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Drama Ddraig
Our new season here at The Welfare is sure to be more exciting than ever before.
Mae ein tymor newydd yn Y Neuadd Les yn siŵr o fod yn fwy cyffrous nag erioed o’r blaen.
Not only do we have more of the increasingly popular and successful National Theatre Live and Royal Opera House live broadcasts, but we also have some of the most invigorating theatre and worldly live music acts in the country.
Rydym yn cynnig nid yn unig mwy o National Theatre Live a darllediadau byw y Tŷ Opera Brenhinol, ond hefyd peth o’r theatr fwyaf cyffrous a bywiogus a cherddoriaeth fyw ymhlith y mwyaf eang yn ei apêl yn y wlad.
We are very excited to welcome Ebo Taylor and Alaw as part of Horizons Wales-wide tour when Theatr Mwldan and Creu Cymru present the best world music performers who have selected to appear in showcases at the global international music event Womex and pair them up with top Wales based groups for a sensational performance of world music from leading international and Wales based exponents.
Rydym hefyd yn llawn cyffro wrth groesawu Ebo Taylor ac Alaw yma fel rhan o daith Horizons Wales-wide pan fydd Theatr Mwldan a chwmni Creu Cymru yn cyflwyno’r goreuon o blith perfformwyr cerdd sydd wedi dewis ymddangos yn yr achlysur cerddoriaeth ryngwladol fyd-eang Womex ynghyd â’r prif grwpiau o Gymry i greu perfformiad iasol o gerddoriaeth ryngwladol gan berfformwyr cyffrous o Gymru a thu hwnt. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld i gyd yn fuan!
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Box office
Swyddfa Docynnau:
01639 843163
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Theatr Ieu enctid yn yr iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Youth Theatre
JAMBA Jamba Drama is a fun way to make new friends and build confidence and independence in a safe environment. It develops concentration, self-esteem and imagination through drama, movement and music.
Bob nos Lu n 5-6.30 Gyda Mess up the Mess Addas i 10 i 14 oed For ages 10 to 14 Am fwy o w ybodaeth ffoniwch 0 1639 8431 63
Mae ‘Jamba Drama’ yn dull hwyliog o wneud ffrindiau newydd ac I ddatblygu hyder ac annibyniaeth mewn amgylchedd diogel. Mae’n datblygu’r gally I ganolbwyntio, hunanbarch a’r dycgymyg trwy ddrama, symudiadau a cherddoriaeth.
Jamba Tots
Jamba Juniors
Every Mon / Dydd Llun 1.30pm – 2pm
Every Wed / Pob Dydd Mercher 5.15-6.15
Suitable for ages 3 months to 4 years. Yn addas ar gyfer plant rhwng 3mis/4 oed.
Suitable for ages 9 years to 12 years. Yn addas ar gyfer plant rhwng 9 oed/12 oed.
Jamba Jumpers
y l k os e e n W yth W b
Every Wed / Pob Dydd Mercher 4.15-5.15pm
Suitable for ages 4 years to 8 years. Yn addas ar gyfer plant rhwng 4 oed/8 oed.
mance The Perfor ard Factory Aw School tage Winning S aping the iding and sh
‘Gu orrow’ stars of tom ay sd Every Tue awrth M d Pob Dyd pm 5pm – 7.30 ry ance Facto Call Perform 570 1 70 on 01792
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Wednesday 18th September at 7.30pm
The Traverse Theatre and Wales Millennium Centre Present
I’m With The Band An Englishman, a Northern Irishman, a Scotsman and a Welshman walked into a recording studio and created The Union. Commercially successful and critically acclaimed, the pioneering Indie-rock band is now on the verge of breaking-up. When financial disaster strikes and Scottish guitarist Barry leaves the band, artistic differences go head to head with alliances that run deep, can The Union survive? With live music from the four piece, I’m With The Band is a witty and timely response to our changing political landscape. Written by Tim Price and directed by The Traverse’s Associate Director, Hamish Pirie, who were Olivier-nominated for their last collaboration, Salt, Root and Roe.
Cerddodd Sais, Gwyddel o Ogledd Iwerddon, Albanwr a Chymro i mewn i stiwdio recordio a chreu The Union. Mae’r band roc-Indie arloesol, a oedd yn llwyddiannus yn fasnachol ac a gafodd ei ganmol gan y beirniaid bellach ar fin chwalu. Pan mae trychineb ariannol yn taro ac mae’r gitarydd Albanaidd Barry yn gadael y band, mae gwahaniaethau artistig yn gwrthdaro gyda chynghreiriau dwfn, tybed a allai The Union oroesi? Gyda cherddoriaeth fyw gan y pedwar darn, mae I’m with the Band yn ymateb doniol ac amserol i’n tirlun gwleidyddol newidiol.
Age guidance: 16+ (Contains strong language)
Tickets Tocynnau £9, Concessions Consesiynau £7 4
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Thursday 19th September at 7.30pm
Live opera via satellite from Royal Opera House Princess Turandot has sworn that no man shall marry her unless he can correctly answer three riddles. Prince Calaf, captivated by Turandot’s beauty, takes up the challenge, determined to win her heart or die in the attempt. Puccini creates a rich soundworld for this dark and erotic fairytale. The opera contains many memorable arias, including one of the most famous of all arias – ‘Nessun dorma’, sung as Calaf anticipates winning the Princess’s hand. This is one of the most spectacular in The Royal Opera’s repertory. Mae’r Dywysoges Turandot wedi tyngu ni fydd yr un dyn yn ei phriodi oni bai y gall ateb tri phos yn gywir. Mae’r Tywysog Calaf, wedi ei hudo gan ei phrydferthwch, yn derbyn yr her, yn benderfynol o gipio’i chalon neu farw wrth ymgeisio. Bu Puccini farw cyn gorffen yr act derfynol a chafodd Turandot ei gorffen gan Franco Alfano. Yn cynnwys ariâu cofiadwy ac enwog megis ‘Nessun dorma’ mae’r opera wedi cael cryn lwyddiant ar draws y byd.
College / School screenings and Education Packs are available, call the box office or Wynne Roberts for information, tickets £5 Tickets Tocynnau £15, Concessions Consesiynau £12.50
t: 01639 843163
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Live via satellite from The National Theatre London Thursday 26th September at 7pm
Othello, newly married to Desdemona who is half his age, is appointed leader of a military operation to defend Cyprus from the Turks. Iago, his ensign, passed over for promotion in favour of young Cassio, persuades Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. Adrian Lester , last seen at the National as Henry V, takes the title role, playing opposite Rory Kinnear (Iago), whose recent appearances at the National include Hamlet and The Last of the Haussmans.
Penodir Othello, sydd newydd briodi Desdemona, yn arweinydd ymgyrch filwrol i amddiffyn Cyprus rhag y Twrciaid. Mae Iago, ei lumanwr, a gafodd ei ddiystyru ar gyfer dyrchafiad pan ddewiswyd y Cassio ifanc yn ei le, yn perswadio Othello fod Cassio a Desdemona yn cael affêr.
College / School screenings and Education Packs are available, call the box office or Wynne Roberts for information, tickets £5 Gellir ei dangos mewn Colegau / Ysgolion ac mae Pecynnau Addysg ar gael, ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau neu Wynne Roberts am wybodaeth, tocynnau £5 Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8
Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8 Students £5
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Wednesday 2nd October at 7.30pm
Wednesday 2nd October at 7.30pm By William Shakespeare
Produced By Pontardawe Arts Center Directed by Derek Cobley
Tuesday 22nd October at 7pm
A glorious future is foretold to two men. For one the idea ignites a lust for power that sends his wife mad and pushes him to the brink...
The National Theatre, London
A new fast-moving, exciting, accessible production of this ever popular tragedy that many have called Shakespeare’s thriller. With a full cast, the size of Shakespeare’s own original company, this tale will fill the stage with murder, treachery, blood and deceit. Educational Workshop followed by a performance on Thursday 3rd at 10am call the Box Office or Wynne Roberts for further information. Rhagfynegir dyfodol gogoneddus i ddau ddyn. I un mae’r syniad yn cynnau chwant am bw^ er sy’n anfon ei wraig yn wallgof ac yn ei wthio ef at y dibyn... Cynhyrchiad newydd cyffrous a hygyrch sy’n symud yn gyflym, o’r trasiedi hynod o boblogaidd hon y mae llawer wedi ei galw yn ddrama gyffro Shakespeare. Gyda chast llawn, maint cwmni gwreiddiol Shakespeare ei hun, bydd y stori hon yn llenwi’r llwyfan gyda llofruddiaeth, brad, gwaed a thwyll.
Hamlet returns to cinemas as part of the National Theatre’s 50th anniversary celebrations. Following his celebrated performances at the National Theatre in Burnt by the Sun, The Revenger’s Tragedy, Philistines and The Man of Mode, Rory Kinnear plays Hamlet in a dynamic new production of Shakespeare’s complex and profound play about the human condition, directed by Nicholas Hytner. Rory Kinnear sy’n chwarae rhan Hamlet mewn cynhyrchiad newydd dynamig o ddrama gymhleth a dwfn Shakespeare am fywyd dynol, dan gyfarwyddiaeth Nicholas Hytner. Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8
t: 01639 843163
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Thursday 24th October at 7.30pm
Mappa Mundi Presents
The Compleat Female Stage Beauty
by Jeffrey Hatcher Directed by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones Tickets Tocynnau £9, Concessions Consesiynau £7
London, 1661. The reign of Charles II, the womanising, dashing, Merry Monarch. The age of Pepys and Purcell; the age of wit and satire; the age of debauchery and ribaldry. After decades of Puritan austerity, the playhouses have opened their doors again and crowds flock to see the sensation of the age: an actress of exquisite beauty and charm as well as taste and talent. Her name is Edward Kynaston.
Based on a true story, The Compleat Female Stage Beauty is a perfect vehicle for Mappa Mundi’s vibrant, energetic, and irreverent style. Set in the courts, brothels, and theatres of Restoration London, and peopled with well known characters, the play is an insightful exploration of the construction of gender, past and present, as well as a funny and colourful exploration of the rise of the Actress in British history.
At a time when all performers on London’s stages were men, it was Kynaston – ‘Ned’- who reigned supreme as the foremost interpreter of female roles, applauded and lauded onstage and off for his versions of Shakespeare’s tragic heroines.
Supported by the Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales.
Nothing can eclipse Ned’s brilliant domination of the stage. Nothing, that is, until a young orange-seller with royal connections also sets her cap on a stage career. For the sake of his ‘pretty, witty’ Nell Gwynne, Charles II, with the stroke of a pen, changes the law to allow women to act, and Kynaston’s world is turned upside-down.
Yn seiliedig ar stori wir, mae The Compleat Female Stage Beauty yn gyfrwng perffaith ar gyfer arddull fywiog, llawn egni, ac amharchus Mappa Mundi. Wedi’i lleoli yn llysoedd, puteindai, a theatrau Llundain yr Adferiad, ac yn cynnwys cymeriadau adnabyddus, mae’r ddrama yn archwiliad craff o ddatblygiad rhywedd, yn y gorffennol a’r presennol, yn ogystal â bod yn archwiliad doniol a lliwgar o esgyniad yr Actores yn hanes Prydain.
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t: 01639 843163
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Cyd-Gynhyrchiad Theatr Mwldan Creu Cymru Co-Production
Taith Gorwelion Horizons Tour A World of Music In Wales 4 days... 8 bands... 16 shows... 16 venues... Creu Cymru and Mwldan in association with Cerdd Cymru: Music Wales present a major music tour of Wales featuring artists hand picked from global showcases appearing at Womex 2013 in Cardiff, with support from world class Welsh artists, appearing at The Welfare will be:
Byd o Gerddoriaeth yng Nghymru 4 diwrnod... 8 band... 16 sioe... 16 lleoliad... Bydd Creu Cymru a’r Mwldan mewn cydweithrediad â Cerdd Cymru: Music Wales yn cyflwyno taith gerddorol fawreddog o Gymru sy’n cynnwys artistiaid wedi eu dethol yn ofalus o berfformiadau bydol sy’n ymddangos yn Womex 2013 yng Nghaerdydd, gyda chefnogaeth o artistiaid Cymreig o’r safon flaenaf. Yn perfformio yn Y Neuadd Les: 10
Ebo Taylor
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Sunday 27th October at 7.30pm
Ebo Taylor (Ghana) Born in 1935 to a family of fisherman, Ebo Taylor is one legendary guitarist. A fearless composer, arranger and solo artist who cut some of the best Highlife, Jazz and Funk tunes to come out of Africa during the 1970s, Ebo Taylor has embraced a fusion of traditional and Western forms of popular music and here leads his own 8piece band to Wales. Ebo’s collaboration and friendship with the legendary Fela Kuti lasted over 30 years, and he’s still at the very top of his remarkable groove whose ultimate destination is your hips!
Ganwyd ym 1935 i deulu o bysgotwyr, mae Ebo Taylor yn gitarydd chwedlonol. Yn gyfansoddwr eofn, yn drefnwr ac yn artist unigol a greodd rhai o’r tiwniau Highlife, Jazz a Ffync gorau i ddod o Affrica yn ystod y 70au. Mae Ebo Taylor wedi cofleidio asiad o ffurfiau traddodiadol a Gorllewinol o gerddoriaeth boblogaidd ac yma mae’n arwain ei fand 8 rhan ei hun i Gymru. Parhaodd cydweithrediad a chyfeillgarwch Ebo gyda’r enwog Fela Kuti am dros 30 mlynedd, ac mae’n dal i fod ar frig ei ^ f hynod – bydd yn treiddio’u ffordd yn y grw pendraw i lawr at eich cluniau!
Alaw (Wales/Cymru) ALAW unites the talents of three tremendous Welsh musicians – Jamie Smith (accordion), Oli Wilson-Dickson (fiddle) and Dylan Fowler (guitar) whose subtle interplay is a joy to watch. Drawing on a wealth of experience they take their audiences on a musical journey in which tunes brought back from Bulgaria or India sit alongside their passion for the old tunes of Wales. From sublime slow airs to dazzling dance tunes and storming songs, Alaw promise a performance of joyful and life affirming music.
Tickets Tocynnau £11 on the day £1 off in advance
Mae ALAW yn uno talentau tri cherddor Cymreig o safon - Jamie Smith (acordion), Oli WilsonDickson (ffidl) a Dylan Fowler (gitâr) - ac mae eu cydweithrediad yn bleser i wylio. Gan dynnu ar gyfoeth o brofiad, byddant yn tywys eu cynulleidfa ar siwrnai gerddorol lle bydd tiwniau o Fwlgaria ac India yn eistedd ochr yn ochr â’u hangerdd am hen ddoniau Cymru. O alawon araf aruchel i ddoniau dawns syfrdanol a chaneuon nerthol, mae Alaw yn addo perfformiad o gerddoriaeth orfoleddus a chalonogol.
t: 01639 843163
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Thursday 31st October at 7pm with Benedict Cumberbatch as the creature and Thursday 21st November, 7pm with Jonny Lee Miller as the creature
50th Recorded Live via satellite from The National Theatre London Frankenstein enjoyed a sell-out run at the National Theatre, and went on to win awards including the 2012 Olivier Award for Best Actor for Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller. Oscar-winner Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire) directs a sensational production with Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek: Into Darkness , BBC’s Sherlock) and Jonny Lee Miller (Trainspotting, CBS’s Elementary) alternating roles as Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein’s bewildered creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horrorstruck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the friendless Creature, increasingly desperate and vengeful, determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal. Urgent concerns of scientific responsibility, parental neglect, cognitive development and the nature of good and evil are embedded within this thrilling and deeply disturbing classic gothic tale.
DANCE SHORTS 10 minutes of fresh & exciting dance
Dance Shorts is an opportunity to see 10 minutes of fresh hot dance from Welsh dance artists. Arrive for 6.30pm (30 mins before NT Live) to catch a stunning new Dance Short that’s sure to wet your appetite for Frankenstein. This is a free event.
Mae pryderon am gyfrifoldeb gwyddonol, esgeulustod rhieni, datblygiad gwybyddol a natur da a drwg yn cael eu hymgorffori o fewn y stori gothig glasurol gyffrous a hynod aflonyddol hon. Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8
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Thursday 7th November at 7pm
The Habit Of Art
50th Recorded Live via satellite from The National Theatre London
Alan Bennett’s play is as much about the theatre as it is about poetry or music. It looks at the unsettling desires of two difficult men, and at the ethics of biography. It reflects on growing old, on creativity and inspiration, and on persisting when all passion’s spent: ultimately, on the habit of art. Mae drama Alan Bennett yn ymwneud gymaint â’r theatr ag y mae â barddoniaeth neu gerddoriaeth. Mae’n edrych ar ddymuniadau cythryblus dau ddyn anodd, ac ar foeseg bywgraffiad. Mae’n myfyrio ynghylch tyfu’n hen, creadigrwydd ac ysbrydoliaeth, a dyfalbarhau pan fydd pob angerdd drosodd: yn y pen draw, ar yr arfer o gelf. Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8
Friday 1st November at 7.30pm (matinee performance at 1.30pm)
Frank Vickery All’s Fair is Frank Vickery’s beautiful comedy set the Rhondda during the War in 1942. It captures beautifully the period of the time as it tells the story, with great warmth and affection, of one particular family as they plot and plan just to get from one day to the next. Come and share with them their dreams for the future… and their disappointments too. Laugh with them as their story unfolds. If you remember the War, you will love this play… if you are too young to remember it, still come and see it anyway, you’ll have a great night out! It’s full of laughter and nostalgia! Don’t miss this one. Comedi hyfryd yw All’s Fair gan Frank Vickery. Mae wedi’i gosod yn y Rhondda yn ystod y Rhyfel yn 1942. Mae’n crisialu’ cyfnod mewn ffordd wych wrth iddi adrodd stori un teulu wrth iddyn nhw gynllunio a threfnu eu bywyd o ddydd i ddydd. Dewch i rannu eu breuddwydion am y dyfodol ... a’u siom hefyd. Dewch i chwerthin gyda nhw wrth i’r stori ymagor o’ch blaen. Os ydych yn cofio’r Rhyfel byddwch wrth eich bodd gyda’r ddrama yma .... os ydych chi’n rhy ifanc i gofio, dewch beth bynnag - mae’n noson allan wych! Llawn o chwerthin a hiraethu! Peidiwch â cholli’r cynhyrchiad yma. Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8
t: 01639 843163
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Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November at 7.30pm
Ceri Dupree in
Brenda’s “Big Night Out” Look out, Brenda is back! Come along and join Brenda Llewelyn, 39 year old vamp of the valleys. With a heart of gold and a failed marriage behind her, she still has dreams of stardom. by day she run her hair salon Brend Hair and by night she sings in clubs yearning to be discovered. There is so much to do though, with looking after mam, the business and keeping house, dreams can come true.... can’t they? In this outrageous comedy expect laughter, singing and some hysterical situations along the way. This really is a show for everyone of all ages. If you love Mrs Brown’s Boys and Frank Vickery book now!
With Ceri Dupree leading a full supporting cast laughter levels will be guaranteed!
Dewch draw i ymuno â Brenda Llewelyn, 39 mlwydd oed a hudoles y cymoedd. Gyda chalon fawr a phriodas wedi methu y tu ôl iddi, mae hi’n dal yn breuddwydio am enwogrwydd. Yn ystod y dydd mae hi’n rhedeg ei salon gwallt Brend Hair a chyda’r nos mae hi’n canu mewn clybiau yn dyheu am gael ei darganfod. Yn y gomedi herfeiddiol hon gallwch ddisgwyl chwerthin, canu a rhai sefyllfaoedd hynod o ddigri. Gyda Ceri Dupree yn arwain cast cefnogi llawn bydd lefelau chwerthin yn cael eu gwarantu!
Tocynnau £10
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Cymraeg / in Welsh language (suitable for Welsh learners) 13th November 6.30pm | 14th November 10am and 1.15pm
Martyn Geraint
Draw Dros y Don “Draw Dros y Don” yw teitl pantomeim Martyn Geraint ar gyfer 2013. Mae’r stori’n dilyn helyntion Robin Croeso sy’n hwylio dros y mor i chwilio am drysor y Mor Ladron! Am y tro cyntaf eleni bydd Martyn Geraint yn chwarae rhan y “Dame” sef Mam Robin - Diolch Croeso. Wedi llwyddiant ysgubol sioe “Sinderela” llynedd [sgoriodd 9.3 allan o 10 yn y ffurflenni adborth] rydym yn gobeithio creu sioe llawn lliw, hiwmor, cerddoriaeth, dawns ac effeithiau unigryw’r theatr unwaith eto eleni ar eich cyfer CHI - teuluoedd, ysgolion, plant a phobl ifanc Cymru - felly dewch i’n gweld ni?
“Draw Dros y Don” - a Robinson Crusoe type adventure - will include Martyn Geraint as Dame for the very first time! Last year’s audience will have seen MG put his foot into the “damehood” water as he and Hywel Emrys [of “Pobol y Cwm” fame who is also returning this year] performed a fleeting Ugly Sisters routine in “Sinderela”, but this year MG’s diving in head first - which off the ship in this show is not a good idea. As usual there’ll be much fun, music, dance and special effects for all the family. MG’s Welsh language Panto is also a great show for those who are learning Welsh!!
Tickets Tocynnau £10 Concessions Consesiynau £8 Family Teulu £6 each
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Thursday 14th November at 7.30pm
RSC Richard II Royal Shakespeare Company Live from Stratford-upon-Avon Richard is King, ordained by God to lead his people. But he is also a man of very human weakness. A man whose vanity Threatens to divide the great houses of England and drag his people into a dynastic civil war that will last 100 years.
Mae Richard yn Frenin, a ordeiniwyd gan Dduw i arwain ei bobl. Ond mae hefyd yn ddyn o wendid dynol iawn. Dyn y mae ei falchder yn bygwth rhannu teuluoedd mawr Lloegr a llusgo ei bobl i mewn i ryfel cartref linachol a fydd yn para 100 mlynedd.
The Royal Shakespeare Company is one of the world’s most recognised Theatre companies. It is based in Shakespeare’s hometown of Stratford upon Avon, where there has been a theatre dedicated to the Bard’s work for 100 years. Today the RSC has more than one million visitors a year.
Mae’r Cwmni Shakespeare Brenhinol yn un o gwmnïau theatr mwyaf adnabyddus y byd. Mae wedi ei leoli yn nhref enedigol Shakespeare sef Stratford-upon-Avon, lle mae theatr ymroddedig i waith y Bardd wedi bodoli am 100 mlynedd.
We’re thrilled to bring you the first ever live cinema broadcast from the stage of the RSC. We kick start an exciting new season of three RSC plays with the sell-out production of Richard II (the fastest selling show in the RSC’s history), with David Tennant in the Title role and directed by RSC Artistic Director Gregory Doran.
Tickets 16
Tocynnau £12
Thursday 12th December at 7.30pm
The Nutcracker Live Ballet via satellite from The Royal Opera House, London A young girl receives an enchanted nutcracker that leads her on a wonderful adventure, in this Christmas classic. Stunning choreography and Tchaikovsky’s score combine in one of the bestloved of all ballets. A young girl receives an enchanted nutcracker that leads her on a wonderful adventure, in this Christmas classic. Stunning choreography
and Tchaikovsky’s score combine in one of the bestloved of all ballets. Mae merch ifanc yn derbyn gefel gnau hudolus sy’n ei harwain hi ar antur wych, yn y clasur Nadoligaidd hwn. Mae coreograffi trawiadol a sgôr Tchaikovsky yn cyfuno mewn un o’r mwyaf poblogaidd o blith y storïau bale i gyd.
Tickets Tocynnau £12, Concessions Consesiynau £10
M d h h c M t T m p s
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Chamber Orchestra of Wales
Panto Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January at 7pm Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th at 1:30pm
Cinderella 21st December at 7.30pm
Christmas by Candlelight
Mae merch ifanc yn derbyn gefel gnau hudolus sy’n ei harwain hi ar antur wych, yn y clasur Nadoligaidd hwn. Mae coreograffi trawiadol a sgôr Tchaikovsky yn cyfuno mewn un o’r mwyaf poblogaidd o blith y storïau bale i gyd.
Christmas by Candlelight is a light hearted evening of music associated with Christmas - performed by the Chamber Orchestra of Wales introduced and conducted by Welsh television personality Alwyn Humphreys. The concert will feature the traditional, the familiar and the unusual - along with a few surprises – all presented in an uniquely light hearted manner. After five years of performing to capacity audiences in Swansea we’re delighted that this event is now coming to Ystradgynlais. Take a break from preparing for the festivities and come along to The Welfare which will be lit by the magical glow of flickering candles and enjoy this very entertaining concert which for many heralds the start of Christmas.
Mae Christmas by Candlelight yn noson ysgafn o gerddoriaeth sy’n gysylltiedig â’r Nadolig - a berfformir gan Gerddorfa Siambr Cymru a gyflwynir ac a arweinir gan Alwyn Humphreys sy’n seren ar deledu Cymraeg. Bydd y cyngerdd yn cynnwys y traddodiadol, y cyfarwydd a’r anarferol – a bydd rhai perfformiadau yn peri syndod. Cyflwynir y cyfan mewn ffordd hwyliog ac ysgafn.
Tocynnau £11.50
Pantomime by Glantawe Theatre Company
Y CWPWRDD COMEDI Dydd Iau 17eg Hydref am 8yh Tocynnau £8 Serennu comedi Aled Richards, Daniel Glyn a Noel James Os clywch chi swn chwerthin yn y fro, watsiwch, dacw’r Cwpwrdd Comedi siwr o fod yn agor eu drysau unwaith eto.
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Monday 27th January at 7.15pm
Live Ballet via satellite from The Royal Opera House, London Giselle remains one of the most popular Romantic ballets of all time. The story brings together an engaging mix of human passions, supernatural forces, and the transcendent power of self- sacrificing love. The production by Sir Peter Wright catches the atmosphere of this great Romantic ballet, especially in the perfection of its White Act, with ghostly maidens drifting through the forest in spectacular patterns – one of the most famous of any scenes for the corps de ballet. This is one of The Royal Ballet’s most loved and admired productions, faithful to the spirit of the 1841 original yet always fresh at each revival. Mae Giselle yn parhau i fod yn un o’r storïau bale Rhamantaidd mwyaf poblogaidd erioed. Mae’r stori yn dwyn ynghyd gymysgedd diddorol o nwydau dynol, grymoedd goruwchnaturiol, a grym trosgynnol cariad hunanaberthol. Mae hwn yn un o gynyrchiadau mwyaf poblogaidd y Bale Brenhinol, mae’n cadw’n ffyddlon i ysbryd y gwreiddiol ym 1841 ond yn ffres bob tro y cyflwynir ef o’r newydd. Tickets Tocynnau £12, Concessions Consesiynau £10
Thursday 30th January at 7pm
Live via satellite from Donmar Warehouse’s The National Theatre London
National Theatre Live will broadcast the Donmar Warehouse’s production of Coriolanus, Shakespeare’s searing tragedy of political manipulation and revenge, with Tom Hiddleston (The Avengers, War Horse (film), BBC’s The Hollow Crown) in the title role and Mark Gatiss (Season’s Greetings at the National Theatre, BBC’s Sherlock) as Menenius, directed by the Donmar’s Artistic Director Josie Rourke. When an old adversary threatens Rome, the city calls once more on her hero and defender: Coriolanus. But he has enemies at home too. Famine threatens the city, the citizens’ hunger swells to an appetite for change, and on returning from the field Coriolanus must confront the march of realpolitik and the voice of an angry people. Pan fydd hen elyn yn bygwth Rhufain, mae’r ddinas yn galw unwaith eto ar ei harwr a’i hamddiffynnwr: Coriolanus. Ond mae ganddo elynion gartref hefyd. Mae newyn yn bygwth y ddinas, mae newyn y dinasyddion yn ‘chwyddo i fod yn archwaeth am newid, ac ar ôl dychwelyd o’r maes rhaid i Coriolanus wynebu’r orymdaith o realpolitik a dicter y bobl.
Tickets Tocynnau £10, Concessions Consesiynau £8 18
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Wednesday 12th February at 6.45pm
Don Giovanni Live Opera via satellite from The Royal Opera House, London Tickets Tocynnau £14, Concessions Consesiynau £12.50
Mozart’s sublime tragic comedy Don Giovanni offers boundless scope for directors, and Kasper Holten wants to shift the emphasis from Don Giovanni’s sex life into a darker place, showing Giovanni’s womanizing as an attempt to stave off his own mortality. Each woman he seduces represents a life he could have had. Though it is a dark piece, Holten intends to handle it with a light touch Mae Holten yn gweithio gyda chast gwych - Mariusz Kwiecien, un o’r Don Giovannis gorau yn y byd , Alex Esposito, Leporello ffres ac egnïol a’r soprano Ffrangeg enwog, Gens Veronique.
Coming Soon... Sunday March 9th
The Just So Stories Live theatre for children and families. Wednesday March 19th
Sleeping Beauty
Live Ballet from The Royal Opera House. Monday April 21st
Old MacDonald Had A Farm Live theatre for children and families. Sunday April 27th
Pirate Gran
Live theatre for children and families.
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Renoir CERT 12A
About Time CERT12A
Fri 4th through to Mon 7th October all at 7pm, Wed 9th October at 7pm (CE)
Wed 23rd October at 7pm (CE) Set in the French Riviera in 1915, the celebrated impressionits painter, Pierre-Auguste Renoir is in his twighlight years, struggling from the loss of his wife, pains from his arthritis and the news that his son, Jean, has been injured in the Great War and is returning home to nurse his injuries. However, when a radiant young woman, Andrée, enters into their life, both son and father are filled with energy. Pierre Auguste decides to make Andée his latest model to be painted, while Jean, much to his father’s opposition falls in love with her. 20
t: 01639 843163
At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think. Directed by Richard Curtis (Love Actually).
Rush CERT 15 Wed 20th November at 7pm (CE) A biography of Austrian Formula 1 champion driver Niki Lauda and the 1976 crash that almost claimed his life. Mere weeks after the accident, he got behind the wheel to challenge his British rival, James Hunt.
One Direction: This Is Us CERT PG Fri 20th September at 7pm, Sat 21st at 5pm, Sun 22nd at 5pm, Mon 23rd at 7pm, Wed 25th at 6pm, Thurs 26th at 4pm Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis’ meteoric rise to fame.
Look out for our new website launching in September
For up to date screening information call the Box Office on 01639 843163 or visit our website on or find us on Facebook For more information on cinema listings please check our answer phone or log on to Am fwy o wybodaeth am sioeau sinema cadwch llygad ar ein safle we ar
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Events in partnership with The Josef Herman Art Foundation Cymru.
Sunday 13th October at 3pm
Lighthouse Theatre Presents
Join one of Ystradgynlais’ favourite sons - the polish artist Josef Herman, along with characters from 1950’s Ystradgynlais on a guided walking tour around Ystradgynlais, Josefs favourite haunts, the pubs and the bridges that were featured in his work, starting at The Welfare.
We are pleased to announce that the JHAFC is about to commence a major project with TATE called ‘Mining Herman’ we will work with TATE to offer a range of digital resources and participatory activity for engagement with art, cultural and heritage for all to enjoy. For further information about how to get involved contact the Box Office. The Josef Herman Art Foundation Cymru’s archives will be organised and digitised and in the future they will be accessible through local archives and at the National library of Wales, Aberystwyth. You can find further information about Tate and their heritage project ‘Transforming Tate Britain: Building, Archives, and Access ‘on their website:
Lighthouse theatre bring to life this much loved and much celebrated figure of the art world as he recounts the story of his life and work in the Swansea valley. Wet weather wear advised! Tickets £7 / £5
Wednesday 25th September at 7pm
Josef Herman’s influence on the works of Phyllis Lawson. A talk with personal reflections of Phyllis Lawson, given by Carol Roese (Roberts). The talk will be supported by digital images and original works by Phyllis Lawson.
From Tuesday 17th September
“What Else Would I Paint?” An exhibition of the work created by children involved in this years Josef Herman Schools Award. In partnership with the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.
(viewing by appointment in The Lesser Hall)
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Private Hire Llogi Preifat
Conferences, Training, Weddings and Birthdays
With a variety of rooms offering varying capacities and facilities, The Welfare is the perfect venue for your private event. With seven separate spaces (including the foyer for temporary displays) we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Internet access, audiovisual equipment and technical facilities are available on request. More detailed information is now available on our website or alternatively phone the Box Office for a chat. For your special events, wedding or birthday party a full decorating and floral service is available at our venue. Am fod gan y Neuadd Les ystafelloedd sy’n amrywio o ran y nifer o bobl maent yn gallu dal a’r cyfleusterau maent yn gallu cynnig, mae hi’n lleoliad perffaith i gynnal eich digwyddiadau preifat. Gyda saith gwahanol leoliad (gan gynnwys y cyntedd ar gyfer arddangosfeydd dros dro) gwnawn ein gorau glas i gwrdd â’ch gofynion. Cewch hefyd fynediad i’r rhyngrwyd, offer clyweled a chyfleusterau technegol, dim ond i chi ofyn. Mae rhagor o fanylion ar gael ar ein gwefan neu, os ydy hi’n well gennych, ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau am sgwrs.
Discover what’s on at The Welfare Ddarganfod beth sy’n ‘mlaen yn y Neuadd Les Find details of all our events on-line at Darganfyddwch wybodaeth am yr holl weithgareddau ar y we: You can now buy your tickets online through Paypal! Visit our website and follow the instructions. TO BOOK YOUR TICKETS
IN PERSON: The Box Office is open 10-2pm, Monday to Friday or half an hour before and an hour after the start of a show or cinema screening. OvER THE INTERNET: You can now buy your tickets online through our website! If you require specific seating, or if you’d like to choose your seat, please phone the box office as soon as possible after your purchase. BY PHONE: Speak to staff during Box Office hours or use the e-mail, answer phone or fax. E-mail: Phone: 01639 843163 Fax: 01639 849879
MEWN PERSON: Mae’r Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor rhwng 9yb - 3yp Ddydd Llun hyd at Ddydd Gwener neu am hanner awr cyn ac am awr ar ôl i’r sioe neu sinema ddechrau.
ACCESSIBILITY Helping hands and level Wheelchair access to all event facilities and toilets. Please inform the Box Office staff if you have any particular requirements and we will be happy to help. The Welfare is pleased to offer an infrared hearing loop service.
Dros y We: Fe allwch nawr prynnu eich tocynnau trwy’r gwefan! Os bydd angen seddi sbesifig, ffoniwch y swyddfa cyn gynted ag sy’n posibl. DROS Y FFÔN: Siaradwch â’r staff yn ystod oriau swyddfa neu defnyddiwch yr e-bost, y ffôn neu’r peiriant ffacs. E-bost: Ffôn: 01639 843163 Ffacs: 01639 849879 MYNEDIAD Lloriau gwastad a digon o bobol i helpu i gyrraedd yr holl gyfleusterau. Rhowch wybod i staff y swyddfa am unrhyw anghenion arbennig a byddwn yn falch i’ch helpu. (Mae cylch gwrando gan y Neuadd ar gyfer pobl sydd â phroblemau clywed)
The text of this brochure is available in large print on request. Mae testun y daflen hon ar gael mewn print bras. Holwch am gopi.
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Directions - How to find us From the M4
From the Heads of the valley Road A465
Leave the M4 Junction 45 and join the A4067 North. Continue on this road for approx 15mins through 7 roundabouts, following signs for Dan-yr-Ogof Caves and Brecon. After the seventh roundabout follow the sign for Ystradgynlais and turn right. Once you reach the mini roundabout turn left and continue into town. Shortly after a zebra crossing The Welfare is situated on the left just past a petrol station. You will find ample parking in front of the building.
Leave the A465 at Glynneath and follow the A4109 towards Abercrave. Continue as it becomes the A4221 and when you reach the T Junction, turn left onto the A4067. After passing Abercrave you will reach two consecutive mini roundabouts, keep left, entering Penrhos. At the bottom of a long hill turn right into The Welfare.
The Welfare SA9 1JJ
From Mid Wales / Brecon Join the A40 and travel west towards Sennybridge. Turn left off the A40 onto A4067 (towards Dan-yr-Ogof). Keep on this road, through Abercrave and follow the directions from above.
Cyfarwyddiadau - Sut i ddod o hyd i ni O’r M4
O Ffordd Blaenau’r Cymoedd A465
Gadewch yr M4 gan ddefnyddio cyffordd 45 ac ymunwch â’r A4067 gan deithio i gyfeiriad y Gogledd. Cadwch at yr heol hon am dua 15 munud. Ewch yn syth heibio 7 chylchfan a dilynwch arwyddion Ogofau Dan-yr-Ogof ac Aberhonddu. Ar ôl y saithfed cylchfan, dilynwch yr arwydd i Ystradgynlais a throwch i’r dde. Wrth gyrraedd y cylchfan mini, trowch i’r chwith nes cyrraedd y dre. Ar ôl mynd heibio croesfan cerddwyr sebra gallwch weld y Neuadd Les ar y llaw chwith ar ôl mynd heibio’r garej. Mae digon o le i barcio yn y maes parcio sydd o flaen yr adeilad.
Gadewch yr A465 wrth gyrraedd Glyn-nedd a dilynwch yr A4109 i gyfeiriad Abercrâf. Parhewch i wneud hynny wrth i’r heol newid i’r A4221 ac ar ôl i chi gyrraedd y Gyffordd T, trowch i’r chwith a dilynwch yr A4067. Ar ôl mynd heibio Abercrâf, fe ddewch at ddau gylchfan mini, un ar ôl y llall. Cadwch i’r ochr chwith a chyn bo hir, fe ddewch i Benrhos. Ar waelod y tyle hir, trowch i’r dde i mewn i faes parcio’r Neuadd Les.
O Ganolbarth Cymru / Aberhonddu Ymunwch â’r A40 a dilynwch yr heol hon i gyfeiriad y Gorllewin tan i chi gyrraedd Pontsenni. Trowch i’r chwith. Wrth wneud hynny byddwch yn gadael yr A40 ac yn ymuno â’r A4067 (i gyfeiriad Dan-yr-Ogof). Cadwch at yr heol hon ac ewch heibio Abercrâf. Yna dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau uchod.
t: 01639 843163
Live Events | Digwyddiadau Byw
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October cont.
November cont.
Wednesday 18th at 7.30pm
Thursday 24th at 7.30pm
Friday 8th and Saturday 9th at 7.30pm
Thursday 12th at 7.30pm
Wednesday 19th at 7.15pm
The Compleat Female Stage Beauty
Ceri Dupree in Brenda’s “Big Night Out”
Saturday 21st at 7.30pm
Sunday 27th at 7.30pm
Thursday 26th at 7pm
Ebo Taylor and Alaw
Wednesday 13th at 6.30pm Thursday 14th at 10am and 1.15pm
I’m With The Band Thursday 19th at 7.30pm
October Wednesday 2nd at 7.30pm
Tuesday 22nd at 7pm
Nos Iau 17eg 8yh
Cwpwrdd Comedi
Box Office opening hours Monday to Friday 10am - 3pm For full details visit our website at
Registered Charity.
Thursday 31st at 7pm
Frankenstein With Benedict Cumberbatch as the creature
November Friday 1st at 7.30pm
Martyn Geraint Draw Dros y Don
The Nutcracker Christmas by Candlelight January Monday 27th at 7.15pm
Thursday 14th at 7.30pm
Thursday 21st at 7pm
RSC Richard II Frankenstein
With Jonny Lee Miller as the creature
Frank vickery Thursday 7th at 7pm
The Sleeping Beauty
Thursday 30th at 7pm
February Wednesday 12th at 6.45pm
Don Giovanni
To book tickets call the box Office on 01639 843163. Outside Box Office hours reserve your tickets by emailing us on boxoffice@ or by leaving a phone message.
The Habit Of Art
Oriau agor y Swyddfa Docynnau Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 10yb - 3yh Manylion llawn ar ein gwefan
All details correct at time of going to press. We reserve the right to change the programme due to circumstances beyond our control. Mae’r holl fanylion yn gywir ar yr adeg pan fo’r rhaglen yn mynd i’r wasg. Rydym yn cadw’r hawl i newid y rhaglen oherwydd amgylchiadau y tu hwnt i’n rheolaeth.