweiniad am y cynllun. Gallwch hefyd gael gwybod os gallwch chi neu’r person rydych yn gofalu amdano/i ymuno â’r cynllun a chwblhau ffurflen gais. Fel arall, cysylltwch â’n Swyddfa Docynnau ar 01633 656679.

Assistance dogs are welcomed and can be cared for during performances by arrangement. Mae croeso i ^ cymorth a gellir gofalu amdanyn nhw yn ystod gwn perfformiadau o drefnu hynny. An infra-red transmission system is available in the main and studio theatre spaces and the best quality of sound is through a headset. If you prefer to use the T switch on your hearing aid, you will need to wear an induction loop aerial around your neck. You can borrow both items from the box office. Mae system ddarlledu is-goch ar gael yn y brif theatr a’r theatr stiwdio a thrwy benset y mae cael sain o’r ansawdd gorau. Os ydi’n well gennych ddefnyddio’r switsh T ar eich cymorth clyw, bydd gofyn i chi wisgo erial dolen anwytho am eich gwddw. Gewch chi fenthyg y ddau beth gan y swyddfa docynnau.

Copies of this brochure are available in large print and audio formats on request from The Riverfront, just call 01633 656677 or email the.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk 01633 656677 the.riverfront@newportlive.co.uk

O p e n i n g H o u rs : O ri a u Ago r: Monday to Saturday 10am till late Dydd Llun tan Ddydd Sadwrn o ddeg y bore tan yn hwyr

Two meals for £8

Please ask staff for the choice of meals available.

£3.05 with tea or filter coffee Please ask staff for the choice of cakes available.

£5.35 Don’t Forget

Beat the queue and pre-order your interval drinks.

At a glance diary



September / Medi

October / Hydref

Wed 6, 2pm

Concerts & Cakes – Live Music Now: Quartet 19


Sat 9, 10.30am

Grow Wild Celebration


Thurs 14, 7.30pm

Jane Eyre: An Autobiography


Sat 16, 10am-5pm

Discover your own Super Hero Alter Ego workshop


Sat 16, 7.30pm

Peace Train: The Cat Stevens Story


Sun 17, 11.30am & 2.30pm



Thurs 21, 7.45pm



Friday 22, 7.30pm

Rockin on Heavens Door


Sat 23, 7.30pm

Black is the Colour of My Voice


Sun 24, 3pm

Silver Screen: Singin in the Rain


Tues 26, 7.45pm

Publick Transport: We Are Bronte


Thurs 28, 10am & 7.30pm, Fri 29 & Sat 30, 7.30pm

Flying Bridge Theatre: 8 Not About Heroes

Friday 29, 7.45pm

Comedy Shed

Sat 30, 8pm

Live @ The Basement – 21 La Forme and Adwaith


October / Hydref

Wed 4, 1pm Lunchtime Concerts – Sinfonia Cymru 17 Fri 6, 7.30pm Rhydian, Richard & Adam 15 Fri 6, 7.45pm Paul Foot 4 Michael Morpurgo’s King Arthur 23 Sat 7, 1.30pm & 4.30pm Sat 7 & Sun 8, Operasonic: Nightmare Scenario 15 11am & 2pm Tues 10, 7pm Leaf by Niggle 9 Thurs 12, 7.45pm All the Things I Lied About by Katie Bonna 10 Fri 13, 7.30pm Back to Bacharach 19 Wed 18 & Thurs 19 Oct, Theatre Fio – 10am & 6pm The Mountaintop 10 Thurs 19, 7.30pm Gwyn Emberton Dance: Raft 14 Sat 21, 8pm Andy Parsons 4 Sun 22, 2pm Silver Screen: The Princess Bride 29 Fri 27, 7.45pm Comedy Shed 19 Sat 28, 7.30pm Viva Neil Diamond 19

Tickets / Tocynnau

01633 656 757



Sat 28, 7.45pm Silver Screen: The Shining 29 Sunday 29, 3pm Sinfonia Cymru: Michael Petrov 16 Mon 30, 11am Captain Underpants (U) & 1.30pm 24 Tues 31, 11.30am Tall Stories: The Snow Dragon 25 & 2.30pm

November / Tachwedd Wed 1, 2pm Concerts & Cakes – Live Music Now: Vesta Trio 17 Wed 1, 7pm Superstars of Welsh Wrestling 37 Thurs 2, 11am Captain Underpants (U) 24 & 1.30pm Fri 3, 11am & 1.30pm Captain Underpants (U) 24 Fri 3 & Sat 4, 7.30pm Ballet Cymru: Shadow Aspect 14 Sat 4, 11am & 1.30pm Captain Underpants (U) 2 Sun 5, 3pm The Cann Twins 16 Mon 6, 7.30pm Michael Portillo – Life: A Game of Two Halves 12 Thurs 9, 7.45pm Sofie Hagen 5 Fri 10, 8pm Rich Hall 6 Sat 11, 11.30am Sherman Cymru: & 2.30pm The Magic Porridge Pot 25 Sat 11, 7.30pm Saba Douglas-Hamilton: A Life with Elephants 12 Tues 14, Wed 15 Into Film Festival 30 & Thurs 16 Tues 14 & Wed 15, 7pm Shakespeare Schools Festival 11 Fri 17, 7.30pm Bikeology 13 Sat 18, 7.30pm Beyond the Barricade 20 Sat 18, 7.45pm Ellie Taylor 5 Wed 22, 7.45pm Lucid Theatre: Little Wolf 11 Friday 24 , 7.45pm Comedy Shed 6 Sat 25 , 7.30pm Motown’s Greatest Hits: How Sweet It Is 20

December / Rhagfyr

Tues 5 Dec – 7 Jan Wed 6, 1pm Friday 15, 7.45pm

Aladdin 26 Lunchtime Concerts – Sinfonia Cymru 17 Comedy Shed 6

The Information in this brochure was correct at the time of going to print. The Riverfront reserves the right to alter, change or cancel events without prior notice if required. Please refer to newportlive.co.uk/riverfront for our full terms and conditions and the most up-to-date information. Roedd yr wybodaeth yn y llyfryn yma’n gywir ar adeg mynd i’r wasg. Ceidw Glan yr Afon yr hawl i altro, newid neu ganslo digwyddiadau os oes gofyn, heb rybudd ymlaen llaw.

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